The best juicer for hard vegetables and fruits. How to choose the best juicer for vegetables and fruits

Any doctor will give many arguments in favor of freshly squeezed juice. About him medicinal properties There are whole legends. Someone might say why make such juice, because currently the assortment in stores is quite large. However, not everyone pays attention to the technology of its manufacture. First of all, such juices undergo a canning process, and this already leads to the loss of 50% of vitamins. Also, some manufacturers use different nutritional supplements, which is not always good for human health.

So, having understood the advantages of freshly squeezed juice, you need to choose the right juicer. To do this, you need to immediately decide what technical characteristics it should have. It would be a good idea to study the built-in functions in advance. A universal model is a juicer for hard vegetables and fruits. Customer reviews about this unit are mostly positive, which indicates the quality of the product.

Universal juicer

Such devices are capable of squeezing juice from both fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits. Manufacturers install fairly powerful filters on universal models that ensure high-quality performance. In 1 minute it makes about 1000 revolutions. Namely, these parameters allow you to squeeze juice even from hard vegetables. Currently, two types of universal models are sold:

By conducting a survey among customers and based on the feedback heard, you can make a clear conclusion which juicer is better. Many people prefer conical models, so their range is much wider.

Universal juicers: advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of such models is that you can squeeze juice from both hard vegetables and soft fruits with one device. An exception may be those products that are indicated in the instructions.

Let's move on to the disadvantages:

Citrus juicers

This household appliance is equipped with a special cone attachment, which allows you to prepare citrus juice as efficiently as possible. A regular juicer for vegetables and fruits will not be so cost-effective in this case. Conclusions can be drawn based on reviews from housewives who prefer freshly squeezed juice.

Citrus juicers are designed only for a certain type of fruit, such as grapefruit, orange, lemon. In order to squeeze the juice, you will need to cut the citrus in half. When the device is turned on, the cone nozzle begins to rotate. Half a fruit is placed on it and pressed down slightly with your hand or a special device. The juice at this moment flows into a special container.


  • container sizes from 400 to 1200 ml;
  • cone nozzles used for fruits of different diameters;
  • motor with power from 20 to 80 W.

Additional functions:

  • pulp control - the distance between the slots affects the thickness of the prepared juice;
  • direct supply of liquid allows you to use a glass instead of containers;
  • Rotation modes change the direction of movement of the nozzle, which allows you to squeeze out the juice as efficiently as possible.

Due to their narrow specialization, such juicers do not occupy leading positions in the ranking. It is worth immediately noting that for cooking large quantity juice, for example, for canning, it is recommended to use other devices with knives, filters and centrifuges.

Centrifugal models

This juicer for hard vegetables (reviews from numerous users allow us to judge its effectiveness) works on the principle of a grater. When the fruits get inside, they are ground into a pulp, and then, under the action of a centrifuge, the liquid passes through a strainer, and the pulp is either thrown into a special container or remains in the central hole. Such models cannot be used for fruits with seeds, since it will not be possible to squeeze juice out of them.

Device characteristics:

  • power about 500 W;
  • The average volume of the bowl is 1 liter;
  • conical or cylindrical separator;
  • metal grid.

A professional centrifugal juicer for hard vegetables and fruits is often used in establishments such as restaurants, hotels, cafes and others where there is a constant demand for freshly squeezed juice.

Auger juicer

These models are most often mechanical. They are like a meat grinder. They have a shaft, a knife and a special mesh attachment. Their service life is much longer than that of electric ones. Ideal for fruits with seeds. Many may call it outdated, but to prepare a large volume, you need just such a juicer for hard vegetables and fruits. The rating of these models is quite high due to their functionality. They are already long time do not lose popularity.

Juice preparation method:

  1. Fruits are loaded into a special hole.
  2. Using the handle, the shaft begins to rotate.
  3. The fruits move towards the knife and are ground.
  4. Juice begins to flow out through the mesh nozzle.
  5. The pressed pulp comes out through a special hole.

The advantage of these models is their high productivity: about 50 kg of fruit can be processed in 1 hour.

Which is better - an imported or domestic juicer?

In order to answer this question, you need to understand several important nuances.

Still, according to the results of social surveys, imported juicers from well-known manufacturers inspire greater confidence. The rating is headed by such companies as Bosh, Electrolux, Philips, Moulinex, etc.

Optimal juicer

Depending on the number of family members, the size of the container is selected. For example, a small juicer for hard vegetables and fruits with a capacity of 200 ml is suitable for one person. Such models are quite in demand, so they are in the assortment of every manufacturer. But for 4 people or more, it is recommended to purchase a device from 1500 ml. This is quite convenient if everyone sits down to have breakfast at the same time.

If everything is very clear with large juicers, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the small ones. They have many advantages:

Rating of manufacturing companies

A juicer for hard vegetables and fruits will always help you keep yourself and your household in good shape. Good health to you!

Vitamins play an important role for the human body. We need them like air and water and not only for spring period during vitamin deficiency after a long winter, but also all year round to maintain the beauty of skin, hair, nails and much more. And everyone knows that the best source of vitamins is vegetables and fruits. But getting the whole family, especially children, to consume them in large quantities is not so easy.

However, if you offer freshly squeezed juice as a replacement, no one will definitely refuse. After all, natural juices are not only healthy, but also very tasty. And this is easy to do if you have a good juicer at home. In just one glass of freshly squeezed juice you can combine all the vitamins and microelements that our body lacks.

And if at your home Small child, then a juicer is a must. After all, even the best baby juices contain stabilizers that prevent them from deteriorating during long-term storage in a jar or bag. At the same time, you can make fresh juice in a juicer by combining different vegetables and fruits, “hiding” among other tastes such healthy products, but not loved by your children (for example, celery or carrots).

But the variety of juicers on modern market just huge. Which one to choose? To understand this issue, you first need to know what they are, their functions and features.

What types of juicers are there?

Juicers can be divided according to many principles - according to power, functionality, price, material of manufacture, additional accessories, etc. But the main thing is to divide them according to purpose:

  • citrus;
  • universal.

Sometimes, recently, they have also been taken out as a separate species. auger juicers. But still, in terms of purpose and functionality, they are universal, so we will consider them as a separate subspecies.

Citrus juicers are only suitable for citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits and so on. And universal ones - for almost all types of vegetables and fruits. Auger juicers can extract juices and oils even from greens, cereals, nuts and soft vegetables. Each of these types has its own classification and subspecies.

Before buying this undoubtedly useful device, you must first decide for what specific purposes do you need it?. Juicers are very diverse in their functions; this review will tell you which one to choose for yourself.


As the name suggests, these juicers can extract juice exclusively from citrus fruits. If you are not a fan of juices, but prefer to consume vegetables and fruits in their original form, but at the same time will not refuse a glass of orange or lemon juice to strengthen the immune system, you should choose a device of this type. And, of course, dedicated to lovers of this most popular drink.

A natural question arises: why is this type of juicer still quite popular? After all, it’s easier to buy a universal one, which can sometimes be used to make other types of juices for variety, even if preference is given only to citrus fruits? The answer is simple - such juicers, firstly, - take up much less space than even the most compact universal model, which is important in small kitchens where it is necessary to place a large amount of equipment.

Secondly, they consume much less electricity. Typically, the power of models for citrus fruits reaches a maximum of 200–250 W (the rest are just starting with this figure), and sometimes 40–60 W is enough to work.

And thirdly, citrus juicers are much cheaper than all others, so connoisseurs of exclusively juices with vitamin C see no point in spending a lot of money on equipment they don’t need. This explains the undiminished popularity of this model.

What you should pay attention to

If you decide to choose from citrus juicers, you should pay attention to some of their features and nuances. All of them are a device with a cone-shaped tip, onto which half of the fruit is “put on” and the juice is actually squeezed out, after which it passes through a mesh that retains the seeds and pulp. May be:

  • mechanical or manual - consists of a cone nozzle and a container for collecting juice, which is squeezed out manually by scrolling the fruit - the simplest and cheap option, but requires the use of force and the juice will not always be squeezed out completely, even if you try very hard;
  • press - a lever with a press is lowered onto the nozzle from above. As a result, half of the fruit is squeezed between them and the juice comes out. An improved version of a manual juicer, but also does not provide maximum fresh yield;
  • electric - the only one listed applies to kitchen appliances, the entire process of extracting juice is automated; you just need to hold the fruit or a holder for it. Gives maximum juice yield.

Last option - optimal choice, since it does not require additional effort and time and extracts the most fresh juice from fruits. You need to choose a juicer based primarily on the number of family members and how often and in what volume you plan to juice.

For big family It's better to take a more powerful model. This factor should also be taken into account when paying attention to the reservoir for the finished juice. It can be from 250 ml to 1.2 liters (with and without a division scale), respectively. With a larger volume, you can squeeze fresh juice for everyone at once and put it on the table. If, as a rule, you only need to get one glass, there is there are many models with direct flow, when the juice goes directly into the glass, which eliminates unnecessary washing of dishes.

A big plus will be the presence of attachments of different sizes in the juicer. After all, for example, lime and grapefruit are very different and it is difficult to squeeze out the juice of their different fruits effectively and in the maximum quantity using the same tip. It is also advisable to have a citrus holder, which will make your work easier and protect it from splashes.

It is worth paying attention that the nozzles and all parts that come into contact with fruits and juice are made of plastic. And that's right, because Vitamin C contained in citrus fruits oxidizes very quickly in contact with any metal, losing their beneficial features.


Universal juicers are, of course, an order of magnitude more expensive than citrus fruits, but undoubtedly have a number of advantages over them, since can extract juice from almost any vegetables and fruits, and some models even squeeze juice and oils from herbs, nuts, and cereals. As in the case of citrus fruits, when choosing this juicer, you should first decide for what purpose it is needed.

There are incomparable models that have different attachments and additional functions, but they also cost a lot. Therefore, you need to decide whether you need all this or whether you can limit yourself to some basic requirements. In order to find out what fruits and vegetables a particular model can squeeze, you should first read the instructions or read the description and reviews.

According to their classification, universal lighters are divided into:

  • centrifugal or centrifugal with a cylindrical separator;
  • centrifugal with conical separator;
  • screw

In principle, they are similar to each other and work according to the same system - vegetables and fruits are loaded into the fruit opening, through which they enter the mechanism and are crushed with a disk grater in centrifugal juicers or a special screw in auger ones. After this, the finished juice and cake are separated. Each option has its pros and cons, which should be discussed before choosing a model.


Centrifugal juicer with cylindrical separator allows you to get a fairly large volume of finished juice, up to 90% of the weight of the fruit. But its disadvantage is that there is no automatic discarding of dry pulp, so after a few glasses of fresh juice you need to remove it manually and clean the device. This is not a problem if you need to make some juice for yourself, but it will take a lot of time when you need to prepare drinks for a large group. And certainly such a juicer will bring inconvenience if you need to prepare juice in large quantities, for example, if you have a summer house.

Juicer with conical separator separates and automatically discards the pulp into a special container, which allows you to use it for an unlimited time without cleaning. However, this reduces the percentage of finished juice yield - it barely reaches 70% and the pulp is quite wet. This option is convenient if you have to constantly process a large number of fruits, since all centrifuge machines work quite quickly and allow you to squeeze out a lot of juice in a short time. And with this model, you don’t have to spend it on cleaning waste.

They are becoming increasingly popular today, which is not surprising, since they have a number of advantages. The principle of their operation is somewhat different from centrifugal ones, it is more likely resembles a meat grinder. After loading into the tray, the fruits fall onto a special screw screw, which slowly grinds the fruits and vegetables, after which the finished juice comes out through a sieve, and the fairly dry pulp is thrown out into a special hole. The advantages of such a juicer are that it:

Screw juicers come in vertical and horizontal types. When loading vertically, the screw itself automatically tightens and pushes the fruit, so the help of a pusher is practically not needed, which saves the housewife’s time.

What features are important?

You need to choose the right juicer and there are a number of features that you should pay attention to. You may not need all the features, but you need to know about them. It’s worth deciding on your needs, because every additional increases the cost of the device.

Power. From 150 to 250 W in auger juicers and from 25° to 1250 W in centrifugal juicers. For the latter, this indicator is quite important, since the speed of rotation of the centrifuge and, accordingly, the percentage of high-quality squeezed juice depend on the power - the higher the speed, the drier the cake and the more fresh juice will come out. But do not forget that electricity is consumed an order of magnitude more.

Reservoir for cake. Important if you are squeezing a large amount of juice. Accordingly, the larger it is, the longer the possible continuous operation time.

Juice reservoir. It comes in different volumes from 200 ml to 1.2 l, or the juice can flow directly into a glass or carafe.

Fruit feeding chute. The wider and larger it is, the better; it does not require time to cut vegetables and fruits. Some time ago, the advertising campaign of some manufacturers focused specifically on updating this function - now you can put a whole apple into the juicer!

Foam eliminator. This is a pretty good function that allows you to remove the foam that occurs when squeezing almost all fruits and get clean, clear juice.

Adjusting the slots in the separator. By making them larger or smaller, you can adjust the density of the fresh pulp.

Duration of work. This function is also important if you need to prepare a lot of juice. Some juicers automatically turn off after 10 minutes of operation to take a break to allow the motor to cool down. Others can run for 20 minutes or more without turning off.

The modern market offers big choice juicers from different manufacturers With various functions. Developers do not stand still and are constantly coming up with something new. In order not to get lost in this variety and choose a good machine that will please you and your family for a long time, first of all you need to decide what exactly you need, which functions in the juicer are important, and which you can do without. And then you won’t waste your money, but will get a useful and necessary device for your kitchen.

Updated: 02/10/2018 13:03:32

Freshly squeezed juice, vegetable or fruit, is chosen not only by those people who lead a healthy lifestyle or follow specially prescribed diets. It is preferred by mothers for their babies so that their bodies get all the necessary microelements and vitamins. Many people start breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed juice, which will provide them with a boost of energy for the whole day. If you buy juice in a store, you can’t be sure that in addition to useful substances, you won’t get a fair amount of dyes and preservatives. Therefore, it is better to buy a decent juicer and drink this magical drink with the whole family at any time.

The best manufacturers of juicers - which company to choose

When arriving at a store, customers rightfully first of all pay attention to the equipment of positively proven brands. As a rule, these products are distinguished by high quality and advanced functionality.

Models from these manufacturers rightfully occupy a leading position in the market, and the specific choice remains with the buyer.

Types of juicers

These models are among the simplest juicers. With their help you can obtain the juice of orange, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Externally, it is a small container with a ribbed cone-shaped nozzle. Half of the fruit is attached to the nozzle and, if the juicer is electric, the product turns on.


    Small in size;

    Budget price.

    Low power consumption;

    Reliable and easy to use;


  • Designed strictly for citrus fruits.

Such juicers are perfect for people who love citrus juice (oranges, grapefruits, etc.). They are intended for home use.

Juicer presses are a type of citrus juicer. They imply that when extracting juice, the fruit is subjected to not only a mechanical “cutting” effect, but also pressure created by a special pressing mechanism. This allows you to significantly reduce the amount of cake and increase efficiency.

The vast majority of juicers are electric. This provides maximum efficiency and performance.


    Low (for most models) price;

    Easy to operate;

    Adding pulp to juice (making it more useful);

    High efficiency;

    Low power consumption;


    Limited scope of use - intended exclusively for large citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, etc.);

    Squeezing requires the constant presence of a user who will add fruit as they are processed.

Such juicers - perfect solution for catering establishments that offer citrus fresh fruits (bars, cafes, restaurants, fitness club buffets, etc.). They are not very suitable for home use due to their relative high cost compared to “regular” models.

Centrifugal or rotary juicers

These are the models of juicers that are most in demand by consumers. They are intended for all types of vegetables and berries (excluding stone fruits). The operation of such models is similar to the operation of a centrifuge in washing machine. The grater disk rotates at a speed of 10 thousand revolutions per minute above the separator basket and crushes the fruits.

In the separator, the pulp and cake are separated. Next, the centrifugal force pushes the juice out of the basket and it enters the juice receptacle. The high rotation speed heats the internal container, and this leads to the destruction of some microorganisms and vitamins. The heating of the motor does not allow the juicer to be used continuously for a long time.

Separators in these models come in two types:

    Cylindrical. The juice yield is 90%, but the pulp is removed manually.

    Cone basket. The pulp is removed automatically, but the percentage of juice yield is 20% lower.


    High performance;

    Affordable price;

    The diameter of the incoming hole is about 9 cm, allowing you to place fruits without preliminary cutting;

    Easy to use;


    Heating the juice and partially destroying vitamins and microelements;

    The high rate of oxidation excludes long-term storage.

    The speed of operation provokes the appearance of foam on the drink;

They will appeal to people who simply love freshly squeezed juice – for example, as an addition to breakfast. Suitable for home and family use, as well as in catering establishments.

Not suitable for obtaining juice that is planned to be stored or canned for a long time.

This type of juicer operates on low-speed engines, the rotation speed of which is not higher than 80 rpm. Two augers attached to the shaft crush the fruit. The juicer does not heat up even during prolonged continuous use.

These models are vertical and horizontal, which is determined by the design of the unit and the method of placing fruits in it. In turn, the type of model does not affect the percentage of juice yield (which is about 95%). Screw juicers can also extract oil from nuts, grind coffee beans or spices.


    The juice retains its beneficial properties, vitamins and nutrients for a long time – up to 48 hours after receipt;

    Long-term uninterrupted use;

    No heating of juice;

    Quiet motor;

    Minimum amount of cake;

    High percentage of juice yield;


    Reduced operating speed;

    The diameter of the inlet is small and preliminary cutting of the fruit is necessary;

    Not suitable for soft fruits (bananas, kiwi, etc.)

    Presence of pulp in the juice;

Suitable for everyday home and family use. People who value juices for their beneficial properties, and not just for their taste qualities.

Suitable for everyday home and family use. They will especially appeal to people who value juices for their beneficial properties, and not just their taste. Not suitable for use in catering establishments.

Before purchasing a juicer, understand which fruits are used most often in your family and how much juice will be consumed per day. Also decide whether you will use the juicer for its intended purpose or whether its advanced functionality is important to you.


Plastic. Makes the weight of the product small, but the shelf life is reduced due to the sufficient fragility of the material. An environmental certificate for plastic is also required.

Steel or aluminum. Only stainless steel, since during operation an oxidation reaction occurs with the products. High strength, but the price also increases.


    50 W. Juicers for citrus fruits only.

    From 250 to 500 W. Juicers for highly soft fruits (bananas, peaches, etc.)

    From 800 to 1200 W. Juicers for hard fruits (carrots, apples, etc.)

The spin speed depends on the power. At high speeds, the juice is squeezed out as much as possible, but pulp also gets into it.

Speed ​​Modes

The pressing technique depends on the density of the fruit. Therefore, a juicer with several speed modes will be optimal. Switching them will allow you to get the maximum amount of juice from any fruit. The maximum number of speeds in juicers today is 9, but three or four are enough for home use. The efficiency of operation will be increased by the presence of reverse and pulse modes.

Noise during operation

The cause of noise may be the operation of the motor and insufficiently fastened parts. Auger juicers have become the leaders in terms of “quietness” of operation.


When buying a juicer, it makes sense to pay attention to:

    Inlet diameter. A size of 8-9 cm will help to place the whole fruit, avoiding preliminary cutting.

    The presence of a container for cake allows you to work without stopping.

    The presence of a foam separator will make the juice clean and transparent.

    The presence of rubber feet will make the juicer stable during operation.

    The presence of an anti-drip system will leave the table clean after finishing work.

Juice container

The presence of a container for juice inside the juicer ensures that it does not spill during operation, and the scale can be used to determine the degree of fullness of the container. But, as a rule, the volume of the container is small and you have to stop the process to pour the finished juice.

In the absence of such a container, the juice immediately flows into a container that is convenient in shape and size for you.

Additional functionality:

    Protection against accidental activation. Implemented structurally. For example, the juicer may not turn on when open or loose. closed lid. This is especially important if there are small children in the house;

    The number of attachments in a citrus juicer or juicer-press. Typically, these juicers are equipped with a single ribbed cone, which ensures compatibility with relatively large fruits. But, if you plan to squeeze juice from tangerines, small lemons, etc., it is better to purchase a model with several attachments;

    Supports pulse operating mode. This is very important for juicers that are going to be used with hard products such as carrots or hard apples. The pulse mode ensures that the juicer does not overheat during operation.

There are four criteria that will help you make your choice:

    If your family drinks only citrus juices or lemonades, then it is enough to purchase a juicer only for citrus fruits. Manual or electric - depends on the composition of the family.

    If the family drinks juices from all fruits, and its composition is 2-3 people, it would be optimal to purchase a centrifugal juicer with a cylinder-shaped separator.

    If your family is large and everyone loves to drink fresh juice, opt for a rotary juicer with a cone-shaped separator.

    For lovers of country life who have fresh vegetables, fruits and berries are in abundance, we recommend choosing the auger version of the juicer.

How much do juicers cost?

    A simple model of a manual juicer costs from 100 to 400 rubles.

    Electric plastic juicers cost up to 800 rubles, but as functionality increases, the price increases to 40 thousand rubles.

    Rotary juicers start at one and a half thousand and go up to forty. Models of this group from of stainless steel and a full set functionality can cost more than one hundred thousand rubles.

    Vertical auger juicers are available at prices ranging from 3 to 35 thousand rubles, but can reach 100 thousand. Horizontal ones do not cross the threshold of 70 thousand.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.

Everyone knows that freshly squeezed juice not only quenches thirst - it is a source of vitamins and minerals that has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improving general physiological condition. Juice made from fruits, vegetables or berries at home does not contain preservatives; it is much healthier and tastier than store-bought juice. Let's figure out together how to choose good juicer for making fresh juice at home. Of course, first of all, you should decide which juices you like most and are going to process, and based on this we will choose.


This is one of the most important parameters when choosing this type of equipment. Therefore, you should immediately decide why you are purchasing this device, since the cost different types may vary significantly, and in a simpler version of the juicer it may not be possible to make juices from hard types of vegetables.

Citrus press

If you're only going to juice citrus fruits, you need a citrus press. This citrus juicer has a working principle in which half of the fruit is pressed with force onto a rotating nozzle using a special lever. High-quality devices are easy to use, unpretentious, do not make noise or leak, and provide fast operation without much effort. IN simple options There is no lever for pressing, and you have to hold the fruit with your hand. A good citrus press, in addition to the lever, may have a set of attachments for extracting citrus juice different sizes. It may be possible to adjust the density of the juice using the size of the slots in the nozzles. The direct juice supply system will allow you to squeeze juice not into the device’s container, but into any glass. And the rare reverse option, in which the nozzle rotates alternately in one direction or the other, will help squeeze the maximum amount of juice out of citrus. Citrus juice spoils quickly and must be consumed within 5-10 minutes. Therefore, if you are not going to constantly serve juice to your guests, then a capacity of 400-500 ml in the device is sufficient. Choose a device with maximum power, this will speed up the process of preparing a large amount of juice for guests.

Universal centrifugal

Universal centrifugal juicers can squeeze juice out of any fruit and berries, although there are exceptions. In such devices, the fruits are first crushed with a disk grater, and only after that they enter the separator. The juice is extracted from it under the influence of centrifugal force. These devices are suitable for processing large volumes of products. In this case, the separator often becomes clogged, so it is necessary to choose a centrifugal device with a pulp rejection function. In addition, it must be powerful enough to process large quantities of fruit. The shape of the separator can be either cylindrical or conical.

Cylindrical separator

With a cylindrical shape, the amount of squeezed juice reaches 95% of the total mass of the fruit. This is a very high figure, having reverse side in the form of difficulty in discarding the cake. And therefore, after a couple of glasses of squeezed juice, you will have to clean the separator. But for making small volumes of juice, this is an excellent technique because it saves food.

Conical cage

With a conical separator, it is technically much easier to remove the pulp. Although the amount of squeezed juice is reduced to 60-70%, there is no need to be distracted by cleaning the separator. Juicers with a conical separator are convenient for processing large quantities of fruit.


Auger juicers are the best devices today for preparing large quantities of juice. This device contains a screw shaft, which pushes the products through the mesh. The screw rotates at low speed, eliminating heating and oxidation of the juice, unlike centrifugal ones, where enzymes and ferments die at a temperature of 48-50 degrees. The screw rotation speed from 40 to 110 rpm allows you to save 42% more vitamin C and 60.7 more vitamin A. At the same time, the juice does not separate after 2-3 minutes as with centrifugal devices, but has a uniform consistency and natural color. The so-called “cold” pressing preserves minerals, enzymes and enzymes for up to 2 days, and their absorption by the body is 20% faster and more complete. Screw devices have gained immense popularity all over the world in recent years, and their only drawback is their high price.

Which juicer is better?

The next stage of choosing a juicer is taking into account the volume and frequency of use of the household appliance. It is also worth paying attention to these parameters Special attention, since they have a serious impact on the price of the device.


When choosing a juicer for vegetables and fruits, I recommend the following parameters:

  • The volume of the juice container should be up to one liter.
  • The power of universal devices must be at least 30 W; the speed of juice extraction directly depends on this.
  • It is desirable to have a consistency control system that detects and regulates the pulp content.
  • Availability of a variety of attachments that allow you to use products of different sizes.

Criterias of choice

  1. The shape of the separator should be conical or cylindrical.
  2. Availability of a container for cake and other waste.
  3. Power more than 200 W.
  4. Good centrifuge speed and juice volume generally depend on this parameter.
  5. The presence of a foam separator is a great advantage.
  6. The duration of work, which is determined by a specific program.

Number of speeds

  • The number of speeds ranges from 1 to 9, although 2-3 speeds are sufficient for normal operation.
  • It is better to squeeze soft vegetables and fruits at low speeds, hard ones at higher speeds.
  • It should be taken into account that when high speed More pulp gets into the juice, and at low temperatures it remains transparent.

Housing material

  1. Plastic body - these models are lightweight, inexpensive, come in a variety of colors and are easy to clean. The main disadvantage is low strength.
  2. The case is made of stainless steel - they are characterized by high strength, but such devices are heavy and expensive.

Mesh material

  • It is better to purchase universal models with stainless mesh (it is more durable).
  • D Suitable for citrus fruits plastic mesh, since the impact on it will be minimal.

Juice reservoir

As you know, juice is a perishable product, so the volume of the tank must be selected depending on the amount of drink consumed at a time. The best option is 1-2 glasses, that is, approximately 300-600 ml.

Loading opening width

The width of the loading opening ranges from 35 to 90 mm, and it should be selected depending on what fruit will be used. For example, the average size of an apple is about 75 mm. This indicator does not particularly affect the price, so it is better to choose a juicer with a large opening.

Extra options

  1. Reverse is a characteristic function of citrus juicers. By rotating the nozzle alternately left and right, you can get more juice.
  2. The clamping mechanism is a special press that makes it easier to extract juice from citrus fruits.
  3. Cleaning brushes - necessary for cleaning universal devices that are difficult to wash due to sharp, small cells.

How to decide which option is best for you

  1. It is necessary to take into account which fruits the juices will be produced from, since completely different devices have been developed for certain types of vegetables and fruits. The best juicer is a household appliance that is capable of producing a sufficient amount of freshly squeezed juice per day.
  2. When choosing a device, it is worth considering not only its parameters, but also its functionality. Universal multifunctional model is capable of producing juice not only from citrus fruits, but also from hard fruits such as pears, apples, carrots, pumpkin and beets.
  3. As a rule, the lucky ones who have purchased a juicer for vegetables and fruits for their everyday life leave reviews about the purchased model. Based on user reviews on forums, you can judge the advantages and disadvantages of the selected device.

Good juicers are produced by the following companies:

  • Binatone
  • Gorenje
  • Moulinex
  • Tefal
  • Ariete
  • Fagor

The devices are quite productive, well assembled and relatively quiet. As a rule, such brands have good service maintenance and warranty period.

The group of the highest quality products consists of the following products:

  • Bosch
  • Braun
  • Delonghi
  • Kenwood
  • Panasonic
  • Zelmer

These are undoubtedly very famous brands that provide the best performance and durability. Usually, everything about such products is made with high quality: lids, latches, filters, meshes and other parts. Such devices are a good buy for their price.

The group of premium equipment among juice extractors consists of very few devices:

  • Bork
  • ProfiCook
  • Kuvings

You should know that Bork products are overpriced and the quality is mediocre. Other manufacturers actually guarantee high quality devices, but they are much more expensive. The dealer networks of some brands are still very poorly developed.

Rating of the best juicers of 2016

Having analyzed all the criteria for choosing a juicer, we can summarize. In conclusion, I offer a small rating of high-quality devices in the mid-price category with a good price-quality ratio.

Philips HR 1871

The Philips HR1871 centrifugal juicer has a body and centrifuge mesh made of stainless steel, a neck with a diameter of 80 mm and a glass with a capacity of 1.5 liters. The machine is easy and quick to disassemble and is also easy to clean thanks to the polished filter with QuickClean technology. The device, with a power of 800 W and protection against accidental activation, has the function of automatically ejecting pulp into a 1.6 liter tank. In addition, the model features direct juice supply and “drip-stop” systems. The device has 2 speeds, and its weight is 4.9 kg. The inverted mesh juicing system used here produces 10% more juice.

Philips HR1837/00

Compact centrifugal juicer Philips HR1837/00 in an aluminum case, with a stainless steel centrifuge mesh, a neck with a diameter of 55 mm with a loading tray and a glass with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The lid and pulp container are made of transparent materials, making it convenient to monitor the juice preparation process and promptly clean the container. The machine is easy and quick to disassemble and is also easy to clean thanks to the polished filter with QuickClean technology. The device, with a power of 500 W and protection against accidental activation, has the function of automatically ejecting pulp into a 1-liter tank. In addition, the model features direct juice supply and “drip-stop” systems. The inverted mesh juicing system used in this device allows you to get 10% more juice.