How to feed gooseberries after harvest: effective fertilizers. Feeding gooseberries in the autumn-spring period

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How to feed gooseberries in the fall

Gooseberry is the most popular shrub, found on almost every garden plot and dacha. The plant is quite unpretentious, and its berries have a pleasant taste. The fruits have a huge amount of useful vitamins. These berries are distinguished by their taste, as well as by their type of growth and shape, due to the variety of varieties. An adult bush can produce up to 12 kg of berries in a good season. The owner of gooseberry bushes will be able to provide a harvest for all his relatives, and will also stock up on jam for the winter.

Proper autumn care for gooseberries

The quality of the harvest of such a plant largely depends on the quality of the soil; this should not be forgotten. Feeding gooseberries in the fall will provide good collection ripe berries. Gooseberries suffer from a shortage in autumn useful microelements. After harvesting the fruits, the bush is exhausted; its power is spent on setting fruits, their formation and flowering. At this time, the plant takes potassium-phosphorus substances from the soil. Knowledgeable gardener will undoubtedly include fertilizer in the treatment of the bush.

Proper autumn feeding of gooseberries

Having finished harvesting, the summer resident must take care of proper preparation plants to winter period. It is necessary to prune the branches and add nutrients to the soil. It is very important to water the plant abundantly so that it receives the necessary amount of moisture throughout the winter. Thanks to the receipt of moisture, the bush will resist various diseases and pests, even despite its hibernation. It is simply necessary to feed gooseberries so that next season they will bear a large number of berries This procedure should be carried out already in the first year of the bush’s life, since by accumulating nutrients and reaching the age of 5-6 years, the plant will produce a large number of tasty and healthy fruits.

Young shrubs are planted in the fall, and they also need proper feeding. Developing a new location and strengthening the bush is the key to a future harvest. Humus mixed with sand and soil must be added to the hole prepared in advance. In this case, sand is used to improve soil permeability and make it soft. After 2 weeks, the seedling can be planted directly into the ground.

To protect the soil from annoying pests, it is enough to add about 200 grams of wood ash. After planting, the next fertilization should be done in the spring. The second feeding is necessary in May, and the third is carried out throughout summer period. These fertilizers will ensure a good filling of berries and strengthen the root system of the bush.

The entire stage of feeding the bush looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive weeding of the plant around the trunk
  2. Remove fallen leaves and unnecessary plant debris
  3. Be sure to water the bush well. A sufficient quantity is at least 3 buckets for each plant
  4. Trim old branches that are over 5 years old
  5. Loosen the soil around each bush and between the rows
  6. Mulch the ground
  7. Apply nitrogen-mineral fertilizers

Don’t forget about the common gooseberry disease - powdery mildew. This disease is caused by a fungus; to prevent its spread, spray the bush Bordeaux mixture. Fertilizer with this treatment will increase frost resistance and the bush will more easily endure the winter period.

Any variety of gooseberry needs to be supplied with a large amount of nitrogen; in this case, manure comes to the rescue; it can be bird or cow manure. It is better to use liquid fertilizers based on manure, which will penetrate deeper into the root system faster.

How to feed gooseberries autumn period? I can recommend a simple recipe for useful fertilizer. Take 1 bucket of water and dilute 1 tablespoon of urea and 2 tablespoons of Nitrophoska in it. This solution will have a large number of elements useful for the bush. Before wintering, be sure to add 1 liter of wood ash and 1 kg of humus under each bush. During the digging period, be sure to add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and potassium chloride. A dense row of sawdust or peat laid around the trunk will save the bush from severe frosts. In the spring, this layer must be removed so that the soil warms up faster and the plant comes out of hibernation.

To properly fertilize the soil for gooseberries, you need to take into account its characteristics. Gooseberries prefer acidic soil, which includes well-drained medium loam for the plant. If the soil is not acidic enough, simply fertilize it with the necessary substances to ensure good growth bush and its fertility. Alkaline soil You must feed it, otherwise you will not achieve a good harvest.

The rules for fertilizing and feeding gooseberries include a whole complex of care. From weeding to application useful fertilizers, you will ensure a rich harvest delicious berries. At first glance, all the care for gooseberries seems to be a rather labor-intensive and troublesome process, but this is an erroneous assumption. If you carry out fertilizing without mistakes the very first time, then subsequent times will seem like a mere trifle to you. The main thing to remember is that care and fertilization of gooseberries should be carried out from the first year of the plant’s life.

Autumn fertilizing is an important procedure for gooseberries. The number of berries, their size and taste directly depends on it. Gooseberries are quite demanding on soil fertility and quality. After the end of the fruiting season, the bushes begin to gradually prepare for winter dormancy. If you fertilize in a timely manner, the bushes will recover well, the roots will become stronger, and more fruit buds will form. Next season's harvest will delight you with an abundance of berries.

When to start fertilizing gooseberries?

Autumn feeding of bushes begins in August. And this is no coincidence - the shrubs will need up to 3 weeks to absorb the nutrients. The warmer the earth, the more active the process of suction and absorption occurs. mineral elements. When the soil cools, root system stops working and gradually goes into a resting state. At the end of summer and in September it is still warm, and the gooseberry bushes will receive everything they need from fertilizers. This way they will be fully prepared for the long winter.

Types of fertilizers for autumn feeding of gooseberries

For selection the right remedy gardeners should know that potassium and phosphorus, as well as organic fertilizers, are most important in the fall. Therefore, the main substances for feeding gooseberries include:

  • phosphate, necessary for strengthening the roots and the entry of carbohydrates and proteins into the juice of the shrubs;
  • potassium, increase frost resistance, remove unnecessary water from shoots;
  • organics different types(manure, litter, compost), increases fertility, reduces mineralization, provides an abundance of berries;
  • wood ash replenishes with a variety of mineral elements.

Why do you need potassium in autumn?

It is this microelement that plays the main role in preparing plants for winter. Many gardeners believe that even phosphorus in this matter is inferior to potassium in importance.

For gooseberry bushes, you can give preference to potassium sulfate and wood ash. All potassium preparations are divided into physiologically acidic and alkaline. Potassium sulfate has a neutral pH. Its dosage for a gooseberry bush is 1 handful. On square meter you need 30g of it. Potassium enters the plant, and sulfuric acid remains in the soil. Its concentration is not dangerous, and is even beneficial for shrubs.

Calimagnesia is an excellent complex remedy. It contains potassium and magnesium. Two of the most beneficial minerals for plants.

If the soil is sandy or sandy loam, the dose of fertilizing increases by 30%. Since all useful substances quickly go into the deeper layers of the earth.

Phosphorus fertilizers

Where and how to add phosphates

Application research minerals proved that phosphorus in the soil is practically immobile. It does not penetrate into neighboring layers and remains where it was placed. If it is located at a distance greater than 5 cm from the suction zone of the root, then phosphorus will not get into the bush. Therefore, it is so important to apply it correctly, closer to the roots. Sealing is a must. For gooseberry bushes, the depth is 7-10 cm. This should be done along the periphery - since active roots are located here. It is useless to apply phosphorus near the trunk.

Types of phosphates, dosage

The main preparation of the phosphorus series is superphosphate. There are two types of it:

  • simple, has 20% phosphorus. In addition, it contains calcium sulfate as the main ballast. This is plaster;
  • double, contains 42-48% phosphorus. It is twice as concentrated. On large areas its use is more convenient and technologically advanced. After it, less ballast remains in the ground;

Dose of double superphosphate - 1 handful for 1 gooseberry bush. The dosage of the simple one is correspondingly two times less. The norm per 1 m2 is 50 g.

Wood ash

The benefits of ash have been proven by many scientists and agricultural technicians. She is valued not only for high level potassium, which can range from 10 to 30%. But also for a wide range of useful minerals. First of all, it is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, molybdenum. The only element missing from the ash is nitrogen. Due to its safety and absolute non-toxicity, it can be used less strictly than industrial artificial products.

The composition of the ash is determined by the waste from which it was obtained during combustion. Sunflower ash is considered the leader in potassium content, followed by combustion products of potato tops and birch trunks. The norm of ash for adult bushes is 3-4 handfuls. The dosage per 1 m2 is 250g. For young bushes up to 3 years old, 1-3 handfuls of ash will be enough.

Organic fertilizers for gooseberries


For autumn application, you only need rotted fertilizer. Since fresh manure will burn the delicate absorbent roots, damaging the active root system. Autumn is the most best time to fertilize gooseberries with it. Thanks to soil inhabitants, complex organic matter will turn into easily absorbable elements in a few months. By spring, they will just become available to the gooseberry bushes. To maximize the effect of application, you need to correctly calculate the amount of humus per bush. The usual norm is from 4 to 8 kg for one bush.


This is the fertilizer that no gardener who receives large harvests can do without. Every follower of natural farming knows the art of preparing it. Properly prepared, it contains all the nutritional elements. In the fall, it is better to add not completely rotted compost to the ground. It needs to be spread around the gooseberry bushes and carefully mixed with the soil. Cover the top with mulch. In such a warm form, it will reach soil microorganisms. They will immediately begin the process of turning it into humus. This is a form available for consumption.

Dolomite flour

It is a crushed rock. Valued for its high calcium and magnesium content. Needed on acidified soils. It is applied in the amount of 0.8 kg per 1 m2. You can add flour to compost, reducing the acidity of organic residues. Gooseberries prefer neutral soil. There are plants that are indicators of high acidity - horsetails, buttercups, sorrel. If they grow near gooseberries, it’s time to add dolomite flour to the fertilizing in the fall.

Autumn mulching

Although mulch is not primarily a fertilizer, it serves to protect the soil from drying out. But as it overheats, after a few months it forms high-quality humus. Which is quickly absorbed by gooseberries in the spring.

You can use leaf litter from parks and forests as mulch for gooseberries. It is good to use crushed weeds, the remains of branches passed through a chopper. If you didn’t have time to plant green manure in September, you can always create a blanket of plant residues that is equally effective and nutritious. The laying layer is 8-10 cm. Good mulch for a frosty winter is straw, hay, needles from Christmas trees. It will protect well from unexpected frosts. It will not compact under a layer of snow. During the thaw, it will provide air access to the root system. Will create a warm blanket for soil inhabitants.

Planting green manure

In the fall, at the same time as feeding under the gooseberries, winter green manure crops are planted - rye, oats, wheat. The land should not be empty. This is what the masters of eco-farming teach. Legumes sown in the spring are mowed and placed under a layer of soil. This process goes in a circle - autumn-spring. And it never stops. The main thing is to get involved. A luxurious fertile layer is formed under the bushes. Gooseberry productivity increases several times.

What you need to know about nitrogen

Nitrogen fertilizers are never applied to plants in the fall. Even if there are signs of nitrogen deficiency - yellowing lower leaves and twisting them ahead of time, deteriorating shoot growth. Since they will cause active vegetative processes, the stage of formation of new shoots and leaves will be delayed. Gooseberries will not have time to prepare for winter and enter the resting phase.

Frost resistance decreases sharply. Any autumn frosts will lead to the death of its shoots or the entire bush. The second disadvantage of using nitrogen fertilizers in the fall is that nitrogen is not stored near the roots. It is quickly washed away, moving to distant layers of the earth that are inaccessible to the plant.

Ammophos is a phosphorus preparation with nitrogen. The concentration of the latter is 12%. It is not used as autumn feeding.

Total, what and how much gooseberry bushes need in the fall
The benefits and necessity of fertilizing gooseberries are beyond doubt. For convenience, we will present a brief summary of what shrubs need. The most convenient and frequently used option for autumn feeding:

  • rotted manure (litter) – 7-14 kg;
  • potassium sulfate – 40g;
  • superphosphate -160g.

The humus is divided approximately into two parts. Superphosphate and potassium are mixed with the first one - laid out under the bush and covered to a depth of 7-10 cm. The second part is mulched in a diameter of 1 meter around the bush. If there is mulch in the form of straw or pine needles, cover with a layer of 10 cm.

Fertilizing gooseberries in the fall improves the quality of the soil. It is saturated with useful macro- and microelements. Regular implementation of this procedure quickly brings the desired results. Lots of larger berries, sweet and juicy - a worthy reward for the autumn labors.

» Gooseberry

Gardeners value gooseberries for their abundant harvests, easy care, undemanding to soil fertility and heat, delicious dietary berries.

Due to its high content of vitamins and minerals, it is called northern grapes. With proper care, the shrub bears fruit for up to fifteen years, and in especially favorable conditions - up to thirty years. The yield reaches twenty-five kilograms per plant.

In this article we will talk about how to care for gooseberries in August and September, and also learn how to grow bushes in the country

Caring for prickly berries during the season includes:

  • pruning and thinning;
  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • protection from pests and diseases;
  • feeding;
  • loosening;
  • mulching.

Work should begin by choosing a landing site. Sunny, wind-protected areas are preferred. Gooseberries are not picky about soil fertility. Does not tolerate waterlogged lowlands. You should choose places where groundwater does not come closer than one, or better yet, one and a half meters to the surface.

Excessively light, heavy, acidified soils will have to be previously cultivated. When planting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer, remove dry and damaged roots, and shorten the shoots of the seedling. Deepen the root collar approximately three to five centimeters lower than where the bush grew in the nursery. plant better in autumn before frost sets in. Autumn planting take root better compared to spring ones.

When planting, leave a distance between bushes of at least 1.4 - 2 meters, between rows - up to 2.5.

Pruning and thinning gooseberries in the country

The first pruning is done immediately after planting the seedling. The shoots are shortened and two to three buds are retained on each. After a year, several strong annuals are formed from them, ready for wintering.

Sanitary pruning is carried out regularly. Remove broken, diseased, damaged creeping, intertwined shoots. In autumn, formative pruning is carried out.

And also specimens growing in particularly favorable conditions produce abundant basal shoots. There is a danger of thickening. In these cases, excess shoots are carefully removed.

Pinching annual shoots helps to bring the beginning of fruiting closer, increase the number of berries and speed up ripening. This will increase the frost resistance of buds and branches.


Gooseberries do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Therefore, it cannot be planted in lowlands where spring water lingers for a long time, or where groundwater is high. At the same time, the berry garden needs regular and abundant watering. In the first year of the plant’s life, this measure ensures active growth strong shoots.

In the future, a sufficient amount of moisture promotes bigger harvest large tasty berries. Ten to twenty liters of water should be poured weekly under young bushes, twice as much under mature bushes.

If it is not possible to water the gooseberries every few days, you can use another scheme. Water generously after flowering during the period of growth of berries and shoots, then, when the ovary appears, in the fall, carry out moisture-recharging watering to create conditions for the growth of the root system and prepare the plants for overwintering. Each time pour at least five buckets of water under the bush.

To avoid erosion of the soil and stagnation of liquid at the root collar, a groove is arranged along the perimeter of the crown. Well established drip method: fluid consumption is reduced, efficiency is increased. Mulch helps to significantly reduce the frequency of watering.

Gooseberries tolerate short dry periods well. But prolonged drying will lead to a decrease in the number of berries, sometimes for more than one season. Therefore, it is important to maintain soil moisture levels of at least 70 percent.

During fruit ripening, watering should be done evenly and regularly. Otherwise the berries may crack.

Weeding and fertilizing

No weeds – important condition when cultivating gooseberries. You need to remove all the grass under the bushes and between the rows, preferably by hand, especially carefully - creeping wheatgrass. The task is complicated by the thorniness of most varieties and the fact that the fibrous root, growing in breadth shallow from the surface of the earth, is easily damaged.

Mulching, among others, helps solve this problem. Some gardeners use tree trunk circles made of roofing felt or manufactured industrially from modern materials. Such shelters do not allow light to pass through, and the growth of grass under them is inhibited.

It is not recommended to use herbicides on personal plots for controlling weeds in berry gardens. There is a danger of the chemical accumulating in the soil under berry bushes if treated regularly over several years.

Protection from pests and diseases

During growing season It is necessary to carefully inspect the gooseberries regularly (ideally daily) to notice the first signs of pests or diseases. If detected, immediate measures must be taken to suppress the lesion.

Chemical treatments are excluded during plant flowering and berry ripening. Problems should be prevented in a timely manner, in the spring before the buds open, or in the fall after leaf fall.

More often than other harmful insects, gooseberries are inhabited by:

  • kidney mite;
  • glassware;
  • sawfly
  • Firefly

To combat them use:

  • copper sulfate;
  • karbofos solution;
  • biological insecticides.

Use folk remedies:

  • spray the plants with an infusion of wood ash (pour one kilogram of ash with three liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours);
  • Before the snow melts and green bud cones appear, water the bushes once with boiling water from a watering can;
  • plants that repel pests are planted next to the bushes (one and a half to two meters away): garlic, dill, marigolds, chrysanthemums.

It is useful to add a small amount of soap solution to these preparations and to the ash infusion.

If, despite the measures taken, the pests have not disappeared, you can repeat the treatment after flowering (except for boiling water).

Gooseberry diseases and methods of treatment

Among some gardeners, there is an opinion that diseased bushes need to be uprooted and replaced with new ones, choosing modern, disease-resistant varieties.

Spheroteca (powdery mildew). Fungus. Treatment should begin immediately after the first signs are detected - white plaque. Use: Bordeaux mixture, sodium bicarbonate solution (5g per 1 liter of water), ash infusion or soda ash solution (50g per 10 liters of water). To prevent problems in the spring and closer to autumn, spray with the drug “Karatan” or analogues. Immediately after flowering, the plant is treated with cow dung infusion twice, with an interval of eight to ten days.

Septoria (white spot). Brown plaques appear first. Affected leaves must be immediately removed and burned. Treat the bushes with a solution boric acid. For prevention, loosen and add copper sulfate to the soil.

Glass rust. The first symptoms are orange spots on the leaves. For treatment, treat with Bordeaux mixture after flowering. For prevention in the spring, water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Gooseberry anthracnose. Brown-brown tubercles on the leaves. Treatment: spray the bush with a solution of copper sulfate, and the ground underneath with a solution of boric acid, Bordeaux mixture or zinc liquid.

Blackening of gooseberries

How to feed gooseberries?

The berry plant is responsive to systematic, but not excessive feeding. In early spring they add nitrogen fertilizers in the form of a solution: 50 grams of ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 20 - 30 g per square meter of planting (about 60 g per bush).

They practice scattering granules under bushes in the snow at the very beginning of melting: Nutrients, gradually dissolving, are delivered to the roots by melt water.

Potassium, phosphorus and organic fertilizers are left for the fall.


The surface of the earth must be kept loose. Under the crown, periodically carefully loosen to a depth of three to five cm, if necessary, at the same time applying fertilizer and removing weeds.


Mature compost, humus, dry fallen leaves and grass, and rotted peat are used as mulch. Cover the under-bush space with a layer of at least 5 cm. Mulch retains moisture, structures the soil well, stimulates an increase in organic matter, and slows down the growth of weeds.

How to care for gooseberries after harvest in August and September

Late summer and fall lay the foundation for plant health and next season's harvest. You should start immediately after picking the berries, and before the onset of frost:

  • carry out thorough weeding under the bushes, remove weeds, fallen leaves and other vegetation debris;
  • water each plant generously;
  • fertilize;
  • dig up the soil under the bushes and between the rows,
  • treat the bush with means of protection against diseases and pests;
  • trim old and weakened branches;
  • mulch;
  • prepare for overwintering.

Soil cleaning

Immediately after removing the fruits, the gooseberries are carefully weeded, removing grass, weed roots, accumulated sticks, twigs and other debris from under them. Fallen leaves are immediately burned to prevent pathogens from overwintering in them.

Creating a moisture reserve

About a month before the arrival of frost, it is important to carry out the so-called moisture-recharging irrigation. Each bush will require at least 50 - 60 liters of water, which can be poured in two or three stages. The supply of liquid will allow the gooseberry to withstand cold weather, resist diseases, and form fruit and vegetative buds.

Autumn feeding

At the end of harvesting, gooseberries are fed with superphosphate (up to 50g) and potassium chloride (up to 30g). As potash fertilizer You can add one liter of ash. Phosphorus fertilizers influence the increase in yield. Potash plants provide drought resistance, frost resistance, and increase immunity to fungal diseases.

In autumn, each bush is “fed” with organic fertilizers:

  • humus - one bucket;
  • chicken droppings diluted in water (1 to 10) or mullein (1 to 5).

On acidic soils additional lime, chalk or dolomite flour is required.

Reference. Fertilizer rates should be increased if the soil on the site is neutral or slightly alkaline.

Autumn processing of gooseberries

Autumn pruning

Every year at the end of autumn (before the first frost) formative and rejuvenating treatment is carried out annual plant leave three to five strong developed shoots. Select well-located ones to lay the correct foundation of the bush. The rest are cut flush with the soil surface. The next three to four years also leave some of the most successful growths, the rest are removed. Properly formed mature plant consists of five to six stems of each age (one-year-old, two-year-old, and so on).

The largest number of fruits, as a rule, ripen on two- to four-year-old branches. There is no point in keeping anything older than five or six years. It is not difficult to distinguish the “oldies”; they are the darkest and largest. Four to five of the strongest annual basal shoots are retained, approximately the same number of old frame branches and all diseased ones are removed. Pruning is done as close to the ground as possible. Powerful developed branches on old branches can be preserved by cutting off only unusable parts.

Gooseberry bushes are thinned out if necessary. Thickened ones are less productive: too little light penetrates inside, there are no ovaries, and a fungus takes root. Fruit buds are actively forming and developing on well-lit branches.

An old curtain can be rejuvenated. To do this, in late autumn, in the ninth or tenth year of life, all branches are cut off, except for strong zero shoots. The soil is thoroughly fertilized and loosened. Gooseberries tolerate this procedure well.

Digging open ground

Before establishing subzero temperatures The soil around the gooseberries should be thoroughly but carefully loosened. Depending on the density of the soil, it is “fluffed up” with a pitchfork or dug with a shovel. Over the entire area of ​​the berry garden, dig up the soil to 18 - 20 cm, under the crowns - to 5-6 cm. At the same time, close up autumn fertilizers. Small lumps of earth do not need to be broken.

Pre-winter digging should not be neglected also because it makes it difficult for pests and pathogens of berry diseases to overwinter in the soil. And growing in open ground Gooseberries next year becomes easier.

Preparing gooseberries for winter

Disease prevention: what to treat?

When there are no more berries left on the bushes, you can take intensive measures to save diseased plants and treat them with appropriate fungicides and insecticides. If the damage has reached irreversible proportions, the bush will have to be sacrificed, dug up and burned. This loss may allow the remaining copies to be preserved.

In autumn, preventive procedures are required to prevent diseases and the spread of pests. To do this, the bush and the soil under it are thoroughly treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate and a solution of the drug Inta-vir.

How to prepare bushes for winter and what to fertilize them with?

As a rule, adult berry plants tolerate winter well. Young, weakened plants, representatives of heat-loving varieties and gooseberries “living” in cold climatic zones need help.

After all autumn work plantings should be mulched: cover the surface of the earth under the bushes and between the rows with a 10-centimeter layer of natural protective material - rotted manure, mature humus, peat, sawdust, small branches. In winter, heat is retained under such litter and organic processes continue. IN northern regions You can additionally add dry soil to the base of the bush and cover the mound with agrospan. With the onset of positive temperatures, it is necessary to remove the entire insulating layer so that the soil warms up in time and the bush comes out of dormancy.

In areas of severe winter (in the North in Siberia, the Urals), as well as in gardens with southern varieties and in cold winters with little snow, gooseberry branches are carefully bent to the ground, fixed with flyers or planks.

The top is covered with pine or fir spruce branches and additionally covered with snow. The needles not only retain snow, create an additional “fur coat,” but also serve as an antiseptic and repel rodents and pests. A cover of snow will reliably cover and protect from the cold.

For additional snow retention and protection from cold winds, hedges are created and barriers are installed. Gooseberries are a popular, high-yielding and very responsive crop. Growing it is not that difficult. Factors bountiful harvest

— correctly selected zoned damage-resistant varieties, their varied assortment in the garden, competent year-round care. Timely and correct work will save the gardener’s efforts and prolong the life of the berry bush.

The long-lived garden gooseberry will delight lovers of the delicious berry for decades. The advantages of gooseberries are widely known: they quickly begin to bear fruit, produce a high yield every year, and do not spoil during storage and transportation. For the growth and proper development of plants, obtaining sustainable yields, and increasing immunity to diseases, the berry garden needs good care

, including regular and properly carried out fertilizing.

Feeding gooseberries, along with watering, pruning, and pest control, is included in necessary measures for plant care. This procedure is carried out with various types of fertilizers depending on the time of year and has the following goals:

  • Acceleration of growth and development of bushes.
  • Improvement taste qualities fruits
  • Increasing crop productivity.
  • Replenishment of nutrients missing in the soil.

Gooseberries are drought-resistant crops and adapt well to environment and grows well in various types of soil:

  • heavy clayey;
  • loamy;
  • sandy loam;
  • chernozem;
  • sandy

The main thing is that the soil is not swampy, cold and acidic. This is due to the fact that the gooseberry root system is located shallowly in the ground: the main roots are at a depth of 1 m, and the bulk of the suction roots are up to 0.5–0.6 m. Therefore, with excess moisture and insufficient aeration of the soil, the root system of the bushes suffers greatly , the plants get sick and may die.

The soil reaction should be within the pH range of 5.5–6.7. If this indicator is less than 5.5, i.e. the soil has high acidity, then before planting and during the process of growing gooseberries, wood ash or dolomite flour is periodically added to it in the following quantities:

Video: how to care for gooseberries

Despite all the unpretentiousness of gooseberries, the size and quality of the berries increase noticeably when grown in a well-lit area with fertile soil. And with the obligatory addition to landing hole humus, compost, and in the future - with regular fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. The plant is very responsive to additional nutrition, but if it is used in excess (especially in combination with abundant watering), the bushes thicken, are more damaged by aphids, and ripen and overwinter worse. If, when planting a seedling, a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers, then feeding gooseberries begins at the age of three.

All nutritional components necessary for normal growth and development of plants are divided into two groups: macro- and microelements. The former are added in significant quantities, the latter in ultra-small doses.

Macronutrients include:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • sulfur,
  • iron.


  • manganese,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • molybdenum,
  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potash,
  • magnesium,
  • boron

Complex fertilizers contain several nutrients.

Video: how to properly fertilize berry bushes

Complex mineral fertilizers are the most recommended for basic fertilizing, because they contain nutritional elements in an optimal, balanced ratio, which has a beneficial effect on plant development. For example, Ammophos consists of phosphorus oxide (46%) and nitrogen (11%). Nitrophoska contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 16:16:16. This fertilizing is best applied in the spring when loosening the soil after the snow melts.

From the experience of growing gooseberries, it is known that when grown on heavy, dense soils complex fertilizers Best used in the fall. And for loose, light soils, it is more effective to use this type of fertilizing in the spring. With autumn rains and melted spring waters, these substances will gradually be absorbed into the ground and absorbed by plants.

Complex fertilizers with microelements are especially useful when there is a deficiency of certain minerals in the soil, which can cause leaf chlorosis, underdevelopment of shoots and fruits, and weakening of the root system in gooseberries.

  • nitrogen,
  • Among others, the MicroMix complex has proven itself especially well. It contains microelements in chelated form, i.e., the most accessible form for absorption by the plant. This supplement contains:
  • phosphorus oxide,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium oxide,
  • manganese,
  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • iron,


The universal fertilizer MicroMix is ​​used for root and foliar feeding of gooseberries during the growing season (spring and summer) in accordance with the instructions When feeding, it is necessary to observe certain general rules

  • depending on its type:
  • When root feeding, fertilizer is applied in close proximity to the root system of the plant (in the grooves along a row of bushes or along the perimeter of the tree trunk).

When spraying during foliar feeding, the concentration of the applied fertilizer solution should not exceed 1%, otherwise leaf burns may occur. In addition, fertilizers must have good solubility in water.

Seasonal feeding of gooseberries The composition of fertilizers for gooseberries directly depends on the period (season) of their use. If in the spring berry bushes need to be given as much strength as possible for the growth and development of leaves, shoots, swelling of buds and the appearance of flower buds (growing season), then in(fruiting period) with appropriate fertilizing we help the bushes set fruits and bring them to maturity. In autumn, on the contrary, plants must prepare for winter dormancy; This is the time for wood to ripen and fruit buds to lay for next year. Depending on the periods of gooseberry development, the necessary fertilizers are applied.

in spring

In spring, two feedings are usually performed:

  1. Before buds open (March-April).
  2. Before flowering (May).

During this period, the following types of fertilizers are used:

  1. Organic:
    • rotted manure;
    • compost;
    • fermented bird droppings.
  2. Mineral (with a predominance of nitrogen-containing fertilizers):
    • urea;
    • ammonium nitrate;
    • ammonium sulfate;
    • superphosphate;
    • potassium nitrate;
    • potassium sulfate.

First, early feeding allows the bushes to quickly emerge from the period of winter dormancy and begin the growing season, i.e., the development of shoots and the growth of green mass of leaves.

  1. Organic fertilizers contain nitrogen in its natural form, so it is more easily absorbed by plants.
  2. In early spring, after the ground has thawed, rotted manure or compost is scattered between the gooseberry bushes (along the crown projection) or along the edge of the berry row.
  3. A layer of organic matter is sprinkled on top with urea, superphosphate and potassium salt (fertilizer consumption - see the table in the section “Feeding with mineral fertilizers”).
  4. After this, the soil is carefully cultivated: loosening is done under the bushes to a depth of 7–10 cm, and deep digging is done between the bushes (on the bayonet of a shovel).

The soil surface is mulched with peat or loose soil.

Nitrogen fertilizers are absorbed slowly and their effect lasts for the entire season. The second time gooseberries are fertilized in May to speed up flowering and better fruit set.

  • Nutritional mixture includes:
  • organic matter (5 kg of rotted manure or compost per 1 bush);

complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen (Kemira, Nitrophoska, Ammophos) in accordance with the instructions.

This fertilizing, just like the first, is applied to the soil, after which the bushes must be watered abundantly and the surface of the earth must be mulched. During the period of bud break and budding, foliar feeding of plants with ammonium sulfate or urea by spraying is very effective. This treatment of flower buds has a beneficial effect on the formation of fruit ovaries and increases the yield of gooseberries.

Fertilizing done in May accelerates the flowering of gooseberries and makes them more abundant. During flowering outside root feeding

cannot be produced so as not to destroy pollinating insects.

After the gooseberry has flowered, the next period in its life begins - fruit setting and ripening. At the same time, the growth and rapid development of the plant’s suction roots occurs. In June-July, the third feeding of the berry garden is carried out. It helps gooseberries enter the fruiting period, improves the taste and increases the size of the berries.

Fertilizing also strengthens the overall condition of the bushes and increases resistance to diseases and pests.

  1. The following fertilizers are used in summer:
    • Mineral:
    • phosphorus (simple superphosphate);
  2. potassium (potassium sulfate).

Organics (slurry, which serves to quickly feed gooseberries).

In order for all the beneficial substances from fertilizers to be better absorbed by plants, it is advisable to fertilize after watering. Combining competent summer feeding fertilizers with sufficient watering , you can achieve High Quality


  1. Preparation of organic matter from manure:
  2. Place 1–2 buckets of fresh manure in a 200-liter container with water and add 0.5 buckets of compost.
  3. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 8-10 days to ferment.

Mix 1 liter of manure fertilizer with a bucket of water. Pour the prepared slurry into the furrow of the tree trunk circle and mulch the top with peat or dry humus. The procedure can be done 2 times a month, until the fruits ripen.

Fertilizing is carried out only with the presence of potassium, phosphorus and complex preparations with microelements. The end of June - mid-July is the time for filling gooseberries, when optimal humidity soil and air, sufficient heat flow, the maximum weight of berries is formed. Therefore, it is especially important at this time to maintain the correct watering regime, which is carried out right now. By the way, water for the first time 10-15 days after flowering. Then - during the berry filling period. The next one is two weeks before harvest, which significantly affects the increase in the size of the berries. But after harvesting, if there is a lack of moisture, it is repeated. I note that when watering, the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers increases. Maximum flow

moisture occurs in the top layer of soil, so it is necessary to improve water supply and nutrition directly in the area where the bulk of the roots are located (along the projection zone of the bush, to a depth of 30 cm).

V.S. Ilyin, doctor of agricultural sciences Sciences, Chelyabinsk

In the process of flowering, setting and ripening fruits, gooseberries spend a lot of energy. From the soil it consumes phosphorus and potassium, other elements important to it, as a result of which the soil under the bushes becomes depleted. Therefore, in the fall it is necessary to replenish the missing substances. During this period, the fourth and final feeding is carried out. It is of great importance for gooseberries. Proper fertilization of the soil after picking berries allows the plants to lay fruit buds for next year's harvest and strengthen the immune system for good disease resistance and a safe overwintering.

At the end of September - October, after harvesting the fruits, the following work should be done:

  1. Remove weeds.
  2. Collect and burn fallen leaves and dried branches.
  3. Do water-recharging irrigation (3 buckets of water for 1 bush).

Then it is produced autumn digging soil with the application of fertilizers. As in spring, deep loosening is done along the projection of the crown and along the edge of a row of gooseberry bushes.

  1. Humus or compost is sprinkled onto the prepared soil.
  2. Superphosphate and potassium salt are added on top (fertilizer consumption - see the table in the section “Feeding with mineral fertilizers”). It is also useful to add wood ash.
  3. After fertilizing, the soil is thoroughly loosened and mulched.

Nitrogen fertilizers at autumn feeding It cannot be applied, because this provokes increased growth of shoots and does not allow the wood of the bush to fully ripen before winter, which leads to the death of the plants.

Video: feeding gooseberries in autumn

Composition of fertilizers for feeding

Nitrogen and phosphorus mineral fertilizers can be not only “chemical” (ammonium nitrate, urea, ammophos, superphosphate), but also made from natural products, i.e., be mineral-organic.

Towards organic mineral supplements relate:

  • humates - nitrogen fertilizers in granules, obtained from processed manure and bird droppings;
  • nitrogen fertilizers in the form of bone meal from the horns and hooves of livestock;
  • phosphorus fertilizers from blood and bone meal of livestock, as well as meal from fish bones.

Video: review of fertilizers for feeding

The practice of fertilizing gooseberries shows that organic and mineral fertilizers should be used simultaneously strictly in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions. Exists whole line

substances that are incompatible with each other. As a result, chemical reactions may begin, rendering the fertilizer unsuitable for use.

Table: compatibility of different types of fertilizers
fertilizers Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
OrganicAmmonium nitrate
Ammonium sulfateSodium nitrateCalcium nitrateSuperphosphate
Potassium chloridePotassium sulfateManure
Wood ash
+ + + + +
Ammonium nitrate
+ + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + + + + +

Fertilizing gooseberries with mineral fertilizers

Use of mineral fertilizers for feeding healthy plants dictated by the requirements of competently carried out agricultural technology. But sometimes, if the bushes are not well cared for, they show symptoms of a lack of certain nutrients. This is easy to determine by the following signs:

  • Nitrogen deficiency:
    • slow growth of bushes;
    • poor shoot development;
    • dull leaf color;
    • small number of inflorescences.
  • Insufficient phosphorus:
    • delayed flowering;
    • shedding of ovaries;
    • change in leaf color from green to red;
    • poor fruiting.
  • Potassium deficiency:
    • dryness and brittleness of shoots;
    • yellowing and shedding of leaves;
    • fruit shrinkage.

In this case, complex formulations Microvit and Cytovit are used, which contain substances necessary for plant nutrition in chelated form and have some features:

  • do not wash off from leaves and shoots;
  • dissolves well in water, they can be used for spraying;
  • completely absorbed by plants;
  • have increased activity on problem areas of bushes.

Video: review of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

Fertilizing requirements for plants of different ages differ. Young bushes (up to three years) require less nutrients than plants entering fruiting (4–6 years) and fruit-bearing plants (from seven years). With the transition from one growth phase to the next, the amount of fertilizer for feeding doubles.

Table: root and foliar feeding of gooseberries

Fertilizer application period Root feeding (per 1 sq. m) Foliar feeding
(for 1 bush)
organic mineral
First feeding - early spring, before buds openHumus or compost: 5 kg for loosening the soilMixture:
  • urea (15 g);
  • simple superphosphate (25 g);
  • potassium sulfate (15 g).
Second feeding - before floweringNitrophoska (20 g)Ammonium sulfate (20 g per 10 l of water) or urea (30 g per 10 l of water)
Third feeding - ovary and fruit ripeningSlurry: into the furrow of the trunk circleMixture:
  • simple superphosphate (60 g);
  • potassium sulfate (40 g);
  • wood ash ( liter jar)
The fourth feeding - in the fall after harvestingHumus or compost: 8 kg for loosening the soilMixture:
  • simple superphosphate (120 g);
  • potassium sulfate (100 g);
  • wood ash (liter jar).

Fertilizing gooseberries with ash

Wood ash is a very valuable and useful mineral-organic fertilizer for plants. This product is obtained by burning woody plant residues after pruning trees and shrubs and cleaning the garden. Especially good quality ash is formed when burning waste from fruit trees, fruit bushes and grapevines.

The fertilizer has a fragmented structure (pieces of charcoal) and powdery (ash ash), and contains salts of potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, and zinc in a form convenient for absorption by plants. Thanks to the use of this fertilizer, the taste and size of gooseberries are improved, and the plants' resistance to fungal diseases and pests increases. When applied to the soil, fertilizer improves it quality characteristics, reducing soil acidity and increasing its breathability. For this reason, the use of ash is very effective on heavy dense soils.

Video: how to use wood ash

Wood ash is used as a top dressing:

  • when applied directly to the soil;
  • when mulching the soil;
  • for spraying and pollinating bushes.

It is useful to combine watering gooseberries with ash infusion with regular moisture. Exist various ways preparing infusions from wood ash:

  1. Pour three liter jars of ash into a bucket warm water and leave for 2 days in a warm place. Dilute the solution with water 1:10, use for watering trunk circle.
  2. 1 kg of ash with pieces of ash pour 10 liters cold water, leave for a week. The resulting infusion can be sprayed on shrubs.
  3. The main infusion (mother infusion) is prepared by boiling a liter jar of wood ash in 10 liters of water for 10–20 minutes. The cooled solution is diluted with water: 1 liter per bucket of water.

Fertilizing gooseberries in spring with folk remedies

For fertilizing gooseberries along with ready-made mineral means environmentally friendly “folk” fertilizers are often used:

  1. Pour a bucket of water over freshly cut weeds and leave for a week. Drain the infusion from the sediment and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Pour the resulting solution into the bush around the trunk. For spraying, dilute with water 1:20.
  2. 1 tsp. dilute sour cream in 1 liter of whey. Separately, stir 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. honey. Combine both mixtures and add 10 g of bread yeast. Add water to 10 liters. Ferment the solution in a warm place for one week, after straining, dilute it in a ratio of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water. Use for root feeding.
  3. Hot feeding, applied in early spring. Pour one bucket of boiling water over potato peelings (a liter jar), cover with a warm cloth and cool to 50°C. Add 1 cup of wood ash and pour the hot solution over the gooseberry bush in the circle around the trunk. Well stimulates the processes of shoot growth and bud awakening.
  4. My name is Valeriya. Electrical engineer by profession. I really like to write articles on various topics that interest me: nature, pets, travel, cooking. Over time it turned into a hobby.

Gooseberries, like others berry crops, required nutrient soil. If the soil on your site is not very fertile, fertilizer for gooseberry bushes in the spring will allow you to get rich and stable harvest juicy berries. But you need to know what fertilizers to use and in what growing period it is best to use them.

Despite the fact that gooseberries are unpretentious crops, they need nutrients. From this article you will learn the best way to feed gooseberries in the spring, before the buds awaken, as well as in the summer, when the bush forms ovaries and fruits.

How to fertilize gooseberries

The question of how to fertilize gooseberries has always interested novice gardeners. One of the best means saltpeter is considered to be used during the first year after planting (Figure 1).

Nitrate feeding is carried out in three stages: the first time after the length of the shoots reaches 5-6 cm, and the remaining stages of adding nutrients fall during the flowering and fruiting period and are carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Note: For two- and three-year-old plants, the amount of nitrate is increased to 300 grams per plant. The first half of the drug is applied in early spring, before the kidneys awaken, and the rest in May.

During planting, potassium and phosphorus preparations must be added. If this is not done, these substances will be available later (for one bush, 100 g of potassium salt and superphosphate). The product should be dispersed evenly onto the soil around the bush, but at a distance of at least half a meter from the roots.

Potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen substances are added annually from the fourth year of the bush’s life. For this you can use ammonium nitrate(60 grams per bush), urea (40-45 grams per plant). Of the phosphorus, double superphosphate (50-60 g per bush) is best suited.

Note: It is important to remember that for acidic soils, superphosphate is replaced with thermophosphate or superthomasin.

Potassium preparations are represented by wood ash (300-400 g) and potassium sulfate (50-80 g). High percentage potassium salts (100 g) are also used.

Figure 1. Types of fertilizers for crops

Organic matter has a positive effect on growth and fruiting. It is appropriate to use humus mulching, since the roots of the crop are shallow and can receive all the necessary nutrients from the mulch. You can also use rotted manure or compost for mulching.

Shrubs planted on depleted soil are fed with organic liquid substances. This procedure is carried out twice: the first time after flowering, and the second time after picking the berries. Before use, all organic fertilizers are diluted with water. For example, mullein in the proportion is 1:5, manure is 1:7, and bird droppings are 1:12. 10 liters will be enough for one bush ready solution. It is recommended to apply it into the furrows dug between the rows.


In the spring, the first application of nutrients for the crop is carried out (Figure 2). During this period, plant activity increases sharply, although the rest horticultural crops are just beginning to awaken. In spring, the most necessary component is nitrogen, so urea or ammonium nitrate is added during this period.

The second application of drugs is carried out in May. It was during this period appearance shrub, you can determine what nutrients it lacks. Most often, vitamin deficiency is accompanied by wilting and falling of the lower leaves. IN in this case It is best to feed the crops with a solution of water, urea and chicken manure.

The third feeding is carried out throughout the summer. At this time, slurry is added at regular intervals. Its composition should include humus (3-5 kg), wood ash (200 grams) and water (10 liters). All components should be mixed and left for 6 hours.

One bush will need approximately 8 liters of ready-made solution, which is applied into the furrows between the plants. This kind of feeding promotes good development of the root system and promotes fruit filling.


The bushes must be hilled before fruiting begins, and the soil around them is loosened and watered abundantly. In the spring, the first root feeding is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers.

Figure 2. Time frame for spring feeding

When the first leaves appear on the bushes, you need to re-apply useful substances using urea or nitroammophoska. After adding these substances, watering must be carried out. At the beginning of flowering, root feeding is also carried out by adding potassium sulfate or wood ash under the bushes. At the beginning of fruiting, organic matter is used.

In the fall, to prepare the bushes for winter, the soil around the bushes is sprinkled with peat, humus or sawdust.

As the crop grows and yields increase, the need for nutrients also increases. In order for plants to regularly produce a harvest of juicy berries, it is necessary not only to fertilize, but also to follow some rules for fertilizing shrubs.

Firstly, after each application of preparations, the soil is watered so that nutrients reach the roots more quickly. Secondly, you need to carry out regular but careful loosening of the soil. Since the roots of the plant are shallow, you need to loosen them very carefully so as not to damage them.

Fertilizing gooseberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

Despite the fact that gooseberries are unpretentious crops, they respond positively to mineral supplements.

Among the best mineral preparations it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Nitrogen They are most suitable for spring, since such substances stimulate the growth of shoots and the formation of new fruit buds.
  • Potassium improve the quality of berries and increase harvest volumes. Most often, potassium salts are used for this purpose, but they can be successfully replaced with wood ash.
  • Chlorine and phosphorus They are most often applied in the fall so that the bush has time to accumulate a sufficient amount of nutrients before winter.

It is worth considering that young and mature plants require different amounts. nutritional components, because the more intensively a plant bears fruit, the more nutrients it needs.

The video provides a detailed overview of mineral fertilizers that can be used to feed crops.

Organic fertilizers for gooseberries in spring

It is important for a young seedling to ensure a high level of nutrients in the soil, so in the first year the seedling is fed up to five times. This amount of feeding will help young plant take root, grow stronger and develop resistance to disease.

To do this, apply up to three liters of organic fertilizer to each bush.(Figure 3):

  • First feeding: A liter jar of potato peelings is added to a bucket of boiling water, wrapped, and then cooled to 50 degrees. A glass of ash is added to the hot infusion and while the liquid is still hot, it is poured under the bush. It is best to carry out a similar procedure in early April.
  • Second feeding: During the flowering period, liquid from grass with the addition of manure is added under the bush. This product can also be used to spray plants. This way you will not only provide culture with access to nutrients, but also protect it from powdery mildew.
  • Third feeding: During the period of setting berries, water the bush with a mixture of grass.
  • Fourth feeding: when the harvest is harvested, the bush is watered with vermicompost (a bucket of water room temperature 1 glass of vermicompost, which can be adjusted for 24 hours).

Figure 3. Types organic fertilizers for fertilizing crops

The fifth feeding is carried out, if necessary, in October to prepare the bush for winter. Place two buckets of compost under each bush.

For acidic and neutral soils good fertilizer wood ash is used. It contains a large number of microelements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and zinc (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Using wood ash for fertilizing

Ash is well suited for pest and disease control. For prevention, plants are sprayed with a solution of sifted ash (300g of ash is boiled for half an hour, settled, filtered and diluted with water to 10 liters). Spraying is carried out in calm weather in the evening two or three times a month.


Manure and chicken droppings are considered valuable fertilizers, but they must be diluted with water. For example, a bucket of water will require 5 kg of manure. The liquid must be infused and used for irrigation. For one bush, 15 liters of solution is enough. Two similar feedings are carried out during the summer.

You will find more information about growing large gooseberries and feeding the crop in the video.