Which pot is best to plant a money tree in? How to activate money tree? Video: saving the money tree

Money Tree It has long become a popular indoor plant and, according to the name, is of interest to every housewife. This flower promises help in wealth and prosperity, which means you need to keep it in proper form and be able to propagate it at home. The easiest way to propagate the crassula is by planting the shoot correctly.

Crassula and Crassula are other names for the money tree, which is native to South Africa.

The money tree will need support over time

Enough unpretentious plant has a number of features:

  • Crassula does not like waterlogged soil.
  • The plant does not tolerate heavy soil and an incorrectly selected pot.
  • The money tree needs to form a crown - pinching the leaves.
  • The plant does not respond well to frequent fertilization.
  • Crassula should not be placed in the shade.
  • Reproduction of Crassula at home

    Money tree can be propagated different ways: cuttings, seeds, shoots and leaves.

    How to propagate Crassula from cuttings

    The simplest and quick way propagation of the money tree - by cuttings. This will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. It is necessary to perform a series of sequential actions.

  • It is enough to break off a twig from a well-formed plant, and the cutting is ready. The shoot should be chosen in a vertical shape so that it will grow in the future. beautiful tree. Optimal size cuttings are from 5 to 10 cm.
  • The lower leaves of the cuttings need to be broken off; roots will subsequently form in their place. Moreover, if the shoot already has aerial roots, then the rooting process will go faster. However, their presence is not at all necessary.
  • Place the prepared cuttings in a glass of water. To speed up the process, you can use a root formation stimulator, for example, Zircon, adding 4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water (according to the instructions). The glass should be transparent, and it is advisable to place it on a windowsill on the sunny side. Change the water as necessary, and after 10–14 days the sprout will have roots.
  • Rooting in the ground

    Crassula cuttings can be rooted directly in the soil:

  • Powder the cut area of ​​the prepared cutting with charcoal and leave the cutting to dry in the open air for a day.
  • Pour a layer of expanded clay into a small container with a drainage hole. For planting, prepare a soil mixture: mix equal amounts of garden soil and sand. Pour the resulting soil into a container.
  • In the center of the pot, use a pencil to make a depression (3–4 cm) and place the cutting in it. Lightly compact the soil around the shoot and moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Water the sprout with settled water as the soil dries.
  • The cutting will take root in 2–3 weeks, and it is recommended to transplant it into a larger container after six months.
  • How to plant a shoot

  • Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  • pour nutrient soil. It can be replaced with garden soil mixed in half with sand. In this case, it is better to disinfect the soil in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • In the center of the earthen clod, make a small depression in which to place the cutting.
  • Level the layer of soil and compact it lightly.
  • For planting, you need to choose the right pot: you should not select it for future use, taking into account the future size of the adult plant, but it is better to plant it in a small container with a diameter of 7–10 cm. This way, the money tree will have the opportunity to quickly take root and grow. After a year, it can already be transplanted into a larger flowerpot.

    Growing from a leaf

    A fairly simple method of propagation is to grow a money tree from a leaf.

  • You can cut any leaf or take a fallen one, but it should not be old and flabby. Any Crassula leaf will do.

    Any Crassula leaf is suitable for rooting.

  • Place it in a shallow container with water to the middle and wait for the roots to appear.
  • Plant the leaf with roots in a small pot with fertile light soil, compact the soil around it. Water 2 times a week with a small amount of settled water. In a month, the leaf will have time to take root and immediately begin to grow.

    It will take about a month for the leaf to root.

  • Propagation by seeds

    Crassula can be grown from seeds, although this method is more labor-intensive.

  • Seeds are sown in a small container with seedling soil. Optimal temperature indoors should be 20–25 °C. Bottom heating for the seed container is not required.

    Crassula seeds are sown in special containers for seedlings

  • The planted seeds are covered with polyethylene, and if there is a mini-greenhouse, then with a lid. Every day, the seeds are watered with settled water from a spray bottle and the greenhouse is left open for an hour. Ventilation allows the soil to dry out a little and become saturated with oxygen, after which the seeds are covered again.
  • When shoots appear, remove the polyethylene or cover and continue systematic watering. Rooted shoots are transplanted.

    Rooted shoots will need to be transplanted

  • Reproduction of the Crassula - video

    Proper plant care

    To ensure that the money tree always looks healthy and blooming, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • The money tree loves to be in the sun, but also tolerates light partial shade;
  • mature plant does not like abundant watering, otherwise the foliage will begin to actively fall off and you may get sick root system;
  • The tree should be watered in small portions once a week, and winter time reduce watering to twice a month;
  • It is enough to apply fertilizers once a month and only during the growing season;
  • spraying with melt water will emphasize the beautiful glossy shade of the Crassula leaf;
  • V summer time The flower will grow more actively in the fresh air.
  • The flowering of a money tree is quite rare, but if it happens, consider yourself lucky. A blooming money tree portends good luck and wealth to its owner in the near future.

    The fat woman is easy to care for, reproduces easily and is considered a talisman family hearth. It is also interesting to grow a plant for the sake of stimulating flowering, which will herald quick wealth and financial well-being.

    The tree known as the money tree has a scientific name - Crassula or Crassula. This home culture has gained popularity in most countries, each of which calls it differently. For example, in Poland the flower is called the “tree of happiness”, in the Czech Republic - “ home tree”, and in Slovakia - “family tree”. It is a common belief that Crassula attracts finances and good luck to the home. In addition, it is known that in order to perform the functions of a talisman, a flower must be grown with one’s own hand. Having studied the information on the topic: Money tree, how to plant a shoot, anyone will be able to grow this wonderful home plant.

    Money tree description

    Crassula is an unpretentious house tree, has a thick, woody stem and foliage shaped like money coins. Belongs to the genus Succulents, numbering over 300 varieties. The bush can have two types of trunk: creeping and straight. In a natural environment, the height of a tree can vary from 3 cm to 5 meters. Depending on the varietal variety, the foliage can be of different shapes and colors, 4-7 cm in length.

    The indoor plant blooms with large white or white-pink flowers that gather in a semi-umbrella. The tree blooms quite rarely, approximately at 7-10 years of age. During flowering, the inflorescences fill the room with a persistent sweet aroma.

    Interesting! Any pair of leaves is located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the previous one.


    The tree comes from hot Africa. Thanks to its homeland, the culture acquired such characteristics as endurance and unpretentiousness. A seedling can develop independently, even if the rules of care are violated. There are few varietal plant species in the wild. Most in demand among connoisseurs indoor plants Crassula silvery and tree-like. However, achieving flowering at home is quite difficult. But if the tree blooms, then this is a sign of success and prosperity.

    Features of reproduction

    There are three ways to propagate the crassula: seeds, cuttings, leaves. The method of cuttings is recognized as the most understandable and effective. When using this method, the seedlings quickly take root and adapt to the growing conditions. A couple of months after planting, a healthy, full-fledged plant develops.

    The method of propagation by leaves is considered one of the most troublesome. This feature is associated with frequent rotting of the prepared material. In addition, the formation of roots and germination of children takes a long time.

    Propagation by seed is the most difficult and time-consuming method, and given the low probability of the tree flowering, it is also practically impossible. If you still manage to collect the seed, then germinating it is very problematic.

    Informative! For adherents of the seed propagation method, there is an automatic seed germinator - sprouter.

    How to plant a money tree shoot at home

    Even a novice in floriculture who has not previously delved into the details of breeding can cope with planting and cultivating a magic bush flower crops. Crassula takes root well both from a leaf and from a small shoot.

    Preparation of planting material

    Initially, a cutting is cut from the mother plant. To do this, use a clean, sharp knife. Then the selected cuttings are dried for 48 hours at room temperature. To prevent infection, the cut site is sprinkled with sharpened charcoal.

    Soil selection and preparation

    In its homeland, Crassula grows in soil with a large amount of sand in its composition. Also, the soil should be loose and free-flowing. When cultivating at home, it is necessary to provide the flower with conditions that are as similar as possible to natural environment a habitat. To propagate the crop, it is recommended to use a purchased substrate specialized for growing cacti or plants belonging to the genus of succulents.

    When you need to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is recommended to combine three components: medium-grained sand, peat and sheet soil in proportion (3:2:2). To ensure full air passage through the soil mixture, a soil loosening agent (vermiculite or perlite) should be added.

    Remember! Any variety of Crassula does not tolerate dense, poorly drained soil. It is this kind of soil that causes moisture retention in the area where the roots lie.

    Which pot is better to choose

    The container for planting must be selected carefully, with special care. The selected container directly affects the rate of formation of the root system and adaptation of the seedling in the soil. This attention to the planting pot is due quite rapid growth a tree capable of growing a thick, heavy crown. And if the root system is poorly or insufficiently developed, it will be difficult for a weighty plant to stay on the surface.

    Experienced flower growers recommend choosing a heavy, roomy, fairly deep container for the first year of seedling growth. The best option There will be ceramic or clay flower pots with a wide neck. This choice is due to the specifics of the quickly forming and rather superficially located roots of the succulent family.

    You need to know that plants from the succulent family do not require frequent replanting, especially for an adult, heavily overgrown bush. The larger the propagation container, the faster the seedling will grow green mass.

    Advice! During the first two years of growth, it is recommended to replant a young reed seedling once a year, choosing a container with a slightly larger diameter.

    Landing time

    Some flower growers claim that if you follow the timing of planting seedlings, you can very quickly wait for the crop to bloom. For example, Crassula spatula will bloom when planted in early to mid-spring. Crassula Schmidt - after the landing in March. The Crassula fringe variety will bloom after planting in early summer.

    Landing rules

    To properly plant a money tree seedling, you need to know and follow several simple but extremely important rules:

    • for rooting, the petiole separated from the mother bush is immersed in a container with settled water and kept for several days at room temperature;
    • for rooting in a nutrient substrate, it is important to maintain the “greenhouse effect” and watering through a tray;
    • to reduce the time for root system formation experienced flower growers It is recommended to treat the petiole cut with a growth stimulator (Kornevin or Heteroauxin);
    • a layer of drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the planting container;
    • it is important to remember about the planting depth, which directly depends on the size of the petiole;
    • According to average indicators, the shoots are buried 40-60 mm into the soil.

    The last stage of planting is filling the container with soil. It is extremely important not to compact the soil for Crassula. After planting, the soil is watered abundantly with settled water, and the substrate will sag under its own weight. After this, you can additionally sprinkle with nutrient soil.

    Know! The flower does not need regular spraying. In spring and summer, it is enough to wipe the fleshy greens with a damp cloth, removing accumulated dust and slightly moistening the leaves.

    Technology of planting a shoot

    Planting shoots magical plant possible in several ways. General technology is the same for all methods, only there are small nuances.

    Without spines

    There is a situation in which the shoot needs to be quickly planted in a container or the petiole does not produce roots for a long time. In this case, you can plant the shoot directly into the substrate. To the bottom flower pot a drainage layer is laid out. The container is filled with a nutrient mixture. Next, a small depression is made in the substrate, a petiole is planted and sprinkled with soil. After planting, the seedling is covered with a glass container. The container is not removed until the first sprouts appear. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, preferably through a tray.

    in winter

    The optimal time for planting reeds is considered to be spring and summer. However, planting can be done at other times of the year. The main thing to remember is that in winter, biological processes slow down in all crops. Consequently, it may take a little longer for the planting to take root and develop. It is also important to provide the necessary microclimate for the plant, observing the required temperature regime and soil moisture.

    Important! IN winter period it is necessary to protect the young tree from sudden temperature changes and drafts. You should not place a container with fatty mushrooms in close proximity to heating appliances.

    In water

    When growing petioles, water is used as an intermediate step. Leaves and petioles are germinated in a container with water for further transfer to the pot. Do not leave seedlings in containers with water for too long. The longer they stay there, the more the root system will grow, which in the future can cause some difficulties with the growth and development of the plant.

    With roots

    The prepared container with drainage holes is half filled with substrate. Carefully place the seedling without pressing it, so as not to damage the young roots. Holding it, sprinkle the shoot in a circle with soil. The petiole should be placed directly in the center of the flower pot. When planting several seedlings in a long container, it is necessary to maintain a proportional distance between each of them. After planting, the plantings are watered with settled water at room temperature.

    According to feng shui

    The preparation and planting of the shoot from the biological side remains unchanged for Feng Shui adherents. Otherwise, it is generally accepted that a stolen shoot will bring more luck than one bought or given as a gift. According to Feng Shui beliefs, the container for planting should be black, red, brown or burgundy. You can also choose gold or silver tones. It is recommended to plant on the waxing Moon; Wednesday is considered a favorable day.

    Interesting! Followers of the teaching believe that when planting a shoot it is important to say magic words: “For you to grow, I have enough to bloom.” This is my will - it will be so!”

    How to plant a shoot to attract money

    Most Crassula owners believe that to attract cash flow one proper care looking after the plant is not enough. It is important to plant and speak a flower correctly in order to comply with ancient beliefs about wealth.

    In order to ensure well-being in the family, when planting a shoot, you must follow some tips:

    1. When landing, pay attention to the current phase of the moon. Planting a tree on a waning moon is a bad omen.
    2. The flower itself is not a carrier of the energy of wealth and prosperity. The plant receives all its energy from the outside. Therefore, it is best to get the shoot from people with a good level of income.
    3. During boarding they say the phrase “I attract money. I'm getting rich. My income is increasing."
    4. It is important during the disembarkation process not to be distracted by extraneous conversations or actions.
    5. A few coins must be placed at the bottom of the container, thereby attracting cash flow.
    6. Water for the money tree can be infused with gold or silver for three days. It is important not to use jewelry for these purposes - they already have their own, not always positive energy. It's better to use coins.

    Remember! Gold coins and red ribbons serve as additional talisman for attracting money. They are hung on the leaves of the flower, creating an additional flow of financial energy.

    Signs and superstitions

    There is a lot associated with the miracle plant folk beliefs. The most important thing is that in order to preserve good luck and prosperity in the family, you cannot give a tree you grew yourself to strangers. Whether this is actually true is unknown, and the opinions of cultural owners on this matter vary. Some claim that the omen is true and has been tested for personal experience. The rest are sure that the plant, donated from a pure heart and with a pure soul, will return wealth and success in double quantity. In any case, share your shoots money talisman or not, it is up to the owner to decide. If you want to present this crop, you can plant a seedling in advance, grow it and give it as a gift. Then your tree will not suffer, and good luck and prosperity will not leave your home.

    Feng Shui teachings claim that the flower lures good luck and material stability into the home. The larger a tree grows, the more positively charged energy is contained in its trunks and foliage. Consequently, it attracts more prosperity to the family. Some flower growers are confident that Crassula can unite with its owner. If it gets sick, the bush gets sick at the same time, and sometimes even dies.

    Whatever the name of this wonderful flower, it will still attract prosperity to the house. Regardless of whether its owner believes in magical properties or not, in the eyes of friends and acquaintances it’s gorgeous Blooming tree will become a reason for envy. And to achieve such a result, it is important to have information on the issue: how to plant a shoot of a money tree.

    The money tree has long been considered a magnet for financial energy. For prosperity to come to your home, you need to plant the plant correctly.

    Some plants attract happiness, love and prosperity. These include Crassula, or money tree. Experts on the site suggest everyone to grow a plant that will help get rid of financial problems. It is important to plant it yourself, and not to purchase a ready-made one that has already taken root.

    It is best to “steal” the fat woman. A couple of leaves can be plucked from any plant, because they are often displayed in organizations. It is believed that sprouts taken from places related to finance are the best to bring money into the house: an accounting office, a bank, a store. Bring the leaves home and place them in a container of water until the plant takes root.

    The landing rules are simple. First you need to prepare the soil mixture, then place drainage in the pot and throw in a couple of charmed coins. Say:

    “Just as coins remain underground, giving strength to my tree, endowing it with the energy of wealth, so in my house the finances will not run out.”

    You need to plant a money tree in the ground when the Moon is growing, saying:

    “The tree fills with strength and takes root in the ground. Just as the roots cling to the coins, I won’t have problems with money.”

    Water the tree with water infused with coins during the waxing moon, and also do not forget to feed it, say kind words and take care of it, wiping dust from the leaves. Encourage the Fat Woman to attract monetary energy into your home.

    Next to the planted plant you can put symbols of wealth: a bill, a wallet, Chinese coins or a money toad. Crassula is able to bloom, and then you can expect big money luck. In this case, you can purchase a lottery ticket and charm it to win. Good luck and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    05.10.2018 01:12

    Most plants have strong energy and can not only recreate the atmosphere of nature in your home, ...

    According to Feng Shui, wealth can be attracted to the home with the help of the money tree - the Crassula. This is an indoor...

    Crassula (or money tree) is a shrub popular among Feng Shui lovers, a prominent representative of the genus of succulents. This plant is quite unpretentious in care, easy to trim and form a crown. Planting a money tree is as easy as growing a big fat tree, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

    Preparatory stage

    The planting process must begin with preparing the soil, the pot and the plant itself. Even the most experienced person cannot grow a money tree at home. experienced gardener, if the wrong soil mixture is chosen, or if the planting vessel is of the wrong size.

    All indoor plants have their own standards for watering and fertilizing in the first days of life in open ground, days favorable for planting and correct microclimatic living conditions.

    It is possible to grow a beautiful money tree only if each of these aspects is observed.

    Preparing a pot for planting

    Many inexperienced gardeners neglect choosing a pot, believing that other than size, there is not much difference between them, and they plant plants anywhere. In practice, a succulent has a number of requirements for a vessel:

    1. Size. The pot must be large and voluminous enough so that the root system can develop properly. A young plant (formed from a cutting) is planted in a shallow vessel (6-7 centimeters). A two-year-old succulent requires a pot twice as large.
    2. Material. Crassula roots love heat, so these plants are grown in pots that can retain heat. Properly prepared ceramics are best suited for these purposes.
    3. Weight. The money tree grows upward, and a heavy, voluminous crown is formed on the thick trunk. Because of this, an adult plant can overhang its pot and constantly fall. To prevent this from happening, the weight of the vessel must exceed the weight of the plant.
    4. Peculiarities. A succulent planted in a pot often has problems with soil moisture. To avoid this, you need to buy vessels with holes in the bottom. They are designed to ensure that excess moisture does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot and does not destroy the root system, but flows into the pan.

    Soil preparation

    In order to plant Crassula correctly, you need to select and prepare the correct substrate and drainage. More often ready-made mixtures can be purchased in specialized stores, but sometimes these soils require additional processing.

    The first step is to collect the drainage. Most often, its role is played by large brick chips or small pebbles. Its layer should be at least 1-3 centimeters (proportional to the size of the pot). Before laying on the bottom, the selected material must be left in the oven for 2-3 hours at 200 degrees. This helps destroy all harmful bacteria.

    The next step is choosing the soil. In order to grow a fat plant with a thick trunk and form a tree from it, you need to choose nutritious, loose and low-nitrogen soil. If there is no special mixture for succulents in the store, you can prepare it yourself from:

    1. Leaf or turf soil.
    2. River sand.
    3. Brick chips.
    4. Peat.

    Each of the components is mixed into the substrate in equal quantities. After this, the soil must be heated in the oven for 1-2 hours at 200 degrees. Crassula can only be planted in cooled soil.

    How to plant a money tree correctly

    Selecting a Method correct landing the money tree depends on how the baby was formed. There are several ways to get a new succulent:

    1. From a leaf.
    2. From a cutting.
    3. From a shoot.
    4. From part of the root system.

    The easiest way to make a money tree is from a leaf. Crassula leaves are easily separated from the branch. Afterwards they are laid out on paper and dried for 2-3 days to evaporate excess moisture. Next, the leaf is immersed in water for 1-2 weeks until the root system appears. Planting this type of children is difficult only because it takes a lot of time to form a solid stem, and the plant is susceptible to disease at first.

    Growing a succulent from a cutting or shoot is much easier than from a leaf or root. Thanks to the already formed hard stem, such a plant is more resistant to diseases and external irritants. The cutting, unlike the shoot, does not have foliage, so although it spends additional time on its formation, it takes root in the ground faster.

    You can plant a shoot without roots or with already formed roots, but it cannot be placed in water to form a root system. If a gardener is afraid to plant a child in open ground just like that, you can use the method “ air layering" When the roots form directly on the branch, the shoot along with them is separated from the mother plant and placed in the soil.

    Planting succulents from roots is the most difficult. It is necessary to take young sections of the root system, which grow and develop quickly, together with one old root, which will provide them with vitality. To form such a succulent, the plant needs a lot of vitality, so after the first shoots appear, they need to be transplanted into fresh soil rich in nutrients.

    Subtleties of care after planting

    The rules for caring for the baby plant after planting depend on how the baby was formed, whether it has its own root system, or whether it will mature in the soil.

    Succulents planted from leaves are watered according to the standard schedule - once every 5 days, but are fertilized much more often than other children. They need feeding at least once a week. Fertilizer is mixed into water for irrigation. You can irrigate the soil only with liquid room temperature.

    Succulents grown from a piece of the root system also need abundant fertilizer. At the same time, such a baby cannot be overfilled with water, so watering becomes less frequent. You need to irrigate the soil once every 7 days, each time adding fertilizer to the liquid.

    Succulents grown from a shoot are planted in moist soil so that new roots can quickly form. Before the plant takes root, the soil is watered once every 3-4 days. You don’t need a lot of fertilizing; it’s enough to add fertilizer to the water once every 7-8 days.

    Money trees from cuttings are the easiest to care for. After being placed in open ground, they immediately switch to the care regime of an adult plant, the main thing is to protect the baby from drafts and do not forget to irrigate it on time.

    The first flowering period of a new plant is the most crucial and dangerous moment for the fat plant after planting. During these weeks, double watering and frequent feeding are required.

    Planting a money tree correctly is not difficult, as is caring for it, if you follow the following steps: simple rules. Crassula loves warmth, moderate watering and hates drafts. If taken for a money tree best soil, choose the right pot and devote enough time to caring for it, even a novice gardener will get a wonderful indoor flower.

    There are several ways to propagate a money tree, the simplest and most effective of which is considered to be propagation by cuttings. A stem cutting separated from an adult plant can be germinated either in water, followed by replanting in the ground, or directly in the ground. The first roots with both options, as a rule, appear within a week; complete rooting can take from one to two months.

    When is the best time to do this?

    Crassula can be planted year-round. Nevertheless, winter for the money tree is a period of rest, and in spring and summer active growth and development of new leaves and shoots begins. Therefore, planting carried out in spring or early summer has a better chance of being successful.

    What capacity will you need?

    To plant a money tree, it is recommended to choose shallow, wide pots, the diameter of which should approximately correspond to the size of the plant’s crown. The material from which the pot is made is not of fundamental importance; both clay or ceramic pots and plastic ones are suitable for Crassula.

    To root the cuttings, you need to choose a small container, even a regular one will do a plastic cup, since after a year the young plant will have to be replanted in any case.

    Choosing land for a flower

    A special soil for cacti and succulents is best suited for a money tree; you can also use a universal soil for indoor plants, diluting it with sand in a 3:1 ratio. If desired, you can prepare the soil yourself; to do this, you need to mix 3 parts of leaf soil and 1 part each of turf soil and sand.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to plant Crassula at home

    As mentioned earlier, the easiest and most universal way to grow a money tree is to plant a cutting of an adult plant in separate pot. But this method is far from the only one. There are three main methods of growing Crassula at home::

    • stem cuttings;
    • leaf cuttings;
    • seeds.

    The latter method, however, is used quite rarely, since when kept indoors, the money tree almost never blooms, and getting its seeds can be difficult.

    Stem cutting

    There are two main ways to germinate money tree cuttings:

    • in water;
    • in the ground.

    The first method is considered more reliable, since when planted in the ground the cutting already has a root system, but in some cases, when germinated in water, the cutting withers and rots.

    The procedure for planting a money tree shoot is practically the same regardless of the presence or absence of roots:

    1. The container selected for planting is approximately one-third filled with a drainage layer (for example, expanded clay).
    2. The remaining space is filled with soil, after which the soil must be slightly moistened without compacting.
    3. A small depression is made in the center, into which a cutting is placed to a depth of about 3 cm and sprinkled with earth.

      Important! If the shoot already has roots, it is very important not to damage them when planting, since a healthy root system will provide the greatest guarantee that the young plant will take root successfully.

    4. To ensure that the planted cuttings do not tilt or fall, you can additionally install supports.
    5. The small money tree pot should be placed in a warm, well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight.
    6. As the soil dries out, it needs to be moistened; for better development of the root system, you can use a solution of root or succinic acid.

    Once new leaves begin to appear on the young plant, we can say with confidence that the rooting process was successful.

    We invite you to watch a video about planting a Crassula cutting:


    Rooting a money tree leaf takes much longer than germinating a cutting, but it is still quite effective method plant propagation.

    In addition to leaf cuttings, the money tree can also propagate by children - these are leaves or small shoots that have roots when they are on the mother tree. When they fall, the children can take root on their own in a pot next to an adult plant.

    Reference! A baby is a miniature plant; when planted, the chances of rooting are almost 100%.

    The algorithm for planting a leaf does not differ significantly from the procedure for planting a cutting, with the only difference being that the leaf must be sprinkled with soil by about a third, and the result will have to wait much longer - the rooting process can take about 2 months, and the first leaves even more shoots will appear even later.

    We invite you to watch a video about planting Crassula using a leaf:


    Mostly propagation using seeds is used for selection and breeding of hybrids, since this method requires much more time and effort.

    However, there are always enthusiasts for whom it is important to start everything from scratch and follow life path plants from the very first leaf.

    Here's how to do it right if you have money tree seeds and want to plant them yourself at home:

    1. Soil is poured into a small, thoroughly disinfected container (special soil for cacti and succulents, or a mixture of leaf soil and sand in a 2:1 ratio).
    2. Crassula seeds are very small; they are scattered evenly over the surface and then sprinkled with sand.
    3. Moisten the container a little, then cover the top with glass or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
    4. An improvised greenhouse must be ventilated daily.

    If everything is done correctly, after 3-4 weeks the first shoots will begin to appear; they must be planted in a container with a substrate consisting of leaf soil, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

    The seedlings are placed in a warm, well-lit place so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. After the seedlings reach 7 cm in height, they can be planted in separate pots.


    In the photo you can see what a young Crassula plant looks like in a pot.

    How to properly care for a young plant?

    Despite the fact that the money tree is considered an unpretentious plant, we should not forget that young plant more careful care is needed, otherwise it may simply die.

    Conditions for successful rooting:

    • Crassula does not like direct sunlight; it can cause burns on the leaves, but the plant tolerates partial shade well.
    • Watering should be done as the substrate dries in small portions. In the summer, water the plant once a week, in the cold season no more than once a month.

      Important! An excess of moisture has a negative effect on the money tree; it quickly begins to wither and rot; brown spots. This plant tolerates a little drought better than overwatering.

    • Be sure to use for planting suitable soil, otherwise the rooting process may take much longer, the plant will be weakened and may begin to hurt.
    • Fertilizers are not required for the first 8 months after planting; later you can use universal fertilizers for cacti and succulents, reducing the recommended concentration by 2-3 times.
    • For more active growth plants and root system development, you can use the solution once every 2 months succinic acid and root.

    After about a year, the money tree can be transplanted into a more spacious pot; in the future, replanting is carried out as the plant grows, on average once every 2-3 years.

    The money tree is easily propagated by cuttings and leaves., even a beginner can do this. Seed propagation takes much longer and is impractical at home. Regardless of the choice of propagation method, if successful, the result will please the grower for many years.