Standards for hot water temperature. Standards for hot water temperature in an apartment building. Application of thermostatic mixers

Such amenities as heat, gas, electricity and water are perceived by us as components of the usual comfort of a city dweller. It’s especially difficult for us without hot water, which is sometimes planned to be turned off.

But what if hot water can only be called that because it comes from the appropriate tap. In fact, it is slightly warm, but not hot at all. Let's look at the standards and find out what temperature it should be.

Hot water temperature standard according to SNiP

Temperature conditions of hot water supplied to water supply systems apartment building, are established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, SNIPs and GOSTs.

SanPiN Decree lists the following hot water standards:

  • at least 60 degrees in an open heating system;
  • at least 50 degrees in a closed heating system;
  • no higher than 75 degrees, regardless of the system.

The lower threshold is set in a range that allows you to protect water from pathogenic bacteria. If the upper limit (75 degrees) is exceeded for any reason, this may result in failure of the plastic water supply system. These are the systems now in every modern home.

The temperature of hot water from the tap should not be lower than 60 0 C and not higher than 75 0 C

It is worth noting that in legislation you can find permissible deviations in hot water temperature. They should not be more than:

  • three degrees during the daytime;
  • five degrees at night.

If the deviations are greater than the specified values, consumers have the right to demand a reduction in fees. When the water in a hot tap does not reach 40 degrees in temperature, its cost should be calculated according to the standard, as for cold water supply.

How to measure the temperature of hot water in a tap

Before filing a complaint and requesting measurements, you can independently monitor the temperature of the water from the hot tap. To do this, you first need to open the tap and let the water flow for two to three minutes. This is necessary so that the water in the water supply system takes on a constant temperature. Then it is collected in a container where the thermometer is immersed. You can use a regular water appliance.

After the temperature on the thermometer becomes constant, write it down and take a series of measurements at other times of the day. When, during all measurements taken, the instrument column shows a temperature below the standard, you should contact management company.

What to do if the DHW supply is not normal

It is necessary to report a discrepancy between the water temperature and the specified standards based on the results of measurements taken, since you pay for the resource and have the right to demand compliance with the standards. The management company must accept applications both in writing and by telephone.

All actions aimed at identifying the causes of violations must be recorded by the dispatcher. He, in turn, is obliged to notify the applicant about the work being carried out on the water supply line. If there are no problems on the water supply line, a representative of the management company (MC) is obliged to come to the address specified in the application and take measurements. The estimated exit time is set at two hours unless otherwise agreed with the applicant.

In the process of taking measurements in the presence of a representative of the management company, all thermometer readings are recorded in a report. This document must be completed. It is on this basis that you can demand a recalculation of the payment for hot water supply. Two copies are drawn up: one for the applicant, the second for the Criminal Code.

If the temperature regime is violated regularly and repeatedly, the consumer has the right to contact utility service with a complaint. It will definitely be considered, but it is important to draw up the document correctly and argue the problem as clearly as possible.

Main points of complaint:

  1. In the header, in addition to the organization and the official to whom it is addressed, you must indicate your data: full name, full registration address, contact phone number.
  2. The text must contain all the information about the problem indicating the measurements taken. Data is taken from the act drawn up jointly with the representative of the management company. The date when the measurements were taken, the temperature as measured by the device and the representative’s data must be indicated. Here you can indicate the dates of requests and visits on this issue.
  3. Finally, the complaint states requirements to eliminate the causes of deviations from the standards.
  4. The complaint is sealed with the signature of the interested person and the date of its preparation.

The complaint can be submitted in printed form or by hand in two copies. One of them is transferred to the management company. In this case, during a personal visit, you can demand to register it in the presence of the applicant and put the entry number on the second copy, which remains in the applicant’s hands.

Sample application for measuring hot water temperature

The period for consideration of a complaint is set at 30 days, although management companies often respond to written requests much faster. A collective complaint may affect the speed of solving the problem if there are several dissatisfied with the quality of the water.

In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, you should contact the state supervision structures - Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

We are accustomed to the amenities that are available in our homes. Electricity, heating, gas - all this an integral part of our comfort.

Hot water is one of the most popular services. You realize this especially acutely in summer season at planned shutdown water, but this lasts a short period.

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What to do if during the year from the tap instead of hot water arrives slightly warm? And what temperature should the water in the tap of an apartment building be? We will talk about the standard hot water temperature in the apartment below.

What should the quality be?

What do SNIPs, GOSTs and SanPins say? In accordance with the Resolution of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SanPiN clause 2.4) certain standards have been introduced on the temperature regime of water delivery to residential premises.

This document specifies the temperature limits for water supplied to apartments. They range from 60°C to 75°C.

It was not in vain that this range was chosen. If the temperature at the entrance to a residential building is above 75°C, then the likelihood of getting burn injuries will increase several times. This is especially true for children's and medical institutions.

At a threshold below 60°C risk of growth of infectious pathogens, such as legionella, increases in warm environments. At 70°C-80°C complete disinfection occurs. An indicator of 40°C promotes best reproduction this bacterium.

The SanPiN Resolution, paragraph 2.2, states that the supplied water is residential buildings must be of high quality: without unpleasant odor, without any aftertaste.

Must be observed compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violations, organizations supplying utility services need to establish the reason for the supply and eliminate it.

Permissible deviation at the point of water collection

Government Resolution No. 354 adopted acceptable standards deviations temperature regime hot water supply:

  • for night time from 00:00 to 05:00 they correspond to 5°C;
  • for daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 – no more than 3°C.

Moreover, if the deviation from the standard is greater than these values, then for every 3°C it is possible demand a reduction in utility bills by 0.1% per hour deviation.

If the device shows a temperature of 40°C and below, then payment must be made according to the standards cold water. But for this it is necessary to have an official measurement certificate confirming the deviation from the norms.

How to write a complaint?

At repeated violation The temperature regime for hot water supply should be sent to utilities.

It is important that this document is drawn up competently and well-reasoned.

In the header of the document, you should correctly indicate which organization and, if the specific name of the responsible person is known, to whose name the complaint is sent.

The title of the complaint is written:

  1. Statement of violation of regulations providing the population with utilities in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, Article 7.23
  2. The text of the statement states essence of the problem. It is necessary to mention the measurement carried out and enter information from the drawn up report: date of conduct, full name of the employee who carried out the measurement, water temperature.
  3. At the end of the text of the complaint, a requirement is written to eliminate the reasons causing failures in the supply of hot water. It is worth pointing out the need to inform the applicant about the work performed.
  4. The document ends with the date of its preparation and the signature of the applicant.

It is important to set the period, for which recalculation must be made.

The beginning of the period is considered to be the date specified in the official act, and the end should be the date when final check completed after eliminating the reasons for filing an inappropriate temperature standards water.

If recalculation is refused, you should go to court.

In cases of violations in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, Article 7.23, persons those found guilty may be subject to fines: for officials the amount of the fine will be from 500 to 1000 rubles, for an organization - from 5000 rubles to 10000 rubles.

Upon payment utilities Every user wants to get a quality product for their money. That is why you should not give up if lukewarm water flows out of the tap.

Knowing the hot water temperature standards, you can try to influence the services supplying utilities: take measurements, draw up a report, make a recalculation, file a complaint with a higher authority.

On the provision of public services for hot water supply of inadequate quality and the reduction of fees for hot water.

There is not enough information about how management companies make money from hot water supply high temperature, you can find out from the video:

Individuals living in different cities of Russia have slightly different temperatures of cold water in their taps. In this regard, the question automatically arises of how many degrees the water should be according to the current state standard, and also why some residents have it colder than others. It will also talk about what measures need to be taken by individuals who are dissatisfied with the temperature, as well as the quality of the water entering their homes.

Since the generator of cold water, which enters the residents’ taps apartment buildings, is a centralized water supply, then its temperature depending on various factors may vary slightly. Such factors include the time of year, how the pipelines are placed, what condition they are in, and many other details. However, there is a general state standard dictating temperature norm water, which must be observed regardless of the circumstances.

It should be noted that the executive authorities have adopted a number of regulations relating to building codes and regulations. This source notes the standards for relative cold water supply to residential premises that must be observed.

Building regulations

In the current Housing Code Russian Federation it is stipulated that residents who systematically pay a certain price for the supply of water resources to their homes must receive them in the amount that they require for comfortable living. In addition, the composition of the water must be safe for human health and not contain any dangerous impurities. However, such a source as building codes and regulations states that residents will be provided with water suitable for drinking only if it is supplied through pipelines that meet all sanitary standards.

IN different regions In the Russian Federation, water quality varies significantly. In this regard, the current legislation stipulates that temperature indicators, depending on certain quality characteristics, may vary slightly in different cities and even regions. Also, the building codes and regulations indicate that during one month there may be no water in the taps of individuals for a total of eight hours. In addition, if residents are denied water supply for more than four consecutive hours on the same day, it is considered an offense.

The heat of water resources generated by the cold main does not in any way affect the level of living comfort of individuals. The same fact applies to sanitary conditions. Regarding the pressure that should be in the cold water supply circuit, the building codes and regulations state that the minimum value of this indicator is 0.03 MP, and the maximum is 0.6 MP.

What GOST says

As for the temperature indicators of cold water supplied to the homes of citizens of the Russian Federation, the state standard says practically nothing on this topic. However, what the quality and composition of water resources should be is described in some detail in this source. The following rules apply regarding the temperature characteristics of cold water:

  • The water temperature depends on the season. In the warm season, the water supplied to residents' taps will be slightly warmer than in cold seasons. This fact is directly related to weather conditions. The water entering a special structure, which is designed to collect water from a source, will be much warmer in summer than in winter. In addition, a hydraulic structure designed to supply and drain water resources in a certain direction, called a water pipeline, is located close to the soil, the temperature of which also affects the temperature of the water.
  • Temperature standards are set by the supplier. Because the current standards legislation did not regulate temperature indicators directly related to cold tap water, then each individual organization that provides services of this nature independently determines these values. In most cases, the minimum limit is set at four degrees Celsius, and the maximum at twenty degrees.

How to achieve an acceptable water temperature

Since in 2019 the cost of using utilities is quite high, the demand from their suppliers is also growing. Thus, if an individual is categorically dissatisfied with the cold water temperature and/or its quality, then he needs to formalize his complaint in writing. This is done in the form of a special act. After this, this document must be noted in the registration log, and the supplier of a particular utility service must review it within three days.

Attention! If the supplier did not react in any way to the drawn up act, which was signed by more than two residents, and the quality of the service provided was not checked, then the document expressing a certain claim is automatically recognized as valid.

How to draw up an act

In order to avoid having to write the entire document by hand, we strongly recommend that you print out its form, which is freely available and is called a “Claim Act,” and enter the relevant information in the blank lines. First of all, in the blank form of the act it is necessary to enter the name of the locality, and then the day, month and year of the conclusion of the document. After this, the following information is indicated:

  1. About the consumer and the performer. If a cold water consumer observes that the supplier is violating the norms of the agreement concluded between them, then he has every right to complain in order to restore justice. First of all, the agreement number is written down, and then the user’s last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the type of specific utility service, the quality of which the individual is dissatisfied with. After this, it specifically lists what the essence of the claims is.
  2. About indicators. Simply expressing your dissatisfaction with the quality of housing or utility services will not be enough. An individual must enter into the act specific quantitative or quality characteristics. For example, in the case under consideration, if the cold water temperature is below the standards specified in the contract with the supplier, then you need to indicate exactly how many degrees it is. In addition, the day, month and year from which the consumer noticed this deterioration is displayed, and the date when the supply of utility services returned to normal is also indicated.
  3. About the drafters of the act. At the bottom of the document there must be information containing information about the positions of the contractor and the consumer, as well as their addresses with contact numbers. Each party must sign the relevant data. The surnames, first names and patronymics of all other consumers who signed this act are also indicated, thereby confirming poor quality this utility service.

After the document is completed, do not forget to make a second copy. Moreover, each copy must contain signatures of both users of this utility service and individual, acting as a representative of the supplier. After submitting the act, the supplier is given exactly three days, during which he has the right to refuse to satisfy the requests set out in the document. If actions of this kind were not taken, then by default it is considered that the supplier agrees with all claims and undertakes to correct itself.

In chronological order of their publications.

The headings of inactive (cancelled) norms are crossed out.

For an abbreviated list, see the end of the file.


see the current Code of Practice SP 30.13330.2012

… 2.2. The temperature of hot water at water intake points should be provided:

a) not lower than 60 °C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50 °C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to " closed systems heat supply;

c) not higher than 75 °C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b”.

Set of rules SP 30.13330.2012


Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85*

"...5.1.2. The temperature of hot water at water points must comply with the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN and, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C."

SanPiN 4723-88

see current SanPiN

(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR in November 1988)

"…1.7. The temperature of hot water in water collection areas, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60°C and no higher than 75°C.

Note. For a hot water supply system made of galvanized pipes with a closed heating system, it is allowed to have a water temperature of no lower than 50°C and no higher than 60°C. Under these conditions, after repair work or eliminating emergency situations in systems, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 75°C for 48 hours."


GOST R 51617-2000.


"… 4.16.3 The temperature of hot water at consumers’ water supply points should be from 50 to 75 °C




"1 area of ​​use

1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations establish hygienic requirements for water quality and the organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as DHW), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied to DHW, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

1.2. These sanitary rules are mandatory for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems...

2. General provisions

…2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot water systems centralized water supply are aimed at:

Prevention of contamination of hot water with highly contagious infectious pathogens of viral and bacterial origin, which can reproduce at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila;...

2.4. The temperature of hot water in water supply points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 C and no higher than 75 C.

3. Requirements for the design, construction, operation of centralized hot water supply systems

3.1.10. When operating the DHW, the water temperature at the water intake points should not be lower than + 60°C, static pressure not less than 0.05 mPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water….


(approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170)

“... 5.3. Hot water supply

5.3.1. ... The temperature of water supplied to water points (taps, mixers) must be at least 60 degrees. C in open systems ah hot water supply and at least 50 degrees. C - in closed. The water temperature in the hot water supply system must be maintained using automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system must be selected from the condition of ensuring the normalized temperature at the water supply points, but not more than 75 degrees. WITH."


see current Post. No. 354

"…Annex 1

…P. 5 Ensuring the temperature of hot water at the point of analysis:

not less than 60°C – for open centralized heating systems;

not less than 50°C – for closed district heating systems;

no more than 75°C - for any heat supply systems"



Annex 1


to the quality of public services

5. ...Ensuring compliance of the hot water temperature at the point of water collection with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN

P.S. There is an interesting document: “DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RF OF MAY 31, 2013 N AKPI13-394”, which, among other things, establishes:

“SanPiN, as follows from the content of its paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements for water quality and the organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as DHW), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied to DHW, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, and is mandatory for execution by all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.

According to the specified SanPiN, the temperature of hot water in places of water supply, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C. These sanitary and epidemiological requirements for centralized hot water supply systems are aimed, among other things, at preventing contamination of hot water by highly contagious infectious pathogens of viral and bacterial origin that can multiply at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila, as well as at preventing skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue, due to the quality of hot water (clauses 2.3 and 2.4).

Thus, Sanitary and epidemiological rules define the requirements for the quality of hot water supplied to consumers when providing public hot water supply services according to an indicator that ensures its safety, such as temperature. This indicator is characterized by a minimum (not lower than 60 °C) and a maximum limit (not higher than 75 °C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature regime, subject to which the quality of the utility service is ensured."

The temperature of hot water in water supply points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 C and no higher than 75 C.


clause 5.1.2 SP 30.13330.2012 “ Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings»

Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85*;

clause 2.4 SANPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems";

5.3.1 « Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock"(approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170);

Clause 5 of Appendix 1 "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Post of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Compiled by housing and communal services specialist Yuri Kalnin

Water supply is certain measures and activities aimed at providing the population, enterprises, various types farms with water for industrial, domestic and drinking needs. Supplying people hot water- this is one of the main components of a comfortable Everyday life. The choice of liquid supply depends on why hot water is needed: central, or through local water heaters.

IN centralized system The water is heated using columns or hydraulic devices. For individual supply of hot water, coils, tanks and other welded containers are used.

Requirements for hot water supply according to SNiP

Building codes that deal with hot water temperatures in buildings are taken from regulatory documents regulating the order of various buildings and structures. This document specifies the supply mode, the temperature of hot water according to SNiP, the operation of boiler rooms, the water supply system and other standards.

According to these standards, the pressure in hot water supply should not exceed 0.6 MPa. The temperature of hot water according to SNiP at water intake points must comply with the following standards:

  • More than 60 degrees – for central water supply systems connected to open views heat supply systems;
  • More than 50 degrees - for central water supply systems connected to closed heating systems;
  • But less than 75 degrees – for absolutely all hot water supply systems.

Water, the temperature of which ranges from 50 to 75 degrees Celsius, can easily wash off fats and disinfect detergents, but supplying water at such a temperature does not make it possible to get burned when the liquid comes into contact with human skin.

Hot water is supplied to the home from the boiler room, where it is pumped by a water pump. Heated in the boiler, water is allowed to flow central pipes to the consumer. The temperature of hot water according to SNiP is from 50 to 75 degrees, the same is supplied for daily hygiene use. And a person can regulate the temperature himself by diluting it with cold water.

Types of water heaters

There are differences in heaters in power, power supply and structure. Of course, if you need hot water supply, in accordance with SNiP standards, then it is better to take a responsible approach to purchasing a water heater. When choosing water heaters, you need to know their two categories:

  • Flow-through;
  • Cumulative.

Flow-through devices heat the liquid, but do not have a reserve. To quickly heat the liquid every time, you need a large number of energy. And this heater must work instantly; when turned on, the temperature of the hot water according to SNiP will correspond to the established rules.

Hot water supply according to SNiP using a gas water heater is the most understandable example of these heaters.

Storage water heaters slowly heat up the required volume, but they consume only 2 kW per hour. A person can consume liquid when he needs. When the valve turns, hot water flows out instantly. But there is also a disadvantage to this type of heater - it is large in size. The volume of liquid held depends on the size of the water heater. Most often, the diameter does not exceed 50 cm, and increasing the volume, the height of the tank increases. The boiler, which holds 50 liters, is 60 cm in height.

In any heater, you can determine the temperature using a thermometer; it is located on the visible side of the device. The hot water temperature according to SNiP strictly corresponds to the degrees on the water heater display.

How much water supply is needed

The hot water supply of SNiP depends on many nuances, including the richness of life and the number of people living in the building. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of building, be it a house or an apartment, hot water supply starts in a short time.

According to existing rules and regulations, 11 minutes are given for a full launch. To put it simply, after 11 minutes, hot water must be available to people in a certain quantity and can be used at several points at the same time.

Water supply calculations must be made taking into account such features of the lives of living people as:

  • Number of persons;
  • Number of bathrooms using hot water;
  • Capacity of plumbing elements (volume of bathroom, etc.);
  • Hot water at what temperature is expected by residents.

Just 20 years ago, people could not dream of hot water supply to private homes, especially outside the city. But at the moment it is quite realistic and even economical.