Pruning a very old pear tree, how many branches to leave. Proper pruning of pears

With the onset of spring, the busy season in the garden begins. Experienced gardeners know that it is important not to miss the very moment when it is necessary to prune fruit trees so that they produce good harvest. was no exception here. She loves timely and correct pruning. Such a tree will provide good yield, protection from diseases and pests, and will also contribute to the normal growth of the tree.

When to start pruning pear trees

Pear is a demanding tree in all respects. She loves fertile and fairly moist soils, and also does not tolerate shade. It is better for the pear to grow on the sunny side; it does not form buds in the shade. Therefore, pear pruning is primarily done to lighten the crown. The pear is very sensitive to temperature changes, so even a slight cooling in early spring can lead to the death of flowers and the entire crop.

It is important to start pruning pear trees in the spring, when severe frosts have already passed, but always before sap flow begins. Usually this is the end of March - beginning of April. It is not advisable to prune pear trees in the fall. This is due to the tree's sensitivity to frost.

To make tree pruning painless, you need to choose a high-quality pruner. It must be sharp. It is recommended to cover the sections with the drug “Rannet”. It can be used to treat all bark damage until it is completely healed.

If your pear is young, you need to trim it to form the correct crown. In the first year, the central trunk of such a pear is cut to one quarter of its length. This way you will stimulate the branching of the crown. The remaining side shoots should be cut off above the first bud. Also, so as not to overload young tree harvest, it is necessary to remove part of the buds. In this case, the fruiting will be of better quality, and the pear will survive the winter more easily.

In a year, it will be necessary to shorten the top of the central trunk by 25 cm, and trim the branches by 5-7 cm. The pear looks like a Christmas tree; its upper branches should be shorter than the lower ones.

Features of pear pruning in spring

In order not to harm the tree, you need to know the basic rules and features of pruning in the spring. Many inexperienced gardeners are mistaken in thinking that pruning a tree does not bring any benefit to it. This opinion is absolutely wrong. Any fruit tree needs to be pruned to provide it with more light. After all, the branches inside the crown lack sun and heat. This causes a fall. In addition, an unpruned tree begins to get sick more often and cannot tolerate frost.

Proper pruning pear harvesting is carried out in several stages. There are three types of pruning: formative, sanitary and supportive.

Sanitary pruning is aimed at removing diseased and dried branches. This is done before the start of the growing season to provide new branches with more light.

The main pruning of pears is carried out from March to April. During this period they shorten large branches so as not to overload them with the harvest. This is a maintenance pruning.

Experts advise using two methods: shortening the shoots and cutting into a ring. The first method accelerates the growth of side shoots and the awakening of buds below the cut. The second method is to trim the branch along a ring roller. Such sections are quickly covered with bark.

Whatever method you use, it is important not to leave stumps on the tree, and also to process the cuts so that pests do not get under the pear bark through them and the tree does not get sick.

How to speed up fruiting by pruning?

All fruit trees begin to bear fruit 3-7 years after planting. Pears produce their first harvest only after 12 years. Therefore, all gardeners are concerned with the question: how to speed up the fruiting process?

Firstly, annual pruning will ensure an early harvest. By pruning branches, you provide the tree with light.

The growth of new shoots distracts the tree from bearing fruit, so in the second half of summer it is necessary to pinch out the growing points. Thanks to this procedure, flower buds are laid, which accelerates the fruiting of the pear.

Various sources advise breaking, cutting branches, crushing, ringing or pulling. But all these methods lead to the death of branches. Eat effective ways the use of early-fruiting varieties, intermediate insertion, etc.

The method of grafting cuttings with a fruit bud has proven itself well. For this, it is better to use 2-3 year old cuttings, since they already produce the first fruits 2-3 years after grafting. When carrying out this procedure, you need to ensure the cleanliness of the sections, quickly connect the grafting components and follow the tying rules.

High-quality and timely pear care is the basis for obtaining a good harvest in the future. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of pruning this fruit tree.

Pear, by its nature, is one of the light-loving plants. For kidney development and good fruiting, it is necessary to provide the tree with good lighting.

If all conditions are met, the crown of the plant grows quickly, so pruning is necessary in spring and autumn.

In order for the procedure to give the desired results and be painless for the plant, you need to choose the right time for the procedure.

Incorrect timing can lead not only to a decrease in yield and an unsightly aesthetic appearance, but also to death. So, processing of branches can be done in spring and autumn, let's take a closer look at each type.


The best time for pruning is early spring (March - April). The temperature outside should be above zero.

But you shouldn’t wait until the buds swell and the period of juice movement begins. The pear loves light very much, so in the process you need to ensure that the sun's rays and heat are evenly distributed over all areas of the tree.

The main activities should be carried out in stages:

  • formative pruning - is carried out to form the correct crown, both in young trees and in trees that have been bearing fruit for several years;
  • sanitary – for removing dry branches and those infected with various diseases;
  • supporting - used to shorten thicker branches, which saves from unnecessary congestion during fruit ripening.

Note: When cutting thick branches, be careful. First cut the branch from the bottom, then from the top. After this, you can delete the entire branch. This will prevent the tree bark from tearing.

Experienced gardeners can process in two ways:

  • shortening shoots - shorten the upper part of branches and shoots. This helps the side shoots below the cutting level to awaken faster, creating less shadow;
  • thinning - removing an excess branch to the very base, gives more light to the side shoots. When cutting, it is important that no stump remains.

Gardener's advice: When pruning in the spring, you should not fertilize the trees.

To quickly heal wounds, you need to treat the cut areas with paint based on drying oil or.


Considered sanitary. It is produced at above-zero temperatures, but when the leaves have already fallen from the trees.

If frosts unexpectedly hit, or warm weather was missed, then pruning should be postponed until spring. Because the wounds do not heal, the branches may freeze and lead to death.

Older plants are cut off for the purpose of rejuvenation and healing.

If the tree grows quickly upward, you can shorten the crown - this will give it additional strength for better branching and the growth of new buds. But do not forget about the possibility of disrupting the pyramidal structure of the crown.

Note: Incorrectly carried out pruning will not bring any benefit.

When processing old pears, it is often necessary to remove not only old branches, but also cut out entire trees that have no longer bear fruit. Such measures allow you to add a lot of light, and the garden becomes cleaner.

After the procedures, be sure to treat the cut areas by special means: on dry and old branches immediately, and on young branches a day later. First, branches located perpendicular to the trunk are pruned, then those growing along the trunk, and branches growing inward are necessarily removed.

If timely treatment is not carried out, this will negatively affect the condition of the tree. Without removing unnecessary old branches, the growth of young ones is hampered, the crown becomes dense and will lead to a decrease in yield.


The fruits of a well-groomed pear are very tasty, and in order for the tree to produce a good harvest, it should be pruned every autumn. We will look at how to do this correctly in our article.

The need to form a crown is determined by the characteristics of the tree. Firstly, pear is a light-loving crop. Secondly, during spraying it is easier to treat the entire tree. Thirdly, the formation of a crown will greatly simplify the harvesting process. And, fourthly, having lost all unnecessary branches, the plant will spend useful substances only on the harvest, and not on growing shoots.

Formation of the crown of a fruit tree

Correctly performed pruning contributes to the formation of a strong skeleton that can withstand even very large fruits, improve productivity and have a most positive effect on the development of the plant. If you ignore this operation or do it irregularly, this will lead to increased growth of the flora, and the quantity and quality of the harvest will significantly deteriorate. Young annual seedlings do not need pruning, but already in the second year you should pay attention to this procedure and continue care throughout the life of the tree.

It is worth noting that pruning young and more mature trees has some differences. In the first case, the main task is to choose the right skeletal branches. And in the second it is necessary, so to speak, to unload, lighten and rejuvenate the plant. And in order to achieve the goal, sometimes it is not enough to remove even fairly large branches; you have to sacrifice entire trunks. In this way, unwanted upward growth of the plant can be stopped. Also in the fall, all diseased branches must be removed.

The pear is a tall plant, which means that the process of processing and harvesting is somewhat difficult, so it is necessary to regularly shorten the shoots and young branches. There are two pruning methods: thinning and shortening. In the first case, the shoots are completely removed. This will provide access to sunlight inside the crown and will have a positive effect on productivity.

But shortening promotes branching of the tree and stops its upward growth. In this case, only the tops of the branches are cut off.

Cutting off the tops of pear branches

Depending on the goal pursued, pruning can be of several types. If the main task is the formation of the crown, then we are talking, accordingly, about formative pruning. It is carried out mainly in the first years of the tree’s life. Properly positioned branches guarantee not only beautiful view, but also a strong, healthy plant.

But more mature representatives of the flora, who have lived more than half of their life cycle, need rejuvenation. With the help of anti-aging pruning, you can activate the processes of growth and formation of high-quality fruits. In addition, each pear should be pruned throughout its life, thus regulating the number of fruiting branches.

At this point we will focus Special attention technology, we’ll tell you how a pear is pruned, because the desired result can only be achieved if all the work is carried out correctly in the fall. Moreover, even the choice of equipment should be taken seriously. We will need a sharp pruner or lopper. The latter has longer handles. If the tool is blunt, it will tear the wood and only harm the plant. Large branches are removed using a garden saw. Some craftsmen cut small branches with a garden knife, but this is quite difficult.

Be sure to prepare garden varnish or drying oil-based paint for processing cuts. Clean the tool before pruning, otherwise you risk introducing infection into the tree. To remove a thin branch, you need to position the pruning shears correctly. This tool consists of two blades - a thick one and a sharper one. We place the first one on the part of the branch that we want to remove, and fix the pruning shears. Then, squeezing the handles, we cut the branch using a sharp blade.

The very first pruning is formative. We select a bud at a certain height of the trunk and take it as the so-called starting point. The next 3 buds are removed to ensure free growth of the conductor. But from the fifth bud a second branch should grow, and it is located on the opposite side of the first. A cut of the annual shoot is made above the ninth bud, all intermediate embryonic shoots are also removed.

Formative pruning of pear branch

Next year, the central conductor should be at least 20 cm longer than the others. However, sometimes some branches can grow well in length, in which case they need to be shortened to the right size. If necessary, we make spacers so that the branches are located at a given angle. After 3–4 years, the central conductor is shortened to the very top branch, and all branches that can cause thickening of the crown are removed. It is imperative to trim all shoots growing towards the center of the tree or at an acute angle from the trunk. Young growth is simply shortened by 1/3. It is better not to touch fruit-bearing healthy shoots at all.

We need to say goodbye to tops too. They are quite easy to recognize. They are located parallel to the trunk, and it is impossible to harvest from them. Before pruning a tree, evaluate the scale of the work, because if you remove many branches at once in the fall, you can harm the pear. In this case, it is necessary to spread the work over several seasons. In order for the cut to heal as quickly as possible, the shoot should be removed “in a ring”, without leaving stumps or deep cuts. Thick branches are difficult to cut to avoid tearing the bark. A little trick will help you avoid the latter. First, you need to lightly trim the shoot from below and only then from above. Branches that are too large should be cut down in parts.

All diseased, dried and branches that interfere with the development of the desired shoots are also removed. Finally, it is necessary to treat all “wounds” with garden varnish or paint. After pruning, the plant experiences an overabundance nutrients, therefore it does not require further feeding. All sawn and cut branches should be burned, especially if they were sick. Otherwise, bacteria can move and infect healthy representatives of the flora growing on the site.

When is the best time to get to work?

Very often, but many people wonder if this can be done in the fall? In fact, it is best to perform this operation a couple of times a year. The timing largely depends on the climatic conditions of the region. For example, in the spring, pruning is carried out as soon as the temperature has stabilized at least 8 ° C. During this period, the sap has not yet begun to circulate, and the plant is dormant.

Starts in June and lasts throughout the season. During this period, young shoots are pinched. This allows the leaf buds to be converted into fruit buds. And after this procedure, pruning a pear in the fall will be much easier. However, at this time of year, such a procedure should be treated with extreme caution, since it can remove a lot of desired foliage.

If you decide to carry out work in the fall, then everything should be done before frost begins. Otherwise, the cut sites will not have time to heal, and there is a risk of losing the tree. It is worth noting that at this time of year pruning is most often carried out for sanitary purposes. All dead, diseased and weak branches are removed. But in winter it is better not to touch the representative of the flora at all due to severe frosts.

Pear is great fruit plant, which will delight you with tasty and healthy fruits every year. The spring pruning scheme for pears is the key to good and regular harvests. This tree is valued not only for its excellent taste qualities, but also for the presence of vitamins and dietary properties. Pear fruits will improve digestion and improve kidney function. But in order for a tree to produce a good harvest, you need to carefully care for it.

Why is it best to prune in the spring?

Summer residents do not recommend pruning pear branches in the fall, as the tree may freeze in winter. The pruning scheme for pear trees in spring involves getting rid of dry and damaged branches. It is worth starting pruning when the snow has melted and the thermometer is about five degrees above zero. It is very important to have time to prune before the moment when the buds begin to bloom on the tree. This will make the crown more compact and the fruits will receive more sunlight.

Do not prune pear trees in summer. So you'll ruin everything life cycles tree, and it will receive less nutrients. Correct in spring- this is the key to a strong crown and large yields.

Pruning rules

To begin, shorten the main central branch - the trunk - by one-fourth of its entire length. Form a ring from adjacent branches, cutting them at unequal distances. Leave four to five side branches. They will be the basis of the crown. Bend all other branches and tie them to the trunk with a rope.

Pruning a pear in the spring of 3 years involves normalizing the branches of the second order. Cut them back so that they do not cover the new central shoots. If you notice that new branches have appeared that grow inside the crown, then get rid of them, as they will interfere with the penetration of sunlight.

Set of tools

To successfully trim pear branches, you will need special gardening tools. With their help, you will easily and quickly carry out all garden work. To trim young trees, you should buy pruning shears and with their help you can easily deal with young and thin shoots. But to trim mature trees, you can’t do without a lopper and a saw.

Make sure your tools are in good working order and keep them clean. The blades must be sharp, otherwise you will not be able to trim the branches accurately. This not only looks unsightly, but also harms the tree itself.

A few nuances of proper pruning

Wait for suitable weather. Do not prune in minus temperature. Every year you will spend less and less time on this procedure. This is due to the fact that young shoots grow more and more slowly. Every three to four years, rejuvenating pruning is carried out from the inside of the crown.

All work should be carried out very carefully, as the pear takes a long time to restore its strength. If you do cut down a branch, don’t just leave it like that. Carefully lubricate the sawn area with special paint.

How to prune a mature tree

The pattern for pruning a pear in spring is slightly different for an adult and a young tree. When forming the crown, do not be afraid to cut off excess branches. This will allow your tree to breathe and your fruits to receive enough sunlight. Now trim the young branches growing parallel to the central trunk. You can cut each shoot by one third. This will help new branches grow and develop faster. Proper pruning of the pear (you can see the photo in the article) will help speed up the fruiting process.

Types of pruning

The pear tree needs different types trimmings. Observing the right technologies, you will have healthy plants And big harvests delicious fruits. There are several that will keep your tree in good shape:

  1. Formative pruning. With its help, you will correctly form a young tree and prepare it for further fruiting.
  2. Control pruning. Consists of removing all dry branches. This type of pruning is very important, as it directs all the tree’s forces to active growth.
  3. Maintenance pruning. Able to maintain the pear in excellent condition. During this process, large branches are cut off. This is done so that the plant is not overloaded with fruits.

How to prune an old pear tree

The pear pruning scheme in spring also applies to old trees. If you don’t have the opportunity to plant a young garden, and it’s a pity to get rid of old trees, then just prune them correctly. And then they will delight you for many years to come. However, this procedure is not easy. Prepare tools such as a ladder, rope and saw in advance, and preferably find an assistant.

Trim the top branches first. At the same time, young shoots should not be pitied. Don't be afraid to overdo it. An old tree can be cut in half. Don't worry. You won’t spoil the tree, but you will get large and tasty fruits.

Proper pruning of a pear in the spring (the diagram is the key to success) also includes pruning the lower branches. You can leave up to seven skeletal branches below. Try to leave a distance of about one meter between each tier. If this is not possible, then partially cut off the middle branches. Leave those that are at right angles to the post. Thin out the crown thoroughly. Rid the old pear tree of shoots growing inwards.

Secrets of productivity

The pear is a plant that takes a long time to develop. Fruiting can occur only after ten years. But to speed up this process, you need to carry out regular pruning. With its help, you will get a harvest several years earlier.

Thanks to pruning, the supply of oxygen and sunlight is increased, and the tree also puts all its energy into the fruits, and not into the growth of new shoots. To do this, regularly pin the germination points on young shoots. Thanks to this procedure flower buds are laid out much earlier.

If you want your pear to constantly delight you with huge harvests, take care of it. Don’t forget to water it, feed it, and, of course, prune it.

Allows you to form the crown in such a way that the tree will devote all its energy to ripening fruits, and not to growing secondary branches. Pruning patterns for pear trees in spring and autumn have their own characteristics. This article is all about proper pruning of pear trees.

Proper pruning of pears in spring: diagrams

Spring pruning of pears is aimed at correct formation tree crowns. The operation should be performed before the start of sap flow, with the first warming and the beginning of melting of the snow cover. The optimal temperature for starting pear pruning is +5 °C.

Spring pruning is carried out before the trees begin to flow sap.

Pruning young pears in spring

Young pear seedlings require pruning from the second year of life. Some necessary requirements for formative pruning of young trees:

  1. The central trunk must be shortened by a quarter of the length.
  2. Strong lateral branches of a young pear (no more than 4), which will subsequently form the main skeleton of the crown, are shortened, and the remaining branches are cut out completely. It is important to form a “ring” from the branches remaining on the tree, so they may not be trimmed at the same distance.
  3. A year later, young pears need to be pruned again with the onset of spring. In the second year, shoots of the second order are cut off, interfering with the growth of the main branches, as well as those growing inside the crown and interfering with the penetration of sunlight.

Schemes for formative pruning of an adult pear in the spring (diagram, video)

The main requirement when pruning pear branches is not to harm the tree itself, so that the plant does not have to subsequently spend maximum energy on restoration.

You can start spring pruning of adult pears in early spring, after the snow has melted, when the buds have not yet begun to open. Trimming Tools:

  1. Hacksaw.
  2. Secateurs.

Pear pruning scheme

To disinfect instruments, it is necessary to use alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions.

Look at the photo of an overwintered pear - an overgrown crown, unkempt and shaggy. Chaotically growing shoots block access to the sun's rays, which cannot penetrate deep into the crown. It is to provide light and air that pear trees are pruned in spring.

The pruning scheme for an adult tree is as follows:

The central trunk should be shortened by about a quarter, and the branches should be given a bowl shape. Sections of branches must be covered with garden varnish, drying oil or paint. When pruning pear tree branches, two methods are used:

  • Cutting into a ring - shortening of the shoots is carried out under the ring of the branch. With this method, first an incision is made in the bark at the bottom near the cut site, and then only the branch can be cut down.

Advice! When pruning, it is preferable to leave branches growing in a horizontal plane, getting rid of vertically growing shoots.

  • Shortening branches - with this pruning method it is possible to stimulate the growth of branches from buds located below the cutting level. First of all, shoots growing on the main trunk of the tree are removed. They are cut at an angle of 90 degrees. Then they begin to remove unnecessary growth on the main branches.

Important! When conducting spring pruning It is not allowed to fertilize trees with nitrogen fertilizers.

Rules for autumn pruning of pear trees

It is recommended to begin autumn pruning of pears at the end of summer and complete the work by mid-September. Thus, about a month is allotted for pruning. Early completion of pruning work will allow wound surfaces to heal before the onset of the cold period. In the fall, middle or early varieties are pruned, which stimulates a high yield the following year, as well as diseased and dried trees.

Scheme autumn pruning pears:

  1. First of all, broken, diseased or dried branches are removed from the tree, and strict care must be taken to ensure that no stumps remain.
  2. Branches growing at an angle of 90 degrees are removed.
  3. All branches and shoots that will interfere with the development of fruits next year should be removed.
  4. All branches removed from the tree must be burned to protect the pear orchard from the development of infectious diseases.
  5. Should not be carried out autumn feeding pruned trees, they have enough nutrients supplied by the roots from the soil.

Advice! Pear trees over 1 year old should be pruned in spring and autumn. Trees older than 4 years must be pruned to form skeletal branches of the second tier. Old trees (over 5 years old) are pruned with care so as not to remove fruit branches, and a rejuvenating pruning method is used.

Proper pruning of a pear can increase the yield and lifespan of the fruit tree, as well as rid the garden of infectious diseases. A detailed video will help even a beginner in gardening perform sanitary or formative pruning of a pear.

How to prune a pear correctly: video

Pear pruning: photo