Gardenia flowers. Dropping buds and flower buds. The main problems when growing a plant

Gardenia received such an unusual name in honor of the American botanist and naturalist Alexander Garden. It is amazing beautiful plant The Rubiaceae family grows in the subtropical forests of India, Japan, and China.

The plant has very fragrant large double flowers. white , yellow-cream, orange, pink shades. Their corollas with 5-9 stamens can be funnel-shaped or bell-shaped. With good and competent care, gardenia buds are completely covered with strong shoots. The plant pleases with its unimaginable flowering from July until late autumn.

Some types of gardenia

By different sources The genus Gardenia contains from 60 to 250 species of often evergreen plants. Let's list just a few of them:

  • Gardenia Thunbergia. A very tall, unpretentious and hardy plant with large snow-white flowers.
  • Gardenia Taitensis. The flower petals of this species resemble propeller blades.
  • Gardenia Tubifera. Showy yellow flowers against light foliage.
  • Gardenia Kailarsenia(Vietnamese). It is distinguished by large flowers with six petals.
  • Gardenia Brighamii(Hawaiian). This species has almost disappeared in nature. Its white flowers consist of six petals and have a very strong aroma.
  • Gardenia Radicans. Representative of a dwarf species. Some varieties of this species have variegated leaves.
  • Gardenia Citriodora. A rare variety with a delicate scent of flowers of five petals, similar to a lily.


Abundant watering of gardenia is essential in spring and summer. The plant does not tolerate dry soil, but stagnation of water can have a detrimental effect on its roots. For irrigation, it is necessary to use filtered, boiled, but always soft water. The plant should not be watered with cold water even during hot periods. IN winter time moderate watering is provided.

Air humidity

High air humidity is necessary during the development of buds. To do this, flower pots can be placed on wet expanded clay, but without allowing the bottom of the pot to touch the surface of the water. The plant can also be sprayed during this period. When the buds open, spraying stops. Humidity can be created for the plant by wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.


Compliance temperature regime is an important condition For successful cultivation indoor gardenia. In spring and summer, the most optimal temperature for the plant is 22-24°C. In winter, 18-20°C during the day, 16° at night is enough. The flower is afraid of sudden changes in temperature, through ventilation and cold soil.

Top dressing

It is recommended to feed young plants once every 14-15 days, and mineral and organic fertilizers should alternate. From spring to late autumn, fertilizing is introduced into the soil of adult plants every week in the form of fertilizer, which does not contain calcium. It is convenient to use liquid fertilizers containing potassium. If you notice that your gardenia is turning yellow, spray it with a weak solution of ferrous sulfate.


It is recommended to prune the gardenia immediately after flowering. This is necessary to maintain a beautiful compact shape and remove weak or too thick shoots. During the growing season, pinching the upper part of young shoots promotes the appearance of new flower buds and young shoots. Trimmed shoots are used to grow a new plant.

Plant propagation

Gardenia can be propagated by seeds. This process is long and labor-intensive, with its own difficulties. Even if everything goes well and the seeds sprout, the plant will only be able to bloom in a few years. Therefore, more convenient and easy way plant propagation using apical semi-lignified cuttings.

Cuttings can be cut in February or March. It is necessary to make an even, neat cut. The soil for planting cuttings consists of sand and peat (1:1). Before planting, the cuttings should be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a while.

A planted cutting needs a mini-greenhouse. To do this, it can be covered with a transparent film or glass jar. Root formation occurs faster if the temperature is maintained at about 25°C, regular ventilation and periodic moistening are maintained.

The cuttings will take root in 3-4 weeks. Before planting in “adult” soil (mentioned above), it is advisable to dip the “newborn” root in growth stimulant powder.

Diseases and pests

Gardenia is quite often attacked by pests such as aphids, spider mite, scale insects, thrips. The plant begins to grow poorly and loses its flowers and buds.

Appeared brown spots gardenias say that the plant is infected with scale insects. Thrips form grayish dots on the upper side of the leaf. Aphids attack buds and shoot tips, which can be seen by the sticky secretions that appear on the plant. The appearance of cobwebs under the leaves and, as a result, drying of the leaves indicates that the gardenia has been attacked by a spider mite.

If the above pests are identified, it is recommended to spray the plant with a product from the group of insecticides - chemicals to destroy plant pests. Such drugs may be:

  • Limp leaves, their massive falling off, as well as falling buds are the reasons for improper plant care: excess or lack of moisture. In all these cases, it is necessary to normalize watering and organize proper care for gardenia.
  • Gardenia represents indoor plant small in size with fragrant flowers. In their homeland, Japan, bushes are grown in gardens. But in countries with cool climates, even novice gardeners grow it at home. Let's look at what it takes to care for it.

    Most popular variety for home breeding is jasmine. The plant has leaves of a rich green hue. Small flowers are formed in the apical part, three in one inflorescence.

    Gardenia requires careful care. Only by carefully following all the rules can positive results be achieved. If not cared for correctly, it can become cause of plant death.

    Gardenia is a flower that is extremely picky to care for.

    Air humidity and flower watering

    In spring and summer periods requires careful watering. The soil should always be moist. In this case, you need to make sure that water does not collect in the pan. Watering should be reduced during the winter months.

    At this time, the plant slows down its growth, so it does not need much moisture. If the plant is watered abundantly during this period, its roots will begin to rot and leaves will fall off. As a result, the plant will die.

    Water for irrigation must be:

    Once a month, water with slightly acidified water. To do this, add a few drops of citric acid to the water.

    Clean, settled water is a common requirement when caring for indoor plants.

    Proper watering includes compliance with the following rules:

    • It is not recommended to place the pot in a tray with water;
    • You can refresh the leaves using a spray bottle; in summer they spray several times a day; in winter, once will be enough;
    • Water should not get on the buds, they may fall off.

    High air humidity is harmful to gardenia, especially during the period of bud formation. The flower feels comfortable in moderately moist soil. To prevent water from stagnating, you need good drainage.

    Room temperature and lighting

    Gardenia loves light, but too much sunlight can harm the plant. That's why flower pots It is better to place it on windows facing west or east. In winter, the plant can be moved to the south side and provided with additional artificial lighting.

    If buds form, the pot cannot be rearranged or moved. For normal growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to maintain the following temperature:

    In summer 22-24 degrees
    in winter 18-20 degrees

    Flowering period begins in the warm season. Usually from May to October. During this period, hypothermia should not be allowed; the roots should be kept warm.

    Soil selection

    Gardenia thrives in acidic, nutritious soil. It should be loose and allow air and moisture to pass through well. You can buy soil for azaleas, it will also be suitable for gardenias.

    You can make the soil yourself, since all components are added in equal proportions

    When preparing the soil yourself, prepare mixture of equal parts:

    • peat;
    • sand;
    • pine needles;
    • turf

    Sand can be replaced with vermiculite or perlite, but these substances will need twice as much. Another option involves a mixture of equal amounts of peat and sand; a little sphagnum is added to this mixture.

    Before replanting the plant, the soil should be treated to kill harmful microorganisms. For this purpose, the earth is calcined over a fire or in a microwave oven.


    Flower bushes are necessary prune regularly. During the procedure, weak branches are removed and thickening is eliminated. I pinch the tops of young branches so that new branches grow and develop better and buds are formed.

    The shape is maintained by pruning. The shape of the top promotes lush flowering. This procedure begins from the second year of life. Branches cut from the top can be used as cuttings. And place them in water for rooting.

    Top dressing

    Gardenia is fed twice a month. This regime is maintained during the period of active growth. In cold weather: fertilize the flower in autumn and winter not necessary.

    For nutrition, it is better to use liquid fertilizers. In summer, fertilize alternately with organic and mineral fertilizers. Peat-humic substrates are used as fertilizing.

    When the leaves begin to turn yellow, they should be treated with a weak solution of metal sulfate.

    During the flowering period, gardenias can develop harmful insects. The following pests usually affect:

    • thrips;
    • scale insect;
    • spider mite;
    • mealbugs.

    Scale insects are not fatal to the flower, but insecticide treatment will be required

    If the leaves are covered with cobwebs, there are mites on them. Will need to be processed Karbofos or Intavir.

    Winter care for gardenia includes three main points. The first condition concerns lighting. In winter, the flower does not have enough light. And since gardenia is a light-loving plant, if there is insufficient lighting it can get sick.

    In winter, additional lighting is required. Fluorescent lamps are used for lighting.

    The second condition is the temperature regime. in winter it shouldn't be hot. During this period, the plant does not develop and does not bloom. In the cold season, the air temperature in the room where the flower is located should not be higher than 18 degrees. At night, the temperature is reduced to 16 degrees.

    The third rule concerns watering. In winter it should not be abundant. With the onset of the cold season, watering is significantly reduced, and the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

    Why doesn't gardenia bloom?

    At Not proper care It will bloom poorly and drop buds. To avoid this, the following rules should be followed:

    • gardenia loves moisture, but its excess can be harmful and cause the plant to will rarely bloom;
    • sharp changes in temperature have a harmful effect on the condition of gardenia; drafts should not be allowed;
    • Flowering can be stimulated using fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium.

    If in winter period the plant was kept in conditions elevated temperature air, then by spring it may not bloom. In winter it requires special care.

    High humidity air in winter can cause non-blooming


    With insufficient attention, the flower can be affected by various diseases. Under the influence of diseases starts to shed leaves and buds, its foliage turns black or yellow. Problems arise for various reasons:

    • leaves fade - due to insufficient watering, or, on the contrary, excess liquid;
    • leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients;
    • drops leaves - dry air, damage to roots or spider mites on the plant;
    • blackening of the leaves occurs due to excessive dryness of the soil, in this case fertilizers containing iron will be required;
    • buds fall off - insufficient or overwatering, temperature violation.

    To grow a full-fledged plant, you need know the rules of care and strictly observe them.

    If the buds of a flower do not open well, I water it with boiled water passed through a filter. Perhaps the gardenia does not have enough light or the air humidity is high. To speed up the flowering process, you need to find and fix the problem.


    Transplantation is an important component of care. To carry out the procedure you should prepare:

    • flower pot;
    • soil;
    • expanded clay;
    • fertilizers

    Transplantation begins only when when the flower fades. It's better to do this in February. Replanting is necessary if the plant was purchased in a store. They are often sold in small pots where the plant cannot grow.

    There is no need to replant the gardenia immediately after purchase; it must first adapt to the new location. This will take a couple of weeks.

    Transplantation is also necessary in cases where root system developed so much that it entwined the earthen ball. Sometimes roots poke through the drainage holes.

    Make sure the roots are not touching the drainage

    The transplant procedure includes the following steps:

    The transplanted flower is placed to a warm place. Young plants need to be replanted annually. For adults, once every three years will be enough.


    Gardenia can be propagated in two ways:

    • cuttings;
    • seeds.

    Most often they resort to cuttings. Apical cuttings should reach 10 cm. They are cut in February or March. After the cuttings are cut, they are placed in prepared warm soil.

    The rooting process in gardenia takes quite a long time. To speed it up, the cuttings are first placed in water so that they sprout roots, and only then planted in the ground. This method is fraught with a number of difficulties and may not always be successful.

    For propagation by seeds:

    1. acquire quality planting material
    2. the seeds are deepened into the prepared soil to a depth of 4 - 5 mm
    3. the soil is slightly compacted
    4. plantings are regularly sprayed with water

    The first shoots should appear after a month. A plant that was planted from seed will bloom only two years later.

    When propagating by seeds, it is important not to overdo it by digging them into the ground.

    Having mastered all the rules of growing gardenia, you can achieve amazing results.

    What is gardenia? Gardenia is an evergreen shrub that has about 250 species heat-loving plants.

    These are mostly bushes, although trees can also be seen in nature.

    They grow in hot and humid climates - in India, Asia, China and Africa.

    Description of the history of occurrence

    People first started talking about gardenia during the reign of the Chinese emperors who belonged to the Song Dynasty. It was then that the gardeners tried with all their efforts to achieve even more voluminous flowering, preventing the crown from growing. The plant appeared in Europe in the 18th century., after which it became the most popular and in demand.

    General appearance

    Cape jasmine (gardenia) is an evergreen shrub, the minimum height of which reaches 1.5 m. The bush is compact in size, round in shape.

    Leaves are oval or broadly lanceolate. They are dense and glossy, dark green in color. Alternate or single arrangement. Due to the spectacular leaf plate, gardenia looks impressive even in the absence of flowering.

    The diameter of the flower is 8-13 cm, they are solitary. They can be terry or semi-double. The color of a newly bloomed flower is white, but after a while it turns golden.

    Variety of types and photos


    This type of gardenia includes the following varieties:


    Snow-white double inflorescences with incredible aroma. The leaf blade is dark green, glossy. It can bloom not only in summer, but also in winter.


    The variety is distinguished by white double flowers with pleasant aroma.


    A species with large camellia-like branches. They are terry and their diameter is 10 cm.

    First Love

    The plant has large flowers, the diameter of which is 13 cm. They are double, whitish-cream in color and have a pleasant aroma. The bush begins to bloom in early spring, and this period lasts throughout the summer.

    Flore Pleno

    It features voluminous double flowers.

    Kleim's Hardy

    The flowers are small in size, snow-white, waxy in color. Flowering lasts throughout spring and summer.

    Gardenia jasminoides

    Distinguished by whitish-yellow spots on leaf plate , as well as white double flowers. You can find more information about jasmine gardenia.


    This type of gardenia can bloom white or yellow flowers. The variety is quite common in home floriculture. The buds can be double and begin to bloom in early August. They emit a subtle and sweet aroma. But for this it is important to provide the flower with proper care.


    This species belongs to the dwarf species. Features dark green leaves small size. The inflorescences are white and their shape is similar to a star. With proper care, the bush will bloom long and profusely.

    Descriptions, photos and features of caring for other varieties of gardenia can be found in.


    The fruits of the plant are presented in the shape of a pear or a cylinder. They contain many seeds and are brown in color.


    Indoor flower varieties have double inflorescences. They are small in size, but in beauty and shape they resemble a rose. The color of the inflorescence can be white or yellow-cream. Single flowers are located in the corners of the leaves and rarely on the tips of the branches.

    Smell of flowers

    What and how does this flower smell? In addition to the beauty of the bush during its flowering, it also pleases with its subtle and pleasant aroma. It is very similar to the smell that jasmine or rose produces. The aroma intensifies at night.

    Beneficial features

    Gardenia is incredibly beneficial for the human body:

    Read more about beneficial properties gardenia and its use in folk medicine we told.

    Rules of care


    Gardenia – heat-loving crop, so in winter it should be grown at a temperature of 17-18 degrees, the minimum values ​​will be 16 degrees. but in summer these figures should not exceed 22 degrees.

    If the temperature is high, you will have to maintain air humidity. Also avoid sudden temperature changes.


    The plant responds positively to light, so for full development and flowering it is necessary to take care of adequate lighting with shading so that during the hottest time of the day direct rays do not penetrate the bush. Otherwise, the leaves will turn pale yellow and brown spots will appear on their surface. In winter, the bush can be kept in the brightest place, since the direct influence of the sun is no longer harmful to it.


    In spring and summer, moisten the soil generously, as it should be moist. In winter, watering is moderate. Gardenia does not tolerate drying out of the earth clod, but stagnation of water is also unacceptable, since the roots will begin to rot. Settled water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation.

    Top dressing

    Fertilizer moistening should be carried out during the period of active growth (from March to August). Apply them every 2 weeks using liquid fertilizers to flowering plants. The dosage should be 2 times less than that indicated in the instructions. In spring and summer, use preparations containing iron 2 times during the entire period. They lower the pH level in the soil.

    Air humidity

    Gardenia is one of those crops that require constant spraying. Use soft and warm water. In this case, the liquid should not get on the petals. It is best to place the flower pot on a tray of water. Gardenia is propagated by cuttings. Cut them off in February-March. Root using phytohormones and heating the soil to 25 degrees. Spray the cuttings from time to time. They take quite a long time to take root. If rooting is carried out in water, you can place the planting material in a weak rooting solution using the following preparations:

    • Epin.
    • Kornevin.
    • Heteroauxin.

    But this solution is effective for no longer than 3 days. Before rooting, you can dip the tip of the cutting in stimulant powder, and then plant it in the prepared soil.

    Read more about propagating gardenia at home, and from here you will learn about growing a flower from seeds.

    Diseases and problems

    When growing gardenia, the following problems may arise:

    Read about other pests and diseases of gardenia, as well as methods for combating them.

    Gardenia is a popular ornamental culture, which can be planted in a pot and grown on a windowsill, but enjoy its flowering and aroma in the garden. She is not picky about care, rarely gets sick and blooms profusely. A A wide selection of varieties will allow you to arrange your garden in an original and interesting way.

    gardenia flower(Gardenia) - native to China and Japan. There are many types, more than 250, but at home, no more than two dozen are used. Gardenia jasminoides is considered the most demanding. The flower is grown in small pots.

    There are some special care requirements, especially the plant is afraid of sudden changes in temperature and drafts, and also needs pruning. Often serves as an addition to a composition.

    With proper care, the beauty and aroma of luxurious buds cannot be compared with many popular flowers. A flower of the madder family, named after the American gardener A. Garden.

    Description: Shrub or subshrub, sometimes in the form of a tree, not exceeding 0.5 m. Shoots slightly drooping, strong. The leaves are whorled, 3 pieces each, with small leaflets, smooth to the touch. The flowers are beautiful, large and of various colors: white, pink, yellow, they all have a pleasant smell. The flowers are located singly, in the axils of the leaves. Flowering occurs depending on the species, often from June to October.

    Gardenia - species

    Gardenia flower - home care

    Location and lighting: Beginning gardeners need to remember that the flower is very demanding to care for and sometimes can simply disappoint the owner. Even with a slight rotation of the pot, all the flowers can fall off.

    Gardenia prefers bright, diffused light, warm climates and high humidity in room. Adaptation to a new place is long and painful.

    Throughout the year it is necessary to provide bright diffused light; in winter, daylight hours are extended. fluorescent lamps. Prefers east and west facing windows. At lunchtime, it needs shading from direct sunlight. The northern direction will not provide enough natural light. Take care of additional light.

    The flower can be placed on the balcony or in the yard, but in the absence of drafts, rain and sufficiently warm air. When buds appear, do not turn the flower or change the lighting suddenly. Lack of light leads to plant drying and lack of flowering.

    Temperature: For successful flowering and growth, temperature control is especially important for gardenias. During the warm period optimal performance 20-24° C. Starting in autumn, the temperature is gradually reduced to 17-18° C. Drafts and temperatures below 16° C negatively affect growth. High rates during the dormant period lead to active growth of shoots, but reduce the intensity of bud development. Optimal temperature soil must match the indicators of the habitat.

    Humidity: Throughout the entire period, it is necessary to maintain high humidity of 60-80%, especially during the period of bud emergence. During hot periods, or heating season, the pot is placed on a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles, or wet peat. Also, the plant is sprayed using soft or settled water, but the water should not get on the buds; often during this period, spraying is stopped, otherwise they will appear on the flower. dark spots. Wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth.

    Soil: The composition should be slightly acidic and loose. Must allow water and air to pass through well. Use a mixture either purchased for decorative flowers, or prepare it yourself.

    Composition: sand, peat, pine needles, turf soil. Take all components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly.

    First, good expanded clay drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot.

    Over time, the acidity of the soil decreases; to restore the norm, water with a slightly acidic solution. I add a few drops per 1 liter of acid, usually citric acid, to the water for irrigation. with the addition of 0.5 g. copper sulfate. You can also drain acidic water infused with peat.

    Watering: Starting in spring, gardenia is watered frequently and abundantly. Watering is carried out after the top layer of the substrate has dried. In winter, with the onset of cold weather, the same volume of water is used, but the period is twice as long. That is, after the top layer has dried, they wait 2-3 days and only then watering is carried out. A month before active growth, watering is reduced by another 2-3 times. In this way, we achieve maximum active and lush flowering. The water used is soft, or well settled, partially acidic, slightly above room temperature.

    Replanting and pruning: Transplantation is not carried out every year, but only as needed, approximately once every 3 years. The flower is extremely picky about changing its habitat and substrate. You can do transshipment with the addition of fresh peat, thereby increasing the acidity of the soil. When transplanting, part of the root system is cut off.

    Starting in mid-autumn, after flowering, gardenias are pruned. Cut off half the length of the shoots, and also completely remove dry, limp, and densely sprouted shoots.

    In the spring, shoots are pinched to make the bush fuller. During pruning, the shoots can be used as cuttings for propagation.

    Propagation: The plant is often propagated by cuttings. In the spring, during the pruning period, the apical shoots are cut off at least 10 cm and placed in soil made of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

    First, the cuttings are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to stimulate growth. The cutting can take root in water, but the process is much slower and not always successful. The container with the shoot placed in the ground is covered with a glass flask.

    The rooting process is quite long and difficult. The temperature should be 24-25 degrees. The jar is regularly removed for ventilation. The earthen lump is constantly kept moist; for stimulation, lower heating of the earth is used. No earlier than a month later, roots will appear and the shoot is transplanted into soil made of sand, peat, turf and coniferous soil, taken in equal proportions.

    Feeding: During the period active flowering and growth, from spring to mid-autumn, the flower needs feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. Feed once every 2 weeks, alternating organic and minerals. It is better to use in liquid state according to the instructions.

    Pests and diseases: Common pests include: aphids, scale insects, spider mites, thrips.

    When pests appear, the flower is sprayed with solutions: actellik, intavir, decis. Sometimes on initial stage against aphids, spraying with a soap solution helps.

    The above insecticides are used either once or several times with an interval of 7-8 days, until complete recovery.

    • The leaves begin to turn yellow - the plant needs to be sprayed with a low concentration of iron sulfate solution.
    • Temperature changes during the period of appearance and ripening of buds are detrimental to the plant. Gardenias can lose all their color.
    • Sharp lighting adjustments and turning the pot during flowering negatively affect the ripening of buds.
    • Yellow spots on the petals, or yellowing of the leaves - perhaps water got on the flowers when spraying, watering is carried out harshly, or cold water.
    • Incorrect or irregular watering leads to massive fall of buds. Perhaps the earthen ball is too dry, or the temperature is 16 degrees or lower.
    • The buds do not open due to insufficient light. Install additional artificial lighting.
    • The color of the flowers is dull, not bright, or even colorless - the soil is slightly acidic, or the humidity is too high at low temperatures.

    Gardenia- an evergreen shrub of the Rubiaceae family. Gardenia is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. IN natural conditions the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are oval, with pointed tips, dense, leathery, shiny, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are large, white or cream-colored, 7-10 cm in diameter, very fragrant, shaped like roses. Flowers can be double or non-double. Flowering is observed in summer and autumn. After flowering, the fruits - berries - ripen.

    Indoor gardenia

    IN room conditions grown gardenia jasmine - shrubby plant, 45-50 cm high, with glossy green leaves (up to 10 cm in length). The leaf shape is broadly lanceolate. There are plants with single flowers or corymbose inflorescences consisting of 4-6 flowers. The flowers are white (double and semi-double), 5-7 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma.

    Home care

    How to care for gardenia at home? Everything is very simple! It is enough to comply with the conditions listed below.

    Lighting. Gardenia needs a very bright place. In the heat of summer, it is better to shade the plant from direct sunlight to avoid leaf burns.

    Temperature. Gardenia is a heat-loving plant and does not tolerate temperature changes. The optimal temperature in summer is about 20-22 °C, in winter 16-18 °C is sufficient, and it is necessary to protect gardenia from drafts and hypothermia of the root system.

    Watering. You need to water gardenia at home with warm and soft water; it is better to use filtered water or boiled rainwater. The earthen clod must not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged; the water from the pan must be drained. In spring and summer, abundant watering is required, in winter - moderate. Gardenia leaves need frequent spraying. In this case, it is undesirable for water to get on flowers and buds. It is better to spray the air around the plant; you can also place the pot on a tray with moistened pebbles or moss.

    Top dressing. From March to August, gardenia is fed once every 2 weeks. complex fertilizers for flowering plants (for example, “Uniflor-bud” or “Pokon”). Also, during the period of active growth, it is recommended to apply preparations containing iron (iron chelate); it is enough to apply them 2 times (in March and June).

    In March-April, gardenia requires a dormant period lasting 4-6 weeks. At this time, watering should be reduced to ensure proper development of buds.

    In the spring, when shoots begin to grow, the gardenia needs to be pruned to form lush bush. During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences.


    If the air in the room with gardenias is too dry, then pests may appear on the plant:, and. As a result of the damage, gardenia stops blooming (loses buds and flowers), grows poorly, and its leaves may begin to turn yellow and fall off.

    To destroy pests, the plant is sprayed (, inta-vir, fitoverm, decis). If there are a lot of pests, then the treatment should be repeated after a week.

    To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity.

    Diseases and problems

    Why doesn't gardenia bloom? With a lack of light and nutrients, gardenia leaves become pale, the plant grows poorly and does not bloom. It is necessary to move the pot to a bright place and fertilize the gardenia during the period of active growth (spring-summer).

    Why do gardenia leaves turn yellow? There could be several reasons:

    • When the soil is alkalized, gardenia experiences interveinal chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves). To avoid this, you need to replant the gardenia in an acidic one or replace the top layer of soil with a new one (with an acidic reaction).
    • Also, yellowing of the foliage may be a result of watering with too hard or cold water. To reduce water hardness, you can soften it using a filter. Another way to soften water is to add a small amount of citric acid to it.
    • The same problem can be caused by excess moisture in the soil in winter.

    Why do gardenia leaves turn black? This may occur as a result of a violation temperature conditions. Gardenia should not be kept in a draft. Also, blackening of leaves can occur in summer and autumn due to abundant watering. IN in this case it is necessary to reduce the amount of water when watering the flower.

    Why does gardenia dry out? Why does gardenia wither or fall off? If the room is cold (below 15 °C), the plant may wilt and lose leaves, buds and flowers. Leaves may fall off if there is insufficient or too much watering (the soil should be slightly moist all the time), as well as when watering with cold water. Also, you should not leave gardenia in a draft.


    At home, gardenia is propagated by cuttings. For these purposes, at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, cuttings 10 cm long are cut. The cuttings can be rooted in water with a root formation stimulator (epin, root, heteroauxin) or in soil. When rooting in the soil, the tip of the cutting is dipped in root formation stimulator powder and planted in soil consisting of coniferous soil, peat and sand, then covered with a glass cap or film. Cuttings need to be regularly sprayed and ventilated. Rooting gardenia is a fairly lengthy process and should take place at a temperature of 22-25 °C.


    The plant is replanted in the spring once every 2 years. For gardenia it is necessary acidic soil with a pH level of 4.5-5.5. A soil mixture of turf, coniferous, leaf soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:1:1) is ideal. You can purchase a soil mixture designed for. The pot must have good drainage.

    Life of the Gardenia plant.