Panels for finishing the facades of frame houses. Requirements for cladding materials. Exterior finishing with facade bricks

Exterior decoration frame house- an important and necessary stage of construction, because a frame without facade cladding looks ugly, moreover, it is poorly protected from the influence of the external environment. We will tell you how to decorate the facade of a frame house, what materials are used for this, and how to do the work yourself.

Finishing a frame house

Structure and features of frames

Do-it-yourself interior finishing of a frame house, as well as external finishing, should be done taking into account design features this type of structure.

The following differences most noticeably affect the finish:

  • The load-bearing basis of the house is a wooden frame, which distributes the load through a system of posts, beams, rafters and crossbars from the roof of the structure to its foundation. As you know, wood is quite flexible and soft material, and under the influence of forces the frame gives some shrinkage, uneven displacement and movement of parts relative to each other is observed;
  • As a rule, frames are placed on columnar or pile foundations, and uneven subsidence of the structure is possible, which is not particularly fatal for the frame, since it is flexible and can allow slight distortions and changes in geometry, but monolithic coating, such as plaster, may crack;
  • The walls of the house consist of a system frame beams and panels that fill the space between the beams. Often, instead of panels, this space is filled with insulation and sheathed on both sides with moisture-resistant OSB plywood, which by itself cannot perform the functions facade finishing neither in terms of decorative nor structural characteristics;
  • The structure of the wall is such that the insulation is located in its internal space, therefore for middle zone and the south, external insulation is not required. At the same time, many still sheathe their houses with polystyrene foam, since it is an excellent base for plaster.

All these features allow you to determine how to finish frame house outside so that the coating lasts as long and efficiently as possible. As a rule, preference is given to hanging facade structures, various panels and slabs, wood paneling and plaster.

Important! Facade decoration facing bricks are produced very rarely, since a frame house is an option for budget prefabricated housing, and the price of laying work and the cost of the brick itself make this advantage insignificant.

Types of external finishing

Now let's look at the materials for finishing the facade of a frame house.

Most often, the following means are used for these purposes:

  1. Ventilated facades, siding, vinyl blockhouse and other types of hanging structures. Low cost, easy installation, high reliability and the durability of these coatings have made the technology a leader in the construction market;
  2. Cladding with clapboard, blockhouse, wood siding and other wood products allows you to create a complete resemblance to wooden house made of timber or logs, which is not only fashionable and solid, but also natural, beautiful and warm;
  3. Decorative facade plaster looks great and creates the effect of a Mediterranean cottage; in addition, this material protects the walls well and lasts quite a long time;
  4. Finishing with various panels imitating brick, stone, timber and other coatings is also affordable and easy to install;
  5. creates the impression of an expensive, solid house, but at the same time creates a large load on the walls and foundation, and is comparable in cost to brick. However, it is widely used, especially for corners, windows and doorways and other parts of the structure together with other types of cladding.

Installation of a ventilated facade or siding takes a minimum of time and does not require special knowledge or skills. At the same time, such a coating is easy to care for, and if necessary, it can be quickly dismantled and replaced with another coating.

The same can be said about all kinds of panels, the installation of which does not cause difficulties, and the cost is affordable for many citizens with relatively low incomes.

Wooden cladding is reminiscent of installing siding, only there are fewer different parts and fastening rules, everything is intuitive and simple: we make the sheathing and fill the board, we decorate the joints, corners and openings with platbands and various shaped elements: corners, vertical and horizontal overhead slats.

Finishing the outside of a frame house with plaster requires a lot of effort, but as a result you will get a beautiful facade in the Mediterranean style, which is a classic and decorates any estate. It is better to use polystyrene foam as the basis for installing the coating, as it does not absorb moisture and allows wet work to be carried out without hindrance.

Facing the facade with stone or tiles will make your house look like a real castle or brick mansion, and it is almost impossible to distinguish such a coating from natural masonry by eye, and the service life of the materials is tens and hundreds of years.

Important! When choosing modern finishing technologies, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the requirements of the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations, follow installation rules and use only proven and recommended materials and tools.

Installation of facade plaster

For those who are interested in finishing the facade of a frame house with decorative plaster, we have compiled step-by-step instructions:

  1. Along the lower border of the walls, above the base, around the entire perimeter of the house we attach a starting rail made of a metal profile or wood. The rail must be strictly horizontal;

  1. We apply glue to a sheet of foam plastic or EPS with a notched trowel, press the sheet against the wall from the corner, resting it on the starting rail, and then fix it with self-tapping screws through the plastic roundels. We shift the rows so that the seams overlap like brickwork;

  1. We gradually cover the entire façade with polystyrene foam and foam the joints;

  1. We attach a non-alkaline reinforcing mesh to the surface of the foam, which we cover with glue so that there is a continuous layer of rough putty on the surface. The house will resemble a stone or concrete building;

  1. Pour about a third of the water into the bucket and pour the mixture into the water. facade plaster. Stir the solution with a drill fitted with a mixer attachment;

  1. We take the solution onto a spatula and apply it to the wall in an even, neat layer. We make the thickness as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. If the plaster is textured, then using directed rotations or linear movements we create a pattern on the surface;

Important! Prepare the amount of solution that you will have time to work out before the mixture begins to set in the bucket.


A frame house requires mandatory facade finishing, which can be done using a variety of various materials and technology. We showed how to finish with decorative plaster, and the video in this article will complement our instructions clear examples ().

A huge selection of finishing materials can confuse rather than really help an inexperienced developer solve a problem with exterior finishing. In this article, we will figure out what important parameters the exterior finishing of a frame house must meet, and we will analyze the materials.

General requirements - decide on the main ones

the main task external cladding frame house - protection of the entire structure from getting wet and other atmospheric phenomena. The sheathing takes on light mechanical damage and also protects the insulation layer from moisture and direct sunlight, which is especially important for foam plastic. Therefore, the material for exterior finishing must meet a number of mandatory requirements:

  • resistance to atmospheric and weather conditions (wetness, heating, freezing, icing, hail);
  • increased strength - the finish should easily withstand mechanical damage that can be caused by hail, wind, and tree branches;
  • ability to withstand the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

When constructing a frame house, the customer can choose almost any method of exterior finishing of the building and basement. This choice depends on several factors:

  1. budget;
  2. climate of the region;
  3. material chosen for insulating the frame.

Everything is clear with the budget - the more money, the more possibilities. However, expensive external finishing of a frame house is not a panacea for problems. On the contrary, sometimes there are even more worries. For example, finishing (imitation log house) promises a wonderful appearance, however, every few years the material must be treated with paints and antiseptics so that the wood retains its strength and beauty. At the same time, a block house costs more than lining or vinyl siding.

The climate of the region determines, first of all, what type of finish you choose. For example, if you live in a damp and rainy area, choosing wooden materials– not the best, since you will constantly be fighting rot. In extremely cold climates, it is better to avoid metal siding - metal conducts heat too well, while wood has a fairly low thermal conductivity coefficient.

If you have chosen mineral wool to insulate the frame, you will no longer be able to use plaster for finishing, unless you put plywood or OSB boards on top of the insulation, which will increase the consumable part. In the case of mineral wool, it is much easier to use lining, siding, or block house. But if you choose expanded polystyrene (foam plastic), then you can fully plaster the walls, because the plaster can be applied directly to the foam sheets.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials - review of the best options

Having decided on the budget, climate and insulation material, it’s time to move on to choosing the finish itself. Most people associate frame houses with wood, hence the frequent choice of wood for finishing. In addition, one of the main arguments in favor of wood is the lightness of the material. However, it is not necessary to focus on this - if the house is built on good strip foundation, you can use a heavier finish.

Wooden materials suitable for exterior finishing are lining and block house. A block house, in turn, can imitate both timber and rounded logs. By the way, he does it very successfully - you can only understand what kind of material is in front of you by approaching the facade directly. Lining is more affordable, since the production of this material produces much less sawdust and shavings. The block house cannot boast of this quality.

To wood trim the facade of a frame house has served for many years, choose a material that is not too thin, which is sold after good drying. Another important point– lay finishing panels should be in a horizontal position, since in a vertical position they can become deformed over time.

Do not forget to renew the paint layer at least once every five years, and then this finish will serve you for many decades.

Metal siding can be installed both vertically and horizontally; working with it does not require special knowledge or training. Installation is carried out immediately after installation thermal insulation materials, on a metal or wooden sheathing. The undoubted advantage of the material is a huge selection of colors, patterns and combinations, as well as high strength. It also has disadvantages - high thermal conductivity and low sound insulation.

Vinyl siding or PVC panels are a popular and sought-after finishing material, which is characterized by its low cost and long service life. PVC siding from a reliable manufacturer will probably serve you for 50 years, it is not afraid of corrosion, and it is not afraid of aggressive substances. A huge range of colors will satisfy the most demanding buyer.

A big plus of vinyl is its lightness, which allows the material to be used for finishing buildings whose foundations are not designed for heavy loads. In addition, you get a ventilated facade, which eliminates the appearance of condensation on the thermal insulation and wooden frame elements. This material is not at all of interest to insect pests. As for fire safety, polyvinyl chloride does not support combustion. If there is no open source of fire nearby, the melted panels will quickly die out.

Builders love it for its simplicity and ease of installation; customers give preference to the panels, since this deprives them of the unnecessary hassle of caring for the facade. It can be washed with plain water from a hose or using soap solutions. What PVC siding can be reproached for is its unnaturalness - supporters of environmentally friendly materials often and unreasonably accuse the material of releasing toxic substances into the air when heated and burning.

However, this statement is quite far from the truth - only panels made from recycled materials can be harmful. They are distinguished by their low cost and short service life. Externally, low-quality panels can be distinguished by yellow color draft side. Polyvinyl chloride, made from virgin raw materials, has exclusively White color.

Heavy but durable - alternative finishes

Builders and customers are much less likely to give preference to these finishing materials, which to some extent becomes their advantage - frame houses look more original, they become similar to heavy structures made of stone and brick. First place on the list alternative options finishing we will deservedly give to natural stone - this finishing material was used back in the era of the construction of aristocratic castles.

The stone is highly durable, but durability is not worth talking about. Of course facing stone heavy weight and thickness, it is not as convenient to use as fitted and identical siding, has a high cost and is quite limited color scheme. However, it is not at all necessary to use it to decorate the entire house - often natural stone serves as an addition to plastering; it is used to decorate the base or window area.

Fake diamond– the material is more accessible and convenient to work with. Differs from the previous version in a larger selection color solutions and also lighter weight. Artificial stone improves the thermal insulation of a house; even a novice builder can work with it. However, the exterior decoration of a frame house with stone, even artificial, creates too much load on the foundation and walls, so the load-bearing capacity of the foundation should be carefully calculated.

Decorative plasters are more popular - this type of finishing has many application technologies and a wide range of colors. Plaster is often used when polystyrene foam serves as insulation - it can be applied directly to polystyrene foam. With their help, you can hide small irregularities or defects; their price is quite affordable for every construction budget.

Marble chips - modern version plaster. The crumbs are mixed with silicone and acrylic, due to which the finish acquires excellent protective qualities and is not afraid of frost and moisture. Marble chips create a unique texture for the facade; in addition, it allows the walls to “breathe”. The material is fire-resistant and retains heat well. Its significant drawback is its high cost.

Facade tiles and bricks - elite finishing materials frame houses. They are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, create additional heat and sound insulation and last an unusually long time - with correct installation Repair of the façade will be needed no sooner than in a good hundred years. Working with them is quite simple, but such finishing is very expensive.

Correct external finishing of a frame house, a photo of which you will find in this material, allows you to make the facade of your house not only attractive, but also significantly extends its service life.

Firstly, fiber cement panels do not burn at all and almost do not melt. This makes their use on a wooden frame especially relevant.

Secondly, fiber cement panels are much more durable. This allows them to be used on walls along which there is active movement of people or equipment. This characteristic is relevant for urban frame buildings, which often open directly onto the street with their walls, without being enclosed by fences or fences.

The downside of this material is its slightly heavier weight compared to vinyl. However, if the fastening technology is followed, no problems arise during the further operation of such facades.

DSP and SML on the facade of a frame house

Panel materials such as cement bonded particle board and magnesium sheet can also be used on wood and metal frames. up to 16 mm are relatively lightweight and can be mounted on external walls. LSU of comparable thickness can also be used for exterior finishing of the frame.

The biggest questions are caused by the gaps between the slabs, which cannot be covered or painted over. A wooden or metal frame has a different degree of thermal expansion and contraction than DSP and LSU. For this reason, any putty or putty in the seams will sooner or later collapse and fall out.

The most common option for such cladding is the use of a “half-timbered” design, when the seams between the slabs are covered with decorative wooden overlays that imitate the outer frame of the building.

Metal on the facade of a frame house

  1. Metal facade cassettes.
  2. Corrugated sheets and other sheet materials.
  3. Metal siding.

Every year, textures for metal facade materials look more and more natural. If, for example, metal siding copies a log or beam, then from a distance it can be difficult to distinguish the facade of a house made of metal siding from a natural one.

However, it should be remembered when using metal facade materials on a wooden frame that the tree needs protection. Condensation will form on the inner surface of the metal. For this reason, a ventilation gap of at least 20 mm is arranged between the wooden frame and the metal facade. The wooden frame itself and the insulation in it are protected waterproofing membrane, allowing steam to escape but not moisture to enter.

Wood frame trim

The oldest and most interesting facade from a design point of view. Covering the frame with wood - boards, dies or shingles - allows you to get interesting options country style houses.

The advantage of such a facade is its natural look. The disadvantage of this type of facade finishing will be the laboriousness of installation, and the need in the future to constantly treat wooden parts with protective compounds containing antiseptics and fire retardants.

Brick decorative facade of a frame house

Option brick finishing frame house can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Laying a wall of decorative face bricks in half a brick with connections to the main frame.
  2. Installation of decorative facade tiles “like brick” on a base mounted on a frame.

It is worth remembering that for the first option you will need at least 12 cm of free space on the foundation outside.

And for the second option, you will need load calculations, since facade tiles are quite heavy material.

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No matter how beautiful and comfortable a frame house is inside, it will not look good without high-quality finishing of the facade. In addition, finishing a frame house on the outside significantly increases the heat-insulating qualities of structures, and also protects them from the negative effects of rain, snow and other external factors. Therefore, the question often arises: how to sheathe a frame house?

But before you order facade cladding, you need to understand its main purpose and learn about the properties and qualities of the materials existing for such work. In addition, the quality of the work performed plays a significant role when cladding a frame house, because only in this case can the required result be achieved, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view.

You can already see what the result of finishing the facade of a frame house will be.

Purpose of exterior finishing of a frame house

A frame house is a structure made of wooden beams and the insulation hung on them. The latter is sheathed on one and sometimes both sides with cement-bonded or OSB boards, or plywood. The last detail that hides the frame and insulation on the street side is the external cladding. In addition to aesthetic qualities, its purpose is:

    increasing the energy efficiency of the building - thermal insulation will improve in any case, since an additional layer will appear on the wall;

    increasing the service life of individual building structures and the entire building as a whole - the exterior finish is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, moisture, dust and dirt.

Choosing required material, with which the exterior decoration of a frame house will be performed, it is necessary to pay attention not only to aesthetic appeal, but also to technical characteristics.

The photo shows the process of “wet” finishing of the facade of a frame house

Exterior finishing options

There are quite a lot of options for the external cladding of a frame house, but most often they use materials that have been proven for years:

    acrylic or mineral facade plaster;

    facade tiles;

    PVC panels;

    facade brick;

    vinyl siding;

    fiber cement siding;

    painted facade board.

In addition, to improve aesthetic and thermal insulation properties ventilated curtain façade systems, block-chaos cladding materials and different kinds thermal panels.

Selecting material for the exterior finishing of a frame house

In order to correctly determine the choice of material for the exterior cladding of a frame house on the street side, you must first understand the purpose for which it is being done. If we are talking only about aesthetic appeal, then the choice of finishing material will depend only on the taste and preference of the owners of the house.

If the finishing of a frame house is carried out primarily to increase its thermal insulation properties, then it is best to choose curtain facades or thermal panels as finishing options. They involve the use of a multilayer structure, which will significantly increase the thermal insulation of the building and provide a comfortable microclimate inside.

Whatever finishing option is chosen, the main thing is that all work on its installation is done with high quality. Only if there are no cracks and gaps, as well as reliable fixation to the supporting structures, will the finish fully correspond to its purpose.

Finishing the facade of a frame house with bricks

Painted facade board

One of the options exterior finishing The facade of the house is a painted board. The method is very popular in Scandinavian countries, where they place great importance on the environmental friendliness and safety of construction materials. It is a wooden rectangular element, when faced with it, an imitation of timber is created. The board can have different lengths; it is sanded on the front side and planed on the inside. Sanding the outer part of the façade board is done to ensure better paint absorption.

Painted boards for finishing house facades

In most cases, painted facade boards are used in a completely finished form. Moreover, before painting, each of its elements is treated with a layer of protective primer, which is applied to the surface no later than within two days after sanding. The front side of such a board is covered with two layers of paint to better protection and color saturation, but the internal one is only one.

If all technological rules were followed during the installation of such exterior finishing, then the need for additional treatment of the elements with paint will not arise for 9–10 years. Besides, this type finishing involves supplying air to the space between the board and the wall of the building, which is ensured by the construction of the frame and leaving a gap between each element. Otherwise negative impact moisture will lead to rotting and subsequent destruction of the material.

Frame house, the facade of which is finished with blue boards

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding, also called plastic or acrylic, is one of the most common exterior finishing options for frame houses. This material has a reasonable cost and is easy to install. Just like most other types of building cladding, it involves the installation of sheathing, which will be the main one for fastening the elements.

The disadvantages of vinyl siding include its low strength - it is easily deformed as a result of mechanical stress. In addition, plastic has increased flammability. If, in parallel with the exterior decoration, you want to make the house warmer, then you need to add a layer of insulation under the plastic.

Frame house with vinyl siding on the façade

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding is a fairly strong and wear-resistant material for the exterior finishing of a frame structure. It has an attractive appearance and feels like ceramics. Making such finishing material It is carried out completely in the factory, ensuring all the necessary requirements for this, thereby achieving increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation and fire resistance.

This siding consists of 90% cement and natural mineral fillers, which ensures its resistance to moisture. In addition, fiber cement siding has increased thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. A large range of products, both in color and surface texture, makes it possible to choose perfect option for each.

Facade of a frame house finished with fiber cement siding

The disadvantage of using fiber cement siding is its cost, which is significantly higher compared to other materials. In addition, cladding work requires experience, so if the exterior finishing of a frame house is done using fiber cement, then it is best to entrust such work to professionals.

Video description

Watch the video for the nuances of finishing a frame house with siding:

Plastering the facade of a frame house

Facade cladding with mineral or acrylic plaster will allow you to achieve a noble appearance of a frame house. But when choosing it as a finishing material, you must understand that this type of work will require the installation of an additional layer of foam or other heat-insulating material with similar characteristics and properties, on which the decorative layer will be applied.

The photo shows the process of insulating a frame house from the outside

Cladding a frame house with plaster will allow you to achieve the required protection of the main building structures, and will also ensure an increase in their thermal insulation properties. But at the same time, one must understand that a violation of technology always has negative consequences, which are manifested by the following unpleasant phenomena:

    the appearance of vertical and horizontal cracks;



    peeling of the finishing layer.

For these reasons, if you do not have confident skills, then you should not do such work yourself - a professional will do everything faster, and, importantly, once.

Facade brick

Exterior decoration of a house using facade bricks can be done using silicate, hyper-pressed or ceramic products. The use of these materials significantly improves the aesthetic performance of the structure and provides reliable protection load-bearing structures from the external environment, increases strength. A huge number of brick colors and installation options will allow you to bring even the most incredible ideas to life.

The only disadvantage when carrying out this type of work is the inadmissibility of performing it at low temperatures. Therefore, if façade brick is chosen as the exterior finishing of a frame house, work will have to be postponed until the warm season.

Facade of a brick frame house

Requirements for external cladding materials

Since the cladding of a frame house is carried out to make the external appearance of the building attractive, to increase the thermal insulation properties of enclosing structures and to protect the main elements of the structure from climatic influences, the main requirements that apply to the materials can be called:

    aesthetically pleasing appearance;


    wear resistance;

    resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes;

    moisture resistance.

Most often, the exterior of a frame house is clad using vinyl siding. According to statistics, more than 50% of frame house owners have used this option, since this material has an acceptable cost and is easy to install. All these factors allow you to save on both purchasing and hiring workers.

Interior decoration of frame house walls

When building a frame house, the need for additional cladding arises not only on the outside of the building, but also inside it. For rough cladding of walls inside the house, plasterboard is often used, which makes the surface perfectly flat and can now be applied to other types of finishes: wallpaper, ceramic tiles, pvc panels or simple coloring.

Another popular material for finishing the inside of a frame house is treated wooden boards.

Decorating the inside of a frame house with wood

The board can be either smooth or figured, which will give the wall interesting shape. For example, one of the types of lining, a block house, after installation imitates a rounded log. Lining is often used not only in internal works, but also for cladding external walls, although in the second case thicker boards are used.

Video description

For more information about finishing with a block house, watch the video:

Photo examples of finishing a frame house

Finishing the facade of a frame house with vinyl siding

Fiber cement siding on the facade of a frame house

Finishing the facade of a frame house with fiber cement siding

Finishing a frame house with painted facade boards

Finishing a frame house with facade plaster

Another option for covering a frame house with facade plaster

Finishing a frame house facade brick

Facade finishing frame panels"under the brick"


Thus, cladding the outside of a frame house can be done using sufficient large quantities various materials. At the same time, the choice of the most suitable one should be made not only based on the taste preferences of the home owners, but also the required indicators for thermal conductivity and protection of structures from external influences environment.

Frame houses are gaining popularity in our country, and the advantages of this option for constructing country housing are obvious. The frame structure is inexpensive, beautiful, strong and durable. For its construction, as a rule, wooden frames. But you can decorate the facade of a frame house in a variety of ways, fortunately, the choice of materials on the market is currently huge. For most homeowners, it is quite possible to do the cladding of a frame house with your own hands. In this article we will talk about what the finishing of the facade of a frame house can be like.

Brick finishing

Facing brick is a material that makes it possible to make the facade of any building, including frame buildings, stylish, noble and modern. In addition, the cost of such a building on the housing market becomes significantly higher, and the service life when proper organization facade works– increase.

Facing decorative bricks It could very well be done by hand. It is made in half a brick. The work is performed as follows:

Step 1. A shallow strip foundation is made along the entire perimeter of the building: the brickwork will rest on it (the concrete will gain strength in 28-30 days).

Step 2. If necessary, the facade of the building is insulated using mineral wool, foam or other materials. A layer of waterproofing (rolled membrane, etc.) must be installed.

Step 3. We use special flexible anchors (made of polymers) in order to connect the brickwork into a single unit with the wall of the frame house. Additional anchors are placed along the perimeter of window and door openings; they also need to be placed in the corners of the building. The rigid part of the anchor is driven into the tree, the second end of the fastener will remain between the masonry bricks.

Step 4. We cover the base of the house with roofing felt and begin finishing with bricks - laying starts from the corner. In order to ensure that the masonry is level, a cord is pulled in advance, and the first row is checked with a building level. The brick is placed either on edge or flat - it depends on your preferences.

Step 5. When facing with brick, “vents” are created in the lower rows of the masonry - special openings that provide ventilation to the facade. Vertical seams every two bricks to create such “vents” must be left without mortar. In addition, you should make a gap of about a centimeter under the roof, at the very end of the masonry. Thus, when facing with brick, you actually get a ventilated façade of a frame building.

Facing with siding

Siding is inexpensive and relatively simple and quick way make the facade of any building, including frame buildings, modern and beautiful. Work on finishing facades with siding is carried out in several stages:

Step 1. Before decorating the walls with siding, wooden blocks are placed on the surface of the walls (they can be used to generally reduce the cost of finishing, instead of metal profiles). The bars are located at a distance of about half a meter from each other, they are fastened along the entire perimeter of the building.

Step 2. At the base of the building, around the perimeter, a starting strip is attached: the correctness of its installation is checked using a building level. The quality of wall finishing largely depends on the quality of fastening of the starting strip. frame structure siding.

Step 3. To the sheathing frame, or rather, to it vertical posts, a profile corner is attached.

Step 4. The panels are mounted on the sheathing bars. The profile tenon of the panel along its entire length is installed in the latch of the starting strip, and the siding panel is carefully lifted up until it clicks. Done – the panel is fixed. One self-tapping screw is screwed into each frame post along the edge of the panel. The second panel joins the first in the upward direction, also until a characteristic click is heard. After the siding is completed, the panels must be connected with a special connecting strip, which is primarily of aesthetic importance.

Block house cladding

Decorating the facade of a frame house using such a popular material today as a block house is quite an expensive pleasure. Meanwhile, a building sheathed in this way will look stylish, high-quality, and the finishing itself (with proper installation, of course, will last quite a long time). The strength and lightness of the material, the relative simplicity of façade cladding - these are the most important advantages block house. In addition, in a frame building, which is lined with a block house, a very favorable atmosphere for living is created; it is “easy to breathe” in such a house. However, when choosing this material, keep in mind that it requires ongoing care: periodic varnishing, priming, tinting, etc. But, as a rule, such efforts are justified both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.

If you have certain knowledge, you can decorate the facade using a block house yourself.

Step 1. After the block house has been purchased and delivered, it is necessary to place it in well-ventilated areas for about a week - to adapt to the external environment and, as a result, to prevent deformation in the future.

Step 2. A vertical sheathing of bars (their dimensions are 50x50 mm) is installed on the wall surface. If the thickness of the insulation for the block house is greater, the lathing is made of wood (boards), for the same purpose you can use special hangers for plasterboard sheets. Insulation is installed into the frame, then a vapor-permeable film is installed - a wind barrier and, finally, a counter-lattice made of slats 2 cm thick is installed. It is necessary for high-quality ventilation of the facade.

Step 3. The block house is fixed along the counter-lattice using self-tapping screws. In order to prevent future water from flowing in, the tenons of the material boards should be directed upwards.

Plaster finishing

Decorating the facades of frame houses with plaster is a less labor-intensive option than finishing with brick, and more labor-intensive than finishing with siding. Decorative plaster looks impressive and expensive, especially if this method of decorating the facade is done correctly, in compliance with all the rules.

If plaster seems to you the best option finishing, you can do this job yourself. It is performed in several stages:

Step 1. A wooden or metal starting rail is fixed above the base of the building, along the lower border of the walls. Its fastening is carried out along the entire perimeter of the frame structure. This rail must be positioned strictly horizontally - this can be checked using a building level.

Step 2. Glue is applied to sheets of extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam - this can be done conveniently with a notched trowel. Then the sheets are carefully pressed against the wall - from the corner. The material should rest on the starting rail. After this, the sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws (for wood), and subsequent rows are shifted slightly: the seams should be like brickwork. We cover the entire façade of the building with the material and foam the seams.

Step 3. We attach the reinforcing mesh to the foam plastic sheets, carefully cover it with glue: a layer of rough putty should appear on the surface (outwardly very similar to plastered concrete).

Step 4. Water (1/3 of the volume) is poured into the bucket and the mixture for preparing decorative (facade) plaster is poured. Using a drill with a special attachment (“mixer”), the solution is mixed well.

Step 5. The finished plaster is applied to a spatula and distributed evenly over the walls. As for the thickness of the layer, in this matter we follow the instructions of the material manufacturer. If you have textured plaster, create a pattern.

In order for the work to proceed quickly and without loss of material, prepare as much solution as you can produce until the mixture begins to set in the container.

Which of the above options is preferable for decorating the facade of a country frame house? You decide. If you want your house to last as long as possible, if you have the financial means, you should choose brick finishing. If, on the contrary, you want to save money, give preference to finishing with siding - this is a good, popular way facade design buildings constructed from various materials - from wood to brick. Decorative plaster is a more expensive pleasure, but with the right approach, such a finish will look impressive and last a long time. Choose optimal solutions and enjoy the beauty and comfort of your country home!