Options for finishing brick walls and decorating tips. Brick interior decorative finishing

To give the premises of the house comfort and a unique appearance, many finishing materials have now been invented, such as plaster, wallpaper, various kinds panels and other types of wall cladding. But what to do if the interior involves the presence of brickwork in the design? For these purposes, there is decorative brick, which will help to accurately imitate the masonry inside the house, without putting a large load on the load-bearing capacity of the walls. In this article we will highlight the types of decorative bricks for interior decoration, their features, as well as the rules for installing the coating.

Assortment of decorative bricks

In all the variety of finishing materials, decorative brick is most often used to imitate real brickwork. This is due to its natural appearance and a large selection of existing material design.

Manufacturers offer several options for decorative bricks. Previously there were much fewer of them, but now this list has expanded significantly. Each variety has its own characteristics and characteristics. Moreover, the elements can be both rigid and flexible.

Flexible tiles

This imitation of brickwork is perfect for both interior and exterior decoration. This material is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a lot of positive characteristics, including vapor permeability, resistance to various types of influences, including biological ones, ease of installation and maintenance with your own hands, as well as immunity to changes due to ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Using flexible bricks, you can decorate not only straight surfaces, but also create corners and roundness in the interior.

This cladding will look appropriate both on walls and as a decoration for fireplaces, columns and other architectural forms. Moreover, the design does not depend on the shape of the surface, as mentioned earlier, which makes the work as simple and convenient as possible.

The tiles can be attached to the wall with glue in a single color or combined several colors at once. Manufacturers offer many shades of this finishing material, so choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Hard tiles

This material is obtained from several solutions. It can be made from gypsum, clay, cement with the addition of plasticizers, dyes and special additives. Laying such tiles on the wall is as easy as flexible ones, but we’ll talk about that later. Now we will give a description of each of the options for such facing material.

Gypsum brick

The decorative material is the most affordable both in terms of range and price. Decorative gypsum brick is lightweight, which makes it easy to attach it to the wall using gypsum-based adhesive. The tile does not have protective coating, therefore such cladding is not used in rooms with high humidity to avoid water absorption.

But there is a more expensive decorative brick made of gypsum with a moisture-repellent coating and special additives to reduce hygroscopicity. It is successfully used as decoration for bathrooms and even the facade of a house.

It is very convenient that such tiles are produced not only in a straight version, but with the presence of corner elements. They help make brick areas look neater and protect them from chipping.

To decorate the walls like this decorative bricks You will need not only the material itself and the adhesive, but also a special grout to process the seams and create a single sealed surface.

Gypsum decor on its surface can be:

  • matte, that is, one that has no shine.
  • glossy, with an even beautiful shine. In this case, the gypsum is coated with varnish, due to which this shine appears.
  • torn, characterized by an uneven surface with an asymmetrical arrangement of chips and corners.
  • relief, which is a surface with different relief.
  • concave or convex, which is represented by unusual surface shapes.

This material is very easy to do with your own hands, thanks to which you can save a lot.

Decorative cement brick

Cement brick tiles have many advantages, including a variety of assortments, low cost, and resistance to temperature changes, so the tiles can be used even in unheated rooms in winter.

To make such a brick design, tiles are created from Portland cement and sand diluted with water. Typically used brands are M400 and M500. You can make this decorative material yourself if you have ready-made molds for pouring. To do this, the solution is poured into molds and left there until it hardens completely. It can be given a tint immediately by adding dye, or painted after installation on the wall.

Clinker tiles

This type of decorative brick is more suitable for exterior finishing, but sometimes it is also used for internal purposes. The tiles are expensive, but their characteristics are quite good.

Important! Clinker tiles will become good choice for facing a fireplace or stove.

Clinker tiles are made from high-quality clays without the use of artificial additives. The already formed material is fired in an oven at a temperature of 1120 degrees until completely hardened. Thanks to this treatment, clinker tiles are an environmentally friendly material with unique technical characteristics, which only multiply during the installation process. This material is resistant to any influences, including low moisture absorption, high wear resistance and frost resistance, resistance to chemical influences.

Clinker tiles are available in such a variety that you can choose the right design option for finishing your home to suit any interior style. The outer surface can be rough, smooth, glazed or untreated. To reproduce the most daring design ideas, tiles are presented in different forms and sizes.

Ceramic brick

This version of this material is the founder of the entire production, since the production of decorative bricks began precisely from ceramics. This type of brick is no different from an ordinary one. ceramic tiles, which has been used for tiling bathrooms for many years in a row and constructing an apron in the kitchen. Just like gypsum decorative bricks, ceramic ones can have several options for the outer surface. These include matte, glossy, concave or convex effects.

Decorative brick made of porcelain stoneware

The most durable and reliable coating is decorative bricks made of porcelain stoneware. It is no longer possible to make such material yourself, since the technology can only be followed in production conditions.

Unlike ceramic bricks, granite chips are added to this material. Finished elements are double fired in a special oven.

Among positive properties This decorative brick can be distinguished:

  1. Moisture resistance and frost resistance.
  2. Elimination of contamination absorption due to the protective layer. Maintenance of this finish will be minimal - wet cleaning with a soft cloth.
  3. Variety of choices in construction stores.
  4. Various size options for brick tiles.

Important! The service life of porcelain stoneware bricks, according to the manufacturer, is 30 - 40 years.

Options for laying decorative bricks for interior decoration on the wall can be seen in the photo:

Self-installation of decorative bricks

The work of laying decorative bricks on walls is similar to each other; there are almost no differences in technology. But there are some nuances regarding the laying of flexible and rigid material.

Installation of flexible bricks

You don’t need complex tools for this DIY finishing. You will only need spatulas - a smooth one designed for mixing the glue and a serrated one for applying it, a level, a ruler, a marking cord, a marker and construction scissors, a brush for leveling the mortar in the seams.

In addition to tools, you will need materials. These are: the tile itself, tile adhesive and primer for preparing the walls.

Before installation begins, the wall is prepared in any case. To do this, its surface is cleaned, leveled and coated with an antiseptic primer. After the surface has dried, you can begin laying decorative bricks.

Important! Work on the interior decoration of walls with decorative bricks can only be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, so that the adhesion of the material does not decrease.

Installation of the coating is carried out according to the following algorithm:

Advice! Before starting installation, it is better to remove all the elements from the packages and mix them together to achieve a natural distribution of the shade.

Installation of hard bricks

As mentioned earlier, the finishing work is almost the same as with flexible tiles. But to cut the material you will need a jigsaw or a circular saw.

The difference in finishing lies in the specific placement of the material. A layer of adhesive for hard tiles is needed a little thicker than in the previous case. It will be approximately 3 - 4 mm. Usually, the packaging with brick tiles contains instructions for its installation, and you should follow them.

During the process, you should check how evenly each layer is laid using a building level. To create perfectly even distances between tiles, you can use special calibrators - an analogue of cross-shaped inserts when installing ceramic tiles. After finishing works they are removed.

The main difference is the need to seal the seams after the adhesive has dried. This is done with special grouts using ready-made guns different types or a homemade syringe from plastic bag. The grout must have plasticity in order to completely fill the seams.


Now the construction market presents a variety of materials with which you can create an ideal imitation of brickwork. For the interior decoration of houses, it is possible to choose the cladding that will suit all the characteristics and will be able to create the design that needs to be achieved in the end. Moreover, most of the materials are not expensive, which will help you make modern repairs at minimal cost with your own hands.

Brick is one of the most traditional for our country building materials. Therefore, such a finishing element as brickwork, widely used for indoor wall decoration. Designers have long appreciated the wide creative possibilities of decorating brick walls: a variety of shapes and colors of such decor help create a very interesting and original interior.

Naturally, such ideas are implemented in different ways, taking into account all the capabilities of the owner, as well as the characteristics of the room being decorated.

Brick wall decor options

Instead of real brick for interior decoration in modern decor Other materials are often used, the structure of which looks very much like a brick surface.

Brick walls can be finished using materials and technologies such as:

  • building panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • brick wallpaper;
  • painting.

The advantage of such materials over real brickwork is that they are much lighter than brick and occupy much less volume.

What type of decor is best to choose for reproduction? brick wall? Let's take a closer look at the most popular options for finishing brick walls. Knowing the features of each of them, you can easily create a unique wall decor at home.

1. Brick-like building panels

Construction panels are a real leader among “bricks”, famous for their strength and water resistance. This finishing material It has long conquered the exterior finishing market, and now it has found its application in interior spaces.

Such imitation panels are made of plastic. This means that they are not afraid of dust, moisture, mold or rust. In addition, such brick panels are highly resistant to alkalis and acids and are not at all afraid of hot droplets of fat, which is why they are often used in the kitchen.


  • ease of fastening;
  • light weight;
  • perfect appearance;
  • minimum prices.


  • Some panels require additional sheathing, so this design takes up a certain part of the usable space.

Brick panels are mounted both horizontally and vertically, so the pattern on them depends on the method of placement. They are mounted on nails, screws or self-tapping screws. Most of these are mounted directly on the wall.

U decorative panels under a brick, each element has its own independent fixation, so an accidentally damaged part of the “bricks” can be replaced in half an hour.

Important: Brick panels are perfect option decor for a balcony, kitchen apron or crowded corridor.

2. Brick tiles

An excellent alternative to brick for wall cladding is clinker tiles. This is an inexpensive and very beautiful analogue, made from raw clay. In terms of its characteristics, laying method and thickness, brick tiles are no different from simple tiles.

4. Decorative brick-like plaster

Imitation of stone brickwork made of plaster looks very impressive and unusual. In addition, it is very easy to do it yourself.


  • variety of textures and colors;
  • ease of application;
  • excellent insulation;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • durable and practically maintenance-free.


  • may take up useful space;
  • low resistance to dirt (attract dust);
  • The surface must be very smooth. There should be no noticeable scratches, bumps or depressions.

Decorative brick-like plaster is used to decorate:

  • one wall in the room;
  • niche or ;
  • “bricks” randomly placed on a flat painted wall.

Important: This type of imitation is very popular with creative people, as it provides enormous opportunities for flights of fancy.

5. Painting like brick

A great way to decorate brick walls is by painting. The color for the bricks is selected depending on the style of the room, your mood and individual taste.

Modern interior solutions that use such a “brick wall” most often belong to one of two styles:

  1. Calm and cozy Country requires soft pastel shades"brickwork";
  2. “Brickwork” in the Loft style can be done eccentrically and with a special twist using painting.

A great option for “brick” is elastomeric paint. It fills all the cracks formed due to shrinkage of the walls, protects the surface from moisture and strengthens it. For bright and colorful decoration, acrylic and water-based paints. They are applied with brushes of different thicknesses, and if you need to create an additional dust-repellent or water-repellent coating, you can use a wide fur roller.

  • poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  • cracks over time;
  • not suitable for uneven walls;
  • The color in the jar and on the wall can vary greatly in shade.

Advice: to add realism to a brick-like pattern, you can subtract or add a few millimeters from each brick.

Brickwork brings a unique charm and that “zest” to the interior. And if the external cladding of a building can still be done using various types of bricks, then indoors, especially in an ordinary apartment, it is not always possible to use such heavy finishing, because additional load on load-bearing floors can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences.

However, there is a way out - you can create an excellent imitation of a brick wall. There are several options for such finishing, and you can handle each of them with your own hands. The final result depends solely on your imagination and personal preferences.

Before starting work, prepare the equipment necessary to perform decorative “brick” cladding. The list will vary slightly depending on the finishing method you choose, but in general you will need the following:

The simplest option for simulating brickwork

The easiest option for simulating brickwork to produce is to draw the corresponding cladding elements on plain wallpaper or simply a painted wall.

Of course, in this case there is no question of the realism and “volume” of the masonry, but the method has a number of great advantages, namely:

The disadvantage, as already noted, is the unnaturalness of the cladding. And the finished result does not look very attractive, to put it mildly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in some household and household premises such as a dressing room, garage, etc.

For living rooms, choose a more effective method of simulating brickwork from the following suggested ones.

Using masking tape, mark the boundary contours

We mark the window according to the narrow pattern masking tape and paint over with “brick” acrylic

Homemade gypsum bricks look no worse than factory-made finishing elements. Carrying out such cladding does not require the performer to have special skills or large financial costs.

The first step is making the mold

Make a mold to make bricks. The thickness of an individual element can be 5-20 mm. At a lower height, the bricks will quickly break, and the use of large-sized elements will lead to a significant increase in the consumption of plaster for grouting joints. In addition, too large bricks will visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

The second step is preparing the solution

Prepare a solution for making cladding elements. To do this, dilute the dry plaster with water until it resembles thick sour cream. Lubricate the mold prepared at the previous stage with a soap solution or simple petroleum jelly and pour the prepared mass into it.

Level the fill using a regular ruler. Leave the mold for 20-30 minutes, then turn it over and carefully remove the finished cladding element. Paint the brick the desired color. Sometimes, to obtain the required shade, the product must be painted in at least three layers. If desired, you can varnish the brick.

Third step - cladding

Start imitating brickwork. To do this, apply markings to the area of ​​the wall allocated for finishing. At the bottom of the wall, set aside a starting line from which you will begin laying the plaster stones.

To fix the bricks, use an adhesive specially designed for such work, for example, tile adhesive. Buy it from the appropriate store.

Lay out the first row of bricks in compliance with the selected joint width. Attach further rows in a checkerboard pattern. Use a notched trowel to apply the adhesive to the wall. For greater effect, you can carefully break the outermost bricks in each row so that their edges look torn and uneven.

Leave the finish to dry for 1-3 days. You can check the exact drying time for the glue on the packaging.

Imitation foam brick

An imitation brick wall can be made from a ceiling foam tiles no pattern. The recommended size of the “bricks” is 150x70 mm. Cladding made from elements with larger dimensions will look unnatural. The procedure for making bricks is extremely simple.

First step. Mark the tiles. An ordinary gel pen will help you with this. Don't forget to leave small allowances for the seams between the tiles.

Second step.

Use a toothpick to press neat, even lines along the markings.

Third step.

Make a “masher”. Take a lid from any tin can and cut a straight strip out of it. From one edge of the strip, cut off the edges, making a “sting” no more than 2 mm wide. Using this tip, push the marking lines to the end.

Fourth step.

Cover the selected section of the wall with ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive for gluing. Start tiling from the bottom edge of the wall. The seams may not be filled. Leave a 1-2 mm gap between the “bricks”.

Fifth step.

Paint the finished siding. Apply an increased amount of paint into the gaps. This way you will create the most realistic imitation of brickwork.

Wood bricks

Imitation of brickwork can be very easily made from wood.

First step. Buy material for making “bricks”. You can use, for example, plywood.

Second step.

Cut the workpiece into the required number of rectangular elements of the same size.

Third step. Sand the front side of each element.

Fourth step.

Prepare markings on the wall.

Fifth step.

Lay out the bricks according to the markings, starting from the bottom opposite corners. Attach the elements at the same distance, corresponding to the seam thickness you have chosen. A gap of a couple of millimeters will be enough. Lay out all the bricks.

Repeat the above steps until you have the required number of bricks.

Fourth step.

Cover the wall with ready-made bricks. To fix the elements, use tile adhesive.

Fifth step.

Fill the seams with a composition specially designed for this purpose. It is better that the filler is slightly darker than the cladding elements.

Sixth step.

Apply a couple coats of varnish to the trim.

Finishing of decorative cladding

First step. Mix red and light ocher.

Second step. Add a little white to the mixture. Third step.

Treat decorative masonry using the tampon method. To do this, take a sponge, dip it into the thick mixture prepared in the previous stages, and evenly distribute the composition over the cladding. Fourth step. Take liquid paint of a brown shade or close to it. Spray the paint onto the trim using a toothbrush.

To get more effective and

natural look

finishing, you can use different painting techniques for each row. For example, you can treat the second row of masonry with cold hematite diluted with water, cover the third row with a mixture of sienna and white, etc. Apply all coloring compounds using the same tamping technique. Alternate shades in order.

Finally, coat the imitation brick wall with a couple of coats of varnish. If desired, give the cladding matte surface, carefully sand it with fine-grain sandpaper.

To create an imitation brick wall yourself, you don’t need to be a great master. Choose the method you like best and start finishing according to the instructions.

Good luck! Video - DIY brick wall imitation, sizes, textures. Thanks to such diversity, you can create exactly the design in the apartment that you dream of.

Natural old brick looks the most stylish and respectable in the interior.

But it is not always possible to use it. Competent selection of high-quality decorative bricks for the interior allows you to get a worthy replacement.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to use textured wallpaper instead of brick tiles. They are easier to use, cheaper, and help save space. But be careful when choosing. Often wallpaper does not create the desired effect.

General rules for using bricks

Designing and decorating walls with your own hands requires certain knowledge and a sense of style. The first principle you must learn is:

Brick in the interior will look stylish and emphasize comfort only if it is used in reasonable quantities.

Neglecting this rule will result in you ending up with a cold, uncomfortable atmosphere in your home. To make it more clear how to decorate rooms with bricks for the interior, take a look at the photo.

Brick finishing options:

  • allocation accent wall(the reception is suitable for any room in the apartment);
  • highlighting the fireplace area in the living room;
  • finishing of arches, niches in walls, partitions, columns and other architectural elements.

Brick decor in different rooms


Brickwork is very popular in the interior of the hallway. Here it is better to choose dark colors, on which dirt will be less noticeable. An antique type of tile with scuffs and cracks will cope well with this.. Sometimes you can line all the walls of the hallway with brick and it won’t seem like an excess. But in most cases, it is appropriate to finish one wall, highlight an arch, a niche for a mirror or another element (examples in the photo below).

In the design of a small hallway, brick decor is often inappropriate. The tiles hide too much space, and their dark tones make the room visually cramped and gloomy. It is most appropriate to use white brick in the interior of a small hallway. Light textured wallpaper as in the next photo will also work.

Living room

The possibilities for using decorative bricks for the living room interior are very wide. Modern design styles often offer the technique of highlighting one wall. It becomes the main “highlight” of the room, and it is on it that the main decor is placed, along with the main recreation area (photo).

When choosing decorative bricks for your living room interior, pay attention to the color.

IN big room with high ceilings, aged red would be most appropriate, and for small rooms it is better to use white (you can replace brick tiles with wallpaper).

Brick decor is a good way to designate a fireplace area in the living room. It is possible to decorate the fireplace itself or the elements framing it, the podium, or parts of the walls with brick. To make the atmosphere of the living room even more cozy, it is good to use fresh flowers and textiles in this relaxation area. rustic style. You will be able to achieve maximum harmony if you choose the antique look of brick tiles.

White brick looks stylish and modern in the interior. The design of the living room will be especially harmonious if you complement the wall with minimalist furniture and laconic decor, as in the photo.


The use of bricks can also be very diverse. A common designation option dining area. In this case, the entire wall in the kitchen or part of it is finished. If the dining table is on a podium or separated by an arch, then these architectural elements can be additionally highlighted with brick for the interior.

The technique of finishing a kitchen apron with brick tiles is often used. This allows you to add color to modern design kitchens, create an interesting contrast with modern appliances. Tiles made to look like antique masonry will look especially original. Bricks look good in the kitchen interior small sizes, placed on the apron.

An almost win-win option would be fresh flowers in the kitchen. In combination with them brick tiles fits equally well with any design style.

If you are renovating your apartment with your own hands and decide to choose wallpaper with a brick texture, then pay attention to those that can easily withstand wet cleaning (this rule also applies to the hallway).


The most common way to use decorative brick for a bedroom interior is as an accent wall. There may be different variants– antique masonry, white or red brick, textured wallpaper (this is what will become best choice, when the repair is done with your own hands).

The photo below shows how cozy it becomes in such a room. Brutal brick tiles in wall decoration emphasize the warmth and softness of pillows and textiles. Depending on the chosen design style, the overall picture will be well complemented by flowers, large laconic paintings, voluminous curtains or a canopy.

Decorating apartment walls and individual elements with brick is a very popular topic today. If you do everything yourself, then decorative tiles will help combine different textures for interesting results. However, it is important to understand the installation technology, otherwise it’s easy to ruin everything. When in doubt, it's best to choose high-quality textured wallpaper. Among them there are durable, moisture-resistant types that will be an excellent wall decoration even in the kitchen and hallway.

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Decorative brick finishes are chosen if you want to highlight certain areas in the interior or to fully decorate one or more walls. The main difference between the material used and standard facing products is its smaller thickness and lighter weight. The cladding technology is similar to the process of laying tiles, but some stages (marking, installation of corner elements, grouting joints) require a more careful approach. The price of the material depends on the decorative effect and raw materials, average cost square meter finishing costs 1000 rubles excluding the costs of specialist services.

The assortment is represented by rectangular products reminiscent of standard ceramic brick, but with a relief front surface. Being one of the varieties decorative stone for interior decoration, they have the same dimensions and shape, with the exception of patterns that imitate a combination of spoon and bonded masonry. IN in this case there is no need to comply with standards; the dimensions offered by the manufacturer take into account only the external effect.

Most often there are options with a length ranging from 17-29 cm, a width of about 5-6 and a thickness of 7 to 25 mm. Decorativeness is achieved by experimenting with color and type of surface: the front side can be matte or glossy, convex or concave, have a complex relief, rounded and broken edges. Typically, products are produced complete with arched, corner and additional elements, which allows for a unique interior decoration.

Overview of finishing options

Depending on the raw materials used and manufacturing technology, there are:

  • Ceramic decorative brick made of clay, quartz chips and sand, produced by high-temperature firing.
  • Gypsum-based artificial stone is a molding material that can be created with your own hands if desired.
  • Cement brick - manufactured according to the same principle (strength building of the mortar in molds), but containing thermal insulating fillers - expanded clay or perlite chips.

All of them are united by their execution in the form of bricks and their intended purpose – exclusively interior decoration. These products are not suitable for cladding facades due to their low moisture resistance and more porous structure, which allows the walls to breathe. Strength, weight, durability and other performance characteristics vary for each variety.

1. Pros and cons of gypsum.

Decorative finishing made from this material is valued for its lightness, ease of installation, big choice pleasant to the touch textures and colors, resistance to high temperatures, environmental safety and humidity control. Gypsum brick has good compressive and bending strength; under appropriate operating conditions, the resulting coating will last for many years. But two of them significant shortcomings how fragility and hygroscopicity limit the use of this material even for interior decoration. However, this option is in demand when finishing walls in rooms with a humidity of no more than 65%. Of all types of decorative facing bricks gypsum has a minimal cost. It is definitely recommended to buy it if you doubt the load-bearing capacity of the walls. The scope of application also includes finishing of the fireplace area and chimneys.

2. Ceramics.

A time-tested option for decorative bricks, which has characteristics similar to tiles and is optimal for cladding areas with frequent exposure to moisture. Distinctive feature This variety is fired during production; it differs from standard clinker only in thickness. The technology makes it possible to obtain durable, moisture- and frost-resistant and practical products that do not change their properties during operation.

The disadvantages of ceramic decorative bricks include high cost; this is the most expensive type. The optimal area of ​​application is considered to be areas exposed to temperature changes: chimneys, fireplaces, stoves, loggias and verandas. The minimum service life of ceramic bricks is 30 years; this finishing option is selected for a long time.

Separately, we consider porcelain stoneware - a decorative stone obtained by semi-dry pressing and passed through double-firing ovens. In addition to clay, its composition includes crumbs from hard rocks. This is the most expensive variety, the minimum cost for facing 1 m2 is 2000 rubles. But small porcelain stoneware products are rare (and mainly from foreign manufacturers); most often the products are in the form of square tiles or panels (from 30x30 cm), only imitating brick.

3. Features of decorative cement stone.

The traditional composition of this material includes Portland cement, strength and coloring additives and a lightweight filler with thermal insulation properties. The base may also include polymers and acrylic resins that enhance water-repellent properties. Despite all the advantages, they are not always safe for humans; before purchasing such products, it is worth checking the instructions for approval for interior decoration.

This is a highly durable and moisture-resistant variety; the only drawback is the weight. Cement-based decorative bricks are recommended to be purchased for finishing rooms with high humidity, but in general the scope of application is almost universal. To enhance water protection and extend their service life, it is recommended to coat them with special varnishes or protective pore-sealing compounds.

Performance characteristics

When choosing decorative bricks for interior decoration, in addition to dimensions, weight and color, attention is paid to the main operational parameters. On average they are:

Decorative brick-like stone is in demand when decorating living rooms, corridors and hallways, kitchens, and, less often, bedrooms (the material looks like a single mass and can overwhelm people). He focuses attention on panels, corners, mirrors, door and window openings and is relevant when it is necessary to zoning a room. An original visual effect is achieved when lining fireplace areas, areas near fountains, kitchen aprons, bar counters and niches. It should be remembered that an interior with such decorative finishing requires enhanced lighting or combination with white and light materials.

Installation features

The main stages of cladding include:

  • Calculation of material taking into account the occupied space in the interior. A mandatory reserve of 8-12% is provided.
  • Preparation of the base: leveling and application primer compositions to improve adhesion and protect decorative bricks from fungus.
  • Marking, installation of auxiliary stripes and crosses.
  • Laying bricks, starting with the frame and corners.
  • Grouting and washing of joints.
  • Treatment of the external surface with protective varnishes or primers (recommended, but not mandatory step).

Particular attention is paid to preparing the plane. Decorative brick is placed on a flat, hard and non-shrinking base, cleared of debris and foreign stains. Checking the level, eliminating defects and leveling work are mandatory. There are two options: plastering or covering the walls with sheets of plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm or more. Such stringent requirements are due to the significant weight. Experienced builders recommend carrying out an inspection - temporary installation of several bricks and inspection of their condition within 3 days.

Treatment with antiseptics that close the pores can significantly save the adhesive composition. Highly absorbent walls are coated twice. Humidity is monitored during installation work surface, in hot conditions, experts recommend moistening it and the products themselves. After the primer has dried, you can safely begin marking, taking into account the thickness of the joints or butt placement.

Framing and corner elements are installed first. Despite the strict geometry and same sizes decorative facing bricks, skipping the marking step or performing it without a preliminary sketch is not recommended. The main goal is to lay the entire material (the ease of cutting with a grinder or jigsaw does not at all guarantee the quality of the edges). For corners, it is advisable to purchase rusticated stone or special elements, this way they will look neater. If the budget does not allow it, then this area the brick is placed end-to-end or with edges cut at an angle of 45° (which significantly complicates the finishing process).

The choice of direction for laying decorative bricks depends on the type of seams: when jointing it is more convenient to move from top to bottom, when installing end-to-end - vice versa. In the first case building mixture does not fall on the products; in the second, the risk of the array sliding is eliminated. When facing heavy and thick bricks (over 15 mm), it is recommended to take breaks every 3 rows and check their condition before resuming work. The adhesive composition is applied to only one row. As with standard masonry, decorative bricks are placed offset, but without the mandatory minimum of a quarter size. The material gives a lot of scope for creativity; placement of bricks next to each other is allowed different color, texture, thickness, but the best option the usual option with a shift of vertical seams of 5 cm is considered.

The final stage of cladding is grouting, which begins after hardening has finished. adhesive composition. Majority modern species glue allows you to carry out grouting work within 24 hours after finishing the walls with brick. All auxiliary strips are carefully removed along with excess glue. The seams between the decorative bricks are filled with mortar using a construction gun or a finger wrapped in fabric. The color is selected taking into account the perception of the overall picture.


Brand nameManufacturerMaterialDimensions, mmWeight kg/m2Price per sq.m
Riga brickIdeal stoneArtificial cement-containing stone221x64x1427,5 1020
Town Brick TB-22/RRed stone213×65×1016 1000
SlimbrickEurokam210×50×79,7 997
Variorock KardoLong475×75×1824,8 1570
London brickWhite Hills240×65×1521,5 950
Bruges brick210×65×2018,5 930
Dolomite wallKamrock305×75×2029,4 1150
Clinker brickThin-walled facing clinker192×55×1518,4 1100
Casavaga under brickCasavagaGypsum tiles210×50×9.67,5 640