What stylish curtains for the kitchen. Elegant curtains for a small kitchen: choose a stylish and practical option

In every apartment and in every house, the kitchen is a unique and, most often, the most comfortable place. And the whole reason is that the owner of the house spends quite a lot of time in it. And the tablecloths, potholders, aprons, curtains for the kitchen and many other items chosen by her, as a full-fledged housewife, are literally imbued with her personality. The kitchen, beloved by the hostess, is always overflowing with love and care for loved ones and, in general, literally glows with homely warmth. And it's not just about the prepared delicious dishes and pies. The correctly selected interior details described above are also responsible for comfort, and which ones, each a real mistress not only knows, but also feels them intuitively. The main detail of all are the curtains. After all, this is the main symbol of comfort in this room; it is they who create a homely atmosphere and set the mood for the entire environment.

Curtains for the kitchen photo

What to combine curtains with in the kitchen?

A large variety always makes you think and introduces some chaos into the process of choosing the appropriate curtain option. But due to the fact that this stage takes place when the renovation of the room has already been completed and the room has a specific style, the circle of searches has already been narrowed to some extent. That is, we are looking for curtains among those that match the chosen interior design.

But in order for everything to look harmonious and holistic in the future, it is necessary to take into account color design. That is, you definitely need to know the future design of the curtains in the kitchen before purchasing. And to do this, we take into account the color of the walls, floors, furniture and other details.

But there are two main ways color combination curtains in the kitchen with surrounding elements. When curtains are combined in color and texture with other interior items, this is classic way. The main companions for them are usually a tablecloth on the table with covers on the chairs or fabric upholstery upholstered furniture. They can be supplemented by other, smaller items: a vase with artificial flowers or clay pots with fresh flowers, paintings on the wall, a tea set on a shelf or souvenir plates, etc. This combination is universal and can be implemented in all styles.

Curtain options for the kitchen - combination in the interior

The second method allows you to make the curtains in the kitchen “invisible”. To do this, the fabric is matched to the color of the walls or furniture. Having merged with them, they will not stand out against their background. This design idea is relevant when the room is decorated in a minimalist style. There is nothing superfluous on the curtains for this style; even their fastenings are not always visible. The fabric is straight and falls from the very ceiling to the floor, almost touching it.

Curtains for a modern kitchen photo

Short curtains or long ones: which one to choose?

Of course, short curtains chosen for the kitchen look more appropriate. And many housewives will say that they are much easier to use: they don’t cling to your feet and get dirty less. In addition, they do not block the heating radiator, which is important in frosty winters. At the same time, short kitchen curtains make the window sill easily accessible, which is very convenient if there are flowers or other objects on it. And in general, curtains up to the window sill or halfway through the window make it easier to create a real, simple home comfort, because they do not smell of modern rigor and formality.

White curtains in the kitchen photo

But in some cases they may not be entirely appropriate. For example, today they are very popular panoramic windows, like those installed in penthouses. In many new buildings, such windows are installed even on the first floors. Therefore, you should generally forget about short curtains in such apartments. They are being replaced by translucent tulle or plain floor-length curtains. Another example, when the room is large and lacks coziness, long and beautiful curtains for a kitchen of this size are simply necessary. And it is desirable that their fabric has a large pattern, as in the photo below. This way they will look three-dimensional and visually fill the void. large room.

Modern curtains photo to the kitchen

From a practical point of view, the latter may not be the most suitable, but they, like others, have an alternative, these are the so-called jalousie curtains. There are quite a few varieties of them; in addition to classic blinds, Roman blinds and pleated blinds are very popular today. They are suitable for both small windows and floor-length windows. They can cover the windows completely or partially, and with them the window sill is also easily accessible.

Blinds curtains for the kitchen photo

Suitable fabrics

The fabric for kitchen curtains, of course, should be practical; humid air with fat and oil vapors, soot, and odors from food and dishes will do their job quite quickly. Frequently washing curtains is not an option; the housewife always has a lot to do without it, and the fabric can quickly lose its appearance - the colors will fade, the fibers of the threads will lose their elasticity. Of course, the problem will be partially solved by installing a stove and a powerful hood at a distance. But practical materials for the kitchen will never be superfluous.

curtains for the kitchen in country style photo

The fabrics with natural fibers that are most susceptible to stains are satin, linen, chintz, cotton, and silk. But on the other hand, they are the ones who contribute to the creation of genuine comfort, which is why many housewives still have not abandoned them. But the problem is partially solved by mixed fabrics consisting of natural and artificial fibers. They look like natural ones, but at the same time they are more practical. Typically, manufacturers of such fabrics combine cotton with acrylic, linen with polyester, nylon with silk. They do not fade in the sun, do not fade or shrink, so they make ideal kitchen curtains.

Tulle curtain for the kitchen photo

More practical are kitchen curtains made from artificial fabrics - 100% viscose and pure polyester. These are the most durable fabrics. Viscose, in turn, has another useful property, it is considered fire resistant. A viscose kitchen curtain is an ideal solution if the stove is close to the window.

Curtains for the kitchen photo gallery

Modest kitchen curtains have gradually turned into a full-fledged decorative element. How to choose a curtain design for the kitchen so that the room becomes the coziest corner of your apartment?

Features of choice

Hurry up to decide on the design of curtains for the kitchen - check out the new photos. But before implementing the original design ideas, find out the features of the kitchen interior, its capabilities and the role of curtains in it. They should be:

  • Functional.

Not just decoration, kitchen curtains have a real purpose: to protect from the bright sun and hide from prying eyes. Therefore, when thinking about the design of curtains for the kitchen, consider how they move and how dense they are.

  • Practical.

It is important to choose the “right” material: does not absorb odors, repels dirt, is easy to wash and is fireproof, because there may be kitchen stove. Therefore, when planning to sew curtains, be critical of the fabric. Airy tulle is not suitable for this corner.

  • Harmonious.

Whether in the kitchen or living room - curtains for the kitchen should always be combined with the surrounding interior and overall style.

  • Suitable for the size of the room.

Choosing voluminous curtains for a small kitchen would be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? As well as thick curtains in dark and cool shades. Try to make them help visually increase the space.

More information about types of curtains

Do you want kitchen curtains to meet all your requirements? And were they also modern and original? Choose your option.

Straight curtains with tulle

This is a win-win model for kitchen space. The window is decorated with voluminous folds on both sides. Pick them up on the side if you still value practicality more. The interior will become even more comfortable.

Additional decor can be metal eyelets or woven loops. With them, the canvases look not only modern, but also noble.

Tulle curtains

Simple, convenient and versatile - tulle is still relevant. Long, short, in several layers, decorated with a lambrequin - these are the most successful curtains for a small kitchen in the photo.

To increase the space, opt for light shades. You can use chiffon, organza, silk as a transparent base and sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands.

With lambrequin

Lambrequins drape the upper part of the window with beautiful folds and curves of fabric. These are suitable curtains for a kitchen with a balcony. Their asymmetry allows you to leave the door free.

Roman blind models are incredibly popular. They look simple, but fashionable and stylish. Parallel folds can be created from any fabric - with or without a pattern. Can be combined with any style.

Whether they will fit in the living room is a moot point. But this is a suitable option for curtains for a kitchen with a wide window - see the photo.

They are even more versatile and easy to use. Roller blinds for the kitchen - as in the photo - can become the main art object, because manufacturers offer very impressive prints.

Moreover, they save a lot of space, opening access to the window sill.

From threads

Thread curtains, similar to a cascade of thick fringe, refresh kitchen interior. They are not only beautiful, but also practical. Look at the string curtains for the kitchen in the photo. They can be picked up from the side.

Some types can be combined with each other. Want to find a ready-made sample? Or maybe you can try experimenting yourself?

Variety of styles

Create a unified kitchen interior in which all the details and accents will be combined with furniture and wall decoration. The curtains themselves in the kitchen, as you can see in the photo, take up a lot of space and attract the eye. Create a unified style ensemble for the entire room.


Fashion trends - simplicity and conciseness - have also reached the design of windows. These are usually practical fabrics, simple designs without ruffles or frills. Window decor looks stylish and laconic using Roman blinds, straight curtains with eyelets or loops. Tulle, short curtains, and blinds would be appropriate.

High tech

Here, modern curtains in cool shades should become even more laconic, but no less effective.

Skip the tulle, but use the versatile Roman shade design. These curtains fit perfectly into the minimalist design of the room.


The elegant furnishings of the classic kitchen are complemented by exquisite linens. A rich setting will be created by tulle curtains covered with long drapes. Opt for curtains with a lambrequin, with beautiful tassels and folds in the style of Austrian or French models.

Fabrics: silk, taffeta, satin.


The sophistication of Provence is very cozy, feminine and unpretentious. Natural fabrics with small patterns, delicate colors that match the furniture, ties, loops, drawstrings - without these elements the famous french style not create.


The bright yet very cozy rustic style is sure to attract members of the whole family to the kitchen. Choose warm colors and bright printed patterns (flowers, checkered) for textiles. A single set of curtains, tablecloths and towels looks impressive. If the wall decoration also contains a floral pattern, opt for a bright but plain fabric. Sew them yourself if you know how to sew curtains.


Bring whimsical luxury into your kitchen with multicolors, layers and intricate patterns. Shiny fabrics will be suitable, thread material will be appropriate.


This is one of the most fashion trends in interior design, behind the external simplicity of which lies thoughtful detail and a high price. Choose curtains for the kitchen from light but natural fabrics.

Cotton tulle; for Roman blinds, coarse linen in natural shades is suitable: gray, white, beige, olive. Green curtains for the kitchen go well with wooden furniture.

If you don’t think about style unity, then beautiful curtains of a neutral color and simple cut will be appropriate in any kitchen. Don’t be afraid, bring any kitchen idea to life with your own hands. —

Curtains in the kitchen are needed not only for beauty, they perform several important functions - they create comfort in the room, protect it from the sun's rays and the prying glances of neighbors. In addition, a well-designed window opening helps to hide some of the existing shortcomings of the room - for example, visually enlarge the window.

The right design of kitchen curtains or attractive drapery can complete the design of the room, and even become its real highlight. Choosing curtains for the kitchen is a responsible process, and if the room is small, the task should be taken with particular seriousness.

Roman, or roller blinds, have a lot of advantages. They combine the beauty of curtains and the convenience of blinds, and are perfect for installation on a kitchen window. Roman blinds are attached at the top to the cornice and are a dense strip of fabric that gathers in folds when lifted.

They rise with the help of attached reverse side slats and control cord. At the very bottom there is a special weighting plate, thanks to which the curtains always maintain a perfectly even shape.

Roller blinds come in two types:

Roman blinds classic- this model is a smooth and even canvas that forms overlapping horizontal folds when lifted. These curtains look very simple and elegant; they easily fit into any kitchen interior.

Roman blinds cascading- even when fully opened, this model has folds that go down in the form of a cascade, forming a beautiful drapery. Most often, such curtains are installed in rooms whose interior is made in country, art deco, and also some traditional styles.

Kitchen curtains with eyelets

A very popular design solution window openings V country houses and city apartments - installation of straight curtains, the fastening of which to the cornice is carried out using special eyelets sewn to the top of the fabric.

To visually “raise” the ceiling, it is recommended to attach a round cornice closer to the ceiling, hanging long thin curtains on it. If desired, textiles can be quickly gathered into soft folds on both sides of the window. This design It looks stylish and elegant, it goes especially well with the classic style of the interior.

Draping a kitchen window with tulle

If the room is small and the window is also small, the ideal way to decorate it is to use ordinary light, weightless tulle, transparent or translucent. Delicate lace creates a weightless effect, filling the room with air and light. Tulle takes up virtually no space, yet it looks expensive and easily fits into most popular interior styles.

You can use regular tulle without curtains if there is no need to protect your kitchen from prying eyes, as well as from direct sunlight. For a small kitchen, tulle up to the window sill is perfect, so it will get dirty less and will retain its attractive look longer. appearance. If the window faces the sunny side, it is recommended to install an additional Roman blind directly under the tulle.

Kisey for the kitchen

For a small window in a small room, muslin is perfect - special curtains made in the form of thin long threads. Such stripes look very attractive and elegant, besides, they visually make the kitchen more spacious, “raise” the ceiling in it, create a feeling of comfort and coziness, and allow sunlight to pass through well. They are also very easy to care for.

Kisey can be framed different ways. It can be simply fixed on one side of the window using a decorative clamp, or divided into two parts and secured on both sides of the window opening. You can also simply unravel the muslin so that it covers the entire window.

A huge range of colors of such curtains provides additional features for kitchen decoration. If desired, you can choose a simple white or bright version of muslin, as well as muslin with a soft gradient.

Decorating a kitchen window with cafe curtains

Cafe curtains are most often used to decorate windows in small spaces, so they are ideal for a compact kitchen. Such curtains are attached to a thin strip, which can be placed in any part of the window opening - for example, in the middle, or higher. After installation, the upper part of the window remains open, but if desired, you can install a lambrequin made of the same fabric as the curtains.

The curtain itself is attached to the curtain rod in different ways: on hinges, on a drawstring, on hooks and braid, on ties, on eyelets and on rings. The lower part of the curtains can be decorated with scallops, tassels or decorative tiebacks. Cafe curtains look very cute and are perfect for installation in a kitchen, the interior of which is made in Provence, shabby chic, or retro styles.

Curtains with lambrequin for the kitchen

Exquisite lambrequins can transform any, even the most modest, kitchen. They harmonize perfectly with long curtains and heavy drapes; lush folds that fall in soft waves make them especially luxurious.

However, if the kitchen is small, it is recommended to use lambrequins of simpler and more concise shapes. They should not be too lush and voluminous - it is better to give preference to a rigid, monochromatic design that is in harmony with the color of the furniture and curtains. Lambrequins are absolutely not suitable for installation in a kitchen designed in a minimalist or high-tech style. But they will look great in a classic interior.

Austrian curtains for the kitchen

This option is a successful hybrid of Roman and French curtains, as they combine simple design control and lush drapery. With a simple movement hands light the canvas covering the window opening turns into luxurious festoons - gathered semicircular folds. Austrian curtains look sophisticated and elegant.

Despite all their pomp, they take up very little space. If desired, transparent or thick fabrics can be used to make such curtains. This option does not involve the use of tulle or other decorative ornaments window. Austrian curtains will appeal to gentle and romantic people; they will help make the kitchen elegant and stylish.


Perhaps the most laconic way to design a window opening. Blinds will fit perfectly into all modern styles. They will reliably protect the kitchen from the scorching sun, without making the room heavier and taking up virtually no space in it. Blinds are also good because they can serve very long time, they are simple to operate and easy to care for.

Blinds can be bamboo, plastic, wood, they are also made from multi-textured materials and fabrics. As a rule, the dimensions of such a structure coincide with the dimensions of the window opening.

To add originality to the interior, you should choose blinds with a pattern or photo printing.

Choosing curtain colors for a small kitchen

Beige curtains - perfect option for any small kitchen. They go perfectly with any shades present in the interior, as beige color is basic and most neutral.

Light green curtains- It is advisable to use light and translucent materials.

You can install Roman or Austrian light green curtains, then they will become a real decoration of the kitchen.

Yellow curtains- an excellent option for a small kitchen whose windows face north. It is better to choose a shade that is not too bright and saturated; it should be somewhat muted and as light as possible, then the kitchen will look more spacious.

Pink curtains- this option is also best used in a kitchen located on the north side. Pink color should be delicate: powdery, salmon, pastel. Rich and bright shade fuchsia will look out of place in a small room.

Curtains gray - one of the neutral options that will suit any kitchen design style and will go perfectly with any color scheme. To make your kitchen look elegant, you should choose pearl and silver shades of gray, abandoning dark tones.

Patterned curtains- any large and too bright patterns can visually bring objects closer, so such curtains are not suitable for small windows in small kitchens. At the same time, light curtains with delicate pastel patterns will decorate such a room, fill it with light and create an atmosphere of comfort.

Light long curtains with longitudinal stripes will help to “raise” the ceiling.

How to choose curtains for the kitchen depending on the interior style

To make the interior of a small kitchen look organic, you should carefully select curtains to match the chosen style. When creating an interior in the style of hi-tech and minimalism, it is recommended to give preference not to fabric curtains and tulle, but to light blinds. You can also use plain Roman blinds of the most laconic design.

Long curtains with lambrequins would look appropriate in a classic interior.

When creating shabby chic, retro, Mediterranean and Provence styles, you can choose Austrian curtains, cafe curtains or tulle.

For the kitchen in rustic style It’s worth choosing light short curtains or muslin.

Which curtains should you not choose for a small kitchen?

To properly organize the space of a small kitchen, designers advise following some simple rules:

  1. You should not choose too dense, heavy curtains in dark shades.
  2. Curtains made of lightweight fabrics, made in light colors.
  3. For small kitchens located on the north side, curtains in cold shades - blue, gray, white, light blue - are not suitable.
  4. If the apartment is located on the upper floors, there is no need to choose blackout curtains If you carefully close the windows, it will be enough to hang light tulle and install roller blinds to protect from the sun.
  5. It is also very important to choose the right curtain rod - you should give preference to a ceiling model, or a forged structure attached as close as possible to the ceiling.

If you follow all the tips given, even the smallest and most modest kitchen will look luxurious and stylish.

Curtains in the kitchen should be super practical and beautiful at the same time. This article and a selection of 100 photos of interiors will help you choose the ideal style of curtains, plan their design, choose fabric, decide on the size, and also choose a cornice.

Step 1. Choose the type of curtains

There are several varieties of the most common types of curtains for the kitchen: Roman, Japanese, roller, cafe curtains, classic, thread.

Roman curtains

Roman blinds are a fabric that, thanks to a lifting mechanism (similar to a blind system), can be raised and lowered, letting in light or shading the room. When rising, the Roman blind forms uniform folds and folds like an accordion (as a rule, only the lower half of the canvas rises, but you can find or sew a model that rises completely). The Roman blind covers either the entire window opening, or is attached to the window sash and leaves open window sill. As a rule, wide windows are covered with not one, but several canvases.

Pros: easy to care for, beautiful, but at the same time laconic, and therefore suitable for a small kitchen. They also go well with drapes and classic curtains and look good in both traditional and modern interiors.

Cons: this type of curtains has lifting mechanism, which, like any mechanical structure, can wear out or break. Since Roman blinds are short and without lush drapery, they are quite easy to wash and remove, but the matter is complicated by the slats of the lifting system, which must be removed before washing. Another nuance - if the ceiling is too close to the upper edge of the window opening or the window does not have a transom (see photo below), and the window sill is narrow, then Roman blinds will not allow you to open the windows (to do this you will have to completely remove the curtains from the cornice).

Roman blinds in the design of a window with a transom

  • You can make Roman blinds with your own hands, following our master class ;
  • Almost any fabric is suitable for manufacturing, except for crinkled and stretchy ones;
  • Roman blinds are more suitable for narrow windows than square ones.

Roller blinds

Roller blinds are a sheet of fabric that is rolled into a roll and unrolled into a smooth fabric adjacent to the window by attaching the bottom of the curtain to a guide line. The roll can be hidden in a box (cassette model) or remain in plain sight ( open model). They are mounted both on the wall above the window opening and directly on the sashes.

Open type roller blinds installed inside the window opening

Pros: thanks to the fixation of the canvas to the guide, roller blinds do not flutter in the wind and do not hang down when the window is tilted at an angle (or if the window is attic). Roller blinds block light from the edges of the window, are easy to clean and are inexpensive. The design of such curtains is laconic, and therefore they fit perfectly into any interior, especially modern ones. Since roller blinds do not hide space, they are good to use in small kitchens. Another bonus is that ready-made roller blinds can be independently adjusted to fit a non-standard window size.

Disadvantages: roller blinds attached to the shutters do not allow you to open the window wide open due to the fact that the roll itself rests against the slope of the window niche or against the wall. The second disadvantage is that, as a rule, roller blinds can only be cleaned by hand. washing machine they cannot be washed. The third disadvantage is that roller blinds are most often made from artificial materials, sometimes they resemble simple oilcloth. And in general, roller blinds are so minimalist that they may seem “office-like”.

  • When choosing roller blinds for the kitchen, make sure that they are impregnated with antistatic and dirt-repellent compounds.
  • Ready-made roller blinds can be independently adjusted to fit a non-standard window size. To do this, you just need to trim the blade and cut off the excess shaft.
  • It is perhaps only appropriate to use roller blinds solo in a modern kitchen, for example, in Scandinavian style. In a traditional interior, it is better to combine them with tulle, curtains or drapes.
  • You can sew them yourself from fabric.
  • Roller blinds of dark color - not best idea, since dust and dirt will be very noticeable on them.


Cafe curtains are short curtains (not lower than the window sill), which are attached to a telescopic cornice on the sash in the middle of the window (less often, at the top of the opening).

Pros: they look very cozy, thanks small size easy to maintain and do not take up space.

Cons: not suitable for modern interiors, they shade the space a little.

  • You can sew cafe curtains yourself using our step by step instructions(see link below).
  • These curtains are especially great when combined with lambrequin .

Panel curtains (Japanese)

Japanese curtains for the kitchen are sliding fabric panels - they move along guides like wardrobe doors.

Pros: Japanese curtains are well suited for kitchens with a balcony door and/or large windows. They are easy to operate and can be controlled remotely (this is especially true for very high windows). They are easy to care for thanks to the antistatic impregnation: all you need to do is wipe the canvas with a cloth from time to time. Due to their length to the floor, panel curtains visually raise the ceiling, and due to the absence of folds, they do not overload the interior, therefore, they are suitable for small kitchens.

Cons: panel curtains are good for modern interior, but in the classical one - hardly.

  • Japanese curtains can be used as a screen if you need to divide the combined space into zones, for example, kitchen-living room or kitchen in a studio apartment .

Curtains made of threads (muslin)

Kissey curtains are a curtain made of threads (fabric or beaded).

Pros: muslin looks unusual and light, suitable for ethnic interiors and art deco style kitchens.

Cons: if you have pets or small children, then thread curtains are not suitable for you, as they tear quite easily, and beads can be scattered and swallowed.


Blinds consist of woven or non-woven (aluminum, bamboo, plastic or wood) slats, which, thanks to their mechanism, can not only assemble and open, but also rotate around their axis. Thus, they allow you to adjust the shading from strong to weak. Blinds are available vertical and horizontal. Horizontal blinds made of plastic, bamboo or wood (less commonly). The slats of vertical blinds are usually made of synthetic material and impregnated with dirt-repellent compounds.

Pros: good shading and the ability to regulate it, as well as ease of maintenance.

Cons: somewhat “office” look.

Classic curtains (curtains, tulle)

Classic curtains need no introduction, because this style is the most popular and familiar. The assembly of curtains is most often formed by curtain tape (sometimes different types), and they are attached to the cornice with eyelets, loops, hooks or rings with “crocodiles”.

Pros: curtains made from one or two panels are universal and suitable for both classic and modern kitchens. Unlike roller and panel curtains, as well as blinds, classic curtains have folds, so they are guaranteed to bring coziness to the interior. Due to the abundance of fabrics, curtain accessories, the ability to choose the length of the panels and the density of the assembly, you can not only create a unique window design, but also correct some of the shortcomings of the room. For example, using long curtains you can hide pipes, a balcony door or a radiator.

Cons: classic curtains are somewhat tedious to remove and hang, wash and iron. Since they are made from ordinary fabrics, they tend to get dirty quickly, become saturated with grease and the smell of food. It is not always convenient to control them - the fastenings often slide poorly along the cornice.

  • Classic curtains should not be hung close to the stove, because they can fly up to the fire from the wind and catch fire. In addition, this is simply not practical - splashes of fat will stain the fabric.
  • For a small kitchen, you should choose short curtains with easy assembly. It is desirable that the fabric is soft, then the folds will be smooth and neat.
  • Floor length recommended for large kitchens, as well as for kitchens with a balcony door.

Step 2. Choose the color and pattern of the fabric

Here are some tips to help you choose the right color curtains for your kitchen:

  • Most often, curtains are selected to match the tone of the walls, to match the kitchen facades, apron, or to match the rest of the kitchen textiles, for example, for upholstery of chairs, pillows, napkins, etc.

Purple curtains are in harmony with kitchen accessories

  • The most universal color of curtains is white (and its shades);
  • If there is not enough sunlight in the kitchen, choose curtains in a warm color, such as cream or yellow as in the photo below.

Here are some tips for choosing a fabric print:

  • The pattern on the curtain fabric can echo the wallpaper, apron, flooring, carpet, wall decor and other textiles in the room.
  • Keep in mind that large drawing visually reduces the space, so for small kitchens it is better to choose curtains with unobtrusive and small patterns/patterns.

  • If the ceiling is low, choose curtains with vertical stripes or a diamond pattern, as in the photo below. Also suitable are vertical blinds, panel curtains and classic floor-length canvases, assembled in smooth and clear folds.

Diamond pattern curtains in the kitchen with a balcony door

  • If the kitchen is small and narrow, then Roman, roller and panel curtains with horizontal stripes (see photo below) or horizontal blinds will help to visually expand it.

  • For classic kitchens Curtains with a traditional print are suitable, for example, checkered, with floral, floral or heraldic designs/patterns.

  • Window modern kitchen You can decorate it with curtains with any geometric or abstract pattern.

Step 3. Decide on the size

As a rule, the cornice is installed at a distance of 20-25 cm from the upper edge of the window niche or on the ceiling. But the length of kitchen curtains can be different:

  • Very short, when the canvas is missing about 1 cm from the window sill. This length is suitable if the window sill is used as a bar counter or cutting table, as well as when attaching curtains inside a window opening.

  • Short, when the canvas hangs about 10 cm below the level of the window sill. This length is suitable for small kitchens.

  • Long when the canvas is 1 cm short of the floor or touches it. Particularly suitable for large kitchens and for decorating windows with balcony doors.

  • Very long, when 5-10 cm of fabric lies on the floor. These curtains are more suitable for decorating windows in a classic interior. kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room.

As for choosing the width of kitchen curtains, the recommendation here is the same - the canvas should extend onto the walls by 20-26 cm on both sides of the opening.

Step 4. Select the material

Cotton and linen fabrics, viscose and polyester fabrics, as well as mixed fabrics made from natural and synthetic fibers are suitable for sewing kitchen curtains. But it is better to avoid silk and wool - they are too capricious and are suitable only for decorating dining room windows.

  • Linen - excellent material for kitchen curtains, because it is durable, has a beautiful texture, tolerates frequent washing and is resistant to fading. However, it is expensive, wrinkles quickly and shrinks a lot after washing. When buying ready-made linen curtains or fabric for sewing, you need to take into account the length allowance for shrinkage.

  • Cotton is beautiful, quite durable, but in its pure form it wrinkles, shrinks after washing and fades in the sun. Therefore, you should prefer polycotton (fabric made of polyester and cotton) to fabrics made from 100% cotton, or supplement cotton curtains with a lining (made of the same cotton).
  • Viscose (modal, lyocell)- This is a budget and more practical alternative to silk, but it does not tolerate frequent washing, as it is afraid of water. When choosing curtains for the kitchen from this material, give preference to models with polyester composition and/or combine curtains with lining.
  • Polyester fabrics They are inexpensive, do not wrinkle, do not shrink and do not fade from UV rays. But they attract dust and are much less beautiful than natural materials.

Tip: it’s good if kitchen curtains have a lining that will protect the main fabric from fading in the sun. In addition, the lining will hide the internal seams, help form voluminous folds if the fabric is light, and improve the thermal insulation and acoustics of the kitchen.

Step 5. Selecting a cornice

The cornice is as important as the curtains themselves, because the reliability of the entire structure and the beauty of the window design depend on them. Cornices can be ceiling or wall - in the form of tires with rails, rods or string systems.

  • The standard length of the cornice should be 30% greater than the width of the window. But if you need to visually expand the window opening, then you should choose an even longer cornice. Conversely, if the window is too wide, then the length of the cornice should be approximately the same as the width of the opening. If you plan to hang short curtains inside the window opening, then the length of the cornice should be 2-3 cm less.
  • In order for the cornice to hang securely and not sag under the weight of the curtains, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of bracket holders. The manufacturers' recommendations included with the curtain rods will help you with this.
  • The heavier the curtains, the more rigid the profile cornice and its runners should be. Or a wider diameter if we are talking about a barbell. For a medium-heavy structure, a rod with a diameter of 2 cm is suitable; for heavy curtains, a rod with a diameter of 2.8 cm is suitable.
  • The ceiling cornice is the most inconspicuous and therefore universal. In addition, thanks to the even distribution of the load, it is very reliable and suitable for heavy curtains. True, it can only be installed on concrete base and best of all from wall to wall (otherwise it needs to be hidden behind a decorative cornice).

  • Wrought iron and wooden rods are good for “rustic” kitchens (for example, decorated in Provence style, country, shabby chic). Bronze and brass cornices with elegant tips - for classic ones. For a kitchen decorated in modern style, the rod is also suitable, especially in combination with curtains on grommets as in the interior in the next photo.

  • If the kitchen interior is decorated in a modern style, and the curtains are light and not long, a string cornice is a good choice.
  • Cafe curtains are hung on special stained glass curtain rods or mini-bars installed in a spacer in the window sashes.
  • To design non-standard windows (arched, corner and bay windows), you must choose special profile plastic or aluminum cornices.

Designing a kitchen interior is a responsible task. Should we focus on the decor of the room in which food is prepared, dinners and lunches are held, or should we limit ourselves only to practicality and functionality?

What design will make it possible to highlight the planning advantages without cluttering the room? How to achieve a comfortable environment and coziness without using drastic measures and limiting yourself to small expenses?

In fact, the right curtains will make any interior design idea successful.

Decorating window openings in the kitchen should be given no less attention than in other rooms.

Curtains in the kitchen, photo

It should be remembered that the selected models of curtains and curtains, first of all, must meet fashion trends and be combined with other components of the interior. For this reason, it is so important to decorate window openings thoughtfully and follow the advice of design experts.

Modern textiles of high quality can transform any room – small or large – regardless of layout.

Curtain design for the kitchen, photo

Principles for selecting fabrics and models

What kind of curtains, drapes or drapes should I hang in the kitchen? In order for the selected curtains in the design kitchen window looked harmonious in color, texture and configuration, designers recommend adhering to several principles:

Curtains in the kitchen: photos in the interior

There are many combinations of different curtains available for the kitchen; a number of styles are the most popular. First of all, these are classic, laconic curtains of a straight configuration, lightly touching the floor.

But such curtains are not suitable for every room: they are appropriate only if the kitchen is quite spacious: choose light materials in pastel colors or with a gradient pattern, then the interior will seem airy and free.

An elegant design can also be achieved with French curtains. These curtains have many folds, thanks to which they will create a striking accent in the window area.

But not everyone will like such solemnity, and besides, such decor of the window area additionally burdens the size of the room.

Short curtains for the kitchen, photo

If you want to decorate window openings in the kitchen universally and at the same time ergonomically, use roller curtains or Roman curtains. Japanese curtains will also cope with this task. The textile fabric is selected based on the size of the windows.

Choosing wisely bright color or a harmonious pattern, you focus attention on the curtains, add comfort and solemnity to the kitchen environment, and your interior will turn out harmonious.

curtains for a small kitchen, photo

Scandinavian curtains are still popular - curtains with eyelets, sewn from thick, but not at all heavy materials. Such curtains can be sewn by hand, choosing a practical and durable material with an attractive pattern that fits into the decor.

On a note! An idea for those who primarily care about practicality rather than harmonious window decor - multi-colored blinds.

To decorate the window area in the kitchen, thread curtains are also suitable - this is one of the most modern options. Such curtains consist of a large number of threads of one or several different shades.

For additional decoration thread curtains use tassels and beads. This perfect solution for a kitchen that requires additional accents with color.

Design of curtains for the kitchen, photo

Curtain design in classic style (modern variation)

The modern classical variation, compared to the traditional one, is more simple and concise. On canvases modern curtains in the neo-classical style there are no patterns, there is practically no gilding, but these elements were used very actively a few years ago.

Thanks to their simplicity and elegant design, classic curtains have become a universal option suitable for any kitchen interior.

Long curtains for the kitchen, photo

You can sew such curtains yourself: to do this, you need to choose a suitable material and add vertical folds. You can place accents using shades that are easy for visual perception: rich blue, ripe cherry color, emerald green, chocolate.

Important! Curtains in classic style usually include lambrequins; these elements should be small and dim. Large lambrequins will visually reduce the kitchen area, so it is better not to use them.

Modern classics make it possible to combine long curtains from various fabrics. In the central part of the room, a large window opening can be decorated with airy tulle curtains in light colors; on the side, you can hang thicker curtains - they will protect from sunlight.

Models of curtains for the kitchen, photo

Delicate home decor: Provencal style and country

Today, it is fashionable to decorate kitchen windows with curtains in country and Provence styles. Despite their simple design, they are very popular in the home, especially in the kitchen. Such curtains allow you to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

New models in country styles are popular - curtains with small patterns on a specific theme: geometric patterns, floral designs, marine images. Checkered curtains and those with striped patterns are still in demand.

Concerning color range curtains in country style, these are pastel, easy-to-visual tones. Usually beige, apricot, pale blue and white shades are used. Choose fabrics from natural materials, be sure to be light – as in the photo:

Curtains for the kitchen, photo

Decorating window openings with curtains in the Provencal style is almost indistinguishable from the country style.

Provence implies a large number of sophisticated elements, but at the same time retains its simplicity and lightness.

Ruffles are used to complement curtains; curtains with folds also look presentable. Such techniques add majesty to the kitchen interior.

Curtain options for the kitchen, photo

Modern styles in window decoration

Most of the new products among kitchen curtains and curtains are presented in modern style directions. For example, Art Nouveau is associated with a wide range and original forms in the design of window openings with curtains.

Be guided by the size of the window and the entire room: perhaps a beveled shape will be more advantageous than a regular straight one.

Art Nouveau is usually dominated by catchy accents in textiles. You can decorate your kitchen interior with curtains with purple patterns or rich red prints. At the same time, you need to remember that colorful two-layer curtains should fit into the interior and be combined with other details.

Curtains for the kitchen:: ideas, photos

The minimalist style usually uses simple curtains without unnecessary elements. You can make the kitchen interior more modern with the help of Roman or Japanese curtains; roller curtains are also appropriate. The color scheme is mainly pastel, gray tones are allowed.

High-tech curtains are usually laconic; their design uses silver, beige paints and a universal gray shade, often even black. Bright colors are found, but in small quantities.

In addition to roller curtains, blinds will fit into the hi-tech style: both horizontal and vertical, or simple thread curtains without unnecessary details.

Beautiful curtains for the kitchen, photo

There is another interesting modern novelty that is worth taking a closer look at - curtains with a photo pattern. You can make a realistic drawing on almost any material, which will highlight the features of the style chosen for the design of the kitchen space.

Abstract designs and natural motifs are the most popular when decorating kitchen windows.

Curtain decor for a kitchen with a balcony

If the kitchen has access to a balcony, this makes choosing curtains more difficult. Curtains in this area should look presentable and at the same time not block the door and provide unobstructed access to the exit. Because of this, many people refuse to use curtains to decorate doors leading to the balcony. The exit remains undraped, and the curtains are placed on a nearby window.

From a design point of view, this is not entirely correct: for the reason that the kitchen interior will remain unfinished. What to do in such a situation?

Curtains in the kitchen: real photos
  1. First of all, decide how the area will be used. If you plan to use a window sill, then long curtains are not suitable, but you can use curtains that have a beveled configuration: they will not cover only a small part of the window opening.
  2. Think over Will the curtains move along the cornice?. The constant movement of curtains required to get onto the balcony can cause difficulties. The material from which the curtains are made will lose its presentability over time. Design experts advise using a more practical design - short curtains, plain tulle or curtains with tiebacks: ribbons, eyelets or bows. Using these elements, curtains can be assembled and even attached to the wall.

Beautiful curtains for the kitchen: photos, new items

Don't be afraid to use curtains with asymmetrical decor. Curtains with an unusual configuration will make the atmosphere more stylish.

Are you worried that a room with such curtains will not look so festive? This can be easily fixed by using eye-catching textiles.

Another fashionable option for decorating the door leading to the balcony and window openings in the kitchen is a combination of different curtains.

Attach a suitable type of blinds or roller curtains to the frame. They will provide protection from sunlight and will not interfere with the unhindered opening of windows.

Stylish curtains for the kitchen, photo

You can add coziness through presentable long curtains, complementing them with blinds.

Read about what styles they are suitable for: there is a selection beautiful photos with stylish options for window decoration with Roman blinds.

Read more about options and design ideas for curtains and drapes for the living room with photos.

Lots of unusual ideas for home and interior decoration beautiful things you will find in the article at:

Photo gallery

Taking into account the layout of the kitchen, the specifics of the window area, the area of ​​the room, the style in which the interior is decorated, and your own tastes in terms of colors and patterns, you will select the ideal and beautiful curtains for the kitchen.

And the new products presented at real photos in the photo gallery, among which there are a lot of different textured and combined options, will help you with this.