Rejuvenated - decorating the garden with “stone roses”. Recommendations for planting and care. Rejuvenated description, cultivation, care, planting, photo, video, varieties and types

The young flower is an evergreen perennial plant that can be planted both in open ground and grown at home. This is an ornamental plant that decorates “alpine” slides with its appearance and creates incredible compositions. Juvenile received the name “stone rose” because of the dense leaves that form a round bud, similar to a rose.

Young in the photo

Juveniles: planting and care in open ground

Planting a plant in open ground is very simple. It is necessary to choose an open sunny place and soil that allows moisture to pass through (for example, sandy). You can plant the plant in open ground at the end of February. The distance between plants should be at least 15 cm.

In its habits, the plant is similar to cacti. In case of landing in clay soil, it will grow poorly, since stagnant water is its first enemy. IN in this case the soil can be diluted with sand and loosened.

Stone rose blooms for a long time (almost all summer). It is usually the “adult” individuals of the plant that bloom. Flowers have different colors and shapes.

Juvenile, photo of flowers:

Planting and caring for a rejuvenated flower

  • The plant loves well-lit places. With a lack of light, it loses its appearance, and the leaves become faded.
  • The flower can be sprayed occasionally in the morning or evening, when the sun's rays do not harm the leaves or leave burns.
  • in summer open ground the plant feels great. In winter, there is no need to cover the flowers, since the flower is very frost-resistant. If desired, it can be covered with fir branches.
  • The plant does not like stagnant water, so the soil needs to be watered occasionally. Dryness and heat are not as terrible for it as wet soil, in which the roots begin to rot.
  • Juveniles do not like frequent fertilizing in open ground. The plant develops quite well under normal conditions. Occasionally you can fertilize cacti and succulents.
  • The plant requires cleaning from weeds.

Find for landscape design

Thanks to this plant It has many types, and is also very easy to care for; it is very often used to form rockeries (small rocky gardens). Moreover, it gets along well with other ground cover plants (saxifrage, sedum, etc.).

The stone rose can be seen quite often:

  • in rock gardens
  • along the paths
  • as an addition to ornamental shrubs
  • in flowerpots

Thanks to its miniature root system, the plant can be planted in many places, including on the roofs of gazebos, which creates a sophisticated and cozy look for your garden.

Young people in landscape design, photo

Planting and caring for plants at home

Conditions of care:

  • The plant loves well-lit places. In bright sun it begins to turn red, and in partial shade the leaves lose their brightness and become pale.
  • A comfortable temperature for a flower is a temperature of 0°C and above.
  • Stone rose does not like stagnant water, so in summer watering is carried out once a week. In winter, you can water it 1-2 times a month.
  • The plant does not like frequent feeding. Occasionally in spring you can fertilize it with humus.
  • Poor soil, consisting mainly of sand, is favorable. You can add coal to the sand. The fatter the soil, the larger the rosette of the plant, but flowering cannot be achieved under such conditions.
  • The flower must be planted in a pot containing 1/3 drainage.

In open ground, the plant is usually planted for decorative purposes in the form of “alpine” slides, and compositions are created at home.

Video: Stone rose in your garden

Molodilo, or as this plant is also called, stone rose - very beautiful plant. You can decorate a flower bed with it, plant it along the border or design paths in the garden. This plant is not only beautiful, but also useful. In Greece, stone rose was considered an excellent remedy for poisoning. There are several varieties of stone rose: Russian, marble, roofing, Wulfena and cobweb. Depending on the variety, the color of the juveniles is different: red, green, silver, pink, brown. To grow this plant on your site, you need to plant it correctly and take good care of it.

Juveniles can be planted using both seedlings and seeds. True, growing young from seeds is troublesome. If you still decide to start this process, then it is acceptable to plant the seeds in February or March; this should be done in a heated greenhouse or at home. The most suitable soil for this plant: peat, limestone and charcoal.

After two months, the seedlings are plucked. The distance between them should be 4-5 cm. It is recommended to plant juveniles in the ground in July. In order to plant stone rose seedlings, we take into account the following: young ones love light, so it is not recommended to plant this plant in the shade, any soil will do (it is advisable to add sand so that there is an outflow excess moisture

). This plant does not like a lot of water, i.e. Watering is not often required.

It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds, then the young will grow faster. This plant is completely unpretentious, multiplies quickly, so it is recommended to plant it after a while. During transplantation, a young stone rose is separated from a large rose only with tendrils, and planted in holes watered with water. From these flowers you can create entire compositions that will decorate the interior of your cottage or home. If you put in a little effort, it’s so beautiful and unpretentious flower

, like a stone rose, will delight the eye for a long time in the flowerbed. It is easier and faster for young to reproduce by vegetative means.

Daughter rosettes are split off from the mother plant. It is not advisable to propagate by seeds. But if it is not possible to get a rosette of juveniles, then you can try growing it from seeds. The seed method of growing a crop implies a long development cycle and a complete loss of the varietal qualities of the flower. This method of propagation is justified only for the purpose of obtaining new hybrids with interesting shapes

leaves or colors. Obtaining seeds yourself is problematic: you need to have plants of different sexes flowering at the same time and guess the moment the flower breaks, which is only possible experienced gardeners

or breeders.

Selection of material for sowing The young seeds were very small and dust-like.

These small peas can only be examined through a microscope. With the naked eye, it is difficult to distinguish the seeds of a juvenile from the seeds of a cactus, for example.

Soil preparation

To plant seeds, you need to fill shallow containers (depth 3-4 cm) with a mixture of sand and peat chips (1:1). Another soil option: coarse washed river sand and garden soil in a ratio of approximately 2:1. If there is no opportunity or desire to prepare soil for sowing seeds, you can choose ready-made soil for cacti and succulents in the store, but add a little charcoal to it, which will protect the root system from excess moisture and rotting. By chemical properties

After filling the containers, the soil must be leveled and moistened with a weak solution of any biostimulant - Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon (2-3 ml per 1 liter of water).


Sowing seeds can be done at the end of winter or in early spring(February March). You need to take a bag of seeds and distribute them evenly over the surface of the container. The seeds are buried into the ground no more than 1 mm. There is no need to sprinkle soil on top. You can dust it lightly with sand. Cover the container with film or glass.

For good seed germination you need:

  1. Provide bright, diffused light and a constant air temperature of about 23–25º C.
  2. The soil must be kept moist at all times. Watering is carried out 2 times a week.
  3. It is also necessary to ensure that the containers are ventilated for 10-15 minutes a day, that is, remove the film or remove the glass.

Growth and development

The first shoots will appear in 5 days, and after 7-10 days you can see friendly shoots of a stone rose.

Reference. After two weeks, the glass (film) can be removed completely. Watering the plant should be moderate.

Small rosette seedlings can be planted in separate bowls two months after planting the seeds. During this period, the size of the rosette reaches 1 cm or more, you can pick them up and work with them normally.

When transplanting, the distance between the bushes should be from 3 to 15 centimeters, depending on the . The pot into which the plant will be transplanted must be drained with nut shells or expanded clay to one third of the container. After transplantation, caring for the plant is as usual as for an adult plant.


When to expect flowering?

  1. A week after sowing, the first young seedlings peck in disorganized rows.
  2. After a month, all viable seeds germinate and slender green rows of plants are visible in the container.
  3. After two months, the seedlings are formed rosettes that need to be transplanted into separate containers.
  4. After three months, each rosette of the juveniles is rooted in its own container.
  5. After two years, rarely after a year, the young bloom.

Each young rosette blooms only once in its life and then dies. Blooming takes life from the rosette. In place of the old dying rosette, many new baby rosettes appear, which are planted in other containers. The flowering period occurs in July. The plant blooms for about 1 month.

If the young does not bloom, but you really want to, then you need to arrange for the plant unfavourable conditions : to drive into stress. good stressful situation for young people there will be dense plantings. Even very small rosettes can bloom in crowded conditions.

It happens that a week or two passes, but there are still no shoots. You can continue to wait for shoots in the first container, since in rare cases shoots appear after a month. At this time, buy seeds from another supplier and again, following all the technology of the growing process, achieve a good result.

You need to try, experiment, then everything will definitely work out. Sometimes housewives pour soil with unhatched seedlings into other flowers, and after a while they find young seedlings in other pots.


- an unpretentious plant. Can be grown as a family in large flat containers or it is possible to grow in small individual containers. The huge number of varieties of this plant has made it a popular green pet in home and garden flower beds. Can be arranged beautiful composition right at home on the windowsill.

This culture is a real find for “forgetful” housewives who want to have on their windowsill beautiful flowers, but do not always observe regular watering. A young indoor plant can do without water for 3-4 weeks.

Types of indoor plants rejuvenated

The genus contains about 30-50 species in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and South-West Asia, mainly in mountainous regions. They grow on rocky, gravelly places, in pine forests on sand. It hybridizes very easily both in nature and in culture. There are many varieties.

People call it " hare cabbage“, but its second popular name more accurately reflects its beauty - stone rose. In Latin it is called Sempervivum, where "semper" means "always" and "vivus" means "living."

Fleshy, pubescent with glandular hairs, less often almost glabrous perennials, forming very dense multi-leaf rosettes of leaves 1-15 cm in diameter and numerous stolons bearing small rosettes of leaves. The flowering stems of juveniles (stone roses) are usually pubescent with small glandular hairs, erect and unbranched.

Monocarpics. The leaves are succulent, alternate, entire, usually ovate or oblong, acute or pointed, ciliated along the edge. The flowers are regular, 8-20-dimensional, bisexual, with a double perianth, almost sessile, collected in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, the individual branches of which are monochasia. The sepals are fleshy, fused at the base, entire, usually covered with short simple or glandular hairs, rarely glabrous. The petals are lanceolate, always longer than the sepals, usually star-shaped, white, yellow, yellow-green, red, pink or purple at the edges and outside.

There are over 50 types of flowers in nature. Among the many species of juveniles, the most common are green, gray, and bluish-colored plants. The color of the leaves of the juvenile flower can change from the center of the rosette to its tips. For example, the rosette “petals” are green and the tips are dark red in the flower varieties “Sassy Frass” and “Jurrina”, while the opposite is true for the “Pacific Country Cousin” variety.

Rejuvenated cobwebby- at the ends of its elongated “petals” it has a cobweb-like fringe of thin light threads.

Roofing. This is one of popular varieties. The main highlight is the green leaves with a red border. The bush reaches 8 cm in height and 20 cm in diameter. The rosettes can be spherical or slightly flattened. Looks good in rockeries, where stones of 3-4 shades predominate. It gets along well with other plants.

Yoditi It is distinguished by pointed leaves rolled into tubes.

Wulfena. Very simple and at the same time interesting variety. The leaves are pale green. The diameter of the rosettes is up to 5 cm.

Russian. Light green leaves form rosettes up to 6 cm in diameter. You are guaranteed an original addition to the flower garden.

Hybrid Falconetti is different round leaves, 10 cm in diameter with a red-brown tint.

Marble. Truly royal variety. The leaves are red-green in color and end with pink tips. The diameter of the rosettes is up to 12 cm. Also noteworthy are the charming pink flowers. Ideal for complementing rockeries that contain unusual plants.

Growing young from seeds at home: planting and care

At home, juveniles can be grown as independent indoor plant, only for this you need a special and proper care. In the shade it loses its compactness and bright color. The southern window sill is his place.

New plants are grown from the rosettes of daughter sprouts-heads formed in the axils. They hang on to strong stems until they reach the surface of the earth and begin to take root. Over time, the main plant becomes densely surrounded by daughter rosettes. The decorative effect is maintained throughout the year.

To plant and care for young cacti at home, you need to use only a mixture of soil for cacti, preferably adding additional expanded clay and wood shavings to it. The pot in which you plan to plant it must be filled one-third with drainage; it will protect the plant from excessive moisture.

When caring for young at home, watering should be done rarely, in winter no more than two or three times a month, and in warm seasons, once a week, under no circumstances getting water into the outlets. In spring and summer, it is advisable to place the plant on the balcony, or in the sunniest place.

Reproduction can be carried out in two ways: vegetative and seed.

When growing young from seeds at home, they are sown in early spring in a box or pots with moist sandy soil and not covered. The room temperature should be 23-25°C. With the emergence of seedlings, water moderately, since if over-watered, the seedlings can rot and die. After two months, they are planted at a distance of 5x5 cm. Then, as they grow, they are planted in pots or soil in a permanent place.

In order to plant seedlings, consider the following: the plant loves light, so planting it in the shade is not recommended; any soil will do. This plant does not like a lot of water - it does not require frequent watering.

It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil, then the flower will grow faster. This plant is completely unpretentious, multiplies quickly, so it is recommended to plant it after a while. When transplanting, they are separated only with tendrils and planted in holes watered with water.

Care consists of timely removal of faded inflorescences along with a dead rosette of leaves. In damp soil lower leaves the socket starts to rot. This is the first sign excess moisture. Once every 3-5 years, if the groups become too crowded and the rosettes begin to shrink, the flowers are planted.

The flower was rejuvenated - perfect plant for the lower tier alpine slides or rockeries. Its thick, fleshy leaves are already decorative in themselves, and during the flowering period the plant was rejuvenated and completely resembles an exotic non-thorny cactus, which by chance ended up in the company of the flowers of the middle zone. It is very easy to propagate young; it takes root well even in the absence of roots.

Description of the plant rejuvenated

This perennials family Crassulaceae. The description of the young is fully consistent with the name of the family: this flower has thickened, succulent shoots and leaves that distinguish them from many other species. It is this quality that gives the young man a pretty appearance and makes him desirable ornamental plant. By the way, in this capacity, young people are often called “stone rose.”

Indeed, the appearance of the plant has something in common with a terry bud growing directly from the ground. The difference is that the petals of the “rose” are green and unusually fleshy.

As you can see in the photo, the young flowers, overlapping each other, form dense communities of dozens and hundreds of nearby plants growing:

The leaves forming a rosette are succulent, elongated, with a sharp end, sometimes ciliated along the edge. The color and shape of the leaves is the only thing that distinguishes plants different types and varieties. The flowers of the juvenile are pink, white, yellowish, star-shaped, collected in corymbose inflorescences on single shoots 15-20 cm high. The short-term flowering of the juvenile seems discreet in comparison with the beauty of its leaf rosettes.

Juveniles are propagated exclusively by daughter rosettes emerging from leaf axils and ground stolons.

In cultivation, juveniles are extremely unpretentious, they grow well even on dry, sandy substrates, but they achieve their best development on humus-rich light loams and do not tolerate wet soils. Sun-loving, drought-resistant. They do not need watering at all.

IN middle lane Most species and varieties of juveniles are quite winter-hardy. Only in extreme, snowless winters is it recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches or leaves that have fallen from trees.

The root system is superficial, poorly developed. The plant achieves its stability due to the leaves, which accumulate water and starch, and not the roots. The seeds are very small.

Types, varieties and hybrid of juveniles

Quite numerous species of this plant are known:

Rejuvenated roofing - rosettes of leaves are flat, low - up to 5-7 cm in diameter. They are bright green, with cilia along the edge, oblong, obovate and pointed at the apex. Leaves when changing light mode may turn red, but the base always remains whitish. The flowers are dark or light purple, greenish along the veins, star-shaped. Inflorescences are multi-flowered, wide, corymbose. Flowering shoots up to 40-60 cm in height. They bear sharp lanceolate leaves. Flowering from July to September.

Juvenile Caucasian - leaves of rosettes are sharp, oblong. Their rosette is small, only 3-5 cm in diameter. Flowering shoots up to 20 cm in height. The flowers are violet, sometimes lilac-purple. This species has young inflorescences that are multi-flowered, wide, and corymbose. Flowering - in July-August.

young and undersized - rosettes of leaves are even smaller than those of previous species - only 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The leaves are short-pointed, bright green, ciliated. The flowers are chalky purple with a dark stripe in the middle of the petals. Inflorescences consist of 2-8 flowers. Flowering shoots up to 25 cm in height, they suddenly rise above the small balls of rosettes. Blooms in July-August.

Look at the photo of the juveniles of the spherical, Russian, offspring, and web-shaped species; they all differ in the size of the rosettes and the shape of the leaves, the color of the inflorescences and the height:

There are many varieties and hybrids known for this crop:

"Pharaoh"- plant height 0.1 m, leaves are dark purple with a green coating.

"Princess"- very dense small bright green balls with a chocolate coating.

"Montana"- large dark green rosettes with a purple bloom.

"Green King"- shape, like the “Pharaoh” variety, but the color is bright green.

"Julia"- large rosettes of marsh-green color; by autumn the edges of the leaves turn red.

"Ed"- the variety has small dense rosettes that are almost completely red.

Pay attention to the photo - all varieties of juveniles are used for planting in small groups on the south side of evergreens, but, for example, mahonia:

In early spring, such a group represents a bright green spot among the gray leafless ones. Plants along the edges of paths as a border are spectacular.

Juvenile is an indispensable component when creating groups of flowers, especially evergreens - Spergula, Saxifragus, Sedum.

You can’t do without this plant in carpet beds, just like in or on rocky areas.

Planting, care and reproduction of young

All types of this plant are widely used in Russia because they are original and unpretentious.

When caring for young plants, choose open ones for the plant. sunny places. They can withstand light partial shade, but at the same time lose the brightness of the leaves and flowers.

Soils - any, but, of course, cultivated, meaning their digging, cutting, loosening. Swampy, low-lying, flooded areas are not suitable, because... root system in plants it is superficial and weak. In the lowlands, young plants easily rot during the winter.

As a rule, plants do not need pre-planting fertilizer.

It’s not for nothing that young people call them tenacious. Transplanted at any time growing season, they take root with amazing ease. Of course, there are limits - this is no later than mid-September and in the spring - only from mid-April.

When propagating young rosettes with and without roots, they are planted without hesitation. Roots form very quickly. The distance between plants is 10 cm. And by the next season, a whole colony of new ones, different in size, will form around the planted rosette.

For roots to form, the soil must be moist for at least a week after planting, so moderate watering during this period is necessary.

Caring for young flowers involves timely removal of weeds; No feeding or loosening is needed, that’s why they are tenacious.

The old rosette may become a source of rotting of the healthy leaves of the daughter rosette next year.