Mouse pad made of foamiran. Practical and beautiful: do-it-yourself computer mouse pad

A wide range of computer accessories are available in any store. household appliances and electronics. Mouse pads can be made of different materials and vary in size. If you can’t purchase such a thing, you can make a mouse pad with your own hands. There is no difficulty in this. The main thing is to get necessary materials and do everything according to the instructions.

What can replace a mouse pad?

If you don’t have a mat and it’s inconvenient to work at your computer without it, you can make a temporary pad yourself. As a rug you can use:

  • a 96-sheet notebook with a thick varnished cover;
  • piece tiles;
  • a thin hardcover book;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • magazine, wrapped in a file.

In fact, you just have to dream a little, and an idea about what to replace the mouse pad with will definitely come to mind. The material must provide reliable contact with the surface. As for ordinary glass, it is not suitable for replacing the mousepad, since the refraction of the rays will not allow the mouse to work properly.

Linoleum rug

Option 1

So, in order for a hand-made mouse pad to turn out to be a worthy imitation of the original, you need to do everything according to the instructions. Suitable as a base different materials. One of them is linoleum.

To work you need to prepare:

  • a piece of unnecessary linoleum;
  • scissors;
  • pencil and ruler.

From flooring you need to cut out a rectangle. Its dimensions should be 20 by 24 cm. To make the homemade rug more convenient to use, its edges can be rounded. The mouse pad is ready. The base can be given any shape, you just have to use your imagination a little.


Option 2

The second method of making a rug involves the presence of glue, a picture or a photograph. You will also need a transparent self-adhesive film. The picture needs to be given dimensions that will coincide with the linoleum base.

If the image shows through the picture, it needs to be tinted with acrylic paint. The drawing must be glued carefully. There is no need to apply glue generously to the back side. Allow the glue to dry natural conditions and apply a sheet of self-adhesive film over it. All excess must be trimmed off.

Cardboard mat

You can make your own optical mouse pad using many available materials. For example, cardboard is an excellent base for a product. This can be corrugated cardboard or cardboard cut from shoe box. To prevent the future rug from slipping on the surface, you can use an anti-slip furniture backing. For decoration, wrapping paper or paper with designs for creativity is suitable.

The decorative layer must be glued to the base using PVA glue and a self-adhesive film applied on top. This material will extend the life of the decorative layer and make it easier for the mouse to move around the mat. After the film is pasted, all bubbles must be smoothed out. If a computer mouse pad, made by yourself, does not have decorative covering, at the final stage it can be covered with a matte self-adhesive film with or without a pattern.

Leather rug

A DIY mouse pad made from leather is made in the same way as a product made from linoleum. IN in this case The material will be a piece of hard tanned leather. You can cut it from an old bag or jacket. To make the rug more dense, it is advisable to take two pieces of leather and glue them together using Moment glue. If you have the skills to use sewing machine, the edges of the product need to be sewn.

Help to make the rug more original acrylic paints. After drying, acrylic withstands the effects of water and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Plexiglas mat

You can resort to this method of making a mouse pad with your own hands if you have skills in working with plexiglass. You need to cut out a base from the material, place LEDs on it, attach a USB connector to them and connect them to the computer. A rug of this type - original item, which can become a worthy competitor to its store-bought counterpart.

Play mat

A gaming mouse pad is much larger than a regular one. Some of them are made specifically for the keyboard. The material is rubber. Its reverse side fits well to the table, which prevents slipping on the surface. make play mat making a mouse with your own hands is not difficult, but this matter must be approached with full responsibility, because success in the game will depend on how high-quality the product turns out.

For a rug of this type you need to take:

- karemat or piece of isolon;

- scissors;

- pencil, ruler;

— self-adhesive film with a pattern;

- double sided tape.

It is necessary to cut a large piece from the mat. In other words, the keyboard and mouse must fit on the mat. The size of the backing must be at least 30 by 60 cm. The self-adhesive film can curl, so to prevent this phenomenon, you can run a hot iron over it.

After this, self-adhesive film can be applied to the front side, where there is no foil layer. The last stage is attaching the product to the table using double-sided tape. If self-adhesive film is not available, you can use a plastic kitchen napkin with a pattern for a DIY mouse pad.

Is it possible to do without a rug?

The question of whether mats for optical and laser mice are needed is quite relevant for owners of computer equipment. The main purpose of the mousepad is to conveniently use the mouse, but if you move it across the table, scuffs will soon appear on it. Moreover, the mouse’s legs themselves are also subject to wear.

You can work without a mousepad, but in this case you will need to regularly replace the mouse with a new one. Homemade rugs that are made according to all the rules can be a good replacement for store-bought options. However, if for this purpose you use substrates that slide across the table, this will negatively affect the smoothness of the move and the precise positioning of the cursor.

If the computer is turned on rarely, then such shortcomings will not be so noticeable for an inactive PC user. Those people who have to spend a lot of time at the computer need to buy a special backing. We’ll tell you in this article how to make a mouse pad with your own hands so that it’s easy to use.

Material selection

The basis of the future product can be foam plastic, balsa wood or ordinary felt, from which soft toys are sewn. Although felt itself is a fabric, it is excellent for creating computer accessories: the slightly fleecy, but fairly smooth surface of the canvas does not interfere with the optical mouse moving freely around the perimeter and controlling the cursor on the gadget screen.

The undoubted advantage of using felt is that with its help you can make almost any mouse pad with your own hands. Nothing limits the flight of your imagination regarding the shapes and sizes of the future product, except that it is advisable to keep in mind the limit of the space allocated for the accessory on the desktop.

Template selection

To create an original rug, you first need a template interesting shape. You can cut it out of ordinary thin paper. If the rug is intended as a gift to a friend, think about which shape will best reflect the individuality of the recipient and will definitely please him. There are countless options. Here are just a few of them:

  • Animal: cats, dogs, hamsters, snakes, crocodiles, pigs, etc. An excellent choice would be the recognizable silhouette of the animal or a characteristic detail that belongs to its appearance or is simply associated with this animal (such as the shape of a symmetrical bone).
  • Animal paw. Despite its menacing sound, such an accessory will look very cute and is suitable as a gift for a girl. Don't forget to add cat pads to each toe.
  • Animal head. You can, of course, create a homemade mouse pad in the shape of a large dog or a round pig, but not all animal silhouettes will look equally adequate. A horse, for example, will not work, as its silhouette looks too bulky. Alternative compact option will be the head of the horse. You can even add a magic horn to it.
  • Geometric shape. Regular rugs have a rectangular format. Use your imagination and choose the most extraordinary geometric shape - a circle, triangle, hexagon or even a five-pointed star.

Preparing the template

As stated above, a future mouse pad, made with your own hands, can receive its material embodiment already at the stage of making the template. The chosen silhouette is often drawn by hand, but to obtain perfect shape It is advisable to use a ruler or even special patterns. You can choose an interesting picture from materials from thematic forums or printed newspapers and magazines. The paper publication will likely have to be scaled up; There will be much fewer problems with a ready-made picture from the Internet. Once the full-size image is ready, cut it out of paper. Now you have a complete template.

Fabric Features

To make a beautiful and high-quality mouse pad with your own hands, you need to choose good felt. You can purchase the material at fabric stores. Keep in mind that to create a durable and practical computer accessory, you will need a base made of real wool, not a man-made fiber. Natural wool not only looks more luxurious than polyester, but also ensures long-term use. homemade thing, over which the mouse will often slide. It is also important that the material does not interfere with the functioning of the electronic components of the input device.

Strictly speaking, a modest DIY mouse pad can also be cut from artificial felt, which is much thinner to the touch and is not at all affordable. However, to ensure its comfortable use and relative durability, it will be necessary to treat such a product with a special fabric glue, which will smooth out the rough surface of the synthetic fiber and allow you to safely operate the gadget.


If you are making a mouse pad with your own hands as a gift to a friend or relative, do not forget that the product should ideally be the color that the recipient likes best.

Cut out the basic shape of the rug using the prepared paper template.

You might want to add decorative elements, for example, paw pads, eyes or letters. Make separate small templates for them and prepare felt in contrasting colors. Remember that any decorative additions should be subtle enough so that they do not interfere with the rug's intended use.


The felt blank should be attached to a piece of self-adhesive foam base, cut according to a similar pattern, or to a special anti-slip material for gluing shelves. In the second case, you will need simple glue or threads with which you can sew the felt onto the base. Fasten the layers of the product as carefully as possible so that wrinkles do not appear on the surface of the fabric.

You have made an excellent mouse pad with your own hands. All that remains is to put it on computer desk and see how smoothly the mouse glides over it.

What can you use instead of a mouse pad?

If there is no mat (this happens, circumstances vary), and it is inconvenient to work, you can temporarily use the following as a backing:

  1. Notebook 96 sheets in a varnished cardboard cover. Typically, such notebooks are produced with a spring.
  2. A piece of tile, a square of floor tiles.
  3. Not too thick hard cover book.
  4. A piece of cardboard from a shoe box.
  5. Journal on file. Not the best convenient option, but also suitable.
  6. Whatever your imagination is capable of. The main thing is that the surface is smooth and not decorative. The material must provide good contact with the surface. Glass will not work - due to the refraction of rays, the mouse will not work well.

How and what to make with your own hands: detailed instructions

Let's look at several ways to make a “real” mouse pad. One that will last a long time and will be practically no different from its store-bought counterparts.

From linoleum

What you will need:

  1. A piece of old linoleum.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Ruler, pencil.

We cut out a rectangle from linoleum, for example, 20 by 24 cm. For convenience, the edges can be made rounded. That's all, you can use it! The sheet can be given any shape, depending on your wishes and imagination.

From a plastic napkin with a pattern

Everything is the same, only instead of a piece of linoleum we use a kitchen plastic napkin.


Everything is the same, only replace the linoleum with a piece of hard tanned leather. An old suitcase or bag is suitable as a source of material. Can be used Women's boots with the owner's consent. For a thicker option, two pieces of leather same size glue “Moment” together. You can additionally sew the edges on a sewing machine if you know how.

You can apply an original design to the rug using acrylic paints. After drying, acrylic is resistant to water, does not smudge or wear off. There is no need to varnish the acrylic drawing.

If the skin is thin, we use the following option. Cut a piece from an old tourist “seat” the right size. Use “Moment” glue to glue a piece of leather to the foam. Let dry. Ready!

A more complicated option

What you will need:

  1. A piece of linoleum 20 by 24 cm.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Ruler, pencil.
  4. Glue "Moment" or PVA.
  5. A picture or photograph printed on a printer/cut out of a magazine/drawn by hand.
  6. Self-adhesive transparent film.

We cut out the picture to the size of a piece of linoleum. If the linoleum pattern shows through the picture, it must first be tinted with acrylic paint. Carefully glue the image. It is advisable to apply a little glue around the edges. We dry it naturally. Cover the top with a sheet of A4 self-adhesive film. Smooth it out. We cut off all excess. You can use two pieces of film for reliability.

A monochromatic or repeating pattern looks impressive. A computer mouse will have better contact with a dark-colored mat. If you do everything carefully, you get something like:

Made from plexiglass

If you have the skills, you can cut a shape out of plexiglass, place LEDs, attach a USB connector to them, and connect it to a computer. You will get a glowing rug. The video below explains in detail how to make one.

Video: backlit computer mouse pad

Play mat

This mouse pad differs from a regular one primarily in size and structure. Gaming mats are much larger, some are made specifically for the keyboard. They are made of rubber, the reverse side fits tightly to the table to prevent slipping. Since gamers set low mouse sensitivity for ease of play, the radius of mouse movement increases significantly, which explains the large size of the mousepad.


This procedure must be approached with all seriousness, since your success in the game will depend on the quality of the product.


  1. An old travel foam rug/a decent-sized piece of isolon
  2. Scissors.
  3. Pencil, ruler.
  4. Self-adhesive film with a pattern for decoration.
  5. Double sided tape.

We cut out our blank from a tourist rug. This should be a fairly large piece that will accommodate both the keyboard and the mouse, at least 30 by 60 cm. To prevent the foam from curling, it can be very carefully smoothed out with a non-hot iron. Then we apply a self-adhesive film on top of the “front” side (that is, the one without foil). The product is almost ready. To prevent it from slipping, you can glue it to the tabletop with double-sided tape.

Self-adhesive film can be replaced with the same plastic kitchen napkin with a pattern, if its size is large enough. Experiment!

How is a play mat different from a regular one and why buy one?

Even novice gamers these days understand how a gaming mouse or headphones differ from regular ones. But the phrase “gaming mouse pad” sometimes causes confusion. After all, modern mice with a laser sensor, unlike old “ball” models, theoretically do not need a mouse pad at all - they work even directly on the table, even on a piece of paper, even on an old book, even on a 10-year-old cork mat.

In theory, this is the case, but in practice, the speed of its movement and the accuracy of the positioning of the sensor significantly depend on the properties of the surface on which the mouse operates. In general, the smoother the surface of the mat, the faster the manipulator glides along it. On the other hand, the rougher the rug, the more accurately the laser tracks movements. Since in modern games, and especially in e-sports, the speed and accuracy of reaction sometimes decides the outcome of the largest battles, even such a modest accessory as a rug can lead a player to victory.

Modern gaming mat manufacturers take these factors into account when developing their products and strive to maximize both the speed and accuracy of mice through the use of advanced technologies and materials. An increase in the speed of mouse movement is accompanied by an increase in the range of its positions on the table, so often gaming mats are also much larger in size than the classic ones.

The reverse side of the mat also has its own function - it should tightly fix the accessory on the table, preventing it from moving during sudden movements of the player.

In addition to gaming considerations, the mat also has purely practical functions - it protects the table surface from dirt and scratching by the active movements of the manipulator, and smoothes out unevenness of the surface underneath. Some models can additionally provide protection for the player's wrist from friction against the table surface and even provide it with the necessary support, helping to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

Modern gaming mats often have stylish designs and beautiful themed prints with the logos of your favorite games and teams.

Thus, the main difference between a gaming mat and a regular one is that it is designed to give the player an advantage through greater speed and/or accuracy. In addition, gaming mats are usually of higher quality and have stylish design and, of course, a higher price.


The material from which it is made will have a significant impact on the properties of the gaming mousedrome. Currently, the following materials are most widely used:

  1. Rubber or rubberized fabric is essentially an intermediate option between gaming and conventional mouse racks. They give the mouse good grip on the surface, protect the table and hands well, and slightly increase the speed of movement. But they usually have problems with positioning accuracy.
  2. Plastic is harder, smoother. It has a slightly higher speed than fabric ones, significantly higher accuracy and a slightly higher price.
  3. Metal (most often aluminum and its alloys) is the hardest and smoothest option, differs maximum speed and accuracy. In addition, such a gaming mat is practically immortal, especially compared to fabric options that wear out quickly. But the tactile sensations from cold, hard metal are much less pleasant than from warm and soft fabric.
  4. Glass has similar properties to metal and shares all its advantages and disadvantages. Currently, it is almost impossible to buy this option online.

In addition to the material, play mats are often divided by surface roughness. Rougher ones give greater accuracy, so they are classified as Control (sometimes Grip). Smoother ones increase the speed of movements, therefore they belong to the Speed ​​category (sometimes Glide).

Let's take a closer look at play mats made from different materials.

Fabric rugs

A4Tech X7-200MP is one of the simplest and most economical options. Essentially, this is just a good mouse-box and nothing more. It has quite modest dimensions by gaming standards (only 200 by 250 mm) and a very modest price - about 250 rubles.

Canyon is another relatively inexpensive rug. One of the few fabric options with a wrist pad. It measures 250 by 350 mm and costs about 400 rubles.

GAMDIAS NYX Speed ​​Edition M is an option for those who value the speed of mouse movements. Important advantage– stitched edges. It measures 350 by 280 mm and costs about 520 rubles.

GAMDIAS NYX Control Edition M is practically the twin brother of the previous version. It has the same dimensions, costs the same on average, and has a rougher surface.

HyperX Fury S Pro Extra Large is a fairly high-quality mat of a very large size, measuring 420 by 900 mm. It is made on a rubber base with a fabric coating, which gives good grip on the table and good speed of mouse movement. Another advantage is the stitched edges, which increases comfort and durability. You will have to pay about 1900 rubles for this carpet.

A4Tech Bloody MP-50RS is a stylish and high-quality option with backlighting, which, thanks to the use of special software, reacts to game events. It measures 358 by 256 mm and costs an average of 2,300 rubles.

Plastic options

ROCCAT Siru is the cheapest of the quality plastic options. It stays perfectly on the table, provides tremendous gliding speed for the mouse - and costs only about 800 rubles.

Razer Sphex V2 is a stylish and thin (only half a millimeter) mat from a well-known manufacturer of gaming accessories. On average, you can buy it for 1,400 rubles.

A4Tech XP-50NH – plastic coating gives high speed mouse movements, the rubber base ensures ergonomics and comfort for the gamer’s hands, and the built-in RGB backlight is pleasing to the eye. It may not be very convenient for those who are accustomed to thin options - after all, the thickness of this model is a respectable 7 mm. This product costs about 1,700 rubles.

Razer Firefly is another combination of a rubber base, plastic coating and backlight, only much thinner (2.5 mm). You can buy it for an average of 5,000 rubles.

Metal mousedromes

Xiaomi Mouse Pad is available in two versions (S and L), differing in size (180 by 240 and 240 by 300 mm, respectively) with the same average price of 900 rubles, which makes this option the cheapest of the metal gaming pads.

Ozone Ocelote World is a mid-priced option with a rubber base and aluminum coating, which provides good grip on the table and high speed of mouse movement. This rug costs about 1600 rubles.

Corsair MM600 - An aluminum finish on an aluminum base makes this option the epitome of speed and reliability. It will cost an average of 3,500 rubles.

Razer Manticor is a stylish black mat from a famous brand that combines aluminum coating and a rubber base. You can buy it for an average of 4,000 rubles.

2 in 1

Stands apart original model Razer Vespula. If in other cases you have to choose between speed and accuracy, then this mat provides both. True, not at the same time - it just has two sides that differ from each other in roughness - which means the mouse will behave differently on them.

The two sides of the Vespula are even marked “Speed” and “Control,” so that gamers can easily navigate and change the position of the mat depending on the requirements of the game. This mat is made of plastic with a fabric covering and is additionally equipped with a wrist pad. Dimensions – 300 by 220 mm, which is quite enough for most games. You can buy a Razer Vespula for about 3,500 rubles.

Another original model of this type is SteelSeries QcK Prism. This is a large double-sided backlit rug with dimensions of 357 by 292 mm. The smoother side is made of plastic, the rougher side is made of fabric. This miracle of technology costs about 4,500 rubles.

Well, the most expensive of these mats is the Razer Invicta, the speed side of which is made of aluminum, and the precision side is made of plastic. This option costs an average of 4,900 rubles.

If you are attracted to fabric rugs, you should definitely choose a model with stitched edges. Firstly, this will eliminate wrist discomfort when in contact with the edge of the accessory, and secondly, stitched products are much more durable.

Choosing between Grip and Glide is essentially a choice between high and low mouse sensitivity. Therefore, choose based on your personal preferences and the characteristics of the games you play (painstaking and accurate pixel hunting can be useful in strategies, but will not replace reaction speed in shooters).


Now you know that even the most inconspicuous detail can make a huge difference in winning or losing. So don’t skimp on a good gaming mat – after all, your gaming results, the safety of your furniture, and your health – both nervous and physical – depend on it.

What can be replaced

Of course, in emergency situations, when you need to continue working at the computer, and the table surface is too slippery, the sensitivity of the mouse is reduced because of this. In this case, a quick temporary replacement will do. And even if it doesn’t turn out to be very designer-looking, it will save you for the first time.

When choosing a replacement mouse pad, you need to look at what type of mouse it is - it can be laser, optical or mechanical with a ball. To determine the device type, you need to carefully turn the mouse over and look at the bottom:

  • If you see a rubberized ball on the bottom of the mouse inserted into a hole and spinning in it, then the mouse is mechanical. Such device models were popular earlier, but now they are practically not used, unless you have changed your computer since time immemorial.
  • An optical mouse has a hole at the bottom with a red light (LED). Be careful not to shine it in your eyes. This mouse uses a small viewfinder that takes pictures of the surface.
  • A laser mouse is similar to an optical mouse, but you won’t see a light in the hole. Its work is based on the action of a semiconductor laser, the beam of which is repelled from the surface and returns the result in the form of coordinates.

The difference in mouse types and the principle of their functioning leads to the fact that they need different surfaces for smooth gliding, and even the speed of the mouse depends on the surface. For the average document user, speed may not be a critical factor. But for a gamer, on whose prompt actions victory in a game round depends, and the count can even go by seconds, the surface is very important.

  • Any surface is suitable for laser mice; their design is such that they can move with equal success on a rug, a table, or even glass. The trajectory of their movement is not distorted. The operating speed remains the same. This is why gamers prefer them.
  • An optical mouse can also move on slippery and smooth surfaces, but this will significantly affect its sensitivity. When the cursor moves across the screen, jerks, “slipping” of some areas, and shaking of the mouse pointer will be noticeable. Therefore, in this case, for replacement it is better to choose a surface with a matte or not too glossy finish. It is worth noting that the fleecy surface here is also not the most the best option, since it consists of tiny hairs, and the mouse LED beam will “fall” between these hairs when moving, this will also make it difficult to recognize the coordinates. To replace the mat, you can use a book (not too thick so that it is comfortable to hold your hand), a piece of linoleum, a magazine with a matte cover, a box lid, an untreated wooden plate, a piece of corrugated cardboard. Test various options and stop at the most convenient one. Often, if your rug has become worn out, turning it over with the foam side facing up will be enough to give it a second life.
  • Also suitable for mechanical mouse matte surfaces. The main thing here is to ensure an even hard coating. There is another problem with ball mice - it is not the mouse pad that wears out, but the rubberized ball itself. Then only replacing the mouse or ball will help.

To improve the glide of the mouse, it is also necessary to clean it. On the bottom surface of the device there are special smooth shaped inserts (usually located around the perimeter of the bottom of the mouse), which help smooth movement along the surface. Over the years of use, lumps of dirt accumulate on these inserts; they can be removed with a special cleaning agent. personal computers or any composition containing alcohol.

What and how to make a mouse pad with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with photos

When a temporary replacement for a mouse pad no longer suits you, it’s time to start making your own mouse pad. With due diligence, it will turn out to be unique in its own way and will be much more convenient than purchased rugs, because you will make it completely for yourself.

From a paper clipboard

Most quick way To make a fairly comfortable and hard mouse pad is to use an unnecessary tablet for papers. It has the required hardness and suitable size.

  1. Take a regular tablet for papers of any color.
  2. Place a sheet of black paper on top of the tablet (this is necessary so that the mouse beam does not glare on the surface).
  3. Attach a regular white sheet on top of the black sheet. The rug is ready. This is the simplest option, but you can get creative and instead white sheet use finishing, colored paper or create an applique. Make sure the paper is not glossy.

From ornamental foam

To make such a rug you will need very few materials:

  • craft foam sheets (EVA sheets, foam sheets, craft foam) - can be purchased at repair or craft stores;
  • paper, ruler, pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • paints of several colors (gouache or acrylic);
  • artistic adhesive tape (can be replaced with regular or masking tape, electrical tape);
  • finishing coating (aerosol sealant).

Let's start making the rug.

  1. Draw the desired shape of the rug on a piece of paper. It can be any simple geometric figure or a complex compound shape, a polygon, or even the head of your favorite cartoon character.
  2. Next, you need to cut out this shape, put the paper design on a sheet of craft foam, trace it with a pencil or pen, then cut it out with a stationery knife.
  3. Use masking tape to mark the boundaries of the areas to be painted different colors. We do the painting. Each layer must be thoroughly dried. Then we peel off the strips of masking tape, mark the surface again and perform the second level of painting the parts.
  4. When finished, coat the resulting surface with sealant. The sealant is applied in four layers. The designer rug is ready!

From linoleum

Surely the remains of linoleum can be found in any home. This is the simplest material for creating an unusual rug. The rug is made using decoupage technique.

Materials for production:

  • you need a piece of linoleum of size;
  • acrylic paints (any colors, in this case blue and white were used);
  • a small foam sponge (or a piece of foam);
  • paper napkins for the kitchen with a beautiful pattern (which can be cut out);
  • decoupage varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • brushes for varnish and paints.

Let's start creating a masterpiece.

  1. First, we cut out the shape we need from a piece of linoleum. Round the corners.
  2. Next, you need to apply a little background paint or white to the foam sponge. Lightly pressing the sponge into the linoleum, paint the background completely or along the edges. This whitening using the decoupage technique is done so that parts of the paper napkin appear brighter, since the napkin itself is very thin and allows the color of the surface underneath to pass through.
  3. We cut out the designs from the napkin, place them on the surface of the linoleum and apply a layer of PVA glue on top. It is better to glue the next drawing after the first one has dried. It’s okay if part of the surface gathers into folds, this will give an additional “aged” charm to the rug. However, large wrinkles can impair mouse movement, so make sure the surface is even.
  4. After the drawing has completely dried, it needs to be coated with decoupage varnish in several layers.
  5. In addition, you can color the background again with a different color, for example blue.
  6. At the end, you need to coat the product with varnish again in 3-5 layers to secure the result. Then dry the mat at room temperature. Now you can show off your unusual product to your friends.

Features of making a play mat

Those who like to participate in various team and online games increased requirements to mouse pads, and for good reason. Every second can be decisive, and every extra slip of the mouse on the surface can lead to a loss. Therefore, when selecting materials for self-made There are a few things to consider when playing mat:

  • Be sure to consider the type of mouse. It was previously mentioned that for different types mice fit different surfaces. Inserts are usually placed on the bottom of the mouse for better glide, they can be made of plastic or Teflon. The speed of play also depends on how this material slides across the mat.
  • The surface of the selected material must be absolutely smooth, without a single flaw, which could become an unpleasant surprise when playing. Turn your material towards the light and examine it closely - there may be indentations or bumps on it that are not noticeable at first glance.
  • You should not pay attention exclusively to the top part of the rug. Its lower part is also important, because it determines whether it will slide on the table or not. Ideally, the material should be dense and heavy enough so that it does not budge when moving the mouse.
  • Before cutting the mat out of the material, move your mouse over it. If you plan to add another layer of material (fabric, paper, etc.) on top, add that too and move the mouse to test the quality of the surface. Try playing your favorite game and compare the results before and after using this prototype mat. If everything is good, then start making it and bringing it to its finished form.

Check out the photos to get inspired with ideas for making your own mouse pads using a variety of materials.

Photo gallery: options for ready-made homemade rugs

Cork rugs

Cork sheet is quite common and good material for making rugs. You can paint it or glue a piece of fabric on top.

Figured rugs

Free-form rugs may be unusual, but they are not very convenient to use. When making, make sure that the inside of your figure is spacious enough for the mouse to move, otherwise the mouse will get caught on the edges.

With stencil design

A stencil design can give a rug a really stylish look, although it is very simple to do. On the selected surface (cork, linoleum, craft foam), place a sheet with a cut shaped hole. Such stencils in large quantities can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer. Secure the sheet and apply paint into the hole. You can pre-paint the surface with a background color.

Unusual ideas

Users with a good sense of humor can even sew pieces from an old stuffed toy onto the rug's border to create a truly unique and fun rug. You can even give such a rug as a gift to someone.

Video: how to make a rug with your own hands

Mat options

1. Aluminum
2. Glass
3. Plastic
4. Rubberized
5. Double sided
6. Helium

And now I would like to talk about each type in more detail.

1. First I want to consider three options at once: plastic, aluminum and glass. These rugs are very popular among gamers. For example, plastic mats are easier to find on sale. The mouse glides quickly and accurately on these mats. And most importantly, these mouse pads are suitable for both laser and optical mice. Aluminum and glass mats will be a little harder to find. Yes, and they will cost a lot. True, there is a reason for this - they will serve for a very long time. These types of rugs have minor flaws. Many people say that they rustle when operating and are a little cool to the touch, which may cause discomfort for some users.

2. Rubberized (rag) mats have soft sliding, but the accuracy of their movements is worse. For ordinary users, such a mat will be just right. And they are much cheaper than the previous ones.

3. Double-sided mouse pads, in my opinion, are a very interesting type of mouse pad. As the name suggests, these rugs have two sides. Typically, one side is high-speed and the other is high-precision. It happens that each side is designed for a specific game.

4. Helium mats have a silicone cushion. She supposedly supports the hand and relieves tension from it. For me personally, they turned out to be the most inconvenient. According to their intended purpose, they are designed for office workers, since they sit at the computer all day long. These mats are not suitable for casual users and gamers. The mouse glides very poorly on the surface of such mouse pads, and their accuracy is not the best.

Mat sizes

There are three types of rugs: large, medium and small. Here everything primarily depends on the taste of the user. But as is commonly believed, large rugs are good for games. Small and medium ones are taken mainly for work.

Rugs design

In this regard, there are no restrictions. It all depends on what you want to see on your rug. Fortunately, now they don’t draw anything on rugs. The most popular are the logos of computer games, such as Dota, Warcraft, Line, etc. But if it happened that you couldn’t find a rug with the pattern you wanted, don’t be upset. Now you can order a print on a rug. But such mats have a disadvantage: when printing is applied to the surface of the mat, its properties deteriorate. Design in exchange for quality.

This is where I want to end the article. On my own behalf I wish to do you right choice and be happy with it.
For anyone who doesn’t have a mouse or wants to replace it with another one, I advise you to look at the article: “How to choose a mouse for a computer, laptop and all-in-one PC”.

What can replace a computer mouse pad?

    It all depends on your mouse. Firstly, some mice work great on any slippery (maple) tablecloth.

    Secondly, many mice for netbooks and laptops work on almost any surface.

    Thirdly, even old mice in most cases work on magazine pages, preferably with a dark picture (advertising inserts are ideal)

    For example, I use blank A4 sheets. The mouse rolls well and you can see when it needs to be changed based on the degree of soiling of the sheet. It lasts for a week if you wash your hands regularly, of course.

    It all depends on the mouse. I used to have a mouse that I used without any mouse pad. But my latest wireless mouse, which I bought in China, does not work without a mouse pad, moreover, it does not support all mouse pads. She definitely needs a rough surface, so I found her a piece of fabric. So you can replace it with a piece of fabric!

    I’ve had a computer for 8 years and have never had a rug, I just rub it on the table, I’m already used to it, of course its paws get dusty from time to time, I have to clean it, but everything is fine. Although this can also happen on a rug, my mouse is the same age and already elderly...

    regular wired

    The computer mouse pad can be replaced with whatever is convenient. For example, cardboard, a cloth napkin, a notebook. In general, everything that is smooth and even can be replaced. Also, a simple polishing table is very suitable if there is a computer or laptop in that place.

    You can make a computer mouse pad yourself from scrap materials.

    Such materials include felt and velvet, a piece of cardboard covered with wallpaper, a thick piece of leather, a piece of linoleum.

    You can decorate a homemade rug at your discretion.

    You can also use cardboard, this is suitable mainly for old mechanical mice, not optical ones

    Any perfectly flat surface is sufficient for optical mice

    You can just move the mouse around the table, but you have to get used to it, you can lay it down with cardboard, it’s even more convenient than just moving it around the table. In general, the mats are not very expensive, they last a long time and they are really comfortable, especially for those who like to play.

    If necessary, the computer mouse pad can be replaced with any available material. It could be a piece of cardboard, whatman paper, thick paper, a book, a general notebook, or maple. The main thing is that the surface is a little rough.

    anything, I often use my knee instead of a mousepad)) mousepads are needed if you have a mechanical mouse, not an optical one, with a ball at the bottom, but I think they don’t use those anymore

    I never had one at all, I make do with it. Smooth surface of polished table and everything. You can get by.

    A notebook, a book, an ordinary piece of cardboard from a shipping box, a chair armrest, a fabric tablecloth or napkin without a relief pattern, a plastic box from a DVD disk, in general, anything on which you can easily rustle with the mouse will do, provided that the cursor moves smoothly on the monitor screen.

    A computer mouse pad can easily be replaced with a book, textbook, or notebook. You can simply roll the mouse on the table, on your leg. So there are so many options, you can even do without this rug.

    at least the main thing is that it is smooth and even

    And I wouldn't replace it. The rug is not that expensive, you can buy it for thirty rubles. Or you can do without it entirely; it all depends on the mouse. If it’s an ordinary mouse, then you can safely use it without a mousepad. But there is no point in inventing something. After all, the bicycle has already been invented.

    In fact, it is worth paying attention, in addition to what the computer mouse rests on, to the computer mouse itself. If you look deeper, you should know that computer mice today are mechanical, optical, and the newest laser. And they all react slightly, but differently, to the surface on which they lie, on which they are driven.

    Well, to be brief and answer the question posed, you can replace the mouse pad with a simple notebook, you can try a newspaper or a glossy magazine. You just need to try. Well, you’ll often find that they do without a mouse pad or anything like that. The mouse is simply moved along the surface of the table.

    I will replace the mouse pad with cardboard, very convenient when there is nothing at hand.

A mouse pad is, of course, not an essential item. Many people have gone without it for a long time or do not use a mouse. However, if the table surface is not very suitable for work (for example, glass), without it the computer mouse loses contact, sticks, slips, and creaks. This is inconvenient and can slow down your work. Nowadays, stores offer rugs of different textures, sizes and qualities. But you don’t have to buy this item; you can make it yourself.

What can you use instead of a mouse pad?

If there is no mat (this happens, circumstances vary), and it is inconvenient to work, you can temporarily use the following as a backing:

  • Notebook 96 sheets in a varnished cardboard cover. Typically, such notebooks are produced with a spring.
  • A piece of tile, a square of floor tiles.
  • Not too thick hard cover book.
  • A piece of cardboard from a shoe box.
  • Journal on file. Not the most convenient option, but still suitable.
  • Whatever your imagination is capable of. The main thing is that the surface is smooth and not decorative. The material must provide good contact with the surface. Glass will not work - due to the refraction of rays, the mouse will not work well.
  • How and what to make with your own hands: detailed instructions

    Let's look at several ways to make a “real” mouse pad. One that will last a long time and will be practically no different from its store-bought counterparts.

    From linoleum

    Linoleum mouse pad

    What you will need:

  • A piece of old linoleum.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler, pencil.
  • We cut out a rectangle from linoleum, for example, 20 by 24 cm. For convenience, the edges can be made rounded. That's all, you can use it! The sheet can be given any shape, depending on your wishes and imagination.

    From a plastic napkin with a pattern

    Everything is the same, only instead of a piece of linoleum we use a kitchen plastic napkin.


    Mouse pad made of leather with cats

    Everything is the same, only replace the linoleum with a piece of hard tanned leather. An old suitcase or bag is suitable as a source of material. Women's boots may be used with the consent of the owner. For a denser version, glue two pieces of leather of the same size together with “Moment”. You can additionally sew the edges on a sewing machine if you know how.

    Leather mouse pad

    You can apply an original design to the rug using acrylic paints. After drying, acrylic is resistant to water, does not smudge or wear off. There is no need to varnish the acrylic drawing.

    Handmade mouse pad

    If the skin is thin, we use the following option. Cut a piece of the required size from an old tourist “seat”. Use “Moment” glue to glue a piece of leather to the foam. Let dry. Ready!

    A more complicated option

    What you will need:

  • A piece of linoleum 20 by 24 cm.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler, pencil.
  • Glue "Moment" or PVA.
  • A picture or photograph printed on a printer/cut out of a magazine/drawn by hand.
  • Self-adhesive transparent film.
  • We cut out the picture to the size of a piece of linoleum. If the linoleum pattern shows through the picture, it must first be tinted with acrylic paint. Carefully glue the image. It is advisable to apply a little glue around the edges. We dry it naturally. Cover the top with a sheet of A4 self-adhesive film. Smooth it out. We cut off all excess. You can use two pieces of film for reliability.

    A monochromatic or repeating pattern looks impressive. A computer mouse will have better contact with a dark-colored mat. If you do everything carefully, you get something like:

    Mouse pad with wolf

    Made from plexiglass

    If you have the skills, you can cut a shape out of plexiglass, place LEDs, attach a USB connector to them, and connect it to a computer. You will get a glowing rug. The video below explains in detail how to make one.

    Video: backlit computer mouse pad

    Play mat

    Gaming mouse pad SVEN

    This mouse pad differs from a regular one primarily in size and structure. Gaming mats are much larger, some are made specifically for the keyboard. They are made of rubber, the reverse side fits tightly to the table to prevent slipping. Since gamers set low mouse sensitivity for ease of play, the radius of mouse movement increases significantly, which explains the large size of the mousepad.


    This procedure must be approached with all seriousness, since your success in the game will depend on the quality of the product.


  • An old travel foam rug/a decent-sized piece of isolon
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil, ruler.
  • Self-adhesive film with a pattern for decoration.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Izolon for insulating balconies

    We cut out our blank from a tourist rug. This should be a fairly large piece that will accommodate both the keyboard and the mouse, at least 30 by 60 cm. To prevent the foam from curling, it can be very carefully smoothed out with a non-hot iron. Then we apply a self-adhesive film on top of the “front” side (that is, the one without foil). The product is almost ready. To prevent it from slipping, you can glue it to the tabletop with double-sided tape.

    Self-adhesive film can be replaced with the same plastic kitchen napkin with a pattern, if its size is large enough. Experiment!

    Photo gallery: options for homemade mouse pads

    The article presents methods for the laziest. Do-it-yourself mouse pads can also be made of fabric or even knitted, with various complex decorations. A designer product can be given its own special shape. The main thing is that he performs the main task perfectly.

    Today every second inhabitant of the planet has computers, but not everyone has accessories for them. The reasons may be different: no money, no time or no desire. We suggest you make your own mouse pad and use it for your own pleasure.

    Watch the video on how to make a mouse pad:

    We will need:
    - a piece of thick cardboard;
    - self-adhesive paper;
    - scissors;
    - glue;
    - newspaper.

    The first step is to take a simple pencil and begin to draw our shape for the future rug on a thick piece of cardboard. The cardboard must be completely flat; if you take it with a bend, then when passing through it, the mouse will not always catch the signal.

    The pieces of nimble newspaper at the very end should be sealed in one solid piece. We bend the edges of a piece of newspaper and glue them too.

    We glue another piece onto this piece, but we don’t bend the edges as we did before, but cut them off with scissors.

    Leave the cardboard with the paper glued to it for a certain time so that the newspaper has time to be well saturated with glue and dry. By the way, in our work we need newspaper to provide additional space. When used, the cardboard simply will not bend.

    Carefully glue the film to the workpiece. If you are making a round rug, then make several cuts in the film so that its edges are folded under the bottom of the rug.

    Our mouse pad is ready and now you can use it.

    A wide range of computer accessories are available in any household appliances and electronics store. Mouse pads can be made of different materials and vary in size. If you can’t purchase such a thing, you can make a mouse pad with your own hands. There is no difficulty in this. The main thing is to acquire the necessary materials and carry out everything according to the instructions.

    What can replace a mouse pad?

    If you don’t have a mat and it’s inconvenient to work at your computer without it, you can make a temporary pad yourself. As a rug you can use:

    • a 96-sheet notebook with a thick varnished cover;
    • a piece of tile;
    • a thin hardcover book;
    • a piece of cardboard;
    • magazine, wrapped in a file.

    In fact, you just have to dream a little, and an idea about what to replace the mouse pad with will definitely come to mind. The material must provide reliable contact with the surface. As for ordinary glass, it is not suitable for replacing the mousepad, since the refraction of the rays will not allow the mouse to work properly.

    Linoleum rug

    Option 1

    So, in order for a hand-made mouse pad to turn out to be a worthy imitation of the original, you need to do everything according to the instructions. Different materials are suitable as a base. One of them is linoleum.

    To work you need to prepare:

    • a piece of unnecessary linoleum;
    • scissors;
    • pencil and ruler.

    You need to cut a rectangle out of the flooring. Its dimensions should be 20 by 24 cm. To make the homemade rug more convenient to use, its edges can be rounded. The mouse pad is ready. The base can be given any shape, you just have to use your imagination a little.

    Option 2

    The second method of making a rug involves the presence of glue, a picture or a photograph. You will also need a transparent self-adhesive film. The picture needs to be given dimensions that will coincide with the linoleum base.

    If the image shows through the picture, it needs to be tinted with acrylic paint. The drawing must be glued carefully. There is no need to apply glue generously to the back side. Allow the glue to dry naturally and apply a sheet of self-adhesive film on top. All excess must be trimmed off.

    Cardboard mat

    You can make your own optical mouse pad using many available materials. For example, cardboard is an excellent base for a product. This could be corrugated cardboard or cardboard cut from a shoe box. To prevent the future rug from slipping on the surface, you can use an anti-slip furniture backing. For decoration, wrapping paper or paper with designs for creativity is suitable.

    The decorative layer must be glued to the base using PVA glue and a self-adhesive film applied on top. This material will extend the life of the decorative layer and make it easier for the mouse to move around the mat. After the film is pasted, all bubbles must be smoothed out. If a homemade computer mouse pad does not have a decorative coating, at the final stage it can be covered with a matte self-adhesive film with or without a pattern.

    Leather rug

    A DIY mouse pad made from leather is made in the same way as a product made from linoleum. In this case, the material will be a piece of hard tanned leather. You can cut it from an old bag or jacket. To make the rug more dense, it is advisable to take two pieces of leather and glue them together using Moment glue. If you have the skills to use a sewing machine, the edges of the product need to be sewn.

    Acrylic paints will help make the rug more original. After drying, acrylic withstands the effects of water and retains its original appearance for a long time.

    Plexiglas mat

    You can resort to this method of making a mouse pad with your own hands if you have skills in working with plexiglass. You need to cut out a base from the material, place LEDs on it, attach a USB connector to them and connect them to the computer. A rug of this type is an original thing that can become a worthy competitor to its store-bought counterpart.

    Play mat

    A gaming mouse pad is much larger than a regular one. Some of them are made specifically for the keyboard. The material is rubber. Its reverse side fits well to the table, which prevents slipping on the surface. Making a gaming mouse pad with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to approach this matter with full responsibility, because your success in the game will depend on how high-quality the product turns out.

    For a rug of this type you need to take:

    Karemat or piece of isolon;


    Pencil, ruler;

    Self-adhesive film with a pattern;

    Double sided tape.

    It is necessary to cut a large piece from the mat. In other words, the keyboard and mouse must fit on the mat. The size of the backing must be at least 30 by 60 cm. The self-adhesive film can curl, so to prevent this phenomenon, you can run a hot iron over it.

    After this, self-adhesive film can be applied to the front side, where there is no foil layer. The last stage is attaching the product to the table using double-sided tape. If self-adhesive film is not available, you can use a plastic kitchen napkin with a pattern for a DIY mouse pad.

    Is it possible to do without a rug?

    The question of whether mats for optical and laser mice are needed is quite relevant for owners of computer equipment. The main purpose of the mousepad is to conveniently use the mouse, but if you move it across the table, scuffs will soon appear on it. Moreover, the mouse’s legs themselves are also subject to wear.

    You can work without a mousepad, but in this case you will need to regularly replace the mouse with a new one. Homemade rugs that are made according to all the rules can be a good replacement for store-bought options. However, if for this purpose you use substrates that slide across the table, this will negatively affect the smoothness of the move and the precise positioning of the cursor.

    If the computer is turned on rarely, then such shortcomings will not be so noticeable for an inactive PC user. Those people who have to spend a lot of time at the computer need to buy a special backing. We’ll tell you in this article how to make a mouse pad with your own hands so that it’s easy to use.