Dwarf banana tree. Is it possible to grow a banana from a store-bought one and how to plant the plant correctly at home

Let's plant and grow mini bananas at home, in an apartment. Detailed description agricultural technologies for growing banana palms at home (10+)

Mini bananas - even more exotic

Mini bananas- This is one of the varieties of banana that is already familiar to us. They differ from the traditional variety only in size - their maximum length does not exceed 12 cm. If before this the largest banana fruits were considered the best, now there is a fashion for miniature berries, this is how bananas are classified.

Usage options

The banana comes from Southeast Asia, where its role is difficult to overestimate. Many peoples consume bananas in quantities that are simply incomprehensible to us: in Ecuador, annual per capita consumption is almost 74 kg, in Samoa 85 kg, for comparison, we have about 7 kg.

Mini bananas, despite their modest size, have a more pronounced sweet taste and a rich, characteristic aroma.

As you can see, the banana has gained popularity far beyond its homeland. In Asia, Africa and many Latin American countries, bananas are used to prepare snacks, side dishes, soups and even beer. In our country, it is customary to prepare desserts from bananas and consume them in their natural form.

Beneficial features

Banana is a real battery for the body. Thanks to the content of B vitamins and carbohydrates, this fruit is an excellent source of energy. Just a couple of bananas can provide enough energy for an hour and a half of vigorous activity.

Banana contains a large number of food pectins, but at the same time the concentration organic acids low. This makes banana an ideal fruit for people with gastrointestinal problems and liver diseases.

The most valuable element of a banana is potassium. Banana helps remove excess water and toxins from the body, reduce arterial pressure, cholesterol level. Banana strengthens the immune system, helps to relax, relieve mental stress, helps with insomnia and bad mood - this is due to the protein content of tryptophan, which is transformed into serotonin, which makes people feel happier.

Banana has a beneficial effect on the human body and is highly nutritious and excellent taste qualities. It is advisable to consume it not only occasionally as an exotic fruit, but periodically (it is better to make it part of the diet). Of course, it would be more convenient not to buy bananas, but to grow them at home, especially since this is quite possible.


The trunk of the palm tree is powerful, with a large cut from which the roots extend; new shoots will appear on the surface. Banana leaves look very exotic: they are large, oval-shaped, juicy, have a light green saturated light, and the top of the leaves are covered with a wax-like coating.

Growing at home

The good thing about a mini banana is that it can be successfully grown even in a city apartment. While a standard banana reaches 10 m in its natural conditions, the average height of a mini banana palm is about 1.5 m.

First of all, you need to choose a place for the banana. It should be a well-lit, warm place. South facing windows are ideal, but in particularly hot and sunny days the plant should be shaded. Concerning temperature regime, then the summer temperature should be at least 30 °C, and in winter about 20 °C.

Bananas need to be watered abundantly, especially in the hot season (about 2 times a week), but it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate, as this can lead to rotting. Humidity should also be maintained in the atmosphere around the plant: frequently spray the plant, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This is especially necessary during heating season when the air in apartments is dry from heating devices.

Bananas at home require feeding: add humus 3-4 times a week in summer and once a month in cold weather. You also need to take into account that in order for a banana to bear fruit, it needs phosphorus. You can make a decoction of small sea fish, strain it and add little by little when watering.

Special attention should be paid to transplantation. Young seedlings need to be replanted 2-3 times during the summer. Each time you need to increase the pot by 2cm as the root system grows. An adult plant should be in a pot with a capacity of about 40 liters. Drainage is required at the bottom of the pot, and the optimal composition of the soil is: a mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in proportions 1:2:1 and add a little ash.

As the plant develops lower leaves will die off, they must be cut back to a living place.

Banana flowering begins with the release of a sprout, which ends in a bright bud-bud. When the petals fall, densely spaced beige inflorescences appear. Future fruits will come from them in the future. The mini banana will bloom all year, during which time the clusters will drop lower. After the crop ripens, the above-ground part dies off, but this is not the end - new shoots will come from the root and this can continue for up to 40 years.

You can usually buy a mini banana shoot about 30 cm tall. In this case, the first harvest should be expected in 2-3 years. You can immediately take more mature plant, so, of course, bananas will appear earlier, but it’s better not to do this, because... the young shoot has a better chance of successfully adapting to the new conditions of your apartment.

Harvest at proper care and creation favorable conditions can reach 300 delicious and fragrant mini bananas.

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Amateur flower growers are always attracted by the opportunity to grow some exotic plant at home, unusual for the area. Surely every person had a dream to have fragrant citrus fruits or ripe bananas on hand. Today you will learn how to grow a banana at home from the seeds of a purchased fleshy fruit.

Description of banana plant for home cultivation

If you doubt whether you can grow a banana at home, then the answer is yes, you can, but be prepared for the fact that this is quite a troublesome task. To grow a banana at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this plant:

  • Tropical varieties grow up to 10-12 meters, and the domestic banana tree is dwarfed, and its height does not exceed 2 meters.
  • The foliage is about 1.5 m long and 30 cm wide.
  • The bases of the leaves fit so tightly to each other that a pseudostem (plant trunk) is thus formed.
  • And the stem itself (rhizome) is hidden underground. It has the shape of a ball, and at the same time serves as the roots of a tree.
  • The main inflorescence grows from the middle of the pseudostem, which dries out after the fruiting process ends.

Important! Remember that a banana is not actually a tree. In theory, it is a perennial herbaceous plant.

  • The life span of a banana is about 40 years. New pseudostems grow in place of the ones that dry out. If growth occurs on an industrial scale, then reproduction occurs by dividing the rhizome, in other words, basal shoots are planted. When a shoot is removed from the rhizome, it retains everything varietal characteristics plants. But specimens grown from seeds are used for decorative purposes.

Varieties of banana for home

Modern gardeners grow with equal success both decorative “trees” for the purpose of decorating a room and plants with tasty, juicy fruits. On average, such specimens grow from 2 to 2.5, and mini bananas only reach 1-1.5 meters.

Fruit varieties popular for growing at home include the following bananas:

  • pointed;
  • Cavendish is a super-dwarf;
  • dwarf Kyiv;
  • superdwarf Kyiv.

TO decorative varieties exotic plants include:

  • lavender;
  • velvety;
  • Chinese dwarf;
  • bright red.

These varieties bloom brightly and beautifully, but the fruits of the banana tree of these varieties are inedible and small.

Germinating seeds from a store-bought banana

If you are interested in how to grow a banana from seeds, then first you need to buy wild fruits in the store. They are extremely rare, but ordinary fruits are not suitable, since they are harvested for export while their seeds are in an embryonic state. Wild fruits are small in size and contain dark seeds in the pulp.

If you manage to find the desired fruit, make sure that there is no damage to the skin. To extract seeds from a purchased banana with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • Fetus yellow color put in plastic bag, after which they wait until the peel completely darkens.
  • After this, the fruit is removed, the pulp is peeled, and a cut is made along the middle. Use a sharp object to remove the seeds from the inside and place them one at a time on a paper napkin.

Important! You should carefully sort through the seeds, since only grains that are round in shape are suitable for planting, and flat specimens should be selected and thrown away.

  • After the seeds are separated from the pulp, they are thoroughly washed.
  • Pour the resulting seeds warm water, then leave them alone for 3 days.
  • At the end of the three-day period, rinse and dry the seeds.
  • After completing the preparation process, an inert substrate will be required. For these purposes, coconut or sphagnum moss are suitable, which can be easily purchased in gardening stores. Before use, the substrate is sterilized with steam, then wait for it to cool, mix with perlite and pour over a solution of potassium permanganate.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase coconut or sphagnum, you can use a mixture of peat and coarse sand in proportions of 1:3. To do this, cover the bottom of the container with drainage material (gravel, broken brick, foam), on top of which place a layer of substrate 5-6 cm thick. Press the seeds thoroughly into the bedding mixture, then water the plant.

The shell of banana seeds is very dense, so before immersing them in the soil, its integrity should be mechanically disrupted. This can be done by rubbing the surface with sandpaper, scratching or making superficial cuts with a manicure file. It is important not to overdo it and damage the core.

The process of appearance of the first shoots takes from 2 to 3 months.

Important! Seed extraction is a labor-intensive process, so we recommend purchasing ready-made seeds at a gardening store.

Replanting a germinated plant

Before you grow a banana tree, you need to take care of replanting it from a germinated seed. The action plan is as follows:

  • Take the topmost layer of soil (5-7 cm) from under a hazel, linden, birch or acacia tree.
  • Add sand, humus and ash to the collected substance in proportions 10:2:1:0.5. Mix the resulting composition and place in the oven to bake for 5-10 minutes.

  • Cover the bottom with drainage material, and pour moistened sand on top of it. After the sand, place the prepared warm ground, baked in the oven.

Interesting! To prevent the pot from touching the tray, place a lattice or a few pebbles between them. This way, air can penetrate to the roots without obstruction.

  • The sprouted seed is deepened into the soil to a depth of about 2 cm, lightly sprinkled and watered.
  • The indoor plant must grow, and the roots will eventually “take over” the entire area of ​​the pot. In this case, the banana must be transplanted into a larger container.

Rules for caring for an indoor banana tree

look after exotic plant quite simple:

  • Loosen the soil regularly.
  • Water abundantly, but infrequently. The drying of the top layer of soil in a pot 1-2 cm deep will serve as an indicator.
  • Spraying in summer period is done daily, and in winter it needs to be done once a week.
  • It is necessary to strictly monitor the temperature regime so that the tree does not dry out. Optimal temperature for height +25+30. Less is possible, but already at +15 the development and growth of the plant slows down significantly.

  • With proper care, the banana grows and develops at an accelerated pace, and after 11-15 leaves appear, the tree begins to bloom.
  • Lighting for indoor tree extremly necessary. Place the pot on the south and east sides of the home, and in winter time years, provide additional lighting.
  • Fertilizing should be done systematically. It occurs once a week in the summer using humus and wood ash. Take 200 grams of humus, dilute it in a liter of water and leave for a day for the solution to infuse. Introduce into the soil during watering.

  • Once every six months, water the tree with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • It is better to exclude inorganic fertilizers.
  • Under natural conditions, a tree can be affected by root nematodes: black weevil, roundworms, and fungus. At home, pests practically do not bother the tree; spider mites, which appear at low humidity, are sometimes a problem.

You can skip the period of preparing seeds and rooting sprouts, and just buy a banana tree at a gardening store, but growing exotic plants with your own hands is exciting, and the result is much more valuable. After all the effort, you can enjoy the result and surprise your guests with an exotic plant that can become the main decoration of your home.

Video: How to germinate a banana from a seed

Banana home plant? You will be surprised, but even this tropical green giant can easily become an apartment dweller!

First, it’s worth dispelling the main misconception about this culture. Many people think that a banana is a tall palm tree, but it is just a herbaceous plant. perennial, belonging to the Banana family (lat. Musaceae). Its fruit is a berry, and not a fruit, as many believe. So that the real trunk of the plant is located underground, at the same time serving as a rhizome, and the above-ground part is the leaves, tightly adjacent to each other. The Banana genus includes about 60 species that are completely different from each other, preferring tropical and subtropical climates. They are common in Asia, Australia, Africa, and these places have the best climate for them.


Now let's talk about how you can grow bananas at home. At home, it is quite possible to recreate a microclimate suitable for a tropical fruit.
Like any grass, it is quite demanding to care for, but your efforts will pay off with a delightful, original look of exotic greenery that will appeal to everyone!

Two methods of reproduction

First you need to find out how this exotic plant propagates best. You can grow a banana at home in two ways: the first is quite labor-intensive - growing from seeds. However, it’s worth noting right away that the fruits of such a plant will be inedible and filled with seeds.


Planting material can be purchased at a flower shop or ordered on a website that specializes in exotic flowers. A sprout grown from seed will most likely be a wild crop, but don't be discouraged! The uncultivated subspecies is much stronger and more viable than plants bred specifically for indoor use. You have purchased banana seeds and are ready to start planting them, but before that, carefully consider planting material. Pay attention to the strong skin or even the seed shell, which should be slightly damaged before planting. It is enough to just scratch or cut the skin of a banana seed, thereby making it easier for the future sprout and speeding up the germination process by several days.

Container and soil

For each seed, select a small pot 10 - 12 cm in diameter. As a substrate, soil for general purpose indoor plants or prepared soil from peat and sand in a ratio of 4:1 is suitable.

Disembarkation procedure

The seed should only be pressed with your finger, but not sprinkled with soil on top. Cover the pots with cling film and place in a bright place out of direct sunlight. As the soil dries, moisten it. Pay special attention to high-quality drainage in pots to avoid stagnation of water and death of seeds. Seeds at home do not germinate quickly; from planting to the appearance of the first shoots it will take from 2 to 3 months.

Buying a plant in a store

If you don’t want to wait until the shoots appear and the sprout begins to develop, then the second growing method for you is to buy young plant, which was bred specifically for the home through long selection. It is worth noting that such a seedling will be more capricious than its wild counterpart, but do not despair, a little effort and everything will work out! In addition, such bananas reproduce vegetatively and will be able to reward your efforts with real homemade bananas.



For your future banana, choose a spacious container. You need to make good holes in it, fill the expanded clay with a layer of 1.5 - 2 cm, add 1.5 - 2 cm of sand, and fill with earth. The cuttings are carefully transplanted: it is important not to damage root system and tender foliage. If the growing conditions are favorable for your plant, it will develop quite quickly. Then you may need more than one transplant per year. Good drainage is most important. Stagnation of water is detrimental to the plant, which can cause the roots to rot.


Daily moistening of the leaves, spraying or wiping is also required. Dry air negatively affects foliage. During the period of active growth and development, you can feed organic fertilizers, in the same proportions as for other plants.


The optimal temperature for active growth can be considered from +23 to +28 degrees, in winter from +17 to +20 degrees. Humidity and quite heat- recipe for success! In the wild, bananas prefer the scorching rays of the sun; for this reason, the windowsill of a south-facing window is well suited for them. You need to choose a place with sufficient lighting. Lack of light adversely affects growth and development. Now we know how simple and easy it is to care for this exotic “palm tree” at home.


There is a huge amount in the world different varieties and types of bananas that differ in color and size. Here are just a few of them:

Selectively bred dwarf bananas of the Cavendish variety, such as Tropicana and Kiev dwarf, are most suitable for growing at home.

  • Banana Tropicana (lat. MusaTropicana). One of the most famous representatives in indoor floriculture and landscape gardening. At home, caring for him is the same as for other representatives of the species. It has oval, elegant dark green leaves with slight pigmentation.
  • Kiev dwarf (lat. Musasuperdwarfcavendish) or indoor fruiting dwarf banana. The dwarf grows up to 2 meters in height. At good care from one plant you can get about two hundred of your own mini-fruits. It is best to place a flower pot near an eastern or southern window; northern rooms are not suitable for fruiting. Temperature not lower than + 16 degrees. The banana blooms throughout the year; after the flowers, small fruits appear in clusters.

Aesthetic side

The decorative banana tree cannot leave any fastidious gardener indifferent! It should be noted that these plants are quite tenacious and hardy, and also a real find for the interior, because they allow you to show off exotic berries when receiving guests!

Growing problems

What diseases are typical for indoor banana trees? How to help an exotic plant? Let's look at the most common difficulties that anyone may encounter:

  • Slowing growth, reduction, wilting of foliage may be associated with a deficiency nutrients. To begin with, you can carry out a series of planned fertilizing, and you can transplant it into a larger pot.
  • Drying of foliage, wilting of young shoots, curling and yellowing of tips - all this is associated with dry air. It is necessary to spray the crown more often and increase the overall humidity in the room.
  • Pale and small foliage appears due to a lack of consecration. It is recommended to use artificial lamps in winter period.
  • Soft drooping leaves signal to us that the room temperature is too low. That's why in winter indoor banana more vulnerable. The plant should not be located near “cold” windows or in drafts.
  • Dark pigmentation between veins on older leaves common occurrence and don't worry.
  • In the spring, the plant did not come out of the dormant period and did not go into active growth? Then you need to carry out scheduled feeding.
  • The stem darkened at the base and became soft. This is the worst sign of all! The base of the stem rots from an excess of soil moisture; if watering is not reduced and urgent measures are not taken, the plant may soon die.

Practical use

In medicine

This fruit has many useful properties! ethnoscience says that banana is one of the most acceptable foods for gallstone disease. Bananas are good for liver diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. The pulp of this berry is rich in fiber and dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, as well as potassium salts, which promote the removal of fluid from the body and good heart function. Scientists have proven that people who eat a banana daily are more optimistic and focused.

In gardening

Banana fruits can also be used as fertilizer for indoor and garden plants. Everything is clear with gardeners, I threw the skins into a compost pit and fertilized the beds the next year, but how to fertilize or feed houseplants banana? Its peel contains a lot of potassium, which is so necessary for the growth and development of plants.
Banana peels can be used as dry food for home flowers. To do this, the skin is dried, then ground or ground into powder. The resulting mass can be mixed with soil or sprinkled directly under the roots of flowers.

I tried to germinate several times banana seeds- small black dots that are found in the pulp of its fruits. But to no avail. Then I saw banana palms in a flower shop. To my questions, the saleswoman replied that ripened seeds are found in the fruits of wild or inedible ornamental bananas. And in the fruits cultivars just the beginnings of seeds. That's why they didn't come up for me. Those plants that are sold in stores are grown from offspring.

Is banana a tree or a grass?

Realizing that I couldn’t do this without science, I started reading specialized literature and learned a lot of interesting things. It turns out that banana This is not a tree, but a herbaceous perennial(from the banana family). It is common in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. Grows up to 12 m in height. It has large, palm-like leaves. Banana flowers are red-violet, bloom separately - up to 3 months each.

Banana fruits are considered berries. They are collected in clusters of up to 300 pieces, and one such fruit can weigh up to 60 kg. From planting a banana to the ripening of the fruit, it takes a year and a half.

Bananas, both sweet and unsweetened

Edible varieties of bananas are divided into dessert and plantain varieties. Dessert fruits are eaten fresh, dried, and used to prepare sweet dishes and drinks. Plantains are eaten only after heat treatment. Banana puree and other savory dishes are prepared from them. Banana flowers and young shoots are used as green vegetables. An infusion of the flowers and roots of the plant also treats bronchitis, stomach ulcers, and dysentery. Juice from the leaves - neuralgic disorders, skin wounds. The fruits are considered useful for anemia, hypertension, heartburn, and depression. The peel of the fruit removes warts.

Banana on the windowsill

In our climate, bananas are grown at home or in heated greenhouses. If the temperature drops below 16°, the crop stops growing, and at 10°C it may die. For normal development banana needs 20-30.

Seeds from fruits, as I was convinced, do not germinate. Viable seeds should be found in stores. And then these will be decorative (inedible) varieties. And fruit-bearing dwarf varieties of bananas for indoor keeping are sold only in the form of mountains-| neck plants. True, at home they will not bloom as quickly as in the tropics, only in the 3-5th year. But the fruits should grow no less tasty than imported ones.

Home tropics

The banana must be watered abundantly and sprayed daily to create its usual microclimate. Fertilize it 2 times a month with complex fertilizers. Loosen the soil monthly (shallowly - maximum 3 cm deep). Regularly remove drying lower leaves. From pests - spider mite, nematodes - treat banana with tobacco infusion, potassium permanganate solution or soapy water.

The plant is replanted when its roots begin to peek out of the drainage holes. A new pot is selected 5 cm wider than the previous one. The trunk (false stem made from leaf petioles) is slightly buried. After fruiting, the above-ground part of the banana dies. But offspring appear from the rhizome (rhizomes).

Young plants

When the shoots reach 15 cm, they are cut off with a knife along with pieces of rhizome. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal and the plants are planted in small pots with soil made from garden soil, sand, charcoal and peat (2:1:1:1). As drainage, a layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the pots. Bananas are kept near a sunny window. In winter they are illuminated.

If you manage to buy seeds, before sowing, rub them on fine sandpaper to facilitate pecking and soak them in warm water for 2 days. Then immerse in a solution of bleach (10%) for 5 minutes. to disinfect and rinse under the tap. Plant in individual pots. Don't go too deep. Cover with transparent bags and ventilate every day. Seeds germinate from 1 to 10 months.

Since I wanted to have a fruit banana at home, I had to buy not seeds, but a plant in a pot - as a gift for the coming Year of the Monkey. I can't wait for it to bloom now!

Your bananas are sweeter and more aromatic

Larisa IVANOVA from near Chashniki (Vitebsk region) grows various exotic plants in her own greenhouse. He is especially proud of the banana plant, which has been bearing fruit regularly since 2012.

I’m surprised: is it really possible for a gardener to middle zone really get your banana? The owner shares her experience:

The first seedling was bought in a pot in the spring. It was about 1 m high. At home, I immediately planted it in the ground in the greenhouse. I took the most ordinary soil, from the garden. She placed expanded clay at the bottom of the hole as drainage, then watered it generously. When the water was absorbed, I planted the seedling as it grew in the pot, covered it with soil and pressed it tightly.

I chose a sunny place for the new home (this is important!), but otherwise the exotic plant turned out to be unpretentious. As for the temperature, the main thing is that at night it does not drop below +10 degrees. Bananas are not particularly demanding when it comes to watering. Sometimes I feed it with organic fertilizers - for us it’s waste from the sturgeons that we breed (I clean it from the filters and dilute it with water). Otherwise, you can use Peat Oxidate (according to the instructions). Fruiting in a banana begins when it grows to 1.5-2 m and the ovary appears. We started bearing fruit in the fall.

TIP: Flower growers sometimes complain that bananas rot in a pot. Reason - gray rot. To prevent this, immediately cut off yellowing leaves to the trunk. If this is not done, rot can spread to the entire plant and destroy it.

They ripen on the plant within 4-5 months. The bunch can weigh up to 20 kg, which is why the trunk can break. Therefore, you can’t do without supports. By the way, your own bananas are much more aromatic and tastier than store-bought ones.

After fruiting aboveground part I cut it down to the soil level - there will be nothing more in this place, but new shoots will come from the mother plant. And it all starts all over again! Recorded it

Banana can be grown in an apartment or house. The seedling should be transplanted from the pot into a large container (with a volume of at least 50 liters), on the bottom of which a 5-centimeter layer of expanded clay should be poured for drainage. After fruiting and cutting the trunk, new shoots are carefully planted with part of the mother root (one plant can be left in the same container).


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The opportunity to have an exotic plant in your home always attracts lovers. The article will discuss how to grow a banana at home (indoor) from the seeds of a purchased fruit. Videos and photos will help you understand everything better.

Banana plant. Varieties for growing indoors

General view and biological features plants:

  • The height of a banana tree in the tropics reaches 10-12 m. For growing at home, there are dwarf varieties that grow no more than 2 m.
  • Leaf length is 1.5-2 m, width 30-50 cm.
  • Their bases fit very tightly to each other, thus forming the trunk of the plant (pseudo-stem).
  • The stem itself (rhizome) is located underground. It has a spherical shape and simultaneously performs the functions of a rhizome.
  • The inflorescence emerges from the middle of the pseudostem, which dies after fruiting.

Attention! A banana tree is not a tree at all. This is a herbaceous perennial plant.

The lifespan of the rhizome of each banana tree is about 40 years. In places where pseudostems dry out, new ones grow. On an industrial scale, bananas are propagated by dividing the rhizome, that is, by planting basal shoots. This way all varietal qualities are completely preserved. Plants grown from seeds are used for decorative purposes. Their fruits are most often unsuitable for human consumption.

banana tree

At home, amateurs grow banana varieties with very delicious fruits, and trees that serve as interior decoration. The average height of such plants is 2-2.5 m, and some dwarf varieties 1-1.5 m. The first include:

  • Pointed Banana;
  • dwarf Cavendish banana;
  • super dwarf Cavendish banana;
  • Kyiv dwarf;
  • Kyiv superdwarf.

Attention! You can get banana fruits indoors only with proper care.

Decorative varieties:

  • Velvety Banana;
  • Lavender Banana;
  • Chinese dwarf;
  • Bright red banana.

These varieties bloom very beautifully and can produce small, inedible fruits.

How to get seeds from a store-bought banana and germinate them

To independently obtain seeds from a purchased banana, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • A banana with a yellow peel is placed in a plastic bag until it completely darkens.
  • Peel the pulp and cut it lengthwise to the level of the core.
    Use a sharp object to remove the seeds from the pulp and place them one at a time on a paper napkin.

Attention! Only round shaped seeds are suitable for planting. Flat specimens should be selected and discarded.

  • To separate from the pulp, the seeds are washed well.
  • The resulting material is poured with warm water and left for 2-3 days.
  • Wash well again and dry.

Take seeds from dark-skinned fruits

Next, the seeds are germinated, which requires an inert substrate. Sphagnum or coconut, which can be purchased in special stores, are suitable. The substrate must be sterilized with steam. After cooling, mix with perlite and pour over a solution of potassium permanganate.

If it is impossible to purchase a substrate made from plant fibers, you can use a mixture of coarse sand and peat (3:1). Banana seeds are germinated this way:

  • The bottom of the container is covered with drainage material. A layer of substrate 5-6 cm thick is placed on top.
  • The seeds are pressed into the substrate and watered well.

Attention! The shell of banana seeds is very dense, so its integrity should be broken before germination. This can be done by rubbing between sheets of sandpaper, scratching the shell with a needle, or making shallow cuts with a manicure file. The main thing is not to overdo it and damage the core.

  • To preserve moisture, arrange a greenhouse made of polyethylene.
  • During the day the temperature is maintained within +27..+33°C, and at night +20..+25°C.

Seeds take a long time to germinate - from 2 to 3 months. To eliminate mold that may appear during this time, it is enough to treat the substrate with potassium permanganate.

Banana planting

How to plant a germinated plant and care for it

To grow a banana plant, take the top layer (5-7 cm) of soil from under the hazel and acacia trees. Sand, humus and ash are added to the soil collected in this way in a ratio of 10:2:1:0.5, respectively. The entire composition is mixed and calcined in the oven. The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage material. Moistened sand is poured on top of it, and then prepared soil.

Advice. To prevent the pot from being adjacent to the tray, you can place several small stones or a lattice between them. This technique will allow air to freely penetrate to the roots.

The sprouted seed is buried into the soil no more than 2 cm, sprinkled and watered well. After the banana grows and the roots “take over” the entire space of the pot, it is transferred to a larger container.

Caring for a banana in a room consists of performing the following work:

Water the banana as the soil dries out

  1. Regular loosening of the soil.
  2. Watering. It should be done infrequently, but abundantly. The indicator is the drying of the top (1-2 cm) layer of soil in the pot.
  3. Spraying. In winter this is done once a week, and in summer daily.
  4. Temperature maintenance. Acceptable temperature for banana is +25..+30°C. At +15°C, plant growth and development slow down greatly.
  5. Lighting. Only the southern and eastern sides of homes are suitable for bananas. In winter, additional lighting must be provided.
  6. Feeding. Fertilizer should be applied regularly. Vermicompost and herbal infusion are suitable.

Growing bananas from seeds is a troublesome task. But after all the efforts, you will be able to enjoy it yourself and surprise your friends with a beautiful exotic plant, which, perhaps, will become the main decoration of your home.