Cashew nuts: where and how the tree grows. Cashew - an exotic and healthy nut

There is probably no person who doesn’t like nuts, be they hazelnuts or groundnuts, pine nuts or walnuts, or almonds. But there is one type of nut that has not yet gained much popularity among Russians - cashew nuts.

Those who have tried cashews at least once say with confidence that they are worth it.

The original taste, high nutritional value, lack of allergenicity, as well as its healing properties put cashews perhaps in the highest place among similar ones.

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Cashew nuts came to Russia not so long ago, although in their homeland in Brazil, cashews have been used as food for hundreds of years. It is believed that the Tikuna Indians were the first to discover them; they used all parts of the tree: fruits, leaves, bark and even roots. And it’s not surprising, because the cashew tree has mass useful properties which the Indians knew about. They called these fruits "acaju", which translates as "yellow fruit".

And in general, in many countries where this tree has spread, it is called by its own name. In Latin American countries where accepted Spanish there is a name "maranon". Somewhere it is called acajuiba, acajaiba, alcayoiba, anacarde, cacajuil, and many other options, most often anacardium or. The Portuguese adopted caju, which eventually turned into Cashew. But, everything is in order.

How does cashew grow?

Cashew nuts grow on a tree scientifically called Anacardium occidentale, in Latin "Anacardium occidentale". It is often also called “Indian nut” or “acajou”. This is an evergreen tree 10-12 meters high with a lush, wide-spreading crown, the width of which is equal to or even greater than its height. Brazil is considered its natural place of growth. But currently it is cultivated in more than 30 countries, mainly in Central and South America, India, Southeast Asia, West and Southeast Africa, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In the CIS countries, mainly in the south of Azerbaijan. The tree is quite unpretentious, the main thing for it is a warm and humid climate.

The tree grows very quickly, its branches are located quite low to the ground, and the crown is dense. The branches of the tree are often irregular in shape, so for the first three to four years its crown is formed by pruning. The Piranji species has one amazing property. The branches of this tree, descending to the ground, begin to sprout roots and new shoots appear not far from the tree itself, which over time also give rise to shoots. As a result, the tree can grow incredibly wide. In Brazil, near the city of Natal, such a tree, planted in 1888, has grown so much that it now occupies about two hectares of land.

The leaves of anacardium are bright green, elliptical or ovoid, covered with shiny skin. Leaf length ranges from 4 to 20 cm and width from 2 to 15 cm. This tree blooms several times a year, in Brazil 2 times, and in India even 3 times a year. The flowers, collected in a panicle, are yellowish-pink, often with a reddish tint. The size of the flower petals is from 7 to 15 cm and the length of the panicle is about 20-25 cm.

The fruits themselves deserve special attention. Quite a flower grows in place of the flower. large fruit up to 10 or more centimeters long, shaped like a pear or red or apple yellow color. This fruit is called the “cashew apple”. It has yellow, fibrous, sour-tasting pulp. These apples are quite edible and the local population is happy to use them for food, both raw and processed.

Actually, the apple is not the cashew fruit itself. This, as botanists say, is a “pseudofruit” - a receptacle or receptacle, but simply an overgrown stalk. And the main fruit is at the bottom of this apple. It is a small nut of a curved shape, dark green, sometimes almost gray. The fruit has two shells. The outer smooth green peel and the inner hard shell with cells somewhat reminiscent of a honeycomb, inside which the nut kernel itself is located.

And although the ready-to-eat nut kernel itself weighs only one and a half to two grams, the average yield per hectare is 780 kg. More than three million tons of this nut are now harvested worldwide. Moreover, almost a third of it is received not in their homeland in Brazil, but in Vietnam.

Benefits and harms

Fresh cashew apples can only be eaten during the first 24 hours, as they spoil very quickly, so they cannot be exported. They are processed immediately after harvest. They make excellent juice, compote, jam, jelly, and are used in the preparation of various seasonings. Chutney sauce and the cajuina drink, which is very popular in Latin America, are made from apple juice. And in the Indian province of Goa, “Fenny” liqueur, a 40-proof alcoholic drink with a specific aroma and taste, is prepared from the fermented juice of the fruit by distillation.

People have long appreciated all the benefits of this amazing nut. Cashews can be eaten without pre-processing. True, their peel contains phenolic resin, which is a rather caustic substance. Moreover, the nut shell under the peel is covered with an oily liquid. This liquid, called “cardola,” is so caustic that it can cause burns to the skin of your hands, which is why it is not recommended to peel nuts yourself. Therefore, before shelling, cashews are subjected to special treatment, and then calcined so that the remaining resin evaporates and are sold already peeled. And it’s not worth transporting excess weight across seas and oceans, because the nut kernel itself is valuable. Peeling nuts is a rather labor-intensive and harmful process. Previously, this was done manually using a simple tool.

Nowadays large companies use automated equipment allowing to fully automate the process of cleaning and obtaining finished products. Only men are trusted to drive such machines.

But sorting by grade is still done manually and only women are involved in this. But considering that in Vietnam, and in other countries where this nut is grown, there is a big problem find a job, then this one is considered very good, especially since no machine can replace a woman’s eyes and hands.

The packaging of finished products has also changed radically. Previously, cashews were transported in ordinary jute bags, but now everything is done on a grand scale using modern packaging materials and machines, right down to loading.

Useful properties of cashews

The mineral and vitamin composition of nuts is very rich, which is why the beneficial properties of cashews are simply amazing, it includes: proteins up to 18%, fats over 50%, carbohydrates up to 30%. Chemical composition very diverse, it contains many microelements. Per 100 g of product: calcium - 37 mg, Iron -6.68 mg, magnesium - 292 mg, potassium - 660 mg, Phosphorus -593 mg, sodium - 12 mg, Zinc - 5.78 mg, iodine - 11.1 mg, manganese - 0.82 mg, molybdenum - 29.7 mg, copper - 2.24 mg, selenium - 11.8 mg. The presence of vitamins A, B, C, especially group B is high: Thiamine B1 0.42 mg, Riboflavin B2 0.06 mg, Niacin B3 1.06 mg, pantothenic acid B5 0.86 mg, pyridoxine B6 0.42 mg, Folacin B9 25 mg. The calorie content of cashews is quite high, about 600 kilocalories per 100 g.

Cashew nuts are a high nutritional value. In addition to the fact that they are high in calories, they also have high healing qualities and therefore are often used as an aid in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The presence of microelements and vitamins in their composition can strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, improve brain function, and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Therefore, the use of cashews in nutrition is very useful for anemia, dystrophy, and metabolic disorders.

Due to their antibacterial properties, they are useful to include in the diet when various diseases such as: bronchial asthma, diabetes, hypertension, bronchitis, dysentery, influenza various types. Indian doctors use nut kernels to make an antidote for snake bites. In Africa, cashew shell decoctions are used to successfully treat various skin diseases, including psoriasis.

IN folk medicine African tribes have long used these nuts to treat diseases of teeth and gums. Japanese scientists have conducted research to prove that the nut contains special components that have a positive effect on tooth enamel. In practice, it has been proven that long-term use of a small amount of this product can protect against any problems associated with gums and teeth. In many countries, intensive work is underway to create toothpastes based on cashew extracts. In general, products using cashews are already quite diverse.

Despite the fact that cashews are high in calories, they are successfully used by many nutritionists. It has significantly less fat than walnuts, peanuts or almonds. If you eat no more than 30 grams of nuts per day, they are quickly absorbed in the body, suppress the feeling of hunger and, accordingly, reduce the amount of food consumed, and therefore calories. This property underlies most nut diets intended for weight loss. There are also diets aimed at weight gain.

Cashew butter is obtained from the pulp of the kernel. It looks and smells like peanuts, but taste qualities even surpasses it. It is used both for food and for cosmetic purposes. Possesses healing properties, even more pronounced than the nut kernel itself. Highly valued by famous chefs when preparing gourmet dishes. Available both for food and for massage. Non-refined food products can also be used for massage, but massage products cannot be used for food, as they have inedible additives.

I also use the inedible parts of the nut for various purposes. By processing the fruit shell, two fractions are obtained. The liquid fraction contains about 90% anacardonic acid and 10% cardol. From it, the oil known as “cardoil” is obtained, which, after repeated purification, is used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. Essential oil Cashew is a viscous yellowish liquid with a specific aroma. Its composition contains numerous substances useful to the human body, minerals, vitamins and provitamins. It is used in medicine and cosmetology. It has antiseptic, wound-healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, softening, wound-healing, tonic, nourishing and rejuvenating properties.

The cosmetic possibilities of this oil are truly limitless. With its help, you can eliminate fine wrinkles on the face and improve skin color, eliminate hair loss and excessive fragility, and get rid of itchy scalp. This is an excellent hand skin care product. They can quickly get rid of small cracks and redness on your hands. It eliminates brittle nails and improves their growth. Moreover, it can be used with any skin type. It can quickly and painlessly remove warts, freckles and age spots; it is also used for tattooing. On sale you can see a body scrub made on the basis of cardoyl.

The residues after oil extraction are used to produce phenylamine, which is used in many technical industries. This is a means for protecting wood from rotting and a means for fighting termites, it is both a hardener and a modifier in the production of rubber, and all kinds of drying oils and varnishes. Based on phenylamine, special impregnating agents are produced for wooden structures in shipbuilding. Epoxy resins obtained using phenylamine, due to their water-repellent properties, are the best products in the world for coating ship decks.

The solid fraction of shell processing, due to its unique frictional and heat-resistant properties, is used for the manufacture of linings for automobile brake pads and clutch discs. The so-called gum is extracted from the trunks of the trees themselves - a high-molecular carbohydrate that is obtained from tree resin and is used to make high-quality adhesives and emulsions. But this is, so to speak, a secondary use; the main thing is to obtain nuts for food.

Recently, cashew nuts have become popular in cooking. Well, in the countries where they grow, it goes without saying that this is one of the most common products. But in Europe and Russia this is new. Nuts themselves are a good snack. But they can be used in various salads, first and second courses. Cashews go well with confectionery as an addition to the main filling. Walnut crumbs are used in the form of sprinkles or filler in dough. They add a special taste when added to stuffed fish. Can also be added to meat dishes as a side dish. This is what shrimp and cashew salad looks like.


The only contraindication identified so far is individual intolerance. For this reason, cashews should be used with caution in the diet of pregnant women and children. This nut cannot cause any other harm to the human body.

How to choose and store correctly

When purchasing cashews, be sure to look at the packaging. High-quality cardboard packaging covered with cellophane on the inside indicates the reliability of the supplier’s company and, therefore, high quality products supplied to them. If nuts are sold by weight, ask what it comes in. If these are ordinary jute bags, it is better not to take such nuts. Not only do they not remain intact after transportation, there is no guarantee that the processing technology for such nuts will be followed, and this can be more expensive. Small retail packages must still indicate the name of the supplier, place and date of packaging and expiration date. Properly processed nuts should not be bitter or salty. Their color should be light cream and the kernels should be whole, not halves.

True, some manufacturers add salt and roast the nuts themselves, but this does not mean that they will be tastier or healthier. This simply increases their shelf life when stored in normal conditions. Although you need to keep in mind that you can store nuts just like that, in an ordinary box in a dry and cool place. This way they won't go bad within a few weeks. If you put them in the refrigerator, you can use them for several months. And by freezing them in the freezer, you get a guarantee that they will be good for a whole year.

After storing for a long time, be sure to thoroughly inspect your nuts. They should not have the slightest foreign smell or taste. Otherwise, they will not only not be useful, but harmful and it is quite possible to be poisoned by them. It is better to simply throw away such nuts, without even giving them to birds or animals. But usually, in everyday life, these delicious nuts simply don’t sit around at home, there simply isn’t enough of them, because everyone without exception likes them.

Video: Cashew nuts: healthy...

Cashew (emphasis on the first syllable) is not just a sweet exotic nut with a set of useful elements for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. This is a strong tropical tree with Brazilian roots and scientific name Anacardium occidentale(translation from Latin - Anacardium occidentalis). Since cashews grow up to 30 m, have large, sinewy leaves and a beautiful spreading crown, together with pistachios, mangoes and the rest of the Sumakhov family, they claim dominance in tropical forests. At home, the hazelnut tree looks more modest, but you can actually taste a few cashew fruits from it.

Homemade cashew tree grown using bonsai technology.

Paniculate inflorescences, where cashew nuts are born after pollination, reach 26 cm in nature. Each nut grows on a thick juicy stalk, whichmistaken for the fruit and called the caju apple. The yellow or red pseudo-fruit, the size of a medium pear, is edible; its sourish-astringent pulp is eaten with pleasure by the natives of those places where the tree is common. The product is not suitable for transportation - it deteriorates within 24 hours due to the high tannin content. Jams, seasonings, juices, as well as the strong alcoholic drink Fenny are prepared on site from pseudo-fruits, for example, by residents of the state of Goa.

Everything is useful in ripened cashews: a juicy pseudo-fruit and a nut on it

The real, valuable cashew fruit, a nut the size of a large bean, is hidden behind two shells of a miniature mitten at the top of the receptacle. One and a half grams of net weight without shells consists of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B1, B2, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus. The nut has rightfully earned the love of millions of people around the world, which is confirmed by tons (2.7 million) of annual exports from three dozen countries where the heat-loving plant is cultivated. Brazil, being the birthplace of the plant, occupies only fifth place on this list. The Vietnamese conquered the first, collecting almost a billion tons of nuts for sale - more than a third of world exports.

This is how cashew nuts ripen in their natural environment.

Where does cashew grow and why is it an “Indian nut”

The nut became Indian not in India, but in South America thanks to the Tikuna tribe, who consumed the yellow acaju fruits on the banks of the Amazon. The Indians learned to get the maximum benefit from wood, giving rise to waste-free production:

As for India, the country represents the three largest cashew exporters in the world market and is an artificial habitat for the Anacardium crop, like Vietnam, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia, and the Philippines. These are the leading countries in the cultivation and production of cashews.

Growing cashews from seeds yourself

Cashews contain caustic phenolic resins between the shell and the shell, so the nuts are always sold peeled, without the shell. These are no longer seeds, but a product prepared for consumption. It makes sense to buy and sell real cashew seeds in flower shops.

This is what cashew seeds look like - nuts in an intact shell


It is advisable to allocate a separate container for each nut tree so as not to injure the seedlings by unnecessary replanting. The seed is placed shallowly in fresh, moist soil. It can sprout just lying on the surface if covered with film on top. Then it’s just a matter of maintaining humidity and a constant temperature of 25-28°.
Reasons why seeds do not germinate:

  1. Expired date. The contents of the bag must be no more than a year old.
  2. Overexposure when soaking. Amateur flower growers advise keeping cashew nuts in water for 48 hours before sowing. But there is a risk of the embryo rotting without oxygen, so a day is enough.
  3. The soil is too wet - this happens when the pot with the seed is over-watered and covered too tightly. Thus, the access to oxygen is limited, and the sprout rots.
  4. Dry soil is the most absurd case, because an interested grower will not forget to water the seed and protect it from drafts and the scorching sun.

At good quality and proper sowing guarantees the appearance of sprouts in the 3rd week.

Seedling care

Each tree has a separate pot

The plant is considered unpretentious in tropical conditions. In middle latitudes it can grow and bear fruit in 3-4 years of life only in winter garden, greenhouse or any well-lit room with high humidity. Regular spraying is ineffective. Moreover, from hard water on the leaves young tree spots may appear. A tray of water under the pots will help humidify the air.

Before the treasured nut appears, a young cashew tree from a greenhouse or seeds at home requires careful attention: protect it from drafts, flooding, and direct rays of the summer sun. With proper care, fresh shoots appear with each new leaf, and it’s time for pruning. This is the most difficult and responsible task in home floriculture. Pruning is done in order to speed up fruiting and at the same time form a beautiful crown.

First ovary at the beginning of the season


Do not confuse air humidity with soil moisture. Cashews are not afraid of drought, so you need to water them as the soil dries out, paying attention to the color of the tree and leaves. Fertilizers are optional - if you lack experience, it is easier to “salt” the plant with chemicals than to stimulate growth and flowering.

How to transplant

Replanting is a great stress for any plant with a weak rhizome. The soil should not crumble. The practice of flower growers proves that any plant should be replanted only when root system will completely entwine the earthen ball. A cashew nut with a central vertical root is no exception to the rule; a new pot for it needs to be selected 2-3 cm deeper than the previous one.

Growing in open ground

In countries where cashews grow and Indian exports increase every yearnut, the average minimum temperature in winter is +25°. Anacardium does not know what frost is, and is unlikely to acclimatize under large temperature differences. Thus, an easy nut business is impossible in our climatic conditions.

The tropical cashew tree tolerates drought and does not experience harsh winters.

It’s good that the light didn’t converge like a wedge on the exotic tree from Brazil. Nature has less capricious crops for our climate. Harsh winters in open ground ready to bear the magnificent Walnut with valuable and delicious fruits. Hazel is even more resistant to frost.

There are several varieties of hazelnuts bred specifically for cultivation. If you pay no less attention to a shrub than to an exotic tree in a pot, bountiful harvest round nuts will be provided every September.

Cashew nut is the fruit of the Indian nut tree, which grows in the tropics. It was first discovered in eastern Brazil. It is a common food product, eaten both separately and as part of various dishes and confectionery products. Sold in any supermarket or grocery store along with other nuts. Cashew is also called Indian nut, acaju, and cashew nut.

Has a delicate creamy taste. When used as an ingredient, it expands the flavor palette of confectionery products and improves their nutritional qualities.

Cashew Nut Information:

Ingredients of cashew nuts:

Cashew nuts contain:

  • Fat – 48.5%;
  • Carbohydrates – 22.5%;
  • Proteins – 18.5%;
  • Water – 5.3%;
  • Ash – 3.2%;
  • Dietary fiber - 2%.

Cashews are rich in vitamins and minerals and very nutritious.

Cashew nuts contain macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium. Cashews contain iron among the microelements.

Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins such as B1, B2, E, PP, Niacin. Cashews contain the most vitamin B1 (thiamine). 100 grams of cashews contain 35% daily norm this vitamin.

The calorie content of cashew nuts is 600 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Where does cashew grow and what does it look like:

The birthplace of the cashew nut is Brazil. Now cashews are actively grown in Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Philippines, Tanzania, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Benin, Thailand, Ghana, Malaysia, and Kenya.

Externally, cashews resemble an apple tree. The cashew tree can grow up to 30 meters in height. It usually has a thick, branching, spreading crown. The crown has thick, elliptical leaves. Cashews bloom with light green flowers.

Ripening on the tree, cashews are a yellow or Pink colour pear-shaped, at the bottom of which a nut in a green shell is attached. The pear-shaped stalk is called the “caju apple”; it has an astringent, sour taste and is used to make juices, jellies and compotes.

The cashew nut itself is in a double shell. The outer shell is covered with a caustic phenolic resin, and the inner shell resembles a dense porous husk. It is very difficult to get an edible nut out of its house with your hands; you can get burned from the resin covering the shell.

To extract cashews, they are first roasted to neutralize the caustic coating, and then one at a time, they are removed from the shell, cleaned, packaged and shipped for sale. Cashew stalks are not sent to other countries, as they spoil very quickly, but are prepared locally, making juice, alcohol, compote and jelly from them.

Benefits of cashew nuts:

Cashew nut is very nutritious, it quickly restores strength, tones the body, elevates mood, improves mental activity and heart function. Cashews are useful because they have an antibacterial effect, prevent inflammation in the mouth, and protect teeth from caries. Strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.

Helps the body recover faster from respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis and bronchial asthma. Cashews are also useful as an addition to the treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis and eczema.

Thanks to its high nutritional value, cashews give strength, restore a person’s emotional state, and help cope with depression. In men, cashew nuts increase potency, in women - libido.

Women should consume cashew nuts to strengthen hair and nails and make their skin smooth and elastic. Cashews can be useful for pregnant women to get rid of constipation, gain vitamins and nutrients for normal childbearing and further feeding of the newborn. But before eating cashews during pregnancy, it is better to consult your doctor, since all organisms are individual, and what will be beneficial for some may be harmful for others. For women during menstruation, cashew helps reduce bleeding.

Cashews will also be useful for athletes for quick recovery after grueling workouts.

But you should not eat cashews in large quantities, as excessive consumption can harm the body. Everything is good in moderation.

Harm of cashew nuts:

Since cashews are a high-calorie product, you should not eat them in large quantities, as this can lead to the appearance of excess weight with all the ensuing consequences and diseases. Also, in large quantities, cashews can harm the liver and lead to the formation of kidney stones. Overeating cashews can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Cashews should be avoided by people with individual intolerance to this type of nut. Children under 3 years of age and pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy should not consume cashews. Also, people with stomach diseases such as gastritis or ulcers should avoid cashews, as the nut can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Few people know how cashew nuts grow, because many are accustomed to purchasing them in supermarkets. Cashew nuts are often used in cooking, especially during diets; they make massage oil from it, which perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins. But few people know how cashews grow.

The cashew nut is located at the end of the apple-shaped fruit

The cashew tree produces fruit not of a nut, but of an apple, at the end of which is this healthy nut.

How does a cashew nut grow?

In nature, it can be found on an evergreen spreading tree. It belongs to the Sumakhov family. It reaches a height of up to 14 meters, and in its homeland in Brazil it can reach up to 30 meters. The crown diameter of this plant is 12 meters. The leaves are large, ovate-shaped.

Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary apple tree (the tree is also called “apple-like”). The cashew fruit looks like an apple tree, with a nut at the tip. They have a pleasant astringent sour taste. There are no seeds inside the apple, so you can safely eat it whole.

The second part of this fruit consists of a nut, which is a real miracle of nature. Only one nut grows on one apple. This fruit is covered in several layers. One is dark green in color and the other is brown.

The cashew tree is about 14 meters tall

How to remove cashews from shells

It is not recommended to open the nut with bare hands, as this could cause injury: the second layer of the peel, called cardol, contains a substance that corrodes the skin. It is especially dangerous for people with dermatological diseases. After contact with this substance, blisters appear on the skin, which are very painful.

Therefore, the nut is extracted according to the following plan: using a respirator, it is treated with a product that neutralizes the poison, only after that can the fruit be obtained.

Cashew nuts should not be opened with bare hands.

Growing cashews at home

Amateur gardeners are happy to plant different exotic plants, and cashews are no exception. It can only be grown at home, because this tree is not adapted to our climatic conditions. If the air temperature is below zero, the plant will die.

Most often, cashews are planted as seeds. Before you do this, you need to germinate them. Nuts are soaked in warm water for several days, periodically changing the liquid. The poison gets into the water, it must be drained carefully.

Cashew pots should be two liters in size. The soil for this plant should be light and rich in nutrients. One nut is placed in each container, and after 14 days a sprout appears. Pots with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill where the sun constantly shines, because the plant is tropical and prefers a warm climate and bright light.

Humidity levels should be maintained similar to those in the cashew's homeland. It should be sprayed regularly and a container of water should be placed next to the pot.

Cashew grows quickly, and in just a few years it can produce its first fruits, so to get beautiful tree, you need to constantly trim the crown.

Cashew seedlings are obtained from seeds

Benefits of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts have many beneficial properties. The fruit contains many antioxidants that strengthen nails, hair and skin with beneficial substances. Composition of vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium and potassium;
  • iron and phosphorus;
  • zinc and selenium.

They strengthen nerve endings, so this nut is recommended for those who are susceptible to stress. They are also indicated for people who have allergies.

The nut also contains Omega-3, 6, 9. It is very useful for both child's body, and for an adult. This substance strengthens the body and improves memory. Cashews have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels and help prevent blood clots. Eating 30 grams of cashews once a day can reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Find out how cashew grows and where its homeland is: the tree, the apple and the nut itself. Growing an exotic tree at home.

Watch the video.

Homeland of the walnut

The cashew nut came to us from South America, its homeland is sultry Brazil, which gave us amazing football, colorful carnivals and the most delicious delicacy cashew nut. Due to the content of a huge amount of useful substances, many scientists call it a product of the future. Later, the tropical fruit was cultivated in India, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and other hot countries. Also known as Acajou or Anacardium occidentalis.

cashew tree

The cashew tree is very beautiful, with a lush crown, the branches bend close to the ground, grows quite quickly and reaches a height of 10–30 m. Acajou is also beautiful during the flowering period, which occurs in the spring or first summer months. Yellow-pink five-petal flowers are collected in delicate inflorescences decorating the tree.


Three months after flowering, the fruits ripen - red, pink, yellow apples- that’s what a person who doesn’t know that these are cashew fruits would call them. This fruit has a sweet and sour taste and has a lot of useful substances. It can be eaten fresh or used to make syrups, jams, and compotes. Due to very poor storage, these fruits are not delivered to our homeland in Russia and Ukraine; you can only try them abroad.


Now we are getting closer to the most important thing - what do apples have to do with it if we are talking about cashew nuts? Yes, despite the fact that at the top of this very apple the nut itself is located in a hard shell. Perhaps this is the only nut in the world that prefers to ripen on the outside of the fruit rather than on the inside. It is dangerous to extract cashew nuts from the shell without the help of a specialist, since between it and the shell of the nut there is cardol, a toxic and dangerous poisonous substance that causes serious skin burns. People who clean nuts from this substance must wear gloves and use special equipment for cracking the shell.

Video: how to get it

The passion for experimentation is in the blood of amateur gardeners. And the desire to grow an exotic fruit at home was naturally very tempting. After all, this fruit will not survive in open ground in our climate; at temperatures around zero degrees the plant dies.

Cashews usually reproduce using seeds. Before planting in the ground, they must be germinated. To do this, cashew seeds need to be soaked in water and left for two days, but the water must be changed twice a day. You have to be careful, because you are not dealing with shelled nuts, but with the same poisonous fruits cashew nuts. Cardol from nuts seeps into the water and, if you spill it carelessly on your hands, you can get a burn, which can lead to serious consequences.

Pots for planting seeds must be prepared in advance. They can be 1–2 liters in volume. The soil mixture should have a light consistency in which moisture will not be retained. One nut is planted in each pot. After 2–3 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

Pots with young plants should be placed in places where there is a lot of sun. Some stay of seedlings in the shade is allowed, but not for long. It is imperative to monitor air humidity. After all, the countries where cashews live have a hot and humid climate. The conditions as close as possible should be created for the tree in your home. Frequent spraying is recommended, and the trays in which the pots will be located should be filled with pebbles and a constant water level should be maintained in them.

As a fertilizer for the cashew tree, you can use regular universal fertilizers, used for indoor plants.

The tropical plant grows very quickly; immediately after the appearance of the next leaf, side shoots randomly shoot out. Therefore, in order to give the tree a certain size and a beautiful crown, it is necessary to carry out regular pruning. Especially in the first years after planting, when the trunk and main branches are formed.

The exotic guest from South America is unpretentious and easy to care for. And already two years after planting, you will enjoy contemplating thin-skinned juicy orange-yellow and red fruits on the branches with a cashew nut clinging to the very top of the apple.

Beneficial features

What will now be said about the benefits of cashews is a tiny fraction of all the properties that have a positive effect on health.

100 g of cashew apple contains more than 500% of the minimum daily requirement of vitamin C required by a person. It is a storehouse of microelements that have a healing effect on the body.

Cashew nut is rich in zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, contains a large number of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamin A, B1, B2 and many others.

Not long ago, Canadian scientists made a revolutionary discovery - it turns out that drugs created on the basis of cashew nut seed extract will help cure such a serious disease as diabetes. And not only to cure. It has been proven that eating cashew nuts protects against the development of the disease and prevents it.