Profession: Thermal insulation insulator (4th category) in the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory. Vocational training: training, retraining, advanced training for thermal insulation insulators

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 3 ETKS
The release was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/06/2007 N 243
(as amended: Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 N 679, dated April 30, 2009 N 233)

Insulator on thermal insulation

§ 38. Insulator on thermal insulation of the 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Installation of support rings and molded material for stuffed structures made of fibrous materials. Bend the wire pins for fastening the insulation. Production of mineral wool pierced mats. Backfilling of pipelines installed in channels and boxes with bulk or fibrous heat-insulating materials. Preparation of solutions from ready-made dry mixtures. Cutting slabs into segments and trimming the edges of thermal insulation slabs. Cleaning roofing felt from talc. Applying a plaster layer during plastering. Cutting rolled materials, mesh and shingles to a given size. Disassembly of insulation.

Must know: nomenclature and classification of basic heat insulating materials; methods for preparing surfaces for insulation and materials for insulation; methods for manufacturing pierced mineral wool mats; purpose and rules for using devices and tools when performing insulation work.

§ 39. Insulator on thermal insulation of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work

covering the insulation of straight sections with wrapping material or rolled fiberglass. Applying and smoothing the plaster layer with a lath. Installation finished parts coatings made of metal, duplicated materials and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces without fitting or cutting. Laying vapor barrier roll materials at joints. Bonding and corrugating foil. Cutting plastic materials to a given size. Drying products made from thermal insulating mastics and solutions. Production of insulating products from mipore blocks and corrugated aluminum foil. Insulation of pipelines with asbestos cardboard, paper, cord and fabric. Insulation of pipelines with coolant temperatures up to 300 °C. Insulation of planes with mineral wool and glass wool mats, stitched and synthetic bonded, mineral wool half-cylinders, molded half-cylinders and slabs. Manufacturing of support rings of all types, except steel. Installation of bandages and support rings of all types. Pipeline wrapping roll materials, pasting and painting of isolated surfaces. Production of mineral wool mats on machines. Cleaning of insulated surfaces using a mechanized method. Production of mats from basalt fiber and insulation of pipelines and flat surfaces with them;

preparation of bitumen and pitch mastics. Construction of a frame made of wire or mesh. Production of thermal insulation blocks and gluing of slabs. Fitting of piece insulating products and blocks. Coating horizontal flat surfaces with bitumen mastic and gluing them with roll materials and mats. Wrapping pipelines with paper, flexible tubular waterproofing and other insulating materials. Insulation of floors on top with thermal insulation boards. Coating the surface with primer and preparing it.

Must know: basic properties of insulating materials and insulating coatings made of sheet steel, aluminum alloys, plastics and fiberglass; fastening methods protective coatings for thermal insulation from metal, laminated materials, materials based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces; methods and mode of preparation of bitumen mastics and primers; properties of materials used for insulation of pipelines with coolant temperatures up to 300 °C; properties of materials used for fire insulation of enclosing structures; properties of materials used for insulation refrigeration units with coolant temperature down to -50 °C; properties of materials for insulating walls and ceilings refrigeration chambers; requirements for the quality of thermal insulation.

§ 40. Insulator on thermal insulation of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and technological equipment:

1) insulation of hot surfaces:

installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, basalt fiber, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting on site. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300 °C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mats. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Making mats from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of frames;

2) insulation of cold surfaces:

insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature below -50 °C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt and paper-wrapped bags, stone wool gutters. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation metal surfaces cork crumbs on mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning and priming of pipes using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils.

Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings; methods of fastening surface insulation; methods of performing work when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces with thermal insulation boards; methods for installing finished coating parts made of metal and duplicated material on curved sections of pipelines; types and methods of pipeline connections; properties of special adhesives; method of applying bitumen mastic and sticking roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces; requirements for the quality of insulating materials and structures.

§ 41. Insulator on thermal insulation of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment:

1) insulation of hot surfaces:

insulation with piece products and mastics of flange connections, valves, smooth spherical and conical surfaces and equipment. Insulation of surfaces with corrugated aluminum foil. Finishing the ends of the insulation. Insulation of curved surfaces with asbestos mats. Making templates for cutting products. Taking measurements of metal coatings on site. Cutting and preparing paintings. Assembly of paintings and installation of metal coverings of complex configuration. Installation of expansion joints and cutting of insulation in places where it interfaces with fixed supports and parts of equipment. Insulation of the combustion chamber and cylindrical part of boilers and steam boilers. Coating of isolated surfaces of various configurations with duplicated materials, materials based on synthetic, natural polymers and mineral materials. Application of insulation by spraying and pouring. Dismantling of insulation;

2) insulation of cold surfaces:

production of templates for cutting segments from insulating boards. Installation of insulating coatings from large blocks and shells. Applying plaster coatings over insulation using a transport insulation machine (TIM). Insulation of shaped parts with cork tiles. Multilayer insulation of refrigeration chambers and laboratory rooms. Insulation of flange connections of pipelines with asbestos mats with their production on site. Measurements of layer thickness and uniformity of overlaps of insulating coatings of oil and gas product pipelines using a mechanized method of work.

Must know: technology for the manufacture of insulating products (including foam plastic) and coating parts made of metal, duplicated material and material based on synthetic and natural polymers; recipe and composition of bitumen mastics and solutions, as well as adhesives; methods of taking measurements on site, marking and cutting metal paintings; methods for performing insulation work using machines and mechanisms; methods of cutting and making templates and products; design and principle of operation of tools and devices for monitoring the quality of insulation.

§ 42. Insulator on thermal insulation of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Insulation of hot and cold surfaces of various configurations - double curvature of turbine cylinders and piston machines, U-shaped and lyre-shaped compensators. Drawing up sketches and cutting mats based on them. Assembly and installation of coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, material based on synthetic polymers for insulating fittings. Insulation of vibrating surfaces, control and measuring equipment, gas-air valves, shut-off fittings. Making templates and cutting materials for insulating coatings (ball surfaces, removable coatings on shut-off valves, flange connections, spherical parts of devices made from petals). Checking the quality of insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: types and methods of insulating hot and cold surfaces of various configurations; properties of the insulating materials, products, mastics and solutions used; methods for checking the quality of insulation; physical and technical properties thermal insulation materials and products.

Average required professional education.

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment:

1) insulation of hot surfaces:

insulation with piece products and mastics of flange connections, valves, smooth spherical and conical surfaces and equipment. Insulation of surfaces with corrugated aluminum foil. Finishing the ends of the insulation. Insulation of curved surfaces with asbestos mats. Making templates for cutting products. Taking measurements of metal coatings on site. Cutting and preparing paintings. Assembly of paintings and installation of metal coverings of complex configuration. Construction of expansion joints and cutting of insulation in places where it interfaces with fixed supports and parts of equipment. Insulation of the combustion chamber and cylindrical part of boilers and steam boilers. Coating of isolated surfaces of various configurations with duplicated materials, materials based on synthetic, natural polymers and mineral materials. Application of insulation by spraying and pouring. Dismantling of insulation;

2) insulation of cold surfaces:

production of templates for cutting segments from insulating boards. Installation of insulating coatings from large blocks and shells. Applying plaster coatings over insulation using a transport insulation machine (TIM). Insulation of shaped parts with cork tiles. Multilayer insulation of refrigeration chambers and laboratory rooms. Insulation of flange connections of pipelines with asbestos mats with their production on site. Measurements of layer thickness and uniformity of overlaps of insulating coatings of oil and gas product pipelines using a mechanized method of work.

Must know: technology for manufacturing insulating products (including foam plastic) and coating parts made of metal, duplicated material and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers; recipe and composition of bitumen mastics and solutions, as well as adhesives; methods of taking measurements on site, marking and cutting metal paintings; methods for performing insulation work using machines and mechanisms; methods of cutting and making templates and products; design and principle of operation of tools and devices for monitoring the quality of insulation.

4th category

installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, basalt fiber, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting on site. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials of pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300 °C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mats. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Making mats from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of frames;

insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature below -50 °C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt and paper-wrapped bags, stone wool gutters. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation of metal surfaces with cork chips and mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning and priming of pipes using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils.

Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings; methods of fastening surface insulation; methods of performing work when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces with thermal insulation boards; methods for installing finished coating parts made of metal and duplicated material on curved sections of pipelines; types and methods of pipeline connections; properties of special adhesives; method of applying bitumen mastic and sticking roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces; requirements for the quality of insulating materials and structures.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment:

1) insulation of hot surfaces:

insulation with piece products and mastics of flange connections, valves, smooth spherical and conical surfaces and equipment. Insulation of surfaces with corrugated aluminum foil. Finishing the ends of the insulation. Insulation of curved surfaces with asbestos mats. Making templates for cutting products. Taking measurements of metal coatings on site. Cutting and preparing paintings. Assembly of paintings and installation of metal coverings of complex configuration. Construction of expansion joints and cutting of insulation in places where it interfaces with fixed supports and parts of equipment. Insulation of the combustion chamber and cylindrical part of boilers and steam boilers. Coating of isolated surfaces of various configurations with duplicated materials, materials based on synthetic, natural polymers and mineral materials. Application of insulation by spraying and pouring. Dismantling of insulation;

2) insulation of cold surfaces:

production of templates for cutting segments from insulating boards. Installation of insulating coatings from large blocks and shells. Applying plaster coatings over insulation using a transport insulation machine (TIM). Insulation of shaped parts with cork tiles. Multilayer insulation of refrigeration chambers and laboratory rooms. Insulation of flange connections of pipelines with asbestos mats with their production on site. Measurements of layer thickness and uniformity of overlaps of insulating coatings of oil and gas product pipelines using a mechanized method of work.

Must know: technology for manufacturing insulating products (including foam plastic) and coating parts made of metal, duplicated material and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers; recipe and composition of bitumen mastics and solutions, as well as adhesives; methods of taking measurements on site, marking and cutting metal paintings; methods for performing insulation work using machines and mechanisms; methods of cutting and making templates and products; design and principle of operation of tools and devices for monitoring the quality of insulation.
6th category
Characteristics of the work. Insulation of hot and cold surfaces of various configurations - double curvature of turbine cylinders and piston machines, U-shaped and lyre-shaped compensators. Drawing up sketches and cutting mats based on them. Assembly and installation of coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, material based on synthetic polymers for insulating fittings. Insulation of vibrating surfaces, control and measuring equipment, gas-air valves, shut-off fittings. Making templates and cutting materials for insulating coatings (ball surfaces, removable coatings for shut-off valves, flange connections, spherical parts of petal devices). Checking the quality of insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: types and methods of insulating hot and cold surfaces of various configurations; properties of the insulating materials, products, mastics and solutions used; methods for checking the quality of insulation; physical and technical properties of thermal insulation materials and products.

3rd category
Characteristics of the work. Preparation of special painting compositions on perchlorovinyl and bakelite bases and from solutions of organic resins and copolymers. Surface cleaning, degreasing, dust removal. Applying special putty and painting compounds with a brush to straight surfaces. Covering surfaces with fabrics impregnated with bakelite varnishes.

Must know: types and basic properties of special compounds; rules and methods for preparing surfaces for film coatings; methods for preparing special primer and putty compounds and applying them to straight surfaces.
4th category
Characteristics of the work. Applying special compounds with a brush to the external and internal surfaces of cylindrical and conical equipment, as well as structures. Primer and putty of surfaces of various configurations. Checking film coatings with a detector. Applying special compounds with a brush to the internal surfaces of pipes, crosses and tees. Anti-corrosion painting and coating of embedded parts. Pasting surfaces with fiberglass and chemical fiber-based fabrics on compounds made from synthetic resins. Construction of monolithic self-leveling floors based on polymer binders. Coating surfaces with fire retardants and varnishes.

Must know: requirements for the quality of special compounds; methods of applying putty, primer and painting compositions with a brush on cylindrical and conical surfaces, as well as on surfaces building structures; methods of gluing with fiberglass and chemical fiber-based fabrics on compositions made from synthetic resins; methods for constructing monolithic self-leveling floors based on polymer binders.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Application of special film compositions by mechanized method on the external and internal surfaces of equipment of various configurations, pipes, crosses and tees, as well as building structures. Polymerization of ethylene and hardening of bakelite coatings. Checking the quality of work performed.

Must know: methods of applying special compounds using mechanisms, as well as with a brush, on the surface of equipment of various configurations; polymerization mode of ethylene and hardening mode of bakelite coatings; arrangement of units for applying film compositions; requirements for the quality of film insulation of all types.
2nd category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work for laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures. Laying brick columns under floor joists. Preparation of solutions manually. Cleaning bricks from mortar. Punching nests, grooves and holes in brick and rubble masonry by hand. Manual dismantling of rubble foundations, brickwork walls and pillars. Filling channels or boxes with powdery materials or mineral wool. Hooking pallets, containers, reinforced concrete products and other light weight cargo with inventory slings to mounting loops, brackets, hooks, etc.

Must know: main types wall materials; methods for preparing solutions; methods of punching nests and holes in masonry; rules for dismantling masonry foundations, walls and pillars; types of slings and gripping devices; main types of rigging equipment; rules for moving and storing light weight cargo.
3rd category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work for laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures. Laying walls made of bricks and small blocks under plaster and with jointing along the masonry. Filling frame walls. Construction of foundations made of rubble stone and crushed brick for the bay. Device cement screed. Device horizontal waterproofing foundation with rolled materials. Sealing grooves, sockets and holes with brick and concrete. Punching openings in brick and rubble walls using mechanized tools. Dismantling the masonry of bridge supports using power tools. Punching sockets, grooves and holes with a power tool. Installation of reinforced concrete lintels over window and doorways and niches. Spreading the heated mortar on the horizontal surfaces of the walls being built during masonry using the freezing method. Laying backfill brick walls.

Must know: the basic properties of wall materials and mortars, as well as waterproofing materials used for insulating foundations and walls; techniques for laying walls and dressing seams; rules and methods of masonry in winter conditions by freezing, artificial heating in greenhouses and in solutions with chemical additives; methods of spreading mortar on the wall, laying out bricks and backfill; rules for working with pneumatic and electrified tools; main types of parts and prefabricated structures used in the construction of stone buildings and structures; requirements for the quality of brickwork and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.
4th category

wall masonry medium difficulty made of bricks and small blocks for plaster or with jointing along the course of the masonry. Masonry simple walls with simultaneous cladding. Laying simple walls of lightweight structures. Installation of reinforced concrete beams, floor slabs and coverings, partitions, flights of stairs, platforms, balcony slabs, steps in stone buildings. Installation of window and door balcony frames and blocks, window sill boards and slabs. Installation of partitions made of brick, as well as gypsum and other slabs. Joining the joints of previously laid masonry. Caulking and filling of prefabricated joints reinforced concrete structures floors and coverings. Laying steel elements and parts into masonry. Laying walls and foundations from rubble stone under the blade. Laying wells constant cross section and rectangular section collectors. Disassembly brick vaults all kinds. Repair of brick wall surfaces with the removal of unusable bricks and sealing with new bricks, taking into account the transportation of seams with old masonry. Repair and replacement of individual sections of brick and rubble foundations during the repair and reconstruction of buildings. Replacement of window sill slabs and individual stair steps. Installation of ventilation units. Laying glass block structures. Installation of filling of openings and partitions from glass profiles in stone buildings. Installation asbestos cement pipes for the garbage chute. Construction, rearrangement and disassembly of block and package scaffolds on fingers and retractable rods;

Laying foundations and bridge supports. Laying connecting and cheek walls of supports. Laying of straight overhead walls and cordon stones of port facilities. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements average weight, used in the construction of stone bridges and hydraulic structures.

Must know: methods of laying walls made of bricks and small blocks; methods of laying walls with simultaneous cladding; methods of laying walls of lightweight structures; glass block masonry methods; methods of installation of prefabricated elements and parts of medium weight; methods of slinging and fastening mounted elements; methods of reinforcing brick walls and partitions.
5th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work when laying and repairing stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures:

1) buildings and industrial structures:

masonry under plaster and with jointing along the masonry complex walls. Laying columns and free-standing rectangular pipes. Laying cornices. Figured brick hew. Laying walls with simultaneous cladding. Laying walls of lightweight structures. Laying wedge lintels. Laying wells of variable cross-section and collectors of round and hip cross-section. Masonry of well walls with insulation and rigid connections. Relaying of wedge lintels with dismantling of old masonry. Masonry with simultaneous cladding with decorative colored bricks according to a given pattern;

2) bridges and hydraulic structures:

masonry of natural stone for the superstructure of strong bridges. Natural stone masonry of pipes, trays and heads. Masonry of cut stone for the outer mileposts of rectilinear bridge piers.

Must know: methods of laying walls under plaster and with jointing; methods of laying walls with simultaneous cladding; methods of laying pipes, trays and heads.
6th category
Characteristics of the work. Carrying out masonry work during masonry, repair and reconstruction of stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures:

1) buildings and industrial structures:

masonry and restoration repair of particularly complex stone structures, vaults, arches and domes (including simultaneous cladding). Laying columns and free-standing pipes of round and variable cross-section. Masonry when strengthening previously erected walls and unfastening new masonry from previously erected ones. Laying the pressure walls of the waterproofing and thermal insulation device;

2) bridges and hydraulic structures:

masonry from natural ashlar ice cutters with stone selection. Laying cornice and truss stones for bridge supports. Laying heel stones in arches and vaults of stone bridges. Laying vaults and arches.

Must know: methods of laying stone structures, their erection and unwinding; methods for securing masonry when reinforcing the walls of buildings and structures; methods for installing metal waterproofing of foundations, walls and ceilings, lintel structures and vaults.

Secondary vocational education required.
2nd category
Characteristics of the work. Preparation of solutions and dry mixtures according to a given composition. Manually punching sockets into the surface to be coated for fastening the cladding. Cleaning the surface and seams of the cladding. Unpacking and stacking marble slabs. Cleaning slabs and stones after dismantling the cladding. Dismantling of natural stone sidewalks. Sorting of slabs.

Must know: types of basic materials used when facing surfaces with natural stones and artificial slabs; methods for preparing solutions and dry mixtures; methods of preparing surfaces for cladding.

Insulator on thermal insulation

§ 43. Insulator with thermal insulation of 1st category

Characteristics of the work. Performing auxiliary work during thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Work examples. Wiping surfaces to be insulated from dirt, dust, etc. Storage of thermal insulation materials. Toe box materials. Garbage collection.

§ 44. Insulator on thermal insulation 2 categories

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out simple work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: nomenclature and classification of basic thermal insulation materials. Methods for preparing surfaces for insulation and materials for insulation. Methods for manufacturing pierced mineral wool mats. Purpose and operating rules simple devices and tool.

Work examples. Installation of support rings and molded material for stuffed structures made of fibrous materials. Bends of wire pins for fastening insulation. Production of mineral wool pierced mats. Backfilling of pipelines installed in channels and boxes with bulk or fibrous heat-insulating materials. Preparation of solutions from ready-made dry mixtures. Cutting slabs into segments and trimming the edges of thermal insulation slabs. Cleaning roofing felt from talc. Applying a plaster layer during plastering. Cutting rolled materials, mesh and shingles to a given size. Disassembly of insulation.

§ 45. Insulator on thermal insulation 3 categories

Characteristics of the work. Performance simple work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: the basic properties of insulating materials and insulation coatings made from sheet steel, aluminum alloys, plastics and fiberglass. Methods for performing simple insulation. Methods of attaching protective coatings for thermal insulation from metal, laminated materials, materials based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces. Methods and mode of preparation of bitumen mastics and primers. Properties of materials used for insulation of pipelines with coolant temperatures up to 300°C. Properties of materials used for fireproof insulation of enclosing structures. Rules for working in existing workshops. Properties of materials used for insulation of refrigeration units with coolant temperatures down to -50°C. Properties of materials for insulating walls and ceilings of refrigeration chambers. Requirements for the quality of insulation.

Work examples.

Covering the insulation of straight sections with wrapping material or rolled fiberglass. Applying and smoothing the plaster layer with a lath. Installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated materials and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces without fitting or cutting. Laying vapor barrier and rolled materials at joints. Bonding and corrugating foil. Cutting plastic materials to a given size. Drying products made from thermal insulating mastics and solutions. Production of insulating products from mipore blocks and corrugated aluminum foil. Insulation of pipelines with asbestos cardboard, asbestos paper, asbestos cord and asbestos fabric. Insulation of pipelines with coolant temperatures up to 300°C. Insulation of planes with mats made of mineral and glass wool, sewn on and with a synthetic bond, mineral wool half-cylinders and molded slabs. Manufacturing of support rings of all types, except steel. Installation of bandages and support rings of all types. Wrapping with roll materials, gluing, and painting an isolated surface. Production of mineral wool mats on machines. Cleaning of insulated surfaces using a mechanized method.

Preparation of bitumen and pitch mastics. Construction of a frame made of wire or mesh. Production of thermal insulation blocks and gluing of slabs. Fitting of piece insulating products and blocks. Coating horizontal flat surfaces with bitumen mastic and gluing them with roll materials and mats. Wrapping pipelines with paper, waterproofing and other insulating materials. Insulation of floors on top with thermal insulation boards. Coating the surface with primer and preparing it.

§ 46. Insulator on thermal insulation 4 categories

Characteristics of the work. Performing work of medium complexity on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: basic insulating structures and coatings. Methods of fastening textured products. Methods for performing work with slab materials when insulating floors of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Methods for installing metal and duplicated material coatings with finished parts on curved sections of pipelines. Types of connections. Properties of special adhesives. Method of applying bitumen mastic and sticking roll materials on vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Requirements for the quality of insulating materials and structures.

Work examples.

1. Insulation of hot surfaces;

Installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, material based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on curved sections of pipelines, spherical and cylindrical surfaces with fitting and cutting on site. Installation of removable coverings. Insulation with fully prefabricated and complete thermal insulation structures, mastics and piece materials of pipelines with a coolant temperature of more than 300°C. Insulation of surfaces with asbestos mattresses. Plastering flat insulation surfaces. Manufacturing of mattresses from cut asbestos fabric. Construction of complex frames.

2. Insulation of cold surfaces.

Insulation of pipelines with coolant temperatures below -50°C. Insulation from below of flat surfaces of structures with thermal insulation boards. Vapor barrier of cold equipment and structures using rolled materials. Installation of partitions from thermal insulation boards. Insulation of vertical and cylindrical surfaces. Insulation of pipelines with mineral felt and paper-wrapped bags. Laying thermal insulation products using special adhesives (iditone, isolite, celgiite, etc.). Construction of frames. Insulation of coatings with hot bitumen mastics. Insulation of metal surfaces with cork chips and mastic. Covering insulated surfaces with fabrics. Cleaning and priming of pipes using a mechanized method. Production of bitumen mats with fabric reinforcement. Manual insulation of fittings and coils.

§ 47. Insulator with 5th category thermal insulation

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out complex work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: technology for manufacturing insulating products (including polystyrene foam) and coating parts made of metal, duplicated material and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers. Recipes and compositions of bitumen mastics and solutions, as well as adhesives. Methods for taking on-site measurements, marking and cutting metal paintings. Methods for performing insulation work using machines and mechanisms. Methods of cutting and making templates and complex products.

Work examples.

1. Insulation of hot surfaces.

Insulation with piece products and mastics of flange connections, valves, smooth spherical and conical surfaces and equipment, finishing of insulation. Insulation of surfaces with corrugated aluminum foil. Finishing the ends of the insulation. Insulation of curved surfaces with asbestos mattresses. Making templates for cutting products. Taking measurements of metal coatings on site. Cutting and preparing paintings. Assembly of paintings and installation of metal coverings of complex configuration. Construction of expansion joints and cutting of insulation in places where it interfaces with fixed supports and parts of equipment. Insulation of the combustion chamber and cylindrical part of boilers and steam boilers. Coating of insulation of surfaces of complex configuration with duplicated materials, materials based on synthetic and natural polymers and mineral materials. Application of insulation by spraying and pouring.

2. Insulation of cold surfaces.

Making templates for cutting segments from insulating boards. Installation of insulating coatings from large blocks and shells. Applying plaster coatings over insulation using a transport insulation machine (TIM). Insulation of shaped parts with cork tiles. Multilayer insulation of refrigeration chambers and laboratory rooms. Insulation of flange connections of pipelines with asbestos mattresses with their production at the place of insulation. Measurements of layer thickness and uniformity of overlaps of insulating coatings of oil and gas product pipelines using a mechanized method of work.

§ 48. Insulator on thermal insulation 6 categories

Characteristics of the work. Performing particularly complex work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

Must know: all types and methods of insulating surfaces of particularly complex configurations. Properties and scope of application of all insulating materials, products, mastics and solutions. Methods for checking the quality of insulation. Physical and technical properties of thermal insulation materials and products.

Work examples. Insulation of hot and cold surfaces of particularly complex configurations - double curvature of turbine and piston machine cylinders, U-shaped and lyre-shaped compensators. Drawing up sketches and cutting mattresses based on them. Assembly and installation of coating parts made of metal, duplicated material, material based on synthetic polymers, fittings. Insulation of vibrating surfaces, control and measuring equipment, gas-air valves, shut-off fittings. Production of particularly complex templates and cutting of materials for particularly complex insulating coatings (spherical surfaces, removable coatings for shut-off valves, flange connections, spherical parts of devices made from petals). Installation of coating parts for insulating ball and vibrating surfaces.

Information: Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession. Issue 3 of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers. 3rd class thermal insulation insulator


Characteristics of the work. Carrying out simple work on thermal insulation of structures, pipelines and process equipment.

1. Insulation of hot surfaces.

Covering the insulation of straight sections with wrapping material or rolled fiberglass. Applying and smoothing the plaster layer with a lath. Installation of finished coating parts made of metal, duplicated materials and materials based on synthetic and natural polymers, mineral materials on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces without fitting or cutting. Laying vapor barrier roll materials at joints. Bonding and corrugating foil. Cutting plastic materials to a given size. Drying products made from thermal insulating mastics and solutions. Production of insulating products from mipore blocks and corrugated aluminum foil. Insulation of pipelines with asbestos cardboard, asbestos paper, asbestos cord and asbestos fabric. Insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 300 o C. Insulation of surfaces with mats made of mineral and glass wool, stitched and synthetic bonded, mineral wool half-cylinders, half-cylinders and molded slabs. Manufacturing of support rings of all types, except steel. Installation of bands and support rings various types. Wrapping with roll materials, gluing and painting the isolated surface. Production of mineral wool mats on machines. Cleaning of insulated surfaces using a mechanized method. Production of mats from basalt fiber. Insulation of pipelines and flat surfaces with basalt fiber mats.

2. Insulation of cold surfaces.

Preparation of bitumen and pitch mastics. Construction of a frame made of wire and mesh. Production of thermal insulation blocks and gluing of slabs. Fitting of piece insulating products and blocks. Coating horizontal flat surfaces with bitumen mastic and gluing them with roll materials and mats. Wrapping pipelines with paper, flexible tubular waterproofing of the Armstrong type and other insulating materials. Insulation of installations and pipelines with coolant temperatures down to -50 o C. Insulation of ceilings on top with thermal insulation boards. Coating the surface with primer.

Must know: the basic properties of insulating materials and insulation coatings made of sheet steel, aluminum alloys, plastics and fiberglass; methods of fastening protective coatings on straight sections of pipelines and cylindrical surfaces; methods and modes for preparing bitumen mastics and primers; properties of materials used for insulation of pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 300 o C, for fireproof insulation of enclosing structures and insulation of refrigeration units with a coolant temperature of up to -50 o C; rules of work in existing workshops; properties of materials for insulating walls and ceilings of refrigeration chambers; requirements for insulation quality.