Brickwork of arches and vaults. How to make a brick arch yourself

Making an arch out of brick is not an easy task even for an experienced home craftsman. This action requires certain skills and knowledge. And if skills need to be acquired in practice, then knowledge can be obtained by reading the recommendations and instructions on how to make a brick arch. For clarity, we provide photo and video materials.


You can create a brick arch with your own hands different shapes, taking into account the necessary architectural style. Types of openings, taking into account the masonry:

  • classic – the height of the semicircle is half the width of the opening;
  • bow - a trimmed cone, characteristic of the oriental style;

  • wedge-shaped - in the form of a wedge, secured at the top with a locking element, which is characteristic of the Gothic style;
  • modern - an arc like a truncated cone;
  • romanticism – rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners;
  • ellipse – used in postmodern or new wave;
  • the portal is rectangular in shape.

This or that brickwork of arches is characterized by features that need to be taken into account, especially harmony with a certain style.


In general, the procedure is different for all types of arches, but the main stages of this event can be identified:

  • creating a project;
  • building a template element;
  • its installation;

  • masonry;
  • removing the template;
  • finishing.

It is worth noting that the template element can be made either from wooden blocks or from chipboard. Dimensions are determined in advance. And the attractiveness depends on the quality of the template brickwork.

What is necessary?

To lay an arch out of brick, you will need a formwork template, which is made from boards and two racks for support.

The laying is done without gaps using wedge bricks. Seam thickness up to 1 cm is allowed. When used cement-sand mortar You can remove the template only after two weeks.

If there is no wedge brick, you can remake a rectangular one. For a stove arch this parameter should be small. In addition, it is not recommended to use the solution for such a case, otherwise destruction is likely.

Create a template

The template is quite difficult to create. We can say that this stage of construction is the most difficult. After all, the result will be responsible for the shape, and at the same time play the role of a supporting structure. The template is created from a semicircle of chipboard and a piece of board. They should be nailed together, and then the hardboard is fixed.

Installation of support pillars

Side supports are made from boards for installation on the inside of the columns. A template is installed at the end of these elements. Next we do markings, determining the location of each brick.


Making masonry with your own hands is easy if you follow certain recommendations. The bricks are laid from the edges to the middle. They should be placed according to the marks on the template. You can control the quality of the arch when there are three bricks left for laying.

The solution should be applied in a wedge shape. To maintain the symmetry of the second row, a cord is used.

It is worth cleaning the solution after it has set. To do this, use a damp brush.

Design features for the garage

You can give a sufficient number of photos of brick arches that are used in garages. To ensure its durability, it is recommended to take into account several features.

For example, many strive to make the arc minimal, but this only reduces the reliability of the design. It is also recommended to compare the strength of the template and the weight of the arch.

The posts must fit tightly so that the arch does not sag. Before starting the process, you should determine the required amount of bricks. If the arch is large, thick seams should be avoided. The thickness of the bottom seam should be 3-6 mm. Laying is done from the edges to the center. We lay the central brick last.

If the arch is made for a garage, the distance in the opening will be greater. To increase the strength of the wall above the arch, it is worth laying reinforcement.

Design features for stoves and fireplaces

In this case, the bricks are fitted tightly so that they touch at the bottom. When the masonry is dry, the template may be difficult to remove. Then there is an alternative - to burn it during the combustion process.

Cleaning from solution

Since when laying with your own hands, the solution cannot always be perfectly distributed, it can end up on the front part. Then you will have to clean it with a dry cloth. If there is not enough mortar in the seam, it must be filled from the bottom up.

Causes of destruction

There are special circumstances that may cause the arch to burst:

  • Small radius with large width. Due to the uneven distribution of significant loads, cracks and destruction may appear;

  • If metal bases or corners are used as a template. Despite the desire to use them to strengthen the structure, the result may be the opposite. After all, a metal base, unlike a wooden template, does not allow the arch to shrink. This may cause cracks to appear.
  • The template was not retrieved in time. While the template is in the structure, it absorbs moisture, the wood swells, as a result of which the masonry cannot withstand stress. Therefore, if you cannot immediately pull out the template, you should cover the arch with polyethylene.
  • The cause of destruction may be subsidence of the foundation, in which case it will need to be strengthened.

Having prevented possible causes, we build a reliable structure

It will take several hours to create a brick arch with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, it is only important to follow the technologies and recommendations, then the result will be successful. top level– finishing the arch with brick will not only look beautiful, but also serve for many years.

Decorative elements are often used to decorate the facade of a house. architectural elements, giving its appearance special beauty and originality. Among such elements are window arches. They are used quite often both in private homes and in buildings of various institutions.

How to make such an arch? Is it difficult? How long will it take to complete the work? All this and more will be discussed further.

Types of brick arches

First, let's look at what an arch is and what types it comes in. An arch is a shaped lintel that can be installed both above door and window openings. Here we will consider the window arch.

There are three types of arches:

  • wedge arch, in which the bricks above the rectangular window are laid out in a wedge, and the bricks fix themselves, pressing against each other;
  • a beam arch, which is also called truncated or incomplete, is an arc whose height is less than its width, that is, its radius;
  • a regular arch (full) is half a circle, that is, the height is equal to the radius.

Each of the listed arches has its pros and cons. Below we will describe the technology for creating a beam arch, which is perfect for almost all facades.

How to make a brick arch with your own hands?

The technology for creating an arch includes several stages:

  • making a template;
  • installing a template;
  • brick arch set;
  • arch compression;
  • dismantling the template;
  • fine finishing.

Making an arch template

The first stage is making a template. The template itself is made from a sheet of chipboard using fiberboard and wooden blocks. The quality of the template, the compliance of its shapes and sizes with the given parameters determine the quality of the arch itself, so its production must be taken as seriously as possible.

First you need to determine the dimensions of the template. To do this, the width of the opening is measured (take, for example, a window 1500 mm wide). The width of the template is taken to be 5 mm less - 1495 mm. This will help you subsequently dismantle the template at the last stages without any problems, even if it swells from moisture. The height of the template must correspond to the selected arch height; for example, let’s take 168 mm. It is desirable that a whole facing brick be laid along the top of the arch, therefore the height is selected based on the number of bricks. The height of one row is approximately 72 mm (the height of the brick and the seam), and the number of rows is chosen to be 4. Thus, the height of the arch is: 72 * 4-120 = 168 mm, where 120 mm is the height of the shaped brick laid on the edge.

The height can be chosen both higher and lower, but you need to take into account that an arch that is too low with a large width can sag under the influence of the load from the brickwork.
The thickness of the template depends on the thickness of the wall. It should be such that you don’t have to make another additional template, because there should be two arches: the front one and the backing one. We assume a thickness of 200 mm, which is half the thickness of the cinder block. A larger template will be heavier, which is also undesirable.

So, the template parameters are as follows: width – 1495 mm, height – 168 mm, thickness – 200 mm. Now you can start making it. The center of the arch, the top and bottom points are marked on the chipboard sheet. To obtain a truncated semicircle, the upper and lower points are connected to each other by an arc. To do this, you can use a wire or thread with a pencil tied to it on one side and a metal peg on the other. This is a kind of compass, only its radius is much larger than that of an ordinary one.

For more convenient installation of the template, you need to retreat about 100 mm from the lowest extreme points of the arc. This is necessary so that the arch has supports for attaching the bars.
A circle is cut out along the resulting contour. You can use a jigsaw for this.

The template consists of two such circles, so they need to be cut out in duplicate. In this case, it is easier to first cut out the first one, and then trace it, placing it on a sheet of chipboard, and cut out the second one along the resulting contour.

To make the template three-dimensional, wooden blocks are fixed between the two circles. After this, the template structure is fastened with screws or nails.
A strip of fiberboard is attached to the upper arched part of the template with nails (20-25 mm). It makes the template smoother, gives it correct form, and also holds the bricks laid on top.

Next, the template is installed in the window opening. Supports made of boards 20 mm thick are installed under it, and between the supports there is a spacer to fix them. The template is installed on the boards at the same level as the facing shaped brick; its height should coincide with the window frame.

When installing a beam arch, you need to slightly trim the top brick, which will be installed on the template, and the window frame with a grinder. In this case, the arch will be installed lower, and the brick will move towards the inner corner.

The face arch usually protrudes above the wall surface, and this protrusion should be minimal (less than 60 mm). A large protrusion can lead to the arch's bricks getting wet and gradually collapsing. But it is advisable to cover even minor protrusions with some kind of material, for example, tiles or a sheet of metal. On the other hand, the larger the protrusion, the more impressive and voluminous the arch looks, so it’s up to you to decide what to give preference to: beauty or practicality.

When laying facing bricks, you need to pay attention to the fact that it has two front sides, and in cases where the brick protrudes strongly beyond the plane of the wall, not only the front sides are visible, but also the “back sides”, the surface of which is uneven and rough , doesn't look very attractive.

Before you start laying out the arch, you need to install fines on both sides, which will make it possible to clamp the arch faster and easier.

You need to start making the arch from the “heels” on which it rests. After installing them, the height of one row of masonry is measured with a tape measure and the number of rows around the arch is calculated. In the example described, the brick with a seam measures 70.5 cm in height, and the number of rows is ten. Next, marks are applied to the template to mark the positions of the rows.

The arch is built up from both sides at once from the bottom up. The last brick, called the “key” brick, is installed in the center of the arch at its apex and secures the remaining bricks. There can be two such bricks if their total number is even. Key bricks must be driven tightly into the masonry so that they not only hold themselves, but also hold the entire arched structure.

When the arch is built, it needs to be clamped with a brick, and it is advisable to do this on the same day, without delaying it until later, otherwise it may burst. Since brick fines were previously installed, clamping the arch will not be difficult.

After clamping the arch, you can immediately remove the template and clean the surface. If the weather is good and the air temperature is high, the solution will quickly harden on the same day, which will make it possible to remove the template without damaging the masonry. If it is left for a day or two, it will be much more difficult to clean the grout from the grout.

The seams during the laying process are not always perfectly smooth and clean, so cleaning them is a mandatory procedure. The mortar may be squeezed out of the seams, ending up on the front surface of the masonry, or may not completely fill them. In the first case, the seams are cleaned and wiped with a dry cloth. In the second, the solution is additionally applied to the seams in the direction from bottom to top.

The next day, the wall with the arch needs to be raised several brick rows.

Back-of-the-butt arch

Now you can proceed to the backfill arch. To make it, the same wooden template is used, but with some modifications. Because the arched windows have a quarter of 5 cm on the sides, then both the arch and, accordingly, the template must have it, so the template needs to be increased by this amount. To do this, wooden blocks with a cross-section of 45x45 mm and a length of 200 mm are nailed onto a fiberboard sheet, the distance between them is about 70 mm.

Since the sheet is quite flexible, the resulting tape is easily bent and attached to the upper arched part of the template.

Next, the technology for making the backing arch repeats the technology for making the front arch. First, the “heels” are installed, and bricks are laid from them to the top of the arch. For this purpose, used backfill single bricks installed on the edge are usually used.

Before starting work, it is advisable to immediately prepare everything necessary materials and tools, as well as make a template, cut wooden blocks, supports and spacers. In total, the entire process of making an arch takes 8.5-9 hours, so it’s better to start work in the morning and do everything in one day.

Why might an arch burst?

Let's look at the reasons why an arch may burst:

  • The radius (height) of the arch is too small with a large width. This design absorbs significant loads that are not distributed evenly. The result may be the appearance of cracks, but the arch itself will not collapse;
  • Corners or metal bases are used as a template. They are used to further strengthen the structure, but sometimes this leads to the opposite result. Why? When using a wooden template, the brickwork shrinks and becomes compacted after it is removed. If you use a metal base, it does not allow the masonry to sag, since it is not removed and interferes with uniform natural shrinkage. In this case, the overall structure will be quite strong, although with cracks;
  • the template was in the arch for quite a long time after its manufacture. For example, he was not taken away immediately, but left overnight. During this time, the wood absorbed moisture, swelled, and the arched masonry could not withstand the stress. True, this does not happen often, but still, in cases where it is impossible to immediately remove the template, it is better to cover the arch with polyethylene;
  • foundation subsidence. Appearance of cracks around window openings- one of the signs of an incorrectly chosen or constructed foundation, and cracks on the arch are no exception. In this case, you need to strengthen the foundation.

That's all for building a brick arch over a window. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and the process itself takes no more than 9 hours, so it can be completed in one day. The main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance and strictly follow the technology. This is the key to a quality result.

Category: Doors, openings, arches

It is no secret that a doorway designed in the form of an arch looks aesthetically much more attractive than a standard rectangular one. Thanks to arched vaults, you can use non-standard design solutions. One of these options in interior design can be in your home.

Arched forms have certain complexities, so you need sufficient skill to make such an architectural structure yourself. This lesson will show you how to correctly lay a brick arch yourself, with minimal construction skills.

Types of brick arches

The arch is a semicircular lintel that connects two vertical supports. The strength of the arch is ensured by distributing the load to the sides (thrust). Typically, arches are laid over window or door openings. Arches are also made near stoves and barbecues.

In existing construction practice, there are 3 forms of brick arches:

  1. Regular (full) arch. When erecting it, the semicircle of the arch is made half the diameter of the circle. Any home craftsman can make such an arch.
  2. Wedge (rectangular) arch. This type The arch is shaped like the letter “P”. The arched vault is equal to the radius of the circle. This type of brick arch is the most difficult to construct.
  3. Beam (truncated or incomplete) arch. In such an arch, the arched vault is made low, less than half the diameter of the circle. In this case, the brick is laid along a truncated arc. In terms of complexity of execution, the arched arch occupies an intermediate position between the conventional and wedge arches.

The bricklaying technology of the above types of arches differs practically little. All that remains is to prepare the necessary tools and materials to build a brick arch with your own hands, which will become part of the interior design you have planned.

On initial stage, when the shape of the future brick arch is already known, it is necessary to develop and produce a template for the vaulted element. Wooden blocks and chipboard sheets are used as materials for making the template.

The template is easy to make with your own hands. A horizontal line is drawn on a sheet of chipboard, which is equal to the width of the opening, the center of the arched vault is marked, as well as its extreme lower and upper points, which are then also connected by lines to each other. The result should be a truncated semicircle (circle) of the future arch.

Next, using a hacksaw or jigsaw, two circles are cut out along the intended lines, which must be connected to each other using self-tapping screws and bars. Then the resulting template for the future arch must be installed in the opening and fixed in it with the help of spacers and supports.

Before laying begins, fines are installed on both sides of the arch at the level of its lower border, which will allow the structure to be clamped, ensuring its stability and strength.

A brick arch with your own hands must be made without interruption in work in one step. Laying is done by moving along the arc of the template from bottom to top, simultaneously laying bricks on both sides. Upon completion of the set, a brick (lock) is firmly driven into the top of the masonry, the main function of which is to fix the entire arched structure. After this, the template is removed, and the surface of the brickwork is cleaned of any remaining mortar.

To lay out the arched structure, a special trapezoidal wedge brick is used, which provides better fixation of the brick arch. Buying such a brick is not a problem. It is sold in specialized construction stores, but you can make it yourself by processing it with a grinder to the desired shape.

A correctly installed brick arch with your own hands can last a very long time, giving your home an original look. appearance and filling it with homely warmth and comfort. You will find additional information for the lesson by watching the DIY brick arch video.

Photo of brick arches

Almost constantly, home owners are in search of interesting design solutions, but often they turn out to be completely obvious. You just need to creatively approach this or that issue to completely transform your home. IN in this case we will look at the process of creating a brick arch.

At the very beginning, it makes sense to note that there is nothing fundamentally complicated about this. It is enough just to fully navigate the process itself for everything to go smoothly. Obviously, before the process itself, you need to assess the scale construction work, and also analyze everything possible problems, which may affect the result.

Often, brick arches are created in private homes, where there are quite large spaces available, so the created composition will look very solid. However, today there are many options that can create a unique atmosphere inside ordinary apartment V multi-storey building. At the same time, you need to understand that creating arches is a risky business, since implementing the overall composition on this basis is not so easy. Again, you need to approach this issue creatively.

Types of brick arches

Often in many homes you can find vaulted structure made of brick, which, among other things, are incredibly durable and reliable. That is why most people choose such a design solution.

Of course, there are a number of other scenarios for creating arches. For example, it is not uncommon for wedge arches to be created. They are a structure that is laid out with a wedge. The end result is a composition no less interesting than when using other solutions.

The arch has unusual look, however, this is where the controversial issues end. Similar types of arches are laid along a trimmed arc. In some homes, such a solution will visually increase the space in the house, as well as make the interior itself more original.

Full arch is the most common architectural solution. It is based on laying out a brick arch along the entire height of the opening. In this case, the arch forms a semicircle. Sometimes the brick part can occupy only half of the opening, but everything depends directly on the owners.

As for the complexity of creating arches, by and large all solutions are of approximately the same level, however, in some cases you may need construction experience, which will make it easy to avoid common mistakes.

Also, the volume of building materials depends on the choice of one or another type of arched opening. In some cases, you can significantly save on this matter, and also create unique interior. No need to think that a large number of brick means a successful outcome of all construction activities.

Before all work, you can sketch a small sketch, which will allow you to roughly evaluate all the features of the future arch. Better yet, find photos of finished arched openings on the Internet and choose the best option.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick arch

It's no secret that arched openings have both advantages and disadvantages. You must always remember this, since in the end it will be quite difficult to avoid disappointment.


  • Unique interior. On the World Wide Web you can find hundreds of photographs with original design solutions, based on an arched opening. Thus, the owners will always be able to choose the most interesting option and decorate your home.
  • Simplicity of the process. You don't need a lot of experience to create a brick arch. It is enough to approach this process responsibly and follow all the tips presented below. And then the end result will not disappoint.
  • Solidity of the arch. Due to the fact that the arch consists entirely of brick, this design is incredibly durable and almost eternal. Of course, a lot depends on the technology for creating the arch, but in most cases this architectural solution is much stronger than other types of openings.
  • In addition, arches can be created not only in doorways, but also in many other places. For example, arches are very often erected at the entrance to country cottage area. Moreover, there are also arched window openings. However, in this case we also get big problems related to the selection of suitable windows.


  • Creation of a unified interior. Obviously, the arch requires the creation of a general design style, which consists of appropriate decoration of the walls, arrangement of the floor, as well as windows and interior items. Unfortunately, this is too much work, which will certainly create many problems for inexperienced owners. To create certain types of arches you will also need a ceiling with a height of 3 meters.
  • Following technology. Despite the relative simplicity of the process of creating a brick arch, there are technologies that strictly cannot be deviated from. Any mistake can lead to such an arch collapsing at once. Thus, in some cases it still makes sense to involve specialists in the work.
  • Reliability of the design. Yes, indeed, the reliability and durability of the created arch can result in numerous problems. If even the most minor errors are detected, the arch will need to be completely dismantled. Accordingly, this is a colossal amount of work that not everyone can handle.

However, all problems can be avoided if all plans and ideas related to the creation of the arch have been previously thought out. As already mentioned, you can first consult with specialists in the construction business, who may share a secret or protect you from a fatal mistake.

Materials for arches

As you can already understand, a brick arch is a rather specific design that requires a special approach. Thus, you should seriously select materials for its creation. Often in such work, wedge bricks are used, which have the most suitable shape for creating an arch. Often such products are available in stores, but some craftsmen do not want to overpay for an unusual form of building material when cutting ordinary brick.

In addition, somewhat unusual solutions are often used to create arches. This is due to the fact that the arched structure itself has its own characteristics associated with the location of the building elements. A clay-based solution is often used. Fireclay sand and gravel are also often added to the solution. However, this is only in cases where the arched structure must withstand high temperatures. Again, a small thickness of the seams is a mandatory requirement, which will ensure high structural strength. However, the cement mortar must be High Quality, otherwise the durability of the arch may be in big question.

Tools and construction resources for creating an arch

Often, the following devices and building materials are used to create an arched structure:

  • Cement mortar.
  • Reiki.
  • Bricks.
  • Wedges.
  • Hammer/mallet.
  • Container for preparing the mixture.
  • Building level.
  • Chisel.
  • Pencil.
  • Circle (plasterboard or chipboard).

The main stages of creating brick arches

After a thorough analysis of all the features of the arched structure, you need to begin the process of creating a decorative element.

First of all, the development of the arched element occurs. It is advisable to work out all the design details in the drawing. Next we will need drywall (or chipboard) to create the vault template. Ultimately, we will need two of these elements, which will create the shape of our arch. We will also need wooden spacers that will provide the required distance between the elements of the template.

After this, our template needs to be installed. Of course, it must fit tightly into the opening. You can also use wooden supports for fixation. You should make sure several times that the template is irrevocably in one place and no loads will displace it.

Laying bricks on top of the template occurs from bottom to top, simultaneously and from both sides. You first need to calculate so that all the bricks fit in the opening. It is not recommended to cut a brick to create an arch, as this will disrupt the integrity of the decorative composition. It is worth understanding that the seams between bricks should be minimal.

Laying must be done carefully so that the cement mortar does not fall on the surface of the template. In this case, you need to fill all the voids formed between the bricks. After completing the masonry, you need to clean the surface and also remove excess amounts of cement that always remain after the work. It also helps to line up all the seams so they all look the same. In construction stores you can find tools that will help you turn ordinary seams into a unique decoration of an object.

After the cement mortar has hardened, you can safely remove the template from the created arch. Of course, you can leave it, but this element will need to be painted or the surface finished. At the very end, you need to carefully check every millimeter of the surface, since any mistake made can be too expensive.

Common mistakes when creating an arch

Even though the process of creating an arch may seem quite simple, various problems often arise. Often failures are associated with insufficient experience of people involved in construction, and in fact there is some truth in this.

It is not so rare that problems begin to make themselves felt if the arch is large in width but too small in height. In this situation, various cracks often appear. And after some time, the arched structure may even begin to collapse.

As already mentioned, often the template used in the construction of the arch is simply removed after the process is completed. However, owners often delay this, leaving the template in place. At the same time, the wood base (chipboard) can absorb a lot of moisture. First of all, this applies to those arches that were erected in open areas. Thus, the template can gain considerable weight, which will negatively affect the integrity of the arch. Experts advise covering the structure with polyethylene or removing the template immediately after the cement has hardened.

As has already become clear, the template is the main obstacle to obtaining the optimal result of construction work. In this case, it must also be said that various metal elements. However, they turned out to have a negative effect on the arched structure. The wooden base of the template promotes uniform shrinkage, which metal cannot boast of. Thus, the metal template may cause cracks.

It is worth knowing that the integrity of the arch depends not only on the technology of creating the structure, but also on some other factors. The foundation has the biggest impact. If the foundation of the structure has numerous flaws, then the arch may begin to collapse at any moment. There are also areas in which the foundations of buildings gradually settle. This, in turn, again negatively affects the integrity of the arch. If this is possible, then a full range of measures should be carried out that can strengthen the foundation of the home. Otherwise, it is better not to build an arched structure, as this may turn out to be a waste of money.

Of course, the difficulties can be very diverse. They all depend not only on the foundation of the home and the materials used, but also on some other factors that may not be noticeable at first glance. Thus, it makes sense to turn to specialists who will analyze every detail associated with the creation of an arched structure.

Architects built arched openings in ancient times. Even 6 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, or Mesopotamia, a brick arch was one of the features of irrigation structures, as well as residential buildings. Today the arches have become characteristic feature many palaces, especially Italian palazzos, places of worship, commercial and residential buildings.

Arched openings will look very attractive in any room.

During the period of Khrushchev's minimalism, there were no excesses in buildings, whether civil structures or housing. During the boom in individual construction, arched openings were again remembered. An arch made of brick or other building material gives the interior of a house or apartment sophistication, a feeling of spaciousness, open space.

Types of arches and their functions

Arched openings that replace doors allow you to visually expand the space and make the interior of the room non-standard. Their main function is to zone the space, while visually enlarging it.

A romantic style arch is used when the opening is large.

The arched structure in architecture has many types, shapes and design features. Depending on the shape, it can be round, lancet, horseshoe-shaped, elliptical, Tudor or Arabian, a design common in Spanish-Moorish architecture.

Today, 4 main types of arches are used in residential architecture:

  1. Arch in classic style. It has a clear shape of a circle segment. Typically this segment is close to a semicircle. This is the most widely used arch in modern housing construction. It is easier to calculate and has a very impressive appearance.
  2. The design in a romantic style is a rectangular opening with rounded corners. It is used when the opening is wide enough. Otherwise, the appearance of the structure will be unattractive.
  3. An elliptical arched opening is much more difficult to calculate than a classic semicircular opening. This is probably why they build it much less often than the “classics”.
  4. Opening in modernist style. This is a slightly elongated semicircle. This shape visually narrows the opening in the wall, while simultaneously increasing the height of the room.

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Building materials for arched openings

An Art Nouveau arch narrows the opening in the wall, thereby increasing the height of the room.

The most common material for such openings today is drywall. It is very easy to process, putty, and paint. The design made from this material acquires perfect shape and after processing has an ideal surface. Using drywall, you can easily build round structures around a finished rectangular door or interior window opening. However, this popular building material can be used to make structural elements only for the interior parts of premises. External entrances or window openings outside the building cannot be made from it.

Natural stone is used as a building material for the construction of arc-shaped entrances to private households. It could be a gate or even a gate. But the latter should not have a large width, since such a structure is bulky in appearance and very heavy. A strong foundation needs to be laid under it.

Optimal building material Brick is used to create round-shaped external entrance structures or window openings.

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Arched brick openings

How to make an arch out of brick? The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to have theoretical knowledge in the field of design and considerable practical skills in the construction of such structures. Therefore, it is better not to take on this work with your own hands, but to entrust the entire design and construction process to brick arches into the hands of professionals.

It is worth noting that you can make brick arches only where the walls are made of identical building materials. Usually interior partitions made of plasterboard with soundproofing filler or aerated concrete. Especially it concerns apartment buildings. Therefore, it is better to construct rounded interior openings from plasterboard. In private construction, brickwork is also used for this purpose.

If you have sufficient construction experience, time and the opportunity to build the entire house, including openings in the form of arches, with your own hands, you should consider a few points.

It is better to make round-shaped masonry from special patterned bricks.

It has different end thicknesses. This will not only make the laying easier, but also make it more beautiful and even. This is important when constructing external arches.

To lay a rounded opening, you need to make formwork, the basis of which is the so-called circle (a pattern made of boards in the shape of a semicircle). The masonry will rest on it, and supports will be placed under it until the mortar on which the brick is placed is completely dry.