How to properly assemble a frame for an interior door yourself. Installing a door frame: tips on assembling the frame in different ways and installing it in a doorway with your own hands

Almost any major renovation a residential building or apartment cannot be completed without replacing the doors. If new door panels are installed, it would not be a bad idea to change the door frames as well. How to do this with your own hands will be discussed later.

In the event that you purchased door leaves from natural wood, it is also better to choose boxes for their installation from the same material. When purchasing boxed profiled timber, pay attention to the thickness of your walls. This indicator may require the use of a box with additional width. More quality installation additional box additions are possible using a special timber with a longitudinal groove (in the photo it is on the right).

Choosing a box from the array, Special attention Pay attention to the absence of knots and other defects in the parts that may complicate the assembly of the product and the installation of attachments.
After purchasing and delivering the timber, do not rush to use it in your work. Let the tree get used to the conditions in which it will have to “work”, let it reach optimal humidity and temperature.

After that, we will start marking. It goes without saying that installing a frame without the presence of a door leaf for which it is made is nonsense. It is the dimensions of the door that are the starting point in the process of making the base for hanging and fastening it.
Using a tape measure, carefully measure the length, width of the door leaf and its diagonals. The equality of the latter values ​​will indicate the correctness of the geometric shape of the product. Typically, the length of the blade is 2000 mm. In this case, the length of the longitudinal bars will be 2006 mm. if there is a threshold and 2023 – if there is no threshold. Increasing the length of the racks is associated with the need to obtain sufficient clearance between the door and flooring, since the entry of any small elements into the opening can lead to damage to the floor and door leaf.
Similarly, we will mark one or two (threshold) transverse parts of the box. We calculate their width by summing the width of the canvas, the gaps are 3 mm. on each side and two thicknesses of box timber in their thinnest part. With a standard blade of 600 mm, the transverse parts will be equal to 600+6+50=656 mm.
Having completed the markings, we begin sawing the parts. A miter saw or a carpenter's saw with a miter box is suitable for these purposes. If they are not available, a jigsaw will do. In addition, before assembling short parts on each side, it is necessary to saw and chop off small pieces of the protruding part with a chisel and mallet, having previously measured the size of the thickest part of the bars.

After checking that the dimensions of the box parts match the dimensions of the canvas, we proceed to assembly. To do this, we drill holes with a diameter of 4-5 mm in the upper ends of the longitudinal bars. and connect the parts using self-tapping screws 60-70 mm long.

Options for connecting box parts

In the last century, the absence of modern electric tool forced construction carpenters to use rather labor-intensive methods of connecting the bars of door frames. We are talking about a tenon connection. In this case, both open (a) and closed (b) types of connections were used.

Their manufacture required a lot of time and a full set of carpentry tools. At the same time, the presence of defects sharply reduced the quality of assembly, which led to various defects that appeared during subsequent operation of the doors.
Higher quality versions of tenon joints (trapezoidal or box tenon) are also more complex to manufacture, which required highly qualified workers and was not available in mass construction.

Assembling a door frame from plywood or MDF

If you purchase a door made of MDF, boxed blocks made of the same material or plywood will be sold to match the color. In this case, it is better to assemble the box “on the fly”.
To do this, the purchased material is pre-cut on a miter saw. At the same time, pay attention to the relative position of the vertical bars in the box.

Then the parts are marked taking into account the dimensions of the door leaf and the desired size of the gaps.

To make the connection, the upper butt ends of the box parts are filed at an angle of 45°. High precision can be achieved by using the already mentioned miter saw or stationary circular saw with a rotary table or an adjustable stop.

It is important to control the direction of sawing, since the bars will face each other, the cuts must be made taking this into account.

Mark the cross beam taking into account miter cutting, stepping back from the end by a few mm.

We also recommend assembling parts prepared in this way using self-tapping screws. Pre-drill holes with a diameter of 4-5 mm at the ends. To avoid mutual sliding of the parts relative to each other, it is necessary to drill perpendicular to the cut edges of the bars.

It is convenient to connect the box using wood screws, having previously laid the parts on a flat surface or aligned the relative positions of the parts with pads of various thicknesses.

Door frame installation

An important element of receiving High Quality future doors is the correct installation door frame into the opening. For this purpose, the finished frame of three or four beams is carefully aligned using a construction or laser level or plumb line. The final position of the box is fixed with wooden wedges.
Then, through the vertical bars, two holes are drilled into the walls of the opening and the entire structure is secured with dowel nails or self-tapping screws, screwed into plastic dowels installed in the holes in the wall.

The gaps formed between the bars of the box and the partition are filled polyurethane foam, having previously installed 2-3 pieces of boards or bars inside the box. This measure will prevent possible distortion of the structure.

After the foam has hardened, the excess is cut off with a knife and puttied with building mixtures.

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When purchasing a new door, the buyer receives a far from complete structure for installation. It does not have places to install hinges, and the locks are not embedded. The buyer has an inevitable question - how to collect

You can use the services of professionals or install the structure yourself. To do this, you need to prepare tools and study the features of the technology.

Doors on the market are mainly sold complete with a frame, but sometimes they need to be matched to each other.

For the most part, new doors do not fit into old frames, either in size or style. In this regard, it is necessary to completely change the previous design.

Selection of door frame material

Nowadays, the market is dominated by products with an impressive appearance and a low price, for example, made from MDF - a composite of compressed fibers.

How to assemble a door frame from MDF so that it lasts no worse wooden structure? The new material has many advantages, but here it is important to dwell on the disadvantages. Despite its great strength, the box may become deformed if it is heavy. In addition, in a humid environment, MDF panels can peel off and also swell, leading to disruption of the geometry of the opening.

Despite the shortcomings, affordable cost, good mechanical properties and a wide range of MDF parts make them a priority even when completing premium doors.

Required Tools

Before assembling the door frame, you should first prepare the tools:

  • hammer;
  • set of chisels;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • or with fine teeth;
  • plumb level;
  • dowels, screws, hinges;
  • miter box - a tool for making cuts at certain angles;
  • screwdrivers.

The work is greatly facilitated if you have a power tool: a screwdriver, a jigsaw, an electric drill, a hammer drill, a router.

Preparing the doorway

It is important to choose the right door according to the width of the opening, so that later there will be less work on fitting. The minimum gap should be at least 15 mm on each side.

Before installation, check the evenness of the opening. It is measured in several places vertically and horizontally.

How to assemble a door frame interior door, if the opening is too large? To do this, planks of the required width are packed around the perimeter or the space is filled with bricks.

Other options are glazing the opening, making a frame from wood or metal and covering it with plasterboard.

Door frame components

The box is made of timber and consists of fragments:

  • looped timber and porch;
  • lintel (top beam);
  • threshold.

Thus, in order to assemble a door frame (it is equipped with a threshold only for a heavy leaf, which is mainly used at the entrance to an apartment), it is necessary to correctly connect its component parts.

Thresholds are rarely installed for interior doors.

Door frame assembly methods

Assembly is carried out extremely carefully so as not to damage decorative coverings. Even one minor chip or scratch spoils appearance designs.

To install doors in frames, hinges are required. In interior designs, two are enough, and for the entrance, a third is often installed.

The main difficulty in assembling the box is correct execution cuts and connecting horizontal beams with vertical ones. Their profiled structure creates difficulties for beginners. The installer must fit all elements exactly to size. Before assembling the door frame, you should choose an installation technology. The beam is attached in several ways.

Tenon connection

The most durable and reliable, but at the same time the most complex, is the tenon joint. To do this, grooves and ridges are made at the junction of the beams along their thickness. Here you also need the ability to use it. The connection is made without fasteners, but many craftsmen make additional reinforcement with galvanized nails.

It is not so important on which part to make a groove or tenon. In any case, a rigid connection is ensured.

A router is a tool for professionals and it is not practical to purchase it to install even several doors. When we assemble the door most in an accessible way is docking at an angle of 45 0 or 90 0.

Even a beginner can do the assembly at right angles if he performs all the operations correctly.

How to assemble an interior door frame with a joint 45 0

At the junction of the horizontal and vertical beams, cuts are made. Measurements are taken several times in advance so as not to make mistakes in the calculations. It is especially necessary to adjust the horizontal beam precisely in order to correctly select the gap of 3-4 mm and the width of the door. The racks can subsequently be sawed off from the bottom after assembling the box, since they are made with a margin of length. After cutting, the surfaces to be joined are leveled with a chisel.

The timber is usually fastened with self-tapping screws at an angle of 45 0 . To prevent the wood from splitting, holes are made under them with a drill, the diameter of which should be smaller than that of the self-tapping screw core. The drilling depth is made less than the length of the fastener so that the connection is reliable. One joint requires two screws on one side. You can add another one in the middle, on the other side of the corner.

How to assemble a door frame with a docking 90 0 yourself

The assembly method is best for beginners. First of all, the door leaf is measured for compliance rectangular shape. It is often observed that one of the sides is slightly different in size from the other. This deviation must be taken into account when sawing the racks. The cuts from the ends of the timber are also checked, which must be strictly at an angle of 90 0. Workpieces may arrive from the factory with an uneven cut.

The connection of the horizontal strip with the vertical ones is also made with self-tapping screws.

Checking the correct connections

The test is carried out by placing the box on a flat horizontal surface and placing the door leaf on top of it. If it fits in with a small gap, then the assembly was done correctly.

The lower ends of the racks are filed down, as they should rest against the floor. The horizontalness of the floor covering is preliminarily checked doorway. Deviations should be taken into account when sawing off the posts.

Important! The blanks are cut from the veneer side to prevent its peeling.

Installing hinges

Before that, you need to choose the side where it will open. Depending on this, loops of a certain type are selected - right or left. The fabric for fastening the hinges is chosen to be more massive, without defects and cracks. The location of their installation is marked at a distance of 15-25 cm from the door end. The canopies are separated into a large part for the frame and a small part for the door leaf. Then the loop is applied to the end of the door and outlined with a pencil, and then with a knife. The markings on the box are done in the same way. In this case, the door leaf is placed against the frame and the marks for the hinges match.

The edges of the door leaf and hinges are aligned, avoiding distortions. The hinges should face the direction the door opens. When marking, it is unacceptable to confuse the top and bottom of the door. This determines how it will be installed after securing the hinges. If the door has glass, their location should also be taken into account.

Using a chisel and hammer, cut out a place for the hinges to a depth of 3-5 mm so that they fit flush with the wooden surface. Fittings for fittings are made with extreme care and precision. Then the loops are applied, the screws are marked and screwed in. The marks should coincide with the centers of the holes so as not to split the wood when screwing in the fasteners. To prevent the loops from tightening with self-tapping screws, the pencil marks are additionally marked with an awl.

By applying a ruler, the correct fit of the loop is checked. When protruding, the platform underneath it deepens, but not more than the required level. If the hinges are installed correctly, the doors should open 180 0. The load on the door should not exceed the specified value. Usually it is 50 kg.

Installing a frame in a doorway

The work does not end with the points describing how to properly assemble a door frame. It still needs to be installed so that the door opens and closes well. To do this, the box is carefully placed in the opening and temporarily secured with pieces of packaging cardboard or polystyrene foam. The level checks the verticality of the loop beam. Then wooden wedges are cut.

They are installed under the hinges. These parts are also clogged in the upper corners. To prevent the box from moving, two wedges are driven in from opposite sides with sharp parts overlapping each other. The positions of the sidewall and lintel are checked with a level, since displacements are possible during wedging. The box should be level with room wall. The wedges should not protrude outward.

Questions of how to assemble and install the door frame, as well as hanging the door leaf, are resolved together, since everything is a single structure.

The door frame is attached to the wall with dowels at the hinge locations. Wedges are also located there to prevent deformation of the timber. The pretend side is not yet exposed.

To make the exposed elements of the box more stable, they need to be partially foamed. The surfaces are pre-cleaned and moistened with water, which increases the adhesion of the foam by an order of magnitude.

Hinges are attached to the door leaf, after which it is installed on the lining in the doorway. Then the door hinges are attached to the frame beam: first from above, then from below.

The door is closed and the porch is set using wedges. When all the gaps are set, you should foam the box around the entire perimeter. It is recommended to install spacers in it to prevent swelling of the parts.


In the presence of necessary tools You can install the doors yourself. To do this, the most important thing is to figure out how to assemble the door frame. If you perform all installation operations correctly and consistently, everything will work out.

From the title it is clear that now we will talk about nothing else but assembling a door frame. After all correct assembly of the door frame, this is a deposit correct installation interior door and, as a result, many years of operation of the door leaf, and the door frame itself as a whole, without problems.

We have already discussed with you how it happens *, we also learned how it is carried out *, we talked about how it happens * on interior doors, all that remains is to find out how it happens and consolidate the material you have read by viewing video assembly door frame.

Tool for assembling a door frame.

In general, if we take a global approach to a tool that is designed to make a person’s work easier when assembling a door frame for interior doors, there are a great many. but now we’ll take the tool that everyone has at hand:

1) Square.

2) Wood saw or jigsaw.

3) Chisel.

4) Hammer.

5) Screwdriver.

6) Roulette;

7) One person who read the release “Assembling the door frame” and an assistant.

To assemble the interior door frame, oddly enough, we will need some installation. You will have to stock up on eighth self-tapping screws and a thin two-piece drill for a screwdriver. Having assembled this minimal *, you can start assembling the door frame with your own hands.

Assembling the door frame of an interior door.

First of all, without any rush, you need to assemble the box according to the size of the door leaf. To do this, we need to take a loop beam, two of them, this is the longest one, and lay it out on the floor to the size of our door leaf. From the top on the laid out loop beams, place the door leaf and adjust the loop beam to the size of the top of the door leaf, leaving a gap of a couple of millimeters from the end of the loop beam, loot.

Just like it is shown in the picture. We make a mirror mark on the second vertical block and saw off:

Well, on the other side of the hinged beam, where there is excess left, we make a mark retreating from the door leaf, also a couple of millimeters. Such a gap in the door frame will allow the door to move freely in the frame.

Let's move on: All we have to do is make a mark on the ceiling beam, vertical along our door with the door (hinged beam), horizontal together. We adjust and make a mark on one side of the beam, because we will make the second side under the face with the door and transfer it in a mirror to the second vertical beam, and according to the marks, we saw off the unnecessary parts. There's still a little time left! All we have to do is cut down the protruding strips on the bars, intended for fixing the door. To do this, we put the ceiling beam back on vertical beam and level with the protrusion, we make a mark for the protrusion of the door fixing strip, which we will cut off. Here in the photo you can clearly see how and where to make the mark. We repeat this action, in mirror image, on the second horizontal ceiling strip on both sides:

The protrusion is easy to remove! Along the marked line, make a cut with a saw until the end of the protrusion. Then take a chisel and, using a hammer, simply knock off the protrusion from the end of the beam. This action can be performed both on a horizontal bar and on a vertical one.

Or make a mark on the horizontal, in principle it makes no difference.

Now we can fasten our entire door frame using self-tapping screws, having previously drilled in the places where the frames are supposed to be, using a thin drill. This is done so that the door frame does not crack when screwing in the screws, so to speak, the door is not crushed ( door beam). So!

The box is assembled, all that remains is to screw on the awnings. When assembling the door frame, markings for the canopies are made by stepping back twenty centimeters from the top and bottom of the door, and applying the canopy itself to the door leaf, mark the length of the canopy with a pencil. From the side of the door opening, where we made a mark for the awnings, we retreat half a centimeter and make a groove, four millimeters deep, using a chisel and a hammer, as shown in the picture. We make a groove for the canopy both in the door and in the hatch itself.

A finished groove made in a door hatch.

We actually screw the canopy to the door leaf, and then to the hatch. Here it is produced door frame assembly. All that remains is to consolidate the material by watching a video about assembling a door frame in the amount of two pieces.


Visual aid, door frame assembly video:

Final stage repair work in residential or commercial premises - installation of interior doors. High-quality assembly and installation of the box in the appropriate opening is the key to reliable locking of the door and proper operation of the main and auxiliary mechanisms.

The door frame is mounted in the wall opening, therefore it is a key part of the finished structure, to which the door leaf is attached to the hinges. Let's figure out how to assemble a door frame with your own hands without involving third-party specialists, following a simple step by step instructions.

Frames for interior doors are made from reliable and practical materials - MDF, chipboard and wooden beams. The box design consists of several functional elements, therefore, to install it you need to know the dimensions of all components.

The dimensions of the door frame of an interior door are determined by the thickness of the walls and the dimensions of the door leaf:

  • For brick walls 7.5 cm thick - a box 10.9 cm thick;
  • For walls made of wooden paving stones up to 10 cm thick - a box 12 cm thick.

The thickness of the door frame from foreign manufacturers may differ from the specified dimensions, amounting to:

  • 8 cm;
  • 10 cm;
  • 12.5 cm;
  • 14.5 cm;
  • 18.5 cm;
  • 20.5 cm.

The correct ratio of the parameters of the thickness of the box and the wall opening eliminates the occurrence of violations in the future. With a wide wall and a narrow box, the finished structure must be expanded using wooden planks or boards installed in special grooves.

As a standard, the frame for the opening is equipped with a special cutout, the depth of which is equal to ¼ of the thickness of the door leaf.

Modern models of interior doors can have different dimensions, but the standard size is 80 cm. The width of the door frame is presented in two ranges:

  • Height – 2 meters, width – from 60 to 80 cm;
  • Height – 1.9 meters, width – from 55 to 90 cm.

Finished products come in regular and profile shapes, and the width of standard elements can range from 1.5 to 4 cm.

Tools and materials for work

Installation of the door frame is carried out using basic tools and necessary materials.

To work you will need:

  • Wooden beams and wedges.
  • Electric cutter.
  • A hacksaw equipped with a miter box.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Drill.
  • Self-tapping screws, nails with small heads.
  • Construction level.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Construction pencil.
  • A knife with a thin sharp blade.

For installation work the room should be dry and well ventilated.

The frame is a frame-type structure consisting of vertical guides - a loop and a rebated jamb. The hinge beam takes on the load of the installed door.

Preliminary installation work

Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors is carried out after finishing work on leveling wall surfaces, installing floor cladding and other finishing work.

Finished slopes must be checked vertically in several places. If a difference of up to 5 cm is detected, the slopes are leveled. The horizontal jumpers are checked in the same way. A technological gap of 15 mm should be maintained between the floor surface and the door.

Proper assembly of the door frame determines the step-by-step work:

  1. Using a cutter, small recesses are made for hinge joints in the door leaf. The distance from the edge of the fabric to the edge of the loops (top and bottom) must be at least 18 cm.
  2. The slopes are sawn at an angle of 45 degrees. The surfaces are carefully cleaned and trimmed, applied to the canvas and marks are made where the hinges will be placed on the jamb. Using a milling cutter, recesses are made for the door hinges.
  3. The finished loops are inserted into the existing recesses in the fabric, and holes are made for self-tapping connections using a drill. It is recommended to choose a drill whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the screws. Finally, the hinges are fixed to the door leaf.

Installing handle and lock

The next stage of work is fixing the handle and lock to the door, which is done after installing the hinges.

  • The canvas is turned over horizontally and at a distance of 85 to 118 cm on the side opposite the hinges, a recess of the required diameter is drilled to install a lock with a latching mechanism.
  • The lock is inserted into the recess and the edging is made with a pencil. Using a cutter, another recess is made to attach the face plate with a latch.
  • A latch is inserted into the leaf, and its body should be located at the level of the end of the door.
  • Next, marks are made on the doors with a pencil for the recesses for the handles, which are drilled with a drill.
  • The lock latch is mounted in the recess at the end part and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Finally, the handles are installed on the screws and decorative overlays using a simple hex key.

Complete assembly and installation of the box in the wall opening

At the final stage, the door frame is completely assembled and installed in the corresponding wall opening.

  • In the cross box, the ends are cut at a 45 degree angle with a hacksaw. This will ensure smooth and reliable joining of all elements. In this case, the width of the opening should exceed the dimensions of the door leaf by 6 mm.
  • Using a drill, holes are made in the corner cuts to properly connect the box. Many door models, which are equipped with platbands and slopes, are equipped with special cuts and fasteners. In this case, there is no need to drill additional holes.
  • Next, the slopes are carefully shortened in accordance with the dimensions of the finished door, observing the technological gaps between the floor and the bottom of the door of 15 mm.
  • All elements of the box are folded into a U-shaped structure on a flat surface and securely connected with self-tapping screws.
  • In the grooves that are intended for mounting the hinge, a through hole is made for fixing assembled box to the wall surface. The box is fixed at the top of the opening with a long self-tapping screw.
  • The vertical position of the rack to which they are fixed door hinges, checked by the building level. Correction is performed using wedges driven into the groove between the post and the slope.
  • A similar procedure is carried out with the second rack.
  • The horizontal position of the lintel of the structure must be parallel to the floor surface. Correction is performed using wedges.
  • After fully checking the position of the box, the structure is securely fixed from below with self-tapping screws.
  • Next, it is recommended to hang the door to check the correctness of the work.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling and installing the box assume one more important stage- hanging the canvas.

Hanging the canvas is done using self-tapping screws, while the loops reliably hide the fixing elements. When hung correctly, there should be no random opening/closing of the door.

After securely fixing the box and installing the canvas, the wooden wedges are removed from the technological gaps, and the existing cracks are filled with foam, having previously covered all installed fittings with masking tape.

Even a novice master, if he has the necessary tools, can perform his first door installation, be it an apartment, a house or a bathhouse. The main thing is to follow all stages of work and carefully check the correct fixation of all structural elements.

The door frame is the frame of the entire door. The strength and quality of the entire structure depends on how to make a frame for an interior door.

Currently, doors are offered complete with a door frame. Such kits may have different designs and made from various materials. Despite this, the issue of assembling a frame for an interior door with your own hands is relevant. A door frame made independently will fit exactly into the opening and will take into account the wishes of the owner.

Design features of a frame for an interior door

The frame of any door is a stationary part of it, which is mounted in the doorway and on which hinges are placed for installing the moving part - the door leaf. It is directly adjacent to the wall of the doorway.

The interior door frame has a frame appearance. It can be made of wood, wood extruded materials, plastic, lightweight metal profiles or composite material. Most door frames have a rectangular shape, and standard sizes. However, the arched type is used. Functionally, the box in the interior opening can play the role of a frame for a door or simply an opening limiter, performing mainly a decorative function (without hanging the canvas).

The design of the door frame is simple and includes a frame, platband and threshold, and may also contain a seal. The frame has U-shape and is made up of two side posts and an upper horizontal lintel (arched in the arched type), rigidly fastened at the corners. The beams from which the frame is made have a characteristic box profile with a longitudinal recess for the entry of the door leaf. The platband is made of a decorative strip with ends beveled at 45º and serves to hide the gap between the wall and the frame. The threshold completes the structure at the bottom in the form of a horizontal bar. The seal can be installed to provide sound insulation.

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Requirements for the door frame

In order for the box to fulfill its functions, several conditions must be taken into account when choosing or manufacturing it. First of all, the door frame must match the dimensions of the doorway - be 20-30 mm smaller sizes opening in all directions. The side posts of the box must be strictly vertical, and the top crossbar must be strictly horizontal. The thickness (width in the transverse direction) of the box must be selected so that the platband lies on its side edge and the wall without distortion. The thickness can be adjusted further.

An interior door (its frame) usually has a height of 207 cm and a width of 80 cm. In bathrooms and toilets, the opening width is most often 70 cm.

The door frame must have sufficient mechanical strength to hold the door leaf without the slightest deformation. In interior boxes installed in the bathroom and toilet, it is desirable to install thresholds (height above the floor about 2 cm), which play the role of some sealing of the room.

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In the kitchen, on the contrary, a threshold is undesirable, and the door leaf has a gap of up to 20 mm at the bottom for ventilation.

You can assemble a frame for interior doors yourself from a standard wooden frame profile (timber). First, the height and width of the doorway are carefully measured. 30 mm is subtracted from the height of the opening; two beams of this length for the side posts are measured and cut. The top crossbar is prepared in the same way. Using a special tool - a miter box - the upper ends of the side posts and both ends of the crossbar are cut at an angle of 45º. A special tool is used to accurately form the angle. When preparing the crossbar, it should be taken into account that the length of its shorter side after cutting the corners should be the width of the door leaf plus 7 mm.

The side post and the crossbar are joined along the cut so that the bars are strictly perpendicular. A soft sealing gasket of small thickness (about 3 mm) is first placed between them. The beams are compressed and secured with clamps. Two holes are drilled in the long element perpendicular to the cut plane with a diameter of 4 mm. The joint is tightened through the holes with screws. It is advisable to coat the joint plane with wood glue. The second corner of the box frame is tightened in the same way. To temporarily strengthen the structure, it is recommended to install a removable jumper at the bottom.

Even greater confidence in the strength of the joint can be achieved by installing a dowel. To do this, a hole with a diameter of 12-15 mm is drilled in the middle of the joint perpendicular to the cut plane (joint of beams) and a wooden dowel is driven into it. The hole and connecting element are pre-coated with wood glue.

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DIY box installation

If you managed to firmly assemble the box, then it can be installed in the doorway. Installation begins with the installation of the threshold. A wooden plank about 20 mm thick and a width equal to the width of the doorway pier is fixed to the floor using dowels. The plank is first rounded along the upper edges. The dowels are driven into the floor. The threshold is attached with screws to the dowels. The length of the threshold is equal to the width of the doorway.

The easiest way to install a door frame in an opening is to fasten it with dowels. To do this, drill 3 holes in the side posts - at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edges and in the center. 2 holes are drilled in the crossbar at equal distances. The frame is placed in the doorway and the wall of the opening is marked through the holes in the beams. In the marked places, holes with a diameter of 8 mm are made with a puncher and the dowels are driven in. The box is secured with screws in dowels. The verticality of the racks and the horizontality of the crossbar are checked. If necessary, adjustments are made using spacers, wedges and tightening screws with different forces. After the final installation of the box, the screw heads are recessed into the wood.

If the thickness of the frame is not enough, then add-ons are installed; they are fastened in the same way as fastening the beams of a door frame.

The thickness of the frame must strictly correspond to the thickness of the frame timber. The extension should not rise above the surface of the box beam. A rubber band-seal (if necessary) is placed in the groove of the profile along the entire perimeter of the box. If the groove is not provided in the profile, then the seal is glued to the beam in the form of a thin rubber strip.