Floor screed with cement-sand mortar. Stage I. Calculation of the future screed. Types of screeds made of cement-sand mortars

Any floor repair requires compliance with the technology of leveling and strengthening its surface. Only if you have completed all these steps will you be able to begin installing the final separate coating. It is the alignment procedure that is considered a certain foundation for obtaining a high-quality result.

For example, to level a concrete floor, it is worth making a screed from specific materials. More recently, cement and sand were used to prepare the mortar, but today new materials with unique properties have begun to appear on the construction market.


Innovative dry mixes in their own way quality characteristics are no different from the traditional cement-sand mixture, and even, on the contrary, can surpass it. For ready-made compositions The following advantages are typical:

  1. To obtain a solution there is no need to use a precise dosage. The composition of this product was selected at the factory.
  2. Most ready-mixed screeds are much lighter than traditional ones concrete solutions. Thus, it is possible to win in labor costs and transport costs.
  3. During the preparation of the solution there is no need to use special equipment. Simply place the mixture in a container of the required volume, water and a construction mixer.
  4. Thanks to the presence of additional components, it is possible to increase the solidity and strength of the surface for the finishing coating.
  5. There is a wide selection of mixtures that differ in their performance and composition.
  6. Even a beginner in this matter can fill the floor using dry ready-made mixtures. You just need to strictly follow the instructions on the package.

You can learn about all the disadvantages of dry floor screed from this

The video shows the dry mixture for floor screed and its consumption:


This option of self-leveling floor can be used when performing work inside or outside the house. The presented product is characterized by high strength, which increases its service life. Using the Eunice mixture, you can do everything quickly and efficiently, and also save money.

You can find out which screed is better for heated floors

For ready solution characterized by a high degree of spreadability, which guarantees excellent self-leveling of the finished solution. In this case, you do not need to perform additional processing. The cost of the product is 123 rubles per bag.


This construction material actively use the base of the floor for preliminary leveling. This product can be used when installing on the following surfaces: rough screed, wooden floor, expanded clay, chipboard.

If you decide to use Bergauf dry mix, you are guaranteed to get a heat-insulating and sound-insulating floor covering. The cost of the dry mixture will be 87 rubles per bag.

You can see what a semi-dry floor screed looks like in the video.


The presented product is characterized by obtaining a self-leveling floor that will not shrink or form seams. To obtain it, high-quality mineral fillers, modifying additives and anhydrite binder are used.

This solution is used when laying floors in offices, residential buildings and other industrial premises. The product can be stored for 6 months, for this reason you should use the product immediately after purchasing it. The price of the dry mixture is 88 rubles.

How long it takes for floor screed to dry under laminate is indicated in this


Such products are used to level the floor base. When using it, it is possible to guarantee a smooth surface that will not be afraid of cracking and shrinkage. The setting process occurs within 1.5 -2 hours.

Floor screeding is a very important process, thanks to which you can get a durable and even floor covering. Today, the use of dry ready-mixes, which already contain all the necessary components that give the finished structure the necessary strength characteristics and impeccable quality, remains in great demand.

23271 03/12/2019 6 min.

The most common way to level the floor in a room is to use a screed made of sand and cement. But it is worth noting that the preparation process will also take long time. Only in the case of durable floors can a cement-sand screed be used, since the weight of this material is quite large.

If you make a layer thickness of 1 cm, then the weight of one square meter will be about 20 kg. But in practice it is made 3 cm thick, no less. If this layer is smaller, the screed will begin to crumble and eventually crack.

How to make and what type to choose

There are two types of mixtures used in construction: regular and ready-made. Conventional mortar is used to level not only the floor, but also to level the walls. The simplest standard solution is prepared using M300 cement and clean sand, which has a medium-grained fraction. The third component is water.

All components are mixed as follows: take 1 part of cement and add 1.5 - 3 parts of medium-grained sand. But the amount of water is calculated based on how many kilograms of cement were taken. For 1 kg of cement take 0.5 liters of water.

Now on the construction market there are a lot of modifiers and fillers that are added to. Why do they do this? To increase frost resistance, reduce the time for hardening, and also reduce the likelihood of cracks and delamination.

Conventional mortars are sold in construction markets. Their use will reduce the time spent on repairs. In such mixtures, all components are ideally selected and in ideal proportions. The manufacturer produces each type for one or another type of connection to the floor.

In the video - consumption of central heating per 1 m2 of screed:

The weight depends on the proportion of the components that are included in the composition: on the amount of water, on the power of the screed and on the brand of cement used. The maximum thickness of the screed usually does not exceed 7 cm, otherwise the foundation of the house will have to be strengthened so that it can withstand such a large load. Depending on the thickness of the layer, choose the type of bond:

  • the screed will be connected to the rough foundation and to the walls;
  • will not be associated with any structures;
  • an insulating layer is used, as a result it will be a floating layer.


  1. Semi-dry.
  2. Self-leveling.
  3. Sand concrete.
  4. Dry.

The semi-dry screed contains cement, sand and fiber fibre. The name comes from the fact that a minimal amount of water is used here. Typically, such a screed is laid using special machines. Semi-dry is highly durable. It is used in cases where it is necessary to level large surfaces with a mixture layer thickness of more than 5 cm. The pros and cons of semi-dry floor screed are described in detail.

Self-leveling or self-leveling screed. T The third name is . The mixture contains cement and sand. But it is worth knowing that fine sand is used here. Plasticizers and hardeners are also added here. When laying, the mixture is well distributed over the entire surface.

But the water in in this case you'll need a lot. It is used as a finishing layer. It is also used if you need to correct any defects or irregularities. The thickness of the self-leveling floor usually does not exceed 30 mm. And, despite this, this type of screed has high strength.

Sand concrete is used in cases where no other methods can cope with the floor. The composition includes Portland cement, coarse sand, fine washed sand and granite chips. You can read the link by following the link.

A little more water is used in the preparation of sand concrete than in semi-dry concrete. Sand concrete screed has very high strength. But behind this lies a rather complicated installation of the coating. Alignment is done manually. For sand concrete to dry completely, you need to wait quite a long time - about a month.

Dry screed does not contain water. Typically used when you need to level a wooden floor or make a high floor. The composition includes expanded clay, which indicates low strength. The pros and cons of dry floor screed are described.

To create a cement-sand screed, you need to select the right components. In turn, for this you need to know the markings. When marking cement, you can see the letter M and a number. For example, M200 means that 1 cubic meter can withstand a load of 200 kg.

In order to prepare the solution yourself, you need to use the M400 marking. But in the case of a ready-made mixture, you need to pay attention to other numbers. A solution designated M150 or M200 indicates two options for proportions. The first option: we used the marking of M600 cement, which was mixed with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. The second option: M400 cement was mixed with sand in a ratio of 1 to 2. The cement was also marked with an additional abbreviation. As part of the topic, it is useful to read about what it is.

How to calculate consumption

Knowing, as well as other components, it is necessary to correctly calculate the consumption. For example, it is necessary to cover a floor of 100 square meters with screed. Based on the following parameters: layer thickness 5 mm, ratio of sand to cement solution 4 to 1. Now you need to find out the volume of the composition. It is necessary to multiply the area of ​​the room by the thickness of the cement screed. It turns out 5 cubic meters. To prepare the mixture, you need to add water. It will account for about half of the composition. Therefore, we subtract this amount, leaving 2.5 cubic meters.

Now you need to find out how much cement you need to take. When choosing a proportion of 1 to 4, you need to add two shares, the result is the number 5. Divide the remaining 2.5 by 5, resulting in 0.5. This means that for 0.5 cubic meters you will need one share of cement. And in order to find out how much sand you need, you need to subtract 0.5 from 2.5. The result is this: per 100 square meters you need to take 0.5 cubic meters of cement and 2 cubic meters sand But if you buy material on the market, you need to know that it is sold in packages. They offer to buy cement in packages of 25 kg and 50 kg. That is, it is better to make calculations in kilograms. 1300 kg weighs approximately one cubic meter of cement. As a result, 0.5 needs to be multiplied by 1300 and we get 650 kg. You will need 13 packages of cement, 50 kg each.

If we talk about sand, it is heavier. One cubic meter weighs approximately 1600 kg. And for 2 cubic meters there will be 3200 kg of sand.

The video shows a cement-sand mixture for floor screed:

Price for the finished product

First of all, the price will depend on what solution the mixture is used for. The price is also affected by the additives included in the mixture. For example, plasticizers will be very expensive. As a result, the cement-sand mixture will cost more. average cost will vary depending on the manufacturer, region, composition.

The composition of "Stroy Craftsman" has average price at 80 rubles. A 25 kg package with M150 costs 90 rubles. This mixture can be used under conditions high humidity for the device of the primary screed.

M200 in 40 kg bags costs 155 rubles. Typically the solution is used in brick houses and for brick walls. M300 in 25 kg bags costs about 100 rubles. 50 kg bags of cement-sand mixture cost 185 rubles.

A variety of sources provide different instructions for preparing the solution. Each of them says that you need to select the right components of the mixture. Sand plays an important role in this matter. Coarse or fine sand - important to consider. When cooking on your own, it is difficult to take into account all the factors. The larger the factions, the more voids there will be. These voids will be filled with grains of cement sand.

After all, after a month, the strength decreases by 15%. Therefore, you need to take more of this cement.

When preparing the mixture, it is better to take small portions due to the fact that the solution hardens quickly. Approximately the cement sets in 1.5 hours. If little cement is added to the solution, the strength of such a screed will decrease. But an excessive amount also makes it fragile.

What are the positive qualities of a cement-sand mixture?

  1. Durability.
  2. Good absorbency.
  3. High strength.
  4. Vapor permeability.

Cement-sand screed is much cheaper compared to other types. Laying it using special tools is not so difficult. It won't take much time or expense. The main thing is to choose or make correct solution. Cement-sand screed today is accessible to almost everyone.

The use of cement-sand screed is one of the most popular ways to level the floor in a room. However, it is best to use it only on durable floors that can withstand a large weight of the structure.

Sand and cement is the heaviest method of floor leveling. With a thickness of 1 centimeter, the weight of its square meter reaches 20 kilograms. When using concrete with light fillers and special levelers, the weight of a square meter of screed can be reduced to 16 kilograms. It is necessary to take into account that the minimum height of the sand and cement screed must be at least 3 centimeters, otherwise it will begin to crack and crumble.

Advantages and disadvantages of sand and cement screed

The construction of a screed made of sand and cement involves the use of water to create it, which dictates the need to waterproof the surface. The advantage of this method of floor leveling is high strength and long service life, the disadvantage is the large weight of the structure.

Preparing the surface

Marking the level of cement-sand screed

The required level to which you plan to raise the floor using cement and sand screed must be marked using a laser level. When calculating the required lifting height, do not forget that the minimum height of this type of screed should be 3 centimeters. The laser level is installed on the surface and then, using a regular pencil, mark the position of the laser beam on the walls of the room. Using a laser level allows you to mark all walls without even using a tapping cord.

Step-by-step instructions for forming a cement-sand screed

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to form a screed from cement and sand at a positive temperature environment at least 5 degrees.

At the first stage, beacons are installed. Their upper edge should be flush with the markings of the planned screed level applied to the walls. For the manufacture of beacons, special slats or regular slats are used metallic profile for creating suspended ceilings. The distance between the beacons should be less than the rule used for leveling the screed; they are usually placed at a distance of one and a half meters from each other.

As the bases that fix the beacon slats to the base, a mixture of sand and cement is used in a ratio of 3 to 1, and it is advisable to use “400” grade cement. As an alternative to this mixture, you can use plaster mixture, diluted to give the consistency of “thick sour cream.”

Initially, beacons are placed near the walls of the room, their level is verified by marks on the walls. After fixing them, a strong thread is stretched between them, along which the intermediate slats of the beacons are subsequently installed.

Check that the beacons are not deformed; they should not sag. If such deficiencies are found, fix the sagging areas using additional supports - piles of cement-sand mixture.

Waterproof the surface. To do this, the joints of the slabs and the exit of utility lines must be covered with polyethylene film. You can cover the entire surface with film, fastening sections roll material using tape.

Wait until the lighthouse slats are firmly fixed to the surface. This mass of solution dries for at least one and a half hours.

Prepare a solution for forming a cement-sand mixture. Take the ratio of sand and cement 3 to 1, use cement grade “400”.

Mix the screed solution. This can be done either in a special container or simply on the floor. Pour sand and then cement onto a sheet of metal, move the ingredients and form a hill with a crater, similar to a volcano, and pour water into the recess at the top of the heap. Gradually mix the entire prepared mass, starting from the top. The prepared solution should stand for about a quarter of an hour.

Wet the entire area of ​​the floor intended for this batch of solution generously with water. Using a shovel, move the prepared solution into the gap between the lighthouse slats.

Level the applied mass using the rule, moving the excess solution to the side where its quantity is smaller.

Consistently fill all screed strips with the solution, moving from one beacon strip to another, starting from the more inaccessible part of the room and heading towards the exit.

Cover the poured screed with polyethylene film and leave it in this condition for 12 hours.

After initial hardening, knock down the identified bumps with a strong spatula. Treat the entire surface of the screed with a wood float, trying to obtain a uniform, rough surface.

Proceed to grout the leveled surface. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of sand and cement grade “400” in a one-to-one ratio. When grouting the surface, moisten it with water from a regular household spray bottle.

Upon completion of work, check the horizontalness of the resulting surface using a building level.

If you had beacon slats limiting the surface to be leveled, remove them at this stage, and then fill the resulting voids with leveling solution.

Leave the formed sand and cement screed to dry. Complete hardening of the screed made in this way occurs within 28 days.

When the screed dries, drafts must not be allowed to occur. You should also protect the fresh screed from direct contact ultraviolet rays. If the room is very hot, then initial stage After drying, the screed must be covered with a polyethylene film for a day. Also, in hot weather, it is recommended to moisten the fresh screed with water twice a day.

Video - do-it-yourself cement-sand floor screed

The solution at home for household needs without significant requirements for the characteristics of the screed can be prepared very frivolously. The “folk” technology for preparing mortar for floor screed creates a deliberately greater safety margin than is necessary. The specific composition for the floor screed in this case is also not critical. It can include a lot of different ingredients: gravel, crushed stone, sand, ASG, expanded clay, shavings, etc. And if it is made with minimal adherence to technology and proportions, it will last for many years.

"People's" technology

Approximate ratio of cement and sand for the most common grades of cement.

Many people don’t really think about what kind of solution is needed to screed the floor. ...And the poured floor fulfills its functions. For this:

However, such an approximate technology does not guarantee the strength of the floor, the absence of cracking, etc. With a large amount of cement, the mortar is stronger, but it dries faster and is more difficult to level, and the final quality deteriorates. By increasing the amount of sand, the setting time increases, but the final strength decreases. Thus, by varying “by eye” you can make a significant mistake. It is better to follow the recommendations given by experts. But this is a “folk” technology without special requirements.

Requirements for the solution

It’s a completely different matter when strict requirements are imposed on the base of the floor: static and dynamic loads, wear resistance, etc. The customer can also include in the contract a footnote to the requirements of SP 29.13330.2011 (previously SNiP 2.03.13-88).

In most cases, the screed is made on the basis of cement-sand mixtures (CPS). This is the most universal method. For floors made on the basis cement mortar, are kept quite high operational requirements at minimal production costs. How to make a mortar for floor screed based on sand and cement, observing building regulations, will be discussed here. When homemade The given rules can be followed approximately.

Basic requirements of regulatory documentation

  • To level surfaces and cover pipelines, the compressive strength of the screed must be at least 15 MPa;
  • For self-leveling polymer coatings – at least 20 MPa;
  • The screed layer on top of various thermal insulation is at least 20 MPa;
  • The thickness of the screed is at least 1.5 times the diameter of the maximum filler;
  • Peel adhesion strength after 28 days is not less than 0.6 MPa. After 7 days, at least 50% of the design value;
  • The compressive strength of porous screeds is at least 5 MPa.

To obtain the grade of solution, it is enough to multiply the value by 10 (i.e. 15 MPa corresponds to grade M150).

Factors affecting screed quality

In order of importance:


To make it at home, it is enough to use the first three components.


They are determined first of all with the required brand of solution. It is better to be guided by the maximum indicators of the required amount of cement in the solution. The fact is that cement is the main binder. It is better to add it in excess than in short supply. In this case, errors in the quality of cement, inaccuracy in preparing the mixture (mainly errors with the addition of water), unfavorable features of strength development, etc. are leveled out.

The ratio of cement and sand in the screed mortar.

The brand of mortar is always calculated based on the binder, in this case cement. The density of cement is reduced by adding sand and the strength (the maximum pressure that the screed can withstand) is proportionally reduced. But the decrease in strength is not entirely linear and only up to a certain point. We present the share of the sand component for cements M400 and M500 for different grades of mortar.

Cement M400

  • Solution grade M300 – 1.8;
  • M200 – 2.5;
  • M150 – 3;

Cement M500

  • Solution grade M300 – 2.1;
  • M200 – 3;
  • M150 – 4;

For a high-quality screed, water in relation to cement in the solution should be 28 - 30%. With more water in the screed after drying, voids are formed, reducing the overall strength. With less water, the solution will be semi-dry, crumbly, the screed will not be monolithic and will have less strength.

But with the exact quantity required water the solution turns out to be very hard, not flowable, and it is almost impossible to work with such a solution. For this purpose, plasticizers are added to the composition. Or they deliberately allow the strength of the screed to deteriorate by increasing the amount of water in ready mixture from 40 to 70%. Those. if you count it in parts, you get from 1.1 (with cement grade M400 and mortar class B15) to 3.5 (with cement grade M500 and mortar class B12.5). At home, the strength is quite sufficient.

The most common combination (solution M300):

  • Cement M400: 1;
  • Sand: 2.5;
  • Water: 1.4 – 2.4.

The required amount of water at home is determined by sampling.

Following this recipe, achieve a medium consistency of the mixture: not liquid and not dry. You can use it at home simple test. The solution should not run off the trowel, tilted at 45º. If there is little binder in the composition (including due to the poor quality of the latter), then the solution will not stick to the trowel, but will only slightly stain it. On the contrary, if it sticks strongly, then there is too much cement in the solution.

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Floor screed

Any renovation in an apartment cannot be considered effective without leveling. flooring. If you want the result of your renovation to please you for many years, then without screeds You won't be able to get enough flooring. It is used when: the bottom layer is insufficiently rigid, to create a perfectly flat surface on which linoleum, laminate, parquet board or tiles.

Floor screed is an intermediate layer between the main and clean coating. From quality laying the screed The durability of the finished floor covering directly depends.

Types of screeds

There are several types of techniques that use various materials and installation technology itself.

* Cement-sand.

* Concrete.

* Dry.

* Self-leveling.

Most specialists in the construction industry use all these basic techniques to create a perfectly flat floor covering, without any differences or heights. If you started major renovation in your house (remodeling with dismantling old partitions and erecting new ones, installing new wiring, etc.), then only after all this and finishing the walls and ceiling can you safely begin leveling the floor in the room.

When you use dry floor screed, then it may take about 30 days to dry. Floor screed calculation depends on the area of ​​the room itself and the level of its unevenness. Related to this is floor screed thickness. Each master determines the degree of humidity of such a coating differently, but they all recommend starting to walk on it no earlier than after a few days.

Self-leveling screed

This layer of thin thickness, which is also called a self-leveling floor, is intended to hide minor defects and unevenness of the rough floor covering. It will take about 2 weeks for it to dry completely. This floor has many advantages. Due to its small thickness, it is most often used in rooms with low ceilings.

Dry screed

This technology emerged relatively recently. Not applicable in this version dry mix for floor screed, which is simply diluted with water. Special building boards are used here, the composition of which is somewhat reminiscent of, but very durable. They were initially coated with a special waterproofing compound. The slabs are laid rigidly on a polystyrene backfill, with the help of which the leveling the foundations of the gender. Their edges must overlap each other so that all joints are closed.

Dry floor screed, calculation calculator her consumption which you can find on the manufacturer’s website, immediately after installation work is completed, it is ready for subsequent use. The main advantage here is saving time. You don't have to wait 2 or more weeks for drying. Also, like this floor screed, price which is quite democratic and has little weight. This is especially true when the floor covering is not designed for high loads. After all, cement or concrete mixture on square meter area is about 100 kg. Not all floors can withstand this. And then dry floor screed, consumption which depends on the area of ​​the room itself, is the only option.

Combined screed

It is optimal if you use several methods of leveling the floor covering at the same time. Combined floor screed, cost which is much less than making a complete repair of the old floor surface, is advisable in cases where there are significant unevenness in height and will simply be ineffective.

First of all, it fits concrete or cement screed, mixed with quartz sand. This layer should be very large in order to maximally even out all the imperfections of the floor. After it dries, you need to do it. To do this, this layer is impregnated with a special mixture based on rubber or bitumen. Then the next self-leveling layer of small thickness is laid on top.

If you are going to lay parquet or carpet, then you need to lay it on the floor additionally with small gaps from each other so that the floor does not creak, or accordingly. But to ensure that the final floor covering does not deteriorate or become deformed, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the concrete. There's no need to rush here.

Semi-dry floor screed, price which is available, is based on the floor pouring cement or concrete screed. Its name refers to the use of less water. Its advantages include: high density, no shrinkage, “clean” working conditions, low level humidity, absence of a long evaporation process.