Production of building materials and structural products specialty. Technology of production of building materials and products

The construction industry thrives in any economic climate. This is one of the most popular areas of business activity. There is a high level of competition in this area, which indicates that such products are in great demand. We will talk about how to start the production of building materials, products and structures in this article.

Registration of activities

Like any other enterprise, the production of building materials in Russia requires official registration. If you decide to open such a business, you should register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

For a large enterprise, an LLC is more suitable, since in order to organize sales of finished products, you will have to enter into agreements with construction companies and wholesale stores that sell building materials. Let us remind you that individual entrepreneurs cannot enter into such agreements.

In order to successfully compete in the market, finished products must undergo certification confirming their quality. In addition, you will have to obtain all necessary licenses.

If you want to save your time and effort, entrust the registration of production to specialists who, for a fee, will prepare the entire package of documents.

Choosing a direction

Before you open a small production of building materials, you need to decide in which direction you will work. To do this, you should study different business ideas and choose the appropriate option from them.

An entrepreneur can choose any niche in the market, but before making a final decision, he needs to objectively assess his financial capabilities. If you cannot invest in the enterprise a large sum, you should start with the manufacture of materials that do not require large initial investments. Over time, when the business begins to flourish, you can purchase the necessary equipment and expand the range.

Making a business plan

To properly organize a business for the production of building materials, you must first draw up a detailed business plan. If you do not have experience in this area and cannot perform all the necessary calculations yourself, entrust this matter to specialists. The most important thing is that it be realistic and consistent.

YUKHNEVSKY Pavel Ivanovich

SHIROKY Gennady Titovich



Publishing house UE "Technoprint"

The tutorial consists of two sections. The first section of the manual examines the main stages of construction materials science, provides information about chemical solids, characterizes the processes of formation of materials, strength and deformation properties.

The second section is devoted to the practice of production and use of building materials. Much attention is paid to artificial building materials based on mineral binders, including mortars, wall materials and products.

The textbook is intended for students of construction higher education institutions

Dear students!

The importance of the course “Building materials and products” in the training of civil engineers can hardly be overestimated, since not a single building or structure can be correctly designed, constructed and operated without in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of building materials science. The future civil engineer must be well versed in the entire diverse range of building materials, both domestic and foreign, know their properties, determine rational areas of application, be able to predict changes in the mechanical characteristics of materials under load and promptly accept effective measures to protect them from aggressive environmental influences. This course, in accordance with the curriculum for the training of civil engineers, is one of the first to be studied, since it is the basis for the study of other special disciplines and generally determines the general professional worldview of future specialists.

Proposed fundamental tutorial, prepared by wonderful teachers of the Belarusian higher school, is being published in our country for the first time, and I hope that it will serve as a good basis for the development of you as highly professional specialists. I sincerely wish everyone success in acquiring deep fundamental knowledge and their successful implementation in practice for the benefit and prosperity of our native Belarus.

I wish you good health and prosperity!


B. M. Khrustalev,

Rector of the Belarusian National

technical university,

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

Honored Education Worker

The Republic of Belarus,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering


1. Akhverdov I. N. Physics of solid bodies: Educational method, manual. - Mn.: BSPA, 1996.-102 p.

2. Akhverdov I. N. Theoretical foundations of concrete science. - Mn.: You-sheish. school, 1991. ~ 181 p.

3. Bazhenov Yu. M. Concrete technology: Textbook. allowance. ~ 2nd ed. ~ M., 1987. -415 p.

4. Bleschik N.P. Structural-mechanical properties and rheology of concrete mixture and press-vacuum concrete. ~ Mn.: Science and technology, 1977. - 232 p.

5. Technological support for production reinforced concrete structures: Textbook. allowance / E. I. Batyanovsky, V. V. Babitsky, E. V. Korobko, P. I. Yukhnevsky. - Mn.: BSPA, 2001. ~ 161 p.

6. Gorchakov G.I., Bazhenov Yu.M. Construction materials: Textbook. for universities. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. - 688 p.

7. Dvorksh L. J. Theoretical! fundamentals of everyday material knowledge. -K1ev: NMKVO, 1992.-154 p.

8. Leonovich S. N., Petrenko S. I. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics. - Mn.: Technoprint, 2002. - 270 p.

9. Corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete, methods of their protection / V. M. Moskvin, F. M. Ivanov, S. N. Alekseev, E. A. Guzeev. ~ M.: Stroyizdat, 1980. - 536 p.

10. Scientific foundations of materials science / Ed. B. N. Arzamasova. - M., Publishing house of MSTU im. Bauman, 1994. - 366 p.

11. Orlov A. M. Mining and processing of natural stone. ~ M.: Stroyizdat, 1977.-352 p.

12. Ratinov V. B., Ivanov F. M. Chemistry in construction. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1977.-220 p.

13. Rybyev I. A. Construction materials science. ~ M.: Higher. school, 2003.-700 p.

14. Mortar mixtures and building mortars: Preparation and application of P1-03 to SNiP 3.04.01-87 / P. I. Yukhnevsky, M. F. Markovsky, E. A. Uretskaya, E. T. Yakimovich. - Mn., 2003. ~ 39 p.

15. Handbook on the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products / Ed. K.V. Mikhailova and A.A. Falomeev. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1982. - 440 p.

16. Uretskaya E. A., Batyanovsky E. I. Dry building mixtures: Materials and technologies. - Mn.: Strinko, 2001. - 182 p.

Construction is one of the system-forming areas of the Russian economy. Its share accounts for about 6-7% of the total product created in the country, while the construction sector absorbs up to 3% of all investments coming to Russia.

Business ideas in construction are implemented in three main areas:

  • construction of commercial and residential facilities;
  • performance of engineering and construction works and services;
  • production of building materials.

The first area is the most financially attractive, but is characterized by tough competition and is extremely unfriendly to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The leadership here is held by large holdings, and entry into the business is limited not only by capital requirements, but also by licensing.

The second sphere is occupied by both large and small private organizations specializing in the provision of a certain type of work or services: geodesy, design, equipment of individual engineering systems and communications.

The main opportunities for the development of SMEs are provided in the third area - the production of building materials. Here you can implement hundreds of ideas: from traditional cement or dry building mixtures, to original stained glass windows, luminous wicker or anti-slip tape for flooring. The strongest positions Russian manufacturers in traditional market segments (brick, cement, concrete), but other sectors are not closed to them either.

We can highlight the following most significant areas (market segments) for running a construction business:

  1. Basic building materials - brick, cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete products, etc. These are the most consumed materials, the demand for which greatly depends on the state of the primary construction. Therefore, during crises, their market decreases noticeably.
  2. Dry building mixtures - adhesive mixtures, screeds, primers, putties, etc. The materials are widely used both during the construction process and during further repairs, and therefore this market is more stable.
  3. Roofing and floor coverings - tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, tiles, slate.
  4. Paints and varnishes - varnishes, paints, solvents, other products.
  5. Materials for interior design of premises - doors, thresholds, platbands, joinery, double-glazed windows.
  6. Other materials for construction and finishing - drywall, wallpaper, plinth, corner board, etc.

Important: about 60% of all building materials in Russia are consumed by large construction holdings, the remaining 40% are private consumers and small firms. Up to 80% of building materials are consumed by housing construction, and the demand is of a pronounced seasonal (spring-summer) nature.

As for models for building a construction business, there are three possible options: independent development of production, franchise work, and contract manufacturing, which involves loading one’s own capacities with orders from foreign companies.

Additional opportunities for starting a business in construction are provided by the devaluation of the ruble - imported materials become too expensive and therefore not very affordable to local consumers. Thus, the price advantage of Russian-made materials ranges from 10 to 30% compared to imported analogues. That is why import substitution projects have now begun to be implemented, that is, the production of those materials that were previously imported to Russia is being mastered.

The importance of the building materials industry in the national economy of our country is enormous - the pace and quality of construction work entirely depends on the level of their production. Various operating conditions of buildings and structures, parameters technological processes determine various requirements for building materials, and from here follows a very extensive range of their properties: strength at normal or high temperatures (the latter characterizes heat - or fire resistance of the material), water resistance, resistance to the action of various salts, acids and alkalis, slag resistance (of particular importance in metallurgical processes), etc. Equally important in construction and technology is the permeability (or impermeability) of materials to liquids, gases, heat, cold, electric current, and radioactive radiation. Finally, materials for finishing residential and public buildings, gardens and parks should be beautiful, durable and strong.

It is not yet possible to obtain a material with universal properties - this is a problem for the future. In technology and construction, various materials are used, differing in the types of raw materials and technological methods of production.

The most important properties of building materials determine their areas of application. Only a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the properties of materials allows one to rationally, both technically and economically, select a material for specific conditions of use.

As technology and construction production improve, the requirements for the quality of materials increase and their range expands.

Thus, the development of the building materials industry occurs not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively - with the increase in the production of traditional materials, the production of new, more efficient products arises. An important task is the technical and economic comparison (in the given specific conditions of their use) of competing types of products in order to ensure the prevailing development of the most cost-effective of them.

At present, the production of many building materials still lags behind their needs in construction, and therefore another important task is the further rapid development of the building materials industry, a steady reduction in the cost of their production and specific capital investments.

For different operating costs of a structure built from comparable materials, the given costs are determined taking into account operating costs.

Reducing the cost of operating a structure is achieved by improving the quality of relevant building materials or products. Thus, the quality of wall panels determines the cost of repairing them and the amount of heat lost from the premises through them. In order for buildings and structures to have optimal technical and economic performance and be effective in technical and economic terms, construction economists must have extensive knowledge of the range of building materials and optimal conditions their application, based on the most important properties of materials, and have a sufficient understanding of the technology for manufacturing building materials.

- A brief historical overview of the production and use of building materials.

3-4 thousand BC The first ceramics appeared - this is a breakthrough of humanity and civilization. Ceramics developed especially widely in China, India, etc. Greece, Rome, Egypt.

Natural stone in different countries- different types: Rome marble, Europe. Countries-limestones, sandstones, shell rocks.

The tree has been used since ancient times, but was widely used in the countries of what is now Europe and North America.

Mineral binders: lime-clay, lime-gypsum compounds. Man first used mineral supplements (ash, pozzolan); organic additives (egg); chem. additives (super- and hyperplasticizers). Organic additives appeared in Europe later than in the countries of the East and Asia.

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Educational edition

Editorial office of literature on building materials and structures

Approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Mechanical equipment of enterprises of building materials, products and structures”

The fundamentals of the technology of non-metallic materials, mineral binders, concrete, reinforced concrete and asbestos-cement products, ceramics, mineral melts, plastics. The achievements of science and technology in the field of building materials, the role of mechanization and automation in technological processes are covered.

For university students studying in the specialty “Mechanical equipment of enterprises of building materials, products and structures”

© Stroyizdat, 1988


1. Alekseev B.V. Cement production technology, - M„ 1980. - 264 p.

2. Bazhenov Yu. M., Komar A, G. Technology of concrete and reinforced concrete products. - M. 1984. - 672 p.

3. Bazhenov Yu. M. Bstoia technology. -M., 1978.- 455 p.

4. Bauman V. A., Klushantsev B. V., Martynov V. D. Mechanical equipment of enterprises of construction materials, products and structures, - M„ 1981. - 324 p.

5. Bernei I.I., Kolbasov V.M. Technology of asbestos-cement products. - M„ 1985. - 400 p.

6. Boldyrev A. S., Dobuzhnskny V. I., Rekitar Ya. I. Technical progress in the building materials industry. - M., 1980. - 399 p.

7. Butt Yu. M., Sychev M. M., Tnmashev V. V. Chemical technology of binding materials - M„ 1980.-472 p.

8. Volzhensky A.V. Mineral binder substances. - M., 1986.-* 464 p.

9. Volzhenskny A.V., Ivanov I.A., Vinogradov B.N. Application of ashes and fuel slags in the production of construction materials. - M., 1984. - 256 p.

10. Vorobyov V. A., Andrianov R. A. Polymer technology. - M., 1980.- 303 p.

11. Gorlov Yu. P., Merkin A. P., Ustenko A. A. Technology of thermal insulation materials, - M. 1980.-399 p.

12. Gorchakov G.I. Construction materials. - M., 1981.-412 p.

13. Gorchakov G.I., Bazhenov Yu.M. Construction materials. - M., 1986. - 68S p.

14. Komar A, G., Bazhenov Yu. M., Sulimenko Jl. M. Technology of production of building materials. - M., 1984.- 408 p.

15. Peregudov V.V., Rogovoy M, I. Thermal processes n installations in technology construction products n details. - M., 1983.- 415 p.

16. Rogovoy M.I. Technology of artificial porous aggregates and ceramics. - M., 1974, - 320 p.

17. Rybyev I. A. Construction materials based on binders. M„ 1978. - 309 p.

18. Sulimenko L. M. Technology of mineral binders and products and their basis. - M., 1983. - 320 p.

19. Ferronskaya A. V. Durability of gypsum materials, products and structures. - M„ 1984. - 256 p.

20. Chemical technology of glass and glass ceramics / Ed. N. M. Pavlushkina. - M., 1983. - 432 p.

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1 . Basic sproperties of building materials

Properties of building materials determine the areas of their application. Only with a correct assessment of the quality of materials, i.e. their most important properties, strong and durable building structures of buildings and structures of high technical and economic efficiency can be obtained. All properties of building materials, based on a set of characteristics, are divided into physical, chemical, mechanical and technological .

TO physical include the weight characteristics of the material, its density, permeability to liquids, gases, heat, radioactive radiation, as well as the ability of the material to resist the aggressive effects of the external operating environment. Chemical properties In essence, they are also assessed by indicators of the material’s resistance to the action of acids, alkalis, and salt solutions, which cause exchange reactions in the material and its destruction. Mechanical properties characterized by the ability of a material to resist compression, stretching, impact, pressing a foreign body into it and other types of impacts on the material with the application of force.

Technological properties - the ability of the material to be processed during the manufacture of products from it. Compound . The building material is characterized by its chemical, mineral and phase composition. Chemical composition building materials allows us to judge a number of material properties - mechanical, fire resistance, biostability, as well as other technical characteristics. Basic and acidic oxides are chemically bonded and form minerals, which characterize many of the properties of the material. Mineral composition shows which minerals and in what quantities are contained in a given material, for example, in Portland cement the content of tricalcium silicate is 45 - 60%, and with a higher content of this mineral the hardening process is accelerated and strength increases. The phase composition and phase transitions of water located in its pores have a great influence on the properties of the material. The material releases solids that form pore walls, i.e. frame and pores filled with air or water.

2 . Properties and basics of productionframe materials and products

Ceramic materials are obtained from clay masses by molding and subsequent firing. In this case, an intermediate technological operation often takes place - drying of freshly molded products, called “raw”. The versatility of properties, a wide range, high strength and durability of ceramic products allow them to be widely used in a wide variety of buildings and structures: for walls, heating units, as a cladding material for floors and walls, in the form of pipes for sewer networks, for lining chemical equipment industry, as lightweight porous aggregates for precast concrete products.

Despite the extensive range of ceramic products, the variety of their shapes, physical and mechanical properties and types of raw materials, the main stages of ceramic products production are general and consist of the following operations: extraction of raw materials; preparation of raw materials; molding products (raw materials); drying raw materials, firing products; processing of products (trimming, glazing, etc.) and packaging.

Extraction of raw materials. Plants for the production of ceramic materials are usually built near a clay deposit, and the quarry is an integral part of the plant. Development (extraction) of raw materials is carried out in quarries open method- excavators. Transportation of raw materials from the quarry to the plant is carried out by dump trucks, trolleys or conveyors at a short distance from the quarry to the molding shop. The preparation of raw materials consists of destroying the natural structure of the clay, removing or grinding large inclusions, mixing the clay with additives and moistening until a moldable clay mass is obtained.

Molding . The preparation of the ceramic mass, depending on the properties of the initial raw materials and the type of product being manufactured, is carried out using semi-dry, plastic and slip (wet) methods. With the semi-dry production method, the clay is first crushed and dried, then it is ground into small pieces and with a moisture content of 8-12% it is fed for molding. With the plastic molding method, the clay is crushed, then sent to a clay mixer, where it is mixed with enriching additives until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained with a moisture content of 20 - 25%. The molding of ceramic products using the plastic method is carried out mainly on belt presses. In the semi-dry method, the clay mass is molded on hydraulic or mechanical presses under pressure of up to 15 MPa or more. According to the slip method, the starting materials are crushed and mixed with a large amount of water (up to 60%) until a homogeneous mass is obtained - a slip. Depending on the molding method, the slip is used both directly for products obtained by casting, and after drying it in spray dryers.

Drying . Artificial drying is carried out in batch chamber dryers or continuous tunnel dryers. Firing is the final stage of the technological process. The raw material enters the oven with a humidity of 8 - 12%, where in the initial period it is dried. As a result of firing, the product acquires a stone-like state, high water resistance, strength, frost resistance and other valuable construction qualities.

3 . Properties and basics of productiontwo mineral binders

Mineral binders are finely ground powders that, when mixed with water, form a plastic dough, which, under the influence of physical and chemical processes, turns into a stone-like state. This property of binders is used to prepare mortars, concretes, and unfired artificial stone materials and products based on them. There are mineral binders air and hydraulic . Air binders harden, retain for a long time and increase their strength only in air. TO air binders include gypsum and magnesium binders, air-lime and acid-resistant cement. Hydraulic binders are able to harden and maintain their strength for a long time not only in air, but also in water. The group of hydraulic binders includes Portland cement and its varieties, pozzolanic and slag binders, aluminous and expanding cements, and hydraulic lime. They are used in both above-ground, underground and underwater structures.

Portland cement is the most important binder. In terms of production and use, it ranks first among all other binders. Portland cement - a hydraulic binder that hardens in water and air. It is obtained by finely grinding a raw mixture of limestone and clay fired before sintering, ensuring the predominance of calcium silicates in the clinker. The sintered raw material mixture in the form of grains up to 40 mm in size is called clinker; the most important properties of cement depend on its quality: strength and rate of its growth, durability, resistance in various operating conditions. Portland cement produced in factories from various types natural raw materials and with different production technologies, differs both in chemical and mineralogical composition and in properties.

The technological process for the production of Portland cement consists of the following main operations: mining limestone and clay, preparing raw materials and corrective additives, preparing a homogeneous mixture of a given composition from them, firing the mixture and grinding clinker into a fine powder together with gypsum, and sometimes with additives.

Depending on the preparation of the raw material mixture, there are two main methods of producing Portland cement: wet and dry.

4 . Properties and basics of concrete and iron productionconcrete

Concrete - artificial stone obtained by molding and hardening a rationally selected mixture of binder, water and aggregates (sand and crushed stone or gravel). The mixture of these materials before hardening is called a concrete mixture. Grains of sand and crushed stone make up the stone framework in concrete. Cement paste envelops the grains of sand and crushed stone, fills the gaps between them and plays the role of lubricating the aggregates, giving the concrete mixture mobility (fluidity). The cement paste, when hardened, binds the grains of aggregates, forming artificial stone - concrete. Concrete combined with steel reinforcement is called reinforced concrete. Concrete is classified according to the following leading characteristics: density, strength, durability, type of binder and filler and by purpose. The main classification of concrete is considered by density , as a result of which concrete is divided into especially heavy with a density of more than 2500 kg/m3, heavy - 2200 - 2500 kg/m3, lightweight - 1800 - 2200 kg/m3 and light - 500 - 1800 kg/m3, especially light (thermal insulating) - less 500 kg/m3. Depending on the size of the aggregate used, concrete can be made with fine-grained aggregate (up to 10 mm) and coarse-grained aggregate (10 - 150 mm). The most important indicators of the quality of concrete are its strength and durability. Preparation of concrete mixture includes two main technological operations - dosing of starting materials and their mixing. Technological process production of reinforced concrete products consists of the following sequential operations: preparation of concrete mixture; reinforcement of reinforced concrete products; molding; heat and humidity treatment, ensuring that the required strength of concrete products is obtained by a given date; finishing the front surface of products. Organization of the implementation of this complex of basic technological operations and their technical design in modern technology prefabricated reinforced concrete is carried out according to three basic schemes: 1. Manufacturing of products in non-movable forms; in this case, all technological operations from preparing molds to stripping finished hardened products are carried out in one place. This method includes molding products on flat stands or dies, in cassettes. 2. Manufacturing of products in movable forms; in this case, individual technological molding operations or a separate complex of them are carried out at specialized posts. The mold, and then the product along with the mold, move from station to station as individual operations are performed. Depending on the degree of dissection of the overall technological process of molding at individual stations, a distinction is made between conveyor, which has the greatest dissection, and flow-aggregate methods. The latter differs in that a number of operations - laying reinforcement and concrete mixture, compaction - are performed at one station, i.e. aggregated among themselves. With the conveyor method, most operations are performed at the appropriate posts, which together form a production line. 3. Continuous molding is a method that arose relatively recently, but has proven itself well. It is characterized by metal consumption and a high volume of production per unit of production area of ​​the enterprise. The method of continuous molding of products is carried out on a vibratory rolling mill.

5 . general characteristics used in construction technologyLogies of wood structures

Wood structures and industrial construction parts are manufactured at special construction plants. Sets of wooden products and parts for prefabricated houses are divided into the following groups: kits for cobblestone houses; For frame houses with walls of a load-bearing wooden or reinforced concrete frame with various fillers; For panel houses with walls made of load-bearing panels - wooden (panels), reinforced concrete or other materials; for houses with walls made of local stone and other building materials. Sets of wooden products and parts are made from coniferous wood (pine, spruce, larch, cedar, fir) and deciduous wood (beech, birch, poplar, alder, aspen, linden). Products and parts are delivered to the construction site in a finished form, which excludes their adjustment; parts and products in contact with the ground are treated with an antiseptic.

Glulam structures used in coverings, floors, bridges as rectangular and I-beams, as well as in the form of arches and parts of metal-wood trusses in the form of curved and straight blocks of the upper chords of trusses and lattice elements, frames and racks, piles and sheet piles, bridge beams, sleepers, adhesive plywood panels (wall and ceiling coverings), as well as inventory formwork. Glued laminated structures are made by gluing together boards (bars) or boards (bars) and plywood. building ceramic reinforced concrete plastic

6 . Fundamentals of technology for producing construction plastics, polymeasures and products made from them

Plastics are a broad group of organic materials based on artificial or natural high-molecular compounds - polymers that can be molded under heat and pressure and stably retain their given shape. The main components of plastics are: binder - polymer; fillers in the form of organic or mineral powders, fibers, threads, fabrics, sheets; plasticizers; stabilizers, hardeners and dyes. The classification of plastics is based on their physical and mechanical properties, structure and relationship to heating. According to physical and mechanical properties All plastics are divided into plastics and elastics. Plastics There are hard, semi-hard and soft. Rigid plastics are hard elastic materials of an amorphous structure with a high modulus of elasticity (over 1000 MPa) and low elongation at break, retaining their shape under external stresses at normal or elevated temperatures. Semi-rigid plastics are solid elastic materials with a crystalline structure with an average elastic modulus (above 400 MPa), high relative and residual elongation at break, and the residual elongation is reversible and completely disappears at the melting temperature of the crystals. Soft plastics are soft and elastic materials with a low modulus of elasticity (not higher than 20 MPa), high relative elongation and low residual elongation, and reversible deformation disappears when normal temperature at a slow speed. Elastics - soft and elastic materials with a low modulus of elasticity (below 20 MPa), amenable to significant tensile deformation, and all or most of the deformation disappears at normal temperature at high speed (almost instantly). According to the structure of the polymer chain There are carbon chain plastics (the chain consists only of carbon atoms) and heterochain plastics (the chain contains oxygen, nitrogen and other elements in addition to carbon). By structure Plastics are divided into homogeneous (uniform) and heterogeneous (inhomogeneous). The structure of plastics depends on the introduction of other components into it along with the polymer.



1. Production technologies: textbook / V.V. Sadovsky [etc.]; edited by V.V. Sadovsky. - Minsk: BSEU, 2008. - 431 p.

2. Production technologies: educational method. complex for students specialist. 1-25 01 07, 1-25 01 08, 1-25 01 04, 1-26 02 02 / comp. and general ed. A. S. Kiriyenko. - Novopolotsk: PSU, 2005. - 352 p.

3. Fundamentals of technology of the most important industries: textbook. manual for universities: 2 hours / ed. I. V. Chentsova. - Minsk: Vysh. school, 1989

4. Materials science and technology of materials: textbook. allowance / V. T. Zhadan [etc.]. - Moscow: Metallurgy, 1994. - 623 p.


1. Geller, Yu. A. Materials science / Yu.A. Geller, A. G. Rakhstadt. - Moscow: Metallurgy, 1984. - 383 p.

2. Goryushkin, V. I. Fundamentals of flexible production of machine parts and devices / V. I. Goryushkin. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1984. - 15 p.

3. Zhalnerovich, E. A. Application of industrial robots / E. A. Zhalnerovich, A. M. Titov, A. I. Fedosov. - Minsk: Belarus, 1984. - 219 p.

4. Kiparisov, S. S. Powder metallurgy / S. S. Kiparisov, G. A. Libenson. - Moscow: Metallurgy, 1980. - 400 p.

5. Libenson, G. A. Fundamentals of powder metallurgy / G. A. Libenson. - Moscow: Metallurgy, 1975. - 198 p.

6. Stepanov, Yu. A. Foundry technology / Yu. A. Stepanov, G. F. Balandin, V. A. Rybkin. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. - 285 p.

7. Technology of the most important industries / edited by. ed. I. V. Chentsova. - Minsk: Vysh. school, 1977. - 373 p.

8. Technology of the most important industries / ed. A. M. Ginberg, B. A. Khokhlov. - Moscow: Higher. school, 1985. - 495 p.

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Thesis design is the final and most important stage in student education technical specialties university. For graduates of the Department of Building Materials during this period, the final goal of training is achieved - the formation of a civil engineer-technologist who has the skills of practical development of technology and organization of production of building materials, prefabricated reinforced concrete products and structures, who is able to apply systematic knowledge acquired in the process of theoretical training and undergoing production practitioner

When completing a final qualifying work - a diploma project, a student mobilizes all his knowledge to carry out a lot of independent work related to the development of technology for modern building materials and structures. During this period, the graduate student’s ability to organize his time for fruitful work is revealed, and abilities for creativity and logical thinking when solving engineering problems are revealed.

The topic of the diploma project is chosen by the student on the basis of materials collected as a result of internships, patent research and a review of scientific and technical achievements in this field of production. In the process of working on the diploma project, the main calculation part is carried out in accordance with the assignment and the detail of the project, which is an experimental study related to the use of specific materials and methods of their processing. The relevance and novelty of the research must be confirmed by materials from a patent search aimed at assessing the level of technology development, determining the novelty of the proposed solutions, as well as developing a forecast of scientific and technological progress.

Based on the results of theoretical and laboratory studies, a package of proposals is formulated aimed at improving product quality, reducing its cost, increasing production productivity and improving working conditions. It is recommended to prepare a model, prototypes, applications for inventions, a stand, an installation, a device that clearly illustrates the results of the student’s creative approach to solving assigned problems.

1 General information about graduation

qualifying works

1.1 Requirements for volume and organization of implementation of research and development work

Final qualifying works at the Department of “Building Materials and Products” are carried out in accordance with the standards of the enterprise STP KhSTU 2.01-2004 “Final qualifying works. General requirements"and STP KhSTU 2.03-2004 "Final qualifying works, projects and coursework. Requirements for registration." The standard is part of the TSU educational standards system and is mandatory for use by all departments and divisions providing the educational process.

Final qualifying work (GQR) – independent work graduate, carried out at the final stage of training and serving as the basis for the final certification of the graduate with the assignment of the appropriate qualification.

This is a completed work containing a solution to a given problem, completed by the graduate independently on the basis of the achieved level of fundamental, humanitarian, professional and special training.

The WRC consists of a text document - an explanatory note (EP) and graphic (illustrative) material.

The minimum volume of an explanatory note is 120 sheets (pages) of handwritten text or 90 sheets of A4 format using printing devices.

Graphic material are drawings and diagrams made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD (Unified System of Design Documentation), SPDS (System of Design Documentation for Construction), ESPD (Unified System of Design Documentation) and ESTD (Unified System technical documentation). Drawings and diagrams in the form of independent completed design documents or drawings are presented on separate sheets used for public defense.

Illustration materials include posters, layouts, samples, working models, programs, etc.

The need to use graphic and illustrative material, as well as the number and format of sheets, are determined by the assignment for the diploma design and the conditions of the project’s defense.

The minimum volume of graphic or illustration material is 9 sheets of A1 format.

The subject of the thesis is determined by the graduating department, must comply with the state educational standard in the field of specialist training, is reviewed annually at a meeting of the department and approved by the relevant order of the department.

The graduate’s individual topic, as a rule, is formed during the last internship and must be finally determined by the beginning of pre-graduate internship.

The final assignment of the topic to the graduate is formalized by order of the rector.

By order of the rector, each graduate must be assigned a supervisor from among professors, associate professors or senior teachers (full-time or part-time) of the graduating department to provide methodological and scientific assistance in working on the project.

For certain sections of the research and development work, consultants can be engaged who issue tasks, in agreement with the manager, for the relevant sections, check and certify the results of the section.

Control over the work is carried out by the head of the research and development work and the head of the department. The manager controls the implementation of the work and assesses the degree of readiness of the work. If the degree of readiness of the research work is significantly lower than planned and this may lead to further failure to meet the deadlines for completing the work, then the head must inform the head of the department about this or bring the issue to a meeting of the department. The head of the department monitors the design progress by assigning control checks of the materials of the experimental design.

The schedule of control checks along with the screen for completing the examinations is posted on the notice board of the department.

No later than 15 days before the established defense period, the final qualifying work and illustrative materials must be signed by section consultants.

No later than 10 days before the deadline for defending the final qualifying work, the text document and illustrative materials must be signed by the head and responsible normative controller of the department.

The diploma project is considered finally accepted for defense after the title page of the explanatory note is signed by the head of the department. parts of security clearance.

If the head of the department does not consider it possible to allow a graduate to defend his thesis, then this issue is considered at a meeting of the department with the participation of the head. The department’s decision to not admit a graduate to the defense is documented in a protocol, agreed with the director of the institute and approved by order of the rector.

The procedure for protecting academic qualifications is determined by the “Regulations on state certification commissions of educational institutions.”

1.2 Approximate topics of final qualifying works

specialty 270006.65 “Production of construction materials”

materials, products and structures"

1.2.1 Design of a workshop (plant) for the production of concrete (reinforced concrete) products. Within the framework of this direction, the market for building materials in the region is studied, and the results of a study of the range of existing enterprises in certain areas of production are presented. Based on such surveys, a production technology for products of the selected range is developed.

1.2.2 Design of technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises producing concrete products (reinforced concrete), as well as other building materials, products and structures at enterprises in the Far Eastern region. Diploma projects are carried out on this topic, aimed at improving the organization and production technology of certain types of products and structures using the example of a specific enterprise, as well as developing measures to reduce material and energy costs. Issues of development and implementation of local materials and industrial waste into the technological process are being investigated.

1.2.3 Improving technology and increasing the efficiency of production of road construction materials, products and structures. This area includes projects related to improving and optimizing the structure of production of road construction materials and reducing production costs. The use of special additives and new technological methods is being studied, and marketing research is being conducted on the need for road construction in new effective materials.

1.2.4 Research and improvement of production technology for wall, finishing and insulating building materials. Technological processes for the production of wall, finishing and insulating building materials are being developed and improved at existing and newly built enterprises in the Far Eastern region.

1.2.5 Improving the organization of production of building materials, products and structures. Within the framework of this direction, diploma projects are being carried out to improve the organization of production using the example of a specific section of a production line, measures are being developed to increase economic efficiency, and research is being conducted on the introduction of modern materials, machines and devices that increase the productivity of production lines and improve working conditions.

1.3 Structure of a typical final qualifying work

A typical WRC includes the following unnumbered and numbered sections (component parts):

Title page, exercise



1 Feasibility study of the project topic

2 Research part

2.1 Analytical review of information sources

2.2 Experimental studies

2.3 Conclusions on the research part

3 Technological part

3.1 Enterprise operating mode

3.2 Product range

3.3 Characteristics of starting materials and semi-finished products (coarse and fine aggregates, binders, additives, fillers, reinforcement, lubricants)

3.4 Calculation of the need for raw materials and semi-finished products

3.5 Design of cement and aggregate storage facilities

3.6 Design of concrete mix composition

3.7 Design of batching plant and concrete mixture preparation parameters

3.8 Molding shop (technological calculations, equipment)

3.9 Organization of production and development of technological map


4.1 Heat treatment mode

4.2 Thermal plant design

4.3 Calculation of coolant flow

4.4 Energy saving measures and calculation of their effectiveness






11 CONCLUSION (conclusions on the project)



At the direction of the head of the research and development work, the work can be carried out with a detailed study of some sections and the exclusion of others, subject to the requirements for the total scope of work.

The text part of the project (explanatory note - hereinafter referred to as PP) is a document containing systematized data of the project, scientific or research work completed by the student, describing the process of its implementation and the results obtained in the form of text and the necessary illustrations. The design work is carried out on sheets with frames and main inscriptions in accordance with Form 6 GOST 21.101 – 97 SPDS “Basic requirements for working documentation”.

The text part of the WRC must include the following structural elements in the sequence indicated below:

- title page;

- design assignment;

- abstract;

– introduction;

– main part (feasibility study of the WRC topic and main sections);

– other sections (design part, labor protection or environmental protection, etc.);

- conclusion;

– list of sources used;

– applications (if there is a need for them).

Title page forms and assignments for diploma design, completed in a typographical manner, are issued by the graduating department. All inscriptions in them must be made in drawing font or printed.

The work assignment is individual for the graduate and contains the characteristics of the design object (improvement or research), the necessary initial data and the planned content of the work.

The title page and the design assignment are considered the first and second sheets of the design proposal, respectively, but sheet numbers are not placed on them.

2.2 Abstract

The abstract is a mandatory section and must reflect the content of the thesis project. It provides a summary of the work carried out. An example of completing an abstract is presented in Appendix A.

The abstract is structured according to the following scheme:

– information about the volume of the graphic part, the volume of the PP, the number of figures, tables, sources used (including in foreign languages) and applications;

– list of keywords;

– text of the abstract.

The list of keywords should include from 6 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the PP that best characterize its content and provide the possibility of information retrieval. Keywords are written in the nominative case and are written in capital letters in drawing font type A No. 7 or in capital letters in the machine method of performing PP.

The text of the abstract should reflect the object of research or development, the purpose of the work, the results obtained and their novelty, the degree of implementation of the results of the work, the scope of application, the economic efficiency or significance of the work.

The volume of the abstract text should not exceed one sheet. It is not allowed to use generally accepted abbreviations of words and terms in the abstract. The abstract is the first text sheet of the PP, is made on an A4 sheet with the main inscription according to Form 5 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS (Appendix B, Figure B.1) and is considered the third sheet of the PP.

The content is a mandatory section of the PP. It lists the names of sections and subsections (starting with the introduction), a list of sources used, applications and their names, and also indicates the numbers of sheets on which they are placed. Points and sub-points marked with three or more numbers are not included in the content. The contents begin on a new sheet.

The names of sections included in the contents are written in capital letters, the names of subsections are written in lowercase letters, starting with a capital letter.

The introduction is a mandatory section of the PP. It should briefly characterize the current state of the issue to which the WRC is devoted and reveal the relevance of the topic under consideration. Based on all this, the purpose of the work is formulated. The recommended length of the introduction is 2 – 3 pages. The introduction begins on a new page.

The main part of the PP of the diploma project must include the following:

– feasibility study of the project;

– economic assessment of the decisions made on the project.

In technical - economic justification The research project provides a description of the design object (research), an analysis of the problem under study, new ideas and possible approaches to solving these problems. The justification must include an economic assessment of the adopted decision option based on aggregated indicators.

As additional sections, depending on the specifics of the project, issues of labor protection, environmental protection, architecture and construction may be considered.

The level of detail of the sections, location in the explanatory note, and volume are determined by the head and consultants of the Research and Development Committee.

The conclusion is a mandatory section of the PP and must contain:

– brief conclusions based on the design results;

– assessment of the completeness of solving the assigned tasks;

The list is a mandatory section of the final qualifying work PP, drawn up in accordance with the interstate standard SIBID GOST 7.1–2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General rules and drafting requirements." The list of sources used is included in the content of the PP. The list should contain information about the sources used to complete the project.

Sources should be listed in the order in which links appear in the text. Rules for formatting sources are given in Appendix D.

Material supplementing the text of the PP may be placed in appendices. Applications can be, for example, graphic material, large format tables, calculations, descriptions of equipment, etc.

Appendices are drawn up as a continuation of this document on its next sheets or issued as a separate document.

project sections

3.1 Feasibility study of the project topic

The need to design a workshop (factory) is justified based on the results of an assessment of market needs based on an analysis of statistical data and the existing structure of production of construction industry products in a given region of the country (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 – Product market characteristics

After assessing the need for materials or products and the feasibility of their production, the predicted capacity of the workshop or plant is calculated and the size of the sales market is determined (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 – Justification of the capacity of a workshop or enterprise

and product demand

3.2 Research part

3.2.1 Analytical review of information sources. This subsection is devoted to solving problems that are aimed at achieving the project goal. Based on the study and generalization of special scientific and technical literature, periodicals in the specialty, Internet information, patent sources, conclusions are formulated about the current state of the production problem and ways to solve the problem are outlined.

When working on an analytical review, it is recommended to use scientific and technical journals “Building Materials”, “Building Materials, Equipment and Technologies of the 21st Century”, “Thermal Insulation and Roofing Building Materials”, “Industrial and Civil Construction”, “Architecture and Construction in Khabarovsk” " Good results are ensured by the use of Internet resources on construction topics.

When describing the content of journal articles, you should give an abbreviated summary of them while maintaining the main semantic content. For example, it is recommended to begin the presentation of a particular publication with the words: “Scientists NIIZhB A. A. Ivanov and I. I. Petrov /3/ conducted research on the use of ....”, or “Research conducted at the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering /5 /, showed...” The following outlines the main content of the work and its results ( practical recommendations). The numbers in oblique brackets indicate the position number in the list of sources used, which provides a bibliographic description of the article (Appendix E).

Particular attention should be paid to work related to energy and resource conservation, for example, using industrial waste and recycled materials.

Improvement of technology should be based on the use of patent information, which proposes new production methods, compositions of raw materials, equipment, etc.

The first stage of a patent review is the preparation of search regulations. According to the regulations, the search is carried out using materials available in the reading room of the scientific and technical library of Tomsk State University. This is the official bulletin of the Russian agency for patents and trademarks "Inventions", the abstract journal "Inventions Abroad", the computer information system "Mimosa". Search depth – 3…5 years.

The description of copyright certificates corresponding to the purpose of the search must include the registration number of the copyright certificate, its classification index, as well as information about the authors and the essence of the proposed invention. To summarize, it is necessary to show the possibility of using the most rational modern technical solution for a specific situation.

3.2.2 Experimental research, based on the working hypothesis formulated above, includes the choice of research methodology, planning an experiment, processing the results obtained and creating a mathematical model of the process being studied. Using the resulting model, recommendations are developed for solving important production problems (saving material and labor resources, improving product quality, improving working conditions, involving industrial waste in recycling, etc.).

3.3 Technological part

3.3.1 Design of product range. The product range is justified by comparing analogue products according to the property indicators set out in the standards of the SPKP series, according to regulatory documents for the product, according to the technical documentation of the manufacturer ( technical specifications, technological map, enterprise standard), as well as on the basis of educational and technical literature. A tabulated characteristic is compiled for the product range.

A technological analysis of the base product is carried out in terms of labor intensity, material intensity and energy intensity, and by assessing the complexity of manufacturing - the presence of rational and ineffective elements in the design or operations during the production of the product. Based on the results of the analysis, the product is improved in terms of manufacturability.

To improve the design and technological solution, a patent review should be used, as well as materials from standard albums and catalogs of products and designs.

3.3.2 Justification for the choice and characteristics of the materials used. It is necessary to select the starting materials for use in concrete or other composites based on the actual characteristics of the materials, taking into account the requirements for the product.

Justification of the properties of the raw materials used or their modification is carried out taking into account the requirements of standards, production conditions and operation of the product.

In this section, semi-finished products and components for the accepted product range are also assigned or selected.

3.3.3 Design of the workshop operating mode. The operating mode of the workshop is adopted according to ONTP 7–85 “All-Union Standards for Technological Design of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Enterprises.”

The annual fund of working hours of the main technological equipment is taken minus the time of planned stops.

The start and end times of shifts and breaks are indicated.

If the workshop capacity does not correspond to the one specified in the project, the possibility of changing the annual time fund due to reserves is analyzed - changing shifts, using non-working days with a staggered work schedule, changing time standards due to improving manufacturing technology, etc.

3.3.4 Calculation of the need for raw materials and semi-finished products. The need for raw materials and semi-finished products is calculated for the complete production of products: for a year, a month, a day, a shift and an hour of operation of a production line, based on the production program and standards for the consumption of materials per unit of production volume and permissible (standardized) losses during processing. In the thesis project it is necessary to propose measures to reduce the regulated losses of raw materials and materials.

3.3.5 Design of warehouses for raw materials and semi-finished products. The volumes of stored materials are calculated taking into account standard stocks, a scheme for unloading, transporting and storing materials is determined depending on the capacity of storage devices and taking into account winter and summer operating conditions. The shape of the warehouses is determined. total and usable area, the order of work in the warehouse, taking into account all forms of mechanization of work. Areas for preparation and conditioning of raw materials are provided, for example, equipment for defrosting, crushing or sieving.

If there is a task, a site for recycling industrial waste is designed for the purpose of using it as raw materials or additives.

3.3.6 Design of the composition of the raw material mixture. The composition of the mixture is designed for the base product, taking into account the specific requirements for the products and the properties of the starting materials. The calculation is made with optimization of the composition in terms of component consumption and cost. The calculated composition is verified experimentally. Strength, deformation and other characteristics of products are determined.

3.3.7 Design of the preparatory workshop. A raw material preparation scheme is selected and designed based on the production program and the type of raw material mixture. At the same time, progressive methods of processing aggregates, binders, water and concrete mixture are provided - surface activation, crushing. dry and wet finishing, ultrasonic dispersion, introduction of additives, intensification of mixing, etc.

The number of mixing plants and auxiliary equipment for supplying and dosing raw materials and the finished mixture is determined.

3.3.8 Development of a technological scheme for the molding shop. The production method is selected from a comparison of the two most appropriate methods for producing products of a given type.

The guiding indicator is the power (productivity) of the line, according to which one of the methods is chosen - bench, aggregate-flow or conveyor.

The choice of production method is carried out based on the results of comparing the aggregated indicators of two transport and technological schemes adopted by the student /10/.

For comparison, known indicators of technological lines from reference literature and.

After selecting the manufacturing method, the type of production line is selected - a basic transport and technological scheme, based on standard and effective factory solutions. At the same time, the method of molding the product on the leading unit or installation is determined, a transport and technological scheme is drawn up, the number of technological posts is assigned, etc.

The optimality of the technological scheme is finally established after the design and calculation of technical and economic indicators. Therefore, at the initial design stage, two options for the production line are developed.

For design, one most effective technical solution is adopted.

3.3.9 Organization of production and development of technological map. Technological calculations of the workshop include general calculations of the production line, workshop and posts, design of auxiliary areas and interconnected workshops (in agreement with the project manager).

Technological calculations of the workshop and line are based on the specified productivity, the operating mode of the enterprise, the adopted technological scheme and the operating modes of the main technological equipment. The following are subject to calculation:

a) the duration of the calculated technological rhythm, the determination and distribution of the time of operations and workers according to posts, the duration of the main element cycles;

b) selection of technological equipment, determination of the actual rhythm and productivity of the line. When choosing technological equipment, it is recommended to use technical data sheets, as well as reference literature, data from advertising and scientific technical information, Internet networks;

c) constructing cyclograms of the operation of the main technological equipment (forming, crane, concrete-laying, etc.), cyclograms of loading and unloading of thermal installations;

d) calculation of the transport equipment of the workshop - export cart, transport conveyors, etc.,

e) design of technology for factory finishing of products and development (in agreement with the manager) of technological schemes for the preparation of auxiliary compositions, for example, lubricants, putties, mixtures for repairing products, etc.

3.3.10 Purpose, selection and characteristics of technological modes and parameters for performing operations. In VKR, the main modes that ensure the manufacture of the product are calculated. Calculation of the time of operations and labor costs at the post, justification of time based on standard standards and data from manufacturers is carried out using technical information. Based on labor costs, the required number of workers at the post and their placement are determined, taking into account standard schemes and factory technological maps.

3.3.11 Development planning solution technological line and linking it to the workshop plan, determination of planned and height dimensions is carried out after basic calculations of equipment and operations. At the base of the post there is a molding unit, feeding and compacting equipment.

In the planned placement, the axis of the post must coincide with the axis of the production line and be tied to the axis of the workshop and the axes of the walls, and the spacing of the columns. The main equipment is placed along the axis at the place of its use, taking into account the passages between individual installations. The length of the post should be the minimum taking into account the use of production space. The width of the post is formed by the dimensions of the equipment, workplaces, storage areas, recreation areas, management, maintenance and borders on the walls of the workshop and driveways. In a high-altitude position, the dimensions of the post are determined by the height of the equipment, molds, foundation, lifting of molded products, and the safe excess of the load above the workplace. The planned and height dimensions of the post determine the size of the workshop, the elevation and span of crane equipment.

This section of the diploma project examines one of the most important stages of the technological process of manufacturing building materials and products - heat treatment, during which the quality characteristics of materials or products are formed or fixed. Work in this direction aims to use advanced technologies to achieve the set goal - reducing energy costs of production with high levels of product quality and maximum productivity of the production line.

The main tasks when working on the thermal engineering part of the diploma project are:

– assignment of thermal conditions, selection of the type of thermal installation and development of measures to improve its design, reduce energy costs for production;

– calculation of the geometric parameters of the installation and determination of the number of installations for the implementation of the production program;

– determination of the total and specific consumption of heat and coolant (fuel) for the implementation of a given heat treatment program;

– calculation of technical and economic indicators of the installation to assess the effectiveness of decisions made by comparing them with the operation of thermal units operating in production.

In the production of building materials and products, various types of thermal installations are used - for heat and humidity treatment of concrete, for drying, melting, firing of raw materials and semi-finished products. Any of these installations can become a design object.

3.4.1 Heat treatment mode. Heat treatment is a mandatory technological operation in the production of building materials. In the production of ceramics this is drying and firing of finished products, in the production of binders and artificial fillers - drying and firing of raw materials, in the production of glass and mineral fibers - the process of obtaining a melt. Depending on the properties of raw materials and finished products, temperature conditions for these processes are assigned.

The period of concrete hardening under factory conditions consists of sequential stages of heat and moisture treatment: preliminary exposure, time of temperature rise, isothermal exposure and temperature reduction. The modes of thermal treatment of concrete recommended by technological design standards are given in special tables. The heat treatment regime is adjusted taking into account the specific composition of the concrete mixture and the specific features of the technology.

3.4.2 Design of the thermal installation. Based on the calculation data of the annual working time fund and the capacity of the enterprise, the required hourly productivity of the workshop is established. Choose a standard thermal installation or carry out its structural calculation. In accordance with the productivity of the workshop, the required number of installations on a given production line is determined.

3.4.3 Calculation of coolant (fuel) consumption. Based on the calculation of the heat balance, the heat and coolant consumption for the heat and humidity treatment of concrete is determined. When using periodic installations, the calculation is made based on the full load of one chamber; for continuous installations, the heat balance is calculated for the hourly productivity of the installation.

To assess the effectiveness of the decisions made, the technical and economic performance indicators of the thermal installation are determined and compared with similar industry averages.

3.4.4 Energy saving measures and calculation of their effectiveness. Heat balance analysis allows you to analyze the relationship between items of heat consumption and outline ways to reduce heat costs. For example, to recover heat from waste gases, you can install regeneration (recuperation) heat exchangers and use the waste heat to heat the air that ensures fuel combustion or use it in drying units of the plant. Heat flue gases emanating from melting and roasting furnaces makes it possible to install and operate recovery steam boilers for the production of process steam for the needs of the enterprise.

3.5 Automation of technological processes

In this subsection, one of the automation schemes and devices for its implementation are developed. It is recommended to take into account the automation of the heat treatment process, the operation of concrete-laying, compacting equipment and other key processes in the production of concrete, building materials and products. The student develops a circuit based on serial means of automation of technological process control.

3.6 Product quality control

Fundamental issues of organization and methodology of incoming, operational and acceptance quality control for basic products adopted in the project are being developed. The results are presented in table form (Table 3.3) and entered on the technological map.

Table 3.3 – Product quality control chart

On the instructions of the manager, in order to improve product quality, elements of an integrated quality management system, enterprise standards, methods and means of testing materials can be developed.

3.7 Environmental protection

Based on the analysis of the technological process, sources of harmful production emissions will be identified. Process equipment and engineering measures to protect the environment are provided. Special attention focuses on collecting dust during the transportation of bulk materials, purifying the air from gases generated during welding in reinforcement shops, and recycling solid and liquid waste by reusing it.

3.8 Architectural and construction part

3.8.1 General plan of the enterprise. Justification of the construction site consists of determining the location and orientation of the site for the construction of the enterprise on the terrain plan, taking into account transport connections, availability utility networks, sources of supply of raw materials and energy resources, the presence of conditioned demand, development of the city’s general plan, taking into account the climatic and environmental conditions of the construction area.

The initial data for the design are the dimensions of the technological line, established when placing the equipment in accordance with technological conditions and sanitary standards, with horizontal and vertical reference, respectively, to the axes of the columns and the floor level.

The architectural and planning solution for the workshop is developed on the basis of a standard design or existing production of precast reinforced concrete ( Standard project KPD plant, album 3, part 1 and 2).

It is allowed to carry out the general plan in A4 format as part of the drawings of the explanatory note or place it on an A1 sheet of paper, on a combined technological and architectural and construction solution.

The general plan shows the location of main and auxiliary workshops, administrative buildings, transport lines and nodes. In the free field of the drawing, the characteristics of the general plan are given in tabular form (total area, building area, improvement area, coefficients of use and landscaping of the territory, etc.), symbols, explication of buildings and structures of the enterprise. In the upper left corner there is a wind rose.

The text part of the WRC provides information about the climatic, geological and hydrological conditions of the design area. To determine the duration of the construction season and the operation of landfills, a temperature calendar graph is depicted. The intensity of precipitation is determined and a drainage system for the workshop or plant is developed. constructive solution wall enclosures of industrial buildings according to the required thermal resistance.

3.8.2 Space-planning solution for the workshop. The production building is based on a unified standard span, for example, 18x144 m. However, individual spans and workshop sizes should also be designed to reduce the weight of the cranes and the cost of operating production areas.

The criteria for the placement of equipment, machines and units are: the required distance between machines, compliance with the rational placement of production and work areas in the process flow and storage areas for materials, molds, semi-finished products, products; the necessary organization of workplaces according to the requirements of their certification, ensuring the shortest and non-overlapping cargo flows in the technological process without return and counter traffic.

The dimensions of passages are determined according to standards and for freight vehicles must be at least 3.5 m; for workshop vehicles (trolleys, electric trolleys, self-propelled bunkers, etc.) - at least 2 m; main workshop passage - at least 1.5 m, etc. Near workplaces, the width of the passage increases by at least 0.8 m.

Household premises(locker rooms, showers, rest rooms, etc.) are located according to standard solutions and based on architectural design requirements.

3.9 Occupational health and safety

Based on the operational schedule of the technological process and the organization of workplaces, a list of hazards and hazards of production is compiled and measures are developed to protect workers and eliminate hazards and harmful effects. The actions of workers to comply with safety standards and in emergency situations are formulated. On the instructions of the section manager, calculations related to compliance with lighting standards, noise levels, electrical protection, etc. are performed.

3.10 Economic part

The economic part of the project is the final stage of the diploma design and is developed after the completion of the organizational and technological part. The initial data for calculations are taken from the data of the technological, heat engineering and architectural and construction parts of the work. The economic part includes calculations to determine the cost per unit of production, as well as the calculation of the technical and economic indicators of the project.

When calculating the full cost estimate, the following nomenclature of items is used: raw materials and supplies, purchased products and semi-finished products, auxiliary materials, fuel and electricity for technological purposes, basic and additional payments to production workers, social insurance contributions, costs for modernization of production and depreciation of equipment, as well as shop and general plant expenses. The difference between the wholesale price and the cost price determines the profit from the sale of products.

Calculation of the cost of fixed assets of an enterprise (workshop) and standardized working capital allows us to draw a conclusion about the profitability of the designed production and find the payback period of the project.

3.11 Conclusion

At the conclusion of the research and development work, an analysis of the design development is carried out, taking into account the achieved technical and economic indicators. Recommendations are given for the implementation of the development results in production.

4 Rules for drawing up an explanatory note

4.1.1 The explanatory note is written on one side of sheets of white unlined writing paper in A4 format (210´297) in accordance with GOST 2.301 with the main inscription in accordance with form 6 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS (Appendix B, Figure B.2).

4.1.2 The explanatory note is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105-95 “Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents" in one of the following ways:

– handwritten – drawing font in accordance with GOST 2.304-81 “Drawing fonts” with line spacing of 8 mm, numbers and letters must be written in black ink (paste or ink);

– with the use of computer printing and graphic output devices, in accordance with GOST 2.004-88 ESKD “General requirements for the execution of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices”, for example, when using a WORD text editor, this is font No. 14 “Courier” with line spacing 1.42.

When designing large tables, it is allowed to reduce the font size to No. 10 with single spacing.

4.1.3 Individual symbols should be entered into the PP, as well as illustrations should be done in black ink, paste or ink.

4.1.4 The distance from the form frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines is at least 3 mm, from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm (Appendix B).

Paragraphs in the text begin with an indent of 1.25 cm.

4.1.5 The preparation of methodological instructions, manuals, articles and other scientific and technical works is carried out in accordance with the editorial and publishing requirements established by others regulatory documents. Therefore, they cannot serve as an example for designing a PP.

4.2 Construction of an explanatory note

4.2.1 The text of the PP, if necessary, is divided into sections and subsections. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more paragraphs, which in turn can consist of subparagraphs.

4.2.2 Sections and subsections must have headings. Items do not have headings.

4.2.4 Sections must have serial numbers within the entire PP, indicated in Arabic numerals without a dot at the end of the number and written in paragraph indentation.

Subsections must be numbered within each section. The subsection number consists of the section number and the subsection separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the subsection number.

It is unacceptable to write the title at the end of the sheet and the subsequent text on the next sheet. It is advisable that at least three lines be written under the heading.

If enumerations are given within clauses or subclauses, each item in the enumeration should be preceded by a hyphen or a lowercase letter with a parenthesis. For further detail of the listings, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals with a bracket, and the entry is made with a paragraph indentation

4.2.5 The distance between section and subsection headings should be equal to two line spacing, the distance between the heading and the text should be at least three spacing.

4.2.6 Numbered section headings are written with a paragraph indent in capital letters, without a period at the end. Unnumbered headings (“Abstract”, “Contents”, “Introduction”, etc.) are written in capital letters symmetrically relative to the text on a separate line. Headings of subsections and paragraphs are written with a paragraph indentation in lowercase letters, starting with a capital letter.

Underlining, word hyphenation and periods at the end of headings are not acceptable.

4. 4. 1 Formulas are written on a separate line of text in the center.

The set of formulas is made in the formula editor.

4.4.2 Formulas must be numbered in Arabic numerals, which are written at the formula level on the right in parentheses. Numbering of formulas within a section is allowed.

Explanations for each symbol should be given on a new line directly below the formula, indented. The first line of the explanation should begin with the word “where” without a colon after it.

The density of each sample, kg/m3, is calculated using the formula

ρ = m /V, (1. 1)

where m is the mass of the sample, kg;

V - sample volume, m3.

4.4.3 Formulas can be transferred to the next line only on signs of operations being performed, and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated

4.4.4 Formulas placed in appendices must be designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals within each appendix with the appendix designation added before each digit, for example formula (B.1).

4. 5. 1 All illustrations (photos, diagrams, graphs, etc.) are called drawings. Drawings, with the exception of drawings of applications, should be numbered in Arabic numerals. If there is only one picture, then it is designated “Figure 1”. There is no period at the end.

Application figures are designated by separate numbering with the addition of the application designation before the number, for example - “Figure A. 3”.

It is allowed to number illustrations within a section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot. For example – “Figure 1. 1”.

4. 5. 2 Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (text below the figure). The word “Figure” and the name are placed after the explanatory data and placed in paragraph indentation without a dot at the end of the name of the figure as follows: “Figure 1. 2 - Device parts.”

4. 5. 3 The figure should be placed after the reference to it in the text.

4.6.1 Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table should reflect its content and be precise and concise. The table title is placed above the table. When transferring part of a table to the same or other sheets, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

4.6.2 Tables, with the exception of tables in annexes, should be numbered in Arabic numerals with continuous numbering, for example, “Table 1” or “Table B.1”, if it is given in the annex. Numbering of tables within a section is allowed, for example - “Table 1. 2”.

The table number and its name are placed on one line above the table with a paragraph indentation, for example: “Table 4. 1 - Calculation of product costs.” There is no period at the end of the title.

4.6.3 All PP tables must be referenced, and the word “Table” should be written with its number.

4.6.4 The table on the left, right and bottom is limited by lines. Headings of columns and rows of tables should be written in capital letters, sub-headings of columns - with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning.

The column “Item No.” should not be included in the table; the form of the table is shown in Figure 4. 1.

4.6.5 The table should be placed after the first mention of it in the text. Tables should be placed so that they can be read without rotating the PP. If such placement is not possible, the table is positioned so that to read it it is necessary to turn the PZ clockwise.

When transferring the table to the next sheet of the PP, the head of the table should be repeated, and the words “Continuation of the table” or “End of the table” with an indication of its number should be placed above it on the left in a paragraph indent.

When transferring the table to subsequent sheets of the PP, the table head is repeated on each sheet.

Tables can be executed both in the text and on separate pages of the PP.

4.6.6 If repeated text in a column consists of one word, it can be replaced with quotation marks. If the repeated text consists of two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced with the word “The same”, and then with quotation marks. Putting quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols is not allowed. If digital or other data is not given in any row of the table, then a dash is placed in it.

The numerical values ​​of the indicator are entered at the level of the last line of the indicator name. The value of the indicator, given in text form, is recorded at the level of the first line of the indicator name.

4.7.1 Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes relate, and printed with capital letters indented. If there is only one note, then after the word “Note” a dash is placed and the note is also written with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in order using Arabic numerals.

4.7.2 References in the text of the explanatory note to the sources used are given in brackets, executed by two slashes, with a serial number according to the list of sources. For example: “The calculations used the /15/ method.” Reference should be made to the document as a whole.

4.8 Applications

4.8.1 Appendices are drawn up as a continuation of this document on its next sheets or issued as a separate document.

2.8.2 Each application should start on a new sheet. The application must have a title, which is written in the center of the sheet.

2.8.3 Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, with the exception of the letters E, Z, J, O, CH, ь, ы, Ъ. The word “Application” is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

2.8.4 Applications are usually made on A4 sheets. It is allowed to draw up applications on sheets of A3, A4´3, A4´4, A2 format. Applications must have continuous page numbering in common with the rest of the PP.

The text of each application, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered within each application (for example, A 1. 1, etc.).

All applications must be listed in the table of contents with their numbers and titles.

The graphic part of the design work is performed on sheets of A1 format manually or on a computer using the graphic editors AUTOCAD, KOMPAS, VIZIO, etc. The number of sheets and the content of the graphic part is agreed upon with the work supervisor, but should not be less than 9.

Indicative list drawings for performing structural work:

– a general plan of the enterprise with a wind rose in the upper left corner, the location of the main and auxiliary workshops, technical and economic indicators and a list of symbols (developed in accordance with SNiP ΙΙ – 89–80* “General plans of industrial enterprises”) – 1 sheet;

– range of products, general form base product, its technical characteristics in accordance with the requirements of the standard – 1 sheet;

– fractional composition, chemical and physical-mechanical properties of starting materials – 1 sheet;

– comparison of product production technology options, including equipment placement plans and technical and economic production indicators to justify the choice of the most effective technology –

– comparison of methods for molding products, brief description, advantages and disadvantages of the presented options, technical and economic indicators for selection optimal design molding equipment – ​​1–2 sheets;

– design and operating parameters of the technological installation subjected to improvement – ​​1 sheet;

– UIRS (student’s educational and research work): graphs of grain compositions of materials, selection of concrete composition, comparative characteristics of materials, results of experimental studies, patent studies – 1–2 sheets;

– improvement of the design and automation scheme for heat supply of an installation for heat treatment of products – 1 sheet;

– plan of a workshop with a technological line for the production of products, indicating the flow of materials and technological posts – 1 sheet;

– technological production map, which contains: a plan for the placement of the main equipment in the workshop, indicating the locations of work stations, a general view of the product and its characteristics in accordance with the requirements of the standard, parameters of technological processes with a cyclogram of the operation of the equipment, safety requirements –

1–2 sheets;

– architectural and construction part of the project (the drawings show: a longitudinal section of the workshop, combined with technological equipment, one - two cross-sections of the workshop, two - three workshop units, the interface of the column with the foundation, the support structure of the truss, crane beam, roof structure, floor , walls, foundations for technological equipment) – 1–2 sheets;

– technical and economic indicators of the project, including production capital investments, product output, profit and profitability of production, payback period of capital investments – 1 sheet.

In the final qualifying work, the main inscription is drawn up:

a) on sheets of the main sets of drawings - according to Form 3;

b) on a sheet of drawings of construction products - according to form 4.

The type of main inscriptions is given in Appendix E. The location of the main inscriptions on the drawings and additional columns to forms 3 and 4 GOST 21.101 - 97 SPDS are given in Appendix E.


An example of an explanatory note

final qualifying work

Appendix B

An example of the design of the text part of an abstract

The final qualifying work contains 10 sheets of drawings in A1 format, an explanatory note on 101 sheets of A4 format, including 32 drawings, 9 tables, a list of used sources of 41 titles, including 8 in foreign languages, 2 appendices.


The goal of the diploma project is to increase the productivity of an existing enterprise and increase the profitability of production.

This goal is achieved by the following methods.

Analysis of the performance indicators of the molding shop makes it possible to conduct a feasibility study of the need for its reconstruction. The selection of the optimal technological scheme with the replacement and modernization of the main equipment is given in the “Technological part”, in the same section the optimal composition of concrete was developed using a computer and the results of trial batches and tests of laboratory samples are presented.

In the “Labor Safety” section, an analysis of the working conditions of workers and calculation artificial lighting work places.

The “Economic part” calculates the cost of production and material savings through the introduction of resource-saving and waste-free technologies.

The estimated profit from the implementation of the developed measures will be 281 thousand rubles.

Basic inscriptions for an explanatory note

The title block for the abstract is shown in Figure B. 1.

Figure B. 1 - Main inscription. Form 5 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS

In the columns of the main inscription the following is given:

in column 1 - document code (VKR.No. grade book.TD);

in column 5 - name of the product or name of the document (Text document);

in column 6 - letter D (in the leftmost cell);

in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet;

in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document;

in column 9 - the name of the organization (PNU, department of media);

in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

in column 12 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 11;

in column 13 - the date of signing the document.

The main inscription for the subsequent sheets of the explanatory note is presented in Figure B. 2.

Figure B. 2 - Main inscription. Form 6 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS

Column 1 indicates the document code (put down on the first five sheets of the explanatory note after the abstract).

Examples of bibliographic records


Lysenko E. I. Modern finishing and facing materials: textbook. manual/ E.I. Lysenko, L.V. Kotlyarova. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003. – 488 p.

Technology of waterproofing materials: a textbook for universities./

I. A. Rybyev [and others]. – M.: Higher. school, 1991. – 286 p.


3. Dytnersky Yu. I. Processes and apparatus of chemical technology: textbook. for universities. T. 1./ Yu. I. Dytnersky. – M.: Chemistry, 2005. – 579 p.

Legislative materials. entry entitled

Constitution Russian Federation. – M.: Prior, 2001. – 32 p.

Civil Procedure Code of the RSFSR: official. text: as of 15 Nov. 2001 / Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. – M.: Marketing, 2001. – 159 p. ;


Safety rules for servicing hydraulic structures and hydromechanical equipment of energy supply organizations: RD 153-34.0-03.205–2001: input. effective from 01.11.01. – M.: ENAS, 2001. – 158 p.

Standards. entry entitled

Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. General technical requirements: GOST 13015 – 03.– Introduced. 2004–01–01. – M.: Standards Publishing House, 2004. – 10 p.

Patent documents. entry under title

Transceiver device: Pat. 2187888 Ross. Federation: IPC 7 H 04 B 1/38, N 04 J 13/00 / Chugaeva V.I. – No. 2000131736/09; application 12/18/00; publ. 08/20/02, Bulletin. No. 23 (II part). – 3 s.

Device for gripping non-oriented parts such as shafts: A. with. 1007970 USSR: MKI 3 B 25 J 15/00 / V. S. Vaulin, V. G. Kemaikin (USSR). – No. 3360585/25–08; application 23.11.81; publ. 03.30.83, Bull. No. 12. – 2 p.

Industrial catalogs

Special sheet bending machine IO 217M: catalog sheet: developer and manufacturer Kemer. z-d electrical installation. ed. – M., 2002. – 3 p.


Yarmolinskaya N.I. Technology of gas activation of thermal power plant waste to improve the properties of road asphalt concrete [Text]: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. tech. Sci. / Yarmolinskaya Nadezhda Ivanovna. – M., 1989. 120 p.


article from the Journal

F.I. Sh Ishigin The time of glass and concrete awaits us / Fedor Shishigin // Architecture and construction of the Far East. – 2007. – No. 9. – P. 24–26.


State Duma: transcript. meetings: bulletin / Feder. Collection Ross. Federation. – M., No. 49 (497): 11 Oct. 2000

Ongoing collection

Questions of engineering seismology: collection. scientific tr. / Ross. acad. Sciences, Institute of Physics of the Earth. – Vol. 1 (1958) M.: Nauka, 2001 Issue. 34. – 2001. – 137 p. ; issue 35: Earthquake Forecasting. – 2001. – 182 p. ; issue 36. – 2002. – 165 p.


Local Access Resources

Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. – M., 1996. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM)

Remote Access Resources

Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Information Center. RSL technologies. - Electron. Dan. – M.: Ros. state b-ka, 1997 – Access mode: http//


Article from... a book or other one-time publication

Dvinyaninova, G. S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social power of language: collection. scientific tr. / Voronezh. interregion Institute of Societies. Sciences, Voronezh. state University, Fak. Romano-Germanic. stories. – Voronezh, 2001. – pp. 101–106.

Article from the serial publication

Bogolyubov, A. N. On real resonances in a waveguide with inhomogeneous filling / A. N. Bogolyubov, A. L. Delitsyn, M. D. Malykh // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 3, Physics. Astronomy. – 2001. – No. 5. – P. 23–25.

Title blocks for drawings and diagrams

The main inscription used on the sheets of the main sets of drawings and diagrams for construction specialties is shown in Figure E. 1.

Figure D. 1 - Main inscription. Form 3 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS

In the columns of the main inscription indicate:

in column 2 - the name of the enterprise, housing and civil complex or other construction project (the name of the topic of the project);

in column 3 - the name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, the type of construction (reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment;

in column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with their name in the drawing. Filling out the remaining columns is in Appendix B, Figure B. 1.

The main inscription used on the first sheet of drawings of construction products is shown in Figure D. 2.

Figure D. 2 - Main inscription. Form 4 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS

In the columns of the main inscription according to Form 4 GOST 21.101-97 SPDS indicate:

in column 23 - designation of the material of the parts;

in column 24 – weight of the product according to GOST 2.109-73;

in column 25 – product scale according to GOST 2.109-73.


Location of main inscriptions and additional columns in the drawings

The location of the main inscriptions on construction drawings and diagrams is presented in Figure E. 1.


General information about final qualifying works

Requirements for volume and organization of work execution

Approximate topics of final qualifying works in the specialty

Structure of a typical final qualifying work

Structure of the explanatory note

Main sections of the explanatory note


Main part


List of sources used



Feasibility study of the project topic

Research part

Technological part

Automation of technological processes

Product quality control

Environmental protection

Architectural and construction part

Occupational Health and Safety

10Economic part


Development of a technological scheme

Selecting a molding method

Design of the unit and product manufacturing operations

Technological calculations of the workshop

Design of the leading station of the production line

Drawing up a technological map for the manufacture of a product

Architectural and construction part

Rules for drawing up an explanatory note

General requirements

Construction of an explanatory note

Presentation of the text of the explanatory note

Description of formulas

Design of illustrations

Building tables

Basic inscriptions on drawings


Appendix A. Rules for drawing up an explanatory note

notes of final qualifying work

APPENDIX B. Example of abstract text formatting

APPENDIX B. Basic inscriptions for the explanatory note

APPENDIX D. Rules for compiling a list of used sources

APPENDIX E. Acceptable list of word abbreviations

APPENDIX E. Basic blocks for drawings and diagrams

APPENDIX G. Location of main inscriptions

and additional graphs on drawings and diagrams

The construction industry thrives in any economic climate. This is one of the most popular areas of business activity. There is a high level of competition in this area, which indicates that such products are in great demand. We will talk about how to start the production of building materials, products and structures in this article.

Registration of activities

Like any other enterprise, the production of building materials in Russia requires official registration. If you decide to open such a business, you should register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

For a large enterprise, an LLC is more suitable, since in order to organize sales of finished products, you will have to enter into agreements with construction companies and wholesale stores that sell building materials. Let us remind you that individual entrepreneurs cannot enter into such agreements.

In order to successfully compete in the market, finished products must undergo certification confirming their quality. In addition, you will have to obtain all necessary licenses.

If you want to save your time and effort, entrust the registration of production to specialists who, for a fee, will prepare the entire package of documents.

Choosing a direction

Before you open a small production of building materials, you need to decide in which direction you will work. To do this, you should study different business ideas and choose the appropriate option from them.

An entrepreneur can choose any niche in the market, but before making a final decision, he needs to objectively assess his financial capabilities. If you cannot invest a large amount of money in the enterprise, you should start with the production of materials that do not require large initial investments. Over time, when the business begins to flourish, you can purchase the necessary equipment and expand the range.

Making a business plan

To properly organize a business for the production of building materials, you must first draw up a detailed business plan. If you do not have experience in this area and cannot perform all the necessary calculations yourself, entrust this matter to specialists. The most important thing is that it be realistic and consistent.

The following points must be included in the business plan:

  • Selection of premises;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Recruitment;
  • Advertising;
  • Sales of finished products.

When the business plan for the production of building materials is ready, you can move on to the next stage.

Technological process

Let's consider several technologies for the production of building materials:

  • Aerated blocks are produced using simple technology. First you need to mix the main components, then add water and distribute the mixture into molds. As a result of a chemical reaction, pores are formed in the mixture. The frozen mixture is cut to specified sizes. Then the workpieces are hardened and dried;
  • Are you looking for promising business ideas for the production of building materials? Pay attention to cellular polycarbonate. Special granules are used as raw materials for the manufacture of these products. different color and size. The prepared material is melted and finished products are formed from the resulting mass. After this, the cellular polycarbonate is cooled and cut. At the last stage, quality control of finished products is carried out;

Scheme: production of building materials

  • Porcelain tiles are made from quartz sand, clay and feldspar. This is a fairly expensive technology. To open an enterprise with low productivity, you will need at least 2 million rubles. The first stage is grinding and mixing of raw materials. Finished products are pressed from the resulting mass at different pressures. After this, glaze or paint is applied to their surface. To remove moisture, porcelain stoneware is dried. The final stage is firing of products;
  • Glued laminated timber is made from pine or spruce. The logs are sawn and dried in a special chamber. After this, the boards are checked for defects and calibrated. Next, the material is treated with an antiseptic solution. From the finished boards, lamellas are planed, from which timber is glued together. Such a business in the production of building materials brings a good stable income, since laminated veneer lumber is always in great demand;
  • The technology by which mineral wool is produced consists of several stages. First of all, the raw materials are melted and loaded into a centrifuge. There, fibers are formed from it, which are covered with synthetic resins. After this, the fibers are cooled and formed into a carpet. The necessary parameters are given to the material in a corrugated machine. Next, the cotton wool is cut into pieces of a certain size and packaged.
  • Raw materials

    If you want to start a small business, then the production of building materials is the most promising and profitable option. Before starting your own business in this line of activity, you need to find distribution channels for finished products and reliable suppliers of raw materials for the production of building materials. If timely supplies of raw materials are not ensured, the enterprise will remain idle, and its owner will suffer serious losses. To prevent this, you need to enter into agreements with trusted companies that have been working in this market for a long time and have an impeccable reputation.


    After you rent the premises, you can begin purchasing equipment for the production of building materials. If you have limited financial resources, you can purchase a used production line. Over time, when the enterprise begins to develop, you can begin to re-equip it.

    Recently, many entrepreneurs have given preference to inexpensive Chinese equipment. This equipment is of good quality, but at the same time it costs several times less than equipment from well-known European manufacturers.

    Sales of products

    The search for distribution channels for finished products should be started long before the enterprise opens. The main consumers of such products are construction companies, wholesalers and individuals.

    The most profitable option is the production and use of building materials. To do this, you need to take an interest and create your own on the basis of the enterprise construction company. In this case, you will not have problems with the sale of finished products, since you will immediately use them for their intended purpose.

    In addition, you can rent a retail outlet and sell finished products yourself. Before that, assess the level of competition in your region. In some cases, it is much more profitable to sell products in large quantities to wholesale buyers than to sell them at retail prices.

    Business profitability

    This type of business is highly profitable. But at the same time it requires large capital investments. The cost of one production line can reach several million rubles. In addition, the enterprise needs to rent premises with an area of ​​100–300 square meters. meters. You will also need warehouses for raw materials and finished products. Don’t forget about additional expenses – workers’ salaries, electricity, transportation, etc.