Indoor begonia - care and cultivation. Planting begonias at home. Optimal time for planting

Begonia is an indoor plant that blooms not only in summer time, but also in winter. It is either a completely herbaceous plant (up to 3 cm high) or a tall, dense shrub. Decorative deciduous species have very beautiful, developed foliage, of various sizes and shades of green. A plant can have one large or many small leaves. At the same time, their flowers are not expressive and small.

A characteristic feature is the asymmetry of the sheet; one side is always smaller than the other. Flowering species begonias, on the contrary, have large, bright flowers with a range of different shades of warm colors. They can be regular or terry in shape, resembling roses. Thanks to various crossings, a huge number of species of this beauty are known today.

Types and varieties of begonia

- has no stem, and the leaves grow directly from the rhizome on long stalks. Propagated by leaf division and cuttings. This type is used to decorate window sills and balconies (loggias). Among the most popular types are the following:

The leaves reach 30 cm in height (adult shoots), are heart-shaped, asymmetrical, have an unusual, heterogeneous color, red, brown and green. The flowers are removed from this plant; they are small and their presence slows down the growth of leaves, but it is the leaves that are the main accent of this species.

Masoniana or Mason's begonia on a light green heart-shaped sheet, a dark green pattern in the form of a five-fingered cross is drawn. It looks very unusual. The leaves are about 15-20 cm long.

Metallica or metallic begonia branching bushes of this species reach one and a half meters in height. The stems are reddish, and the leaves (10-15 cm) are dark green with reddish veins and a metallic sheen. Growing all year round, but more active in summer and spring.

– a low-growing plant with bright pink flowers, blooms late.

It has a pink stem and large, sharp, finger-like, green leaves with light veins. Reminds me of hogweed leaves.

– has a thick stem covered with red hairs. The leaves are large with serrated edges. The plant reaches a meter in height.

– a small plant in the form of a bush (20-25 cm). The leaves are small, dark green with light spots.

Leaves of unusual shape with a velvety surface. They are dark green almost black in color.

– has a cranked stem, somewhat reminiscent of a bamboo trunk. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, seeds and shoots (from the top). These flowers are more suitable for home grown, as they take root better in enclosed spaces. Some of the types:

It has a long flowering period, which is why it gained its popularity. It has glossy surface leaf, green or reddish in color. The flowers are small: white, red and pink. It can be propagated from seeds and grown both in the garden and at home. Indoor begonia can delight its owners with flowering almost all year round. It is periodically replanted by cuttings (every three years), as over time it loses its attractiveness.

large plant with rich red inflorescences that grow in dense bunches. The leaves are smooth, glossy, and oval in shape.

– quite a large species, leaves are 10-15 cm long, have white spots. The flowers are bright pink.

Differs from others in small, decorative leaves and small flowers, hanging in the form of milk mushrooms. The flowers are bright red. Blooms from December to March.

– an ideal decoration for personal plots, gardens and parks. It blooms from June to October, and in closed greenhouses ( winter gardens, greenhouses) and until the first frost. Does not like drafts and strong winds, and is also afraid of direct sunlight.

It differs from other members of the family in the presence of a large tuberous rhizome, from which large translucent stems grow with heart-shaped leaves with a slightly fleecy surface. Inflorescences of various colors. The following types can be found:

It has curly flowers and well-branched, slightly bent shoots. They are used in landscape design for decorating various hanging structures.

Ampelous begonia has an advantage over others in continuous flowering. It is hung in flowerpots from which they hang a large number of inflorescences tightly fitting a stem 20-40 cm long. It can be white, crimson, orange, yellow, and sometimes two-colored.

The diameter of the flowers reaches 25 cm.

Among garden and home begonias, there are species that are used only in indoor floriculture, For example, Begonia Elatior . The tuberous hybrid has rather fragile shoots with a reddish tint that require additional support. White, pink, orange, yellow, red and their various shades (usually two-color), inflorescences (6-7 cm in diameter) bloom at any time of the year. Leaves with a glossy surface, rounded in shape. The bush reaches 30-35 cm.

The height of the bush is about half a meter. Leaves are dark green, wavy at the edges (7-10 cm). Flowers: white, pink and red.

A characteristic feature of this continuously flowering plant, is delicate flower having wavy petals, white with a pink border and a bright yellow core.

Begonia care at home

The plant is quite light-loving; flowering species especially need light. But direct sunlight must be avoided, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Therefore, on the street they should be shaded, and in the apartment they should be displayed on the eastern or western windows, and on hot summer days they should be hidden deeper in the room, or the windows should be protected with special paper or film. Turn the pot from time to time, changing the sides of the flower lighting. A temperature of 20-24°C in summer and not lower than 15°C can be called comfortable.

Watering begonias

Since begonia by origin tropical plant then she loves high humidity. You cannot spray the leaves, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate (become covered with brown spots). Therefore, if the plant does not have enough moisture (for example, in hot weather), place it in a large tray on a stand and pour water (so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot) and pour some expanded clay there. By evaporating, the water will provide required humidity around the flower.

Watering is necessary with plenty of settled water, but do not allow water to linger in the pan. The watering regime is adjusted depending on the season; as soon as the top layer of soil (1.5-2 cm) dries out, it is watered. In winter, watering is sharply reduced, and tuberous species that hibernate are not watered at all, but placed in peat.

Fertilizers for begonias

Fertilizing is carried out 1-2 times a week during the period of active flowering. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are used for deciduous species begonias, as they improve leaf growth but slow down flowering.

Transplanting begonias at home

Replanting is carried out as needed, for example, if a flower becomes cramped in a pot, it can be moved to a more spacious one. A favorable time for transplantation is the beginning of spring.

The plant is taken out of the pot, carefully freed from old land(it’s a huge mistake to move a flower into a new pot with old soil and sprinkle it with new soil). You need to act carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems. To remove sand, you can use a light solution of potassium permanganate by dipping the roots there for a couple of minutes.

After this, weak spots will become noticeable (if there is rotting, then they should be cut off). The cleaned plant is placed in a new substrate. Watering after transplantation is frequent. The soil is not poured to the top; you need to wait until the roots dry and then add more.

You should not expose just the transplanted begonia directly to the sun (the flower needs time to adapt, about a month). In addition, the begonia is trimmed a little to form a new, fresh crown.

Soil for begonia

The soil has no special requirements. You can buy it at a flower shop or prepare it yourself. A little sand is laid out at the bottom, then the pot is filled halfway with leaf soil and a mixture of peat and black soil (1:1) is added.

If you prepare the soil correctly, the begonia will delight the eye with abundant, bright growth and flowering, the colors will be rich, the leaves will be juicy and healthy, and the trunk will be thick and strong.

Tuberous begonia winter storage

As soon as the first frosts arrive, the harvesting of tuberous begonias for storage begins. To do this, the upper part is cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm. It is dug up without clearing the roots from the ground, and folded into storage boxes.

When the tubers are dry, remove the remaining shoots and spread soil with peat around them. Store in a dry, dark place, at a temperature not lower than 10°C. As for ever-flowering species, there is no wintering period as such.

Begonia leaf propagation

When propagating by leaf cuttings, the strongest and healthiest leaf is selected and cut into several parts along the veins, so that each specimen has 2-3 veins. After which they are laid out on the surface of wet sand and covered with film or a plastic bag. It is necessary to spray the sand periodically.

When young leaves appear, gradually accustom the plant to room air, open for 10-15 minutes and close again, increasing the interval every day.

Propagation of begonias by stem cuttings

This method is suitable for any type of begonia with a stem. For this purpose it is cut off best cutting 7-8 cm with 2-3 leaves, the lower ones must be removed, and the large upper ones must be cut in half. Treat the cut area with charcoal.

In a prepared pot with a mixture of sand and soil for begonias (1:1), insert the cutting into the previously made hole with a stick, deepening it to the leaves. Cover with cut plastic bottle. Within a month, new leaves will appear. Gradually accustom the plant to air. It will start blooming in a couple of months.

Begonia propagation by dividing the bush

Begonias that grow as bushes can be propagated using rhizomes. To do this, remove the plant from the soil, soak the roots a little in water, then carefully divide the rhizome into parts so that each has a bud or sprout.

Excess, dried leaves and inflorescences are removed, and the cut points are treated with charcoal. Plant in pots and water.

Begonia from seeds

Not the most popular method, since not all seeds germinate or are viable, but it is still used.

Seeds are sown in a pre-prepared substrate, without covering them with soil, sprayed and covered with film or glass (opening occasionally to prevent waterlogging).

After thinning, wait until the sprouts get stronger and transplant into individual pots.

Propagation of tuberous begonia

In autumn, the leaves on the begonia are cut off, the tubers are taken out of the ground, cleaned from the ground and dried. In February-May, the tubers are cut into several parts (two, three), but so that roots and sprouts remain on each.

The cut side is sprinkled with charcoal and placed in peat (not deepening it too much, a small part should be on the surface), making sure that it does not dry out. The temperature should not drop (10-12°C). The germination process is very slow, you need to be patient.

Flower growers always place special hopes on begonia. They expect extravaganzas of flowering, well-developed bushes, and beautiful decorative leaves. For this reason, tubers are carefully stored until spring, seedlings are grown, and they are carefully looked after.

Conditions for home growing


Begonias are photophilous, but do not tolerate direct sunlight. In summer, for begonias, you should choose well-lit places, but away from direct sunlight. They will feel best on east or west windows. On southern windowsills, these plants must be shaded during the midday hours to avoid burns on the leaves.

In winter, on the contrary, it is necessary to provide them with maximum light and place them in sunny places in the morning. With strong shading, plants stretch out their shoots and produce few flowers. In winter, for those who bloom at this time, hybrids Lorraine and Elatior There is little natural light; it is advisable to provide them with additional lighting.


Begonias prefer high air humidity, since in the wild these flowers grow in tropical forests, with cultural cultivation they also need high air humidity of 60-70%. You can increase it at home by spraying. The air around the plants should be humidified, but not the leaves themselves. These plants need to be sprayed very carefully using the smallest spray nozzle - drops of water leave unsightly spots on the leaves. It is better to place these plants on trays with damp expanded clay, in a group of plants, or use a humidifier.

If the begonia is kept too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out, the buds fall off, and the plants lose their decorative properties. Also, do not place them near central heating radiators.


Begonias are thermophilic, do not tolerate negative temperatures. They cannot be grown on cold windowsills. It is important to maintain temperature balance: in summer the room should be between 20-24°C, in winter – 16-18°C, but not lower than 15°C.

The soil

Light, slightly acidic soil with good air and water permeability is suitable for plants. The soil mixture is prepared from 2–3 parts of humus soil, 1 part of high-moor peat, which has an acidic reaction, and 1 part of coarse sand.



Begonia does not tolerate too wet soil. Overmoistening is especially dangerous for tender seedlings; plants “suffocate” from lack of air and may die from root rot. The substrate should be moist, but not wet. Watering should be avoided cold water, below 12°C, so that the roots do not die off. During the flowering period, begonias should not experience a lack of moisture, otherwise the leaves will lose their decorative effect, and the buds and flowers will begin to fall off.

These plants have a delicate root system that is sensitive to overdose of fertilizers and improper watering. From spring to autumn, begonias are watered abundantly, after the top layer of soil has dried. Once every 10 days, complex fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation. In autumn and winter, they are transferred to moderate watering, preventing the earthen clod from completely drying out. Excess or lack of moisture leads to the falling of leaves and buds, which can cause various diseases and even the death of the plant.

Top dressing

For normal growth and development, plants need balanced nutrition. When feeding, seasonality, the age of the plant, and its characteristics are taken into account. During spring growth, plants need nitrogen. With its deficiency, begonias lag behind in development, the leaves become pale green. With an excess of nitrogen, plants do not adapt well to unfavorable conditions.

From mid-summer flowers are prepared for autumn-winter period. In fertilizers, the amount of nitrogen is reduced and the proportion of phosphorus and potassium is increased. For fertilizing use organic and mineral fertilizers. Frequency – once every 10-14 days. Do not feed sick or dry plants.


Begonias can be replanted throughout the spring, or at least until mid-summer, so that the plants have time to get stronger by autumn. This procedure is carried out annually, sometimes twice a year if the bushes and roots have grown quickly and the pot has become cramped. There is no need to take a new container that is too large. The begonia roots should fill the entire volume of the pot, so it is better that the new pot is not much larger than the previous one.

Begonias are watered before transplanting. The soil should not be too wet. In a new pot, a layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom for drainage, then the flower is transferred along with a lump of earth. If necessary, add soil to the container and compact it around. Transplantation can be combined with dividing the plant. Important point when planting tubers, they should not be planted too deeply. This will negatively affect flowering, the bush will be lush and flowering will be sparse.

Features of care in winter

Wintering conditions for different types have their own characteristics, for some it is a period of relative peace, others need full winter holidays. Watering and room temperature are important factors for keeping plants during the cold season.

Plants with decorative leaves in winter they can develop as well as in summer. But in conditions of short daylight hours and a lack of natural light, the shoots stretch out, become thin and fragile. Plant growth is regulated by watering. In winter, it is reduced and watered when the top layer of soil dries out. The temperature is also reduced to 16-18°C. You cannot place pots of flowers close to heating devices and batteries. It is advisable to provide additional lighting for the flowers.

In begonias Elatior They have a year-round development cycle; they can delight you with their flowering all winter long. To make it lush artificial lighting provide 14 hours of daylight. Watering should not be excessive. Experienced flower growers still advise giving Elatior begonias a rest between winter blooms. By pinching the tips of the shoots you can regulate the flowering time.

For tuberous begonias after the end of summer flowering, reduce watering, trim the shoots and move the pots to a cool place - to the basement, glassed-in loggia, veranda.

Tubers can be preserved in another way. At the end of September, after pruning, they are removed from the ground, cleaned, dried, placed in a bag of peat and placed in winter storage. The tubers will remain dormant until the end of winter. The tubers are checked regularly, at least 1–2 times a month. When root rot appears, the affected areas are cleaned and then treated with sulfur. If the infection has spread to large plots, then the tuber is thrown away to save other plants.

It is not advisable to store tubers in the refrigerator; it is too cold for them. The buds will take a long time to wake up in the spring.


Propagation of begonia seeds, leaf and stem cuttings, dividing tubers and bushes.


The advantages of this method are the preservation of varietal characteristics and the speed of reproduction. The most suitable period is spring. Young shoots with 1–2 internodes are cut from the top of the plant. Remove flowers, buds, lower leaves, the upper ones are shortened by a third to reduce evaporation.

The cuttings are planted in mini-greenhouses with good drainage. The rooting mixture is prepared from peat, sand and vermiculite. Planted cuttings are regularly sprayed, ventilated to prevent rotting, and protected from the hot sun.

Begonia cuttings can be rooted in water, and plants can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. For this purpose, not old leaves with petioles 2–3 cm long are suitable. They are planted in a pot with a substrate, deepening the leaf to the length of the petiole. Small leaves for cuttings are taken whole, large leaves are divided into parts. The leaf fragment should have a piece of petiole and a vein. Transplantation of rooted leaf petioles begins only after the appearance of new young plants. Typically this period is 4–6 weeks. Feeding begins a month after transplantation.

Dividing tubers and bushes

This method is suitable for tuberous begonias and for plants that form large bushes. Its advantage is that begonias begin to bloom earlier.

At the beginning of spring, the plants, together with a lump of earth, are divided into parts and planted in containers. The tubers are cut into pieces so that each has buds. Then the cuttings are slightly dried and planted in light soil. To form new roots, tubers need access to air and moisture. Overmoistening should not be allowed; the soil should be in a semi-moist state, since at first there is a high risk of tubers rotting.

Propagation by seeds

Propagated by seeds ever-flowering begonia, ampelous and tuberous.

In this way you can immediately get more plants than with cuttings or division.

In mid-winter, shallow containers are filled with an earthen mixture consisting of equal parts of compost, leaf soil, peat and sand. For disinfection, the soil surface is spilled with a solution of fundozol. Begonia seeds are small; they are not buried in the ground, but are sown on the compacted surface of the substrate. The containers are covered with transparent glass or plastic bag and place in a warm place with a temperature of 21–23°C. The seeds germinate within two weeks. Next is the usual care of the seedlings: daily ventilation for 1–2 hours, careful watering from a spray bottle, control over the formation of condensation on the inside of the glass or film. After 12–14 days, the cover is removed. During this period, the temperature of the seedlings is reduced to 17–19°C and the plants are protected from direct sun. The seedlings are ready for picking after the formation of 2-3 true leaves.

Pests and diseases


Most often, begonias suffer from powdery mildew and gray mold.

fungal disease. Appears as white plaque on the leaves. Reduces the decorative value of the plant and can spread to all above-ground parts. The leaves begin to turn brown and dry out. Control measures - treatment with fungicides. In the room you need to reduce the air humidity and ventilate it more often.

Appears in damp and cool conditions. Fungi attack leaves, shoots, and flowers. A gray fluffy coating forms on them. Systemic fungicides will help cope with the disease. In addition, reduce watering and ventilate the room.


Aphid a small wingless sucking insect of green or yellowish color. The pests are very prolific, multiplying quickly and sucking the juice out of the plant. The leaves turn yellow, the flowers fall off. They destroy pests by spraying plants with soap solution, tobacco infusion, and chemicals.

Spider mite, like aphids, sucking small insect. It depletes the plants, begonia leaves become deformed, and the buds fall off. Affected bushes are washed with soapy water and treated with insecticides.

Root nematode a microscopic worm that settles on the roots and lower on the stems. Growths form on them in which larvae develop. Plants are stunted and rot. Sick plants are destroyed.

Blooming begonias will decorate your home; plants with colorful leaves of unusual shapes will enliven any interior. Looking at begonias, one cannot help but believe that “beauty will save the world.”

How to properly care for begonias? And interesting tips from experienced flower growers, you will find out by watching the video.

This one is amazing beautiful flower decorates the apartments of many amateur gardeners. Bright large buds indoor begonia They resemble small roses that bloom for a long time. You have a begonia, but you don’t know the rules for caring for the flower? Easy care and your care will allow you to admire the plant all year round.

How to care for begonia - choosing a place and lighting

If the place is chosen correctly, begonia will delight you with beautiful flowers. When choosing a location, consider the following points:

  • the plant does not like direct sunlight. But there must be enough light. Deciduous varieties Place begonias away from windows, they love partial shade. It is recommended to place a flower pot on the window sills facing the eastern and northern parts;
  • do not move the flower from one place to another. It will be destroyed by changes in lighting and temperature;
  • The ideal temperature for begonia is from 18 to 22 degrees in summer. In winter - from 15 to 18 degrees;
  • Flowering plants require bright lighting.

After the flowering buds wither, carefully remove them. Trim the flower itself and leave the bush five centimeters high.

How to care for begonia - proper watering and air humidity

In summer, water the begonia generously, but do not allow water to stagnate in the pot or tray. In winter, reduce watering. Tuberous varieties of the plant “sleep” in winter. Place the flower in peat and do not water at all. For watering, use slightly settled water.

Do not spray begonia, although it loves high humidity. If water gets on the sheets, brown spots will appear. Water carefully. To prevent the flower from disappearing from excessive dryness, help it:

  • place the begonia on an inverted tray;
  • place the resulting structure in a larger tray;
  • spread expanded clay around the circumference and systematically moisten it. The water will begin to evaporate and this will help maintain the desired humidity balance for the flower.

How to care for begonia - feeding

Begonia needs fertilizer for long flowering and large buds. Buy a special composition designed specifically for begonias. Feed the flower once a month. If it blooms, do it more often. Deciduous varieties are not fertilized in the fall, but feed the plant that blooms in winter until flowering is complete.

Choose the right fertilizer. The fertilizer must not contain chlorine. Buy fertilizer that contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

How to care for begonia - transplantation and propagation

Replant your begonia in the spring. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it is advisable to use peat, leafy or garden soil, as well as sand in equal proportions. Place sand at the bottom of the pot. Replant as needed if the pot becomes small. The most comfortable pot is a clay pot. After transplanting, water the plant well and place it in the shade for 5 days. When transplanting, consider the following points:

  • carefully remove the begonia from the old pot and clean the roots from the old peat;
  • It is advisable to place the begonia before transplanting in water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours;
  • After cleaning the roots from sand in potassium permanganate, cut off the rotten parts.

Rhizome flowers are propagated by seeds and cuttings, and tuberous flowers are propagated by dividing the tubers. The tuberous plant germinates very slowly. Do not think that it has not taken root - you will see shoots and roots appearing.

Begonia is an unpretentious flower. If you provide charming flower proper care, it will reward you with its beauty and long flowering.

The most popular decorative foliage and decorative flowering plant is begonia. It perfectly absorbs toxic substances and helps cleanse the bronchi. In addition, the flower helps create a good mood. How to care for begonia at home?

Begonia types and care

Today, more than 900 varieties and types of flowers, about 2000 hybrids, are known. All crops for cultivation are divided into 2 groups - flowering (tuberous, bushy, evergreen) and deciduous. Caring for begonias at home is simple and unpretentious. The plant does not need frequent replanting and a certain temperature. To prevent the flower from blooming prematurely, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • moisten the soil daily in extreme heat;
  • create optimal temperature;
  • the pot must be placed on a saucer with peat and periodically moistened;
  • water in summer 2 times in 5 days;
  • it is necessary to feed once every 2 weeks after flowering;
  • reduce watering to a minimum in winter.


The most popular flowering plant species is Elatior begonia, which is distinguished by its long flowering time and a wide variety of shades. Under proper conditions it can bloom almost continuously all year round. The flower loves light very much, although it cannot withstand direct rays of the sun, so it is necessary to place the pot on a north window. If you have Elatior begonia, home care should be as follows:

  • placement near front door;
  • you will need loose, breathable soil;
  • overmoistening is unacceptable;
  • It is better that the transplant is carried out a month after purchase;
  • daily spraying with warm water is necessary.


A hybrid species of the family, Rex or royal begonia, comes from India. The small fleshy stem of the plant is strewn with reddish bristles. The leaves are large, pointed, asymmetrical, and have a serrated edge. Rex does not require special conditions, but to save bright color necessary:

  • use soil with medium acidity;
  • avoid stagnation of water;
  • choose a wide pot with drainage holes;
  • water regularly and moderately with settled water;
  • Place the plant on a west-facing window with diffuse sunlight.


A subspecies of tuberous plants, ampelous begonia, is often used for vertical gardening. Hanging shoots 50 cm long, as a rule, are strewn with many crimson, white, yellow, orange flowers. For the plant to bloom well, it is necessary:

  • place the flower in the sun, but so that the rays are diffused and not direct;
  • water the pot abundantly and regularly;
  • ensure that the soil remains slightly acidic, i.e. constantly introduce nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • Watering closer to autumn should be gradually reduced to moderate;
  • ventilate the room.


This perennial, like coral begonia, is capable of reaching room conditions 90 cm high and 50 cm wide. This variety has pink flowers, straight bare stem, leaves – green with silvery splashes. To beautiful flowering plant felt great, it should be in soil that allows moisture and air to pass through. You also need:

  • choose the right durable pot (it is better to buy a clay one);
  • In summer, water abundantly and regularly;
  • avoid direct rays of the sun, only in winter should you expose flower pot on the window, because lack of light will cause the leaves to fade;
  • To maintain humidity, you need to spray the air.


Variety leafy plants is Fista or red-leaved begonia. It has a short green stem, long smooth leaves, which are red on the inside. With proper care it can become a bush plant. Flower needed:

  • provide compost soil for planting;
  • reduce watering in winter to once every 10 days;
  • in summer it is necessary to periodically spray the air around the pot with water;
  • Find a place in the house with diffused bright light.


The indoor plant, tiger begonia, attracts attention with its compactness and beauty. Like hogweed, it belongs to the decorative group and is valued for the uniqueness of its leaves. White small flowers appear only in winter; some gardeners prefer to remove them, because... they have no aesthetic value. The plant is not capricious, but there are features that help the flower feel comfortable:

  • to prevent the leaves from drying out, the flowerpot must be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay;
  • the air temperature should be +18 in winter, no more than 22 in summer;
  • Direct sunlight should be avoided; it is better to place the pot on a north window;
  • It is necessary to water as the soil dries out, and the water should be warm and settled.

It is considered the most beautiful representative of the decorative deciduous species. On its heart-shaped terry leaves there is an image of a five-fingered dark cross. In summer and spring, small emerald-colored flowers appear on the bush. To make the plant comfortable, it is necessary:

  • protect it from drafts;
  • systematically water and moisten the soil;
  • monitor the drying of the soil;
  • provide the tree with dense diffused light;
  • make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves;
  • create additional care using artificial lighting.


A lover of diffused, rich lighting, Cleopatra begonia or American maple has olive-colored leaves and an erect branching stem. Like the collar and cuff species, this plant does not tolerate dry air and excessive watering. For proper development, you should regularly rotate the bush so that the sides receive uniform light. Rules of care:

  • does not tolerate stagnant moisture, because the whole thing may rot root system;
  • Watering should only be done with warm, settled water;
  • Cleopatra loves a damp atmosphere, but does not tolerate moisture on the leaves.


Many gardeners are often interested in how to propagate begonia and grow it? Planting is carried out with tubers and seeds, propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush, cuttings of stems and leaves. The most common is cuttings. This method is used in spring and summer: the stem cutting must be at least 7 cm, planting material immediately after cutting it should be planted in a moistened substrate. Place the container with the cuttings in a dark place. After 60 days, the plant will take root and can be replanted.

To propagate tuberous species, you need to take tubers or seeds. For this:

  • in the fall, tubers should be removed from the ground;
  • cut off the entire sheet;
  • clean the roots;
  • place peeled tubers in peat;
  • The temperature should be approximately 11 degrees.


  • Powdery mildew. In this case, a white coating appears on the leaves, which constantly grows. The flower may even begin to shed its leaves. Causes: low humidity air, heat.
  • Gray rot. The leaves become covered with watery, sticky gray spots. Over time, they begin to curl and rot. Reasons: too much watering, high temperature, humidity.


Like any subtropical plants, begonia needs high humidity, although at the same time it does not tolerate stagnant water. To provide optimal conditions for growth, you need to know how to water begonia:

  • You can’t spray the leaves, because water can cause brown spots;
  • a special humidifier should be used;
  • in winter, you can place a bowl of water next to the flower;
  • Watering the plant should be carried out evenly with settled water, in the morning or evening once every 3 days;
  • In winter and autumn, the intensity of watering should be reduced, as a rule, to once a week.


Many gardeners are interested in the question of how to plant begonia so that it takes root well. For this indoor flower You will definitely need nutritious soil (2 parts leaf soil, one part each of black soil and peat). Growing a flower from seeds is troublesome, so it is better to take tubers. To do this you need:

  • Place a layer of coarse river sand on the bottom of the pot;
  • fill half the container with leaf soil;
  • pour a mixture of black soil and peat on top;
  • tubers should be planted in the soil with the convex side;
  • water moderately;
  • When the buds appear, you can divide the tubers into pieces and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal.


Beginning flower growers do not always know why and how to prune begonia. The procedure is carried out to improve flowering and maintain the proportions between the crown and root system. In addition, if pruning is not done in a timely manner, the leaves will become smaller and disappear. attractive appearance. Rules:

  • when the stems reach 8 cm, the first pruning is necessary;
  • The procedure is carried out with a sharp knife; scissors cannot be used, because they can injure the bush;
  • To speed up healing and avoid rotting, treat the cut area with wood ash.

Flower transplant

Growing begonias does not require special skills from gardeners; you just need to know certain watering rules, temperature regime and timing of transplantation. It is carried out once every three years in early March. For the procedure, you will need to purchase a new pot, which must be 2 cm larger than the previous one. Rules:

  • carefully remove from the substrate;
  • clean the roots from the ground;
  • place for an hour in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • remove diseased areas;
  • Place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, pour coarse sand on top;
  • Place the plant in the center and carefully cover the roots with soil mixture;
  • After transplantation, the flower needs abundant watering.

Wintering conditions

If you treat the plant correctly during the off-season, it will delight you with its flowering for many years. How to save tuberous begonia in winter? This species is the most demanding in terms of maintenance and with the onset of cold weather it goes into a state of rest. Features of care in winter:

  • It is not recommended to replant the plant;
  • reduce watering;
  • once a day it is necessary to spray the air near the flower with water, but at the same time so that the drops do not accidentally fall on the leaves;
  • On a sunny day, place it in the window for several hours.


Begonia (Begonia) is a unique herbaceous plant in terms of the number of species and varieties, which differ in shape, flowering color, size and habitat. In the Begoniev family there are perennials and annuals, which are represented by herbaceous plants, low-growing shrubs and full-fledged subshrubs.

Begonia can be found in countries with tropical and subtropical climates - in Africa, America and Southeast Asia, and even on the island of Madagascar. Begonia species come in a surprising range of sizes and shapes. The most small plant can be only a few centimeters in height, and at the largest it reaches the three-meter mark. Begonia has adapted to different conditions growth. It can grow in moist wooded soils, on the roots of old trees, and in the crevices of cold rocks.

The Antilles are considered the homeland of begonia. The plant was discovered there back in 1687 by participants in one of the scientific expeditions organized by Michel Begon. Subsequently, unknown at that time plants were named after him, found and described by the botanist from France Charles Plumier, who also participated in this trip.

In horticulture, there are 125 species of this flower and a large number of hybrid forms, as breeders have done enormous and active work over the past decades. The total number of begonias is approaching a thousand specimens. Among this large family you can find decorative begonias, both flowering and deciduous. Tuberous large-flowering begonias obtained by hybridization are very popular.

In the second half of the nineteenth century in different countries new species of begonias were found. For example, in India - royal begonia, in Peru - Veitch begonia, in Bolivia - Pierce and Bolivian begonia, in the highlands of South America -. But flower growers and gardeners give the greatest preference to Belgian begonia varieties.

Types of begonia

Most suitable for growing indoors hybrid forms begonias. Both flowering and deciduous plant species have decorative qualities. Among the flowering species there are two categories of plants. Some are evergreen representatives, while others are shedding leaves. Evergreens do not bloom as spectacularly as the other species, but they delight with lush green foliage all year round. Those specimens whose foliage dies off have a beautiful and lush flowering, but to grow the next generation of flowers, tuberous propagation will be required.

Location and lighting

Lighting for deciduous begonia species should not be very bright, partial shade, especially in hot and sunny summers, since the sun's rays leave burns when they hit begonia leaves. Flowering begonia species prefer brighter lighting at any time of the year, but it should be protected from direct sun with a white cloth or thin paper, and also use blinds.


The temperature regime of keeping begonias changes with the seasons. In warm spring and summer months the plant needs a temperature within 20-25 degrees, and in other months - from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Air humidity

Air humidity is of great importance for the development of begonia. Its level should be constantly close to 60%. You can maintain such humidity using additional containers with water, which will stand next to the indoor plant or a special electrical appliance which will humidify the air. The liquid will constantly evaporate and maintain the required level of humidity.

Another way to moisturize can be a container with damp moss or peat, in which you need to place a pot of begonia. But you will have to abandon the usual spraying for other flowers, since begonia from such water procedures may die. Drops of water falling on the leaves of a plant will leave behind stains. Brown and will lead to leaf fall.


Begonia needs abundant or moderate watering, depending on the season. On hot summer days the plant requires a lot of moisture, and on cold autumn and winter time the number of irrigations and their volumes are reduced. Excess and lack of moisture in the soil can lead to negative consequences. That's why next watering It is recommended to carry out only when the soil has dried two centimeters. Water should not stagnate in the soil, so you need to regulate its volume when watering. Water for irrigation should only be purified or melted and approximately equal to the air temperature in the room.

The soil

The optimal soil composition for growing begonias is: 2-3 parts of leaf soil, 1 part each of sand, black soil and peat.

Feeding and fertilizers

Complex fertilizing must be applied twice a month, starting from the period of begonia budding and throughout the entire flowering period. This applies to decorative flowering species of begonias. But for decorative deciduous representatives, fertilizers without nitrogen content are necessary, because this nutrient promotes the active development of leaf mass and inhibits the flowering process.


Tuberous varieties of begonias are planted in the soil in early spring. Transplantation of rhizomatous flower species is carried out as the indoor plant grows. Begonias should not be replanted with dry soil in a pot or immediately after it has been moistened. A favorable time for replanting is the next day after watering.

It is worth taking care in advance about the volume and composition of the soil mixture for a new flower container. The composition of the soil should include: sand, peat and black soil in equal proportions, as well as two parts of leaf or garden soil. On the day of transplantation, the soil in the flower container should be only slightly moist.

The begonia must be removed from the pot along with the earthen lump and carefully (you can use a small thin stick) to free the root part from the soil. The plant should stand for some time in a weak manganese solution (only its root part), and then it is necessary to get rid of damaged or rotten parts of the root using a sharp knife. All small roots tangled in a lump, as well as diseased parts of large roots, must be pruned. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal.

The begonia is placed in a new pot with a soil mixture and sprinkled with soil almost to the very top, and immediately watered abundantly. Over the next week, the earth will gradually settle, the top layer will dry out a little, after which you can add the missing amount of soil. During these 6-7 days, no watering is carried out; they are replaced by daily spraying.

Immediately after transplantation, it is recommended to prune the plant. This will promote the formation of a bushy form and less evaporation of moisture. Begonia should spend the first week in a new container indoors without drafts and in shady conditions.

Caring for begonia during the dormant period

Begonia of tuberous species after the end of flowering should gradually go into a dormant period. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number and volume of watering until the above-ground part of the indoor flower dries completely. All dried parts of the plant are completely removed, and the flower is placed in cool conditions with a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius for 2.5-3 months. In this case, watering must be continued, but in minimal quantities and very rarely.

The beginning of spring is the most favorable time for propagation of begonias.

Propagation by seeds

It is recommended to sow seeds in the last week of winter or at the very beginning of spring. Small seeds are scattered on the surface of the ground in a box without crushing them with soil, covered with glass and placed in a warm (about 25 degrees Celsius) room in a well-lit place. Watering the soil is carried out using a sprayer. For sowing, it is advisable to use freshly collected seeds, although they remain viable for three years after collection.

Picking of young seedlings is carried out twice. The first time - after the formation of the third full leaf, and the second time - 1.5-2 months after the appearance of the seedlings. Young plants are transplanted into small individual pots.

From the moment the seedlings appear until the beginning of April, it is necessary to supplement the plants with fluorescent lamps due to the short daylight hours and lack of natural light. This is approximately 4-5 hours a day.

Sowing seeds early (around the first week of January) promotes the formation of large tubers and active flowering already in the first summer season. At late sowing tubers are formed small size(about 1 centimeter in diameter), but flowering does not occur in the same year.

Reproduction by tuber division

The tubers of a mature plant should be cut into several parts, sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal, leave to dry, and then germinate in seedling boxes or flower pots.

Propagation by cuttings

There should be at least three leaves left on the cut begonia cuttings. Places of cuts must be sprinkled activated carbon(powdery). Rooting of the plant occurs within a month at a temperature of at least 20 degrees and good soil and air moisture. The location of the flower needs to be shaded.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Bush varieties of begonia are suitable for this method. The bush is divided along with the root part and planted in separate pots. During rooting, begonia should be in a bright and warm room.

Propagation by dividing rhizomes

This propagation method can be used during spring plant transplantation. After division, each part of the plant should have a shoot with or without a bud and a root. Charcoal is used to sprinkle cuts on the roots to prevent rotting of the root part. All parts of the begonia are planted in separate containers and all rules for caring for indoor flowers are followed.

Great harm to begonias is caused by: spider mite, nematode and aphid. Gray rot can form due to the appearance of a fungus. Pest control measures - pruning of affected parts, treatment with fungicides.

The plant is sick due to violation of the rules of caring for it. The most common diseases:

  • Withering and dropping of buds and leaves is due to lack of air and soil humidity.
  • Drying of leaf tips - not proper watering.
  • Pallor of the leaf mass is a lack of light.
  • Curling and drying of leaves, the appearance of a white coating (signs fungal diseasepowdery mildew) - due to excess humidity in the room and water condensation on the leaves.

Control measures include regular ventilation of the room, moderate lighting, timely application of fertilizers.

Growing flowering indoor begonia (video)