Let's figure out how to regulate the temperature of the heating battery. How to regulate radiators

In order to constantly maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms, each radiator must be equipped with an adjustment system. As a rule, heating radiators can be adjusted at the installation stage of the system itself. However, at this stage it will only be initial, and after connection you will have to reconfigure and adjust the operation of the system several times in accordance with the requirements for the right temperature. How to avoid mistakes when setting the heat transfer of radiators central heating, this article will tell.

Radiator temperature

Instead of standards for the temperature of heating units, there are standards for the level of air heat in rooms. According to these standards, the temperature in living rooms should be no lower than 18C and no higher than 24C. In other rooms (toilet, bathroom, kitchen, hallway, storage room) it should be from 14 to 22C. Ideal temperature the mark is considered to be 21C. if you manage to achieve uniform heat distribution over the entire area of ​​the apartment or house, this will be the most the best option of all possible.

Factors affecting indoor air temperature

Remember that the room temperature level depends not only on the radiators themselves and their type, but also on many other conditions:

  • ventilation frequency;

  • number of windows;

  • thermal insulation of windows;

  • location of the room (in the middle of the house, on the corner, top or bottom floor).

Without adjusting the heating radiators, it is hardly possible to create an ideal and comfortable system that meets the requirements of each resident.

Battery adjustment process

Often, at the beginning of construction, the heating system is adjusted by simply routing pipes of various thicknesses from the boiler to the radiators. However, this approach for effective management The heating system is not enough.

Directly for these purposes, absolutely on one side of each battery there is a special tap, by turning which you can release unnecessary air. However, be careful when opening it slowly to avoid a sudden release of hot steam, as it is under high pressure.

To properly regulate heating batteries, just opening and closing the special control valve on the battery is, of course, not enough. Depending on how many batteries are connected to the boiler, open them a certain number of turns. For example, you have three radiators connected to a boiler. To ensure that the pressure is evenly distributed throughout the heating system, open the first radiator a couple of turns, the second by three, and the third by four. This adjustment of the heating radiators in the apartment will allow you to heat the premises in a shorter time.

Their presence will allow you to control the flow of heat and rational use of power heating equipment. For example, if the room has become too hot, or it is not in use and is closed, then receipt hot water With the help of such a tap, the radiator can be lowered or completely closed.

Differences in heating systems

Depending on their location, there are three types of heating systems:

  1. systems through which water moves from top to bottom;

  2. single pipe system;

  3. two-pipe system.

If your home has a system of the first type, then it will simply be impossible to adjust the temperature of the heating radiator. On the upper floors the radiators will be constantly hot, but on the lower floors they will be colder.

If there is a two-pipe system, both manual valves and special automated devices can be installed on the main line. They help regulate not only the temperature, but also the volume of incoming water. Which device to choose - manual or automatic - is up to you.

  • To install regulators on radiators, only special taps and valves should be used.

  • In order for the batteries to give off heat to the maximum, try to optimally match the number of angles, slopes and turns of the pipes during the installation process. With an excessive number of bends, the performance of the entire system will be ineffective, but at the same time the pressure in the pipes and batteries will decrease.

  • Carefully insulate radiators and pipes in areas where heating is not so important. For example, in a pantry, garage, etc. Insulation will prevent the waste of heat on those sections of the path where its supply, in general, is not so important.

  • At the time of adjusting the heating radiators, the premises must be fully used for their intended purpose. This approach will make it clear what the optimal temperature is required for comfortable operation of the rooms.

  • To avoid wastage of heat, take into account all additional sources of heating in the room, as well as factors that contribute to cooling the air and the appearance of drafts: air conditioners, open windows, etc.

  • Start adjusting the temperature of the radiators by determining the coldest room. As a rule, this is the largest and non-residential premises in the house. To do this, close all taps and measure the temperature in the rooms. Once the coldest room has been determined, begin adjusting the batteries there by fully opening the shut-off valve there. The room will warm up more efficiently, but the flow of hot water itself will not decrease.

  • To avoid guessing the temperature based on your personal feelings, hang thermometers in your rooms. They do not necessarily have to be in a visible place and look like a thermometer (if you are worried about a violation of harmony in the interior). Moreover, for example, at +20C one person may feel quite comfortable, while another may find this temperature somewhat low.

  • To bring the room temperature to the most comfortable value, adjust the regulator on the boiler. At the same time, in more warm rooms the temperature will be slightly higher than the required value.

  • Remember that heated rooms cool quite slowly. Therefore, if the temperature in the room seems a little too high, do not turn off the tap completely, but only lower it slightly. To adjust the temperature of the heating radiators as efficiently as possible, screw on the taps one by one in each room.

Why do you need to regulate heating batteries?

Firstly, adjusting the temperature helps create the most comfortable conditions indoors.

Secondly, this reduces heat consumption costs. If we calculate the efficiency of heating radiator regulation systems, then on average costs are reduced by 25%.

Thirdly, if you have heat consumption meters, you can control the cost of heating the room.

Fourthly, there is no need for constantly open windows. Of course, fresh air is useful, but if there are small children or sick people in the room, a draft can only harm them.

Adjust your batteries well in advance of starting a new one. heating season, and then in the cold season you won’t have to freeze and try to frantically adjust the central heating system. However, you shouldn’t do this in the summer either - while it’s hot outside, you won’t be able to fully appreciate the comfort of artificially heated air and correctly set the required temperature.

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System diagram with regulators

Each heating season brings its own surprises with difficulties in heating rooms, both for residents multi-storey buildings, and private cottages. The quality of uniform heating of all rooms of the house depends on how it is adjusted.

Why do you need to make adjustments?

Settings optimal temperature Heating batteries allow you to create the most comfortable living conditions indoors. In addition, adjustment allows:

  1. Remove the effect of air in the batteries, allow the coolant to move freely through the pipeline of the heating system, effectively transferring its heat to the interior of the room.
  2. Reduce heat consumption costs by up to 25%.
  3. Do not keep windows constantly open if the air in the room is excessively overheated.

It is advisable to set up heating and adjust batteries before the start of the heating season. This is necessary so that later you do not experience discomfort in the apartment and do not adjust the heating temperature of the batteries in emergency mode. Before setting up and adjusting the radiators, initially in the summer you need to thermally insulate all windows. In addition, you need to take into account the specific location of the apartment:

  • In the middle or corner of the house.
  • Lower or upper floor.

After analyzing the situation, it is advisable to use energy-saving technologies to maximize heat conservation inside the apartment:

  • Insulate walls, corners, floors.
  • Carry out hydro and thermal insulation of the seams between the concrete joints of the panel house.

Without this work, it will be useless to regulate the temperature of the radiators, since the lion's share of the heat will heat the street.

Types of heating systems and the principle of adjusting radiators

Handle with valve

To correctly adjust the temperature of radiators, you need to know general device heating systems and coolant pipe distribution.

  1. The system is powered by a powerful boiler.
  2. Each battery is equipped with a three-way valve.
  3. Forced pumping of coolant has been installed.

At the stage installation work For individual heating, it is necessary to take into account the minimum number of bends in the system. This is necessary in order to reduce heat loss and not reduce the pressure of the coolant supplied to the radiators.

For uniform heating and rational use of heat, a valve is mounted on each battery. With it, you can reduce the water supply or disconnect it from the general heating system in an unused room.

  • In the central heating system of multi-storey buildings, equipped with a vertical supply of coolant through a pipeline from top to bottom, it is impossible to adjust the radiators. In this situation, the upper floors open the windows due to the heat, and the rooms on the lower floors are cold, since the radiators there are barely warm.
  • A more advanced one-pipe network. Here the coolant is supplied to each battery and then returned to central riser. Therefore, there is no noticeable temperature difference in the apartments on the upper and lower floors of these buildings. In this case, the supply pipe of each radiator is equipped with a control valve.
  • A two-pipe system, where two risers are mounted, ensures the supply of coolant to the heating radiator and back. To increase or decrease the coolant flow, each battery is equipped with a separate valve with a manual or automatic thermostat.

Types of control valves

Types of cranes

Existing modern technologies heating systems make it possible to install a special tap on each radiator that controls the quality of heat. This control valve is a heat exchanger shut-off valves, which is connected via pipes to the heating radiator.

According to the principle of their operation, these cranes are:

  • Ball ones, which primarily serve as 100% protection against emergency situations. These shut-off devices are a structure that can be rotated 90 degrees and can allow water to pass through or prevent the passage of coolant.

The ball valve must not be left in a half-open state, as in this case the sealing ring may be damaged and a leak may occur.

  • Standard, where there is no temperature scale. They are represented by traditional budget valves. They do not provide absolute accuracy of adjustment. By partially blocking the access of coolant to the radiator, they change the temperature in the apartment to an indefinite value.
  • With a thermal head that allows you to adjust and control the parameters of the heating system. Such thermostats are automatic and mechanical.

Conventional direct-acting thermostat

Device principle

A direct-acting thermostat is a simple device for controlling the temperature in a heating radiator, which is installed near it. By its design, it is a sealed cylinder into which a siphon is inserted with a special liquid or gas that clearly reacts to changes in the temperature of the coolant.

As it increases, the liquid or gas expands. This leads to increased pressure on the rod in the thermostat valve. It, in turn, moving, blocks the flow of coolant. When the radiator cools, the reverse process occurs.

Thermostat with electronic sensor

This device does not differ in operating principle from the previous version, the only difference is in the settings. If in a conventional thermostat they are performed manually, then an electronic sensor does not need this.

Here the temperature is set in advance, and the sensor monitors its maintenance within the specified limits. The electronic thermostatic sensor regulates the control parameters of the air temperature within the range from 6 to 26 degrees.

Step-by-step instructions for adjusting temperature

To ensure comfortable living conditions in the room, you need to perform some basic steps.

Connection diagrams

  1. Initially, it is necessary to bleed the air on each battery until water flows from the tap in a trickle.
  2. Then you need to adjust the pressure in the batteries.
  3. To do this, in the first battery from the boiler you need to open the valve by two turns, on the second - by three, and then according to the same scheme, increasing the number of turns of the valve being opened on each radiator. Thus, the coolant pressure will be evenly distributed over all radiators. This will ensure its normal passage through the pipes and better heating of the batteries.
  4. IN forced system heating, pumping coolant, monitoring rational heat consumption will help to implement control valves.
  5. In a flow-through system, the temperature is well regulated by thermostats built into each battery.
  6. In a two-pipe heating system, you can control not only the temperature of the coolant, but also its quantity in the batteries using both manual and automatic systems management.


Installation completed

Today, in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartment, each radiator of the heating system must be equipped with an adjustment system.

Modern thermostats help not only maintain the thermal balance indoors, but also save energy costs for heating the coolant.

Hello, friends! Due to the fact that the topic of exceeding the temperature of the heating return pipeline is actually relevant, I decided to write another article on this topic. Namely, about eliminating the excess temperature in the return against the heating temperature schedule. As is known, overheating occurs mainly due to increased consumption network water.

And if in internal system increased consumption of network water, then, as a rule, it is incorrectly adjusted. Therefore, in 95 percent of cases, eliminating overheating comes down to correct adjustment. I left the remaining 5 percent for flow from the supply to the return through ventilation or hot water supply. Therefore, first of all, check, see if you have somewhere a flow from the supply directly to the return. Typically, such flows result in “mad” overheating of the return. If there is, eliminate it. But this is rather an exception. The rule is to exceed the temperature of the return network water at increased coolant flow.

Let's look at the most typical case - dependent system heating with elevator connection. This scheme is used, according to my observations, in eighty percent out of a hundred. If we have an elevator in our diagram, then it is necessary to calculate it.

You can use my program. You can download it. Here we are especially interested in such a parameter as the minimum required pressure in front of the elevator. We substitute our numbers, initial data, and do the calculation. You can read more about this in my article “Elevator Calculation”. Now we have a figure for the minimum required pressure in front of the elevator. Usually this is somewhere around 20-23 m.w.st for the 150/70 °C schedule and 12-15 m.w.st. for schedule 130/70 °C. The regulatory and technical documentation provides the minimum required pressure figure in front of the elevator at 15 m.w.s. In general, this is correct, although with a schedule of 130/70 °C, a lower pressure will most likely be enough to operate the elevator.

Now it is necessary to ensure this same pressure in front of the elevator. For this purpose, either direct or indirect pressure (flow) regulators, or throttle washers are usually used. I already wrote on my website that I am not a supporter of installing throttle washers, rather the opposite. This is, let's say, an extreme option. If there are no pressure (flow) regulators, then we calculate throttle washer, diameter. But usually, in most cases, the regulator is still present at the input.

And it is precisely the adjustment and adjustment of the pressure (flow) regulator that is key to eliminating return overheating. Here the guideline is the calculated figure of the minimum required pressure in front of the elevator. We proceed from it, starting the adjustment with the regulator. But the calculated figure is just a guideline, since it can be adjusted in fact. After all, we usually know approximately the system resistance (hydraulic losses in the internal heating system), and for adjustment this is a very important parameter.

Therefore, the adjustment is best done as follows. First, we set the pressure regulator to the calculated figure for the minimum required difference in front of the elevator. The pressure regulator is adjusted “after itself” using the adjusting nut.

But there are different modifications of pressure (flow) regulators, so take a look technical documentation exactly on your regulator, how the adjustment is made, using an adjusting nut, screw, etc. Such information can be found on the Internet.

Having thus set the minimum required pressure and given time (30-40 minutes) for the heating system to enter a new mode, we look at the temperature in the return line t2 using the readings of the heat meter, or the thermometer on the return pipeline. If the temperature t2 corresponds to the approved temperature chart, then the adjustment can be stopped here. If it is more, then we reduce the pressure drop in front of the elevator using the regulator; if it is less, then, on the contrary, we increase it. I usually set the return temperature with a slight underheating, about 1-2 degrees.

In this way, overheating is adjusted and eliminated if a direct-acting pressure regulator is installed in the system “after itself”. If you have heating point automation installed (electronic elevator, two or three-way valve), then overheating at normal, proper operation equipment is impossible in principle. And if overheating is detected, it is necessary to either repair the equipment or configure it correctly.

Not so long ago I wrote and published a book, completely dedicated to heating return, return overheating. It’s called “Everything you wanted to know about return overheating!”

Here is the content of this book:

1. Introduction

2. What is heating return?

3. What causes return overheating?

4. Penalties from the heat supply organization for overheating of the return.

5. How to adjust the heating system and eliminate overheating in the return pipeline?

6. Conclusion

Everything you wanted to know about return overheating!

This page is dedicated to such an important topic as adjusting heating radiators in an apartment: how to adjust the system in apartment building, how to set up a radiator using a Mayevsky tap, methods for regulating heat supply.

More and more residents of apartment buildings are thinking about how to regulate heating radiators in an apartment.

This is due both to the desire to save heat in order to reduce payments for it, and to the ability to control its quality.

As life shows in its examples, often the heating season and cold weather come suddenly, when the services in charge of heat are not ready for them.

Temperature standards in the room

Surely, every resident would like to have a heating regulator in the apartment in an apartment building in order to use it to create comfortable living conditions for themselves in winter period. In fact, not everyone knows what it is and why adjusting the heating in an apartment is needed.

In fact, it allows you to:

  1. The wearer can move freely through the heating circuit pipes, avoiding airiness. This allows it to fully transfer heat to the room, creating a pleasant microclimate.
  2. Makes it possible to reduce costs by up to 20-25%, reducing the heating of radiators. As practice shows, lowering indoor air heating by just 1 degree results in savings of up to 6%.
  3. Adjusting the temperature of the heating battery in the apartment allows you to increase the heat supply, if it is not enough.

Any adjustment or adjustment work heating system It’s better to do it before the start of the heating season.

To determine how much to raise or lower the temperature in the system, you need to know what is considered normal. If you turn to SNiP, it says that for corner rooms this is +20-22, and for the rest – +18 degrees.

Based on these data, the consumer knows that adjusting the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment helped him save money if he cooled it himself, or vice versa.

Unfortunately, not all residential buildings can be equipped with heat regulators:

  1. If in multi-storey building vertical top piping, then installation of control valves is impossible. This means that the supply of coolant starts from the upper floors, so in any frost there, “Africa” and residents are forced to open the windows, while on the lower floors the radiators are lukewarm.
  2. If there is a single-pipe system in the building, there is no such problem, since the carrier, having passed through all the batteries, returns back to the central riser. This allows heat to be evenly distributed throughout all rooms, regardless of their number of floors, and control valves are installed on the supply pipe of all heating radiators.
  3. The two-pipe system, although considered somewhat more expensive, is nevertheless the best in both heat supply and heat regulation. It has separate pipes for supplying the media and returning it to the system. In this scheme, adjustment of the heating radiator in the apartment is carried out separately in each room, since they are all equipped with special valves or automatic devices.

As practice shows, those who have heat supply regulators in their apartments can be called lucky. This allows them to create comfortable living conditions for themselves and optimize costs.

Heat control methods

The main task of regulation is to achieve a certain heating of the air in the room.

This can be done using the following methods:

  1. Quantitative is a method in which the rate of coolant supply to the system is changed using a locking mechanism or circulation pump. The amount of carrier decreases as it slows down, and much less of it passes per unit of time.
  2. If you change the quality of the media by affecting its heating, you get qualitative method heating system adjustments.

If high-quality equipment is installed in an apartment building, then these 2 methods are carried out simultaneously.

Adjusting the heating in an apartment building using the first method is considered simple if it is done circulation pump. When it gets cold, it “drives” the coolant through the system at high speed. It gets hot, its work slows down, and the medium flows at a minimal pace.

Such mechanisms are equipped with automatic equipment that allows you to set a saving mode, for example, at night or when no one is in the apartment.

This method has a drawback. The temperature drops equally in all rooms, which is not entirely acceptable, for example, for a children's room or bath.

The best option for regulating heating is the one where each radiator is individually equipped with a special device. This way you can set a comfortable temperature in any room, for example, by lowering it in the kitchen, where hot radiators are not needed, or raising it in the bedroom.

Types of control devices

The ability to truly influence the air temperature in the room depends largely on the quality of these devices.

Control valves for heating apartment building there are several types:

  1. How to turn off the heating radiator in an apartment? In fact, control valve- This is the heat exchanger of the shut-off device, which is attached to the radiator. One of these devices is ball valves, the main function of which is to protect the system from emergency situations, and their ability to rotate 90 degrees allows you to block access to the coolant or open its path through the pipes. It would be a stretch to call them regulatory, since their purpose is protection.

    The ball valve must be either open or closed. In a half-baked state, the seal becomes damaged over time and it leaks.

  2. Standard valves are budget option control devices, and the benefit from them is the same. Since they do not have a temperature scale, one can only assume how much the conditions in the apartment will change when they are opened or closed.
  3. How to regulate heating in an apartment? Adjusting the heating system of an apartment building using device equipped with a thermal head, makes it possible to control the level of heating and cooling of the heating system.

The last type of thermostats comes in two types:

  1. Direct acting device, which is based on a siphon with gas or a special liquid that reacts to any temperature changes in the coolant. If it heats up, the carrier inside the siphon, sealed in the body, will expand and put pressure on a special valve. It, moving under pressure, blocks access to the heating system coolant. When the temperature decreases, the reverse process occurs.
  2. A better, but also more expensive option is regulator with electronic sensor. Having given it the necessary parameters, the automation will independently monitor any violations of the parameters in one direction or another.

How to adjust heating in an apartment building? To really know how to set up radiators in an apartment, it is better to purchase a high-quality thermostat, set it with the necessary parameters, and be sure that everything is under its constant control. This device, by regulating the supply of media to the system, will help save on heat costs, thus justifying its profitability.

Adjusting heating radiators in an apartment: increasing heat transfer

It happens that the quality of services provided by management companies is not always at the proper level and people experience discomfort in their homes. In this case, they wonder what to do if the heating in the apartment is weak? The answer may be to find the cause of cold indoors. Either these are defects in the system, or an increase in the heat transfer of the radiators is required.

Batteries are cold for several reasons:

  1. The system is airy and the media will need to be drained to remove air from the pipes.
  2. Errors were made during connection, for example, due to the fact that the bypass remains in the open position, the circulation of the medium is disrupted.
  3. Initially incorrect system calculations, for example, by the quantity and quality of radiators or pipe diameter.
  4. Heating systems tend to become clogged over long periods of use., which extremely interferes with the normal movement of the carrier through the pipes, and as a result, the batteries are slightly warm.

Other defects are possible, but it is better to entrust their search to specialists.

If you just need to increase the efficiency of the batteries, this can be done in the following way:

  1. If there is not enough thermal power due to incorrect calculations, then it is enough to connect additional sections to the battery to make the room warmer.
  2. Sometimes it is worth checking the efficiency of the battery connection. For example, if reverse side was used, this reduces the efficiency of the radiator by 20-25%. If the heating system allows you to change the connection, then, after agreeing with the employees, management company, you need to do this.

Sometimes it happens that residents are dissatisfied with the heat rather than the cold, then they wonder how to turn down the heating in the apartment. This can only be done with the help of a thermostat, but not by shutting off the batteries. As experts note, sometimes the system needs to be balanced so that it works flawlessly, and this can be done with your own hands.

How to adjust heating radiators in an apartment - video:

Why is it cold in the apartment?

When it turns out that one part of the system is hot and the other is not, then you should find out how to adjust the heating radiator in the apartment. Sometimes this is easy to do if it has thermostats installed. Otherwise, you will have to seek help from specialists.

Causes of cold batteries:

  1. Before the start of the season, the system must be purged by heating network technicians.
  2. Operational adjustments are carried out during the heating season in order to see the results of reconfiguring the system. For this purpose, control devices are used.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to change the location of the batteries or their location relative to the floor and windowsill. Incorrectly mounted, they do not allow warm air circulate freely throughout the room, hence the cold.
  4. If the heating circuit is outdated, then balancing the heating system in an apartment building will not help, since it is required complete replacement radiators and risers.

Sometimes a sudden imbalance of batteries and cold in the apartment are caused by the fact that neighbors installed new batteries after removing the thermostats. In this case, the issue can also be resolved by replacing the radiators.

Additional regulation methods

When dissatisfaction with the quality of services from the heating network becomes large, people begin to look for opportunities, ways to regulate the heating system in an apartment building, how to correct the situation, and what to install to make the apartment warm and pay less for it. In this case, errors are possible that can lead to a breakdown of the entire home network.

For example, adjusting the heating system of an apartment building using valves is strictly prohibited.

They belong to the category of shut-off valves, therefore they can operate only in two positions: “open” and “closed”. Residents, not knowing this, try to leave the valves ajar, which disables them.

System weather regulation heating in an apartment building will be useful if a common building meter is installed in it. Only in this case, such a device saves up to 35% of heat consumption. At the heart of the weather heating controller for an apartment building is a sensor that detects temperature changes outside and reacts to them by changing the temperature in the network. Such a device, together with installation, will cost residents of the house more than 500,000 rubles.

Adjusting heating radiators using Mayevsky cranes helps with airiness in the system, which is sometimes enough to make the batteries warm.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that today the question of who regulates the heating temperature in an apartment building is especially relevant. Residents want to participate in this process, and if the heating system allows it, they contact the management office with applications to install thermostats on their radiators.

The choice of devices for this is quite large on the domestic market and their installation does not take much time, but gives tangible results, both in terms of heat quality and its savings. Therefore, it is worth studying the principles of operation of thermostats, applying for its installation, and then enjoying comfortable warmth in his apartment.