Tips for choosing and properly using lubricant for door locks. How to lubricate a door lock - will this approach help extend the life of the mechanism?

How to lubricate door locks? This question plagues many car enthusiasts with the arrival of frost. The package of measures also includes lubrication of door locks, trunk, hood, as well as lubrication of seals. For this purpose, special means are used, the purpose of which is to ensure reliable operation of locks even in severe frost conditions. In this material we will review the most popular lubricants among car enthusiasts, and also give useful tips on this occasion.

Properties of lubricants

First of all, let's figure out what requirements the means for lubricating door locks must meet. These include:

  • maintaining its performance properties at low temperatures;
  • counteraction to corrosion processes;
  • low friction coefficient;
  • resistance to washing off not only with water, but also various compositions based on salts and alkalis;
  • long period of validity.

The product must be hydrophobic, that is, one that is not soluble in water. Otherwise, it will be easily washed out of the cavity. It should also prevent moisture from entering the volume where it is placed.

Lubricants are designed to perform preventive actions. However, if the lock on your car is already frozen, then there is.

Lubricants for car door locks

Now let's look at the most popular means for processing locks, their cylinders and mechanisms. On the Internet you can find many conflicting reviews about this or that product. We tried to be objective and collected information for you about lubricants that really effective even in severe frost conditions. It is also worth mentioning that most of the tools listed below can be successfully used to treat not only locks and their cylinders, but also.

Also, when treating the lock, pour the products listed below not only into the cylinder, but also treat the mechanisms directly with them. This can be done with or without removing the lock. It all depends on the design of the particular car. For example, it is better to remove the locks of domestic VAZs completely and lubricate the rubbing parts. And in foreign cars, where dismantling is complicated by the design, you can lubricate only the accessible parts of the lock.

This is one of the most popular means for lubricating car door lock cylinders. Its operating temperature range is -40°С…+150°С. The lubricant is absolutely harmless to humans and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, it is compatible with metals, plastics, rubber and various chemical compounds found in the machine body. The manufacturer claims a 3-month warranty for use even in difficult operating conditions. The most popular packaging volume is 400 ml (although there are packages of 5 kg or more). The approximate cost of such a tube in Moscow in the fall of 2017 is 1300...1400 rubles.

Lubricant characteristics:

  • base oil - polyalphaolefin;
  • thickener - a thickener based on an aluminum complex;
  • operating temperature range - -40°С…+150°С;
  • starting moment at a temperature of -40°C - 0.9 Nm.

This tube will last you for several seasons depending on the intensity of use.

Step Up SP5545

The temperature range of this lubricant is even wider - -50°C…+220°C. Sold in aerosol cans weighing 312 g. The product is suitable not only for lubricating car door locks, but also for its other parts. After all, since the lubricant is based on lithium, it can be used to treat plastic and rubber surfaces to protect them from moisture and destruction.

The lubricant contains the original WetOut composition, which creates a water-repellent film on the treated surface. It will help extend the life of not only the iron parts of the lock, but also the rubber seals and plastic trim parts. The price of a tube weighing 312 grams is 160...180 rubles in Moscow as of autumn 2017.


The lubricant is also silicone-based. When applied to work surface creates a thin but durable polymer material, reliably protecting it from moisture. In fact, the lubricant is universal, so in addition to cars, it can be used in other equipment - household door locks, rubber and plastic surfaces, drive cables and much more. It is also possible to use the product in everyday life with products made from the listed materials.

The container capacity is 283 ml. The kit includes a plastic tube that can be connected to the sprayer and apply lubricant to hard-to-reach places. The price of a cylinder is about 400...450 rubles as of autumn 2017.

Wurth HHS-2000 grease

Wurth HHS-2000 lubricant is extremely popular among car enthusiasts in our country. According to the instructions, it is intended for lubricating parts under high pressure and loads. Same as the previous lubricant door locks car is universal. Its features include:

  • High penetrating ability and short thickening time. It can be used to lubricate car door locks. Using a tube, it is placed inside the lock, where it almost immediately becomes thick, forming protective film on the surface of parts and simultaneously displaces moisture. The composition of the product provides a high lubricating effect.
  • High adhesion. That is, the ability to adhere to the surface being treated. During processing, the liquid fraction evaporates, leaving only direct lubricants in the work.
  • Resistant to high blood pressure. Wurth HHS-2000 grease has a long service life even under conditions of high loads and pressures.
  • The product prevents sticking metal surfaces, and also reduces screwing resistance.

Wurth HHS-2000 lubricant is sold in small cylinders of 150 and 500 ml. Since the product is universal, we recommend that you buy it for use not only in the car, but also at home. The price of a 150 ml cylinder is approximately 250...300 rubles as of autumn 2017.

LIQUI MOLY Pro-Line Haftschmier Spray lubricant is universal. It can also be used to lubricate car door locks. It is an adhesive spray lubricant, packaged in 400 ml cylinders. The product can be used to treat hinges, levers, joints, bolts, door hinges, preservation and operation. Features of the lubricant include:

  • wide temperature range of use;
  • excellent adhesive properties;
  • providing anti-corrosion protection;
  • resistance to both cold and hot water(it practically does not wash off);
  • resistance to high pressure;
  • long service life;
  • Possibility of spraying in any position of the cylinder.

The only drawback of this product is its high cost - 600...700 rubles for a 400 ml cylinder. However, if you have the opportunity, we recommend that you buy this product, since it can be used in various parts of the car, as well as at home.

Despite the entire track record of products suitable specifically for lubricating car door locks, car owners are often in no hurry to overpay. As a rule, they are looking for something to lubricate door locks from freezing or from difficult opening that are directly at hand, so we will provide a list folk remedies used for lubrication.

Additional means to lubricate the lock

The lubricants described above refer to modern developments and performance results chemical industry. However, before their appearance, drivers for decades used various improvised means to lubricate locks and door hinges. For example, kerosene acetic acid and even iodine. Let’s present for you a couple more, so to speak, “folk” remedies that you can use to lubricate car door locks for the winter. After all, it is in cold season locks create additional difficulties in order to get inside or close the door. And the question of which lubricant is better to lubricate becomes more relevant.


Processing of VAZ 2108-2109 locks

Yes, the good old WD-40 lubricant can also be used to inject into the lock cylinder, but in no case on all its rubbing mechanisms. The fact is that the main component of this product is white spirit (50% of the volume), whose freezing point is -60°C. Therefore, it washes away any remaining lubricant. The liquid is sold as an aerosol in a can with a tube, with which you can easily spray the product into hard-to-reach places.

WD-40 lubricant can be used to dehydrate the surface it is applied to, remove corrosion from it and prevent it. reappearance, forming a protective film on it. In general, the product is used very widely. And not only for processing car parts, but also in everyday life.

A significant disadvantage of treating locks with WD-40 is its short duration of action. In severe frosts, the larva must be treated with this product approximately every two days.

When treating a door lock (both automobile and household) with a “wedeshka,” it is advisable to apply it to the same surfaces. You can use one of the lubricants listed above, or use any other.

Various defrosters

IN in this case this is about special means, on the packaging of which it is written “Lock defroster” or something similar. They usually contain oil or white spirit, less often silicone. Such products are inexpensive and work well, at least in relatively mild frosts. The disadvantage of these products is their short duration of action, since their composition is similar to WD-40.

When purchasing such lubricants, carefully read the instructions. Often manufacturers attribute to their products truly miraculous properties. However, you need to understand that if the product is inexpensive (and most often it is), then you shouldn’t expect any miracles from it. Just regularly treat the lock cylinder and mechanism with “Lock Defrosters” winter time and there will be no difficulties in opening it. But only in spring period, after using it, it is recommended to treat the lock mechanism with a different composition. In particular, one that could protect against corrosion and friction.

Engine oil

If for some reason you don’t have any lubricant on hand (one of the above or others), then you can use regular motor oil to lubricate the car door lock both from freezing and for stable operation. Its viscosity, brand and consistency are not important in this case.(well, unless it should be frankly black with soot and debris). Using a syringe or other similar devices, you should pour a few drops of oil into the cylinder and/or treat the lock mechanism. This will create a water-repellent film on the surface of its internal parts and prevent freezing.

However, the oil has the disadvantage mentioned above - its effect is short-lived and will also attract dust. Therefore, it can only be used if you do not have more professional means at your disposal. And at the first opportunity, buy any of the lubricants listed above.

Instead of a conclusion

Finally, let us remind you that you need to treat the hinges and locks of your car’s doors not only in advance (before the onset of cold weather), but also regularly. This will ensure their reliable operation even in the most difficult conditions. Today you can buy for reasonable money professional products for processing long-lasting locks. The main thing is to buy lubricants in trusted stores so as not to run into fakes.

A modern front door can function effectively for a long time, subject to systematic care and prevention. One of the most “vulnerable” places is the castle.

It is this element that is constantly exposed to mechanical stress and is forced to withstand certain loads. To extend the service life of the door lock, periodic lubrication is sufficient. The procedure seems simple, however, it requires compliance with the rules. Otherwise, a moment will come when precisely because improper care The lock will need to be completely replaced.

The choice of preventive measure depends on the specific lock model, as well as its operating conditions. It is necessary to take into account the service life of the system and its actual condition. Manufacturers of lock care products offer an impressive range of products. If you have insufficient experience in this matter, you should consult a specialist. A professional will tell you optimal choice cleaning and lubricating agents.

Rules for lubricating a door lock

If the recommendations are not followed, the opposite effect can be achieved. This will only make the situation worse and speed up the need for repairs to both the lock and the door system. There are several tips. They are simple and accessible to every homeowner. The sequence of door lock prevention is described below.

  1. Keyhole cleaning. It is enough to inject a special liquid for cleaning. With its help, it will be possible to rid the lock of small particles formed after friction. metal elements, and dust. There is no need to “save” liquid. It should be used so much that the excess flows out. Abundant wetting ensures better cleaning. The product used should be prevented from contaminating both the door itself and nearby interior elements.
  2. Correction of jamming. You should try to remove the key without much effort. Do not use pliers or similar tools. Excessive force may damage the key or mechanism parts. If you cannot remove the key by hand, it is much safer to disassemble the lock and remove the cylinder itself.
  3. Well cleaning. Removing the garbage will require the usual reusable procedure of inserting the key into it. In most cases this is enough. After removing the key, it is necessary to wipe off all accumulations of debris and dirt from its surface. This should be repeated until the key remains clean.
  4. Complete well cleaning. After removing all debris from the well, its surface should be coated with a lubricating fluid. After wiping off the spilled residue, you need to wait a little. Then you need to insert the key and turn it in both directions several times. The operation of the mechanism should improve noticeably. After making sure that the lubrication has been carried out properly, you need to remove the key and wipe it dry with a cloth. It is important to remember that there will be traces of grease on the key over the next few days. You need to be careful about this so as not to stain your hands, clothes, or objects.

Cleaning lever systems

For such mechanisms, the cleansing procedure looks somewhat different. First you need to remove the lock from the door and reveal its “secret”. For processing crossbars the best option the use of graphite powder remains. After assembling the product, you need to ensure that its functionality improves. A few turns of the key in both directions is enough. If the effect is achieved, the lock can be installed back.

Reasons for processing locks

There is no universal advice on how often to carry out prevention. The frequency of cleaning and lubrication depends on the activity of the door, its service life, the quality and reliability of the system as a whole.

Thanks to a simple procedure you can:

  • clean the lock from rust, dust, dirt, and worn particles;
  • ensure reliable sliding of elements;
  • prevent premature wear;
  • avoid overwriting elements;
  • get rid of creaking and other uncomfortable sounds;
  • extend the life of the lock.

Approximate terms of prevention

Traditionally, home owners think about the need to clean and lubricate locks when the door hardware “reminds” them of this. It is extremely undesirable to allow such phenomena, since the wear of parts becomes obvious and thus the moment when the lock will have to be repaired or completely replaced is noticeably approaching.

The best option is annual preventative treatment. If the doors are equipped interior latches, then the cleaning and lubrication period is reduced. In this case, it ranges from 6 to 8 months.

Residential apartment buildings require inspection and (if necessary) repair at least 2 times a year. Owners of private homes should check their serviceability at least 3-4 times a year. This difference is caused by the constant impact on the front door negative factors environment. Dirt and dust accumulate in such locks much faster.

Regular preventive actions are necessary not only for front door. Even interior and balcony products require systematic care. The costs are not so significant, but they will be recouped by a multiple increase in service life lock systems and doors in general.

Do you want to buy apartment doors? Refer to the website abwerdveri.ukr. There you will find an excellent selection and reasonable prices, as well high quality products.

Your home is your castle. To protect your home, you strengthen your windows, order good iron doors, purchase video intercoms, and sometimes even set an alarm system for your apartment or house. But all these useful actions will be at least ineffective if you have problems with door lock. Almost every person in his entire life has encountered a situation where, at home or at work, the key turns, but the lock does not open. While at work you can call a mechanic, at home you have to solve this problem yourself.

To prevent a thing from breaking, you need to take care of it. This rule applies to such an important mechanism as a door lock. If you do not lubricate it, then sooner or later you will have to insert a new one. Good locks are not cheap, and it is difficult to guess with exactly the same locks, otherwise there will be unpleasant holes on the apartment door.

Lubricate the lock door hinges needed once every few months. It’s still better to do it quarterly, or at least once every six months. It won't take much time, but you will avoid big problems. After all, the front door lock, especially for owners of private houses, is in contact with the street, and this means rain, dust, and snow. All this together gets into the mechanism and gradually destroys it. Temperature fluctuations, remember school physics, cause periodic expansion and contraction of the iron parts of the lock. What does lubricating the locking mechanism do?

  1. Destruction of dust. If there is no sliding, then the dust forms dirt lumps that clog the lock cylinder, and the bolts do not work in it.
  2. Over time, the parts of the lock shrink, wear out and seem to stick to each other. The top layer of metal may even be removed. Lubrication will ensure uniform sliding of the mechanism and create the necessary gap between its parts.
  3. Fighting corrosion. Rust corrodes any metal, and in a situation with a lock, its operation can be blocked. The lubricant creates a neutral protective film and prevents rust.

Its normal functioning depends on the choice of the composition of the lubricating fluid, because no one wants to spoil the mechanism instead of benefiting it:

  • machine oil, also used to lubricate sewing machines, is considered the most in a simple way improving the sliding of lock parts;
  • silicone This type of processing is the best at the moment. It will help you out even if it freezes and is ideal for mechanisms with a cylinder in the form of a cylindrical shaft;
  • graphite. Every person in the house has simple pencils. Their center, crushed with a knife or blade to a fine powder, is an excellent lubricant. It is better to lubricate a sulvad (for a safe) lock with this composition - this is the so-called dry method;
  • grease is a very well-known anti-friction calcium lubricant that has wide range industrial applications. Its range of use is from -30 to + 50 degrees, including suitable for door locks;
  • litol is an excellent lubricant that is considered universal. It differs favorably from solid oil in its slightly yellow color;
  • graphite-containing (silicone), conductive, lubricant. Well protects against rust, extends the time of use of the lock;
  • WD40 – anti-corrosion agent; Ideal for old rusty garage or boat locks. It protects against rust and practically restores the mechanism.

If there is no oil or special lubricants, for a short time in emergency cases you can use any sunflower or even olive oil, or melted pork fat (lard). These substances help a lot, but in order not to damage the lock, you should, if possible, purchase any of the lubricants listed above.

How to properly lubricate a lock

Before lubrication, the lock is cleaned with a special liquid, which is purchased at hardware stores. It is poured directly into the lock, then the key is inserted. After these manipulations, everything is wiped, and the key is carefully removed. There is no need to close or open the lock at this moment.

Do everything extremely calmly, and if the key is jammed, the lock needs to be disassembled. You inject a few drops of lubricant into the mechanism with a pipette, then insert the key, turn it, remove it and wipe it dry. This must be done until the key becomes clean after turning.

You simply blow graphite powder into safe locks and also turn the key several times. If you have a high-quality bronze lock, then you do not touch the mechanism, but lubricate the body of the lock tongue itself.

If you do everything correctly, your lock will last a very long time, and you will only have to change it if you replace the door.

Sections of the article:

The most common problems with entrance door blocks are malfunctions of the locking mechanisms. The lock often jams. Such problems appear suddenly and for the simplest reasons, usually due to damage to the original key. There may also be problems in the locking block of the front door due to worn parts.

The most common problem with locks is malfunction of the cylinder mechanism. Therefore, replacing it in most cases is the main way to solve problems. Replacing the entire lock is rarely required.

Disassembling and replacing the lock

In order to correct problems that have arisen, you need to know how to disassemble a lock installed on the front door leaf or embedded in it. The principles for disassembling locking mechanisms are somewhat different from each other and primarily depend on the placement of the device.

Regardless of the standard used to manufacture the cylinder lock, the common feature of their design is the ability to replace the cylinder mechanism. To disassemble the lock you will need a screwdriver.

Initially, the fastening screw of the locking mechanism is unscrewed. The most common location for fasteners is on the end of the lock plate. To remove the cylinder, unscrew the screw counterclockwise. Quite often, to remove the lock cylinder mechanism, you need to press it a little from the inside. Often special fastening clamps do not allow removing the mechanism. In order to remove the larva, if present, the key is slightly turned in the keyhole. This will allow you to easily remove the cylinder.

Despite the almost complete external identity of the cylinder cylinders, when purchasing a replacement device, it is imperative to compare their sizes. If the holes and dimensions of the mechanism do not match, its installation will be impossible.

When installing a new part, the cylinder is placed in the existing hole and secured with a screw. To accurately fit into the grooves, it is recommended to slightly move the secret in the lock block. However, this procedure must be performed with the key inserted into the hole and turned to the “closed” position.


In mechanisms of this type, in case of malfunctions, it is not always possible to replace individual elements. Most often, a new lock is required to install on the front door. The reasons for this are the design of the device. Not all locks of this type contain removable elements.

To disassemble the device, you must have a socket wrench and a set of various screwdrivers on hand. The removal process consists of the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to remove door handle. To do this, in most designs it is simply pulled out after removing the fasteners;
  • The decorative trim is removed;
  • When disassembling models with a missing insert, the fasteners on the end of the door leaf are unscrewed.

When choosing a replacement locking mechanism, it is much more convenient to purchase a device with similar dimensions. This will allow installation to be carried out immediately without the need for additional procedures for adjusting the hole.


To dismantle the rim lock, the fixing elements located in the end part of the door leaf are initially removed. After this, the decorative trim is removed and the remaining fastening screws are unscrewed.

The installation process is carried out strictly in reverse order.


The process of dismantling and disassembling a padlock type locking device is the simplest. To do this, use a suitable screwdriver to remove the fastening elements. Next, remove the protective housing and remove support mechanisms. A number of padlock models require the removal of a number of additional fasteners.

Thus, understanding the principle of dismantling and disassembling the mechanism, you can easily understand how to proceed in order to reassemble the padlock of the front door after replacing the failed parts.

To facilitate the process and control the correct location of parts, we recommend photographing each of the disassembly stages.

Common lock problems

Since no mechanism is perfect, it is possible for any of them to develop problems over time. The main reasons are not proper operation The locking mechanism is:

  • Mechanical damage;
  • Failure to comply with operating conditions;
  • Warping or sagging of the door leaf;
  • Failure to comply with door installation technology.

The main measures to prevent jamming of the locking mechanism are regular lubrication of structural elements and cleaning them from accumulated dust. Also, for durable and high-quality operation of the device, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • The use of protective pads is recommended. Their presence will provide protection against the ingress of various foreign objects and accumulation of dust;
  • The use of non-original keys, as well as duplicates of poor quality, entails jamming of the unlocking mechanism;
  • Mechanical damage to keys resulting from improper use also causes breakdowns;
  • Forceful manipulation of the lock, as well as sudden slamming of the door leaf, also negatively affects the operation of the mechanism.

Incomplete occurrence of the key

The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Dust accumulated in the mechanism;
  • The presence of foreign objects in the well, including key fragments;
  • Mechanical damage.

The first measure to remove contamination and restore proper operation of the device is to disassemble the lock and lubricate its elements. The best remedy A specialized WD-40 spray can be used to properly lubricate the front door lock. If it is unavailable, you can use machine oil or kerosene. Lubricants are poured into the keyhole hole using a pipette, medical syringe or oil can.

After the lubrication procedure, the key is gradually inserted into the keyhole in several passes and also carefully removed. After several approaches, you can try to open the lock. In some cases, removal of the decorative trim is required to fully insert the key.

If there are foreign objects, they are removed by scraping them out using a small hook or tweezers. You can also use a brush. However, you should use a product with stiff bristles so that during manipulation, hairs do not remain inside the mechanism.

The key won't come out

Problems of this kind most often arise as a result of breakdown of internal mechanisms. You can remove the key using WD-40 spray, which is used to treat the keyhole. After such manipulations, the key, slightly swaying in different directions, must be slowly pulled out. In cases where the key breaks right in the keyhole, it should be pulled out using pliers or another tool. To do this, you can first remove the lock mechanism cylinder.

To avoid reoccurrence problems, the lock cylinder needs to be replaced.

The mechanism jams when the key turns

In such a situation, several options are possible. If the device operates normally when the door leaf is open and problems occur when closed, it is necessary to bore the frame. Manipulations are performed at the point where the lock bolt enters the groove.

If the locking mechanism jams in both positions of the door leaf, it is necessary to clean the device from accumulated debris and lubricate the component elements. In extreme cases, the mechanism may need to be replaced.

The tongue is jammed

To initially eliminate the problem, use any available item that has sufficient flexibility and rigidity. A metal ruler, an unnecessary plastic card or a knife are perfect for such purposes.

The selected item is carefully and smoothly inserted in the area between the door and the frame at the location of the tongue. It must be pushed to a depth sufficient to touch the far end of the tongue. After which attempts are made to push through the jammed part.

Subsequently, in order to avoid recurrence of the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean and lubricate the parts. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the motor elements of the structure.