DIY fabric blinds for plastic windows. How to make roller blinds for windows at home

Different types curtains whose panels need to be moved along the cornice require additional space for this. Curtains raised with tiebacks cover up to 50% of the window opening, limiting the amount of light entering the room. Transparent curtains cannot provide protection from prying eyes. What to do in the case when you need to close the window tightly and provide the maximum amount of light without taking up the space around the window opening with bulky curtains?

One of the successful solutions to this problem can be roller blinds: when opened, the neatly rolled curtain is located on the upper border of the window and does not block the penetration of light.

At the same time, the space occupied by it is relatively small. Rolled curtain fabric almost does not collect dust and does not get dirty, unlike curtains that form folds, and a closed roller blind covers only the window opening itself. The convenience of roller blinds is undeniable, but high prices make them not the most common window design option. This problem can also be solved if you make roller blinds with your own hands.

How to make roller blinds yourself?

  • Do-it-yourself roller blinds have the following manufacturing methods: with a fabric winding shaft located at the top of the window, and with a roller placed on the lower edge of the curtain. Before you make roller blinds, you will need to acquire materials for their manufacture and prepare the tools necessary for the job:
  • fabric for curtain panels;
  • sewing machine;
  • measuring instruments;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided tape, Velcro;
  • ready-made kit for roller blinds with mechanism;
  • a block or metal tube for a weighting agent;
  • furniture stapler and staples;

ribbons or cord.

Before sewing, it is better to decate or wash it to avoid shrinkage in the future. It is better to select the width of the fabric in accordance with the width of the window opening in order to avoid unnecessary seams that may interfere with the roll of the curtain. Calculating the amount of fabric for a roller blind is simple: its length will be equal to the height of the window opening with the addition of 30 cm for processing, the width is selected in accordance with opening width. If the pattern is one-sided, you will need to take fabric in the amount of 2 times the length of the opening. You will need to add 2-3 cm to the width for the seams.

Roller blind with a ready-made mechanism

The kit for making curtains includes a shaft for winding fabric, fasteners and a mechanism with a cord or chain. Before installation, the plastic shaft should be shortened in accordance with the width of the window and a curtain panel should be attached to it, which must be specially prepared for this.

  1. For ease of closing and good tension of the curtain, a special pocket is made on the lower edge of the panel into which a rod or stick is inserted for weighting. On a curtain made from double-sided fabric, you just need to fold the bottom edge to the side facing the window and stitch it along the width of the panel. The amount of hem depends on the thickness of the weighting material and is determined individually. When sewing curtains from fabric with a one-sided pattern, the load can be placed inside a two-layer panel.
  2. Fold and iron the top edge of the curtain fabric by 1 cm. Sew one of the Velcro elements along the edge of the fold, and lay the 2nd line along its bottom edge. Fasten the other Velcro element to the shaft (roller) from the roller blind kit along the line or groove marked on it using double-sided tape (Fig. 1).
  3. According to the instructions included with the kit, mount brackets or other fastening parts for the roller blinds on the window and install the mechanism. Attach the curtain panel to the shaft and roll it up. Place the shaft in its original place and lower and raise the curtain several times until it is well stretched.

How to make a roller blind with a lower shaft?

Fabric with a double-sided pattern is processed by bending the sections (top and side, if necessary). A pocket is formed on the lower edge for a weighting agent, which in this embodiment will also serve as a shaft for rolling up the curtains. To do this, you can select a piece of curtain rod with beautiful finials so that they serve as additional decor for the curtain (Fig. 2).

If the fabric has a pattern on only one side, the curtain will have to be made from two layers of fabric so that both the face and the back look aesthetically pleasing:

  1. Fold the material right sides (pattern) inward and stitch the sides without sewing the top of the resulting bag. Turn the workpiece onto its face. The bottom of the curtain can be folded by placing a shaft with the ends protruding outwards, as indicated above, or by placing a tube or bar inside the bag.
  2. The top edge can be folded inward and topstitched 1mm from the edge, hand sewn with a blind stitch, or finished with a hem stitch around the hole so that the shaft can be removed from the inside if necessary.
  3. Attach one element of Velcro to the block that will hold the entire structure with a stapler. Sew the corresponding part at the top of the future curtain, attach the panel to the block and wrap it with fabric. Arrange ribbons or cords with a length equal to two lengths of the curtain with an addition of 15-20 cm for free ends as shown in Fig. 3. Fasten the block to the brackets.

If the roller blind is not planned to be removed too often, then the panel is stapled to a block, ribbons are hung, and the block is rigidly fixed in the window opening with self-tapping screws.

Such a curtain will have to be lifted and rolled onto the shaft manually. At the desired height, the raised curtain is fixed with tied ribbons.

You can mechanize a roller blind made by yourself as follows:

  • sew decorative rings or loops on the front side of the panel at the top;
  • fasten the ends of the cords or ribbons on the wrong side at the top;
  • lower the other ends, bend them around the bottom edge of the curtain, pass, without pulling, into the rings at the top of the canvas;
  • connect the free ends of the cords.

To roll up the curtains, you need to pull the connected ends of the cords; the panel will roll up and rise to the desired height. The cord is fixed on a hook mounted next to the window. The length of the cord should be slightly longer than 2 times the length of the fully unfolded curtain fabric.

You can decorate roller blinds by placing fabric appliqués on the canvas, doing embroidery or finishing the edges with beautiful braid. An additional means of decoration are ribbons or cords on which you can make tassels or decorate the ends with pendants. It is important to remember that decorative elements should not prevent the canvas from freely folding and unfolding.

Instructions for cutting, sewing and attaching roller blinds to windows yourself with photos and videos

If you don’t want the curtains hanging on the sides of the window opening to block part of the light, there is a very original option.

You can sew roller blinds (sometimes called roller blinds) with your own hands. Such curtains are wound on a special roller fixed at the top of the window, thereby ensuring maximum access of light into the room. Learn how to make roller blinds with your own hands and secure them in the opening.

Design of roller blinds for windows

The design of roller blinds seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, even a novice seamstress can sew them - it’s not for nothing that roller blinds are becoming more and more popular every year and are replacing more complex and expensive blinds.

Roller blinds for windows made by yourself look original and can decorate any modern interior.

And their main advantage is the ability to combine them with curtains and tulle, which makes them unusual and memorable.

A roller blind for windows is a sheet of fabric that is wound around a roller attached to the top of the window.

The canvas is moved up and down with the help of a cord, and a rail is attached to its lower part, which makes the edge heavier.

Installing DIY roller blinds is recommended for small windows. The cost of the product is low, since little fabric is spent on its production.

You only need to purchase a piece of fabric that matches the size of the frame, since the panel does not form folds.

You can make a structure for attaching a roller blind to a window yourself or purchase all the components in a specialized store. Such sets are easily mounted on the window and combined with the panel.

Below are instructions for making roller blinds with your own hands and a video of their attachment to the opening.

DIY roller blinds for plastic windows: what you need

For the production of roller blinds plastic windows with their own hands they purchase specially shrink-wrapped fabric designed specifically for roller blinds.

Raising and lowering it will be easy, since there will be no rough seams at the junction of the canvases.

You can use other types of fabrics, but when choosing, you should pay attention to their density, strength and lightness.

You can make roller blinds yourself. To do this, the cut is treated with a special spray or soaked in a hard finishing agent.

Usually the fabric is soaked first and then when it reaches the right size trimmed.

The material is dense and durable and does not crumble at the edges.

To sew roller blinds with your own hands, you will need:

  • fabric sheets. A roller blind can be a single panel or consist of 2-3 separate parts made for each shutter. It is not necessary to use the same fabric. For each sash it can be different in texture and color;
  • cords, ropes and tapes. Used to make garters. It should be borne in mind that they should be 2-3 times longer than the entire structure so that they can be easily tied;
  • weight tube for the bottom of the curtain. Can be metal or wood. If the length of the tube exceeds the size of the window, it can always be cut;
  • rod-shaft It is a pipe made of metal or wooden beam. Additional fasteners will be needed if you stop at a pipe. The rod is selected in accordance with the width of the curtain or a slightly shorter length. Its diameter should be within 2.5-5 cm. Instead of a rod-shaft, you can use a ready-made kit for installing roller blinds. It includes a roller equipped lifting mechanism for attaching roller blinds. The roller is cut to the width of the window to required size and is fixed to the window frame;
  • screwdriver, self-tapping screws, drill, dowels and fasteners, if conventional metal pipe, not a ready-made kit;
  • standard sewing supplies.

How to sew roller blinds with your own hands (with video)

Making your own roller blinds starts with measuring. In order to determine the width of the curtain, it is necessary to measure the length of the roller, excluding fastenings, and subtract 1 cm from it. There is no need to increase the side seams, since the reinforced fabric hardly wears out.

To determine the length of the curtain, measure the distance from the roller to the window sill or any other desired point. You need to add 20 cm to the resulting number, then when the curtain is fully open, the fabric will cover the roller. To adjust the pattern and organic placement of the ornament, a small allowance should be allowed.

If the curtain is placed outside the window frame, another 5 cm is added to the number obtained in the calculations. And the curtain is increased by 15 cm if its edge is planned to be decorative.

Keep in mind that each roller blind consists of two identical parts, so you must purchase double quantities of fabric.

The curtain can be made longer by another 10-15 cm. In this case, if its lower edge gets dirty or damaged, it can be cut off. This way the curtain will last longer.

To cut, lay the fabric out on a flat surface. If there is a large motif on the cut, it is recommended to place it in the center. Using a square, mark the bottom edge of the curtain and draw a line perpendicular to the bottom edge. Cut a rectangle of fabric according to your measurements. The second part is cut out in a similar way.

As shown in the photo, the parts of the roller blinds are folded with the right side inward and sewn on 3 sides:

The resulting bag-like piece must be turned out and the seams ironed.

The second stage of sewing is securing the weight tube. The length of the tube must exactly match the width of the curtain, otherwise the product will hang unevenly on the window, and the lower corners will bend. If the tube fits, you can secure it by folding the fabric under and stitching 5mm above it.

The third stage of production is the preparation of garters or ribbons. These details not only allow you to tie up curtains beautifully, but also carry a functional load. With the help of such tapes the curtain is kept rolled up.

In order to sew garters, you need to cut ribbons about 8 cm wide from the fabric. The length of the ribbons is determined by the formula 2x + 30, where x is the height of the window.

The cut ribbon must be folded lengthwise with the front side inward and stitched along one long side and one short side. Then you can turn the tape inside out, sew up the remaining open short side and iron it.

Watch the video on how to make roller blinds with your own hands, which shows all the main stages of work:

Installing roller blinds with your own hands: fastening mechanism (with video)

Before you start sewing curtains, you should attach the finished roller or rod. Decide on the location of the curtain - inside or outside the window frame.

The brackets are mounted at the edges, on top or in front of the frame. One bracket should have a hole for a round pin (it is placed on the right), and the other should have a square hole (it is installed on the left).

The staples are leveled using a building level so that the curtain rises strictly horizontally.

If you plan to install the curtain inside the frame, the bracket is placed below the top of the curtain by about 3 cm. If the curtain will be mounted outside, the brackets are attached 5 cm above the window.

Measure the distance between the staples and cut the roller to the desired length. After this, it can be secured.

On finished rollers you can often see a straight line drawn on the surface of the roller along its entire length. If there is no such line, it needs to be drawn. This line is needed in order to avoid skewing the panel, and you can use it to guide you when attaching the finished curtain to the roller.

To attach the curtain to the roller, you need to lay the blank on a flat surface with the front side up. Place the roller at the top of the curtain parallel to its edge. The edge of the fabric is wound onto the roller and aligned according to the vertical line drawn on it. The fabric is fixed with a special adhesive tape or nailed with small nails at intervals of 2 cm.

Pay attention to the photo - when attaching roller blinds, the prepared garters are thrown over the roller and fixed in the center of their length:

Their ends should be longer than the curtain panel. The ties can be sewn on or secured using a furniture stapler.

After wrapping the fabric tightly around the roller, you can set the roller in place by inserting it into the brackets. Check how the curtain stretches and whether it can be opened and closed completely.

The video of attaching roller blinds shows how to mount the structure:

How to make roller blinds with a figured edge with your own hands (with video)

Here you will receive step-by-step instructions for making unusual roller blinds with your own hands.

Roller blinds look impressive on their own, but you can give them an even more original look. Thus, roller blinds with a figured edge always decorate the interior and always attract attention.

To enhance the effect, their edges are emphasized with braid, piping or fringe. These curtains are made in the same way as regular ones, with straight edges, but one detail still distinguishes them from standard curtains. The weight tube cannot be secured along their edge, and therefore it is placed higher, and the drawstring is placed on the upper edge of the figured hem.

The edge of the curtain can be designed in the form of waves, teeth, zigzags, etc. Additional trim will emphasize the curly edge and draw attention to the curtains. For straight lines, braid is used, for curved shapes, flexible braided braid or tape is used.

To form a wavy edge, the fabric must be double-layered. There is no need to hem the edge - it will not fray due to the reinforcement of the fabric with a double-sided adhesive pad. You can use edging (before gluing the hem) or fringe and braid (they are glued to the finished panel).

To work you will need:

  • fabric for curtains;
  • kit for installing roller blinds;
  • paper template;
  • plate or pattern;
  • pencil, thread, chalk and ruler;
  • double-sided adhesive pad;
  • fabric glue, fringe or braid (optional).

The fabric is cut in the same way as regular roller blinds. The only difference is a 25 cm allowance for finishing the edge.

To make the edges smooth, you will need a template, which is made of paper and corresponds to the length of the roller minus 1 cm. The width of the template will correspond to the height of the carved edge. First, a rectangle of the appropriate size is cut out of paper, and then the intended pattern is created on it.

As a rule, the edge is decorated with elements of the same size. You should first divide the width of the curtain in accordance with the desired number of elements. And the same amount is transferred to the paper template.

The paper rectangle needs to be folded like an accordion, draw the intended pattern on the first section of the template and cut all the other sections along it. Before transferring the design to the fabric, check that the elements are correct.

In order to make a drawstring, lines are drawn on the wrong side of the fabric. Stepping back 5 cm from the bottom edge, you need to cut a lining along the width of the curtain, 20 cm long.

The interfacing is placed over the marked line and attached to the fabric. The protective strip is removed from the surface of the gasket, the allowance is folded along the upper edge of the gasket and ironed. Thus, the layers of fabric are firmly held together.

A line is laid along the open edge, and another one is 2 cm below the first. A weighting tube is inserted into the resulting drawstring, and the holes are sutured. The paper template is laid out under the drawstring and secured with pins, its outline is outlined with chalk, and the edge of the canvas is cut along the intended line. Trim is glued or sewn along the bottom edge of the curtain.

After this, the fabric is fixed to the roller in the same way as a regular roller blind.

To better understand how decorative roller blinds for windows are made with your own hands, watch the video below:

Decorating windows in a room or on a glazed balcony is an important part design solutions. Without textiles, every room will look faceless, but if you want to keep it simple and save money, you can sew roller blinds with your own hands.

Roller blinds - features and benefits

Such products are considered an excellent alternative to blinds and can be used either independently or in addition to existing curtains. The main advantages of roller blinds are:

  • the possibility of installing them on wooden or plastic windows;
  • good fit to the windows, making it impossible to look into the house from the outside;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to choose translucent or very dense material that allows you to effectively darken the room;
  • design variety.

Curtains of this type look amazing in minimalist interiors, but are, in principle, universal. After all, you can choose a textured canvas or material with any pattern - so that it matches the theme of the room or the color of the window frames. By the way, the canvas on the window can only be partially opened, which makes this solution incredibly functional.

Roller blinds and Roman blinds - what's the difference?

Roller blinds and Roman blinds are very similar in appearance, but differ in opening mechanism. Thus, Roman blinds are assembled into horizontal folds, while roller blinds are rolled up and secured with special garter tapes.

Both designs have a ribbon braid fixed in the fabric. Roman blinds, when opened, will create a drapery of beautiful folds, while roller blinds are rolled into a roll.

Roman blinds are also popular and are often used in the interior of balconies and loggias. Read about what you will need for this in our article.

If your kitchen has a balcony door, you may find it useful to know what kind of curtains you should choose in this case. We have reviewed

Selecting the right material

Before you sew roller blinds with your own hands, you need to calculate the required amount of material. If the fastening will be made into a window opening, then the opening is measured, but if wooden frame- then the dimensions of the glass are measured. The sections prepared for sewing should have the following dimensions:

  • the width of the curtain is the width of the opening (glass) + 2-4 cm for allowances;
  • curtain length - opening (glass) height +5-15 cm.

You need 2 pieces of fabric with the indicated dimensions - for the front and back sides. By the way, they can have a different pattern, or they can be made the same. You will also need fabric (ribbons or decorative cords) to make garters - the length of the fabric strips is equal to two curtain lengths plus an additional 25 cm. To carry out sewing and subsequent fastening work, you will also need:

  • a wooden beam for fastening measuring approximately 3x4 cm (you can replace the beam with a metal tube) - the dimensions of the fastener must correspond to the width of the curtain;
  • if you don’t want to make the mount yourself, you can use a ready-made, purchased cassette system;
  • for weighting you need a metal rod or a wooden plank;
  • furniture stapler and paper clips;
  • screwdriver and screws for mounting the fastening;
  • sewing supplies.

The fabric for such curtains must be selected with special care - it is better if it is material with special impregnations(dust-, dirt-repellent, antistatic, antibacterial). This design will not only be more aesthetically pleasing, but also easier to maintain. You can also choose fabric with different light transmitting properties:

  • light-diffusing, transmitting a certain amount of sunlight into the room;
  • reflective, that is, maximally impenetrable to sunlight - a balcony covered with such curtains will help keep you cool in the summer heat.

As for the design and patterns on the fabric, your choice is practically unlimited - you can order a plain material, fabric with photo printing or a bright, expressive pattern. Recommendations for choosing material design are as follows::

  • It is desirable that the textiles harmonize in color with the furniture;
  • dark plain fabrics are inappropriate in the kitchen or dining room for these rooms better material With floral patterns or abstractions;
  • the pattern on the curtains should not repeat the pattern on the wallpaper;
  • successful color combinations: chocolate with beige, cream and gold, blue - with yellow, silver and white, red - with white or gold;
  • translucent fabrics will help you visually expand the room;
  • material with transverse stripes will make the walls wider, and a pattern located vertically will help increase the height of the ceilings;
  • South-facing windows can be made cooler by using fabrics in blue, green, lilac color (cold colors), and northern rooms will become warmer thanks to orange, red or yellow shades of textiles;
  • blackout material will help darken any room, since it has a dense texture that does not transmit light at all.

How to make roller blinds yourself

The order of sewing work is as follows:

Installing roller blinds is not difficult. They are attached to the frame of a plastic window with tape, and on the wall with screws. Roller blinds guarantee the attractiveness of the window opening both closed and indoors. open form. This The best decision for kitchens, children's rooms, balconies and loggias - attractive, laconic, easy to clean.

Interesting ideas discussed in this article.

A detailed description of a plasterboard balcony cabinet is described here.

And if you encounter a problem when washing plastic windows from one or another type of contamination, use various window and profile cleaning products.

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Tell VK

Would you like to purchase roller blinds for plastic windows? I think this is a great solution for southern rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms. By the way, they hung them in their daughter’s bedroom themselves so as not to create an additional dust collector in the form of curtains. And just recently I learned that you can make such curtains with your own hands. Therefore, I think that this is wonderful material for an entire article.

Advantages and features of roller blinds

Roller blinds are designed to replace metal or plastic blinds in the apartment; they are more comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

The darker the fabric, the less light it will let through. Therefore, I advise you to choose dense and dark material for the bedroom.

The colors are chosen to match the overall tone of the interior, but to prevent them from blending in, you can choose a curtain that is a little brighter, richer than the main tone.

Such curtains have many advantages:

  • Perfectly shades the room
  • They look cozy
  • Easy to use,
  • Possibility of washing and care,
  • Safe.

When choosing fabric for curtains, it is advisable to give preference special types with impregnation: they will not fade as quickly as regular ones and can have moisture and dust-repellent functions that will quickly win the love of the hostess.

As a minus, you can write down an insignificant fact when the lifting system of store-bought copies begins to be nonsense.

This type of textile is suitable for absolutely all windows: for a summer house, for an apartment, an office, a balcony. And they even go well with other types of curtains, which allows you to create interesting compositions.

There are several options for opening mechanisms for roller blinds:

  • Drum (drives the roll),
  • Magnetic (the position is fixed by the magnetic component in the bottom bar of the product),
  • Automatic (allows you to open the curtains remotely via a remote control or button).

The most easily accessible method is drum, the most expensive is automatic.

Roller blinds are also divided into types according to light transmission:

  • Day - night or zebra pattern allows you to regulate the penetration of sunlight using stripes of different densities and colors.
  • Night (blackout) do not allow daylight to pass through.
  • Dimouts transmit 65% of light and are more popular.
  • Transparent ones allow daylight to pass through, practically without shading the room.

Product "zebra"

How to choose a roller blind

Before going to the store for a finished copy or buying material for self-made, you need to decide how the curtain will look.

Will these canvases be for each window sash or for the entire window, or maybe completely for the window opening and attached not to the plastic window, but to the wall in front of it.

If you want to diversify the room and not burden it with textile compositions, then you can take a closer look at the options that show roller blinds with photo printing.

Do not choose a curtain to match the pattern on the wall or wallpaper, otherwise you will overload the space. It is better to give preference to plain ones natural shades, or emphasize small color accent in furniture upholstery or tableware colors.

In the curtain itself, choose companion colors: pink and gray, gray and yellow, turquoise and chocolate and other variations.

After determining this stage, we measure the height and width of the window or sash. And then we go to the store to choose a suitable option from the samples presented. Well, maybe someone has already left, and we are moving on to the process of making such a miracle - curtains ourselves.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make roller blinds with your own hands

So, a roller blind has two slats: upper and lower, which hold the canvas and weigh down the bottom.

In modern city hardware stores you can buy a ready-made drum with a plug and a chain, i.e. you will only have to process the fabric. This is in case you want it faster.

You can use this mechanism left over from blinds or an old roller blind, maybe lying around somewhere, but this is the simplest way and there’s nothing special to invent here.


  • Textile,
  • Two slats (wooden, metal), the width of the curtain,
  • Glue,
  • Cord,
  • Retainer rings.

We measure the window, with allowances of 3-5 cm on the sides and 5-15 cm at the top and bottom.

We bend the side allowances, iron them and glue them onto sewing web, glue or stitch them.

Take two planks or sticks. I think that with a round cross-section they will look more aesthetically pleasing. The size of the strip should be 2 cm larger than the glass.

We wrap both sticks in fabric and stitch them so that they are not visible.

In case of washing, you can make a pocket where the weighting agent is inserted, which can then be removed.

If you are concerned about how your windows look from the street, then you can make the curtain double-sided and choose a plain lining, and it will let in less light.

The curtain itself is ready!

You can use your imagination and use straps, as in the photo.

Or decorate the bottom bar with flounces.

Or, as in this photo, a calmer option.

Now we begin to think about the folding mechanism, there may be several of them.

The simplest one is manual. Two braids are sewn along the edges.

Manual method

We roll the bottom of the curtain ourselves and tie it at the bottom with a ribbon into a beautiful bow. Simple, but not very convenient. Suitable if you are not going to open the curtain often.

The next method is using a cord and rings that will roll up the curtain.

The rings are sewn onto the ribbons and to the top edge of the curtain at a distance of 5-7 cm from the top bar and 10-15 cm from each other.

We take a cord that should be 2.5 times longer than the curtain. We thread it into the ring through the bottom bar and across the width of the curtain into another ring. To make it clearer, look at the photo of the diagram.

How to attach roller blinds to plastic windows

I will consider options for attaching to a plastic window without drilling, because I think this option is ineffective. I want to change the interior and remove the curtains, but the holes will ruin the whole look.

If you still have the mechanism from blinds or old curtains, you can attach it to fasteners that fit onto the sash. This does not interfere with the functionality of the window.

Or sticky fastening to the frame of a store-bought roller blind.

You can use Velcro. One part needs to be glued to the top strip of the product, and the second to the frame.

Just choose a white shade of Velcro for light and transparent tones. There is also a black one on sale, it is suitable for dark shades of fabric and a dark frame.

Double-sided tape will also hold up a lightweight curtain perfectly. Glue it to the top of the plank.

There is an option not to cover the top with fabric, but to put a fastener on the block, like a store-bought copy, but made of ordinary wire.

Perhaps you have come up with your own manufacturing and fastening system roller blinds, then share your invention with me in the comments, okay?


Tell VK

Traditional curtains are no longer so popular in home interior. Now it has become fashionable to use them as window decoration. Their popularity is quite justified, since these curtains are extremely easy to use and care for. Making roller blinds with your own hands is not at all difficult, because they are made of fabric or paper that is rolled into a roll. It is only important to choose the right design for such curtains so that they fit harmoniously into your home interior.


Self-made roller blinds have many undeniable advantages. They not only fit perfectly into any interior, but also provide excellent protection from sunlight. You can choose from the wide range on the market the model that suits you completely. However, you can make roller blinds with your own hands, choosing fabric and even paper as the canvas.

If you want maximum opacity, choose a thicker material that will block the sun's rays from entering the room. In addition, the air gap created between the roller blind and the window will save heat in winter.

Mounting methods

There are several methods for attaching roller blind mechanisms. You can install them inside on top, above the frame, on the wall or on the ceiling. It all depends on individual preferences. Let's say if you often open a window to ventilate the room, attach the mechanism to the frame. Anyone can try to make roller blinds with their own hands. Photos of these curtains are presented in our article.

Mounting options

The design of such curtains can be open or closed. The first option is the cheapest and simplest. The principle of operation is as follows: the canvas is loosely wound on the shaft, and when it is straightened, it is held by a rail attached to the bottom. In the second option, guides are additionally used to protect the structure from possible deformation and ensure the tightest fit of the curtain to the window.

There are also two ways to install roller blinds on a window:

  • using glue or construction tape;
  • using self-tapping screws.

If you decide to make a roller blind with your own hands, use the first option, since it is the simplest and is suitable for installing light-weight structures.

Leftover wallpaper: it's all in!

Many interior decorating accessories are quite easy to make. with my own hands. Roller blind applies specifically to such structures. It must be said that making such curtains is extremely simple; you do not need to have any special skills for this. It will take little time to make such a roller blind, but the result will be amazing!

Decorate the windows with paper roller blinds, which will look very creative in any apartment. If you still have wallpaper from a previous renovation, you can make such a curtain in just an evening. Make roller blinds with your own hands from paper, it’s very simple.

Step No. 1. First, measure the width and height of the glass.

Step No. 2. Draw a rectangle on the wallpaper. Its width will be equal to the width of the glass, and its length will be ¼ greater than the length of the glass.

Step No. 3. Cut out a rectangle and fold it like an accordion, forming folds no more than five centimeters.

Step No. 4. Using an awl, we pierce holes throughout the middle of the paper sheet. Insert the cord. We straighten the fabric, securing the garter with a knot at the top of the future curtain.

Step No. 5. We also glue the construction material here and attach it to the frame.

Step No. 6. We decorate the five lower folds with a “peacock tail”. To do this, glue them together with tape on the inside.

Step No. 7. We bring the end of the cord inside out and insert the lock.

So our DIY roller blinds made from wallpaper are ready! The photo below will tell you how to do everything correctly.

Making roller blinds with a rod

Now let's make a curtain from fabric. Prepare the following tools:

How to do it?

First of all, cut and sew the fabric so that you get a bag. It will need to be turned out. Sew up the remaining edge and press with an iron. For the slats it is necessary to form some pockets. Do it this way: bend the edges of the roller blind at the top by 3 cm, and at the bottom by 1.5 cm. Sew. Insert strips into these pockets. Carefully screw in a couple of screw rings on top of the block and on the inside. Perform these manipulations in top bar. Step back from one ring from the front side 5 cm to the edge and screw in another ring.

Cut two cords. The length of one should be 3 times the length of the curtain, and the second should be longer than the first by ½ the length of the curtain. Tie the cords with rings. Attach the longer one to a separately screwed screw. Pass the cords along the wrong side, bring them behind the front side and pass them through the rings again. Then pass them through the common loop on the side and tie.

The original roller blind is ready, all that remains is to attach it to the window. Screw 2 hook-screws into the frame so that they are opposite the top rings. Hang the structure. Screw the third hook into the side window frame. You will wind a cord around it, which will help to hold the roller shutter firmly and securely.

Step-by-step production of curtains with a lower shaft

Stage No. 1. Process the double-sided fabric by folding the edges.

Step #2: Form a pocket at the bottom. It will serve as a weight and shaft.

Stage No. 3. Using a stapler, attach Velcro to the top bar. Sew the second part of the roller blind at the top.

Stage No. 4. Connect the canvas to the block and wrap it.

Step #5: Cut two cords. The length of each of them should be 2 curtain lengths and another 20 cm.

Stage No. 6. Throw the ties over the bar located at the top and attach to it with a stapler.

Such a roller blind will be rolled up and straightened manually. You can easily adjust the height with tied cords. Do not forget to additionally strengthen the block with self-tapping screws. If you set a goal, it will be easy to make roller blinds with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you.

Remaking a store roller blind

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to choose a roller blind for a specific interior design. If you suddenly have such a problem, you can absolutely safely purchase a ready-made design from the store and remake it to suit your own needs. How to build roller blinds with your own hands? The master class will help you realize your plans.

We will need the following tools and materials:

  • roller blind;
  • textile medium density(cotton, twill or canvas);
  • polyester thread;
  • cutter;
  • measuring instruments;
  • double-sided tape;
  • roulette;
  • fabric for curtain panels;
  • iron.

Master Class

Each finished roller blind comes with mounting instructions, so attach the mechanisms according to the recommendations. Remove the vinyl sheet from the cylinder and remove the weighting material. Now measure the inside of the roll between the clamps. Add 3 cm to this result. Label this value with the letter A. Measure the distance from the window sill to the fastening mechanisms. Add 25 cm. This is value B. Take a piece of fabric and cut it. Its width is size A, length - B. Place 1.5 cm on the sides of the cut and iron it. Sew the seams side by side. From the bottom edge, first lay 1.5 centimeters, iron and lay another 5 cm. Sew next to it. You now have a pocket in which you will place the weighting material. Attach the finished curtain to the roll using tape. Secure the fabric and twist it. Install the curtain and insert the weight material.

How to care?

Everyone knows that dust quickly accumulates on such curtains. That is why they must be constantly monitored and kept clean. Typically, roller blinds are periodically vacuumed using a furniture attachment. There is no need to remove the canvas from the window. It just needs to be closed and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. The same manipulations should be done on the reverse side. If yours is made of plastic, you can easily wash them with water and added washing powder. Perhaps it will be more effective to clean the roller blinds with a cloth soaked in alcohol. Just wrap it around a rubber spatula and start processing. When finished, treat dry fabric curtains with an antistatic agent.

Just don't wash paper curtains with water. Of course, it will be a shame for you to ruin the roller blinds you made with your own hands from wallpaper. Clean them with a special paste designed for paper sheets. You can also use a stain remover that has a gentle effect. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with this type of product.