Installing the projector: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations. Mounting a projector to the ceiling: types, installation instructions, tips

Projectors entered our lives relatively recently, and although their prices regularly fall, they still remain quite expensive devices. However, now not only a rich family can afford such a device, able to purchase a projector and pay for it correct installation, but also people with average incomes. They prefer to do most of the work themselves. For the purpose of saving. And this means following certain rules for installing the projector.

In this article, we will describe step by step what needs to be done and how to ensure that the product performs its functions efficiently.

Projection distance

This is the first thing to determine to know where you can place the projector. It must be said that it is always better to plan the potential location of the device at the stage of making repairs in the apartment. This approach will allow you to correctly arrange the furniture and immediately provide the appropriate mounting point on the ceiling (since this is where it is most convenient to place the projector).

But let's return to the projection distance. Without going into details, this is the distance at which the device should be from the screen. The calculation will be based on the projection ratio and the selected screen size (usually 2.54 meters). They need to be multiplied by each other. For example, the throw ratio is 1.4. The selected screen size is 254 centimeters (it is more convenient to make calculations in centimeters). We get 254 * 1.4 = 355.6 centimeters. That is, the projector should be installed at a distance of about 3.5 meters from the potential screen location.

Vertical offset

The second step is to determine the vertical offset. This is, roughly speaking, the angle of inclination of the image projection. This indicator is indicated in the instructions and can have both positive and negative values ​​(it is recommended to take projectors with a positive offset, since they still turn over during installation and what was the top will become the bottom). In the majority modern models this figure may change. For example, you can adjust the position of the bracket device itself, but we are more interested in the function of adjusting the vertical mixing angle without moving the projector. This also happens and allows you to tilt the image as required. In any case, you need to pay attention to this parameter when choosing a product.

Projector Installation Height

To install a projector in an apartment on the ceiling, this is perhaps the most important step. First we need the height of the screen. The easiest way is to simply measure it, but you can use online calculators or remember school course mathematics. For example, let’s take the same screen with a diagonal of 254 centimeters. Its height will be 124.5 centimeters. From this we will now calculate the optimal position of the projector. To do this, multiply 124.5 by the degree of vertical displacement. As an example, let's imagine that it is 96.3%. It turns out 124.5 * 96.3% = 119.9 centimeters. That is, the projector can be placed within any point that is above 119.9 centimeters from the center of the screen.

Bracket selection

The next important step is selecting a bracket. There are a huge number of varieties of them. In order not to worry about compatibility, it is recommended to focus only on the same models that the projector itself belongs to. Special attention should be given to the ceiling for which a particular mount is designed. If there is still no clear understanding of what it will ultimately be, then the bracket will set this indicator. And if the apartment is already in a finished state, then the projector must be installed on a mount that is strictly suitable for the existing ceiling.

It is not recommended to take cheap samples. They can become loose and, at best, simply disrupt the image settings. At worst, the projector will collapse to the floor with all the ensuing consequences. To put it simply, it will break.

Installation on a standard concrete ceiling

This is the easiest option for installing a projector.

  1. We select a suitable place.
  2. We try on the bracket and mark
  3. We drill holes in the ceiling (don’t get carried away, otherwise the neighbors above will not be happy).
  4. We attach the bracket. This stage entirely depends on the model of the product and the fasteners that come with the kit.
  5. We install the projector.
  6. We connect all the required cables/wires.
  7. Set up and enjoy.

The main disadvantage of such ceilings is the hanging wires from the projector. There is simply nowhere to put them. If the installation is carried out at the repair stage, you can knock out special grooves where the wires will be laid. Subsequently, they can be covered without problems with plaster or any other in a suitable way. If the repairs have already been made, then the only option is to attach special plastic boxes to the ceiling, into which to lay the wires. It's inexpensive and easy, but appearance It still spoils the premises.

Installation on a plasterboard ceiling

Installing a projector on a plasterboard ceiling presents more challenges than a conventional one. We should start with the fact that the maximum weight (and then only if special fastenings are used) of the projector can be no more than 5 kilograms. But usually they are still heavier. As a result, you will either have to fix the device on a metal frame (you can find it using a regular magnet) or cut out a piece of the ceiling, mount the projector directly on concrete and then think for a long time about how to seal the hole (you can either simply cover it with plaster or install a plastic plug ). There is also nowhere to hide the wires, so you will have to deal with them in the same way as in the case of installing the projector on a concrete ceiling.

Installation on a modular ceiling

This is perhaps the most successful and convenient option.

  1. We remove the part in the place where you need to install the bracket.
  2. We measure the fixation points and drill, as in the case of a concrete ceiling.
  3. We attach the bracket using the components supplied with it.
  4. We install the projector on it and connect the wires.
  5. We bring out all the cables through the ceiling, since the modular (or suspended) type allows this.
  6. We cut a hole in the previously removed ceiling slab strictly to the size of the bracket rod.
  7. We install it in place.

The only peculiarity here is the location of the sockets. Usually they are not made on the ceiling and the cable will still have to be routed somewhere, but at least the wires will not lead directly from the projector. But if you try and still make a rosette right in the ceiling, then the appearance will not spoil anything at all.

Installation on a suspended ceiling

To the great regret of all users, it is simply impossible for a non-specialist to work with suspended ceilings without the appropriate tools and skills. With any attempt, you are more likely to ruin the ceiling (and it is not cheap) than to attach something somewhere. The cost of installing a projector on such surfaces can vary widely, but remember that you will have to pay much more for a new ceiling.

The basic principle here is approximately the same as in all previous cases, but it is advisable to first attach the bracket, wires and projector, and only then stretch the ceiling. If you already have it and don’t want to change anything (and frankly speaking, it’s expensive), you should think about mounting it on the wall. It's not as convenient, but it's still possible. Of the main differences, the only thing that can be noted is that instead of vertical displacement, you should pay attention to horizontal displacement (it is also in the instructions). Otherwise the differences are minor.

Installing a Projector Screen

IN in this case a lot depends on the selected screen, its size, location, and so on. It is most convenient to use collapsible versions. They are a kind of blinds and should be opened only when the need arises. They are mounted on the wall or ceiling according to the standard scheme:

  1. Determine attachment points.
  2. Make holes using a drill.
  3. Using standard screws/dowels/any other fastening options, secure the screen base.
  4. If necessary, provide additional fasteners.

It is recommended to look for detailed instructions for each individual type of screen along with it, but general principle works are almost always identical to each other. Overall, a screen is much easier to hang than a projector, simply because it doesn't require any wires. The exception is situations when it has to be mounted on the ceiling.

Here everything will be absolutely identical, as with the projector itself, with all the ensuing features. Small nuance: sometimes it’s easier to install the projector first, and only then figure out where to hang the screen, and not vice versa (especially when the room is small and there’s nowhere to roam). However, it is more correct to do everything according to these instructions, assuming in advance the placement of all the components of the future home theater.

Setting up the projector

Finally completed the installation. Setting up the projector is the next and final step. As in many other cases, almost everything depends directly on the product model itself.

  1. We turn on the projector, making the room lighting minimal. If it's daytime outside, you should close the curtains tightly. If it's evening, turn off the lights. Immediately after switching on, you shouldn’t expect miracles and hope that “it will do the same.” Practice shows that you usually have to tinker.
  2. Align the position of the image on the screen. If there are such settings, then use them. If not, then we adjust the position of the projector and/or screen.
  3. We check the focus (it’s worth looking at the picture closer and moving away). If everything looks clear (which is rarely the case right away), then we don’t touch anything. In other cases, we delve into the settings and bring the image to a state close to ideal.
  4. We check brightness, color and contrast. Usually these indicators are set by default, but there are always customization options, so you can really try to do better. If it doesn’t work out, no one bothers you to reset the settings back to the “default” state.
  5. If the projector has other settings options, it makes sense to check them all. It is quite possible that you will like one of the modes more or you will find something interesting (surprisingly, not many people tinker with the settings of the new technology, but in vain).

There's one last thing left to do. Download the movie and invite your friends. Or perhaps connect a computer/console and finally play on a truly huge screen. Now there are many more possibilities, and all thanks to the proper installation of the projector.


If you have available funds, it is better to use the services of specialists. They will at least give a guarantee for their services (well, or should give one), which will allow them to demand compensation or a free fix in case of problems. But if you do everything yourself and if something goes wrong, there will be no one else to blame. This is especially true if the fastenings are not of very high quality, which can lead to both the collapse of the ceiling (or part of it) and fatal damage to the projector.

And the projector, so many people forget about important point, namely, where will the projector be stored, from where will it project the image onto the interactive whiteboard? It would seem that in comparison with the interactive whiteboard and the projector itself, thoughts about the location of the projector seem somehow completely “off topic”. It turns out that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Relatively speaking, the projector can be placed somewhere or hung somewhere. Let's first consider a simpler option - placing the projector on a stand. I note that I have repeatedly encountered situations where the projector was placed on the first table, which is closest to the interactive whiteboard. The disadvantage of this method of positioning the projector is the abundance of wires that dangle under your feet all the time, which increases the possibility of the projector falling on the floor and breaking. What if the projector is installed in a place where there are quite a lot of people constantly? Everyone is interested in touching it, pressing buttons, twisting the lens and performing other actions that can lead to damage to the projector (imagine for a second that the projector was touched by all the students or your employees, and half of them just returned from lunch and forgot to wash it hands). But not everything is so bad - if you place the projector on a table or on a special projector stand, then despite all the disadvantages of this method, it has one advantage - mobility. The projector can be moved to any room, placed on a table, turned on and started a presentation, lesson, performance, etc.

More beneficial in terms of safety and convenience is ceiling method installing the projector. A special mount for the projector is purchased, it is suspended from the ceiling, and all the wires coming from it are placed in a special box. It turns out that the projector hangs in a safe place, the wires are hidden in a box that does not spoil the interior of the room. But at the same time, the projector loses its mobility - now you cannot move it to another room.

Let's take a closer look at the ceiling mount of the projector. What is a ceiling mount? It represents metal structure white, black or silver, which is attached to the ceiling on one side, and a projector is attached to the other side. The fastenings presented in the Videx assortment are universal, i.e. they fit any projectors (except short-throw ones, although we also have mounts for them). Also, certain types of brackets allow you to use them to install both a ceiling projector and a small CRT TV. The universal ceiling mount can support a projector weighing up to 20 kg. Based on what is common in classrooms, classrooms, conference rooms, shopping centers and so on. Portable projectors are used, then such mounts are suitable for almost everyone. However, in some cases it is necessary to take a more careful approach to choosing a suitable bracket: for example, a lightweight ceiling projector may have a mounting slot pattern that will not coincide with the hole pattern on a bracket designed for mounting massive projectors. In general, in order to choose the right mount, you need to know exactly how much the ceiling projector weighs, as well as the location of the elements for hanging on it.

Ceiling mounts are produced by many manufacturers and we won’t be able to single out anyone in particular, because... all more or less worthy. I would especially like to mention the manufacturer of Shekla fastenings. They are distinguished by increased strength and durability, and also, which is important for most of our clients, by price. Shekla mounts (for example, the universal ceiling mount Pchela with a rod length of 80-145 cm) are a Russian development. The range of universal ceiling mounts Pchela is quite wide and includes both mounts with a short rod and a long one (the length can reach up to 2 m - the universal mount Pchela is 145-205 cm). The mounts are capable of supporting a projector weighing up to 20 kg, and the spread of the projector mounting tabs allows it to fully comply with the concept of mounting versatility.

Any ceiling mount consists of three main parts: the ceiling mount, the rod and the projector mount. The rod is a variable fastening part - it can change its length depending on your wishes, but not more than its capabilities. The fastening can be either prefabricated or ready-made, it all depends on the manufacturer. For example, the ceiling mount Fix P300L is a prefabricated and budget solution. The length of the rod can vary from 430 mm to 650 mm, which is the most common solution for many of our customers. All cables coming from the projector are laid in a special cable channel in such a way that they are hidden from the user’s view.

There are other options for fastenings - they are a “constructor”. For example, the manufacturer Peerless offers this mounting option: you can separately purchase a ceiling mount, then separately purchase a projector rod of the required length, and finally you need to buy a mount for the projector. This kit allows you to assemble exactly the projector mount that is needed for your specific case.

Let's say you realized that the projector needs to be hung on the ceiling and decided to purchase a ceiling mount, but bad luck - the length of the rod for such a mount is different, but how do you figure out what length you need? This is a very important and very correct question. If you don’t receive a response to it in a timely manner, you can purchase hardware that you absolutely don’t need and that cannot be used.


There was an anecdotal case in our practice. The client called, chose an interactive whiteboard, a projector, the only thing left was to choose how and where to mount the projector. It seems that we decided that we would mount it on the ceiling, found out the height of the ceilings, offered the client a rod, the client agreed, and when we went to install the interactive system, we discovered that if we hang the projector on the rod chosen by the client, the teacher would constantly hit his head on the projector. Our specialists quickly figured out what was what and suggested shortening the bar by half its nominal length. By the way, the process took little time and everyone was happy.

And there was another case when the interactive whiteboard was installed in kindergarten, accordingly, the board was mounted at a height of 30-50 cm from the floor, i.e. very low, so the projector rod was chosen to be as long as possible.


So, initially we plan to hang the projector on the ceiling. Please note that the projector should be located exactly in the center of the interactive whiteboard (not in the center of the panel itself, but in the center of the top edge of the board). Next, we will find out the height of the ceilings in the room where the interactive system is planned to be installed. We are thinking at what distance from the floor we will hang the board. Pay attention to who will be working at the interactive whiteboard - if these are children, then it makes sense to hang the board lower, and if adults will be working, then you can hang it higher.

We know the height of the ceilings, at what distance from the floor the interactive whiteboard will be located - we also know. All that remains is to find out the height of the interactive whiteboard (you can find out about this from technical characteristics interactive whiteboard presented on our website). Then we add up the height of the board and the distance to the floor, and subtract this amount from the height of the ceilings. The resulting distance (plus or minus 5-10 cm) is the length of the rod on which you need to hang the projector so that its location is ideal. Let me remind you once again that the projector must hang exactly along the upper border of the interactive whiteboard’s working area. This is essential, otherwise the image will not be what you want it to be.

Let's consider specific example. Let's say we have an interactive whiteboard Interwrite 1279, the height of which is 135.7 cm. We will hang the interactive whiteboard and projector in a room where the ceiling height is 3 meters. Because the room is a classroom in a school and it is necessary that the interactive whiteboard can be used by small children, which means that the interactive whiteboard should be placed at a height of about 1 meter from the floor. We calculate the distance from the ceiling to the top edge of the board - 3 (height of the ceilings) - 1 (distance from the floor to the board) - 1.35 (height of the board) = 0.65 meters. It turned out that the distance from the ceiling to the board is 65 cm. We take an error of 5-10 cm and it turns out that a rod will suit us, the possible length of which will be from 55 to 75 cm. We look at what fits these conditions on the Videx company website.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the simplest mathematical operations will save you money and protect you from buying a fixture that does not fit your ceilings, unless, of course, you decide for yourself what is best to buy. We advise you to contact professionals who are able to make the calculations themselves and select a ceiling mount that suits your needs and your budget. The Videx company is a team of professionals. Our specialists will calculate and select the ceiling mount you need.

There are many options decorate the ceiling in the children's room your baby, this is the “starry sky”, and ceiling drawings, and intricate figures, yet the most accessible and original method of reviving the surface of the ceiling remains an ordinary children's ceiling projector. This device is capable of projecting an image specified by the manufacturer onto the surrounding walls and ceilings. Most often, such “lights” act as night lights for children. Although there are more powerful devices that can provide high-quality images on the ceiling during the daytime.

For their intended purpose, all these lighting can be divided into three large groups:

Night lights

  • Inexpensive, as a rule, are devices that create a soft, soothing atmosphere in a night room using specific lighting.

The two most popular themes of such devices are “ starry sky" and "Ocean". Both pictures can calm a child after a day full of emotions and show him the way to the kingdom of Morpheus.
The leaders of the domestic market are projector night lights brought to us from the Celestial Empire. These are various “Turtles”, “ ladybugs", "Star Masters", due to their availability, they literally literally occupied the shelves.

The models can also be made as a clock or an alarm clock with a projection onto the ceiling. Such products usually operate in 3-4 light modes, sometimes accompanying the picture with simple music. The build quality and the actual design elements in Chinese lighting devices leave much to be desired, but their price is not too high. 300-700 rubles is the standard cost of goods with the inscription “Made in China”.

  • Home planetarium

Japan also produces a completely different class of similar projectors. An example is HomeStar Pro 2, a fairly well-known home planetarium. And although this is also a children’s ceiling projector, it is a much more serious piece of equipment that costs a lot of money (about 10,000 rubles). No one has yet received any complaints about the build quality or the unreliability of the star design in the “Japanese”. These high-quality products, made in a rigid, reliable case, can not only show a map of the night sky, but also create a projection on the ceiling, for example, of the northern lights or indescribable lunar landscapes.

One of the undeniable advantages of all “night lights” is the absolute absence of problems with their installation, since they do not require special mounting locations. You can place such lighting fixtures directly on the floor, table or even bedside table.

Computer projectors

This type ceiling projectors somewhat more complicated and much more expensive than the previous ones. Their task is to complete the pictures (or even moving images) conceived by the designer not only at night, but also during the day. As a rule, these devices cannot do without help personal computer or a laptop, since they simply transmit to the ceiling the image specified by the video card of the “iron friend”.

The result is a reliable transmission of any colors and halftones specified by the program, as well as the ability to create a “living” ceiling, with moving clouds, for example, and changing weather. All high-quality projectors are equipped with a built-in speaker system.

Production computer projectors such monsters as: “Acer”, “Philips”, “Epson” are engaged. The cost of their finished products ranges from 20 to 70 thousand rubles, and this is not the limit. If desired, you can find devices with a price level above 100,000 rubles. Thus, they offer to buy a multimedia Mitsubishi HC7800D for only 186-190 thousand.

Due to the fact that the image projected onto the ceiling is complex, and the equipment used for this is not cheap, you need to make a seat for the computer projector in advance and configure the device for the ceiling plane.


The light supply from the projector to the “stars” is carried out through a fiber optic carrier, which guarantees individual work each lighting element.


Due to the design features of such projectors, their installation requires space between the ceilings, so installing a “fiber optic” will be problematic. Most often, such systems are mounted on suspended or plasterboard ceilings.

Example LED projectors The brand name “SAROS DESIGN” can serve. Unlike conventional night lights or computer projectors, this equipment is mounted in the ceiling space and does not require either beam adjustment or preparation of any special seat.

But it requires the installer to accurately and orderly install the lighting lenses. Depending on their quantity, by the way, the cost of the lighting system itself will depend. So a product with 75 stars will cost 3,300 rubles, and a device with three hundred lenses will cost about 11,000 rubles.

All these lighting fixtures for creating ceiling projections can be purchased from both offline and online stores. It will be even easier to find them on the Internet; you just need to know what you are looking for and ask Yandex the right questions. For example, if you live in Moscow and want to buy a Japanese children's projector, the correct request will be formatted as follows: “Buy HomeStar Pro 2 + Moscow.”

In order to assemble a home theater in an apartment or private house, it is not at all necessary to have a TV. A ceiling projector is also suitable for these purposes. A modern projector not only provides good quality image, but also has sufficient compactness, which allows you to hide it under the ceiling of the room, securing it using a special device - a bracket.

Ceiling projector bracket structure

Mounting a projector to the ceiling is the most common way to mount this device, as it allows you to place the screen in any accessible location in the room. In order to fix the projector on the ceiling and point it at the desired angle, you need to select a bracket for it. This device is most often made of metal, although there are also models made of plastic or wood.

In some cases, equipment manufacturers produce brackets specifically designed for a specific model. For all others, use any suitable ceiling bracket for the projector, which consists of three main parts:

  • Mounting panel. It is a metal plate through which the ceiling rod passes. Attached directly to the ceiling of the room.
  • Barbell. This part is used to set the height of the projector. The telescopic bracket allows you to change the distance of the projector from the ceiling within the range set by the manufacturer.
  • Platform. It is designed to accommodate necessary equipment and has special fastenings. In many cases, this is simply a stand for the projector, but in some models the platform allows you to place the device at a certain angle or even in a vertical position.

Selecting a bracket and preparing for installation

When purchasing a ceiling mount for your projector, you should consider the following parameters:

  • Video projector weight. The bracket must support the weight of all equipment installed on it, so before purchasing you need to read the instructions and find out as much as possible permissible weight for this model.
  • Length of the mounting rod. Before purchasing, you should measure the height of the room and the planned height of the projector in advance in order to calculate the required length of the bracket rod.
  • Location of holes on the platform. The mounting holes on the projector and platform must match exactly.
  • Ceiling parameters. The standard hanger is designed to be attached to a flat, horizontal surface. For attic floors and sloping ceilings, in addition to the bracket, you will need a special adapter.

Once the mounting device has been selected, you can begin preparatory work. To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions for the video projector and determine the most convenient location for its installation. Then attach the bracket mounting panel to the ceiling and mark the centers of the mounting holes. Next, all necessary communications must be laid to the future installation site. You should also prepare a set of necessary tools in advance:

  • Hammer or drill;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Dowels;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil.

Installation on concrete or wood ceiling

The simplest and most universal way to attach a video projector bracket is to mount it on a concrete or wooden ceiling. The installation process involves drilling holes for the dowels using a hammer drill (for concrete) or a drill (for wood). Then dowels are inserted into the resulting holes, and the mounting panel of the bracket is installed on them using self-tapping screws.

Attaching a bracket to a concrete ceiling is quite simple, but how can you hide all the supply lines? If the premises are residential and renovations are not being carried out, then the only solution would be to mount special cable trays or cable channels on the ceiling. They spoil the aesthetics of the room much less than wires and provide reliable protection.

If the room is under renovation, then one of the solutions in this situation would be to cut grooves for the cable in the ceiling surface, and after laying them, seal them with facing material.

This method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, so mounting the projector is usually combined with installing additional suspended structures on the ceiling, which allow you to hide communications in the sub-ceiling space.

Installation on plasterboard ceiling

Installing the projector on a plasterboard ceiling is also quite simple and is done in a similar way: holes are drilled in the ceiling, special plasterboard dowels are driven into them and the bracket is fixed to them. However, a standard sheet of plasterboard can only support structures whose total weight does not exceed 5 kg.

If you plan to install a heavier device, then the ceiling bracket is attached only to metal frame profiles, which can be found under the ceiling using a magnet. You can also install it on the ceiling, which is the main supporting structure. To do this, you need to carefully cut a hole in a sheet of drywall and install the mounting panel using dowels and screws on the concrete ceiling.

This method allows you to secure a structure of any mass, but the cut hole will need to be masked or decorated.

Armstrong ceiling mounting

The Armstrong-type ceiling is also a plasterboard structure, but differs in the use of plates of the same size, which are simply inserted into the cells of the metal frame. Hanging the projector on this type of ceiling is even easier because at the mounting location, the ceiling can be disassembled and reassembled in a matter of minutes.

Having removed one or more plates, you must first assemble a socket for connecting the projector and connect it to it power cable. Next, you need to drill holes in the load-bearing ceiling for mounting the bracket and secure the mounting panel. Then holes are cut in the plate through which the tripod will pass for fasteners and wires. Next, all structural elements are threaded through the holes, and the slab is installed in its cell.

Installation on a suspended ceiling

Film ceiling is one of the most common types suspended ceilings, therefore also allows you to hide all supply communications inside the ceiling space. However, installing a projector on it will not be so easy. If fastening to the ceiling is carried out before installing the tension structure, then mortgages must be installed on the base ceiling in advance. Then, in the PVC sheet in the place where the rod will pass, you need to make holes and attach metal rings to them. After this, through the finished holes in stretched ceiling A tripod is mounted.

If the design is made of stretch ceiling has already been assembled, then installing the bracket requires its partial dismantling, which can only be performed by specialists. This will allow you to install mortgages and perform a similar sequence of actions. That is why, before installing a stretch ceiling, you should consider in advance the possibility of future installation of a video projector.

Ceiling screen installation

Another device that is necessary to ensure sufficient brightness and clarity of the image is a projector screen. The ceiling screen is mounted on the ceiling surface in the same way as the video projector bracket, depending on the design parameters. To install the screen, a similar device is used, which allows you to fix the entire structure to the ceiling using self-tapping screws.

If the installation of the screen is planned to be carried out together with the installation of a plasterboard ceiling, then good decision in this situation there will be a motorized screen. If you make a special niche for it in the design, then such a screen can be completely rolled up and it will be almost invisible on the ceiling.