The minimalist style in the interior is the best solution for small apartments. Minimalism in the interior of the apartment

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The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to relax even for a minute, so the daily routine should be clear, and everyday life modern man- with minimal effort. Recently, this has begun to be reflected in everything: in clothing, household items, even in communication. Recently appeared a new style in the interior of residential premises - minimalism. This direction can transform small apartment to cozy and comfortable housing.

Bedroom interior with minimum set furniture and without unnecessary decor.

Despite the fact that minimalism has gained popularity recently, its prerequisites can be seen in the constructivism of the 20th century. This period is characterized as transitional: technological progress, changes in worldview, fresh views on life. A room decorated in a minimalist style will never go unnoticed. There will be many opinions: some will say it is too strict and boring, others will admire the abundance of light and functionality.

For some, the style of minimalism is austerity.

Minimalism is characterized by the following features:

  • strict geometric shapes;
  • neutral colors;

Minimalism is characterized by neutral tones.
Maximum space is the basis of minimalism.
  • the presence of large windows and partitions;
  • modern built-in furniture;

Modern built-in wardrobe in the bedroom in a minimalist style.
  • rejection of heavy curtains in favor of blinds and screens;

Heavy curtains are not appropriate for minimalism; blinds are suitable here.

Minimalism in bedroom design

In every home, the bedroom has a special meaning. This is a place where you can relax, forget all your problems for a while, and put your thoughts in order. Therefore, there should be nothing superfluous in the interior of the room.

A minimalist bedroom often resembles a Japanese sleeping area. This happens because most minimalist designers recommend installing low beds (also called platforms). If you select furniture incorrectly, this style can be confused with high-tech, classicism, or loft.

Most minimalist designers recommend installing low beds (also called platforms).

Let us list the main features of bedrooms decorated in a minimalist style.

Benefits of a minimalist bedroom

In addition to the specific unusual design, this direction has several more advantages.

Color spectrum

A bedroom in the minimalist style does not involve flashy colors and decorative items. Only neutral and natural colors. When thinking through a design project in advance, you need to give preference to the main shades natural stone or wood. They can be diluted with the color of red brick. If you strictly follow the rules, you are allowed to use no more than three colors.

Sometimes white, black and gray are used in the interior.

Majority experienced designers- minimalists prefer to work with two shades. The main one is White color, and paired with it can be brown, pastel, gray. Some brave specialists use olive and terracotta tones for decoration in their work.

Some brave specialists use an olive tone for decoration in their work.

In such cases, you can use a third color, but only a little, for example, in the form of decorative accents. They will advantageously attract attention.

Classic color distribution scheme

In a minimalist style bedroom, the main color should be the “brightest”. It is applied to all small areas, 1-2 pastel shades cover the remaining surfaces.

It is important to remember that the surface of the walls should be uniform. Any finishing material is allowed: paint or wallpaper. There are times when you want to make the bedroom walls brighter. To avoid losing style, it is necessary to decorate all other pieces of furniture and decor in calm, neutral colors.

A bedroom in the minimalist style in the classical sense involves the use of white and black colors, which are subtly diluted with red shades. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with bright accents. Therefore, it is worth excluding all decorative items from the interior. classic bedroom. To prevent the room from looking “empty”, you can put a lampshade or lamp.

A bedroom in the minimalist style in the classical sense involves the use of white and black colors, which are unobtrusively diluted.

Decoration of walls, ceiling, floor

As mentioned above, the walls are made plain, that is, all patterns and ornaments are excluded. Currently, there are many finishing materials for decorating bedroom walls in a minimalist style: wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, non-woven wallpaper.

The design of the ceiling has its own character traits. It should be as simple as possible, without volumetric stucco elements and borders. Most often, in a minimalist style bedroom, a ceiling with built-in lighting fixtures is installed. If you still want to add a bright accent, then it can be a stained glass painting, but of a small size.

A minimalist ceiling should be as simple as possible, without volumetric stucco elements.

Floor design also matters. Designers recommend using parquet board, carpet, laminate. It is best if the color of the walls and bottom are combined.

Finishing material plain color is used, without a pattern. The texture doesn't matter much.

Furniture Basics

The arrangement of furniture in the minimalist style has its own special features, thanks to which you can unmistakably distinguish it from other styles.

  1. The pieces of furniture do not have drawings, ornaments, or any carvings. The interior consists of very compact pieces; massive and tall furniture is not used.
  2. The main element of a minimalist bedroom is the bed. It should not be massive or too tall. Minimalist designers recommend podium beds, futon beds, and the Japanese version of the tatami bed. They usually have hidden legs or no legs at all. In most cases, beds do not have a headboard, and if there is one, it is small and narrow.
    Minimalist designers recommend podium beds, futon beds, and the Japanese version of the tatami bed.
  3. On the sides of the bedroom bed there are 2 nightstands, 2 lamps or sconces. The design is neutral and very discreet.
    On the sides of the bedroom bed there are 2 nightstands and 2 lamps.
  4. For a bedroom in a minimalist style, high wardrobes and boudoirs are excluded. They are successfully replaced by sliding wardrobes, the facades of which are made of glass or plastic.
  5. The minimalist style looks impressive if the room area is large. Here, instead of a closet, you can allocate several meters for a dressing room. It can be located in any part of the bedroom. IN sliding doors You can install mirrors, they will visually increase the area of ​​the living space.
  6. If desired, in big room You can equip a work office. But, it is necessary to take into account in advance that it would not be appropriate for the interior of this room to have small office supplies and papers on the table. Therefore, it is better to choose a table with large, spacious drawers. If the owner works a lot on the computer, you can purchase a multifunctional portable desk for the bedroom.
    Workplace in a minimalist style: a table with spacious drawers and shelves of strict, regular shapes.
  7. Dressing table are selected according to the same interior principle: small items must be hidden from prying eyes. It is better to take a rectangular mirror.
    Dressing table of strict shapes in minimalist style.
  8. If the room is spacious, you can put a chest of drawers, but a small one, without bright accents and carvings. Usually this is a classic version with three spacious drawers.
    Light-colored chest of drawers with spacious drawers.
  9. In large studio apartments, the owners, in addition to the bedroom, equip a place for relaxation. Most often, this is the far corner where a neutral-colored carpet is laid out and an armchair is installed small sizes, floor lamp and coffee table. All without unnecessary decor or strict geometric shapes.
    Place to relax: large chair and table. If desired, you can add a floor lamp and a rug in a neutral color.
  10. In the last few years, it has become popular to remove all partitions in small apartments and create zoning. In such rooms, the role of walls is played by pieces of furniture. To sleeping area it looked more comfortable, you could lay a soft carpet near the bed.
    Zoning a room into a bedroom and an office in a minimalist style. Carpets in neutral shades are used for comfort.

Decorating a bedroom in a minimalist style

In a minimalist bedroom, a lot of decorative items are not recommended. The bed should have strict geometric shapes, a headboard without inserts, textiles in neutral shades. If you want bright accents on the wall, then you can hang 1-2 paintings above the head of the bed.

To visually expand the bedroom space, some minimalist designers recommend placing one large and several small mirrors on the wall.

It is uncharacteristic for this direction to have many textile items. The minimum allowed is a blanket and bed linen. You can put 2-3 on the bed decorative pillows. Bedroom textiles in neutral tones, without ornaments, patterns, or draperies.

Minimum textiles: bedspread, 2-3 decorative pillows.


The concept of minimalism style implies a lot of space and light. Therefore, ideally, the bedroom should have a large window. It is better to abandon traditional heavy curtains in favor of blinds. If the owner wants to see textiles on his window, then he can decorate it with a restrained color curtain and thin lace.

It is better to abandon heavy curtains on the window in favor of blinds.

There can be several light sources. A bulky chandelier can be replaced with point light sources; they can be mounted in walls and floors. It is better to replace traditional swing doors with modern sliding doors.

Small lighting elements can be installed near the bed and in the bedroom relaxation area.

A bedroom decorated in a minimalist style is suitable for business and purposeful people who value comfort and quality of life.

Video: Small bedroom in minimalist style

They started renovations, and design ideas For stylish design Isn’t there a small area? Optimal solution- minimalism. The use of methods in this direction will allow you to correctly place accents, visually expand the space, and furnish rooms without compromising comfort.

Direction characteristics

Minimalism is a trend in interior design characterized by simple design, necessary furniture without frills, pastel colors(usually achromatic scale).

Initially, the style was borrowed from Eastern culture. Room zoning, application natural materials, geometric shapes, lack color accents, asceticism were the main techniques of early minimalism that designers used to decorate interiors.

Later, design methods were transformed. Today modern interior in the style of minimalism is interesting, functional, but still does not allow complex details. Direction techniques are relevant when decorating small apartments.


Minimalism techniques fit organically into the design of small spaces and rooms country houses. Interiors designed according to the canons of the direction are characterized by several features:

  • achromatic tones of walls, ceilings, furniture;
  • zoning of premises;
  • functionality;
  • straight lines;
  • lack of complex details;
  • a minimum number of partitions and doors;
  • simple furniture design;
  • built-in appliances;
  • glossy surfaces of facades;
  • multi-level soft light;
  • natural materials: wood, stone, glass;
  • using laminate, parquet, tiles or self-leveling flooring.

Rooms and premises, decorated and furnished according to the rules of the direction, are cozy, comfortable, spacious, filled with light, and devoid of complex decorative elements.


Minimalism techniques are a godsend for small spaces. With their help, it is possible to avoid irrational use of space, while the apartment is furnished with furniture and appliances without compromising comfortable living.

Usage style solution for interior decoration is notable for its main advantages:

  • rational use of space;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • functionality;
  • simple decor;
  • calm shades;
  • minimum number of parts;
  • abundance of light;
  • pleasant perception.

Minimalism in the interior small apartment- stylish solution With the help of design methods, every centimeter of space will be used wisely, the room will be filled with light, and it will be possible to furnish the rooms without compromising the comfort of living.


If you were involved in interior design in a minimalist style professional designer, then there is no need to worry. However, you need to pay attention to several points to avoid mistakes when decorating rooms with your own hands:

  • avoid design in one color, as the image of the room will be boring and dull;
  • you should not give up the necessary equipment and pieces of furniture: asceticism is not a principle of minimalism;
  • do not use complex parts in the design of the window area, take simple curtains made of matte or shiny fabric without figured elements and lambrequins, the best option is tulle;
  • do not choose furniture with elaborate curves - this contradicts the canons of style and introduces disharmony;
  • pay attention to the compatibility of objects, textures, textures and color range(no negative perception should arise).

Following the principles of decoration will allow you to create a discreet, laconic, but not boring interior design, for which minimalism is the chosen design tool.

Modern interior in minimalist style

Interior design trends focus on modernity, functionality and simplicity. It’s pleasant to be in rooms and spaces decorated according to today’s decorating rules thanks to the relaxing atmosphere, calm tones, and necessary equipment.

Minimalism in the interior of a small apartment manifests itself in several images:

  • use of high-quality and natural materials;
  • a combination of textures and textures that are easy to care for;
  • using translucent fabrics to decorate the window area;
  • pastel shades;
  • dosed contrast;
  • thoughtful accents;
  • dense textiles of upholstered furniture;
  • modern technology;
  • division of space;
  • simple forms;
  • abundance of light.

A modern interior is an environment where it is comfortable to be and relax from a busy day.

approach the issue wisely

Original interior studio apartment- the dream of many housewives. But bringing what you want to life is not so easy due to the limited area where problems arise proper organization space, choice of textures, textures, shades and furniture, matching the design style and dimensions.

An important aspect is the thoughtful division of space into the dining room, living room and work area, which is the key to convenience and a pleasant pastime.

5 ideas for comfort

A minimalist interior in a small apartment is the best option for organizing a small space. The peculiarities of furnishing, color play, and the use of glossy textures are such that they contribute to the visual enlargement of the room and filling it with light.

For the kitchen, the best solution is a combination of custom-made furniture and built-in appliances. This way you will be able to accurately fit pieces of furniture, using every centimeter of space wisely. It is advisable to use translucent fabrics for windows, use a minimum of decorative details and pastel shades to expand the space by filling it with light.

To create harmonious interior room, you need to divide it into the necessary zones. The best option tones - colors in an achromatic range, so that a calm environment sets the mood for relaxation and does not irritate after busy everyday life. Furniture should be simple. If the decor seems boring, you can complement the design with small accents.

Following the principles of design in the style of minimalism will allow you to correctly delimit space, fill rooms with light, and create a comfortable environment for relaxation.

Minimalism in the interior of a small apartment is popular among most designers, since thanks to a combination of techniques, you can organize a spacious room without unnecessary details. At the same time, there will be no feeling of infringement, since all pieces of furniture and equipment will be present in full. Using unobtrusive colors, glossy textures, and high-quality materials, you can create the ideal design of a room where a calm atmosphere is conducive to a comfortable pastime.

Minimalism style is elegance and sophistication, bordering on simplicity and severity of form. Fashionable minimalist interiors leave no one indifferent! How to decorate your apartment in this way - read on.

In the 70s of the 20th century, during the triumph of pop art with its riot of colors, a completely new direction in architecture and design began to take shape - minimalism. Unexpectedly for everyone, this newfangled trend quickly turns into a real boom, which first covers the United States, and then gradually finds support and approval in the countries of Europe and South America.

Thus, endless dynamism and flashy colors were replaced by calm light shades, clear lines and shapes, the obligatory presence of free space in the room and light-saturated interiors.

Simple forms and elegance, rigor and an impeccable sense of style - all this must be present in minimalist style rooms. However, despite the apparent simplicity, this interior is clearly structured and must be thought out by the decorator to the smallest detail.

Basic interior elements in minimalist style

Correct interior lines and clear rectangular shapes objects fascinate at first sight. The specially modeled space pleases the eye and leaves no one indifferent. When decorating such interiors, it is customary to use laconic, pure colors that help you relax and unwind.

Minimalist design for different rooms


The kitchen symbolizes strict simplicity and implies maximum functionality and perfection: perfectly smooth surfaces, even shapes, straight, clear lines and details. The room should be divided into zones using different textures, colors, and lighting.

Unlike classic style in a minimalist kitchen, the presence of any finishing materials is acceptable: steel, chrome, aluminum, plastic, profiles from frosted glass. Such a kitchen often resembles a high-tech style in appearance.

Choose discreet shades for your kitchen, such as white, beige, black, gray and brown. Minimalism implies the absence of any ornaments, patterns or fancy patterns. There is also no place for luxurious items, pretentious lampshades, exotic carpets or designer decorative elements. If you want to diversify your interior, decorate the wall with a picture in a simple frame or use relief plaster for decoration.

For a minimalist kitchen you will need a lot of open space - this should be taken into account when planning and leave a minimum amount of furniture. Built-in cabinets and storage cabinets are best suited for this, where you can hide all the necessary household items.

The most interesting thing in a noble minimalist kitchen interior will look like groups of lamps in the form of prisms or frosted balls. Use lighting also for shelves, floors, and ceilings.

Living room

Minimalism will look great in any living room, regardless of its size. It is believed that this style requires a large room, but the minimalist style also looks good, because they immediately become visually wider and more spacious. Combining a room with a kitchen, dining room or bedroom, or hall will help add free space to the living room. After demolition interior partitions The interior of your apartment will be transformed in an amazing way.

For a living room in a minimalist style they often use big windows height from ceiling to floor. If possible, you can even do panoramic glazing across the entire wall - it will look especially impressive.

Don't leave walls empty. They can be supplemented with a couple of photographs (minimalism usually uses black and white frames), paintings with neutral patterns (most often nature and landscapes), futuristic posters or abstractions.

Minimalist interiors require a minimum of decorative elements and small parts. However, the living room is the central room of the apartment, and leaving it without interesting design It's simply impossible. Add a few geometric figurines or vases: they will slightly clutter the space, but at the same time they will make the room more comfortable and give it its own charm and zest.


A bedroom in a minimalist style is, just like in the living room, the maximum amount of free space and light. Clear organization and absence of unnecessary items. To bring this idea to life, you will need to think through a storage system, all kinds of drawers, podiums and built-in cabinets where you can hide both household small items and large items.

From the furniture, only the essentials remain: a wardrobe, a bedside table, a couple of shelves or racks. All furniture has clear geometric correct forms, smooth shiny surfaces. The center of the room is usually the bed, complemented by an elegant canopy or high platform.

Learn more about bedroom design.

A minimalist bedroom is zoned using lighting or mirror screens. It's better to decorate the window roller blinds or blinds.

If a monochromatic bedroom in the minimalist style seems boring to you, the interior can be diversified at any time with the help of a beautiful panel, a modern clock or a futuristic avant-garde painting.


The minimalist style is ideal for small children's rooms and will help to make the most of small space. You will have to get rid of unnecessary details and unnecessary little things. Simple furniture, bright hues, a lot of light - in such a room your child will have room to roam. It is especially important for active children a large number of free space and the absence of bright, catchy elements that distract attention.

The absence of pretentiousness and numerous decorative items does not mean that the room will be uncomfortable. Looking at the photos of children's interiors in the minimalist style, you can easily see the opposite.

Who will like minimalism?

According to experienced designers, this style is highly welcomed by people who Everyday life experience serious psychological overload associated with accepting and processing various information flows. A “smart”, comfortable environment in the house is very important for them. Such a house is usually equipped with a huge number of electronic devices, allowing you to control heating, lighting, protection and ventilation remotely.

Light-filled free space

Minimalism, as has been mentioned more than once above, presupposes that the room is filled with light and, most importantly, air. Designers recommend placing them in such interiors glass partitions, stairs and doors. If there is not enough space in the house, then mirrors and glossy surfaces, perfectly reflecting light.

The window plays an important role in minimalist style rooms. The larger it is, the better. If you are the happy owner of a beautiful panoramic view from the window, then you won’t need curtains. In other cases, choose plain Roman blinds, sliding Japanese curtains or pastel roller blinds.

The lack of light in the room can easily be corrected by well-chosen artificial lighting.

Dominant white color

White color emphasizes the shape of objects very well, therefore it is widely used by minimalist decorators. A few interior items that contrast in texture and color with the background can add expressiveness to the design. It is better to give preference to soft ones natural shades, such as:

  • lactic;
  • blue;
  • delicate light green;
  • salmon;
  • light yellow.

All of them perfectly set off the white color and create a transparent, almost airy atmosphere.

Finishing materials, furniture, textiles

As materials widely used for finishing works when creating interiors in a minimalist style, we can name:

  • polished cement;
  • stone;
  • steel wire;
  • mirror surfaces.

Seamless white ones will suit this interior very well.

Preference is given to high-quality functional furniture with clear geometric shapes. The surface of the furniture can be either matte or glossy with chrome elements. In the catalogs of furniture companies you will find many different chairs, tables, hanging cabinets, sets, lamps made of metal and glass. At the same time, the furniture you select should be inconspicuous and blend with the interior of the room.

If textiles are used in the decor, they should be monochromatic, and draperies should emphasize simple lines.

The minimalism style is the embodiment of the idea of ​​​​creating a space that is as comfortable as possible for life and freed from unnecessary objects, creating excellent conditions for realizing the creative potential of the individual.

The combination of sophistication and simplicity, elegance and geometric severity of forms - this is what the minimalism style is. Such an interior solution may appeal to completely different people.

What are the main features of decorating an apartment in the minimalist style?

This now popular style originated in the 1970s of the last century. At that time, pop art, characterized by bright, flashy colors, was ubiquitous.

For a public tired of the riot of colors, a completely new style became a breath of fresh air. As soon as it appeared, minimalism gained popularity both in architectural projects, and in interior design.

The fashion for this trend captured the United States, after which it began to spread in South America and Europe.

Expressive colors faded into the background, giving way to soft light shades, clearly defined shapes and lines. The room must have empty space and good lighting.

Despite the lack of clutter of details and obvious simplicity, in reality, minimalism in the interior of an apartment obeys certain rules. When creating such a design, a specialist must take into account all the details and work out a clear structure.

Fundamental elements of style

Rectangular shapes and straight lines of objects immediately attract attention. The specially constructed space gives rest to tired eyes. Few people can remain indifferent while in such a room. In the design, calm, clean shades are most often used, which are associated with rest and relaxation.

Features of apartment design in minimalism

Monochrome range of colors, diluted with halftones. Pastel and light shades can be added to the palette.

Plain wallpaper. There are no patterns, prints or decorative elements on the walls.

Welcome daylight, so the apartment should have wide windows. Electric lighting is used according to the decorator's idea.

The materials used are varied: from wood to brick. We don’t ignore plastic, glass, aluminum and concrete.

Design of different rooms

One of the most important rooms in any home is, of course, the kitchen. Very often it serves not only as a place for preparing food, but also as a dining room where we eat our meals. To match the style, the kitchen must be a model of impeccability.

Divided by light sources, shades and textures into functional area, it must contain even, smooth surfaces.

It is allowed to use any available finishing materials. Externally, this kitchen is close to hi-tech style.

Lamps shaped like pyramids or made in the form of prisms will fit perfectly into the interior. It is good to place lighting not only on the ceiling, but also on shelves, and even on the floor.

As a rule, apartments with minimalism used in design have a spacious and bright living room. But even a small space can be visually enlarged using certain tricks. And by combining the living room with other rooms, you will significantly increase its area.

The use of long windows, from the floor to the ceiling, is typical. They naturally expand the available space when viewed. Great solution will do panoramic windows along the entire perimeter of the wall. Looks very impressive!

When furnishing your bedroom, don't forget to get rid of unnecessary things to free up space. It is best to put unnecessary items in the closet. Do not clutter the room with unnecessary furniture - only the essentials. Ideally, only the bed is the center of the entire room. The bed looks great on a small podium or with a canopy.

Decorating a small studio apartment in minimalism is also quite possible. Let everything be in the same color range. Focus attention by hanging a small panel or digital clock on the wall.

It’s good to draw ideas from existing works of famous decorators. Look big photo design in a minimalist style to decide on your own interior solution.

120 photos of apartment design in minimalist style