What types of suspended ceilings are there: an overview of types and materials. Main types of suspended ceilings, their features and materials

Since suspended ceilings are installed in almost all types of premises and are used in different conditions, then the materials for their manufacture differ significantly from each other. Hence the noticeable difference in price for one or another type of structure. Prices for the same products sometimes differ very noticeably, and the reason for this may be different thicknesses of the slabs used, fillers used, etc. technical features. For example, Armstrong surfaces, known to many domestic consumers, are made from materials that involve both minor and very significant costs.

Material for suspended ceilings very diverse. Let's try to get a more or less clear picture of this issue.


Let us highlight several features of the use of metal:

  1. Oddly enough, metal cannot be called a very popular product for the manufacture of structures. If we talk about panel and tile, then metal is almost not used at all.
  2. Mostly metal frame structures, while the decorative part of the product is made of lighter and less durable materials, for example, mineral wool.
  3. Many lattice, slatted and cassette ceilings are made partly from metal. Here, either aluminum or thin galvanized steel is used in the form of strips that have a characteristic shine.
  4. There are models where metals are used to create a surface protective layer of non-metallic structures. Owalux, for example, produces mineral fiber panels using aluminum High Quality, which prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. Thus, this type of panels has found its application in installations with increased sanitary requirements.


Its prevalence is simply amazing, since it can take on a wide variety of forms and successfully imitate more expensive materials.

Application of plastic:

  1. Plastic is used to produce mirrored or metallized modular elements. It successfully repeats the texture of an expensive stone, for example, marble. All kinds of holograms applied to the surface of a plastic panel also look good. They go on sale in the form of 600x600 mm tiles and are assembled using the raster method.
  2. Plexiglas surfaces with a chrome finish are popular. They are distinguished by an outer mirror layer formed protective film special composition. Guide elements are provided for them, which are also chrome-plated.


The material is very good, primarily due to its high degree of environmental friendliness. Gypsum modular elements can be found mainly in light tones. Conventional suspended plasterboard structures after installing gypsum boards require additional multi-stage finishing, which somewhat affects their demand among customers who do not like to create repair messes in the apartment for a long time.


This product is successfully used not only in solid wood, but also as a filler for a fibrous structure together with artificial binding elements. Certain types of wood-fiber structure modules perform a purely decorative function.

Choosing the right material

Based on the characteristics, all suspended ceilings are combined into separate groups:

  • hygienic;
  • shockproof;
  • noise-absorbing or acoustic;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fireproof.

Noteworthy is the fact that European and American-made surfaces have some significant differences in terms of fire protection, which to some extent changes the moisture resistance indicators. Certain types of coatings (usually American), due to the presence of paper in the composition, noticeably increase in volume when used in conditions of high humidity.

It turns out that manufacturers do this for a reason, due to the prevalence of sprinkler fire extinguishing mechanisms in America. Sprinklers mounted in the ceiling space, when a fire occurs, make the slabs wet, which significantly weighs them down and collapses to the floor, as a result of which they are expected to cover the fire site. In the same places on the surface where the slab fell and the sprinkler opened completely, further extinguishing of the fire occurs directly from it.

On a note: It is worth considering that such slabs can swell due to the fact that the air in the room is often over-humidified, which causes a gradual but sure sagging of the slabs.

Manufacturers from Europe also take care of preserving ceilings from waterlogging and use fire compensators for these purposes, which are activated when the result is thermal expansion compression occurs, which prevents the tiles from falling to the floor during a fire.

Bottom line

As you can see, the material for the surface can be very different and its choice should be determined by objective reasons. It is better to think carefully in advance about the occurrence of probable situations and how the surface will behave in them. Consider whether the room is heated and whether it only occurs during certain seasons of the year.

Video on the topic

The article will discuss different types of suspended ceilings, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. You will learn about what types of panel and profile fastening systems there are, about the types of suspensions with a description of their properties. The article provides a table with prices for suspended ceiling systems.

The ceiling is the most difficult area of ​​installation, because access to it is difficult due to its height. Suspended ceiling systems allow installation to be carried out accurately, quickly and literally without waste - after finishing, only a few pieces of profile and slabs will remain.

Classification of suspended ceilings

There are several hanging systems. They differ in their functional and decorative features.

Based on the shape of the panel, there are three types:

1. Slab panels. Essentially, it is simply slab material (usually pressed), factory-cut to size. The easiest option for installation and budget friendly. Typically has an unassuming appearance(profile flanges of 20-30 mm are visible) and noise-insulating properties.

2. Cassettes. These are panels that contain a system of fastening to the frame. The finish of the front surface is usually glossy and can have a huge variety of decor, including mirrors and engravings. At the same time, the joint of the panels is thin - 10-15 mm, and must be finished with special fittings.

3. Rake. This is the conventional name for a long panel with a width of 30 to 500 mm, which is attached to a special frame with hooks and latches. The base of the rail is metal, so the latches are bent from the panel sheet.

Type facing material ceilings are divided into types:

  1. Functional. Sound-absorbing panels - pressed, mineral fiber, PVC, PE, PPR.
  2. Decorative. Spectacular appearance without additional functions. Metal base with finishing applied. Often requires careful maintenance.
  3. Combined. Utilitarian panels that combine decor and heat and sound insulation. Basically, these are metal cassette systems with a polyurethane foam layer.

According to the connection method, they are distinguished:

  1. Related to the frame. The panel contains a fastening that is often only suitable for the frame of the same company. This is how manufacturers protect their products.
  2. Not related to the frame. The panel simply lies on the shelves of the frame.

Suspended ceiling elements

This design consists of three main combined elements. They are interconnected by level marking and structural compatibility. That is, for the selected size you should select the corresponding parts of other elements.

The most common suspended ceiling system is the product of Armstrong, manufactured in Great Britain (which is why any prefabricated ceiling is simply called “Armstrong”).


These are the supporting elements of the entire system. There can be many options for vertical fastening - each company offering a system has its own fastening. Since he bears (or rather, hangs) all the responsibility for the strength of the structure, this is literally “ business card» manufacturer:

  1. Suspension on cables. Difficult to adjust and strengthen.
  2. Hard suspension. Does not compensate for vibrations, transmits vibrations.
  3. Standard "butterfly". The Armstrong system element is reliable, convenient, and at an average price.
  4. Double butterfly. Quick and easy adjustment, for light to medium weights.
  5. Threaded hanger. Easy to adjust, reliable, can withstand heavy weight, but expensive.
  6. Adjustable rigid suspension. Same as “hard”, only with adjustment.

In real practice, “butterflies” account for 70-80% of the entire installation. This is explained by the fact that suspended ceilings, in the vast majority of cases, are installed in industrial, commercial and public buildings, which implies huge areas. Convenience and speed of installation come to the fore. The first and second varieties are made on site from available material, option 6 is part of the cassette system and is supplied with it. The threaded hanger is universal and is used for heavy ceilings.

Guide rails

Their difference from other types of straight long profiles is that they have retaining elements in their design. It can be:

  1. Shelves. The most popular type for ceilings made of individual cells. The panel is simply placed on the shelves and can also be easily removed. Convenient dismantling is well suited for places with many communications - they are easy to service by removing the necessary panels.
  2. Latches. Elements of a cassette system in which the cells have mating latches. The panel is inserted into the prepared frame and is also removable. The panel finish can be anything - metal, fabric, mirror, etc.

Such guides have additional latches at the ends, which allow them to be spliced ​​in length and ensure ideal (in these conditions) joining.

Fundamentally, the guide system is a rigid frame suspended by fastener hooks. Moreover, in the case of a non-separable finish (for example, mirror), it is permissible to make it from ordinary UD and CD profiles and cover it with plasterboard.

Fill panels

As can be seen from the previous descriptions, the type of panels follows from the requirements for the ceiling system. They come in three types.

Regular quick release panels. They have a standard size (from 400x400 mm to 600x600 mm and a thickness of 10-20 mm), and are mass produced in factories. As a rule, the material is lightweight and relatively inexpensive. It has a familiar, unpretentious appearance and is easy to process and replace.


  1. Most cheap option from suspended ceilings.
  2. Even significant movements of the base are compensated (seismic resistance up to 3 points).
  3. They have a standard size, which simplifies the installation of large volumes.
  4. Free access to communications in the ceiling niche.
  5. A variety of lamps to suit the panel size.


  1. Simple appearance (squares).
  2. The wide shelves of the frame are visible.

Panels with hidden fasteners (cassettes). The design of such panels includes a latch, which makes them more complex and expensive products. The rigid fastening allows the panels to be washed in place.


  1. Large range of external panel finishes.
  2. Maintenance without removal.


  1. Fixed structure (conditionally). Dismantling and access to communications is difficult.
  2. Higher cost.

Panels for pasting. They can be made independently from the selected material, or according to a unique design project. These can simply be individual squares or figures made of mirror, PVC, polyurethane foam, etc. In this case, the frame is made from a gypsum plasterboard profile on adjustable hangers and covered with plasterboard.


  1. You can implement any artistic solution, including non-standard elements.
  2. There is no dependence on the location of the frame ribs; they are not visible.


  1. Non-demountable design.
  2. When the base vibrates, cracks at the joints are possible.

Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard sheets

It is not entirely correct to call a gypsum board ceiling on a rigid frame suspended. The fact is that when creating a gypsum board frame, rigid fastening of connections on U-hangers is used, which is also connected to the walls. The self-tapping screw pierces through the walls of the profile and compresses them. The difference between a suspended ceiling is that the plane frame is hooked onto adjustable hooks driven into the floor slab.

Advantages of a suspended ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard:

  1. The minimum ceiling space is from 30 mm.
  2. Durable solid base, ideal for pasting (for unique interiors).
  3. The cost of the frame is several times cheaper.
  4. Possibility to create any shaped three-dimensional elements.

Disadvantages of a suspended ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard:

  1. Non-removable system. The ceiling space is blocked for access.
  2. Requires further finishing.
  3. Less precise adjustment of gimbals.
  4. Fastening the suspension to 2-3 points (according to technology) versus 1 point for Armstrong type suspensions.
  5. Limited distance from the slab to the plane (maximum for the length of the suspension up to 350 mm). Suspensions of collapsible ceilings can be lowered to any distance.

Functionality of collapsible suspended ceilings

A plane suspended at a certain height creates a niche between the floor slab and the finishing layer, the height of which can be calculated and set in advance. This gives an advantage in terms of the location of various highways and communications, which can be hidden in a niche under the ceiling:

  1. Ventilation box.
  2. Wires.
  3. Water supply and sewerage pipes.
  4. Lighting.
  5. Heating devices.
  6. Video surveillance systems, acoustic and others.

This advantageous “plus” inevitably demonstrates its reverse side— the space required to accommodate communications will be allocated from the total height of the room. That is, the ceiling will become lower by at least 100-120 mm. This is not entirely convenient when decorating an apartment panel house with a ceiling height of 2.4-2.5 m, but quite suitable for heights over 2.7 m.

Care and use

Any system of any suspended ceiling is suitable for all rooms with technical feasibility frame installation. According to the requirements, the panels are made from material with the best fire resistance and toxic safety characteristics, so they are suitable for children's institutions and rooms.

There are two types of maintenance for suspended ceilings:

  1. Removal and cleaning. This option is suitable for panels laid on the “shelves” of the frame. Allows you to quickly and safely clean all panels on the floor - no need to constantly rearrange the ladder.
  2. Cleaning in place. Suitable for conditionally non-removable (cassette) and non-removable (under pasting) ceilings. In this case, the panels represent a rigid plane that does not become loose when rubbed.

Advice. When choosing cassette or mirror panels, pay attention to glossy surface and antistatic coating. Dust and grease settle less on such a surface. This will increase the interval between cleaning the ceiling up to 3 times (once every 6 months versus once every 15-18 months).

Another undoubted advantage of this system is the possibility of partially replacing a section of the plane. If damaged or dirty (for example, by accidental splashes of champagne or paint), the panels can be replaced independently (this does not require special skills or tools).

Prices for suspended ceilings*

*Price includes guides and hangers.

Suspended ceiling - not only decorative element. For example, thanks to adjustable hangers, it can be lowered to a given height, thereby reducing the volume of the room and reducing heating costs. In this case, the space above the finishing will not be lost - communication routes will be located there. It is also difficult to overestimate the design possibilities for decorative finishing of premises that the use of a suspended ceiling provides.

It's hard to imagine the interior modern house without original suspended ceilings. Due to the fact that this concept includes several types of ceiling coverings, a certain amount of confusion and many questions arise. Thanks to this article, you will be able to fill in all the “gaps” in knowledge about repairs and find out what types of suspended ceilings exist.

Have you ever wondered why most people choose false ceiling? Obviously, the opportunities that open up during the installation process play an important role when purchasing:

  • installation work can be carried out at any time of the year, be it hot summer or cold winter;
  • any, even the most serious, defects in the ceiling covering can be easily hidden;
  • There are no design restrictions. For such a design as suspended ceilings, the design types are represented by numerous vaults and arches, domes and even mirrored ceilings;
  • installation of almost any type of lamps.

6 first-class benefits

When it comes to operational capabilities, the following advantages of suspended ceilings attract attention:

  • high degree of environmental friendliness;
  • good sound insulation. By the way, you can strengthen it even more if you install special inserts;
  • solid moisture resistance;
  • Almost all types of suspended ceilings are characterized by low flammability. Moreover, the installation of fire sensors is allowed;
  • sufficient even for office premises ventilation;
  • ease of repair of almost all types of suspended ceilings. Even if one of the elements is damaged, you can replace it yourself.

When experts start talking about the disadvantages of hanging structures, as a rule, they mention lowering the height by at least 15 centimeters and considerable financial costs. Indeed, compared to conventional whitewashing, a plasterboard ceiling will cost you several times more. But the effect after its installation is impressive!

Studying types of structures

The next block of the article will introduce you to the characteristics of each type of suspended ceilings. You will finally find out what varieties exist, how they differ from each other, and what advantages they have.

Tension fabric

Perhaps the most common type of suspended ceiling structures. Depending on the type of canvas and its color, it can be matte, white, glossy and colored. Tension fabric is widely used for arranging residential and non-residential premises. It is highly durable and easy to maintain.

What to look for when purchasing? We will not give you standard advice, but will tell you about things that most buyers forget about.

Firstly, a quality certificate. Don’t be shy to ask the seller if he has a special certificate about the environmental safety of the material. It is very important!

Secondly, after installation, try not just to reduce, but to reduce to zero the likelihood of mechanical damage to the tension fabric. Many suspended ceilings are really easy to repair, but not this one. For the rest, really a good choice for home!

Gypsum boards

Price building materials, from which the plasterboard ceiling is made, is relatively small. Another advantage is the rich scope for imagination and variety of shapes (curvilinear, stepped and even broken).

However, it is worth considering the fact that doing repairs alone is not easy. Experts advise either doing the installation with a partner, or hiring a team of specialists. This is primarily due to the considerable weight of the material - about 15 kg.

Tile suspended structures

Plates can be made from different material: plastic, plaster, fiberglass. They have a size of 60 x 60 centimeters, however, some designers use curved options. The surface can be smooth, perforated or with cells. Despite the differences in materials, they are all united by ease of installation. Therefore, the installation can be completed even without hiring hired crews. Putty?

Primer? In most cases, you can also do without these materials.

To prevent insects from getting between the structure and the ceiling, treat the surface with a special product at the installation stage.

Cassette ceilings

When presented indoors increased requirements to moisture resistance and fire safety, pay attention to the “cassettes”. This is the name for slabs ranging in size from 30 x 30 to 90 x 90 centimeters. They are made of metal (usually steel or aluminum) and are attached to a pre-hung frame. They are easy to use and highly hygienic.

For all its advantages, cassette structures have one drawback. This is the price. In the construction market, these models are considered one of the most expensive.

Rack type

Perhaps one of the most original hanging varieties. It consists of slats, the length of which is 3-4 meters. The material can be different - from metal to PVC. Wide slats are usually called panels, and narrow slats are called lining.

Strengths of the slatted ceiling: convenience, variety of colors and textures. Some models perfectly imitate wood and fabric. Water resistance and low price made them popular in bathrooms, hallways, as well as at airports and train stations.

When a decision is made about behavior repair work in a house or apartment, you need to think about what kind of ceilings there are and which are the best. There is no need to rush into painting as there are currently many modern options registration ceiling surfaces.

Painting or whitewashing ceilings

Everyone is familiar with surface finishing options such as whitewashing or painting. They are considered the most affordable. Ceilings have been decorated using this method for many years. But nowadays other types of ceilings have gained popularity, but whitewashing and painting have lost their relevance.

Whitewashing is the process of applying a chalk or lime based solution to the ceiling.

This decoration method has a number of advantages:

  1. Inexpensive price of finishing materials.
  2. The repair can be done with your own hands, since the technology for applying the solution is simple.
  3. It is possible to create a matte colored ceiling by adding a coloring agent to the whitewash.
  4. After applying the composition, the ceilings take on an excellent appearance.
  5. Chalk and lime are natural materials, which means they are environmentally friendly.

There are disadvantages to whitewashing the ceiling covering:

  1. The rough ceiling must be properly leveled, since all errors are visible under the finishing layer.
  2. This repair method is short-lived and after a few years the coating begins to turn yellow and crumble.
  3. The ceiling after whitewashing does not tolerate moisture well, and even more so, water. It should not be used in the bathroom, kitchen, or toilet.
  4. During the process of preparing the surface and performing repairs, a lot of white debris and dust accumulates in the room.
  5. The previous layer of whitewash is difficult to remove.
  6. The ceiling becomes soiled after the repair is completed.
  7. Despite the fact that the work is simple, it is very labor-intensive.

You can whitewash the ceiling using lime or chalk. The first material perfectly hides minor cracks on the surface, it is able to make it as even and smooth as possible and protect it from harmful microorganisms. Chalk, unlike lime, does not cause allergies and is white in color.

When making a choice between two options, you need to pay attention to how the finishing was done before. You should rub your finger on the ceiling. There will be white marks on it if chalk was used, but if lime was used, then there will be none. Taking into account what types of ceiling finishes there are, it is necessary to remember that if it was previously covered with lime, it is better not to apply chalk, since then stains will remain.

The technology for applying whitewash is simple: the base is cleaned of old materials, and then the solution is applied with a roller and brush. The starting layer should be laid perpendicular to the window opening, and the second layer parallel to it. Then stripes will not appear on the surface.

Another inexpensive type of ceiling repair is painting it. The painting process has much in common with whitewashing, but instead of lime and chalk, water-based paints are used.

Advantages of this method:

  1. If you wish, you can do the painting yourself - there is nothing complicated about it.
  2. The ceiling surface is not dangerous from high humidity, which means applying water-based emulsion is possible in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
  3. Easy care - the painted coating can be washed.

Cons of painting the ceiling:

  1. After a couple of years, the paint composition may turn yellow or peel, which means repairs will need to be made again.
  2. The rough ceiling must be carefully prepared, including puttying.
  3. To delete old paint from the surface it takes a lot of effort.

What types of ceilings can be made depends on the purpose of the room being repaired. When air humidity often rises in it, then it is better to prefer painting. It is advisable to use whitewash in the living room or bedroom. A picture drawn with your own hand will look good on a whitewashed surface if you have the ability to draw.

Pasting the ceiling surface with wallpaper or tiles

There are many options for what types of ceiling coverings there are. One of them is the use of wallpaper. Pasting the ceiling with them refers to inexpensive way finishing.

Its main advantage over whitewashing or painting is the ability to give the surface an original color scheme, even an imitation of wood. In addition, when finishing with wallpaper there is no large amount of debris, dust and dirt.

By the way, such ceilings have a longer service life than painted or bleached ones. The advantage of wallpapering is that there is no need to seal even the slightest cracks and cracks, but you will have to level the base. Finishing materials similar to those for ceilings are available for sale. These are special wallpapers - they are denser than the usual ones that are used to cover walls.

The process of decorating a ceiling with wallpaper is no different from decorating walls with it. First, glue is applied, the material sheet is glued, and allowed to dry. When the ceiling was previously covered with paint, it does not need to be removed if it does not crumble.

This finishing method has disadvantages:

  • if the wallpaper is applied incorrectly, they soon begin to lag behind;
  • inexpensive types of this coverage do not tolerate high humidity well.

What types of ceilings exist that are affordable, other than those decorated with wallpaper, painted and bleached? This is a polystyrene foam tile finish. 15 years ago this method was very popular, but now it has lost its leading position to stretch ceilings.

The advantages of tiles are that they are produced with a smooth and white surface, as well as with different patterns and textures. Having familiarized yourself with what types of tile ceilings are available, you can choose a finishing material taking into account your personal wishes. This ceiling surface is also painted with water-based paint.

The tiles have a number of advantages:

  1. Large range of products with a wide choice of patterns and textures.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Good sound insulation, which some products have.
  4. There is no need to remove the previous coating and carefully level the rough base.
  5. The installation work can be done with your own hands without any problems.
  6. Easy care. You just need to periodically wipe the ceiling with a rag.
  7. The coating is not dangerous from moisture.
  8. During installation, a minimum of debris is generated.

Among the disadvantages of tiles, it should be noted:

  • fragility, so it is easy to damage;
  • sometimes there are noticeable joints between adjacent elements;
  • If there are differences in height on the ceiling, it may be necessary to level its surface.

Nowadays there are seamless products on sale that, when installed, turn into a smooth, continuous coating. Regardless of the type of tiled ceilings in a house, their installation is simple: the sheets are attached to the adhesive, starting work from the center of the room. To determine this location, two threads are used, which are pulled diagonally from opposite corners.

Suspended ceiling structures

This is a very popular type of ceiling decoration. There are a large number of materials used to design these systems. To choose a specific design, you need to know what types of suspended ceilings there are.

They can be done:

  1. Modular - they consist of separate modules, for the fastening of which they use a suspension system and a frame. These include rack, cassette and Grilyato ceilings.
  2. Solid. When arranging them, the structure is covered with sheets of plasterboard.

The main advantages of suspended ceilings:

  1. There is no need to carefully level the rough base and remove the previous coating.
  2. It is possible to arrange lighting.
  3. Practicality and durability.
  4. Utility lines can be laid in the free space.
  5. This ceiling design can radically transform the appearance of a room for the better.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings:

  • complex and lengthy installation;
  • high price;
  • reduction of free space.

Drywall is easy to work with, but the only difficulty is the weight. That is why it is so difficult to install a ceiling made of it alone. On a finished structure, if it was assembled poorly, the possibility of cracks increasing.

Another disadvantage of such a ceiling is the need to do additional external surface finishing after completion of assembly. It can be painted, whitened or plastered as desired. A system made of HA sheets is “afraid” of moisture and therefore should not be installed in a bathroom or toilet. Can be combined different types ceilings in the room, for example, suspended and plasterboard.

Installation of a suspended ceiling begins with the assembly of a frame consisting of profiles and hangers. Then it is sheathed with material and decorated with decorative trim.

Cassette suspended structures are created in a special way from profiles and hangers. They are used to make rectangular stocks into which square or rectangular cassettes are placed.

These elements are different:

  • metal - made of aluminum or steel;
  • mirrored;
  • wooden;
  • polycarbonate;
  • mineral.

The advantage of cassette covering is its easy maintenance. Its elements can be removed, put in order and put back in their original place. They are not dangerous from moisture. Cassette ceilings are often installed in shopping centers because they are easy to install over large areas.

Cassettes can be of any color, so they are easy to match to a specific design solution. Regardless of what they are suspended ceilings, they can only be installed in rooms with high ceilings, since such structures reduce the free space by more than 15 centimeters.

Rack and pinion systems are great solution ceiling finishing in rooms with high humidity. They are not afraid of the drop temperature regime, they have been used for many years. After construction hanging frame Thin aluminum plates are attached to it.

Rack structures look impressive; they can be of almost any color, but the most common are golden, chrome and silver shades. But these types of ceilings in the apartment look inappropriate to the interior. To diversify and decorate the surface, decorative inserts in the form of slats or lamps are used.

A ceiling suspended structure made of MDF panels is mounted using fibreboards with external finishing. It is usually made from film different color, but there are products coated with enamel or veneer.

MDF has many advantages:

  • diversity color scheme;
  • the panels retain heat well and muffle sounds;
  • the material is not dangerous due to temperature changes;
  • microorganisms and fungi do not grow on it;
  • no finishing required.

Disadvantages of MDF panels:

  • the material is afraid of moisture;
  • they are not resistant to damage;
  • flammability.

Such types of ceilings as lattice or Grilyato are types of cassette structures. Outwardly, they resemble a honeycomb of the original shape. Cells are round, square, oval, and different sizes. Grilyato gratings are made from aluminum. They are usually installed in shopping centers and offices.

Grilyato ceilings come in golden, silver, chrome or metallic colors. They have many advantages, including ensuring a good level of ventilation in the premises. They're not afraid high humidity, corrosion and are durable. Their installation is simple, but you still have to assemble both the frame and the gratings.

Installation of Grilyato ceiling

If, after familiarizing yourself with what kind of ceilings exist, the choice is made in favor of the Grilyato design, before starting work, you need to understand the tools and materials that should be prepared:

  • profiles with lengths of 240, 120 and 60 centimeters;
  • wall corner;
  • pendants;
  • profiles for assembling gratings, called “mother” and “father”;
  • lamps;
  • dowel-nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer drill

The size of one Grilyato grill is 60x60 centimeters. It is assembled from thin aluminum plates, which are crossed, resulting in the formation of a honeycomb. Each such cell, depending on the type of ceiling, can range from 3x3 to 20x20 centimeters. The grille is installed on a suspended frame.

It won’t be difficult to calculate the required material; to do this, you should know the length and width of the room where Grilyato will be installed:

  1. You need to divide the length of the room by the length of the plank, and then multiply the result by the installation step of the supporting profile.
  2. The total length of the wall corner will be equal to the length of the perimeter of the room.
  3. It is easy to find out the number of hangers, since for 1 profile having a length of 240 centimeters, 3-4 products will be required.
  4. Grilyato gratings will be needed as many as the cells obtained as a result of installing the suspended frame. You can find out their number in advance by drawing a diagram of the ceiling structure on graph paper. When installing hangers for the grille, one should not forget that to mount one lamp there must be two such free elements.

Installation of the Grilyato ceiling is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Prepare the rough surface for installation work To do this, the previous coating is removed, the surface is leveled, painted or whitened.
  2. Lay the necessary utilities that will be located behind the suspended structure, including electrical wiring, ventilation system etc.
  3. Using a laser level and a marker, markings are applied to the walls along the perimeter of the room in accordance with the height at which the Grilyato ceiling is planned to be installed. The minimum distance from the ceiling is 20 centimeters.
  4. According to the markings applied, a wall corner is mounted on the wall using dowels, which should have a diameter of less than 6 millimeters. The gap between the screws should not exceed 60 centimeters.
  5. It is necessary to calculate how best to secure the supporting profiles. Since they have a length of 2.4 meters, to determine the optimal location, you need to divide the size of the room by this figure. Thus, during installation, they are guided by the wall that is divided by the length of the supporting profiles with the smallest remainder.
  6. On the rough ceiling base, mark the places where the hangers are attached with a marker; the step between them should not exceed 100 centimeters. After the holes are prepared, hangers are installed.
  7. At this stage, profiles with a length of 2.4 meters are attached to hangers, which can be extended if necessary. They are fastened together with special connecting products. All structural parts must be placed on the same level, which must be monitored.
  8. Install profile strips 1.2 meters long and then 0.6 meters long. Parts of the second size are mounted parallel to the guides, which are 2.4 meters long. The result is a lattice with a pitch of 60 centimeters, into which the “honeycombs” will later be placed. Planks that do not fit their parameters are cut to the required size using metal scissors.
  9. Grilyato gratings are assembled because they are sold disassembled. As a result of connecting the “mother” and “father” planks together, you get the required part designs.
  10. The prepared lattice is placed in one of the cells measuring 60x60 centimeters on the previously assembled crate. As a result, it turns out that the small grille is located in the large one. Where will they be placed on the finished ceiling? lighting, are determined in advance - the assembled modules are not installed in these cells.
  11. They begin to install the lamps. Grilyato is sold for ceilings special devices. They are placed in free cells, connected to wires and fixed with additional hangers in two diagonal corners. The ceiling is completely ready.

As for the lighting arrangement, special raster lamps marked “GR” are often used for Grilyato ceiling structures. Such devices have mounts suitable for installation in this type ceilings. Special lamps for Grilyato are also sold, but the ceilings themselves reflect light well, which makes it possible to implement original design solutions.

False ceilings

What other types of ceilings are there? Hemmed. They belong to frame systems. They are distinguished from suspended structures by their installation features. Hanging models use products such as hangers, while hemmed models do not. Finishing material attached to the rough ceiling using a simple frame.

The outer part of the false ceiling is made in different options: made of wood, metal, plasterboard, MDF panels and other materials. The main advantage of this type of finishing of the ceiling surface is that the height of the room becomes not much smaller. For those who are interested in what kind of ceilings there are in a room in a private house, it will not be amiss to know that it is often hemmed structures that are used for this purpose.

The advantages of this ceiling system:

  1. Slight reduction in free space in the room.
  2. Simple arrangement of the frame.
  3. Installation can be done by yourself.
  4. Good sound and heat insulation qualities.
  5. It is possible to implement interesting options lighting and various design ideas.

Disadvantage of a suspended ceiling system:

  1. With its help, it is not easy to hide the unevenness of the rough ceiling.
  2. It is impossible to lay large communications under it.
  3. If necessary, it will be difficult to replace structural parts that have become unusable.

Stretch ceiling

This is the most fashionable and popular way of finishing the rough surface of ceilings. To make a choice, you need to understand what kind of suspended ceilings are in the apartment. They can be made of fabric or polyvinyl chloride film.

Fabric ones, also called seamless, are made from roll materials up to 5 meters wide. This means that in ordinary apartment the size of the canvas will be enough to mount it without seams. PVC film Packed in rolls of smaller width. For this reason, in large rooms there may be seams on the ceiling structures.

The popularity of tension systems is explained by the fact that they have a lot of undeniable advantages:

  1. In the event of a leak, the canvas can protect the property in the room.
  2. Easy installation.
  3. Having the opportunity to bring creative design ideas into reality.
  4. A large number of color solutions.
  5. They are installed in premises of any purpose.
  6. They allow you to hide various communication systems.
  7. Photo printing can be applied to fabric and PVC canvas and thereby create unique color and thematic compositions.
  8. Their service life reaches 10 and sometimes 20 years.
  9. The fabric surface is painted.
  10. It is possible to mount a luminous ceiling or a system with a “starry sky” effect.

Stretch ceiling structures also have disadvantages:

  1. PVC sheets are afraid of the cold.
  2. They can be easily damaged when exposed to sharp objects.
  3. Despite the fact that fabric ceilings are more durable, they are more easily soiled and more difficult to clean from dirt.
  4. A ceiling made of PVC canvas “does not breathe,” which means that the room is less ventilated.
  5. They partially reduce the height of the rooms.

Thus, the advantages of suspended ceilings outweigh the disadvantages, which is why this finishing option is at the peak of popularity. First, a special baguette is attached to the walls, and then specialists stretch a pre-cut fabric over it.

Now, knowing what kind of ceilings there are other than suspended structures, each property owner has the opportunity to choose the option that is best suited for a particular room, taking into account financial capabilities, wishes and design ideas. Some of the types of ceiling surface finishes can be perfectly combined.

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What a suspended ceiling can be like: types, features, installation algorithms

December 10, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Almost anyone can make a suspended ceiling with their own hands: many techniques for constructing such structures are quite simple. In the article I will provide a description of the main elements of suspended ceilings, and also describe their most popular varieties.

General information about suspended structures

Suspended ceiling systems can differ quite greatly in appearance, but general scheme their devices are the same:

  1. Suspensions are attached to the ceiling or other capital structure (beams, trusses, etc.). For hanging, either rod or plate elements are used. The first ones are easier, but the second ones provide more feminine fixation.
  2. The ceiling frame is attached to the bottom of the hangers. To make the frame, either a metal profile or wood is used.
  3. The edges of the frame are fixed to the walls, which ensures the stability of the entire system.
  1. The ceiling plane is formed by a variety of elements: these can be cassettes, slats, plastic/MDF panels, plasterboard sheets, etc. The plane parts are either placed in the cells of the frame or fixed on it using latches and fasteners.

The installation of such structures is regulated by SNiP IV-14-84 Collection 2-4. The main document. GOST R 53298-2009 “Suspended ceilings” regulates the safety requirements for such structures. Fire resistance test method."

Suspended ceiling systems have a number of advantages:

  1. Installation of a false ceiling allows you to mask defects in the ceiling with minimal effort and money. There is no need to spend money on either plaster or putty - you can limit yourself to repairing cracks and antiseptic treatment.
  2. In the gap between the suspended structure and the ceiling, you can hide communications - pipes, wiring, air ducts, etc.
  1. Installing a suspended ceiling allows you to realize effective system built-in lighting. You can not limit yourself to one lamp in the center of the room, but evenly distribute light sources throughout the entire plane.
  2. Different types of suspended ceilings have different decorative potential. So we can choose for ourselves what our room will look like: the range of products of this type is very extensive.
  1. Finally, a suspended structure, in contrast to a permanent ceiling, can be given additional characteristics at relatively low cost. Thus, the technology of constructing a suspended ceiling made of lead (more precisely, from modular elements coated with lead) is widely used in the arrangement of radiological laboratories and X-ray rooms.

Modular ceilings

Structure and varieties

We figured out what suspended ceilings are. Now let's analyze the most popular varieties. Let's start with structures that are assembled from individual elements - modular ceilings.

Modular systems are suspended ceilings that are installed according to the design principle:

  1. The system is mounted on the ceiling using hangers. Most often, rod hangers with adjustable length are used - this allows you to create a sufficiently large gap between the ceiling and the false ceiling.
  1. The ceiling frame is a lattice of intersecting metal profiles. Typically, the lattice cells are made square with a side of 60 cm or rectangular 60 x 120 cm.

If you want to create unique interior, then you can “pave” the suspended ceiling with triangles or hexagonal “honeycombs”. Such models, of course, are more expensive and more difficult to install, but they look more interesting than standard options.

  1. To fill the grid, either metal cassettes, gypsum-based slabs, glass panels, lattice sections, etc. are used. As a rule, they are simply laid on the protrusions of the guide profiles: this makes installation/dismantling easier.
  2. A special type of modular suspended systems are Grilyato ceilings. Their ceiling is represented by lattice sections, which are assembled into a single structure.
  1. When installing built-in lighting, luminaires whose size corresponds to the profile cell are usually used. Special modules can also be used, in the center of which a small built-in lamp is installed.

Installation technology

In this section I will tell you how to make a suspended modular ceiling yourself. The work algorithm will be like this:

  1. At the first stage, we calculate the ceiling. We determine how many centimeters you need to retreat from the ceiling, how many wall, load-bearing and support profiles you need to purchase, as well as how many slabs you need to form the plane.

We measure the distance by which the ceiling is lowered at the lowest corner in the room. This allows you to compensate for unevenness of the ceiling and perfectly align the false ceiling with the floor.

  1. Next, we attach the suspensions to the ceiling. For most ceiling systems, the installation rules are the same: the outer hangers are placed no further than 45 cm from the wall, and the distance between two adjacent fastening points should not exceed 120 cm. This results in two complete slabs.
  1. We cut the supporting profiles to size and attach them to the hangers. We install guide parts across the supporting profiles, forming the ceiling frame. If necessary, we adjust the length of the suspensions, aligning the base of the ceiling exactly on the plane.
  1. In parallel with the installation of the frame, you can lay the wiring for the built-in lighting. We put the wires in casings and fix them either to the ceiling or to pendants.
  1. First, we connect and install recessed lamps, placing them in the selected frame cells.
  1. After this, we lay the main modules, forming a ceiling plane. The outer cells of the frame most often turn out to be narrower, so this is where we place the trimmed parts.

Slat ceilings

Essential elements

Although slatted ceilings are sometimes classified as modular, their design is very different from the design described above:

  1. The fastening system is quite similar: rod hangers are responsible for fixation on the ceiling, and a profile with a groove into which the ends of the profiles are inserted is responsible for fixation on the walls.
  2. The frame is made of steel tires - metal profiles with protrusions on the underside. The configuration of the bus (also called a stringer, comb or traverse) corresponds to the configuration of the main ceiling elements.
  1. The basis of the ceiling is aluminum profiles called slats. For open-type slatted ceilings, these parts are installed with a gap of 12 - 16 millimeters. When assembling the ceiling closed type the slats alternate with inserts, ensuring almost complete tightness.

The advantages of slatted ceilings are high strength, durability, attractive appearance and almost absolute moisture resistance. Aluminum profiles are coated with anti-corrosion compounds, so we don’t have to think about how to wash the ceiling without damaging it. It is for this reason that this type of ceiling is perfect for bathrooms and kitchens.

How to install?

Now - short story on how to install a slatted ceiling:

  1. We prepare the base in the same way as in the previous case.
  2. We calculate the ceiling, calculating the length and number of tires, as well as the size and required number of aluminum panels with inserts.
  1. We apply markings to the walls and fasten a starting U- or L-shaped profile around the perimeter.
  2. We attach plate or rod suspensions to the ceiling, on which we install traverses. The optimal step for installing the traverses is about 80 cm, and we place the outer rails at a distance of 50 - 100 mm from the wall.
  3. We join the edges of the traverses with the starting profile: for this you will have to make cutouts in it.
  1. We cut the slats to the length of the room - the part should be about 5-10 mm shorter. We insert the edges of the slats into the starting profile, and then snap them onto the traverse mounts.

When installing closed-type structures, we alternate the installation of slats and inserts, fitting the parts as tightly as possible.

  1. We pre-cut holes in the panels intended for installing lamps. After installation, we lead the wires into the holes and connect the built-in backlight lamps to them.

Sheathed ceilings


Such types of ceilings as ceilings made of plastic panels or plasterboard are distinguished by their relatively low cost and simplicity of design:

  1. Fastening is carried out in a standard way. The base is a solid ceiling, to which hangers made of galvanized steel are attached.
  1. A starting profile is installed along the perimeter of the room under the ceiling. Its main function is to fix the suspended frame on the walls to reduce the deformation of the entire system.
  2. If the cladding is not plasterboard, but PVC or MDF panels, then in addition to the starting profile (or together with it), it can also be installed around the perimeter ceiling plinth. There is a special groove on the side surface of this plinth - the ends of the sheathing panels fit into it.
  1. The frame of the suspended ceiling is made either from galvanized steel profile, or from wooden beam impregnated with antiseptic.
  2. Sheathing is attached to the frame from below - gypsum plasterboard sheets, plastic panels or ceiling modules made of MDF.

Such designs are widely used in the decoration of residential premises. In addition to being cheap and easy to install, their functionality is also a plus.

In any case, if you lower the ceiling by 30 cm or more, lay a reliable frame and cut a small hatch into the ceiling, you can get an improvised mezzanine. Of course, you won’t be able to store heavy objects there, but you can hide some of the wiring there, controllers from LED backlight or other compact objects can be easily.

Installation method

In this section I will tell you how to make such ceilings:

  1. First we need to calculate the amount of indentation from the ceiling. The minimum is about 50 mm (less than that, the profile will not fit), the maximum is limited only by the height of the room and the length of the existing hangers.
  1. After optimal height the false ceiling will be calculated, we carry out the markings. First of all, we need to draw a base line on all walls, running strictly horizontally. This line will determine the level of our ceiling.
  2. We attach the starting profile along the base line. We fix the profile with anchors with plastic sleeves, securing them in pre-drilled holes.

Fixing the supporting profile in the starting profile

Fastening the casing depends on what elements are used for it:

  1. The easiest way to work is with PVC or MDF panels. We cut these parts to size, after which we insert the edges into the groove of the ceiling plinth.
  2. The parts are connected to each other according to the lining principle: a tenon on one side of the sheathing element is inserted into a groove on the other side of the second panel. This allows you to create an almost airtight continuous coating.

Correct and incorrect fastening of self-tapping screws

  1. Plasterboard sheets are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. In this case, you need to tighten the fastener with a strictly controlled force: the cap should press slightly into the cardboard covering, but not break through it. To ensure this result, special screwdriver attachments are usually used.

After finishing you get a perfectly flat surface


Anyone can figure out how to make a suspended ceiling: the information in this article will help you with this. detailed descriptions, diagrams, photographs and videos. Using this information, you can independently install different types of ceiling structures.

If in the process of studying or preparing for work questions arise, you can ask them in the comments to the material.

December 10, 2016

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