1 room design studio. The right furniture for a one-room apartment. General principles and techniques

During development individual project We take into account the following features:

  • The design of a one-room apartment is determined by the composition of the family. If one person or a married couple lives, the kitchen can be combined with a room, which will create more spacious housing. For a family with children, on the contrary, it may be necessary to construct partitions or use other solutions to create compact areas for family members.
  • Always up to date visual extension space for apartment design in light colors.
  • If you have an insulated loggia (for example, if you have a nice new building), the living space can be expanded due to it. It is also possible to carry out preliminary high-quality insulation of loggias in old houses.
  • When choosing furniture in a one-room apartment, you also need to focus on a relatively small one-room interior. Therefore, furniture should be spacious and functional.

A few words about furniture and decoration. You can order all design elements presented in our projects from our partners. We work only with trusted manufacturers and guarantee quality. We also offer favorable discounts for our clients.

Order an individual design project for a one-room apartment

If you are interested in an individual design project for a one-room apartment in a modern style, contact the ReRooms architectural bureau. We offer an extensive database of ready-made solutions, where you can easily choose a budget or exclusive option. Depending on the parameters that your one-room apartment has and your wishes, ready-made solution can be adapted.

You can order the development of an individual design project for a one-room apartment. Call or leave a request on the website. The designer will tell you in detail what stages the work consists of, help you decide on the style, arrive at a convenient time and measure the room. At the meeting, he will fill out a detailed questionnaire in which all your wishes will be taken into account. You will be able to immediately sign the contract and make an advance payment, and within two weeks you will see the first design option for your one-room apartment.

One-room apartment. Design scenarios

Arranging a one-room apartment requires a special approach. How can you place everything you need in a small area without feeling cramped? Today we have collected the coolest ideas for decorating one-room apartments, embodied in our design projects.

Individual approach

When starting to organize the space of a one-room apartment, you first need to determine for whom the living space is intended. If this is a masculine interior for a young bachelor, then most likely it should not be divided into private areas. In such a room, you can do without the construction of additional partitions, delimiting the space only with the help of finishing. This is precisely the option proposed by rerooms designers in the project of a one-room apartment with an area of ​​36.6 m2 for the Aalto residential complex. They harmoniously connected various options finishing, thereby identifying areas with different functional loads.

If the living space is intended for a family of several people, then it is worth thinking about practical zoning. Often in such an apartment you need to find a place for a living room, a bedroom, and a dining room. The rerooms designers proposed a stylish technique for zoning space in the project of a one-room apartment in the Moskovsky residential complex. Glass partitions on a metal base divided a room of 41 m2 into two functional areas- living room and bedroom. Sliding elements of this nature fully correspond to the stylistic concept of the interior and fit perfectly into the surroundings of this apartment.

The glass model of partitions was also used in the project of an apartment for a young family with a child in the Meshchera residential complex. The elongated space was visually divided into three zones. An ultra-fashionable glass model separated the living room from the bedroom, thereby allowing you to organize a full-fledged sleeping area with a comfortable bed.

And the children’s area in this project was visually marked with the help of a small crib.

Style rules

When decorating a small-sized apartment, it is very important to correctly decide on the style. In a one-room apartment, it is better to abandon complex design solutions with a lot of furniture and decorative elements, and stick to a simple, laconic option. For small space styles such as minimalism, Scandinavian or loft are ideal.

concept Scandinavian style embodied in the project of a one-room apartment with an area of ​​42.4 m2. The result was a discreet character, functional interior, not overloaded with unnecessary details.

A loft, which offers maximum free space, is ideal for decorating a one-room apartment. In the one-room project with an area of ​​34.7 m2, rerooms designers managed to take into account every meter of the room and place everything necessary in it.

The designers of rerooms came up with an unusually beautiful and functional project in the minimalist style for a one-room apartment with an area of ​​42 m2. Compact furniture, White color in decoration, a restrained approach to decoration - all this works to maintain the overall concept of minimalism.

Order original and a budget option You can design a one-room apartment on our website. Development will not take much time, and the result will exceed all expectations. Bright ideas - bright implementation.

Does your one-room apartment need redevelopment? The decision depends on many factors, objective and subjective.

Objective reasons for redevelopment

Which building is the apartment in? New building or secondary housing? If the former, then most likely there will be no need for redevelopment - modern apartments build with quite large kitchens, the same rooms and balconies. Rare one-room apartments are smaller than 38-40 square meters. It is possible to create a comfortable space with such footage without redevelopment.

If the apartment is in a secondary building built in Soviet period(for example, in Khrushchev or Brezhnevka), redevelopment is a way to rationally distribute space and highlight functional areas.

Another objective reason is the presence of load-bearing walls inside the apartment. They must not be demolished under any circumstances - this could result in fines from the outside. utilities and will become a big problem for future resale. Again, in new buildings load-bearing walls in one-room apartments they are often made between the kitchen and the only room - in this case, legal redevelopment is simply impossible.

Subjective reasons

Subjective reasons are your personal requirements. If you are making a one-room apartment just for yourself or planning to live there alone with a partner, you can do without redevelopment. will help highlight the necessary zones. If a family with an adult child settles in a one-room apartment, it is often impossible to do without redevelopment, because you will have to find a place for two sleeping areas, a common living area (even combined with a kitchen). At the same time, it is desirable that the zones are also isolated.

Most likely, redevelopment will never be approved for you if:

  1. You want to add a balcony. According to modern standards, balconies are considered common property and should not be subjected to increased load. Loggias are another matter. They are attached and insulated.
  2. You are encroaching on common areas of the house - part of the corridor, the attic of the house or even the basement. Possible variant- documentary refusal of neighbors in your favor, but in practice there are very few such cases.
  3. You want to move the residential area to a non-residential one (for example, make a kitchen in place of the room). This is illegal and threatens inconvenience for neighbors, since all communications are connected to a specific room and are the same for the entire “riser”.

2 Light colors for decoration and furniture

Be sure to provide several “levels” of light: general lighting, such as a chandelier or built-in spots, sconces, desk lamp, as well as directional light - above the work area in the kitchen or above the mirror in the bathroom.


There is no place for useless decor in a small apartment - it will simply clutter the space. Frankly speaking, useless decor is a taboo for any apartment, but especially in a one-room apartment.

Look for options that will simultaneously perform some function in the interior. For example, a floor lamp with interesting design or cool cutting boards, which can be left in sight and thus decorate the kitchen.


Bright accents in the form of decor are the basic rule for bright interior. Monochrome design has its place, but it can get boring, and then it's easy to freshen it up with a few bright accents. For example, colored pillowcases or a bright sofa cover.


Everyone probably knows about the role of mirrors and reflective surfaces for small apartments. They are the best . Of course, you shouldn’t overuse it - not everyone is comfortable being in a room with a lot of mirrors. But thinking about mirror inserts or, for example, choosing glossy facades for the kitchen is a good solution for a one-room apartment.


In a small apartment you need to put every square centimeter to good use. The window sill is no exception. Make a work area out of it in the kitchen or use it instead dressing table in the bedroom. Eight more cool ideas.

13 Built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling

Rule small apartments- oversized furniture. But there are exceptions. A built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling is what a one-room apartment needs. It is advisable if the facades match the tone of the wall decoration in order to additionally “disguise” the large furniture.


If you have a suitable niche or want to organize it yourself, then you can do without a closet - and transfer the entire storage load to the dressing room. By the way, some storage experts claim that a walk-in closet is even better for small spaces. There you can think through the required number of shelves, rails and storage accessories and thus use every centimeter.


For example, washing machine with drying function or oven with built-in microwave oven. Don’t give up on modern gadgets - look for opportunities to integrate the equipment you need even when there is limited space.

16 Long curtains or lack thereof

Long curtains for the ceiling are a decoration for the room and... Visually they extend its height. If you want maximum light in the room and adhere to the Scandinavian style, you can abandon curtains altogether.

17 Transformable furniture

This is what every small apartment should have. For example, folding table- for a small kitchen a real salvation, and in the room - the opportunity to organize a full workplace and don't sacrifice space.

Interior design is not the easiest thing. In small areas it is complicated by the need to look not only for beautiful stylish solutions, but also not to forget about functionality and compactness. That’s why not all professionals take on the design of a one-room apartment: there’s a lot of hassle, and not much money. In principle, the owner can design the interior of his 1-room apartment - the set of rules is known to everyone, and design techniques, in general, are also no secret. You know what you want from your own home, so no problem. We are trying to design a one-room apartment ourselves.

Deciding on the style

One-room apartments, of course, come in different sizes...for some it is about 20 square meters, for others it is 50 or more, but in any case they require brevity. It is unlikely that bulky heavy wooden cabinets or huge sofas, numerous draperies or lush frills on the curtains are appropriate in such a room. All this requires space, which a small, and especially small-sized, one-room apartment simply cannot provide.

The ideal style for decoration would be directions in which the lines are strict and clear, without an abundance of details. This is primarily minimalism, high-tech, and some areas of ethno-styles - Scandinavian or Japanese-Chinese, for example. Because small apartments Mostly young people buy it - single people or young couples without children - as a rule, these styles suit them. For creative people, art deco may be interesting, but more conservative people are probably closer to classic. But classicism in its purest form still requires more space than a one-room apartment can usually provide, although some of its elements successfully fit into small spaces.

Color spectrum

The most advantageous colors when decorating any small room are light ones. A one-room apartment is no exception. Both walls and furniture use light colors. If you really want to dark furniture, then the walls, floor and textiles should be very light. During development color design You can use a standard palette of compatible colors, just choose those palettes in which light colors predominate and use them as the main ones, more saturated ones will go like color accents- small inclusions.

For those who are unfamiliar with the table, let's say that having chosen the palette you like, you can use only part of the colors that seem most attractive to you.

To select the color of furniture and textiles, it is more convenient to use another table. Using it, you can choose the main color for existing furniture, or vice versa - match the selected wall color suitable color furniture.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. You can choose win-win color combinations yourself. Now the task is to find the required color Decoration Materials, and also think about what and where to put it.


Deciding on the range is not everything. We still need to think about the layout. Not “move the walls,” but in the sense of putting something where. You probably need to start with the placement of the sleeping place. There are two options - a folding sofa bed or a standard bed.

How to place the bed

Let's start with a more complex question: where to put the bed in a one-room apartment. Few people would want to leave it visible, because on vacation you want privacy and solitude. The conclusion suggests itself - to close it with something. If space allows, place plasterboard partition. It can cover the bed only partially - so as not to divide the room, but this is already enough: the feeling of a separate corner has already been formed.

One variation of this method is to install furniture covering the bed. This could be a bookcase, shelf, etc.

If possible, part of the room is separated, creating a separate bedroom. This can be done using sliding doors. If the doors are too intrusive, you can hang curtains - thread or Japanese ones create the illusion separate room, and if necessary move apart.

Lightweight sliding partitions - almost screens - do not take up much space Vertical blinds - also a partition option Japanese motifs - translucent sliding doors in a dark frame binding Stylish and beautiful - beige and black design with white details This is a different angle from the previous interior - view from the inside Cheerful and cheerful design a one-room apartment - plain walls and a light floor, and accents - a partition made of vertical blinds and textiles

If the area is very small, but the ceilings are high (at least 2.7 m) so as not to divide small room the bed can be moved “to the second floor”. Two options are shown in the photo.

The bed is on the closet - steps on the side. By the way, you can also make drawers for storing things in the steps

Another non-standard solution is to install a raised bed. During the day it looks like an ordinary wardrobe, and in the evening it lowers and becomes a bed. An interesting and practical solution that immediately solves many problems. Moreover, today there is more than one option - there are different systems and types, and domestic manufacturers have also appeared.

The drop-down bed looks like a wardrobe during the day...there's even a shelf

The same idea is implemented in projects Russian manufacturer. The video shows options for transformable beds from them.

We organize a work area

The second difficult question that has to be resolved when developing the design of a one-room apartment is how and where to organize the workplace. If earlier this was relevant for students and people of certain professions (teachers, for example), then today without working area You can’t do it anymore: you need to put a computer or laptop somewhere.

Option number one. We are expanding the window sill. If you approach the matter correctly - install a wide window sill-tabletop and choose a high chair or armchair - it will turn out comfortable.

Option number two. Organize the second floor. If the ceiling in the apartment is 270 cm or higher, this is possible. For example, as in the photo.

Move the table to the “second floor”

The most economical option is to combine a workplace and a sleeping area. How? Make a podium, on it is a workplace, and under it is a bed that can be pulled out on wheels.

A bed extending from under the podium is one of the non-standard solutions

A sliding tabletop is already a classic technique in the fight for free space

Eat practical solutions, which can be realized if the furniture is made to order: you can design it so that part of the tabletop hangs over the lower parts. You can place it on top. Convenient and practical.

Furniture arrangement

Once you have figured out where the bed and work area will be, you can start to arrange the rest of your furniture. You also definitely need a closet - you need to store your clothes somewhere. It would be nice to put a sofa or at least one or two armchairs, and a coffee table next to them wouldn’t hurt.

Not all one-room apartments will accommodate this set. You can find this out on the floor plan of the apartment. Draw it to scale, cut out your existing or planned furniture from colored cardboard on the same scale and sit down at the table with this stuff. On the plan you need to shade those areas where you can’t put anything - near the door or closet doors, be sure to mark the window - there’s not much you can put here either. After playing around like this, you will decide what and what size you will need.

The most convenient way to arrange furniture is on a plan - there is no need to carry it

If there is or will be folding furniture, be sure to look at the plan so that when unfolded it also fits into the free space.

If conditions permit, make the closet built-in. It can have everything - from an ironing board to sliding baskets, shelves that drop from the ceiling, and rotating drawers. All this allows you to use every centimeter of volume up to the ceiling. But all these mechanisms are not cheap. And so much so that the filling can be almost more expensive than the body. Here everyone decides for himself whether he needs it or not. But even just a built-in closet with ordinary shelves and drawers is already plus a couple of meters of space. Why? Because he has sliding doors, and he still uses the space better than regular ones.

If you have a built-in wardrobe, order the doors, if finances allow, with mirror inserts - they will increase the space due to reflection. If a mirror is too expensive, make the doors light and glossy. The reason is the same: it visually makes the room larger.


There should be a lot of light, and it should be zoned. This means that in addition to general lighting on the ceiling, it would be very nice to install lamps above the bed, in the work area, near the sofa, etc. As a rule, the overhead light is then rarely used; more often it is turned on local lighting. It’s more comfortable, it seems large space- you are in an illuminated circle, and behind it there is semi-darkness and the walls are almost invisible, especially if they are light.

Lighting should be general and also zonal

Another way to push the boundaries with lighting is to make glossy ceiling. Gloss can only be fragments; not everyone is happy with a completely shiny ceiling, but its elements really expand the space. You shouldn’t overload it with details either, but well-emphasized zones and appropriate lighting can give the entire interior a unified sound.

Modern interiors continue to prove that there are no small spaces or bad layouts. All the shortcomings of the space can be hidden using the principles of zoning, as well as by wisely choosing colors, decor and furniture. To inspire you, we have created a selection of 10 beautiful projects design one-room apartments. Enjoy watching!

This one-room apartment with an area of ​​43 sq.m. located in a Stalinist building and was intended to be rented out. The designer of the project, Daria Nazarenko, decided to move away from the universal design typical for this type of real estate and created an interior with individual features. Small details, such as panels or patterned textiles, reflect the tastes of the hostess, turning into bright accents against the backdrop of discreet decoration.

Naturally, one of the main tasks was to save precious square meters, of which there are already few in the apartment. All partitions were dismantled, transforming the space into a kind of studio.

Multifunctional furniture played an important role. So, in the middle of the room there is an object that simultaneously serves as a table, a console behind the sofa and a small partition that smoothly divides the room. A spacious bed was built into a special niche, and the bathroom was hidden behind a sliding door.

This project is an excellent example of how to make a modern home for a bachelor out of an apartment that has been destroyed over the years, inherited from a grandmother. And this is proof that even a loft, which loves a lot of free space, can fit into the interior of a one-room apartment of 38 sq.m.

Designers from the Odnushechka studio had to deal with a room with a complex geometric shape, as well as a corner location. By removing unnecessary partitions, small room three appeared at once large windows that miss a large number of light and make it more spacious. The small bathroom was enlarged due to the corridor.

Almost all the furniture is made to order, adapting to the features of the interior. They decided to replace the table with a bar counter, which separates the living space from the kitchen. Different wall decorations make the apartment design more varied and complex.

A one-room apartment with an area of ​​42 sq.m., designed by Evgenia Ermolaeva, is located in the Moscow region. The owner prefers environmental friendliness, so the designer incorporated as much wood and plants into the interior as possible. The bedroom is hidden in a kind of glass dome, bringing a feeling of lightness.

To save space, it was decided to minimize the dining room, which is limited to small chairs and a bar counter. There was also a place in the apartment home theater and a spacious built-in wardrobe in the hallway area.

Another project from Evgenia Ermolaeva, which clearly demonstrates that even bright and eccentric pop art can look beautiful in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​only 37 sq.m. “Odnushka” is designed for a young couple, which makes the initial requirement doubly difficult: to accommodate everything necessary for life.

The redevelopment included dismantling the balcony, widening the opening between the kitchen and the corridor, and highlighting the work area using a podium step. The designer wanted to keep the double bed, while creating space for a full-fledged living room. The transformable bed, which is located in the closet, helped to cope with this task. A large wardrobe was placed along the wall, serving as the main storage space in the apartment. Mirrors on him sliding doors help visually expand the area.

The color palette is based on the contrast of muted and bright colors. The floor pattern helps in zoning the space, highlighting each zone. Despite small sizes, the interior looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

Designers from the Novosibirsk studio Artugol managed to combine in a small one-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq.m. rationality, individuality and aesthetics, decorating all this with notes of brutality.

The layout includes a living room, a bedroom with a king-size bed, a kitchen, a bar area, and a separate bathroom. The contrast of cold and warm shades with deep textures gives the space a special style.

It was possible to create a niche for the bedroom with the help of a built-in wardrobe, which divided the hallway and the room. The bed is located on a podium, which acts as additional storage space.

Horizontal wooden panels seem to frame the space, making it visually wider and more comfortable. Using one palette of three colors enhances this effect, creating a cohesive and complete look.

6. One-room apartment in minimalist style

The customers wanted to transform this small one-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq.m. to modern apartments filled with lightness and air. Oksana Tsymbalova from the House of the Sun studio worked on the project, and she managed to embody all the smallest nuances in the interior.

The accommodation consists of a bedroom, living room, kitchen, small dining room, bathroom and ample storage space. To achieve this result, the designer took the principle of functionality as a basis, using every square meter, while maintaining the very desired space and lightness.

After the redevelopment, a small utility unit appeared in the apartment, which was created by enlarging the bathroom and moving the door.

The kitchen area includes a corner kitchen. To save space, furniture creates a single line, leaving free space. The height of the ceilings made it possible to organize storage spaces the full height of the walls. At the same time, stylistic unity and light colors smooth out all corners, leveling out clutter.

In the bedroom area there is a workplace, which is separated from the living room wooden partition with an interesting texture.

This apartment really benefits from having just one, but spacious room with an area of ​​45 sq.m. Thanks to multifunctional furniture, the space looks very stylish, and each zone flows smoothly into another.

A small partition separates the kitchen area and the workplace, which fits into a niche next to the window. The layout has L-shape, wherein dinner Zone designed in the form of a corridor. The bedroom, which includes a bed and two bedside tables, was placed behind a translucent rounded partition, thereby hiding it from prying eyes.

The interior of the apartment only benefited from the use modern style, which is embodied here in the smooth forms of furniture, natural colors and smooth surfaces. This combination expands the area and does not overload the room with unnecessary details.

This studio apartment, designed by Martins Architects, has virtually no clear boundaries, even where they are needed. Here it was also decided to hide the bedroom behind glass partition, but this time transparent, in which you can privacy with the help of curtains.

Zoning is ensured by different colors and materials. So, the kitchen area is highlighted with black brickwork walls, as well as light glossy furniture, which contrast with white, green and brown flowers the rest of the interior. These various design solutions“reconciles” the light wooden floor and white ceiling.

Owners of one-room apartments in most cases experience a lack of space. But if you approach the renovation of a one-room apartment creatively, you can create a cozy and fashionable interior. Correctly selected colors and textures will visually expand the room and make the apartment more spacious.

In addition, renovating a one-room apartment will cost much less than renovating a larger apartment. The interior of many one-room apartments looks even better than the design of a spacious home. So, living in a one-room apartment has its advantages.

There are many design ideas and techniques that allow, when renovating a one-room apartment, to make the furnishings not only original, but also comfortable.

In principle, developing a design project for a one-room apartment is identical to designing a home with several rooms. The decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor is determined, and the furniture is selected.

Attention should be paid to such points as lighting and accessories. But the main goal is to visually expand the room; a small area of ​​the room must be used rationally.

The main requirement for interior design of one-room apartments lies in the lightness and functionality of the environment.

Ideas for renovating a one-room apartment, photo

Layout options

One of the most common options for expanding living space in an apartment with only one room is combining living room and kitchen. The partitions are demolished, and a studio layout is obtained.

A good trick to increase space– dividing the room into functional zones.

The dining area can be highlighted by installing a bar counter in the room. A bar counter that can be used as a table is perfect solution for a young couple. If several people come to visit, they can easily fit behind the counter.

Another good decisionceilings and floors located at different levels: they allow you to make conditional zoning.

Another way to increase living space has become popular - joining a loggia. To do this, part of the wall is removed and, of course, this is only possible if warm balcony. This will make the room a little larger.

To add functionality to the interior, it is not necessary to demolish the walls. Can allocate areas for rest and work and in another way. The sleeping area is separated using fabric draperies or light partitions with stained glass inserts.

Ideas for a one-room apartment, photo

An interesting design technique for zoning - installing partitions, which resemble blinds; Such partitions transmit light well.

The following technique will help to visually expand the room: choose the same coating for finishing the surfaces of walls and ceilings, due to this, the transition between them becomes invisible.

Pieces of furniture will help divide a room into zones. Place the bed in one part of the room ( sleeping area can be equipped in a niche), and a desktop in another.

The division of the room into functional zones is carried out and using lighting. In the recreation area, dim the lights, and in the work area, install bright lamps.

For zoning purposes they use flooring different types . Laminate and carpet are often combined.

Zoning makes it possible to create a harmonious space; the room is divided into parts proportionally.

The unification of space is also facilitated by wide doorways.


The choice of furniture for a one-room apartment should be given Special attention. It is recommended to give preference to pieces of furniture that have the ability to transform. Such furniture is multifunctional and practical.

Buy a sofa for your apartment that can be folded down comfortably. A folding bed is an ideal sleeping place; during the daytime it can be stored in a closet. Compact furniture- what you need for a one-room apartment.

Massive furniture should be avoided. Please note that only the necessary furniture is used in the setting; do not clutter the apartment with unnecessary items.

The situation must be thought out thoroughly so that there is maximum free space left.

Built-in wardrobes allow you to use space ergonomically, taking up minimal space. A wardrobe built into the wall can be installed both in the room and in the hallway.

It’s hard to imagine modern life without technology, so if you use a regular computer and not a laptop, choose a small one computer desk: It is better to place it near a window so that there is natural light.

Big plasma TV, placed in a niche equipped in the wall, is perfect for futuristic decor.

Color design

As for color design, it is better to choose light shades that have the property of visually expanding space.

The walls are decorated in light colors and the ceiling is decorated. This also applies to pieces of furniture - furniture with light surfaces is suitable.

A fashionable option for decorating walls in one-room apartments is slate paint. You can draw on such a surface, and it is also a great opportunity for creative self-expression.


The light source will be a small chandelier or lamp with original design. You can illuminate the ceiling.

An additional source of light can be inserts that emit a glow, made in the corners around the entire perimeter of the room. They will visually expand the room and create an amazing effect - as if bright rays are breaking through into a closed room from the outside.


To make the room seem more spacious, use a large number of mirrors (for example, a mirrored wardrobe). Glass surfaces are also welcome.

In the interior of a small apartment decorative elements must be harmoniously combined with each other. You can create a natural, airy atmosphere in a one-room apartment by using materials of natural origin in the decoration.

Wooden furniture and walls lined with stone look very aesthetically pleasing. Wooden textures make the space feel cozier.

Look impressive in the dining area glossy surfaces. Household appliances It is advisable to place it hidden.

It is better to choose light curtains from thin flowing fabrics or decorate window openings with blinds.

We presented our ideas for renovating a one-room apartment. Agree, making renovations in a one-room apartment and creating an interior in which you will live comfortably is not so difficult.

Do not forget about the basic rules for decorating a home in which there is only one room and you will be able to make beautiful decor with a comfortable environment. Create a modern look in your one-room apartment stylish design, and the ideas implemented in the photo below will help you with this.