Window insulation using Swedish technology: meaning and technology. Insulating windows using Swedish technology: materials, instructions, tips

In many houses, wooden frames of old designs are often found. For various reasons, they are not being replaced with plastic analogues - some are confused by the presence of polymers in the house, others simply do not have enough fresh air. Often in wooden houses and log houses, windows with wooden frames are installed, since they are identical in structure and visually harmonize better. However, this material does not always have quality characteristics in terms of sound insulation or thermal insulation, in contrast to more modern analogues. Have to use additional technologies, allowing you to save heat in the room. For this purpose, window insulation using Swedish technology is used.

Distinctive characteristic of the process

This process is distinguished by its affordable cost and high results. At the same time, the safety of the environmentally friendly material from which the frames are made is ensured. The process does not use such “traditional” materials for the operation as foam rubber or cotton wool, especially since we are not talking about using film, since the frame itself is sufficiently insulated.

There is also no need to use staples or an adhesive mixture, which tends to dry out literally after a season or two. Staples are short-lived in this situation, since under the influence of moisture they can undergo corrosive processes and collapse. It is also necessary to use silicone sealants correctly, applying them only to a cleaned surface and allowing them to dry for several hours without closing the window.

Its name is insulation wooden windows using Swedish technology received in the region offering for use modern materials and technology.

The “Swedish insulation” is based on a tubular seal produced in Scandinavian countries, which is made of a special rubber material. The service life of such a seal, as manufacturers claim, is more than a dozen years.

According to some reviews, window insulation using Swedish technology can be problematic for independent use. This is due to the following factors:

  • a specific tool is required for the process;
  • skills required to perform certain operations;
  • you will need to choose quality material.

During reconstruction, you will need the ability to work with a cutter around the perimeter of the sash to cut a shaped groove.

The essence of the technique

Insulating and repairing windows using Swedish technology makes it possible to ensure the highest quality sealing of the window frame.

  • To begin with, a groove of a special configuration is milled along the perimeters of all sashes.
  • A silicone-based tubular seal is fixed into it by the technological part.
  • The glass is “planted” on the sealant.

However, behind the apparent simplicity, it is worth considering that in our country there are practically no windows and frames that are perfectly level according to Swedish standards, so we have to start with their repair.

The lap areas are planed. The gaps must be artificially reduced by adjusting the sashes or by adding slats. Glazing beads, as a rule, also need to be replaced along with molding sashes and fittings. If glass is found to be cracked, it is replaced. Only after such work has been completed is it worthwhile to deal directly with sealing. This set of works most often has to be performed on each window.

VIDEO: Window insulation using Swedish technology

Sealant used

The heat insulator in the process is silicone rubber, for example, material from EURO-STRIP from the VARNAMO concern. It has the following positive characteristics:

  • wear resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance.

Contains natural rubber. The material is able to withstand temperature changes in the range -52°C-+128°C. Also, its surface is practically impervious to paints or dirt. Manufacturers offer a 20-year warranty on their products.

Silicone seal inserted into the groove

When choosing tubes to insulate windows using Swedish technology with your own hands, you should focus on the markings. Latin letters indicate possible elimination of the gap parameters:

  • D - 4-7 mm;
  • P - 3-5 mm;
  • E - 2-3.5 mm.

If you select a parameter that is too small, the gap will remain, and if you select an excessively large seal size, problems may arise with closing the window.

Preparing for work

It is necessary to carry out visual and general diagnostics of the condition of the frames. There should be no damage in the lower area where condensation collects. If cracks are identified there, it is worth caulking, puttying and painting over the areas.

If we detect sagging on the hinges, we change these fittings. The window should not sag and should open freely without distortions or gaps. If necessary, we dismantle the frame to replace it.

Main works

The Swedish technology for insulating wooden windows with your own hands requires the necessary tool. These include:

  • manual milling machine for cutting a technological groove;
  • a screwdriver, indispensable when removing the frame;
  • special roller for placing the rubber seal in the groove.

The frame is removed from its hinges, and, if necessary, restoration work is carried out on its outer surface. It is cleaned of dirt, dust and old paint. The next step is to assemble the unit.

The inside of the sash is equipped with a special sealing tape, which will subsequently serve as a complement to the tubular silicone installed on the frame. A small amount of silicone sealant is applied to the joint between the glass and the frame. We adjust the pressure. This will ensure that any gaps between the frame and the sash are eliminated. In the process, you need to tighten the bolts on the hinges.

Insulation of old wooden windows using Swedish technology is not complete without milling the technological groove. It must be cut along the entire perimeter of the frame on the surface mating with the sash. The router must be held at an angle of 45° so that the groove goes into the corner where the planes meet.

Remove any chips that appear from wooden surface frames with a dry cloth or brush. We place the prepared tubular seal in the formed groove. This must be done with a certain amount of effort using a knurling roller.

Dry the treated sashes construction hairdryer. We mount the frame in its place. We carry out adjustment work to eliminate existing distortions.

For insulation, you cannot use nails that can rust; it is also undesirable to “plant” it on an adhesive base, which reduces the elastic capabilities of the material.

If you have to call in professionals, you must first determine the scope of work they are going to perform, since the final cost of insulating old windows using Swedish technology will depend on this.

What is cheaper - a new double-glazed window or insulating old frames using Swedish technology?

When problems arise with windows, everyone is faced with the question of repair or a new window. Naturally, budget comes first, followed by quality. And if the budget is relatively the same, then it is already decided which product to choose. In one case, we get the same wooden window, but renovated according to all the standards of Scandinavian countries, I must say, with a cold climate. In another, a new metal-plastic double-glazed window, which quality installation copes well with thermal insulation.

Each of them has its pros and cons, but wood remains wood in any case - with microventilation, a beautiful structure and the ability to replace/repair individual elements. Objectively, insulation using Swedish technology is the repair of an old window, allowing you to restore its characteristics, but not appearance. It will have to be restored separately. Metal-plastic is significantly inferior to wood, but in terms of heat retention it will give it a head start, and the new window certainly looks more interesting from the outside. In a word, the choice is yours.

VIDEO: Restoring a wooden window


Each of us remembers how in the distant, distant childhood, my mother, in late autumn, so that we would not catch a cold, lined the windows with foam rubber. Or cotton wool. It took her several hours to do this work. But if, in order to make his work easier, “a wise Englishman invented a steam engine,” then the no less wise Swedes invented their own, purely Swedish technology for insulating windows.

What are the features of Swedish window insulation technology?

Groove for laying insulation

Let's turn to the memories of an honored user of our site, a folk craftsman Ivan Sergeevich Semikhatko, who tried to reproduce this very Swedish technology for insulating windows with his own hands:

First you need to remove the window sashes with hinges. Of course, it is necessary that the hinges and everything else are in perfect order. Nothing should dangle or wobble: tighten all the screws, clean out the rotten bits. Rearrange the loops if necessary.

The essence of insulating windows using Swedish technology is to install a silicone seal around the perimeter of the sash. In the place where its end surfaces form a step and converge at a right angle, you need to make a groove four millimeters deep and three millimeters wide at an angle of 45 degrees to each of the surfaces.

How to insulate windows using Swedish technology with your own hands?

Placing insulation in the groove

For this, the Swedes have a special tool - like a combination of a cutter and a vacuum cleaner. The cutter sharpens the groove, and the vacuum cleaner immediately sucks out the chips. I tried to sharpen such a groove with an ordinary chisel, but quickly realized that the main advantage of foreign technologies is not in the idea itself, but in the fact that they prepare a special tool for it.

We will not retell the saga of our honored user about how many grinders and circular hacksaws he tried until he came across a Virutex milling cutter in one of the specialized stores, which, in its properties, turned out to be, according to Ivan Sergeevich, closest to the tool of Swedish craftsmen .

Necessary tools and cost of consumables

Groove with insulation fixed in it

Don’t think that you can put an ordinary tourniquet or, say, a catheter into this groove, as some of our craftsmen do,” Ivan Sergeevich continued his story. – The second trick of the Swedes is that they use a silicone tube for laying. It's called the Eurostrip seal.

If you watch TV programs about our stars and other film stars, you know that silicone is a material that is not only pleasant to the touch, but very durable, elastic and wear-resistant. In addition, this eurostrip is not just a hose, but a tube with something like a stiffener running along its entire length. And this rib is made in cross-section with “ruff” protrusions, or, one might say, like a jagged arrowhead.

It is with this “edge” that the Swedes place their eurostrip in the groove, and the “ruff” is needed so that it holds more firmly and does not fall out.

Eurostripe in cross section

Of course, this material is not cheap. Prices start at about 20 rubles per linear meter. For companies that buy this sealant for kilometers, it is, of course, cheaper, but for us, simple craftsmen, something like this: the one with a diameter of 6 mm costs from 20 rubles, and the one with a diameter of 10 mm costs up to 34 rubles per linear meter.

(Ivan Sergeevich forgot or did not consider it necessary to say that the Swedes place the Eurostripe in the groove using a special seaming roller. However, the design of this tool is quite simple, and it is not much different from the roller that our housewives use to roll up jars of cucumbers).

Of course, you can use a cheaper sealant,” Ivan Sergeevich continued to talk. – Domestic elastics are sold from 11 rubles. But over time, they deteriorate faster and lose their elasticity when paint gets on them. And the silicone “Eurostripe” has a 10-year warranty, but in reality it will last fifteen years.

How much will it cost to insulate windows using Swedish technology when calling a specialist to your home?

Tool for rolling Eurostripe into a groove

That’s all, actually,” the folk craftsman summed it up. “There are mere trifles left: apply sealant to all permanent connections (joints of glass with sash and the like), and, consider, a new Euro-window is ready from your old wooden one!”

For those who were excited and captivated by Ivan Sergeevich’s story: if you do not feel strong enough to carry out Swedish window insulation yourself, let us inform you that a branded specialist called to your home will charge at least 200 rubles per linear meter of the Eurostrip he laid around the perimeter of your window. Plus one hundred rubles for sealing each frame with a silicone or acrylic-based compound.

You will have to give him some more for the accompanying repairs to the sashes, platbands and everything else: you can’t do without it. From 300 to 500 rubles an additional charge will be taken by the manager, who will make a calculation, place an order, measure your windows and in all other ways interfere with the work of the master.

Window insulated using Swedish technology

Simply put, insulating a window with dimensions of 1400*1700 mm “in Swedish” will cost you about 1500 rubles. Which is almost an order of magnitude cheaper than installing a plastic double-glazed window.

Let us add on our own that using Swedish technology it is possible to insulate not only wooden, but also plastic windows. All manipulations are exactly the same.

Insulation Restoration Modernization
  • Finishing of windows and doors Slopes Window sills Finishing of loggias
  • Additional services Window cleaning Double-glazed windows Mosquito nets
  • Insulation using Swedish technology for wooden windows and doors

    Old, poorly insulated windows are a source of drafts, heat loss, and increased street noise. Meanwhile, even without the funds to install metal-plastic structures, this problem can be solved inexpensively. OknaDel specialists offer window insulation using Swedish technology - using a special groove method "Eurostrip Technology", developed in Sweden, where the name of this practical method comes from.

    With us, you will forever forget about drafts, paper tapes that spoil the appearance of rooms, “decorating” windows.

    The essence of energy-saving window repair using technology is to seal cracks, gaps, and leaks between frames using an elastic tubular “Eurostrip” placed in grooves specially milled for this purpose. Paired windows are additionally sealed with a so-called inter-frame seal, which has an adhesive base. This prevents dust from penetrating into the space between the glass.

    Repair of wooden windows is carried out in the following order:

    1. The sashes of wooden windows are preliminarily adjusted to size, after which a groove is cut along their perimeter using a manual electric milling cutter;
    2. A sealant is inserted into the cleaned groove and rolled with a roller for reliable fixation;
    3. Wooden window sashes are hung on hinges, after which distortions are eliminated; it is also necessary to adjust the strikers, restore the operation of the vents, and other adjustments - the window sash should be able to close and open freely, but without the formation of cracks;
    4. Sealing the window around the perimeter of each glass with silicone sealant.

    If the customer, along with window insulation, wishes to remove layers old paint and putty, replace fittings, glazing beads, old glass, perform other repairs, we are always ready to help. On the company’s website, find the “Restoration” section, which lists many additional services that our specialists will readily provide to you.

    Prices for insulating wooden windows using Swedish technology

    Order an estimate

    The quality largely depends on the type of seals.

    Painting the window, depending on the type of insulation, is done before or after its installation. Silicone sealant is considered the best for Swedish technology. Its relative high cost is compensated by its resistance to temperature changes, elasticity, long service life, and insensitivity to paints and varnishes.

    In addition to the silicone sealant, two cheaper options can be found on the domestic market. One of them is a rubber seal (analog). It is more rigid, fits worse, and is damaged by the solvents contained in the paint. The third type of seal is a short-lived thermoplastic elastomer, a seal that does not withstand temperature changes. We absolutely do not recommend it.

    Compare for yourself:

    To restore an old standard double-leaf window, the Swedish window insulation technology can be performed using an original silicone seal, then the work of specialists will cost you about four and a half thousand rubles. But the service life of such insulation is from ten to twenty years. Using an EPDM seal will reduce the cost of work to two and a half thousand rubles, but its service life will also be reduced to one, maximum - three years. Such repairs are only suitable for short-term use, a temporary measure.

    Examples of work on: insulation of wooden windows using Swedish technology

    The new is the well-forgotten old. The technology that will help your old windows survive a second youth appeared in Germany more than 40 years ago. In Russia, this technology appeared relatively recently, in 1995, but has already become widespread in the service market. Swedish technology helps us produce repair of old wooden windows and balcony doors. The technology was named Euro-Strip according to the article number of a tubular mortise seal and has successfully taken root in the Russian market, having, however, undergone changes associated with the characteristics of domestic windows.
    The Russian version of the technology makes it possible to restore old windows that have served in a house even for more than 50 years, thanks to the adjustment of sashes and locks and sealing of glass around the perimeter. Insulation using Swedish technology contributes not only to heat conservation, but also to noise insulation, which is greater than that of plastic windows, according to official measurements.
    Today the picture is that about 700 million have been installed in Russia. square meters windows Most of them were designed according to the principle of “inflow of ventilation air through leaks in the vestibules.” And when, due to under-dried wood from solid coniferous species, the frames and sashes were deformed, and the shutters stopped closing, the leaks turned into noticeable holes, and the sealing half-woolen cord ceased to play any role. Therefore, in the current situation, Russians need effective and inexpensive way update your not yet old wooden windows, since the practice of gluing and washing windows is not entirely acceptable in our time.
    In order to again enjoy the warmth and comfort in your home, it is not at all necessary to install new double-glazed windows. Swedish technology offers an easy way out. costs 6-8 times less than replacement. It's simple. For insulation, they cut into the vestibule between the sash and the frame. tubular seals made of cold-resistant rubber, the service life of which is at least 15 years. Thus, the cracks in the porches are covered with elastic frost-resistant materials, as in plastic windows, which are installed only for the sake of this rubber seal running along the internal contour. Such a simple solution will save you from “crafts” made of paper and glue, tape, plaster and regular replacement of self-adhesive “window insulation”.

    Since it is stuffy when hermetically sealed windows insulated using Swedish technology, exactly the same as with plastic windows, supply ventilation systems need to be installed in the bedrooms. And then the apartment will be warm and fresh all winter, provided that exhaust ventilation works fine under interior doors there is a gap of 1.5-2.5 cm.

    Surely you are interested in such a service as window insulation using Swedish technology. After all, in a very short period it has become popular and quite in demand. But some still cannot believe in its feasibility and benefits. Therefore, we will try to give answers to the questions that are most often asked when getting acquainted with this type of work:

    1. Is it possible to repair wooden frames so that they become reliable, high-quality and have the same characteristics as double-glazed windows?
    2. Is it really true that such repairs will be inexpensive?
    3. Is it possible to insulate windows using Swedish technology yourself?

    Let's start in order. The service got its name “Swedish technology” due to the use building materials, produced in Sweden. We will focus on tubular silicone insulation. It is made of rubber. Not afraid of dirt and paint. In addition, the operational capabilities of the material, according to the manufacturer, amount to several decades.

    Experts unanimously say that insulating windows using Swedish technology on your own is not so easy, since this requires certain skills and a special tool. To do this, you need to be able to make a groove around the entire perimeter of the sash with a milling cutter. As a result of this operation, a sample should be obtained into which the insulation is rolled. This is done so that the silicone adheres tightly and does not come off over time.

    To insulate windows using Swedish technology, a special sealant – Eurostrip – is used. This is a tubular product made of silicone. Country of origin: Sweden. There are a number of similar seals on the construction market, but the Swedish one has significant advantages:

    • not afraid of temperature changes;
    • high resistance to varnishes and paints;
    • he is not afraid of pollution;
    • service life - 20 years.

    When insulating windows using the Swedish system, you need to adhere to a certain order of work. So, first you need to insulate the wooden frame. To do this, using a special tool, a groove is cut around the perimeter of the entire window. It is in it that the Swedish insulation will be installed. It is advisable to have the work performed by a specialist. Only in this case will the insulation of windows meet the declared characteristics.

    If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can install the seal yourself. In this case, we do not recommend cutting a groove. You will have to strengthen the seal with a construction stapler or with glue. Of course, in this case you won’t have to count on the durability of the insulation. The service life will be only 5-6 years. Therefore, think carefully about what is more profitable: finding a specialist or doing everything yourself.

    Important point! If the seal will be mounted in a groove, then experts advise: first insulate the windows, and then paint the frame. If Eurostrip will be attached with a stapler or glue, then you first need to paint the sashes, and then carry out the insulation.

    The cost of repairing wooden frames using Swedish technology

    If the window size is 1500 cm × 1200 cm, then insulation will cost a little more than 3000 rubles. The cost of work will include:

    • window dismantling;
    • hollowing out grooves along the entire perimeter of the sashes using a cutter;
    • laying silicone insulation in cut-out hollows;
    • window fitting;
    • sealing glass in windows, as well as openings between sashes.

    Installation, replacement and repair of accessories are not included in this payment. If there is a need to install them, then the prices for these types of work can be found and ordered additionally. Also pay attention to the window frame. If it needs repairs, this can also be done for an additional fee.

    Important point! If the windows have separate sashes (they are also called “Stalinist”), then insulation using Swedish technology can only be done for the internal frames. For external sashes, this operation is not necessary. If you order work for both internal and external sashes, the cost of the order will increase accordingly by 2 times.

    A separate line in the company’s price list will include a service such as window painting. The cost of painting varies depending on the pricing policy of each company.

    Having approximate prices, it will not be possible to calculate the total cost of all window repairs. special labor. Now you can compare possible costs with the price of a double-glazed window. As a rule, a metal-plastic structure, which consists of a 2-chamber double-glazed window, a window sill, ebb, slopes and mosquito net, including installation and dismantling is not cheap. Of course, the costs will be completely different if you do certain types of work yourself.

    The eternal question: which is better?

    Preference between double glazing and old frame quite subjective. Everything will depend on the personal wishes of the owner. The choice will be between perfectly renovated old, but reliable frames, which close perfectly and create unique comfort and peace, and when they open, we can get to a wonderful Swedish balcony. Knowing what open balconies there are, a Swedish balcony will allow you to be even closer to environment. On the other hand, you will receive a room with metal-plastic windows, perfectly adjusted to the required dimensions.

    Window insulation process using Swedish technology

    The owner will definitely have to choose. In addition, the pricing policy will not have much impact here, since both windows are almost equal in cost. It’s just that not everyone wants to have double-glazed windows. And there are different reasons for this: it can be either personal preferences or a categorical reluctance to install metal-plastic structures at home. By the way, Swedish windows has positive reviews.

    Important point! Before starting insulation work, check the windows carefully. Under no circumstances should the frames be rotten. Replacing them is expensive. Therefore, carefully inspect the box and all the doors, especially the lower parts. It is on them that water gets from the glass, which leads to rotting. If the rotting process has affected large plots, there is no point in restoring the window, which means it is not worth carrying out insulation using Swedish technology.

    Necessary materials

    Eurostrip insulation on the construction market comes in the following types:

    • silicone;
    • rubber (EPDM);
    • thermoplastic elastomer (TEP).

    Silicone material is soft, elastic, shrinks to required sizes. It is highly resistant to acrylic and alkyd paints. Painting windows with such insulation is no problem. This seal can be used for various gaps, both in depth and configuration.

    Rubber insulation is tougher and rougher than silicone. Suitable for cracks that have same size. It is not advisable to paint the seal. Cheaper in price than silicone.

    The cost of thermoplastic elastomer is not high. Afraid of temperature changes.

    If you nevertheless decide to install a seal that is not susceptible to painting, then caution should be exercised only during the next painting of the window. If the paint does not get on it, then the insulation will not be in any danger.

    How to properly insulate a wooden window

    If insulation using Swedish technology has become your choice, then before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the progress of its implementation. We agree that some home craftsmen can do the insulation of windows themselves. But if you do not have skills in these types of work, then it is better to invite specialists.

    To begin with, a groove is hollowed out in a wooden frame along the entire perimeter using a cutter. A special insulation is placed there. It can withstand temperatures ranging from -50° C +80° C. Conventional seals are not suitable for such purposes. Their service life will be no more than a year. If you use professional material, it will last at least 10-15 years. In addition, it holds well and takes the necessary shape.

    The Swedish seal is popular because it is convenient and has 5 types of width (0.5 mm; 0.6 mm; 0.8 mm; 10 mm; 12 mm). Thanks to this, it is easy to select for any cracks, which allows you to achieve complete sealing of windows when closing them. As soon as the seal is inserted into the grooves, the window frame and the places where the frames and glass are connected become completely sealed. Thanks to this, blowing is completely eliminated.

    You can take advantage of additional services such as replacement or installation of drainage systems, glass, and glazing beads. After complete renovation of wooden windows, the effect is the same as when installing double-glazed windows.

    According to reviews, the advantages of refurbished wooden frames are:

    1. The cost price is lower from double-glazed windows.
    2. Warming is carried out in 3 hours.
    3. Now you don’t need to cover your frames for the winter.
    4. The work is not being done in the apartment, so dirt in the room is not expected.
    5. Your windows will remain natural.
    6. The distance between the glasses is much greater than in a double-glazed window, which means that heat transfer is minimal and condensation, accordingly, will not appear.

    Window insulation using Swedish technology