Repair and insulation of wooden windows using Swedish technology. How much will it cost to insulate windows using Swedish technology when you call a specialist to your home? Prices for window insulation work

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Do you have wooden windows from which it constantly blows? Do not rush to change them to plastic ones, as the problem may not go away. There are also plastic windows that are not able to sufficiently insulate the room from cold and drafts. You may ask, what to do then? There is only one way out - to thoroughly insulate the windows. Recently, the particular effectiveness of window insulation using Swedish technology has been proven, and this method can be used to insulate not only plastic, but also wooden windows.

The essence of the method

This insulation method gets its name from the origin of the material used as a sealant. This is a tubular product (Eurostrip), made of silicone rubber, made in Sweden. It is at Swedish material There are a number of advantages that distinguish it from other similar products:

  • he is not afraid of temperature changes;
  • The product has good resistance to paint and varnish materials and various pollution;
  • The manufacturer's warranty on the seal is 20 years.

The essence of window insulation using Swedish technology is as follows. If a wooden frame is being insulated, then using a special tool you need to cut a small groove in the window sash. The Swedish insulation will be mounted in this groove for greater reliability of fastening. The entire procedure must be carried out by specialists; this is a guarantee of high-quality insulation of your window for a long time.

Of course, you can somewhat simplify the mounting method and install the seal yourself. As a rule, in such cases a groove is not cut, and the seal is attached using a stapler or glue. Although you will save some money, the durability of such insulation is 5-6 years.

Attention: if the seal is attached to a groove, it is recommended to first insulate the sashes and then paint the frame. If the tubular seal is attached using glue or a stapler, it is recommended to first paint the window and then insulate it.


Currently on the market building materials There are several options for Eurostrip insulation:

  1. Silicone seal. This material is soft and elastic, it can be compressed almost to zero. In addition, the material is resistant to acrylic and alkyd paints, which will allow you to paint windows without removing the insulation. This material is suitable for use on cracks of various depths and configurations.
  2. EPDM (rubber). The main disadvantage of such insulation is its rigidity and roughness, which makes it suitable only for identical, uniform cracks. The product is also paint-resistant, so the seal can be used on windows that are rarely painted. The cost of this material is slightly less than that of silicone sealant.
  3. TEP (thermoplastic elastomer). The seal is low cost. Its main disadvantage is the fear of temperature changes.

If you still want to install a seal that is not susceptible to painting, and at the same time plan to paint the window in the future, then this material can be used provided that the painting is done very carefully without getting paint on the product.

Advantages of Swedish technology

The method of insulating windows using Swedish technology has gained great popularity in our country due to a number of advantages:

  • Swedish technology is affordable and in an inexpensive way insulate a wooden window without the need to purchase plastic or aluminum double-glazed windows;
  • This method of insulation copes with drafts and noise no worse than double-glazed window metal-plastic window;
  • the material is environmentally friendly and harmless to human health;
  • this method allows for long time cope with cold windows;
  • Using Swedish technology, it is possible to insulate not only wooden, but also metal-plastic and aluminum windows;
  • there is no need to seal the windows every winter.

Reviews about Swedish window insulation

Stages of work

If you carry out window insulation work yourself using Swedish technology, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • furniture stapler;
  • milling cutter;
  • tubular silicone seal;
  • Staples;
  • roller with handle for filling the seal into the groove;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • stationery knife.

The following sequence of actions must be performed:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to clean the sashes from the remnants of the old seal (if there was one), nails, rot, mold and remnants of old paint.
  2. If you plan to replace the old fittings, you can do this at this stage.
  3. After adjusting the fittings, you can replace the glass if necessary.
  4. Once the sashes are cleaned and prepared, you can remove them from their hinges.
  5. If insulation is carried out in cold season year, then you need to take care to protect the room from the cold. For this purpose, a protective screen is installed on the window made of dense heat-protective fabric. The screen is attached to the frame using a stapler.
  6. Next, we cut a groove along the perimeter of the removed sash using a milling tool. The depth of the groove should be about 5 mm, and its width should be within 2-3 mm.
  7. Where loops are located, it is necessary to bypass them. To do this, you need to leave a gap of 10-15 mm between the loop and the groove.
  8. Now you can start laying the seal. It is inserted with its tail into the groove.
  9. After inserting the seal into the groove, it is necessary to roll it with a roller along the tubular part.

    Attention: the sealant must be rolled in small areas using reverse movements. If you perform the action in only one direction, the seal will become too tight.

  10. The sash can now be hung in place and adjusted for easy opening and closing.
  11. If you used silicone sealant, you can now paint the window.

In this video you can see how all the above steps for Swedish window insulation are performed:

If you want to thoroughly insulate a wooden window, then in addition to laying insulation, you need to seal cracks and chips in the frame. For these purposes, you can use hot glue.

Cost of work

If we talk about professional performance of window insulation work, then they will be approximately the same for plastic and wooden windows. As you understand, the price will depend on the size of your window. The type of glass unit in a plastic window or its design is no less important.

In any case, the cost of the work only includes the steps of cutting the groove and laying the insulation. Any additional work (preparing windows, aligning sashes, painting windows, sealing cracks) is paid separately.

The entire insulation process will depend only on the design of your window. For example, if your window has separate sashes, then insulation will be carried out only on the inner sashes. Insulation of external sashes will also cost more.

If you want to get high-quality insulation for your window, take care of the condition of the frame before the technician arrives. It must be cleaned of rot, mold and repaired. This way you will save on additional work and get an impeccable result.

Prices for insulating double-hung windows using Swedish technology range from 2000 to 3000 rubles:

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the main proof of the effectiveness of this technology is positive customer reviews. Insulation using Swedish technology will allow you to create a comfortable microclimate in your room. Opening and closing windows will be possible at any time of the year, since you no longer need to seal them for the winter. Another positive aspect of this insulation will be a significant reduction in noise from the street.

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Insulating windows using Swedish technology: materials, instructions, tips, 4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Surely you are interested in such a service as window insulation using Swedish technology. After all, in a very short period it has become popular and quite in demand. But some still cannot believe in its feasibility and benefits. Therefore, we will try to give answers to the questions that are most often asked when getting acquainted with this type of work:

  1. Is it possible to repair wooden frames so that they become reliable, high-quality and have the same characteristics as double-glazed windows?
  2. Is it really true that such repairs will be inexpensive?
  3. Is it possible to insulate windows using Swedish technology yourself?

Let's start in order. The service got its name “Swedish technology” due to the use of building materials produced in Sweden. We will focus on tubular silicone insulation. It is made of rubber. Not afraid of dirt and paint. In addition, the operational capabilities of the material, according to the manufacturer, amount to several decades.

Experts unanimously say that insulating windows using Swedish technology on your own is not so easy, since this requires certain skills and a special tool. To do this, you need to be able to make a groove around the entire perimeter of the sash with a milling cutter. As a result of this operation, a sample should be obtained into which the insulation is rolled. This is done so that the silicone adheres tightly and does not come off over time.

To insulate windows using Swedish technology, a special sealant – Eurostrip – is used. This is a tubular product made of silicone. Country of origin: Sweden. There are a number of similar seals on the construction market, but the Swedish one has significant advantages:

  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • high resistance to varnishes and paints;
  • he is not afraid of pollution;
  • service life - 20 years.

When insulating windows using the Swedish system, you need to adhere to a certain order of work. So, first you need to insulate the wooden frame. To do this, using a special tool, a groove is cut around the perimeter of the entire window. It is in it that the Swedish insulation will be installed. It is advisable to have the work performed by a specialist. Only in this case will the insulation of windows meet the declared characteristics.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can install the seal yourself. In this case, we do not recommend cutting a groove. You will have to strengthen the seal with a construction stapler or with glue. Of course, in this case you won’t have to count on the durability of the insulation. The service life will be only 5-6 years. Therefore, think carefully about what is more profitable: finding a specialist or doing everything yourself.

Important point! If the seal will be mounted in a groove, then experts advise: first insulate the windows, and then paint the frame. If Eurostrip will be attached with a stapler or glue, then you first need to paint the sashes, and then carry out the insulation.

The cost of repairing wooden frames using Swedish technology

If the window size is 1500 cm × 1200 cm, then insulation will cost a little more than 3000 rubles. The cost of work will include:

  • window dismantling;
  • hollowing out grooves along the entire perimeter of the sashes using a cutter;
  • laying silicone insulation in cut-out hollows;
  • window fitting;
  • sealing glass in windows, as well as openings between sashes.

Installation, replacement and repair of accessories are not included in this payment. If there is a need to install them, then the prices for these types of work can be found and ordered additionally. Also pay attention to the window frame. If it needs repairs, this can also be done for an additional fee.

Important point! If the windows have separate sashes (they are also called “Stalinist”), then insulation using Swedish technology can only be done for the internal frames. For external sashes, this operation is not necessary. If you order work for both internal and external sashes, the cost of the order will increase accordingly by 2 times.

A separate line in the company’s price list will include a service such as window painting. The cost of painting varies depending on the pricing policy of each company.

Having approximate prices, it will not be possible to calculate the total cost of all window repairs. special labor. Now you can compare possible costs with the price of a double-glazed window. As a rule, a metal-plastic structure, which consists of a 2-chamber double-glazed window, a window sill, ebb, slopes and mosquito net, including installation and dismantling is not cheap. Of course, the costs will be completely different if you do certain types of work yourself.

The eternal question: which is better?

Preference between double glazing and old frame quite subjective. Everything will depend on the personal wishes of the owner. The choice will be between perfectly renovated old, but reliable frames, which close perfectly and create unique comfort and peace, and when they open, we can get to a wonderful Swedish balcony. Knowing what open balconies there are, a Swedish balcony will allow you to be even closer to environment. On the other hand, you will receive a room with metal-plastic windows, ideally adjusted to the required dimensions.

Window insulation process using Swedish technology

The owner will definitely have to choose. In addition, the pricing policy will not have much impact here, since both windows are almost equal in cost. It’s just that not everyone wants to have double-glazed windows. And there are different reasons for this: it can be either personal preferences or a categorical reluctance to install metal-plastic structures at home. By the way, Swedish windows have positive reviews.

Important point! Before starting insulation work, check the windows carefully. Under no circumstances should the frames be rotten. Replacing them is expensive. Therefore, carefully inspect the box and all the doors, especially the lower parts. It is on them that water gets from the glass, which leads to rotting. If the rotting process has affected large plots, there is no point in restoring the window, which means it is not worth carrying out insulation using Swedish technology.

Necessary materials

Eurostrip insulation on the construction market comes in the following types:

  • silicone;
  • rubber (EPDM);
  • thermoplastic elastomer (TEP).

Silicone material is soft, elastic, shrinks to required sizes. It is highly resistant to acrylic and alkyd paints. Painting windows with such insulation does not present any problems. This seal can be used for various gaps, both in depth and configuration.

Rubber insulation is tougher and rougher than silicone. Suitable for cracks that have same size. It is not advisable to paint the seal. Cheaper in price than silicone.

The cost of thermoplastic elastomer is not high. Afraid of temperature changes.

If you nevertheless decide to install a seal that is not susceptible to painting, then caution should be exercised only during the next painting of the window. If the paint does not get on it, then the insulation will not be in any danger.

How to properly insulate a wooden window

If insulation using Swedish technology has become your choice, then before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the progress of its implementation. We agree that some home craftsmen can do the insulation of windows themselves. But if you do not have skills in these types of work, then it is better to invite specialists.

To begin with, a groove is hollowed out in a wooden frame along the entire perimeter using a cutter. A special insulation is placed there. It can withstand temperatures ranging from -50° C +80° C. Conventional seals are not suitable for such purposes. Their service life will be no more than a year. If you use professional material, it will last at least 10-15 years. In addition, it holds well and takes the necessary shape.

The Swedish seal is popular because it is convenient and has 5 types of width (0.5 mm; 0.6 mm; 0.8 mm; 10 mm; 12 mm). Thanks to this, it is easy to select for any cracks, which allows you to achieve complete sealing of windows when closing them. As soon as the seal is inserted into the grooves, the window frame and the places where the frames and glass are connected become completely sealed. Thanks to this, blowing is completely eliminated.

You can take advantage of additional services such as replacement or installation of drainage systems, glass, and glazing beads. After complete renovation of wooden windows, the effect is the same as when installing double-glazed windows.

According to reviews, the advantages of refurbished wooden frames are:

  1. The cost price is lower from double-glazed windows.
  2. Warming is carried out in 3 hours.
  3. Now you don’t need to cover your frames for the winter.
  4. The work is not being done in the apartment, so dirt in the room is not expected.
  5. Your windows will remain natural.
  6. The distance between the glasses is much greater than in a double-glazed window, which means that heat transfer is minimal and condensation, accordingly, will not appear.

Window insulation using Swedish technology

Insulation of wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region has been our main specialization since 1993!

We insulate all types of wooden windows - both with double-glazed windows (information about this is in the section on insulating wooden windows with double-glazed windows and in the section on repairing plastic and wooden windows), and insulating ordinary wooden windows.

For wooden frames Soviet period we offer first of all modern grooved version of window insulation using Swedish technology EUROSTRIP.

The technology of Swedish window insulation EUROSTRIP received its name from the name of the EUROSTRIP trademark, the manufacturer of the seals used.

EUROSTRIP is a trademark of the Swedish concern TRELLEBORG, which produces various types rubber products, including household seals for windows and doors.

The manufacturer's website contains information about seal materials, their characteristics, as well as dealers in different regions RF.

All the seals we use for insulating ordinary wooden windows are stamped - that is, on the seal itself there is a marking that informs about the country of production (Sweden), the manufacturer's trademark (EUROSTRIPE) and the composition of the material (SILICON, EPDM, TPE).

With this option of insulating windows, a fastening groove is milled along the perimeter of the sash or, if this is not possible, then along the perimeter of the frame at the junction of the sash and the window frame. The groove is about 3 mm wide and about 8 mm deep. (As a rule, to perform this work, the sashes are removed from their hinges). It is necessary to use a router, and not a grinder, and a cutter of the required diameter, because when drilling a groove in other ways, for example, when using an angle grinder (grinder), it is not possible to maintain the required cutting width. This means the seal will not stay in the groove correctly and will fall out. Savings on purchase necessary equipment will result in irreparable defects.

An original stamped seal of the EUROSTRIP brand made of silicone rubber is rolled into the milled groove. We only use silicone rubber because it has improved performance characteristics compared to regular rubber (EPDM).

Firstly, due to its chemical inertness, silicone sealant is not afraid of contact with almost all types of paints, in particular alkyd, acrylic and aqua enamels. After drying, the paint that gets on the silicone seal forms a film that gradually peels off. In this case, the seal remains undamaged. You just need to carefully clean it of dried paint (it is best to do this a few weeks after painting).

For comparison, a seal made of ordinary rubber (EPDM) after being hit does not even large quantity The paint hardens or melts and must be replaced. A sealant made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is even more capricious when exposed to paints - it practically dissolves and turns into a porridge-like mass.

Secondly, the silicone seal is very elastic. But this is one of the most important properties of the sealant used to insulate windows. After all, an inelastic seal will not provide a tight seal when the surface is uneven. In addition, over time, a natural increase in the gap gap occurs (the frame has dried out, the fittings have worn out). The silicone seal, due to its elasticity, will close the enlarged gap. And the EPDM grade sealant will remain deformed, flattened, inelastic and “will not fit behind the gap.”

Thirdly, silicone sealant is more durable than EPDM and TPE sealants and has a much wider temperature range of use, which means it is best suited for insulating windows for the winter.

For these reasons, EPDM and TPE sealants are not recommended for insulating wooden windows of the Soviet period. And the silicone seal is the most best option for insulating old windows.

When ordering work from us to insulate windows using Swedish technology, the price already includes, if necessary, fitting and adjustment work (so that the window opens and closes normally), sealing the joint between glass and wood with silicone sealant and an inter-frame anti-dust seal (for frames screwed together with screws).

The warranty period for insulating wooden windows using the groove method is 3 years. Service life 10-15 years.

By insulating a window, you only change the functional characteristics of the window - ease of opening and closing, heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties.

And to change the appearance of the window, painting of the windows is required; with this type of insulation, it can be ordered simultaneously with insulation or separately, at any time later, since we use silicone seals that are not afraid of paints.

Also we have cheaper homemade options for window insulation- self-adhesive rubber seals, usually also from the Swedish company VARNAMO, or polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam seals. And also very inexpensive options for insulating windows as in ancient times - with cotton wool, paper, masking tape.

Prices for insulating ordinary wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region using the groove method:

insulation of medium-sized sash (up to m2) for paired windows - 2000 rub.

insulation of balcony doors for paired windows - 3000 RUR

For handicraft options - from 1000 rubles to 1500 rubles per sash up to m2.

As for artisanal options, “grandmother’s” methods, they are usually intended for insulating very old windows, which you don’t mind spoiling, and the service life of such artisanal methods is very short, as a rule, it is one season, that is, no more than 3-4 months.

Let's take a look at some of these artisanal options. And at the same time we will trace the history of the issue.

- Putty- this method of insulation has been around for over a hundred years. Insulation in this case consists of coating the glass at the junction of the glass and the frame, if the glass is fastened without glazing beads, simply with nails, that is, we are talking about very old, pre-revolutionary windows, which are almost non-existent in the Moscow region, or in coating the junction of the frame with the glass in front by nailing a glazing bead if the windows already have glazing beads, that is, for windows manufactured after 1917-20 and before about 1995. This method became completely and irrevocably obsolete with the invention of window sealants. Around 1985-90, sealants replaced window putty. Sealants are applied to the window in 1-2 minutes, and window putty 1-2 hours, and they do not need to be hidden under glazing beads, since they themselves are quite aesthetic - white or transparent strips next to the glass perform all the functions of window putty, but last much longer . But the window putty is brown and spreads from the heat and forms smudges and needs to be hidden under the glazing bead, and in order to apply window putty under the glazing beads, you need to remove the glazing beads, which can crack the glass. In general, even our grandmothers have long forgotten about window putty.

- Paraffin. The candle wax is melted and all the cracks are covered with it like plasticine. It’s a little easier to wipe off than window putty, but it also takes a long time, and you’ll have to spend a lot of time melting the wax and applying it while it’s still hot. It is recommended only in desperate situations - for example, a hut in the taiga, cut off from the world by permafrost, and there is a supply of candles.

- Hemp sealing rope- was used for partial sealing of the joint between the sash and the frame and insulation of windows in the pre-revolutionary period and until approximately the 1980s of the last century. The rope was nailed along the perimeter of the sash. There was an insulation effect, but it was far from complete; the gaps still remained, but without the ropes the blow would still be even stronger. After the next painting, the ropes hardened and were no longer useful, they only interfered with the normal closing of the windows. After about 1985, ropes were replaced by foam rubber seals and then self-adhesive polyethylene foam seals.

- Old newspapers- used to insulate windows also in the last century. They were used in two ways: either rolled and lightly soaked and stuffed into the gap in the narthex, at the junction of the sash and frame; after drying, the newspapers swelled and filled the space, or cut into strips and pasted onto the junction of the sash and frame soapy water, milk or starch or wallpaper glue . Or at the same time both for filling the gap and for pasting over the false gap. The disadvantage was that the method was one-time, that is, after opening the window, all the insulation had to be started all over again, and in addition, the newspapers stuck to the paintwork and the windows had to be repainted in the spring. Therefore, in those days, windows were painted almost every year. The method became obsolete with the advent of self-adhesive seals, that is, approximately in 1985-1995. In Soviet times it was very popular. Enterprises usually held cleanup days and employees themselves insulated the windows using this method.

- Old rags, cotton ones are best. They were used in much the same way as newspapers. And around the same time. They cut it into strips and glued it around the perimeter of the sash when closed. Under the strips of paper, an additional seal was usually placed in the cracks from old newspapers, and later from cotton wool, and then, after the 1970s, even from foam rubber. The disadvantages are the same - fragility, no more than one season, and damage paint coating.

- Foam rubber. In the beginning, from about the 1970s to the 1990s, foam rubber was sold without an adhesive composition. These were simply strips of foam rubber that were inserted into the cracks around the perimeter of the sashes. This method was good because the foam rubber could be pulled out if necessary to open the window and, after ventilation, stuffed into the cracks again. Sometimes, if ventilation was not required, strips of old newspapers, canvas, and later even medical adhesive tape and masking tape were glued over the foam rubber. Sometimes this option was used even until the 2000s-2010s.

- Band-Aid and masking tape. Insulation with adhesive tape gained popularity around 1970-1980, and later masking tape appeared. First, some porous material for insulation was stuffed into the cracks - cotton wool or foam rubber or old rags, and tape or adhesive tape was stuck on top. Oddly enough, this artisanal method is still used today. Sometimes it is even used for self-insulation modern windows with double glazed windows. Disadvantages: one-time insulation, damage to the paintwork of wooden windows, as for plastic windows and aluminum - in the spring you also have to wipe off the remaining glue and the profile is scratched, but besides this, for window fittings Such insulation options are disastrous - the fittings are stretched even more instead of the opposite operation - adjustment.

- Foam rubber and polyethylene foam, cut into thin strips. These materials appeared around 1990-1998 and quickly became popular. The insulation was smeared with Moment type glue and glued along the perimeter of the sash. With this method of insulation, windows could already be opened and closed. Insulation in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics was already quite satisfactory, moreover thermal insulation characteristics such insulation were the best of all handicraft and even modern methods, and besides, this window insulation has already been done for many years. The period of such insulation was approximately 5-8 years, and this option was a technological breakthrough in the field of insulation of window frames. All subsequent development in this area was reduced to the improvement of materials and methods of their fastening. Our company was actively involved in this insulation option in the period from 1993 to 2000.

- Self-adhesive foam rubber and polyethylene foam seals. Seals with an adhesive composition already applied appeared around 1997-2002. However, adhesive composition was very weak and to extend the service life the seals had to be coated with additional glue. In terms of thermal insulation, these options were inferior to previous non-self-adhesive seals, since the seal strips were too thin and did not cover the window cracks well.

- Self-adhesive rubber seals. Such seals appeared at the end of the last century and are still used today. One of the disadvantages is that the adhesive composition does not hold well and in order for this insulation to last for more than one season, the tubular seals must be additionally coated with the same Moment-type glue. The material used in modern self-adhesive seals is rubber. Among the disadvantages is that it is afraid of paints and heavy contamination. And in general, the service life is still short, even if you glue it not on a self-adhesive basis, but spread it with additional glue, then this option will last up to 5-8 years, since the seal deteriorates from the ingress of paints, dirt, and also rubber with loses elasticity over time.

- Sealant. Replaced window putty. Designed for insulation and sealing of joints of fixed joints. Ideal and modern for insulating the junction of glass and window frame, as well as for other joints, for example, the junction of a window frame and a window sill or slopes. We use sealant widely in all modern window insulation options as one of the insulation elements, as an integral part. But sometimes sealant is used as one of the artisanal options for insulation, using it not only for joints of fixed joints, but sealing the window tightly with sealant - sealing the gap in the narthex, at the junction of the sash and the frame. And this is not true. Since after this it is impossible to open the window for ventilation, and as a result, with the onset of a warm period, this sealant has to be peeled off, which is very labor-intensive. You can apply sealant to the window to cover both what is needed and what is not needed very quickly, but then it will take a long time to peel it off. Therefore, we recommend applying sealant only at the joints of fixed joints, where it will not need to be dismantled later, for example, to seal glass, which increases both the thermal insulation and sound insulation of windows.

- Polyurethane foam. Used for insulating seams around the window frame, foaming installation seams along the joint of the frame and window opening. Foam, like sealant, is not intended for insulating the false gap - between the sash and the frame. If you apply it along this joint, then how can you open the window? You'll have to really struggle in the spring to get it off. But around the box, around the perimeter of the window, foam is very necessary. For any windows - not only wooden, but also for plastic and aluminum windows. Foam is a porous material; it is the polyurethane foam that insulates the seam. (In ancient times, before the advent of foam, when installing windows, they made do with tow or old rags). And various sealants or adhesive tapes are applied on top of the foam to ensure safety polyurethane foam, to increase its service life, as it is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes.

This is where we will finish the review of artisanal insulation methods, leaving out of the scope of our consideration completely exotic insulation options, for example, flour mixed with sheep or camel hair or straw mixed with clay or insulation with palm leaves, etc...

Despite the rapid growth in popularity metal-plastic windows, millions of apartments across the country are still equipped with wooden windows. It is quite natural that as they wear out and fail, not in all cases the owners prefer the expensive replacement of windows with new ones. Still in demand are renovation work related to the insulation of structures, replacement of fittings and restoration of the geometry of the sashes.

Fortunately, today there is a technology that allows not only to restore the functionality of wooden windows, but also to bring them as close as possible to metal-plastic ones in terms of heat, dust and noise insulation, protection from drafts and leaks. For this purpose it is used window repair using Swedish technology– a relatively new, but already proven effective technique.

It is precisely these services - restoration and insulation of wooden windows using Swedish technology in Moscow and the Moscow region - that are provided by specialists from the Teplo Doma company.

What is “Swedish technology”?

It is natural that the birthplace of an innovative method of window repair is a country where issues of thermal insulation of housing play a special role. We are talking, of course, about Sweden - a country with a fairly harsh climate, comparable to northern regions Russia.

The basis of repairs in in this case– this is the insulation of windows using Swedish technology using special seals along the entire perimeter of the sash. A special tape solves the key problem of wooden windows - airflow at the junction of glass and frame. Insufficient tightness of structures results in drafts, heat loss during the cold season, and penetration of noise and dust from the street.

Window repair using Swedish technology - simple and effective solution problems of insufficient tightness, which makes it possible to make even an old wooden window almost as reliable as a new metal-plastic one (provided that the glass is intact, the sash geometry is preserved and the fittings are in good condition).

How are wooden windows repaired using Swedish technology?

In order to understand the features and advantages of this method, we will consider the sequence of actions of the master when carrying out repairs. So, how are windows repaired using Swedish technology?

  1. The sashes are removed from their hinges.
  2. Special grooves are made in the frame for installing sealing strips.
  3. The glass is treated with silicone sealant, onto which a sealing tape is installed.
  4. An inter-frame seal is installed.
  5. The sashes are fitted into place, adjusted and adjusted to ensure the windows open and close perfectly.
  6. Old fittings are being replaced with new ones - more reliable and modern.
  7. Locks and hinges are adjustable.

note that Swedish technology for insulating wooden windows- this is, first of all, work to improve their tightness. In case if appearance structures leaves much to be desired and/or there is damage (cracked glass, frame deformation, etc.), solving the problem should start with traditional methods repair - replacement or restoration of failed elements.

What is a seal?

As is easy to see, window restoration using Swedish technology is based, first of all, on the use of special seals, which ensure high level the tightness of the valves.

In this capacity they are usually used tubular silicone seals, which are fixed into grooves prepared in advance by milling in the frame. Such seals are an excellent barrier against dust, dirt and drafts.

The tubular structure further increases the efficiency of the seal: a closed space with air sharply reduces heat transfer, which, in turn, reduces heat loss in winter.

The main advantages of Swedish window insulation technology

Summarizing the above, Let's highlight the key advantages of Swedish window repair technology for you, the owner of an apartment or house:

  • silicone seal can be used in a wide temperature range: from -50 to +100 degrees Celsius without loss of functionality;
  • a high-quality seal is distinguished by its ability to maintain elasticity over a long period of operation;
  • It is very profitable to repair windows using Swedish technology: the price of new metal-plastic window systems is approximately 10 times higher;
  • the seal can be painted, it is chemically inert to dyes and atmospheric moisture;
  • window restoration using Swedish technology is relatively easy to implement: windows can be insulated within one day at any time of the year, without “dirty” work and a large amount of construction waste;
  • Swedish technology allows you to forget about sealing windows for the winter: there is no need for this.

Insulation and repair of windows using Swedish technology in Moscow and the Moscow region is now more accessible than ever, because the services of the Teplo Doma company are many years of experience provision of services of this kind, the best seals on the market, a guarantee for ALL work, affordable prices and prompt execution of orders. Our services have already been used by thousands (and this is not an unfounded statement) of clients, whose opinions about our work you can find out from theirs.
Find out more from our consultants and hurry to finish the repair of wooden windows before the onset of cold weather!