Acrylic or alkyd enamel. What is the difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint: choice of coating

Consumers are often faced with a choice: which paint to prefer - acrylic or alkyd? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the features of these compositions, their advantages and disadvantages.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paint and varnish materials (LPMs) can be classified as an advanced variety oil compositions. Alkyd paints have the same mechanism of hardening and film formation. Moreover, the film turns out to be more durable, although not so elastic. To correct the lack of elasticity, natural oils are added to alkyd mixtures.

The composition of alkyd paints and varnishes includes polyhydric alcohols (for example, propane-1,2,3-triol, otherwise called glycerin), as well as orthophthalic acid. The word “alkyd” itself is a construction formed from the combination of the words “alcohol” (alcohol) and “acid” (acid). Depending on the type of alcohol component, alkyd coatings are divided into pentaphthalic and glyphthalic.

Alkyd paints are one of the most common types of paints and varnishes, and there are many reasons for this:

  1. Low cost is perhaps the main advantage of alkyd compositions. The availability of paint is especially important if you have a limited budget or need to paint large surfaces.
  2. Working with alkyd coatings is simple: no special instructions are needed, and all work can be done independently. The composition is diluted with an organic solvent and applied with a brush or roller.
  3. The coating dries quite quickly, with initial polymerization occurring after about 60 minutes. Complete drying occurs within a few days. The dried surface is ready for use in unfavorable environments.
  4. Alkyd coatings are resistant to moisture.
  5. Coatings are neutral to aggressive chemicals(for example, household chemicals).

Disadvantages of alkyd compositions:

  1. Insufficient wear resistance and resistance to mechanical stress. The durability of alkyd coatings leaves much to be desired: usually within a year and a half the surface turns yellow and begins to crack. As a result, the product will have to be painted too often. Sometimes such a drawback can be ignored, but in most cases for important surfaces it is better to choose a different type of paint.
  2. Instability to ultraviolet radiation, which is why the coating soon begins to fade and crack. For this reason, alkyd paints are not recommended for finishing facades.
  3. Alkyd mixtures contain harmful substances to human health chemical elements. In addition, freshly painted surfaces emit a pungent odor that disappears in at least a day.
  4. Not a very rich range of colors. This disadvantage can be corrected by purchasing the correct color scheme.
  5. Insufficient fire safety.

Acrylic paints

As a basis in acrylic compositions polyacrylic polymers are used. Acrylic paints and varnishes are made on the basis of a polymer, which is also called plexiglass. Special components are added to the composition to improve certain characteristics of the paint, for example, its elasticity, resistance to environmental factors or drying speed.

Advantages of acrylic compositions:

  1. Acrylates retain their characteristics even when elevated temperatures. Resistance to high temperatures allows the use of paintwork materials of this group when painting radiators and other surfaces exposed to heat. Acrylic paints not only do not crack under the influence of rising temperatures, but also do not change the original color.
  2. Acrylic compositions are characterized by excellent adhesion (the ability to grasp foreign surfaces).
  3. The operation of acrylic coatings can be carried out for at least 8 years in the case of wood and at least 20 years for plastered and metal products.
  4. Acrylates are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which means they are excellent for facade works. Acrylic exterior surfaces retain their original appearance for many years.
  5. Due to their high transparency and lack of yellowing of the coating, acrylic paints and varnishes are used for painting light types of wood. The acrylic group is also used in conjunction with pastel-colored stains.
  6. Acrylic paints and varnishes are non-toxic (unlike alkyd paints) because they do not contain organic solvents. To dissolve the acrylic composition, ordinary water is suitable.
  7. The paint does not contain hazardous components; as it dries, water evaporates. Therefore, there is no need for protective clothing when painting.
  8. Due to the absence of toxic solvents, acrylic paints and varnishes have no pungent odor and are suitable for interior work.
  9. Acrylic mixtures protect coatings from corrosive processes, and the presence of special additives in them allows you to paint even rusty surfaces.
  10. The acrylic group is characterized by high fire safety.
  11. With low paint consumption, high hiding power is ensured.
  12. Surfaces painted with acrylic paints and varnishes are able to “breathe”. Natural ventilation is extremely useful for maintaining the performance qualities of wood products.
  13. Acrylic paints dry very quickly - it takes from half an hour to a couple of hours to dry the surface (the specific time depends on the conditions environment and solution components). Fast drying is a serious advantage when it comes to tight deadlines for construction work.
  14. If paint gets into an unwanted place, it can be easily removed without damaging the surface.

Disadvantages of acrylic compositions:

  1. Relatively high cost.
  2. Insignificant dry residue. This figure usually does not exceed 30%.
  3. The coating takes quite a long time to gain strength. Final hardening occurs no earlier than 30 days.

Paint compatibility

Acrylic paints are not recommended for use on alkyd coatings, since the result of painting in this case cannot be predicted. After painting, the surface may look like good quality, and bad (if bloating occurs). Alkyd paints and enamels applied to acrylic surfaces will peel off in most cases.

Please note: if acrylic paint is applied to alkyd coating, its service life is reduced by at least 2 times.

If you still need to apply acrylic paints and varnishes to the alkyd coating, the surface needs to be prepared. First, the product should be thoroughly cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper and then treated with primer. Preparatory measures will improve the adhesion of materials and reduce the likelihood of paint peeling.

There are alkyd-acrylic compositions used for painting vehicles. However, their cost is high, and such paints are not used in the construction field.

So, based on the totality of qualities the best choice- acrylic paint. However, if the budget is limited or the durability of the coating is not critical, you can opt for alkyd paint.

Consumers are often interested in the question: which paint is better - alkyd or acrylic enamel and what is their difference. In order to get an answer to these questions, you need to familiarize yourself with the purpose of each of the options, their differences in composition, as well as positive and negative qualities.

About the composition

Acrylic paint largely consists of acrylic, which due to its chemical properties called a polymer emulsion. To give a substance color, color pigments are added. The main difference between enamel is the absence of the pungent odor characteristic of other substances, which is due to the use of water as a solvent. The composition also includes special additions that affect the material’s resistance to temperature changes and improve its viscosity.

Alkyd paint consists largely of alkyd varnish, color pigments and a kerosene-based solvent. Some paints contain additives that have fire-fighting, antifungal and antiseptic effects. That is why such enamels are often used for woodworking.

Details about acrylic paint and its use

First of all, let's consider the positive qualities of acrylic paints and enamels:

  • Preservation of original properties even under high temperature influence. Thanks to this, the material can be applied to radiators and radiators of heating systems;
  • Long service life. The paint used for wood can last up to 10 years, and for metal and plastered surfaces - up to 20 years;
  • It is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, therefore suitable for external use;
  • Protection against corrosion, which allows you to paint surfaces that have already appeared rust;
  • Another good quality is that you can apply acrylic paint without fear of releasing harmful substances and an unpleasant odor.

But it is also worth considering the disadvantages:

  • High cost compared to alkyd paints;
  • Long drying time;
  • Difficulty in acquiring the necessary and high-quality material.

In order to use acrylic paints well and efficiently, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Remove the old coating and very thoroughly clean the surface with sandpaper;
  2. Apply special primer to prevent the process of decay;
  3. Add the required amount of water to the paint and mix the composition thoroughly;
  4. Distribute the mixture over the surface using special brushes and rollers.

Before painting with acrylic red, the surface must be very well cleaned of dust and other contaminants, and also dried no less well.

About the features of alkyd paint

About the advantages of alkyds:

  • Low cost, which allows the material to enjoy unprecedented popularity among consumers;
  • It is applied very simply and does not require the use of special devices;
  • The best choice color range, and an important difference is that all shades are very saturated and pronounced;
  • Fast drying.

But alkyd materials also have disadvantages:

  • Short service life, which can manifest itself in the form of characteristic yellowness and cracks just a year after painting;
  • Instability to ultraviolet radiation and therefore the paint cannot be applied outdoors;
  • When painting with alkyd paints, long-term ventilation of the room is necessary, since the composition contains toxic chemicals.

If there is an urgent need for external use of alkyd paint, you need to purchase a product with special improving additives. And if possible, place the painted surface in a shaded area.

It is also important to remember that applying alkyd-based varnish to alkyd paint is undesirable, but if absolutely necessary, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper and only then start working.

Use of enamels for cars

Now let's look at what enamel to use for cars: alkyd or acrylic? And what is the difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint?

The place of primacy in this area is deservedly given to acrylic material. This is due to the fact that the product has good reflective characteristics and resistance to mechanical stress. In addition, the applied product dries quickly and gives minimal shrinkage.

Alkyd enamel for a car is not the best, since it has a long drying period and does not provide such a uniform shine as acrylic coating. The disadvantages of such auto enamel are compensated by its low cost. Also, here it is possible to apply one thick layer of alkyd, while acrylic auto enamel needs to be gradually painted in thin layers, each of which must dry well.

Acrylic and alkyd paints: compatibility

Can acrylic paint or enamel be applied to an alkyd coating and vice versa? This question is very interesting and also requires careful analysis.

Experts, in general, do not recommend applying acrylic to alkyd bases. Without treatment with a special primer and stripping, the service life of the coating can be significantly reduced. There is also a chance of successful painting. This depends on the unpredictable behavior of the compounds, which can swell or provide an ideal, flat surface.

If you apply an alkyd composition to an acrylic base, the result will definitely not please you. After a short time, the coating will begin to peel off.

In case of urgent need for coloring acrylic paint For an alkyd surface, you should perform a few simple preparatory steps:

  1. Careful processing is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper;
  2. Acrylic primer is applied;
  3. The dried primer is coated with alkyd enamel (paint).

Thanks to the primer used and other preparatory measures, adhesion between materials is significantly improved, which significantly reduces the likelihood of peeling.

When applying acrylic paint to alkyd, the wear resistance of the new coating is reduced by 2 times.


Acrylic or alkyd paints, which differ significantly in composition and characteristics, are a personal choice of the consumer. Which one to use depends not only on their pros or cons, but also on the difference in price and application technology. But, judging by the description of both compositions, we can conclude that acrylic paint is distinguished by its quality and large volume positive properties. The alkyd composition has more low price, and for many this plays an important role.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in pursuit of quality and wear resistance, it is better to choose acrylic paint. But if we talk about beauty and budget savings, then it is better to give preference to alkyd paint. Which of the proposed options to choose is a personal decision for everyone.

– alkyd or acrylic? This is the question asked by many motorists who have decided to upgrade appearance your car. Here it should be said that there is no definite answer - it is worth taking into account the purpose of painting and the allocated budget for car repairs. Let us further consider the strengths and weaknesses of the two types in order to make it easier to do right choice.

Alkyd paint for cars: pros and cons of coatings

Alkyd has been used for painting for decades and has managed to prove its positive qualities. It is used to give an updated look to the body due to its ease of application to the surface and wide variety color shades in the palette. It polymerizes quickly and does not need to apply several layers, however, it requires careful surface treatment before painting and mandatory varnishing - this can significantly increase performance characteristics auto enamels.

Do not forget that rapid setting leads to the formation of a thin film, which, under all environmental conditions, does not allow the entire applied layer to dry quickly and evenly in depth, so special hardeners are now added to the car paint composition. Alkyd protects the surface from aggressive external influence and, as a consequence, from corrosion processes, but it is short-lived. After a short time, most likely, the surface will have to be renewed due to peeling, faded color and loss of attractive shine. The big advantage of this type of coating is its low cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paint for cars

Acrylic paints are increasingly used when painting cars and occupy significant space on shelves in the world. These are new generation paintwork materials that do not have the main disadvantages of their predecessors, including alkyd enamels. The advantages of acrylic paint for cars include:

  • fast drying time;
  • resistance to various mechanical and weather influences;
  • non-toxic;
  • low shrinkage;
  • good reflective properties.

Please note that acrylic paints are available in two types - hard (HS) and soft (MS). Hard ones create an even and durable coating, but cannot be polished. Soft paints are chosen when performing local repairs or secondary painting.

Among the disadvantages of acrylic is the low degree of coverage. This means that at least 3 layers of paint must be applied to the surface, and it is important to immediately correct any mistakes, since they will become painting defects even if made on the first layer.

Whatever car paint you prefer, it is necessary to adhere to the technology of its application, and also carefully carry out preparatory work in the treatment of the painted surface. and any other “MarketEm” offers at an affordable price and in a huge assortment.

One of the most reliable and proven methods of giving various surfaces a beautiful appearance, as well as providing protection from various mechanical and atmospheric influences, is painting.

Among paint and varnish materials, alkyd and acrylic paints are in great demand. In order to understand which one to choose for each specific case, consider their features, advantages and possible disadvantages, and also study the difference between alkyd and acrylic enamel.

Advantages of alkyd paints

Relatively low cost is one of the fundamental factors determining such a wide popularity of this paint and varnish material. Due to the affordable price of the product, the consumer can significantly save money, especially on large volumes of work.

  • Easy to apply. Working with alkyd paint does not require special knowledge or professionalism, so even a beginner with no experience can apply the composition. All you need to do is act in strict accordance with the instructions specified by the manufacturer, as well as correctly dilute the composition with the solvent intended for this purpose and in the required proportion. No need for paint application professional tool– you only need an ordinary roller or paint brush;
  • Wide selection of different shades. Today, the consumer has the opportunity to choose from a huge assortment, which allows him to choose perfect color for almost every painted surface. Alkyd paints have always been valued for the richness and brightness of their colors;
  • Fast drying. The paint dries almost completely within a few hours after the work, and after 2-3 days the maximum strength of the coating is achieved.

Disadvantages of alkyd paints

Along with the undoubted advantages, alkyd paints also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Fragility. Under unfavorable atmospheric conditions and mechanical stress, a surface painted with alkyd paint may lose its original appearance and even turn yellow within a year. The paint layer will have to be renewed, which will entail additional costs. For those who are not ready for this, it is better to give preference to more durable paint and varnish materials;
  • Low level of sun resistance. It is highly not recommended to use for exterior finishing, as a result of direct ultraviolet exposure, the coating not only quickly cracks, but also fades over time;
  • Very high toxicity levels. Alkyd paints contain a number of components that evaporate during the process of working with it and when it dries, so manufacturers do not recommend staying indoors for 24 hours after applying the composition.

It should be taken into account that alkyd paints must be diluted only with the type of solvents indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Only in this case can you obtain a guarantee of quality, brightness and declared service life.

Advantages of acrylic paints

Same as the previous one paint material, acrylic paints have their own number of advantages that are worth paying attention to:

  • Thermal resistance. Retains its original characteristics even under heating conditions, making it suitable for painting water pipes, through which it flows hot water and gratings heating radiators. Manufacturers guarantee that the applied paint will last for many years without losing its original appearance or turning yellow;
  • Long service life. According to manufacturers, the average service life of painted metal surfaces while maintaining their original aesthetic qualities is about 20 years. In turn, painted wooden surfaces will last about 9 years. However, it should be borne in mind that before painting the surface must be cleaned of old paint coating and primed;
  • High UV resistance. Unlike alkyd paint, acrylic paint is not subject to the harmful effects of solar radiation, making it excellent for exterior decoration;
  • Corrosion protection. It protects metal surfaces well from rust, moreover, it can be applied directly over it;
  • Ecological cleanliness. Does not contain any substances harmful to health, making it comfortable to use for interior decoration objects.

Disadvantages of acrylic paints and varnishes

  • Price. Significantly higher than the price of alkyd, so you must take this factor into account if you need to paint a large area;
  • There is a high probability of purchasing low-quality, counterfeit products;
  • Drying time depends on temperature and humidity. As practice shows, it may take up to two days for the coating to fully harden in different weather conditions.

Is it possible to combine acrylic and alkyd materials?

A novice master may wonder: is it possible to use alkyd paints to repaint surfaces on which an acrylic composition has been applied? The same question can be asked in reverse order, however, regardless of the coating - be it metal or wood, the answer will be negative. This is due to the fact that application acrylic enamel over alkyd can lead to manifestation dark spots or poor adhesion of the composition.

Combination is only possible if old paint has already served its service life declared by the manufacturer. However, before applying a new type of coating, it is necessary to prime the surface. It is worth considering that the primer must be of the same type as the paint composition being applied.

Which paint is better, alkyd or acrylic?

The right choice will depend on the buyer's needs. Taking into account all the differences between alkyd paint and acrylic paint, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, it is quite possible to accept the beneficial and optimal solution. Those who primarily value long service life and do not pay attention to cost will undoubtedly choose acrylic compositions.

However, if the budget for repairs is very limited, it makes sense to purchase alkyd materials, but you should not expect a long service life from such a coating.

As you know, painting helps not only protect structures and surfaces, but also significantly improve their appearance. Available on the market big choice paint and varnish products, and making the right choice can be difficult. If you do not have experience in carrying out the work, then you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of the materials and figure out whether acrylic or alkyd paint is suitable for painting a particular material.

In this review, we will look at the main advantages and disadvantages of each composition, the features of their use, and whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paint over alkyd and vice versa.

Main features of alkyd paints

Let's look at the main advantages, disadvantages and features of the alkyd paint production process.

Advantages of this group of compositions

It is worth noting that the group of paints in question is the most common at the moment due to a number of reasons:

  • Low price is one of the main factors determining the popularity of such paints. Using this option, you can save significant money, which is very, very important when painting large areas.
  • Ease of work: you do not need instructions to carry out the work yourself. The composition is diluted with certain solvents and does not require special working tools - a brush or roller is enough.
  • A huge selection of shades will allow you to choose the optimal one color scheme for a wide variety of surfaces. Wherein this type It is distinguished by its bright shades, the colors are very rich and saturated, thanks to which the painted surface will be not only durable, but also beautiful.

  • The compositions dry quite quickly, initial polymerization occurs in just an hour, maximum strength characteristics are achieved within several days, after which the surface is completely ready for use and resistant to a wide variety of adverse influences.

Disadvantages of this group of compounds

It should be noted that there are some disadvantages that should also be considered:

  • Low reliability of the coating, as a result of which the surface may turn yellow and become cracked within a year. This is quite a big disadvantage, because you will have to update the coverage almost every year, and if in some cases this is justified, then in others it is better to choose a more reliable option.
  • Weak resistance to ultraviolet exposure, as a result of which the surface fades and cracks very quickly. That is why it is better not to choose alkyd compositions when
    and designs.
  • The compositions contain chemical components that actively evaporate when dried, which is why they are unsafe for health and have unpleasant smell. After painting, you should not stay in the room for at least a day, after which thorough ventilation is necessary.

Remember that it is not recommended to apply alkyd varnish to acrylic paint, but if there is no other choice, the surface should be cleaned and treated with fine sandpaper to improve adhesion and prevent peeling of the coating.

Types of compositions

The poor compatibility of alkyd and acrylic paints is due to the fact that the basis for their production are different components. The alkyd group of compounds is made from polyhydric alcohols through a polycondensation process with orthophthalic acid. Depending on the type of alcohol used, LCIs are divided into glyphthalic and pentaphthalic.

We can say that this type has replaced oil ones, but unlike them, the coating is less elastic in order to minimize this negative factor, natural oils are added to all formulations.

The main thing that distinguishes alkyd paint from acrylic paint is the base, which determines all its properties,

Advice! You should not use what you have on hand to dilute this group of compounds. The brightness of the colors and the durability of the coating are guaranteed only when using a specific thinner recommended by the manufacturer. Information about this is always present on the packaging.

Let's continue to consider the question of which paint is better - acrylic or alkyd, by studying the second option, which is becoming increasingly popular among buyers.

Acrylic compositions and their characteristics

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paint over alkyd, and what requirements must be met. In fact, try to avoid combining these compositions, since the result of such work is always unpredictable; the surface may turn out to be perfect, or it may swell.

But if there is no other way out, then you should use primer composition, then acrylic paint will lay on top of alkyd much better.

Advantages of formulations

It is worth noting that paints and varnishes are acrylic base have a number of advantages:

  • The composition does not change its properties even with high temperatures, thanks to which it can be used for other heated surfaces. At the same time, the paint layer will not turn yellow or crack for many years.

  • The service life of coatings is at least 8 years for wood and about 20 years for plaster or metal. Again, returning to the question of whether acrylic paint can be applied to alkyd paint, it should be noted that the service life in this case is reduced by at least half.
  • This group of compounds is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so it is perfect for outdoor use. This finish will retain the high properties and brightness of colors for many years.

  • Acrylic paint perfectly protects surfaces from corrosion, and the presence of additives in it allows you to paint even surfaces with a coating of rust.
  • When comparing acrylic and alkyd paints, one cannot fail to mention that the polymer base does not emit any harmful substances and is practically odorless. That's why she's great.


In fact, there are quite a few of them:

  • Higher price than alkyd analogues.
  • Long period of strength development, the coating completely hardens within a month.
  • The difficulty of choosing a truly high-quality composition.

The difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint is the need to use toxic solvents, but in this case Clean water will also do.

Combined formulations

Let's look at some types of paints that are much less common:

  • Alkyd-acrylic paints are mainly used for repairs. road transport, and their cost is very high. They are practically not used in construction.
  • Zinga conductive paint is made on the basis of organic solvents and meets the highest strength requirements, forming a layer comparable to industrial galvanizing.
  • Fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil are not only decorative, but also protective properties, protecting metal products from direct exposure to fire.

We hope you have understood this not very simple issue. Let's return once again to the question of whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paint over alkyd: if this is possible, then the base and the fresh coating should match. Only this guarantees strength and durability.

Advice! You should not save when purchasing; it is much better to purchase products from a well-known brand than cheap option unknown manufacturer.


If you need a durable result, it is better to opt for acrylic compounds; if the budget is limited, then you can also use alkyd compounds, however, do not forget that such finishes are less durable. The video in this article will help you understand the issue in more detail.