We grow flowers in hanging baskets. Flowers in hanging baskets - what and how to plant

Hanging baskets and containers – important elements design.

Hanging baskets are exactly the element that visually unites a house with a garden or different parts of a garden with each other and helps to create a single, integral, well-thought-out space from disparate parts.

In the summer you really want to surround yourself with flowers, and you can’t do without hanging baskets. There is a place for them on the terrace country house, and on the smallest balcony of a city apartment.

The selection of their color and shape, as well as the composition itself, must be approached very carefully. Do not forget that it should fit organically into existing flower beds and develop the basic idea inherent in the design of the space.

Choosing assortment of colors for hanging basket, you need to first assess the lighting conditions.

Most plants for container gardening are annuals that require a lot of light and sun.

Secondly, it is worth deciding color scheme. The components of the composition in the basket should be connected by color or at least spatially with the rest of the garden.

The advantage of the method is that it uses ready seedlings, and you will see the result immediately.

The proposed composition is bright and elegant, literally absorbing summer colors. It will fit perfectly into a landscape-style garden.

Its components are quite classic, but the shades and shapes are carefully selected, so the solution looks solid and consistent.

The color scheme is offered in festive pink-raspberry tones, which are shaded with deep lilac-violet shades. The abundance of small white flowers gives the composition lightness and grace.

The basis of the flower garden is two varieties of hybrid ampel verbena (read about how to distinguish decorative verbena from medicinal verbena).

Bright lilac pink hybrid verbena“Babylon Deep Pink” is strewn with a cascade of flowers already at the end of May. This wonderful variety, in addition to its unique shade, is characterized early flowering and resistance to fungal diseases. Small verbena flowers are collected in large spherical inflorescences.

At good care and regular removal of faded inflorescences, flowering continues until the end of October.

In addition to fertilizing, the main condition abundant flowering- correct lighting mode. Verbenas need 8 hours of direct sun to reach their full potential.

The second verbena is the “Blue Princess” variety, it is also ampelous and blooms a week later.

The shape of the inflorescences exactly repeats “Deep Pink”, and the shade is lilac-violet, ideally emphasizing the bright pink colors the second verbena provides contrast and adds brightness to the entire composition. Ampelous fuchsia adds a touch of sophistication.

On its thin long branches there are elegant “double-layered” bell-shaped flowers. The Blowwick variety is an ideal partner for the verbenas used. The color of its upper lilac-pink petals harmonizes perfectly with the color of the verbena “Babylon. Deep Pink."

The same lilac-pink color scheme, but the shade is a little lighter and blurry. Inner petals – deep purple– go well with Blue Princess verbena and unite the entire composition into a single whole.

The highlight in the design of a hanging basket

Role color accent Pelargonium zonalis plays. The combination of pelargoniums and verbenas is classic.

These plants have large, rounded inflorescences that fit well together. The pelargonium used is a blinding scarlet shade; it greatly enlivens the composition and gives it a touch of provocation.

Bright red is the traditional color for pelargoniums, and there are dozens of varieties that differ only in nuances of shade, height, etc.

IN in this case regular (not hanging) pelargonium of the American Dark Red variety was used, which provides a vertical accent and makes the composition more voluminous.

The flower garden is complemented by ampelous white lobelia and Snowflake bacopa. The long thin branches of the latter, covered with a cascade of small white flowers, hang down and form an excellent background for an elegant fuchsia.

Scheme of planting flowers and plants in a hanging basket

1. Verbena hybrid “Babylon.” Deep Pink” (Verbena hybrida ‘Babylon ‘Deep Pink’).

2. Verbena hybrida ‘Blue Princess’.

3. Fuchsia ampelous “Blowick” (Fuchsia procumbens’Blowick’).

4. Pelargonium zonale ‘American Dark Red’.

5. Hybrid petunia “Tidal Wave Cherry” (Petunia hybrida ‘Tidal Wave Cherry’).

6. Lobelia erinus ‘Fountain White’.

7. Bacopa cordata “Snowflake” (Sutera cordata Snowflake’).

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Planting flowers in hanging baskets

Flowers are planted in hanging baskets, which then grow into perfect, beautiful balls. To plant flowers in baskets you will need some knowledge.

Previously, traditional hanging baskets were used as hanging flower pots, Nowadays hanging baskets are used more widely, they are water permeable, the mesh of the basket is made of metal or plastic. Flowers are planted in hanging baskets not only from above, from the sides, but also, if necessary, even from below. So that over time, various summer flowers will turn the hanging basket into a blooming ball.

Preparing the basket for planting flowers

Before planting, the baskets are first laid out natural materials such as moss, pine branches or burlap or so that it drips. For this purpose, you can use a coconut mat (coconut mat made from coconut bast fiber).

In any case, it is necessary to choose a material that is breathable and water-permeable so that the roots of the flowers can continue to breathe and there is no waterlogging.

And so that not all the water leaks out and leaves instantly, a sheet of foil with holes is specially placed in the basket. It will temporarily retain as much water as is needed to nourish the roots.

Planting flowers in a hanging basket

Then we fill the basket with planting substrate; it is best to use ordinary garden soil, which must be enriched with geohumus or expanded clay so that it stores more water.

You can plant your hanging basket at the top in the middle with upright growing summer flowers - for example, flour sage, vanilla flower, speedwell. Lightly or heavily hanging flowers such as petunias, fairy bells, and special varieties of geraniums or fuchsias work well for the edge of the basket and between the slats in the side wall.

It is best to start by planting flowers, which should be inserted from the side, through the lattice. You can widen the hole in the basket's lattice if necessary and then push the root ball in from the outside. When the side walls are planted with flowers, the basket is filled with soil until all the roots are covered. After this, all the flowers that will grow at the top of the hanging basket are planted from the center to the edges.

Further care behind a hanging basket after planting flowers

Always hang a hanging basket with flowers in such a way that the one running out from below dirty water didn't drip on yours garden furniture. It will be great if there is a bed or some kind of reservoir underneath it, in which case the water can be used twice.

Plants in baskets, like flowers in boxes or pots, naturally should be watered daily in the summer and should receive liquid fertilizer every two weeks. In addition, you should remove spent shoots and shoots from time to time so that the flowers can form new buds.

Making a flowerbed basket with your own hands is quite simple and does not require special skills from a person. Every year during the warm period, any owner tries to grow as much as possible on his plot. interesting plants. The most creative gardeners create small flower beds of various interesting shapes. An example of such decorative elements is wicker flower beds.

Making flower beds with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. We usually use a variety of hedges and fences to place our flowers, which provide support for our plants. Such a wattle fence for a flower bed has long become boring and no longer causes delight. Another thing is a flowerbed basket, which can turn any garden into an amazing and incredibly fabulous place. The main thing is to figure out how to make such a flower garden with your own hands and what materials are best suited for this.

Before you start weaving a basket, you should collect a sufficient amount of the same material.

The main criterion for selecting branches is sufficient flexibility. Young twigs of hazel, birch, willow, dogwood, raspberry branches, apple trees and even grapes have these properties. Each of the above shoots differs from other analogues in their sufficient length, flexibility and ease of removal of the top layer of bark. All this contributes to the creation of a high-quality and uniform design. One thing to remember is that branches cannot be harvested in the hottest months of the year, as they dry out a little and can be brittle. Experts advise harvesting material in early autumn, when the shoots have all the necessary characteristics.

If the proposed basket is large, then you should seriously work on collecting the material, because at least two thousand twigs will be required to make it.

It is recommended to immediately clean cut shoots of young bark, since over time this process can become significantly more complicated. If you did not have the opportunity to devote time to this labor-intensive process right away, and the branches managed to dry out a little, you should boil them, after which the process of removing the bark and leveling the twigs will be as simple as in the beginning.

It is necessary to store the shoots in a dry place, but before starting work you should wet the twigs warm water, this gives them special flexibility and evenness.

Types of flower beds

In order to start making a wicker basket for a flower bed yourself, you should understand their main types. There are only two types of such products.

The first of these is the hired flowerbed basket. This is the most common option, as it is the easiest to do. If your flower garden has a significant area, you can install several similar structures on it. Such wicker flower bed is a wicker oval fence that looks a bit like a hedge. Such a fence for a flower bed is necessary not only for decoration, but also to protect plants from strong gusts of wind and frequent rain. Very often there are above-ground flowerbed baskets, which are an ordinary basket in which flowers are planted. This option is now very fashionable and, of course, attracts owners with its stylishness. In the basket, a film is laid out at the bottom, and only then soil, so that the roots of the plants cannot penetrate below and do not get tangled in the rods.

The second type of wicker basket flower bed is the hanging wicker flower bed. It is often made in the form of a basket. Of course, the hanging counterparts are smaller in size compared to the previous version. Such flower beds look good on verandas, house walls, and sometimes even on tree branches. This flowerbed basket primarily performs a decorative function, so the shape and color of the basket can be absolutely any. The only thing that is required from the owners is proper care of this element. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the basket, otherwise it could fall on someone’s head at any moment.

Front garden manufacturing process

To make such an original flower garden in the form of a basket you will need scissors, cardboard, a shovel and many rods one and a half to two meters long. After preparing the materials, you can begin the process itself.

First of all, you should soak the shoots and sort them by width and length. After soaking, you need to thoroughly clean the rods of bark and level them. After this, you should cut out a circle from cardboard, which should match the size of the bottom of the future basket.

After this, you need to cut off a small part of the circle, which will become the support of the future basket. After all this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of thirty centimeters. It is important that the size of the hole matches the size of the bottom of the future basket. After this, thick shoots are inserted into the hole in a circle. The branches should be placed at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other.

Immediately after this you can begin weaving pegs. Everyone determines the height of the basket for themselves, but, as a rule, it is no more than sixty centimeters. After finishing the weaving, you should connect all the rods that served as support and cut off the unnecessary ones. This way you will get something similar to a pen. After this, you can paint the basket in an interesting way, after which you should plant the desired flowers.

Decorating your home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It doesn't always take a lot Money and time. A flowerbed basket is just the kind of detail that can completely embellish a garden without requiring significant costs. Believe me, many neighbors will envy such a flower garden.

A colorful hanging basket with annuals will make it easy to decorate your porch, veranda, or wall of your house. Such arrangements always attract attention and delight the owners of the site lush flowering and ease of care

Ampelous petunias

Classic - ampelous petunias with long hanging shoots and fragrant flowers bright color. They grow much better in containers than in open ground. This beautiful plant for planting in hanging vases, tall containers, balcony and window boxes. The shoots of ampelous petunias form a real garland of flowers.

Ampelous petunia can be grown from seeds. Moreover, you need to choose high-quality seeds, and here it is better to give preference to products from well-established companies. It's worth deciding on suitable variety and start planting already in February. Petunias prefer sandy, loamy, fertile soil.

Sowing seeds

Before planting, fill the pot with soil and spill it with water with the addition of potassium permanganate. The seeds are carefully laid out on the surface of the soil; there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. The container is covered with glass or cellophane and placed in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, open the container and place it in a well-lit place.

In general, it is important to take into account that petunia is a light-loving plant. Plants need 14 hours of daylight. Therefore, it is better to grow it on a windowsill on the south side, and, if necessary, add additional light. Seedlings should be watered as the soil dries. And you can replant in May, after the threat of frost has disappeared.

Further care for ampelous petunia

During growth, it is advisable to pinch out young shoots of ampelous petunia. This procedure promotes the germination of new shoots, which gives the plant lushness and decorativeness. Faded buds along with set seed pods should be removed. Ampelous petunias need to be watered regularly and it is advisable to pamper them twice a month with special fertilizers containing potassium and magnesium.

Petunia loves water, so it should be watered daily, but care must be taken that water does not stagnate on the surface of the soil. Before planting, you need to ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

5 beautifulvarieties of ampelous petunia

Easy Wave Red, Explorer, Salmon Shedes Velvet, Ramblin Neon Rose, Snow Queen

Calibrachoa - a million bells

Calibrachoa sellowiana is the closest relative of petunia. However, in these genera There are also differences. The stem of Calibrachoa, unlike petunia, becomes more lignified and branches, forming very long ampelous shoots, smaller leaves, flowers too, with a diameter of about 3 cm. This is one of the best hanging plants, used to decorate hanging baskets, flower pots, and balcony boxes.

The abundance of flowers on the plant gave the name to one of the variety groups of this crop - “Million Belle”. Calibrachoa reproduces only vegetatively, and it is not easy to preserve the mother plant in the winter at home - it is easier to buy an already flowering bush in the spring.


In terms of agrotechnical and biological requirements, calibrachoa is similar to petunia. Calibrachoa is thermophilic and light-loving. It's better to keep it open sunny places. She does not like strong winds, which can ruffle and tear her stems and flowers. But the greatest danger for Calibrachoa flowers is rain. During heavy summer rains, drops of water can tear the delicate petals, making the plants sloppy. Therefore, it is recommended to hide pots and baskets with plants under a canopy before rain.

Otherwise, due to prolonged rains, calibrachoas may lose their decorative effect and stop blooming.

Caring for Calibrachoa

The soil for the container where you plan to grow calibrachoa must be prepared nutritiously, consisting of humus, peat, turf or leaf soil and sand. It is also recommended to add slowly dissolving complex compounds to the soil mixture. mineral fertilizers. It is necessary to pour drainage (gravel or expanded clay) in a layer of at least 5 cm at the bottom of the pots.

Seedlings in containers should be planted fairly tightly. And don’t forget to water on time, frequently spray with water (on hot days - several times a day), and feed regularly. These simple measures will ensure good growth and abundant calibrachoa blooms.

5 beautifulvarietiesCalibrachoa

Coral Pink, Calita White, Cherry Star, Double Yellow, Grape Punch



For hundreds of years now, interest in unpretentious abundantly blooming pelargoniums, And today they are among the most in demand. Out of habit, pelargonium is almost always called geranium.

From a scientific point of view this is completely false. The name “geranium” was given to the plant quite a long time ago, when the science of botany had not yet delved into the wilds of the flora.

First came the Geraniaceae family. It included winter-hardy and heat-loving plants, united by one characteristic - the shape of the fruit. Later, pundits divided geraniums, which are not afraid of frost, and frost-resistant pelargoniums into separate genera - Geranium and Pelargonium.

Ampel view

Ivy-leaved (thyroid) pelargoniums are a real miracle decoration for balconies and terraces. The stems of these plants are not erect, but hang down in a cascade, up to a meter long. Each of the shoots is crowned with numerous rosettes of inflorescences on long peduncles.

The leaves of ivy pelargonium are small, shiny, leathery, and resemble ivy leaves in shape. The plant blooms from May to mid-autumn, delighting the eye with a waterfall of colors. Despite the fact that pelargonium is a perennial, in winter middle lane it can freeze out, so it is grown as an annual.

Pelargonium is valued for its abundant, long-lasting and bright flowering

Features of care

Shield pelargonium is a light-loving and heat-loving plant. Moreover, it tolerates even direct sunlight well. Pelargonium is drought-resistant - it does not like waterlogging, so when planting in a container, you must take care of good drainage. The soil should be lightly fertile, without excess nitrogen. The watering regime should be moderate - as the soil dries. There is no need to spray the plant. Excess moisture can cause diseases and pests. Pelargonium is very responsive to regular feeding, for abundant flowering it needs potassium. Pelargonium ivy can be grown from seeds or from cuttings that take root well in the soil.

5 beautifulvarieties of pelargonium

Tornado Lilac, Tomcat, Amethys, Chiffon, Crocketta

Airy-tender lobelia

Lobelia - a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants families bellflowers (Campanulaceae). Lobelia can be grown in the ground, in pots and garden vases, as well as in hanging baskets. There are regular and ampelous varieties.

The latter have longer shoots. From the first days of summer until the autumn frosts, ampelous lobelia blooms profusely - it is completely covered with miniature flowers of delicate shades: blue, pink, sky blue, violet, purple, white.

Growing Lobelia

It is better to sow lobelia in February. It is possible earlier, but then you will have to provide additional lighting. The soil should be loose and nutritious. It is better to purchase special soil for flower seedlings in the store. Or make your own from garden soil, sand and vermiculite. Both store-bought and home-prepared soil must first be disinfected: steamed or kept in the cold in winter.

Lobelia seeds are very small, so for ease of planting they are sometimes mixed with sand. They are not buried in the soil - they sprout in the light - but they must be covered with polyethylene or glass. The temperature is maintained at 20 °C. Watering is carried out as needed using a sprayer. When the seedlings are strong enough, they are carefully divided into bushes or groups of bushes and transplanted to a permanent place.

5 beautifulvarietieslobelia

Sapphire, Fountain Blue, Red cascade, Regatta Blue Splash, Cascade Mixed

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