Do-it-yourself automatic watering for indoor plants. Prices for automatic watering for indoor plants. Industrial automatic watering devices

Plants that are intended to be grown indoors especially need proper watering. How perfect option special device - Automatic drip irrigation system indoor plants(colors). In addition, there are several more methods that are successfully used by both professionals and amateur gardeners. But, buying a drip irrigation system for indoor plants from flower connoisseurs has always been considered the right approach to caring for plants.

Proper watering of indoor flowers in several ways

A process such as watering living indoor plants can be divided into 3 types. Which include the following:

  • the first requires direct human participation. This process is carried out using watering cans;
  • accessories for a free-standing pot with a plant. This process is responsible for supplying water to the roots of a single plant;
  • systems for several plants. Which, without human intervention, can supply water to a number of roots.

The second and third methods are automatic drip irrigation for indoor plants. Since the presence of a person is absolutely not necessary. Of these three methods, two categories can be created that will clearly distinguish them based on the principle of moisture absorption by plants.

1. Absorption of moisture by the roots through the top layer of soil. When a flower is watered from above.

2. Watering through water from the tray in which the pot is located. By pouring it into the pan, moisture reaches the roots from below.

It should be borne in mind that any devices that are involved in supplying water to the roots of plants are associated with:

  • the quality of the container in which the flower is planted. It must be made of a material that will not emit harmful compounds;
  • soil quality. This should be a special mixture, and not soil from the street, which will definitely contain either fungal spores or some kind of pest;
  • quality of the drainage system. The outflow of excess water, as well as the supply of oxygen, depends on it;
  • feeding No additional nutrient fertilizers any plant will not be able to do it correct formation root system. As well as the development of stems and leaves.

There may be cases when the watering system of potted plants is working correctly, but due to lack of drainage, the lower part of the roots rots. And the disease will eventually spread throughout the plant. It may die or will have an unsightly appearance.

Watering cans for watering plants in the room

Of course, hand watering is a lot of fun. Since in winter and summer you can observe the development of plants by taking direct part in watering. The assistant watering can plays a significant role in the positive mood.

Moreover, their choice on the domestic market is quite large. From all the variety presented, we can highlight:

  • forms. Flat and round, with different spouts and handles;
  • material. From plastic to metal. WITH paint and varnish coatings and spraying for corrosion protection;
  • volume. As for this characteristic, for use at home, watering cans are best used from 0.5 to 2 l;
  • colors. All shades of colors are here. From white to black. And the colors will outshine the rainbow.

Irrigating leaves and stems with a watering can that is comfortable to hold in your hands will be a pleasant experience.

Why is automatic watering of flowers in pots convenient?

And the point is not only that in the absence of the owners there will be no one to do the watering. The time has come when modern man absolutely little free time. And admire blooming beauty loved by many. That's why:

  • In order not to rack your brains about what to do with flowers during vacation, the easiest way is to automate the process of filling the soil for plants with moisture;
  • automatic watering of indoor plants is useful not only on days long absence owners, even if small, but winter garden. After all, the number of pots on windowsills increases every year. And over time, caring for them develops into daily mandatory work;
  • In order to transfer part of the work to an automatic machine, watering systems for indoor plants have been developed.

As amateur flower growers say, this is practical. Automation makes caring for plants a pleasure.

As for single flowerpots, providing them with devices for automatic watering is also practical. And not only that, since these devices look very beautiful next to the green foliage of the flower. And they will never forget to water them.

What is automatic watering of indoor (house) flowers?

It is not uncommon to hear the question which flowers are suitable for automatic watering. The answer to this question is obvious - everything. You just need to choose the right method and principle of action, which should suit a particular plant. Here's what you need to know existing methods watering, and use an irrigation controller. Which will tell you what the moisture level of the soil in the pot is at the moment. Since the periods for watering plants are not the same, this will make it easier to determine the specific time to do it. Having adapted to the help of this device over time, watering control will be easy and simple.

Blooms for watering indoor flowers

Another principle is the porosity of the material, which determines the degree of dryness of the soil in the flowerpots. This material is very often used to make devices for timely application of water to the soil in a pot. Such automatic watering of flowers includes:

  • irrigation systems. The material from which the bloomat tip is made is special. The whole effect of this method lies precisely in it;
  • the life-giving moisture in the container enters the soil through such a tip. Which clearly responds to the degree of soil dehydration.

A smart ceramic cone for watering plants is often used by amateur gardeners. It can serve a single pot, but systems with ceramic tips are also available. They can serve several pots with indoor green plants planted in them.

Smart indoor watering system for the winter garden

Very often, when watering our green pets, the law of gravity is used. That is:

a container that stands above the level of the plant supplies water through tubes into the pot;

  • It is not tubes that are stuck into the ground, but droppers through which water flows or drips (there are different types of droppers);
  • to regulate the rate of water flow, the systems are equipped with control switches;
  • simple but very effective principle, which has been in use for a long time. A clear representative of this principle is the Green Helper GN-912 Drip Irrigation Kit.

The most correct method is root drip watering for indoor flowers in pots, since the gradual entry of moisture into the ground prevents the formation of a dry soil crust.

The system, designed for watering a fairly large number of plants, operates from a container of water. The container is not always included with the system. Some of them can work under pressure, that is, from a water tap.

There are electronic systems for watering indoor plants. They run on batteries. Using such a system, you can install a specific program that will control the start and end times of irrigation.

Wick watering for indoor plants

This is a very common method of watering. Here main role performs the so-called wick connecting water and soil in the pot. That is, a string of a certain structure that easily supplies water to the soil. The wick method of watering is suitable for flowers that are afraid or simply do not like droplets of water falling on their leaves. These watering rules are especially often applied to indoor violets.

In order for the flowers on the leaves of which it is forbidden to get water (they will then appear in spots) to be comfortable, you need to:

  • a wick was located at the bottom of the pot. Without it, this method is not possible. After all, the method itself is named thanks to him;
  • Such a pot should be accompanied by a tray. Water poured into it through a wick will supply the plants with life-giving moisture.

Balls and flasks for automatic watering of flowers in the house

Occupies a separate category automatic watering indoor plants with spherical devices. They look like a ball with an elongated tip inserted into the ground. The principle of their operation:

This is why soil for flower pots must be selected correctly. And the person’s responsibilities will include periodically monitoring the access of free air through the hole in the tip. It should not be tightly packed with dried earth. And also, if necessary, filling the flask for watering flowers with life-giving moisture.

Such devices can be made in various options By:

  • blossom. Colorful tones can be quite varied, both monochromatic and rainbow;
  • material. There are two options here - glass and plastic. Fragile glass may crack. Plastic ones are more durable;
  • form. It’s not for nothing that they are called watering balls for indoor plants. Since most often it is the shape of a ball. But there are also various figures, including animals.

Smart pots (containers) for convenience and proper watering

There is a lot of information on this topic. Since varieties smart pots a large number of. For almost every occasion there is an opportunity to choose such an item. Pots are most often called containers for small flowers, and containers for large plants. If we consider their main characteristics, we can highlight the following:

  • material - plastic, ceramics, glass;
  • the form is varied. The container can be on wheels for moving;
  • additional attributes - flower pot with watering indicator.

If necessary, an indicator for watering indoor plants can be ordered separately. But very often smart pots sold complete with indicator.

One of the very profitable smart pots is a device consisting of two containers. The first time after planting the plant, it must be watered in the usual way from a watering can. The roots will grow and penetrate into the lower container; now you just need to add water there. And the roots will reach it themselves.

What better potty or flower pots with a root watering system? A flowerpot is a kind of pallet. But the pallet is not with low sides, but with sides whose height corresponds to the height of the pot or container itself. Only the volume of the pot is always larger than the pot. Since the latter, with the flower growing in it, must fit freely in the first.

Other convenient types of watering for indoor plants

Not long ago, quite practical watering assistants appeared:

  • hydrogel. Their purpose is quite varied, but home flowers planted in such soil feel simply great. It's pretty beautiful decor and artificial soil;
  • drop mats. This uses the ability of the material to absorb large amounts of water and gradually release it. Another convenient way.

By choosing the right method of watering for your pets, you can only enjoy the beauty of greenery and flowers all year round.

When flower growers need to leave home for a while, they are very worried that during their absence no one will care for their pets. Although if you have good friends or neighbors, then you can ask them to take care of the flowers while you are away. However, this is not the only solution in such a situation. Enough effective method plant care is the use of automatic watering for indoor plants.

Providing water regime for flowers

The simplest option to provide plants with moisture during your absence is place containers with flowers in a bowl of water, and then you can be sure that for at least a week, and possibly two, your plants will be provided with sufficient water. This method is beneficial for the owner in that he does not have to spend additional money. However, it is still better to use an automatic watering system for indoor plants, because it is able to maintain optimal humidity flowers over a longer period.

How to prepare flowers for your absence?

Any gardener, regardless of experience, knows that if you water the plants well, they will have enough moisture for about two weeks. Therefore, if you are planning to leave, then it is necessary to carry out in relation to your pets certain preparatory activities:

Organization of independent moisture supply

The main advantage of an automatic watering system for indoor plants is that they the roots are regularly supplied with moisture in the required quantity. If you decide to make the homemade greenhouse described above, then you can increase the efficiency of its operation by supplementing it with a source of water, thanks to which your pets will receive life-giving moisture for several weeks.

Organizing an automatic watering system for indoor plants with your own hands has its own characteristics. However, there is an option that is easier to implement. It will require ordinary plastic bottles, in which you must first make small holes in the lids. Next, the bottles are filled with settled water, turned upside down, and then placed between pots of flowers.

Throughout the day, moisture will flow to the bottoms of the pots in small drops, maintaining the moisture of the expanded clay layer where the flowerpots are located. However, it is necessary correctly calculate the diameter of the holes so that water flows in the required quantity. You can find out the optimal diameter experimentally. After this, all you have to do is decide what volume of bottle will be enough for your plants to constantly receive life-giving moisture.

When determining the size of the bottle, it is necessary to proceed from the size of the earthen ball in the pot. Let's say, if you have quite large pots in your room, then between them there are several large bottles with water. If your mini garden consists of tiny pots, then this will be too much for them.

Industrial automatic watering devices

If you have sufficient financial resources, you can solve the problem of providing plants with moisture by installing an automatic automatic watering systems for industrial production.

Other methods of water supply

Other commonly used automatic watering systems for indoor plants include a method in which the flowers are connected to a container filled with water. through improvised wicks. Cords, ropes or woolen threads are suitable as the latter. These can also be ordinary bandages that need to be twisted, giving them the appearance of a cord.

When the wicks are ready, one end is immersed in a basin or other container with water, and the other is attached to the pot, fixing it in the substrate with a peg or clothespin. This design will provide a difference in capillary pressure, as a result of which water will be directed through the wicks from the basin to the pot. An automatic watering system for indoor plants, based on the use of wicks, allows you to achieve a constant supply of moisture to plants at minimal cost.

Safety of automatic watering of indoor plants

If it's important to you that your pets feel good while you're away, then it wouldn't hurt to be more confident. check in operation selected automatic watering system. So, it is advisable to make sure that moisture reaches the pots well enough through the homemade wick, and also whether you have made a mistake with the water supply in the basin.

It is possible that after a day there will be no water left in the basin, and this is very dangerous for your flowers, which may dry out and die. Therefore, first of all you need to select bottles suitable sizes so that your plants do not experience moisture deficiency during your absence. It is also necessary to correctly calculate the height of the basin with water so that moisture flows through the wicks in the required quantity.

Capillary mats

You can solve the problem of providing your pets with moisture using capillary mats. They usually look like mats made of hygroscopic material. These products are presented in large quantities in specialized shopping centers, and they are distinguished by an affordable price.

Typically, capillary mats are laid on any available surface, for example, it can be a wide table or a window sill. However, to be used effectively, one end must hang into a container of water. Before laying the rug, be sure to lay down the oilcloth, otherwise drops of moisture may damage the table lining.

Sometimes the size of the mat does not allow you to immerse its end in a container of water. In this case, special strips can come to the rescue; they need to be moistened in water, after which one end is placed under the mat and the other is immersed in a container. The effect of using these strips will be reminiscent of homemade wicks that provide moisture. Also, to organize an automatic watering system at home, you can use special pallets, which are based on the operating principle of capillary mats.

Their design contains:

  • deep tray;
  • small inner tray;
  • capillary mat.

A large tray is used for water; a small tray is placed in it, which has a mat underneath. Next, a flowerpot with flowers is placed on it. Every day, moisture will flow through this mat to the flower pots. The advantage of this method of organizing an irrigation system is that it avoids rotting of plant roots.

Thus, today there are many automatic watering systems for indoor plants, each of which has its own characteristics. Therefore, if you are going to leave for a while and want to be sure that your plants will be provided with moisture, then you can choose any of the proposed systems that suits you best. Moreover, if you do not have sufficient funds to purchase an industrial production system, then, if you wish, you you can make simple system organizing automatic watering yourself. Moreover, it will demonstrate the same level of functionality as factory systems.


The owner, who is not indifferent to his indoor plants grown in the apartment, will try to do everything possible to create favorable conditions both during his presence and in those moments when he has to leave the house for a while. Such situations are not uncommon, so you need to have a plan, as in this case, to help the plants survive this period.

If a gardener does not have the opportunity to find people who could take care of his favorite flowers in his absence, then he can do a much simpler thing - organize an automatic watering system for indoor plants with his own hands. Today there is there are many options for such systems, which differ not only in cost, but also in functionality. Therefore, the owner can only familiarize himself with the features of each irrigation option in order to decide what suits him best.

Gone new year holidays, the results of the past year have been summed up and you can safely take on new and interesting things. And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers.
One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. And I will tell you the technology of its operation and the reliability of its functions under the cut.

At SID Display Week 2016 in San Francisco, E Ink presented color screens based on electronic ink. The new technology is called Advanced Color ePaper (ACeP) and consists of using pixels with pigments of eight primary colors, so that the image on such a screen does not differ from the image printed on plain paper. Such screens are capable of displaying 32,000 colors, while similar technology from Triton could only display 4,000 shades. The pixel density in ACeP displays can reach 300 ppi.

According to the rating among women, automatic watering of flowers is somewhere between a robot vacuum cleaner and automatic control an aquarium. Well, since there is no aquarium yet, and the robot vacuum cleaner is already rolling around, it was decided to tackle the problem of automatic watering. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. Such a device is relevant all year round.
The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers. If you look at the components, there is a countdown timer, a pump timer, a pump and straws. At the appointed time, according to the cycle, the pump turns on and runs for as many seconds as it is set. The pump itself is programmable from 1 to 99 seconds of watering, the minimum cycle time is 0.1 days or 24 minutes, and the maximum is 30 days or 720 hours.

It is worth noting that the device is non-volatile and does not connect to an outlet. Instead, the device is equipped with four AA batteries. The batteries themselves are not included in the delivery package, but depending on the frequency and duration of the pump operation, the device can operate from one set of batteries up to 6 months.

After installing the batteries and turning on, you need to configure the device. Setting comes down to several actions: moving to the next setting element is carried out with the “Set” button, changing the current parameter with the “+” or “-” buttons, and starting or checking functionality is done with the “Test” button.

Equipment and launch
The delivery set includes the control unit itself, combined with the pump. Green hose 10 meters long to independently distribute the length to the pots, 1 meter of black hose for connecting drip irrigation, 10 dispensers for drip irrigation and 10 springs for fixing hoses in flower pots.

Connecting hoses to the manifold. If you do not need to water 10 pots at once, the free collector can be plugged with a plug.

Drip irrigation dispensers allow you to vary the amount of liquid entering the pot.
The black hose is designed to extend the dispensers up to flower pots. Its length is 1 m. The Auto Watering Can includes 10 dispensers. This differs from Green Helper, which does not include dispensers and a black hose. Dispensers use water more rationally and economically and provide optimal watering plants.

The retaining spring will allow you not to worry about the tube coming off and water not getting to the consumer.

This is what the device looks like in working order.

Keeping in mind that each plant requires its own amount of water, it may be necessary to install and calibrate drip irrigation. In addition, during the testing process, it became obvious that if you use 10 flower pots, they can stand no further than a meter from the device, since the kit includes only 10 meters of hose. Well, the assembly and launch of irrigation can be seen in a small video.

It is worth noting the simplicity of the device, and therefore the small number of points of failure. Before leaving for vacation, you should leave a sufficient amount of water (by the way, without water, the pump stops working), insert new batteries and set up automatic watering. Complex systems include setting up watering for each channel, but we are talking about simple and understandable devices. And putting this device into operation took no more than 10 minutes from the moment of unpacking to the start of watering.

The “Avtoleika” device is available for sale at the following link.

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At SID Display Week 2016 in San Francisco, E Ink presented color screens based on electronic ink. The new technology is called Advanced Color ePaper (ACeP) and consists of using pixels with pigments of eight primary colors, so that the image on such a screen does not differ from a picture printed on regular paper. Such screens are capable of displaying 32,000 colors, while similar technology from Triton could only display 4,000 shades. The pixel density in ACeP displays can reach 300 ppi.

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According to the ratings among women, automatic flower watering is somewhere between a robot vacuum cleaner and automatic aquarium control. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers. If you look at the components, there is a countdown timer, a pump timer, a pump and straws. At the appointed time, according to the cycle, the pump turns on and runs for as many seconds as it is set.


And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.

Automatic watering of flowers: automating regular tasks / Sohabr -

And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.


And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.


And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.


And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.


Automatic watering of flowers: automating regular tasks / Blog -

And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.

June 7, 2016 at 04:07 pm n n Another automatic waterer -

Yes, I’m not an innovator, and others have already offered a sea of ​​their own options here and there: rnrnrnWater flowers - simply and quickly rnSmart watering of a flower on an Attiny13A microcontroller rnOn the issue of a “smart watering” on a microcontroller rnWe make automatic watering indoor flower on Arduino in 15 minutes rnAuto-watering of flowers: let's automate regular tasks rnExamples of code for the Internet of things: smart waterer rnrnEven some kind of evolution can be traced.


News from the category: Technologies. Automatic watering of flowers: we automate regular tasks. The New Year holidays have passed, the results of the past year have been summed up and you can safely take on new and interesting things. And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store.


And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.

Automatic watering of flowers: automating regular tasks / Blog -

And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. One of the gifts for New Year’s Eve was the “Avtoleyka” flower watering kit from the online store. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.

Another automatic waterer for flowers on Attiny13A -

Another automatic waterer for flowers on Attiny13A. DIY or Do It Yourself*. This is my spiritual impulse to make the world a little better, especially the part of it that is closest to me. Yes, I’m not an innovator, and others have already offered a sea of ​​their own options here and there: We water the flowers - simply and quickly. Smart flower waterer on Attiny13A microcontroller. On the question of a “smart waterer” on a microcontroller. We make automatic watering of an indoor flower on Arduino in 15 minutes. Automatic watering of flowers: we automate regular tasks.

Car watering can: review of the capabilities of the automatic watering system / Geektimes -

There is a task - watering my mother's flowers when she leaves for a long time. It can be solved by going to her once every few days, but there is not always time or opportunity for this. A solution is required - to automate this process. I have already started to build in my mind combinations of Arduino and water pumps through actuator relays or systems of 3/8 inch solenoid valves and electrical programmable timers... Automatic watering of flowers: automating regular tasks 11k 68 40.


Automatic watering of flowers: automating regular tasks 01/12/2016 12:22. The New Year holidays have passed, the results of the past year have been summed up and you can safely take on new and interesting things. And I want to talk about the dream of almost all women: automation of watering flowers. Moreover, the New Year holidays involved a lot of travel, which means there was no time to look after the flowers. This device is relevant all year round. The essence of this device is to automate the simplest operation: watering flowers.

We make automatic watering of an indoor flower using Arduino in 15 minutes -

Automatic watering of flowers: we automate regular tasks. After my next flower died, I realized that it would be nice to somehow automate the watering process. Without further ado, I decided to assemble a structure that would water the flower for me. As a result, I got this device that copes with its responsibilities quite well

Automatic watering system. Automatic watering of flowers and plants. -

There is no automatic watering of flowers and plants. Well-equipped site in various forms landscape design certainly arouses admiration. What types of automated irrigation systems are there? To quickly cope with the task of choosing equipment, carefully familiarize yourself with the types of irrigation equipment that exist today and recommendations for more rational use.

How to take care of moistening the soil for indoor plants before leaving the house for a long time? An automatic watering system will come in handy.

Micro-drip automatic irrigation devices

Suitable for a collection of plants in one room, on a balcony, loggia, patio or greenhouse garden micro-drip automatic irrigation systems. These are the “younger brothers” of gardening systems, described in detail in the article. Microdrip devices are connected directly to the central water supply. Water is supplied and turned off at a specified time thanks to the built-in timer. When you go on vacation or a business trip, you don’t have to worry about the fate of your “green tenants.”

The best option for a house or apartment with an average collection of up to 30 plants - micro-drip irrigation systems with reservoir . There are many tubes coming out of the tank through which water flows to the droppers. The latter come in plastic or with a ceramic tip that is stuck directly into the ground.

ON THE PICTURE: Microdrip irrigation system with a reservoir for a collection of up to three dozen plants.

A regular dropper is manually adjusted with a special wheel. Scrolling it regulates the intensity of watering, for example, up to 20 ml. (20 drops) per hour.

Ceramic tips of advanced models play the role of soil moisture sensors. Depending on the soil moisture level, the drippers supply water or stop watering.

Ceramic cones

Popular among gardeners ceramic cones. These are a kind of “carrots” from which plastic tubes extend. The “carrot” is stuck into the pot, and the end of the tube is lowered into a reservoir of water. In this case, the water supply process is not controlled manually. Moisture comes from a pressure vessel every time the soil dries out.

Manufacturers of "carrots" unanimously speak about high quality and device reliability. However, the unsuccessful experiences of some gardeners have shown the opposite. Ceramic cones clog easily and sometimes do not form required pressure. We have to search right place for a water tank to create this same pressure. But here, too, a problem arises: if you install the tank too high, there is a risk of flooding the plant, if too low, the water may stop flowing altogether.

ON THE PICTURE: Ceramic cones are not very reliable because... often clog and do not always provide the required pressure.

If there is no free space to install a vessel with water near the plant, use ceramic bottle cap. The advantage of this method is its ease of use. Attach the nozzle to a regular plastic bottle of water, insert it into the pot and forget about watering. The device will control the water supply itself, and the plant will receive exactly as much as it needs. This is an excellent economical option: when using large two-liter bottles, you won’t have to think about watering for a whole month.

ON THE PICTURE: A ceramic bottle nozzle is a simple and economical option for automatic watering.

There are decorative variations of ceramic cones in the form of animals, birds, butterflies, etc. They look very cute and can liven up the interior. But, unfortunately, such “toys” are not suitable for watering: due to their small volume, you will have to frequently add water.

Enema balls

Externally, “enemas” look like spherical flasks with watering pipettes, which are filled with water and inserted into the pot. When the soil begins to dry out, oxygen enters the leg of the flask and pushes out necessary for the plant amount of water. In general, “enemas” are a good option for automatic watering, but they do not dose water well and sometimes flood the plant.

ON THE PICTURE: Enema balls provide watering to the plant and look original in the container.

Self-irrigating pots

A self-irrigating pot consists of two containers. A plant is planted in one of them, water is poured into the other. The plant gradually absorbs moisture through special wicks.

ON THE PICTURE:"Smart" containers cope with the function of automatic watering of plants. Photo by Tatura Florist.

Such a container is usually equipped with a water indicator. This allows you to accurately determine how much moisture is left in the pot and when you need to add it. The technology for independently setting up such an irrigation system is shown in the video: "".

Organizing automatic watering with your own hands: three simple ways

Automatic watering of a plant collection can be organized independently, in a short time and without significant material costs.

1st method

You will need: several hospital drips according to the number of plants in need of watering, plastic bottle volume 5 liters, elastic band or wire for fastening the ends of the tubes.

How to do:

  1. Remove the needle tips from the droppers.
  2. Check the droppers for integrity by blowing into them. If the tubes are not damaged, they will be well ventilated on both sides.
  3. Connect the ends of the tubes together and tie them with an elastic band or wire. This way they will lie calmly at the bottom of the bottle and not float on the surface. Try do not pinch the tubes .
  4. Place the tied ends of the IV tubes into a bottle of water and place the bottle as high as possible.
  5. Open the dripper regulator, letting water flow through the tubes, then immediately close it.
  6. Insert the free ends of the tubes into the pots and use the wheel to adjust the amount of incoming water.

ON VIDEO:In addition to droppers, medical syringes are suitable for creating homemade irrigation devices. From such a syringe, a plastic bottle and a PVC tube, a drip irrigation device is obtained.

2nd method

You will need: plastic bottle with water. The size depends on the root ball of the plant. For a tub, take several medium-sized bottles, for a compact pot - one is small.

How to do:

  1. Make small holes in the bottle cap.
  2. Place the bottle upside down in the container with the plant.

ON THE PICTURE:Automatic watering from a bottle, plastic or glass, is also good for indoor seedlings. Photo by Megan Andersen-Read.

3rd method

You will need: nylon cords or laces, woolen threads, twisted bandages or any materials from which wicks can be made; a basin or bottle filled with water; peg for fixing the wick.

How to do:

  1. Twist an improvised wick from scrap materials.
  2. Place one end of the wick into a container of water.
  3. Secure the other end into the plant container with a stake or other means.

ON THE PICTURE:Wick automatic watering will keep you healthy and fresh. Photo by u/skysong4.

  1. Micro-drip auto-irrigation systems connected to a central water supply are preferable for medium and large collections of plants.
  2. If the water supply is shut off during your absence, a micro-drip system with a reservoir is recommended.
  3. To water individual plants, use bottles with ceramic nozzles - simple, cheap and effective. One 2 liter container. Enough for about a month of watering.
  4. If the automatic watering system is not equipped with a soil moisture sensor, it is better to purchase it separately. The presence of such a sensor will save plants from destructive waterlogging of the soil.