Productivity of black currants per bush. Harvesting currants: how to do it correctly, and what methods of storing berries exist

Harvesting is one of the most important and labor-intensive components of growing technology, which requires clear organization of the entire process.
Depending on the harvest, 1 worker can collect 20-30 kg/day. Provided that the planting is planted with varieties different terms ripening, the harvest period usually lasts about 20 days. This means that at a production rate of 30 kg/person/day and an average yield of 12 tons/ha (12,000 kg/ha) (4 years after planting), 20 workers are needed to harvest 1 hectare.
Black currants, red currants and gooseberries are collected at one time. Only in some varieties of currants that do not ripen at the same time, fruits are collected selectively twice, as they ripen.
Before the berries ripen, the amount of the expected harvest is determined as the product of the mass of fruits per bush by the total number of currant bushes of each variety grown on the farm, the number of containers required and work force for picking berries.
You should not be late with picking, as ripe berries fall off quite easily, and their taste often deteriorates.
It is better to collect currants in the morning, when the dew has disappeared and the bushes have dried, or in the afternoon, when the heat has subsided. In cloudy weather, collection time does not matter. Berries picked in sunny, hot weather or during rain spoil faster.
It is impossible to pour berries from one container to another, because they become wrinkled and their commercial quality decreases.
For transportation over long distances, the berries are collected not quite ripe, together with clusters, and placed in boxes or baskets with a capacity of 3-6 kg. When using fruits on site, they are collected ripe, without clusters, but not late in harvesting.
Berries collected for use or transportation are stored in a cool place. They are transported in baskets without handles, sieves and boxes with a capacity of up to 8 kg.

​Similar articles​

Treatment of currant bushes in autumn

​ You should not plant currants in lowlands with excessive moisture - they feel uncomfortable there and will not produce a good harvest.​

  • Currants are a moisture-loving plant, and they definitely need to be watered. If there is not enough moisture, shoot growth slows down significantly and the berries become small. And after the autumn moisture deficit, the bush will survive the winter much worse.
  • ​Secret 5: bush health and prevention​
  • The fact is that currants are not indifferent to
  • ​Currant is a berry that is always popular in our area. On summer cottages You can find white, red, and black currants. But black - more often than others. It reproduces easily; tolerates frosts well, even severe ones; quickly enters the fruiting period and, with good care, can produce an excellent harvest.​
  • Annual growths of branches of productive and healthy bushes are cut off. All leaves with petioles are removed from them. Then 1-2 strong and thick cuttings with 5-6 buds are cut from the shoot (cuttings thinner than 5 mm in diameter produce weak seedlings). On the same day, the cuttings are pressed obliquely into previously prepared and moistened soil. The top bud should be on the surface of the soil. Next year, 1-2 shoots will develop on each cutting, and by autumn a seedling will grow. It is advisable to make layering only from especially productive bushes, with which an amateur will replace less valuable plants. To do this, in the spring, carefully pin down the 2-3-year-old branches closest to the soil. Their base is covered with peat (1-2 shovels), and the top is covered with soil, the mound is compacted. During dry periods, water. By autumn, the part of the branch covered with soil forms roots. Using pruning shears, the cuttings are separated from the mother bush and the roots are carefully dug out. The seedling is planted on permanent place, water abundantly. From an adult bush you can get a large number of layerings.​

​summer) with mullein solutions or mineral fertilizers (12-15 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water and per bush). The root system of currants is located under the crown of the bush, so watering, fertilizing (in dry or liquid form), as well as digging the soil I should be carried out over an area equal to or slightly larger than the projection of the crown. Till the soil superficially (up to 5 cm) at a distance of 12-15 cm from the base of the bush.

A seedling costs $1.5 and will yield 3.5-4 kg. The cost per kilogram is $0.5. The price of berries on the market is unstable and depends on the season. On average, you can earn an income of 10-12 thousand dollars per hectare.

Autumn pruning of currants

​to contents​

​Before treating currants with protective agents and fertilizers for the winter, they should be pruned. Plants in the first three years of life are thinned out for sanitary purposes, that is, diseased, very thin branches located on the ground are removed. Older shrubs are rejuvenated by pruning. To do this, remove old and weak shoots, leaving two-year and three-year-old (4 branches each), as well as annual (6-7 branches).​

​Currant is a common inhabitant of gardens and household plots, because its fruits are tasty both fresh and cooked. In addition, leaves can be added to food, especially when canning vegetables for the winter. However, for this fruit crop was able to please with delicious bountiful harvests and excellent health, it needs to be properly cared for, and processing currants after harvesting is very important stage this process.​

How to process currants in the fall?

​ Articles from our summer residents will help you choose the right currant variety and propagate it by cuttings

  1. The currant root system is fibrous, and the bulk of the roots are located shallow - from 10 to 60 cm, so watering is necessary. But you don't need to water it often. You can do this 4-5 times per season - for example, during the active growing season; during flowering and formation of ovaries; during the period of filling berries and after harvesting.​
  2. ​It often happens this way: even with a lot of currant bushes, a summer resident collects a very small harvest of berries. And the reason for this is pests and diseases. Aphids, mites, scale insects and powdery mildew can almost completely deprive us of our currant harvest. Meanwhile, you can prevent the enemy from entering your territory using very simple methods:


​It remains to find out what methods and methods will help the currant bush give us a lot of very large and very delicious berries. There are several secrets that will help you achieve this

Video: pruning blackcurrant bushes in autumn

Growing currants as a business

Blackcurrant varieties are divided into early, middle and late according to ripening time. Selection of varieties of different dates

​As the bushes begin to bear fruit, the doses of fertilizers are increased. Apply 60 g of ammonium nitrate, or 130 g, to the bush

Income options

​Perennial shrub. Grows well and bears fruit in partial shade on moist soils with a high level of

​The main income is usually based on the sale of berries. But even if you were not able to sell the entire harvest at once, you can freeze it and sell it at a higher price in the winter. An alternative is to make jam or jelly and also sell it during the cold season. But besides berries, the currant business involves several more variations.​

Currant leaves

When pruning currants, it should be taken into account that on red and white currants the fruits appear on old shoots, while on black currants the berries also form on young branches. Optimal shape for red and white varieties it is a bush with a bowl-shaped crown, consisting of five main branches, initially pruned at a height of approximately 20 cm from the ground. Blackcurrant bushes can be formed, depending on the variety, compact or spreading, but without allowing thickening, while it is recommended to prune old branches close to the ground, followed by hilling, thanks to which the growth of young shoots is activated.​

​After finishing picking berries, you need to continue caring for currant bushes, and more intensively. It was at this time necessary measures are:​

Bath brooms

​Black currant: varieties, cultivation and care"​

If the summer is dry and hot, you need to water the currants at least every 7-10 days. The norm in this case is up to 50 liters for each bush. Experienced gardeners advise digging circular grooves around the bush (about 20-25 cm from the ends of the stems) and pouring water into them.​

Seedlings for sale

​do preventive examinations of the plant and immediately remove affected buds, leaves, shoots

Therefore, to increase the yield, special fertilizing is used:

Sales figures

​Secret 1: cunning strategy​

​ripening allows amateur gardeners to harvest berries for almost two months. IN bad conditions Highly winter-hardy varieties are selected for growth. Black currants should not be used for landscaping populated areas.​

Black currant

​ammonium sulfate, or 50 g of urea. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced by 10-15 kg of manure. You can also fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers simultaneously at half the rate. These fertilizers are also used for fractional feeding. So, in early spring and in the summer they fertilize ammonium nitrate 20 g at a time. In the fall, add 60-100 g of superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium chloride per fruiting bush.

​groundwater. Sufficiently winter-hardy. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 m, and the diameter is 1-1.5 m. It lends itself well to shaping. Early fruiting culture. A two-year-old seedling produces its first harvest the very next year. At the age of 4-8 years the bush is in the most intense fruiting stage. By the age of 10, the yield drops. By this time the bush is heavily infected viral diseases, pests and common diseases. By pruning and carefully protecting plants from diseases and pests, you can extend the productive life of the bush. However, it is more advisable to resume planting after 10 years.​

​For black currants, complete removal of old branches (3 years old and older) is recommended immediately after harvesting the fruits. The rest of the currant trimmings different varieties should be done during the dormant period, when the foliage has already fallen. Usually this is late autumn, starting in November.​

Planting black currants

​loosening the soil (shallow and at some distance from the trunks);​

Blackcurrant care

​Secret 7: our friend is the secateurs​

In early spring, before the soil under the bushes has completely thawed, it is good to give the currant bushes a hot dousing. To do this, you need to pour boiling water into a watering can with a sprayer and simply water the plants from above. Such hot shower capable of destroying eggs of kidney mites and scale insects. And it will also be an excellent prevention powdery mildew. In the following video, experienced gardener Andrey Tumanov talks about this method in detail and shows how to do it.

​If we want the harvest to be “guaranteed”, the most correct way is to plant several varieties of currants on the plot that bloom in different time. Then, during spring frosts, probably not all the currant color will suffer.​

​Of all berry crops Black currants, perhaps, have the greatest number of pests and dangerous diseases.​

​Blackcurrant produces regular and high yields with annual pruning. In an adult bush (from 5-6 years old) constantly

Pruning and fertilizing black currants

Blackcurrant berries are very rich in vitamin C (they rank third after rose hips and sea buckthorn), P, carotene,

​They are no less useful than berries; they are often purchased for production medicinal plants. They are collected in dry weather at sunset or after the dew has disappeared, and dried in the shade. True, for sales it is necessary to agree in advance on deliveries to pharmaceutical companies or pharmacies.​

​Depending on the purpose, the treatment of currant bushes in the fall is carried out:

​feeding the plantings (as soon as the fruit harvest is completed);​

​"Black currant. Spring cuttings"

In order to maintain a currant bush in a good, healthy, fruit-bearing condition, it must be pruned. Pruning helps shape the bush and maintain the correct ratio of branches in terms of age and number. Pruning can be done in spring or autumn, but best time for this it is considered autumn.​

Propagation and cuttings of black currant

​Recipe: potato peel infusion​

Selection of blackcurrant varieties

​Secret 2: spacious “living space”​

​Shrubs that have not received preventative treatments. To have healthy blackcurrant bushes, planting material must be purchased only in state nurseries. If a gardener takes cuttings from his own mother bush or makes layerings from it, then first of all he must make sure that the bush is not infected with bud mites, produces high yields every year and that there are no signs of a dangerous viral disease - terry.

Pests and dangerous diseases of black currant

The branches are changed: the oldest branches are cut out, and 4-5 young branches are formed in their place. They begin to form a bush immediately after planting. The young seedling is pruned, leaving 3-5 buds on each shoot. Such severe pruning makes it possible to have good growth in the first year after planting. The next year, 3-4 of the strongest growths are left and shortened a little with pruning shears, the rest are cut out at the base. In the third year after planting, no more than 4-5 of the strongest of them are left, located in different parts of the base of the bush. By this time the bush begins to bear fruit.

​pectin and tannins, organic and phosphoric acid.​ ​mineral and organic fertilizers for feeding;​​treatment against pests and diseases;​​ So that the bush always remains young and productive, so as not to get confused in the shoots of different ages, there is a fail-safe and even fun method. In the next video, Olga Platonova offers this interesting option stem markings

  • ​Next video - detailed master class for pruning currants. It’s very fortunate that the object of pruning was an unkempt old bush with branches of different ages and locations. Inexperienced gardeners can learn from just such an example. Andrey Zorkov shows and tells

Secrets of a good blackcurrant harvest

7 secrets of a good blackcurrant harvest

Bordeaux mixture

​Pour a full 1-liter jar of dried potato peels into 10 liters of boiling water. Close the lid and wrap it up to cool longer.​
It is recommended to plant currant bushes no closer than 1 meter from each other. Some experienced gardeners A distance of 2 meters is considered optimal. If the distance between the bushes is less than 1 meter, the yield decreases, and the life expectancy of the bushes is reduced. When planting currants along a fence, the recommended distance from it is 1.2 meters.​
​When replacing bushes, changing varieties, or additional plantings, it is necessary to check whether they are infected

​If the currant bush does not form new root shoots, then it is necessary to increase its feeding nitrogen fertilizers or
​On garden plot At least 10 blackcurrant bushes should be planted. After 5 years they begin to reproduce with

​Because of the special aroma and healing properties Bath lovers often enjoy currant brooms. You can prepare twigs for them using the same principle as leaves. Again, to establish sales channels, it is necessary to establish agreements with baths, saunas, and spas.​
​karbofos, Bordeaux mixture or other protective drugs to combat existing diseases and pests.​ ​forming and rejuvenating pruning;​​Of course taste qualities currant berries are determined not only good choice varieties and good care, but also by weather conditions. If the weather is cold and rainy when the berries are ripening, the fruits will be noticeably more sour than those ripened in dry, sunny season. But if you apply these simple secrets on your plot, currants will definitely respond in any weather with a wonderful harvest of large healing berries.​

​Tips from experienced summer residents​can be used for spraying infusions of herbs - chamomile, dandelion, marigold, tobacco.​​This feeding is most effective during the flowering period. The recommended rate is 3 liters of infusion per 1 currant bush.​
​Secret 3: special food​​old; black currant bushes dangerous diseases and pests. The appearance of the first “ripe” berry on an unripe cluster of black currants is a sure sign of infection with a sawfly; berries entangled in cobwebs are damaged by the moth.
​carry out stronger cutting of less valuable branches. When a large number of basal shoots appear, they are cut out, leaving only the strongest.

​by cuttings or layering the best varieties located in the garden to renew the plantation. In areas where it is impossible to cultivate apple, pear, cherry and plum trees due to high level groundwater or partial shading by forest species, increase the planting of black currants. It must be remembered that if in optimal conditions it can produce a harvest of 4 to 6 kg per bush, then in unfavorable conditions the harvest is much smaller. One- to two-year-old blackcurrant seedlings are planted at the end of September - the first half of October or at the end of April, which is somewhat worse. landing pit make 40 X 40 cm in size. When planting in a single row, the bushes are planted at a distance of about 1 m from each other with some depth to cause the growth of basal shoots and additional roots necessary for the formation of a powerful bush.​

​to contents​
​For additional autumn fertilizer currants, you can also use manure, preferably with a high potassium content (1 bucket per bush), a solution of superphosphate and potassium phosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or other complex mineral fertilizer.​
​moisture-recharging watering for the winter (carried out after the leaves have completely fallen off before the onset of cold weather).​

​And the value of the berries can be added to the use of leaves, which contain almost more vitamin C than the berries themselves, and make simple tea unusually aromatic and healthy.​
​ Do not plant currant bushes close to the fence. A part of a bush pressed against it will not give you fruit!​
​More details about the fight against aphids can be found in the article​
​Secret 4: clever delivery of fertilizers to the roots​

How to properly feed this plant is described in detail in the article. ​Z. L. Devochkina, I. V. Klimovich, V. I. Klimovich, B. A. Popov​
​Mature blackcurrant branches become less elastic, so they may break during harvesting.​
​In the first years after planting, the soil should be under black fallow. During dry periods, plants are watered. After​​Demand for them appears in the spring, when the time to plant plants begins. To harvest seedlings in the spring, annual shoots with three buds about 20 cm long are cut off. The cut should be straight from above and 45 degrees from below. You can also use two-year-old shoots, but they do not take root as well. The twigs are placed in a bucket of water and left near the radiator or any other warm place. When the roots reach about 1 cm, the seedlings can be placed in separate small containers, for example, plastic glasses. When the roots grow to at least 5 cm in length, carefully add soil into the glass. Now the seedlings can be sold.​
​To autumn processing currants was effective, it is also recommended to make bedding under the bushes, for example, from crushed oak bark. She will protect root system from drying out and frost.​
​This will allow you to get next year good harvest and grow healthy and strong plants.​

​Specific essential oils in currant leaves they transform them into a wonderful spice, which is so often used by our housewives when pickling cucumbers.​

Currants are a self-pollinating plant; if you plant other varieties nearby, cross-pollination will lead to larger berries.

​"Folk methods of fighting aphids"​
​You can just scatter mineral fertilizers under the bushes, and then water it with water. You can dissolve fertilizers in water and water the soil with the solution. But you can do it another way.​

​"How to feed currants"​

​Read more...​
​Broken branches, and at the same time damaged by pests in front of autumn digging deleted.​
​loose the soil by mulching with peat, compost or leaf soil (two buckets of mulching material per bush). This replaces subsequent repeated summer loosening. All care before fruiting is aimed at creating strong growths, on which the harvest will subsequently form.​
​to contents​
​The advantage of such a harvester is that it lifts and bends branches without breaking them. Then he shakes it vigorously with special fingers, the berries fall into a special conveyor, which transfers them to the cleaning system. After cleaning, they are packaged in 13 kg plastic boxes. Such a combine costs an average of 20 thousand dollars, but it is not self-propelled - you need to purchase or rent a tractor for it.​
​The treatment of currant bushes in the fall is slightly different for black and red varieties. For example, after picking the berries, black currants can do just fine without leaves, so it’s worth picking them off. This will allow the plant to accumulate more strength for the winter. In addition, this technique is an excellent prevention of diseases and the proliferation of pests, many of which overwinter in and under the leaves. In the case of growing red currants, it is also recommended to collect and burn the foliage, but it should fall off on its own. ​blackcurrant​​ Blackcurrant does not like soil with high acidity; If this is exactly what you have on your site, you need to do liming.​ ​Secret 6: good watering​
​Andrey Tumanov shares his secret of delivering fertilizers directly to the roots in the next video.
​. But there is another recipe that will be your bushes’ favorite dessert.​

​Red and white currant​Blackcurrant is easily propagated by cuttings and layering. For cuttings in the second half of September from strong
In summer, young bushes are fed (no more than three times per

​You need to understand that a berry business will require a long time of preparing plants before they begin to generate income. The first year should be devoted to planting and actively caring for plants. They will begin to actively bear fruit only in the third year, when it will actually be possible to earn income.​

For many years now, currants have remained one of the most popular berry crops. different varieties and types. Gardeners and summer residents are very fond of black and red currants for their unpretentiousness and, most importantly, for their beneficial properties.

However, in order for the harvest to delight you with its abundance, you need to understand what time is best to pick this variety of berries, and how to do it correctly.

When is it necessary to pick currants?

As a rule, the full ripening of currant fruits begins in the summer - either at the end of July or at the beginning of August. However, the process of ripening of all berries does not occur evenly, that is, not in one day at once, but with an interval of twenty days, maximum thirty. The main thing here is to take into account the current temperature regime, during which the process of fruit ripening occurs. The fact is that in warmer and hotter weather, the fruit will ripen much faster than in a cloudy and rainy summer.

Therefore, when thinking about when to pick fruits, you should always take into account the air temperature and the uniformity of flowering clusters of berries. In order to determine whether the fruits are ripe or not, it is enough to taste one berry - it should have a sweetish-sour taste.

Another nuance that should be taken into account before harvesting is the age of the bushes. The bottom line is that younger bushes, which have fewer branches, are better translucent and illuminated more evenly, due to which fruit ripening occurs much faster than on older bushes.

Simply put, the younger the bush, the faster the fruits ripen on it, and the sooner it will be possible to pick blackcurrants.

How to pick berries correctly and quickly?

In order to understand how to properly pick currants, just follow simple rules given below:

Having an idea of ​​how to quickly collect currants, you should not forget about the rules for storing them.

How to store berries?

Fresh blackcurrants are perfectly stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks from the moment they are collected, while their beneficial and taste qualities do not suffer at all. Therefore, if you plan to store the berries in the refrigerator, you should remember that you should never wash them - this must be done immediately before use. To prevent the berries from spoiling, you need to dry them thoroughly before placing them in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of red or black currants in the refrigerator increases significantly if they are stored at a temperature of about 0 degrees in sealed bags or jars. It should be remembered that these varieties of berries like to “breathe”.

An equally popular storage method that makes it possible to preserve fruits for up to one year is placing currants in freezer. However, before doing this, it will need to be washed, sorted and dried thoroughly. After which the black currants are packaged in bags and placed in the freezer.

The most suitable storage temperature in the freezer is about minus 2 degrees with a humidity of 85 to 95 percent. And, despite the fact that all the taste qualities remain with this storage method, the vitamins present in fresh berries are almost all destroyed.

Making jam or compotes for the winter is another surefire way to store berries. At the same time, a certain part useful properties currants, unlike freezing, are preserved.

However, the most effective way preserve the maximum vitamins in currants - prepare the so-called “raw” jam. To do this, you need to pass the washed and dried berries through a meat grinder or grind them, add sugar to the resulting puree in the ratio of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of ground berries.

This delicacy not only stores well, but also retains all vitamins to the maximum.

It is difficult to imagine a garden without currant bushes. Currant - healthy berry , which contains a large amount of useful vitamins and microelements.

There are several types of currants, which differ in color and ripening time.

To summer time collect useful harvest currants, the bush requires care in the spring, and especially after harvesting.

What should be the proper care in August and September after harvesting berries?

Caring for currants should be constant. But the main period of care is considered to be the time after harvest.

After the harvest is harvested, the plant begins to actively give strength to the root system, foliage and new shoots. The period of active growth begins around the end of summer, in August, but this depends on the plant variety.

If you carry out all the activities correctly and in a timely manner, then next year in the summer you will be able to get a healthy and rich harvest.

Care consists of the following activities:

  1. Pruning old shoots will strengthen strong branches on which berries will appear next season.
  2. Loosening the soil.
  3. Autumn feeding.
  4. Control and preventive measures against pests.
  5. Watering.
  6. Preparing a currant bush for wintering.

Let's consider each method separately.

Pruning red, white and black currants: how and what to trim

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First stage- This sanitary pruning, all diseased, damaged shoots are removed, as well as branches that shade and thicken the bush.
  2. Second phase– this is the formation of the shape and number of shoots of different ages, which will allow the plant to fully bear fruit.

Red, white and black currant seedlings younger than three years of age should only undergo sanitary pruning.

The main part of fruiting is the shoots. The harvest is formed along the entire length of annual and biennial branches. The fruiting part dies off a few years after harvest. That's why There is no point in leaving branches older than three years.

You need to cut out the following:

  1. Shoots older than 3 years that do not increase growth by at least 20 cm per season.
  2. Cut out old branches. This will help awaken the underground buds and zero shoots will begin to grow.
  3. Annual branches that interfere with the full development of strong shoots.
  4. Remove damaged branches from the bush.

It is better to burn the cut branches. The procedure is carried out in late autumn or early spring. Old shoots can be cut off after harvesting so that the plant does not give up its strength to them.

should be held every year. The cuts should be treated with garden varnish. After the procedure, intensively fertilize the plant.

How to care for and cultivate the soil around a bush in the fall

Care in the fall, in September, should be not only for the plant, but also for the soil. Nursing activities include digging tree trunk circles around the bush.

The soil is dug up or loosened carefully, stepping back from the center of the bush by about 1 m. After digging, the soil is watered and mulched with dry soil in a layer of up to 10 cm.

Mulching will help preserve the root collar from early frosts and will help retain moisture.

Features of autumn and spring fertilizing: what fertilizers to apply and when?

Fertilize the currant bush at the same time as digging. For this purpose, only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used. Organic ones are used only in the spring.

It is worth noting that currants can also be fertilized with superphosphate. When mulching, you can use humus.

After fruiting is completed, the currant begins to lay buds for the next season. Therefore, this period is considered the most important in the care and nutrition of shrubs.

The land is depleted by the end of summer, so your task will be feed the bush nutrients . If this is not done, then next year you cannot count on a rich harvest.

What can you feed? It is allowed to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Remember that the fertilizer must include phosphorus and potassium components.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. urea and superphosphate, add 1 cup of wood ash.
  3. If the bush is severely depleted, it is better to use mineral fertilizer.
  4. Concerning organic fertilizers You can use bird droppings and mullein. Dilute chicken manure in a ratio of 1:12 and leave for 2 weeks. For watering, use 0.5 liters of infusion per bucket of water. Mullein is diluted in a 1:1 ratio and left for 1 week.
  5. You can also use potato peelings as a top dressing, which are simply buried in the soil around the perimeter of the bush.

Top dressing of currants after harvesting, treatment against pests:

Pest and disease control: what treatment can be done in spring and autumn?

Pest control is a must, which should be carried out both in early spring and autumn. They mainly use Bordeaux mixture, karbofosi and other drugs.

To prevent diseases and pests, the bush must be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture (Topaz, Fundazol). The procedure is carried out every month.

If you find a pest infestation, deal with it immediately.

After the fruits ripen and harvest, dried branches and leaves can be noticed. These are signs of glassworm infestation..

Ticks found- immediately treat the bush with special preparations. Neoron, Fitovern, Kinmiks, Kleschevit, Karbofos are suitable.

From gall midges use Neoron, Aliot, Kinmiks, Lepidocide.

Good watering - for fruiting in summer

Like all trees, after harvesting, they begin to stock up on moisture and nutrients for the winter in order to survive the winter. The currant bush is no exception.

Watering should be plentiful. It must be done before the onset of cold weather.

So that the bush has time, remove all foliage from the branches, which draws nutrition and moisture from the shoots.

How to feed and whether it is necessary to fertilize in the fall

It is necessary to feed the bush in autumn. Currants draw large amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium from the soil, so a lack of these elements will lead to minimal fruiting next year.

  1. Before applying fertilizer, you need to clear the soil around the bush of leaves. Fallen leaves can be a breeding ground various diseases, which will begin to develop in the spring.
  2. The soil must be disinfected. Potassium permanganate is suitable for the procedure, copper sulfate, laundry soap solution.
  3. Recommended use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They provide the basis for the formation of buds for the future harvest, and stimulate active growth bush.

Preparing for winter

Winter is a special time for the garden. During this period, most shrubs simply freeze from the cold, which greatly upsets gardeners. To avoid this, trees and bushes need to be prepared for winter.

In order for the currant bush to overwinter and please with a rich harvest, the following activities must be carried out:

  1. In the fall, carry out preventive measures to combat fungal diseases and pests. The soil around the bush should be cleared of weeds and fallen leaves. Feed the bush with fertilizers.
  2. Preparation begins with pruning. Remove all diseased, dry and old branches. It is better to do this in the fall. Since in the spring, due to the fact that the plant quickly enters the growth stage, the buds can be damaged, which will lead to a decrease in yield.
  3. Feed the bush after pruning, the soil around the currants is dug up and mulched. For this you can use sawdust, newspapers, hay.
  4. At the first frost the bush can be wrapped. To do this, you will need twine, which is used to tie the branches at the top, in a spiral. Branches in this form will not rub against each other from the wind, and will retain the maximum number of fruit buds.
  5. When it snows, compact it around the base of the bush, and then fill it completely with currants.
  6. If you are afraid of damaging the branches with twine, then use another method of covering the plant. Carefully lay the branches as close to the ground as possible. Cover the top with slate. Thanks to this, the shoots will be protected from the effects of wind and frost.
  7. It is advisable to wrap young plants according to the principle of grapes and dig in with earth.

Cooking berry bushes for winter:

Remember that proper preparation By winter it will save the currant bush from freezing. It happens that after removing the winter shelter, frost returns; cover the plant with straw and old blankets to preserve the harvest.

If you use the method of bending the shoots to the ground, in early spring you will need to open the bush so that buds and new shoots can fully form.

Caring for currants after harvest involves a large number of activities which are recommended to be followed to obtain a harvest.

Keep an eye on the plant and treat it against pests on time. After all, the harvest depends on your timely care.

"not so much. Currants can be consumed:

  • fresh. Usually everyone eats their fill from the bush and quickly loses interest in “live vitamins.” Still, you can’t eat too much of even the sweetest blackcurrant “alive.” And the red one is completely sour;
  • in “quickly prepared” form: compotes, pies, smoothies, mousses, creams - whatever your imagination allows;
  • frozen. In winter, using defrosted berries is a nice thing to do!
  • in canned form. This is where it makes sense to stretch your imagination so that the blanks are different.

How to pick currants correctly?

Whatever you plan to do with the harvest, the main thing is to store the currants correctly. For “immediate use” you can collect it as and when you want, even in the rain. But, for example, berries picked in dry, clear weather after the dew has disappeared will be stored longer in the refrigerator. Those collected after rain are stored worse. It is better to collect with brushes, carefully so as not to damage or wrinkle. Use small buckets, boxes or sieves with a capacity of 2-4 kilograms for collection. And it is desirable that the width be greater than the height: in this case, the berries will definitely not be crushed under their own weight.

How to keep currants in the refrigerator longer?

Blackcurrants can be stored fresh in the refrigerator for about two weeks, with virtually no loss. useful qualities. Red and white - at a temperature of about 1°C and high - for about two months. If you want to “keep” the berries in the refrigerator longer, it is better to pick them slightly unripe: they will “ripen” in the refrigerator. There is no need to wash the berries before putting them in the refrigerator. If the collected berries nevertheless turn out to be slightly damp, scatter them on the table in a thin layer for several hours. Containers intended for storage in the refrigerator must allow the berries to breathe.

How to properly freeze and defrost currants?

Both red and black currants are stored in the freezer without losing their beneficial properties for up to three months. Further, the currant taste is preserved, but vitamins and other benefits are destroyed. It is most convenient to put berries in the freezer in portioned bags “for one compote”. Compote is hardly the best thing that can be prepared from them in winter. It makes sense to place the currant berries in bags already cooled, after keeping them in the refrigerator for several hours beforehand. Optimal temperature for storage in the freezer - 2°C.

The second secret is in properly defrosting the berries. Currants retain their taste and vitamins well when gradually defrosted. Therefore, at first it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for several hours at a temperature of 4-6 ° C, and only when it has almost thawed, bring it to room temperature.

Little canning tricks

There are many recipes for preparations with currants: puree, jelly, jam, marshmallow, currants in their own juice, juice, syrup, pickled currants, dried currants. Almost everyone uses recipes that have been tested by their own experience. Therefore, we will not list them here, but will recall a few useful points.

  • As a rule, you want to process the berries in one way, since it is easier. But how many five-minute currants can your family eat? If it's a lot, then everything is ok. And if you have to throw away “half-eaten cans,” then it is better to make the preparations in small batches, changing the recipe so that they are different.
  • It’s better to roll up small half-liter jars so that it “goes away” in one or two times. But this point, again, depends mainly on family tastes and preferences.
  • It is recommended to close jars of blackcurrant preserves with glass or varnished tin lids, since when they come into contact with metal, the currants and especially the syrup acquire an “inky color.”
  • If the recipe calls for the use of crushed or crushed berries, it is enough to first remove the branches and leaves and wash them. If the berries are supposed to be preserved “in their entirety,” it is better not to be lazy and spend time sorting them by size: large, medium and small. This will not only improve appearance"final product", but will also contribute to the uniformity of cooking of the berries.
  • To make them tender and filled with sugar syrup, and not wrinkled, they are blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water (time is counted from the moment of immersion in boiling water). After blanching, allow the water to drain.
  • The water remaining after blanching can be used to further prepare the syrup.
  • no need to blanch.
  • separately from black, white and red currants, or from a mixture of white or red currants with black.
  • To speed up the preparation of jam, you can first boil the currants a little in water to soften them or simply increase the blanching time from 2-3 to 5-7 minutes. Jam (from any berries, not just currants) is boiled for no more than 20-30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Longer cooking worsens its quality: the color changes and the aroma weakens. You can tell if the jam is ready by placing a drop on a plate: it should thicken quickly and strongly.
  • Jelly from red currants, or from red and white currants can be prepared with or raspberries.