Beige color in living room interior design. Bright accents or calm classics? Note to fashionistas: how to correctly place bright accents in your image

What a cool New York mini-apartment I’ll show you now! Mmm😋 51 square meter discreet elegance, beauty and serenity! Using her example, I’ll tell you what tricks you can use to make your apartment (especially a small one!) look spacious and stylish.

Gamarjoba, friends! Everyone who has been to Georgia assures that it is impossible not to fall in love with this country. You want to return there again and again, because you really feel at home there. Well, I'll definitely check it out this year. In the meantime, I have prepared a cool selection of apartments in Tbilisi with Airbnb, to make your stay in the city even more cozy and comfortable;) Take note!

When I was studying at a Moscow design school, we had an entire module dedicated to creating photorealistic images in 3ds Max. If you have encountered this program at least once, you can imagine how complex it is. A million different buttons, settings, additional plugins. It took me a month to figure out the basics and create 5 more or less decent pictures of the kitchen-living room. One month, Karl! After that, I visualized several more projects, but then I came to the conclusion that it would be better to delegate this stage, because... I spend too much time and effort on it.

Along with the new year comes the thought that it’s time to update the interior. And most often you want to start with the kitchen, because it is the “heart” of the house, where it is warm and smells of fragrant baked goods, and where warm family gatherings take place over a hearty dinner. Therefore, together with the Zetta kitchen factory, we have selected for you the most stylish and promising trends of the year, so that they remain relevant not only now, but also after a long time.

If you are one of those to whom promotions from developers seem like “free cheese”, but still really want to save money when buying a home, then this article is definitely for you! By paying attention to certain points, you can save a lot of money and nerves when purchasing new apartment. How? Let's figure it out now! ;)

It has already become a habit that every September we go somewhere and I spend my birthday away from home. This time there were mountains. With daily hikes, ski lifts and evening tea parties on the balcony. And also with a walk along the longest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world (who follows me on instagram I must definitely roll my eyes at this phrase :) Almost 2 weeks of sweetly intoxicating mountain air turned me into an active tourist, but only with a little side effect- for these 14 days I became an absolutely useless, lazy reader. Rest + books are still incompatible things for me. But nevertheless, September pleased me with good books, and I couldn’t resist one of them, even surrounded by mountains.

To make everyone comfortable, The master class was held on Saturday, moreover, in the very center of Moscow: at the Higher School of Environmental Design of the Moscow Architectural Institute.

Secrets of decorating skills shared interior designer Alexander Bezvushko, well known to viewers of “Housing Question” and “Dachny Otvet.” Mostly his colleagues from the workshop – practicing designers – gathered to listen to him. There were also those who came for a personal matter, carried away by the renovation of their own apartment or dacha. We were not able to see some of the students - they took part remotely. It turns out that you could watch and listen to the master class online without leaving your home.

Alexander began by praising and recommending in every possible way color accents as a technically simple technique that works flawlessly in any interior if used correctly.

Even with the most simple means in your arsenal, such as paint and textiles, you can use color to create a very interesting and memorable space. True, this is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance.

The first difficulty is to choose The right accent color for the decor. The second is to introduce this color into the interior in the right quantity. If you overdo it, it will be too colorful or bright. The accent will begin to compete with the primary colors and cease to be a highlight. If you add little color, the emphasis will be completely lost against the general background.

It would seem such subtle questions one can correctly decide only if one has “absolute” taste. But, as it turned out, there are very specific rules in this area. Thus, to select an accent color, Alexander Bezvushko recommended using one of four main methods.

Scheme one, very common- “contrast in tone.” The idea is that you can use some other shade of color that dominates the room as an accent. It can be darker or lighter - whatever you like.

The second scheme is “warm-cold”. It is more interesting and more difficult to perform. Based on the contrast of warm and cold colors. So, if the room, say, is dominated by warm colors (yellow, orange, terracotta), you can choose some cool color, such as blue or blue, as an accent. This will bring some dynamics to the interior and further emphasize its warmth.

The third scheme is “additional” suggests using colors that are in color wheel are opposite each other. If the room is dominated by, for example, Orange color, then blue, dark blue or purple would be appropriate as a highlight. And in a green room you can safely place red or purple accents.

The fourth scheme is “similar”. The calmest and most popular for residential premises. In order not to make a mistake, you can choose tones that are located in the color wheel adjacent to the main color of the interior.

To visualize how these the circuits work, and in general, to practice coloring, Alexander advises using the online fitting room on the website, where you can paint virtual interiors in any colors as much as you like without fear of making a mistake. And only then, having gained experience online, move on to practical training.

Everyone who is just going choosing a color and painting the walls, the designer warned against one common mistake.

Even if you really like a certain color, you should not buy paint for the entire volume at once.

It's better to take samples first and paint it - cover part of the wall (at least 80 by 80 cm in size). This way you can see how the tone looks in the mass. It is also very important to look at this fragment in different time days: in the morning, in the evening, in daylight and artificial light. The color can change almost beyond recognition.

So, we seem to have sorted out the accent color, now it would be good to learn how to determine how much of this color should be in the room for the space to sparkle. Alexander recommends not guessing from the coffee grounds, but using a proven formula.

According to the formula, approximately 60% All surfaces in the interior, including textiles and accessories, should be occupied by the main color; 30% can be given to the second most important, additional tone. The accent color will fulfill its role if its share is about 10%.

Having finished with the rules and formulas, The presenter moved on to examples from own practice, and after that everyone was invited to consolidate their fresh knowledge in practice. Nearby there were already several dozen open cans of paint in the most cheerful shades.

Armed with rollers, the students got to work. Our task was to come up with a color solution for the room and, of course, choose a color accent for it. There were no grades, so everyone had the opportunity to express themselves without restrictions.

The lesson has come to an end, leaving a feeling of well-spent time and a desire to return again to learn something new about amazing world paints Fortunately, such an opportunity will present itself very soon. A new Dulux design class will take place on July 6th. Join us!

Very often the most simple solutions turn out to be the most faithful. This rule applies to the choice of clothing no less than to other life situations. You can look very stylish using just one technique, and that is:

Make one bright accent in the image

Let only one detail play the first violin in your outfit. Maybe it will be a favorite item of clothing or color. You decide! This way of composing your sets helps to maintain a sense of proportion, which is one of the most important components of good taste.

What can be used to make an emphasis?

1. Color


  • You can combine one bright item of clothing with neutral colors (black, white, beige, gray) (all except photos 6 and 10)

  • One element of a rich shade can be highlighted against a calmer plain background (photo 10)

  • There is not necessarily one background color. This can be a combination of several shades of the same range, less contrasting to the main detail, a neutral range (photo 1, 4, 5, 7, 9) or calm flowers one degree of brightness (photo 6).

  • The print can serve as a background if it is made in neutral colors (photos 4, 7, 9) or much calmer shades bright element(photo 6).

  • The print can be the main accent of the outfit (photo 2, 3).

  • Any item of clothing can be a striking detail of the image.

5, 6

7, 8

9, 10

2. Design

The design of an accessory or clothing can be so original that it does not require additional decorations. An element with a complex design can be either an unusual accessory or a very colorful decor or cut in clothing. Such a noticeable detail can be stones, unusual draperies, stripes, sequins, flowers and other designer finds. The more elegant the main element, the calmer the remaining components of the image should be. Keep your balance.

  • Volume detail + smooth texture of other elements

  • Rigid material of the main element + the rest of the clothing made of soft and flexible materials

  • Elegant, heavily decorated detail + laconic design of other things

3. Decoration

Putting on interesting decoration, even with the most ordinary outfit, you can make it very individual and stylish.

The decoration can stand out in color, texture and design. You can read more about accent decoration and its combination with different clothes.

4. Cosmetics

A bright accent can be not only clothes and accessories, but also a noticeable shade on the lips or bright varnish. Since the introduction of color is spread over a small area, it is better to choose rich shades that suit your appearance for accents, and dark or calm colors for clothing. Print on things will distract attention, but plain things are what you need. The advantage of this method is that you draw attention directly to yourself (face, hands).

Shadows or fancy face decor can also be a way to stand out, but keep it in moderation. Makeup shouldn't look like war paint. Don't forget about relevance. Such experiments are suitable for themed parties.

Tell me if you use this technique. Do you find a look with one bright detail stylish or does the mix & match idea seem more interesting to you?

Finally, the turn has come to the third principle of compiling sets. Let's call it the principle COLOR ACCENT. It is very simple and many of you use it all the time without even knowing it. I think that this is the best place to start mastering the “science” of putting together kits.

The principle of COLOR ACCENT is based on the fact that with the help of color you focus attention on one or more small details of the image you are composing. This could be shoes and/or a bag, a scarf or scarf, a hat or hat, gloves, and finally jewelry.

It is very important which COLOR ACCENT you choose, but the result will largely depend on what PREMINARY COLORS (or color base) you choose for the set.

So that you get exactly a COLOR ACCENT, and not a COLOR BLOCK or a COMBINATION OF 2-3 COLORS (we will talk about them in the very near future), remember a few subtleties:

  1. There should be a LOT of predominant color in the set, and a LITTLE color accent. That's what the accent is for, isn't it?
  2. Predominant or basic colors the sets are often more restrained or slightly muted compared to the color accent itself;
  3. The accent color should be BRIGHTER, DARKER or LIGHTER than the background color;
  4. The accent color should STAND OUT from the general background. The desired element should be evident at one glance at the set.

From all of the above it follows that the color accent CONTRASTING in relation to the basic colors of the set. It could be COLOUR CONTRAST, or the contrast between DARK And LIGHT.

Now let's see how you can implement the principle of COLOR ACCENT.


As you remember, these include: black, white, grey And shades of brown. They are most often used as base ones. Such combinations have been familiar to many since the time of the total shortage of clothing in general, and clothing in bright colors in particular.

I'll try to explain with examples:


In this option, pastel, delicate, muted tones. More elements are added to them dark or more bright color:


Dark background It is best emphasized by light-colored accessories. For such combinations, you can use additions as a color accent. pastel colors. If you combine colors correctly, they will “glow.” The right base colors will give them depth. As for bright colors, then there are no rules here. The main thing is that the color accent remains just that: an accent... be careful with the amount of bright color in the set!


The last option is to use an accent color. In my opinion, it is somewhat more complicated than the previous three. It is used as a basis here combination of light and dark tones. It is important to combine them so that they look like a single whole and do not overshadow the color accent. Which, in in this case, must be mandatory bright And rich colors.

Bright interior items can transform the most boring room. But such accents are quite capricious. If you use bright objects excessively, the design of the room will look ridiculous. If it’s insufficient, it’s monotonous. How to find the “golden mean” and place accents in the right quantity and in the desired order? Designers recommend not to overdo it with colors and shades. To prevent the room from looking like a clown's dressing room, it is better to use two primary colors and two or three shades. This will saturate the room with color and not cross the color saturation line.

Choosing a color palette

Before you start arranging bright details in the room, you need to decide on color scheme. What, in essence, are accents in the interior? These are ordinary household items that, in addition to their functional meaning, carry a decorative meaning. For example, if the background of the room is made in white and blue tones, then decorative pillows, lamps and curtains in orange will act as color accents, as shown in the photo. At this stage, the main task of the designer is to choose the right color combination. If the room is decorated in light lilac tones with notes of beige, the best option the elements will become green. If the design is dominated by beige shades, the additions should be pink. Colorful accents in beige interior attract interest, but do not distract from the beauty of the environment.

Basic Rules

It is quite difficult to choose color elements if you do not have design skills. But today, this is not a problem. Experts are happy to share the secrets of their work. So, if the living room is made in warm colors, details of green, blue, and purple colors will help emphasize the warmth of the interior. Bright accents in the interior of the living room, can be made in the form of sofa cushions, carpeting, original paintings hanging on the walls. Set up in the same way white interior with bright accents. Since white creates a feeling of sterility, you can dilute it with yellow, black, and red details. Generally white - perfect color for decorating walls in a small living room. Against such a background, all the details of bright, saturated colors in the photo will look great.

If the interior of the kitchen or bedroom requires energetic notes, it is also worth using additional colors. For a bedroom decorated in beige tones, additional elements should be cornflower blue or sky blue. Purple and red additions will fit perfectly into a light green kitchen design. Although the last option is quite capricious, since this color combination carries powerful energy. Combining light green, purple and scarlet details is not recommended for bedrooms, children's rooms and offices.

When decorating an office, study, bedroom or cozy living room, you can use details of companion flowers. So, for an interior design made in a blue palette, bright accents can be lavender, purple or lilac. Peach Light room with bright accents, it will look great if the details are berry or scarlet.

The easiest way to select parts is if they are brown and gray design with bright additions. Eg, sofa cushions, bedspreads, napkins and furniture covers can be light green in summer, yellow-orange in autumn, blue-blue in winter. Changing color accents and selecting color scheme In accordance with the time of year, you will not only decorate the room, but also create a special mood.

Number of accents

Choosing a color palette that perfectly matches the main color scheme of the living room, kitchen or office does not mean completing the design of the room. It is important that bright details do not overload the space.

  • Main color palette should occupy 60% of the total space of the bedroom, living room, kitchen.
  • 30% of the area is allocated for the use of a companion color.
  • 10% should be accents.