Wallpaper with a pattern for a brown beige kitchen. Beige wallpaper in the interior

Many people mistakenly consider beige color to be inexpressive and boring, but this is far from the case. Shades of beige create a favorable psychological atmosphere and create room for creativity due to the possibility of combination with other colors.

If you look at the photos of beige wallpaper in the interior presented in this article, you will see how successful design in this color can be. You will also learn about using beige wallpaper for walls in rooms. for various purposes, combining them with trim of other colors and roles beige colour in the interior of an apartment or house.

Beige wallpaper: decoration of different rooms and perception of color in the interior of the entire apartment

Beige wallpaper is well suited for any type of room, but there are still some nuances. In this section we will look at the decoration of the living room, bedroom, nursery, kitchen and corridor.

Perception of a room decorated with beige wallpaper

Beige color can be called natural. Sand, stones, forest floor under pine trees, grass that has dried out after mowing or due to natural reasons - different variations beige meets us at every step. And if you just look at your hand, the skin has a shade close to it. And that is why the beige color in all its variants is so easily perceived by us, consciously and unconsciously.

In addition to providing psychological comfort, it is light beige wallpaper in the interior they also have other positive qualities. For example, they are easy to combine with colors that, at first glance, are completely inappropriate. A typical example is in the photo below: the design includes turquoise elements.

Beige wallpaper. The photo shows how well this color combines with others

Note:If beige color dominates the room, then it must be complemented with bright details. This could be furniture upholstery, carpets, bedspreads, decorative items, etc. This way you will avoid monochrome design and make it more interesting.

Light beige wallpaper in the living room, bedroom and children's room

The living room is a place for family gatherings and meeting guests, and therefore the room should be cozy and at the same time decent looking. And beige wall decoration is very good in this regard. Depending on the pattern and shade of the wallpaper, the interior design can be decorated in the most different styles: country, classic, Italian, chalet and even hi-tech.

Plain beige wallpaper for walls: photo of the living room

In the bedroom, warm beige wallpaper will help you relax and unwind. And if the room is small in size, then in combination with light, cold-colored floors, such wall decoration will visually increase it. In the bedroom it is better to avoid multi-colors, and in addition to the main color, there should be a maximum of two additional colors, in textiles and decorative items: curtains/drapes, bedspreads, etc.

Beige wallpaper in the bedroom. Photo of a small attic room

The same can be said about wall decoration in a children's room. True, there is one more point. As a rule, the nursery contains both sleeping and workplace child. Therefore, the importance of the beige color of the wallpaper doubles - in a room with such decoration, the child will be able to relax well and concentrate on his studies.

Note:Usually they try to enlarge small rooms with white wallpaper. However, working in such rooms becomes difficult - the eyes get tired due to the reflection of light from the walls. Therefore, a light beige finish becomes a way out of the situation - visual extension space remains, but the strain on the eyes does not increase.

Wallpaper in beige tones. Photo of a workplace in a children's room

Wall color in the hallway and kitchen

Light shades of beige fully correspond to what we usually need from wall decoration in a corridor or hall: not easily soiled, not dark, “friendly” with many colors and different types of decor. And if the pattern is appropriate - not large and not too bright, for example, imitating the texture of cork - then this will be the ideal wallpaper. A plain finish, as in the photo, is also popular.

Photo of beige wallpaper in a small hall

For the kitchen, beige wallpaper, especially warm and light shades, is very suitable. This wall decoration goes well with the furniture different shades natural wood, from milky oak to wenge. Texture natural material You will only benefit from such a neighborhood.

Note:beige wallpaper is also suitable for modern interiors kitchens where plastic and metal are used for decoration. True, the shade chosen for wall decoration is cold, closer to gray color. So the combination with the rich shades of plastic facades and shine metal elements will be more harmonious.

Golden beige wallpaper in the kitchen: photos of warm-colored finishes

Finishes with a pattern and in combination with other colors

In addition to choosing the basic tone of the wallpaper, we must pay attention to its design. It also matters what color the inserts will be matched to the main wall decoration.

Small and large patterns, geometric and floral

A small pattern, regardless of the theme, is good for narrow or small rooms: bedrooms, offices, bathrooms and corridors. Very often, this wall decoration is used as a contrasting insert on one of the walls. That is, three walls will be light, monochromatic, and one, most often with a smaller area, will be covered with wallpaper of a darker shade, with a small pattern.

Small drawing on the walls

Wallpaper with a large pattern is the choice for spacious rooms, living rooms and hallways. The print can be colored, textured, solid or in the form of inserts, as described in the previous paragraph. If you are going to cover the entire room with one type of coating, then it is better to choose wallpaper with a textured pattern, without color. If you plan to make inserts, then there are no restrictions.

The wallpaper is beige with a brown pattern. For the living room and hall, you can choose a larger print

You can’t ignore the beige striped wallpaper. Due to its ability to visually make a room narrower than it actually is, finishing with such a pattern is used mostly in the form of inserts. They can be one color or include stripes of contrasting colors. Interesting options can be found from erismann, rasch and victoria stenova. Their catalogs and prices for finishing are very different.

Striped wall decoration

Combined two- and three-color finish

As stated at the beginning of the article, beige color can be combined with many others, sometimes quite bright: blue, purple, pink, burgundy, orange, green, etc. Next we will look at several companion options. Beige plain wallpaper with a black insert with a gold pattern, as in the photo, will look very interesting.

Gray beige wallpaper combined with black

A good combination will work with brown wallpaper a variety of shades. From light nutty to rich chocolate. The option with brown inserts is a win-win, since this color is related to beige.

Combination of related colors: beige-brown wallpaper

But this is a rather unusual combination. Beige wallpaper with a pattern is complemented by white and pistachio-colored inserts. By the way, there may be variations here: the pistachio insert can be replaced with lavender, pink or blue. The main thing is that the color intensity is very low and does not compete with the shade of the main wall covering.

How to combine several colors at once: beige, white and pistachio

Each of us gives preference to one color or another when choosing clothes, furniture or a car. But the color of the wallpaper in the house or apartment in which we live is no less important. After all, it directly affects the mood in which we go to work in the morning or how fully we rest in the evening.

All colors of the spectrum are used to decorate apartments, depending on personal preferences and the style in which the decoration will be carried out.

In this same article we will talk about beige wallpaper for walls.

Beige wallpaper for walls: about color in relation to different rooms

Beige is universal and can be used in all rooms. This section discusses the use of this color in different rooms apartments or houses.

Beige color in the interior of the apartment

Beige in the interior is, one might say, an eternal classic. Just as in earlier times it could be the basis of design along with white, so it is today. And it is no coincidence that we say “base”. Beige, which in itself is not bright and calm, is exactly that. Based on it, we can create the image of the room that we had in mind - through furniture, accessories and decor.

It is also worth mentioning the psycho-emotional load of this color. Or rather, about its almost complete absence. Beige is neutral, does not excite or suppress, but rather evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility. This may be due to the proximity of the color to natural materials: sand, wood, dry grass, etc. In a room with such wallpaper, relaxation will be complete.

Photo of beige wallpaper in the living room interior

Note:beige is universal and can be combined with any colors. Look at the photo below: if you change the color of pillows, curtains or drapes to white, light blue, terracotta or coffee, the image of the room will completely change. However, the result will look very harmonious.

Beige wallpaper for the bedroom and living room

As stated above, beige is calming and calming. Therefore, it is perfect for the bedroom. Warm shades or a combination of them are suitable for this room: wheat, caramel, cream or sand. Cool color options will be preferable for a spacious bedroom located on the sunny side of the house. In addition, it is better to choose wallpaper in light colors, so the room will visually increase.

Beige wallpaper in the bedroom. Photos of warm-colored finishes

Light beige wallpaper is also good for the living room. Here, unlike the bedroom, we spend quite a lot of time in the evenings and on weekends. And therefore this neutrality and calmness of color in in this case will only help. However, the hall is not a bedroom, and it is still better to enliven its interior a little through other decorations and accessories. So, in the room in the photo, a blue carpet and a dark natural wood floor add color.

Photo of beige wallpaper in the living room

Kitchen and hallway decoration

Corridors in apartments, as a rule, are small and poorly lit; in the halls things are better, but not significantly. And the beige color, as we found out, allows us to solve the problems of visual perception of such premises. Therefore, this finish can be safely used here. Moreover, both warm and cold shades of wallpaper are suitable.

Wall decoration in the corridor

The kitchen, especially when it is used by a large family, always has a wide variety of items in its arrangement. Different in shape, color and size, they fill the room. And calm, expressionless wallpaper, beige monochromatic, will help compensate for the effect of variegation. In addition, the size of the kitchen, which is a real problem in many apartments, will not look so modest.

Beige wallpaper in the kitchen. Photo of a plain finish with a matte texture

Options for wallpaper patterns, color combinations

Not only the color of the decoration on the walls is important, but also the pattern. Let's see what options there are for patterns on beige wallpaper.

Small abstract and geometric ornament

Abstraction in this case is spots, strokes, lines and stains of varying intensity. They are located randomly, which allows you not to think about adjusting the wallpaper when gluing. In addition, finishing with such a pattern will be a salvation for not quite smooth walls– flaws will be “lost” in the elements of the ornament.

Finishes with small details have the same properties. geometric shapes: circles, diamonds, squares, etc. Golden beige wallpaper with a pattern of this type will be especially good in corridors and bathrooms. In this case, the space will not be absorbed by large elements on the walls. Unless you have to do some adjustments here. True, thanks to large drawing it will be insignificant.

Wallpaper in beige tones. Photo of abstract drawing

Stripes and plot designs

This type of ornament can be classified as geometric. It is used most often on its own if you need to make the ceiling appear higher, or to enlarge a small room. In small rooms it is better to choose pale beige striped wallpaper, while in spacious rooms you can opt for more intense shades.

Advice: striped paper, liquid or vinyl wallpapers should be used with caution. So, vertical stripes, raising the ceiling, at the same time make the room appear narrower. And the transverse strip, expanding the room, will lower this very ceiling.

Light beige wallpaper in the interior: stripes

You can also find beige non-woven wallpaper with a plot ornament. Each of its modules contains a small plot: little people or animals doing something, sitting birds, etc. For independent use, such finishing is rarely used, since on large area it can become difficult to understand. It's better to combine it with plain wallpaper the same shade, or striped, as in the photo below.

Combining two types of ornament

Classic and floral ornament

The classic ornament looks like monograms, individual or intricately intertwined with each other. It is used in cases where it is necessary to design in a classic style. Looks equally good as self-finishing, and in combination with plain wallpaper.

Wall decoration with monograms

But the floral ornament, depending on the type of pattern, is suitable for both classic style or Baroque style, and for modern options design. Beige wallpaper for walls, photos of which you see below, can be attributed more to modern design. By the way, interesting options ornaments can be found by looking at the catalog of the following companies: victoria stenova, rasch, as well as erismann.

Floral drawing

Selection of wallpapers - companions to beige

The classic option is to combine beige wallpaper with flowers of similar shades. In particular, with coffee and brown of varying intensities. For a small room, it is better to choose a combination that is not too contrasting. An example of such a combination is in the following photo:

Beige wallpaper. Photo of combination with related shades

A spacious living room can be decorated more boldly. For example, combining beige wallpaper with a brown pattern with brown smooth areas. Just don't forget that dark finish walls requires high-quality lighting in the room.

Decorating a room is like painting a picture. Just like in painting, in interior design it is important to understand composition and color palette. Beige wallpaper is an excellent and neutral background that allows you to show your imagination. To make the room cozy and pleasant to be in, you need to listen to your feelings when renovating. Each person has an individual taste, some like bright colors, and for some pastel shades.

Beige wallpaper in the interior: how to decorate the kitchen and bedroom

Light beige wallpaper will suit all curtain colors without exception, from white to black. From this variety, you can choose the appropriate color for the curtains if you understand the purpose of the room and your own author's intention. To get inspiration, you can look at the photos design solutions, and then take a pen and paper and draw what the room will look like.

There is no need to try to perfectly convey all the details, folds of curtains, curves of furniture. The main task is to see the room as a whole and understand your wishes.

In the drawing you should place color accents: What is lighter, curtains or wallpaper? Is the furniture darker than the wallpaper or lighter? The best interior designer will not be able to come up with a renovation as well as the owner or landlady of the apartment.

Apartment layouts often involve a small kitchen. Beige wallpaper in combination with light curtains will visually enlarge the room. A beautiful and practical choice for the kitchen is short light curtains, tulle or sliding curtains. You can choose curtains with light floral pattern, from natural fabric. The most matching colors that will add sun to the kitchen: shades of green, yellow, white, pink, blue, any pastel shades.

Short curtains:

  • Do not take up much space;
  • Easy to wash and iron;
  • They do not shade the window and allow sunlight to pass through.

If in the kitchen light walls, but you don’t want to update the renovation, you should choose washable wallpaper. It is better to think through the practical side of the issue before the repair is completed. Then the beauty created in the interior will exist for many years and bring joy every day. For the bedroom, on the contrary, it is better to choose thick and long curtains. Plain beige wallpapers are combined with colors: brown, red, rich green, yellow, light blue, coral.

Beige striped wallpaper can be combined with a similar geometric pattern on the curtain fabric. You also need to consider the color of the bedspread in order to maintain the integrity of the interior. An interesting trend is to combine different types wallpaper within the same room. It is especially beneficial to use such a solution for the living room, because it is in this room that the most people gather. Beige wallpaper will help make the interior not only cozy, but also presentable. In combined wall decoration, noble shades of beige are often used; patterns in the style of the 18th and 19th centuries are applied to the canvases.

Which curtains are best suited for glossy beige wallpaper? Curtains the color of melted snow, white with a gray sheen, mother-of-pearl or pearl.

How to choose colors for the interior (video)

Combination rules: what wallpaper goes with beige wallpaper

If the wallpaper has a shiny beige texture, for example, beige damask, it can only be combined with fabrics of the same shine. There is another solution: beige damask framed with matte beige wallpaper. Often luxurious patterns are selected for damask, in the Baroque and Rococo styles. To make the room resemble a palace hall, the furniture should be antique-style.

Combined wallpapers must have the same performance according to the following criteria:

  • Gloss: matte or glossy;
  • Thickness of the canvas;
  • Relief.

The walls of the living room can be successfully decorated with glossy or matte canvases of the same thickness. The classic solution: create one accent wall, and for the background walls choose a neutral design. Beige wallpaper does not necessarily play a secondary role. There are many design projects, where the main emphasis is on the beige canvas. What wallpaper should I choose for the other 3 walls? It is best to use more dark colors, for example, chocolate, nut. Curtains should match the color of large pieces of furniture.

If there are gray-beige curtains in the living room, the upholstery of the sofa made of white leather will match them.

Beige wallpaper: canvas texture in the nursery

Choosing curtains to match beige wallpaper in a nursery is an easy and pleasant task. Curtains for a nursery should not be too long; the ideal length is a gap of 10 cm from the floor. What curtains to use in the nursery? Sunny, bright and cheerful are best. Patterns with polka dots, stripes, plant and floral patterns are suitable. The texture of the wallpaper and the relief can repeat the patterns of the curtains. For example, wallpaper with flowers, dotted or geometric patterns.

For children there are many curtains with funny animals, butterflies, fish and birds.

It is important for a child to receive visual impressions, so you don’t have to limit your imagination.

Multilayer curtains for beige wallpaper

In design large rooms You can use cascading curtains, multi-layered, with a beautiful fabric cornice. French curtains consist of two different fabrics, the top one is dense and rich in color, the bottom one is transparent and light.

The whole thing looks good color scheme: beige, brown top curtain fabric to match the wallpaper.

What color of furniture goes with beige wallpaper: ideas

A neutral light wall color can be used with both dark and light furniture.

To make the room seem larger and lighter, it is better to choose furniture:

  • White, colors Ivory, milky or creamy color;
  • Stylized antique, lemon, pale blue, pistachio.

If you need to make the room more businesslike, for example, decorate an office.

It is worth using classic dark furniture:

  • Natural colors - oak, beech, linden;
  • Black, red-brown, chocolate, cherry.

Furniture, curtains and beige wallpaper create a single color scheme for the room. Before purchasing anything, it is better to take a pen and paper and draw what the room should roughly look like. Often objects in the interior look completely different from those on display. The drawing will help you place accents and think through not only the color, but also the placement of furniture.

What color goes with beige wallpaper in the room?

If the apartment is designed in one stylistic direction, then the design of each room should logically fit into the overall plan.

You can successfully choose curtains for beige wallpaper according to the principle:

  • Harmony, use shades similar in palette;
  • Contrast, use colors opposite in palette.

The principle of harmony is realized if the curtains are light gray, milky, golden, pale olive. The principle of contrast, if beige wallpaper is used with curtains: khaki, pink, fiery, purple.

Beige interior: combination of beige color in the interior (video)

Both approaches make it possible to complete the design of a room beautifully and stylishly. You need to listen to your own preferences, and then the apartment will become truly cozy.

Examples of beige wallpaper (photo)

Attention, TODAY only!

In the living room we gather with family and friends for time together meeting, so it is necessary that the design of this room is pleasant and conducive to conversation. An important part of any interior are the walls. Wallpaper is recognized as the most popular material for their decoration. They can be the most different colors and textures, from the right choice which will depend appearance your living room. If you can’t decide what color trellises will best match the rest of the room, then we advise you to take a closer look at shades of beige, because it’s impossible to go wrong with them.

How to choose the color of wallpaper for the living room

The living room, decorated in classic colors, is very elegant. For such interiors, white or brown chairs and a table are suitable. Textiles can be chosen in beige color, but in a different shade.

Beige wallpaper will be combined with both modern and classic interiors. They personify calm and comfort. If you choose this finish, you will definitely get a stylish and beautiful living room.

Light wallpaper in the living room: photo

Light wallpaper will make the room more spacious. They are an excellent backdrop for bright accents and classic decorative elements.

A living room decorated in light colors requires special care. After all, such a room is more susceptible to contamination and wear. However, if you use gray or beige fabrics rather than plain white ones, then minor imperfections will be less noticeable.

For small rooms, light wallpaper is one of the most good options for wall decoration. This decoration will make your living room brighter and more spacious. To dilute beige interior, you can combine light beige wallpaper with lilac, blue, light green or yellow canvases.

The effect of the greatest spaciousness and airiness can be achieved by decorating the room in one color. This technique is most often used in hotel rooms.

Also, light wallpaper in the living room can be complemented dark furniture And . Such an interior will look modern and stylish.

One more interesting solution There will be a use of aristocratic blue armchairs with white stripes in the interior in beige tones. It is desirable that the curtains in such a living room are also striped.

How to choose curtains to match gray wallpaper in the living room interior

Recently, they are often used by designers in the interior of the living room. This technique is suitable for both modern and classic interiors.

Gray color is an excellent background for most existing shades, so you don’t have to limit yourself in choosing furniture and decorative elements. However, the choice of curtains must be approached with special responsibility, because they are an extension of the wall.

Acceptable shades of curtains for gray wallpaper:

  1. For modern sophisticated interiors, a combination with gray wallpaper. In this case, the curtains should be several shades lighter or darker than the walls.
  2. Curtains of saturated colors can also be combined with light gray wallpaper. bright colors. Pink and turquoise curtains look interesting against a gray background.
  3. Gray wallpaper will add tenderness to the living room interior.

Textiles play a big role in the design of the living room. If you used wallpaper in gray or beige shades, then the curtains can be of almost any color.

Photo of dark wallpaper in the living room interior

If you use dark trellises in the interior of your living room, it is better if they are used in combination with light wallpaper. The best background for dark inserts is a beige background.

Which ones can be combined with beige wallpaper:

  • Gray wallpaper in combination with beige canvases can be called a classic of the genre;
  • Black and beige striped wallpaper will make the living room interior more noble;
  • Burgundy, purple and red colors will be softened by beige inserts;
  • The combination of brown and beige wallpaper is called “coffee with milk”; it looks very gentle and interesting.

Dark wallpaper can only be used in spacious living rooms. To reduce the feeling of cramped space and make the design lighter, you should break up dark trellises with beige inserts.

Combination of dark and light wallpaper– this is a stylish solution for any living room. Such a design move will speak of the excellent taste and creativity of the owner.

Delicate beige wallpaper in the living room interior (video)

The living room is the place where we gather with family and friends, so it must be cozy and conducive to communication. To make her like this Special attention you need to pay attention to design, an important part of which is the design of the walls. You can choose wallpaper in absolutely any palette, but beige walls are a win-win option. They will serve as an excellent background for both bright and calm content. Choose beige trellises, and no one will be able to doubt your good taste.

Wallpapers, too, are different not only in shade, but also in texture. Eg - , vinyl, plant and floral ornaments.


This room in the house simply must radiate calm, comfort and tranquility. It is in this room that beige is easy and difficult to use at the same time. The best solution is a combination of several shades.

Important! The base as beige wallpaper must be complemented by another color, but not in dissonance with the base, there should not be a sharp contrast. This will help you tune in to rest, relax, and sleep will come faster.

The interior will not be monotonous if you buy beige ones for the bedroom. Most often these are fantasy ornaments. Not all walls should be decorated with such wallpaper. After all, they will “press” only one wall, for example, the one under which the bed stands.

It is important to do this type of finishing correctly. , and in rich, dark shades they will look ridiculous in such a delicate finish. It's better to choose bright hues- they will emphasize beauty.

Children bedroom

There will be beige, especially if the child is very small. They will have a calming effect on the child’s psyche, and it will be easier for him to fall asleep. Beige looks great in combination with patterns, images of animals, elements of nature and other motifs.


Oddly enough, such a light and clean color looks great even in the kitchen. Of course, wallpaper in beige tones in the interior shown in the photo will not be the best solution For . But for finishing dining area quite suitable. Shades that will look best in the kitchen:

  • Sandy and sunny shades will bring warmth to the kitchen, making it feel comfortable. They blend organically with furniture, best of all chocolate. A light floor and the same wallpaper can best reveal the depth of color of the furniture.

Dining area in shabby chic style with beige wallpaper in a color pattern

  • Gray-beige wallpaper is the solution for the newfangled minimalist kitchen interiors. They make the room cold. The color of the headset is non-standard, bright.

Advice! It is worth using to decorate the walls in the kitchen, they react normally to extreme conditions problems that occur in the kitchen - temperature changes, moisture.

Selection of curtains

Not just wallpaper, for the unity and organicity of the interior you need. It is important to choose the right color and texture for beige wallpaper. But first, decide on the color. For warm shades, the best solution would be brown, red, yellow, orange, and golden textiles. For cold tones, you should choose gray, blue, purple curtains.

Important! Any textile, not just curtains, should not repeat the shade of the wallpaper, otherwise it will be boring and inexpressive.

Although the color is universal and has shown itself to be excellent as a base color, you should not use curtains that are too bright. It is better to focus on furniture, accessories, . It is best to choose curtains in the same color scheme as the wallpaper; the tone should be a little darker.

Advice! If wallpapers are plain and without patterns, then the curtains can have a pattern and vice versa - the presence of an ornament on the wallpaper is a contraindication for its presence on the curtains. This way the room will not look tacky.

The option of deep saturated color of curtains is possible if they repeat color scheme furniture. At the same time, you will have to sacrifice airiness, because such an interior will be expressive.

Furniture color

This factor is also important for harmonious interior with beige wallpaper. Any shade of this color goes well with light-colored furniture. But if the walls have a basic shade, it’s worth playing on the furniture. At the same time, saturation and brightness are welcome. Combination options:

  • Beige walls and light blue or