Log house with attic. Projects of wooden houses with an attic

You can order designs of houses built from logs of any complexity from a construction organization. Professional designers will be able to choose a solution that fully satisfies the wishes of the future owner, taking into account the possible amount of financial costs.

IMPORTANT! A well-designed project reduces construction costs by up to 30%. The project is the basis, without which it is impossible to begin actual construction.

The preparation of project documentation should be entrusted to professional architects and estimators. Then the result is guaranteed to be:

  • modern solutions;
  • use of construction innovations by specialists;
  • optimal cost calculation
  • official confirmation of the total cost.

The layout of one-story log cabins or houses with several floors may differ in the size of the rooms, their number, and purpose. If it is impossible to build a full-fledged log house with 2 floors, we offer the option of arranging a log house with a practical attic.

Log house 10x10

This size of the house is quite suitable for family living. You can use the log house as guest house, Mini Hotel.

The layout of one floor of the house includes:

  • 2 bedrooms;
  • bathroom;
  • comfortable kitchen-living room;
  • spacious hall;
  • corridor;
  • porch.

Characteristics of this log house:

  1. external size – 10x10;
  2. height – 3m;
  3. d logs – 24cm;
  4. type of cutting - in a bowl;
  5. complete set – wall set

Log house 9x9

Ideal for country houses and country cottages. Can be used as a mini-hotel, guest house.

Photo 3 shows a plan for a 9x9 log house, which includes:

  • spacious living room;
  • comfortable kitchen-dining room;
  • bedroom;
  • bathroom;
  • hallway vestibule;
  • porch.

Characteristics of this log house:

  1. external size – 9x9;
  2. height – 3m;
  3. dlogs – 24cm;
  4. type of cutting - in a bowl;
  5. complete set - wall set.

Similarly, you can choose projects for log houses with dimensions of 8x8.

Log house 6x8

Sizes fit country house, baths. Typical projects may be different. We will give an example of a popular layout, successfully complemented by an attic.

The project includes the layout of the following premises:

  • 2 bedrooms on the first floor;
  • 2 bedrooms in the attic;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • first floor hall;
  • attic floor hall;
  • balcony;
  • porch.

Characteristics of this log house:

  • external dimensions – 9x9;
  • height of the first floor – 3m;
  • material – profiled timber;
  • type of cutting - in a bowl.

Similarly, you can plan a log house measuring 6x6.

IMPORTANT! Layouts, sketches are part of projects. The main component is the right technological solutions.

Log house projects

Log houses are distinguished by their naturalness and attractive forms. Environmentally friendly log house is ensured by the use of exclusively natural, non-toxic materials in construction:

  • coniferous tree logs;
  • interventional insulation of natural origin: moss, flax jute.

Photo 1 - Log house

Log house projects can use construction technologies from rounded logs or from debarked logs.

Mandatory documentation

Projects should include the following sections:

  • sketch part;
  • specification;
  • technological maps required for direct assembly.

The sketch part consists of:

  • explanatory note;
  • plan ground floor(foundation);
  • floor plan;
  • facades, including color scheme;
  • longitudinal, transverse section.

The designer must take into account the features of the construction of log houses:

  • shrinkage;
  • standard manufactured sizes of logs/beams. It will be necessary to take into account when calculating joints for large wall sizes;
  • a house made from logs can only have 4 corners.

The finished project is approved by official authorities. After receiving all visas, approvals, permits, a permit for the upcoming construction is issued, which is the basis for the start of construction.


An estimate is drawn up in accordance with the approved project. Qualified engineers will help you accurately determine the cost of the materials listed in the specification, the cost of equipment, and labor costs.

Photo 2 - Estimate

The estimate includes:

  • explanatory note;
  • consolidated estimate or local estimate on the basis of such calculation;
  • resource statement;
  • calculation of OPR (general production expenses).

Based on the available estimate, a Contract Price can be drawn up - a document fixing the full cost of work on the construction of a log house.

Log house projects price

The price of each project differs due to the complexity, scale of construction, and sections included in the project.

So, the minimum price is $6-8 per 1 m 2 of log house. Famous construction companies They practice free preparation of design documentation when ordering from a house construction organization according to a given project.

The Dobrodom company carries out a full range of works on the construction of log houses with an attic. The second floor in the form of an attic is a good solution for wooden house, as it is aesthetically pleasing, convenient and practical.

Stages of construction of log houses with an attic from “Dobrodom”

We work without intermediaries at all stages of log production:

  • Design. A team of professionals will develop for you a project for a log house with an attic or offer standard version with the possibility of making changes.
  • Harvesting and processing of wood. We do not spend extra money on the purchase of timber, one-time hiring of workers, or rental of equipment. Instead, we carry out logging ourselves, have a full range of modern equipment and a full-time team of professional carpenters at our disposal.
  • We use exclusively high-quality raw materials - construction timber with a diameter of up to 45 centimeters (larch, pine, cedar). Selected coniferous trees northern forest after professional processing practically not subject to cracking and rotting. There are no highways or hazardous industries in the logging area, which guarantees the environmental safety of the building. You will be pleasantly pleased with the cost of a log house with an attic, its quality and the timing of construction work.
  • Delivery and installation on site. Transportation of the log house and installation of the foundation is carried out by the company. The assembly is carried out according to the traditions of Russian architecture (cutting “into the bowl”, “into the paw”). Durability, aesthetics and warmth wooden houses with an attic from “Dobrodom” are provided by the high professionalism of the craftsmen and the highest quality wood. Thanks to their work, over more than 11 years of work, our company has developed a reputation as a conscientious and competent developer.
  • Finishing. Before starting this stage, it is necessary to observe a technological break for shrinkage (from 6 to 9 months). Our designers will create a home interior design project for you, focusing on your taste preferences and requirements.
  • Delivery of the project to the customer. Dobrodom employees closely monitor the fulfillment of their obligations and deliver houses on time.

For all questions regarding the assembly of a log house with an attic, please contact us by phone or email. We are waiting for your order!

More and more consumers are returning to the origins and traditions of Russian Wooden Architecture, replacing brick and stone houses log houses or so-called log houses.

Log house with an attic in the form of an artist's sketch

Positive characteristics of the log house

It is believed that stone or brick house much more reliable than wood. You can argue with this and give irrefutable arguments in favor of wooden structure.

As a building material, logs have their disadvantages:

  • increased flammability;
  • wood rotting, mold and fungi formation;
  • fragility and fragility compared to stone;
  • high cost of wooden beams.

So, wood has increased flammability. But everything is on fire. Fires occur in both brick and stone houses. The destructive effects of fire destroy everything. At influence high temperatures the brick collapses and becomes brittle.

The strength of the masonry is inversely proportional to the duration of the fire. As a result, any structure falls apart in a fire. To improve fire resistance wooden logs treated with special substances and means. Modern fire-bioprotective agents can reduce the possibility of wood fire to zero.

The log house with the attic looks pretty good

Besides, modern market offers a lot of impregnations, the use of which reduces the ability of wood to support the combustion process, providing group I fire protection.

The tree rots, that's understandable. But it rots in natural conditions. Fungus and mold form in a humid environment. At brickwork in damp corners, or if dampness or leakage occurs, the possibility of mold and mildew also cannot be ruled out.

One can also argue about the durability of the wooden structure. Stone masonry is considered durable. This opinion comes from ancient times, when were stone castles built?. They simply forgot about the thickness of the walls of these stone structures (1.5 m). Modern masonry is much thinner than ancient masonry, and the quality of the building materials has changed a lot, which is why it is not as durable.

If we also take into account the quality of the masonry, then a wooden frame is in no way inferior in terms of service to a stone house. There are many examples where wooden log houses from the Arkhangelsk forest have served and continue to serve for more than 250 years. And this without the use of any chemical treatments!

A wooden frame is expensive. This opinion is wrong. You purchase logs for construction in cubic meters, and the price is set per 1 m³.

If you also buy bricks in cubic meters, then from 1m³ of brick, with a thickness of 0.5 m, you will end up with a wall measuring 2m x 1m, and from 1m³ of timber, with a thickness of 0.25 m, the wall will end up measuring 4m x 1m. Simple mathematical calculations show erroneous opinion about the high cost of wood.

If we take into account that wooden masonry does not require additional thermal insulation, waterproofing and interior decoration, then the final cost will be 25% lower than masonry made of stone or brick.

In addition, wooden log houses are much warmer than brick ones; air exchange in them occurs faster, since wood breathes. Wood is a building material given to us by nature. A log house is much lighter than a stone one, so it shrinks and you can lay a lighter version of the foundation. To build a log house, you will need a minimum set of tools: a saw, an ax, a chisel. A log house is both environmentally friendly and unique design your home.

Choosing material for a log house

It is best to use coniferous trees for cutting a log house. The log is taken in a rounded shape of the same diameter, this will simplify the production of markings, and the final product will have a symmetrical appearance.

Logs for a log house should be selected very carefully

Second type building material– profiled timber. The timber processed on a special conveyor has precise grooves, with the help of which the timber connect easily and tightly without leaving any gaps. Using profiled timber, you will speed up the construction process, but the construction will be template, not original.

Any small object can be built from profiled timber. This will help you understand the technology of laying logs and the process of building a log house. It should be noted that building a log house is an impossible task for one person. We need a specialist so as not to spoil good logs. The adage “learn from your mistakes” does not apply here.

Stripping logs for a log house

The most important stage construction there is processing of log material. The logs are selected, not affected by fungus and mold. First thing bark needs to be removed. In this case, the final result should be a smooth surface, i.e. You do not trim the log, but sand it, preserving the subbark membrane. The subcortical membrane is needed not only for appearance, it protects the tree from rotting.

Logs can be cleared with an axe, electric planer or scraper. The use of each type of tool has its own advantage. So, handmade with an ax, allows you to remove a layer about 1 cm thick, thereby ensuring high level protecting wood from external influence. Using an electric planer, you get more modern look processing.

Scheme for stripping logs for building a log house

The logs come out smooth, even, and externally rounded. The outer layer of wood is preserved, which also has a beneficial effect on protecting the wood from rotting. This treatment ensures that the logs fit tightly together.

The scraper is rarely used for processing. This tool resembles a sickle. The wood comes out clean and light.

Log house construction technology

Before laying a log house, you need to take care of the foundation. When designing a house, take into account the presence of an attic space. This puts additional stress on the foundation, so everything needs to be designed and taken into account correctly.

There are several options for cutting a log house: into a “paw”, into a “bowl”.

Logging in the “paw” is distinguished by its economy; it is also called cutting a house without residues. With this construction method, less logs are used. With this method of construction the logs do not protrude beyond corners of a log house.

It should be noted that this technology is much more complicated than chopping a house into a “bowl”. The usable area of ​​the room, with a similar log length, increases when chopping into a “paw”. A “paw” log house is convenient for installing exterior and interior decoration of a house.

Scheme of laying logs for a log house

The disadvantage of this method is the poorer heat retention and the tendency of the compounds to dry out over time. Ventilated cracks appear that need to be “wedged in.” Otherwise, the structure may lose its integrity and move apart.

There are two types of chopping a house into a “paw” - without a thorn and with a thorn, i.e. simple and complex. For such cutting, it is better to seek the help of a qualified specialist, otherwise you may get ventilated corners, this design cannot be corrected.

Cutting a house into a “bowl” is much more expensive than cutting it into a “paw” (by 5%-10%). But a house built into a “bowl” is not only attractive in appearance, but also has a number of advantages. Such a house is much warmer than a house cut into a “paw”. A log house built into a “bowl” is highly stable.

This is truly a work of art. By choosing this method of cutting a log house, you do not disturb the structure of the wood, thereby extending the life of the house. Resistant to changes in the external environment, to weather conditions is much higher than in a house cut down into a “paw”.

Joining logs when cutting into a “bowl” can be done using the “Russian bowl” and “Canadian bowl” methods. Time shows that the “Canadian bowl” is much more effective than the “Russian bowl”. This is explained by the presence in the first of special cuts in the area of ​​cuttings.

When drying logs, the “Canadian bowl” prevents large gaps from forming; when subsidence, the logs fill the resulting gaps. Even more effective is log joining method an improved “Canadian bowl” with an additional spike. The presence of a spike plays a big role in insulating the corners of the house and ensures that the structure is not blown through.

Attic on a log house

Much has been said about the advantages of an attic room in a log house or any other house. Attic on log house it looks very effective, such a house pleases the eye and fascinates with its unique design.

To build an attic on a log house, the first step is to carry out installation rafter system and truss frame. Next we move on to installing the Mauerlat. Mauerlat system needed for attaching rafters roofs to the walls of the house. In fact, the Mauerlat holds the entire roof and transfers the load of the formed roof to the walls of the building.

After all the work has been completed, rafter legs and ridge beams are installed, which serve as support for rafter legs. The next thing to attach is the sheathing under the temporary roofing material. Final installation of the roof with insulation, covering, etc. will occur only after complete shrinkage of the log house. After the frame shrinks, interior work is also carried out.

The SeverStroyLes company offers one-story houses with an attic made of rounded logs. They are very popular, because a person has the opportunity to get a full-fledged two-story structure without extra costs. An attic is an appropriately equipped space between the ceiling of the first floor, which in this case acts as a floor, and the roof of the house. This is an attic that can be converted into a living room if desired.

Houses with an attic made of rounded logs from our company are always high quality and affordable prices. The thing is that we ourselves produce the basic material for their creation, we have teams of qualified specialists to provide turnkey services. We can guarantee timely fulfillment of our obligations and will never let you down. This is why so many clients choose to cooperate with us, and you can become one of them.

Projects of houses made of rounded logs with an attic

Pay attention to the features of the presented projects - they take into account the functionality of the attic as much as possible. First of all, you can increase the usable area of ​​a one-story house by turning the attic into a full-fledged room. Here you can make a billiard room, an office, a workshop and even a bedroom. Our projects of houses with an attic made of rounded logs are created taking into account your personal preferences. We will always take into account all wishes and are ready to work with non-standard solutions. All our houses have many advantages:

  • provide natural thermoregulation, creating a favorable microclimate for human existence all year round;
  • To create them, only environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials are used to implement the concept of a healthy environment;
  • they are not afraid of natural elements and will reliably protect you from the misfortunes of the outside world, giving you coziness and comfort for many years.

A house with an attic made of rounded logs also has excellent performance properties and durability. As for the appearance, the attic can be different shapes– you will definitely choose the option that suits you. And in general, the natural beauty of the texture of natural wood attracts the eye and gives peace and comfort. An unusual composition from a combination decorative beams, walls and openings, turn the room into a real work of art, which you can take possession of in the near future - call!