Stone houses: advantages and disadvantages, features of construction technology. We build a stone house with our own hands

A house made of stone can easily be called an architectural monument. It is not only beautiful, but also durable and cozy. Houses made of stone are mainly built for oneself; this is a family estate in which more than one generation will live. Such a structure will cost several times more than one made from other materials, although it is worth it.

Types of stone that can be used

Primary rocks that are formed due to igneous masses (granite, pumice, basalt);
- minerals (gypsum rock, calcite, anhydrite, and limestone);
- rocks that were formed by changing rocks under the influence of pressure and temperature (marble, slate).

Description of the construction process

1. Turnkey house layout. Before starting construction work, it is imperative to think through and calculate everything down to the smallest detail. For an accurate calculation, you need to know the number of floors, windows and rooms in advance.

2. Construction of the foundation. Houses made of stone are quite heavy, for this reason, before building it, you need to lay a solid foundation. The first thing you need to do is mark the house, that is, draw a life-size plan of the house. Pegs are installed on the markings, which are tied together with twine. Next, we remove the soil, making a trench, the bottom of which should be exactly horizontal. Large rubble stones (a durable type of stone of various sizes) are placed at the very bottom of the trench; then it is necessary to wedge them with medium-sized stones, and then small ones. The main thing is that the layer is stable and does not exceed 0.5 meters. After this, dilute cement with sand 1:4 until fluid and pour it over the laid stones until it covers half the top layer of stones. To increase the strength, the foundation must be reinforced with a profile, or a frame must be made from reinforcement, and then the stone must be laid and poured. It is necessary to put together formwork from the boards, which is installed to fill the above-ground layer of the foundation. The last layer should be even and horizontal, so it needs to be removed with an elastic and thicker solution. It is better to load the foundation no earlier than a month later, when the concrete becomes strong, only after that can you continue construction works.

3. Construction of walls. Before laying, it is necessary to prepare and sort the stone, split too large pieces with a sledgehammer, and chip off sharp corners.

There are two main methods of laying stone for walls:

Under the shoulder blade (a method in which the masonry is performed in horizontal layers no more than 25 centimeters high). The first row is laid out with large stones on the prepared surface. The first layer is laid out without applying the solution with the flat edges down. The void between the stones is filled with small stones, compacted and filled with liquid mortar. Next, subsequent layers are laid out, which are secured together with elastic cement mortar. For durable masonry, it is necessary to ensure that the stones do not come into contact with each other without mortar;
- under the bracket (this method is used mainly for the construction of walls). This method is practically no different from the “shovel” method, the only difference is that the masonry is done in formwork to ensure the walls are even. To increase the thermal insulation of walls, slabs of foam concrete, plasterboard or wood are used. They are attached to the wall from the inside using special beacons using a solution.

4. The last stage in building a house is the roof. The roof is the load-bearing part of the house, so its installation should be taken very seriously and in compliance with all standards. For a stone house, it is best to construct an attic roof, which will make it possible to use the additional attic space and insulate the house. Due to the fact that a house made of stone is a beautiful, durable structure, the roof should be made with numerous slopes, which will further decorate the house. From roofing materials V in this case It is better to choose metal tiles.
A house made of stone is quite difficult to build, as it only requires self made. But a huge advantage is that it is beautiful, durable and will last for hundreds of years.

The dream of any person who owns a piece of land is a beautiful and cozy home, therefore, at the slightest opportunity, he strives to implement it. But a lot of questions immediately arise, the most important of which is the choice of building material for the future home. Of course, you can consider the option of building wooden house or brick. But there is a more exotic option - a house made of stone, and the stone can be either artificial or natural. Despite the high cost of the latter, you should not skimp, as a house made of natural stone can become a real work of art.

How to build a stone house with your own hands

In order for the house to be not only beautiful, but also durable, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the choice of stone. The selection of elements for building a house is carried out relative to certain parameters. It is desirable that the weight of the stone be from 15 to 30 kg, and the size 15x50 cm. But in some cases, stones weighing up to 50 kg are used. Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to cope with too heavy a stone alone, large stones can make the structure of the house much stronger, since fewer horizontal seams are made when laying them. All stones used as building materials, must be frost-resistant. This means that during its service life the material must withstand at least 15 freezing and thawing conditions. Color building elements must be uniform. Each stone used in masonry should not have any cracks, chips or inclusions of loose rock, as all this has a significant impact on the strength of the stone.

If rubble is used when laying a house, it most often requires preliminary preparation, which will require the use of special tools. In this case, you will need a sledgehammer, with which large blocks are split into smaller ones. You will also need a hammer-cam, used for chipping sharp corners. Stones treated in this way are more convenient to work with, and the masonry is more durable.
All rubble stones have a certain shape, depending on which they are divided into torn rubble, cobblestone and bedded. Since the shape of the latter is similar to a brick, it is considered more convenient to use. Externally, this stone resembles a thick slab with an irregular shape. The upper and lower cavities of this slab are almost parallel, and they are called beds.
Layered rubble is usually obtained from layered rocks, such as sandstones or limestones. Thanks to its shape, it is ideal for the construction of any structures that will subsequently have to bear large vertical loads, for example, low-rise buildings or fences.

Rocks formed during blasting are called torn boot. This method of extracting stone makes its edges uneven and its shape irregular. Working with it is much more difficult, since the masonry can be made more durable only with the help of crushed stone and mortar, which fill the voids. For this reason, the use of torn rubble is limited to use in the construction of invisible parts of the building, which include both the foundation and basement walls.
The shape of the cobblestone is round, and it is used for the construction of foundations of low houses.

Laying stones

Rubble stones, like bricks, are laid individually and connected mortar, selected depending on the operating conditions of the building and the purpose of the masonry. If the location of the structure is wet soil, or this building will be subject to significant loads, then cement mortar must be highly durable.

For construction in a dry place ideal option will become cement-lime mortars, which, although they do not have high strength, are very plastic. Plasticizers, for example, clay, which increase mobility, are additionally introduced into the composition of such mixtures. But such a solution is only suitable if the load on the finished building is not too high.

According to existing standards, all construction work must be carried out at a temperature not lower than 0°C. But there are technologies thanks to which stone structures can be erected even in severe frosts.

Not every modern inhabitant of our planet dares to build a stone house. There are many reasons for this: firstly, it is not fashionable, and secondly, it is labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive. Modern technologies allow you to build houses much faster and cheaper. But nevertheless, there are still people who simply dream of such a home - romantics... It’s difficult to call them anything else. It is for them that this article has been prepared, in which, together with the website, we will consider the question of how to build stone houses and let's look at their advantages and disadvantages.

Features of the construction of stone houses

Stone houses: advantages and disadvantages

It is wrong to imagine that modern stone houses are made from unprocessed cobblestones - humanity has long stepped forward and learned to process natural stone, making blocks convenient for work from it. Today, in its pure form, only one type of stone is used for laying walls - shell rock, cut into blocks. In some cases, granite in the form of untreated stone may be used. What comes out of such material? What advantages do these houses have? And it turns out the following.

I hope this is enough to abandon the construction of “synthetic” buildings, for the construction of which modern chemical products are used? It would be a stretch to even call them building materials.

Stone houses photo

And since we started with the advantages, it’s time to dwell on the disadvantages of stone houses - there are few of them, but for some reason they have a huge influence on a person’s choice in favor of modern building materials.

  1. Construction of stone houses is an expensive pleasure, unless, of course, we are talking about artificial stone.
  2. The technology of laying the walls itself is also complex, which, again, affects the cost of construction.
  3. The material itself is also not cheap.

This is how things stand with the advantages and disadvantages of stone houses.

Two-story stone house photo

How to build a stone house with your own hands: construction features

One of the technological disadvantages of structures made of natural stone is their heavy weight; in connection with this, special requirements are put forward for its foundation. To build a stone house, you need to pour a very strong and heavily reinforced one. But this is if we are talking about a serious stone like granite, which modern world practically not used. Today, even if they build from stone, they use less heavy material from sedimentary rocks for these purposes - as a rule, it is sandstone or limestone. By the way, the well-known shell rock belongs to the latter. This stone can be easily processed; it is cut into blocks and laid like bricks - such a house does not require a special foundation. The only condition is a correctly performed calculation according to the weight of the future structure.

Foundation for a stone house photo

As for the walls of such houses, everything depends on the degree of stone processing. If we are talking about cut blocks that have the same dimensions, then their installation is no different from. If we talk about natural unprocessed stone, then things are quite complicated here - not every mason knows the technology for laying it. There are many subtleties here, but the greatest difficulty is presented by the corners - you yourself understand that the strength and durability of the building as a whole depends entirely on their integrity.

How to build a stone house

Very important point in the process of laying untreated natural stone is its correct selection. The fact is that for each individual pebble you will have to look for places of suitable size. In addition, it is quite important to install it correctly in this place, oriented in space. As for masonry mortar, a standard cement-sand mixture is used here, which must be literally filled into every crack.

The floors in a stone house are practically no different from the same surface in any house - here you can either build or pour the floors. It all depends on your preferences - in both cases you will need to isolate yourself from the ground by pouring a concrete pad and making high-quality waterproofing. If we consider the floors in a stone house from the design perspective, then, naturally, in buildings of this type, marble decorative coverings look most attractive.

Finishing of stone houses

Since we touched on the topic of finishing, it should be noted that there are practically no restrictions here. Stone walls with the same ease as all others, they can be lined with almost any materials - drywall, tiles. The only problem that may arise is in the specifics of the technology for performing facing work - for example, if we are talking about plastering stone walls, then you cannot do without a special one.

Decoration of a stone house photo

Well, in conclusion, a few words about the roof of a stone house - the beauty is that a house built from natural stone can be covered with any, even the heaviest, roofing structure. There is, however, one condition, but it is not an exception for any stone structures - the presence. Its tasks include uniform distribution of the load from the roof over the entire area load-bearing walls. In addition, a reinforced concrete ring will connect all the walls of the building and ensure their integrity over a long period of operation.

Houses of stone have been built at all times. They were valued for their strength and durability, creating a feeling of security. A century ago, such houses were built from natural stone or brick. Today a house is called stone if not only natural, but also fake diamond. Projects of stone houses make it possible to turn into reality the main dream of many owners - comfortable, reliable and beautiful housing for their family.

The owners of the stone house are practical and thorough

What are the benefits of stone buildings?

Many residents middle zone prefer houses made of stone. This popularity is due to the qualities of the material:

    Durability. Stone buildings have no limitation on their service life; With proper care, they can serve several generations of a family without losing strength or comfort.

    Reliability. Thanks to the hardness of the stone, the house can easily withstand seasonal weather changes and resist rain, frost and wind.

    Unpretentiousness. Stone does not need regular processing (like wood).

    Fire safety. The stone doesn't burn.

    Physical characteristics. Reliable noise insulation and heat protection.

    Design and finishing possibilities. Limited only by the imagination of the architect and designer.

Types of materials for stone houses

For construction country houses use:

    Natural (natural) stone. Sandstone, tuff, limestone, marble, granite.

    Brick. Two types of bricks are widely used - ceramic (made of baked clay, red-brown) and silicate (a mixture of sand and lime processed under pressure, white).

    Blocks. Ceramic, foam concrete, gas silicate (large-format products with a porous structure).

Photo of a stone house using sandstone in the construction of the facade

About projects of stone houses developed on a turn-key basis

Construction companies offer a variety of finished projects stone houses, which, if desired, can be changed or supplemented. Many developers work directly with trusted manufacturers and suppliers of building stone, which allows them to supply the material without extra charges. Thanks to this approach, the cost of a capital structure can be lower than the market average.

When ordering a full range of construction services, the company provides a free house design (with any number of floors). You are free to choose the layout of the rooms, the option you like exterior finishing And interior decor. Architects and designers rework the project, taking into account the wishes of the future owner, without compromising the functional and aesthetic qualities of the building.

Having decided to build from stone, it is worth getting acquainted with the features of natural and artificial materials. This will help you make an informed choice and order suitable housing for permanent residence, inexpensive. The price of a turnkey brick house in this case may be lower than those that exist even on the secondary market.

Houses made of natural stone

It is unlikely that there is another building material that is as durable and reliable as natural stone. The walls of a house made of natural stone have a large margin of safety and do not need any serious repairs for decades.

A slate facade gives a natural stone home a stylish look and impresses guests

The most popular rocks in construction are limestone, slate, granite, sandstone, shell rock and marble. The main advantages of such houses (besides strength) are:

    Thermal insulation. Stone walls reliably protect the inhabitants of the house from winter cold and summer heat.

    Environmental friendliness. The stone does not emit substances that can harm humans.

    Aesthetic qualities. An unlimited variety of colors and textures creates the individual charm of a home.

The main disadvantages are:

    Price. Construction of a house from natural material will cost a considerable amount. The cost is affected by both the price of the stone and the costs of transporting and laying such heavy material.

    Heat conservation. The ability of natural stone to retain heat is not high level(lower than that of building blocks), so such a house needs additional insulation.

IN modern construction Natural stone is used extremely rarely for the construction of walls. It is successfully used for finishing and facing works; natural facade protects the underlying surface and increases the thermal insulation properties of walls, reducing cost and weight.

Hyper-pressed brick in the decoration of the facade and window opening

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Stone houses made of bricks

Brick is used in private construction on a larger scale than natural stone. This popular technology is based on many years of experience and refined construction techniques. Brick buildings are famous for their durability (construction companies provide a 50-year guarantee on materials) and impeccable appearance. Features of brick buildings include:

    Subtleties of construction. To build a quality house, you need professional skills and experience.

    Specifications. Brick does not absorb moisture well, resists freezing well and retains heat.

    Price. A relatively expensive building material, more practical than natural stone, but more expensive than wall blocks.

    Finishing. External brick walls are beautiful without additional (decorative) coating.

Stone houses made of blocks

Projects of stone houses and cottages made from similar materials are called prefabricated stone houses. The construction industry has several varieties of building blocks with common advantages:

    Construction. It is carried out quickly due to the large size and low weight of the products. Block walls do not need such a solid foundation as brick walls.

Modern house project made from gas silicate blocks

    Specifications. They have similar parameters (non-flammable; with correct use can be used in all climatic conditions); the difference lies in the appearance of the surface of the products and weight. All blocks have good thermal insulation properties(better than brick), but they absorb moisture differently.

    Price. Cheap building material.

    Finishing. Unaesthetic appearance blocks is their main drawback, which can be easily corrected by finishing, covering external walls plastering or installing a ventilated façade. Internal walls are lined with frame finishing materials or plastering.

When choosing a material, it would be useful to consult a specialist. Each type of block has features that can play a decisive role for the project:

Video about what material to choose for building a house:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Ceramic block

Ceramic block (ceramic stone, warm or porous ceramic) compared to silicate wall materials:

    more durable and absorbs less water (the thermal resistance of walls does not decrease when wet);

    You can begin finishing work immediately after building the house;

    does not form condensation (moisture and vapor permeability)

    not frost-resistant (outer walls protect facade finishing- plaster or facing brick);

    costs more (produced only at large enterprises).

An eco-friendly option - a house made of building ceramics (ceramic blocks)

Silicate wall materials (foam concrete, gas silicate, expanded clay concrete blocks)

Artificial porous stones are widely used in private construction. The speed of building a house from wall blocks is comparable to wooden houses; blocks are used for both outdoor and interior walls. Light concrete houses do not require a complex foundation. Foam and expanded clay concrete walls are not afraid of dampness due to their structure (the internal pores are sealed); gas silicate walls need to be insulated from moisture, as they tend to absorb it.

Features of the construction of stone houses

The construction company undertakes the preparation of the project, including calculations of the structure and duration of work. Estimates are also being prepared and purchased quality materials. Professional builders build reliable buildings thanks to many years of experience work and knowledge of modern construction technologies.

About what is better - aerated block or brick for a stone house in the video:

Inexpensive stone houses

When it comes to building a stone house, finances are often the main limiting factor. The company's consultants offer houses in different price categories, of which a considerable part is occupied by block structures. Modern technologies make it possible to erect capital buildings from wall blocks with excellent performance characteristics:

    A house is much cheaper than a brick or stone one.

    Construction is much faster (the blocks are large and weigh less).

    If the technology is followed, the house will be warm and moisture-proof.

To inexpensively build a turnkey brick house for permanent residence, some technology simplifications are used. Brick cladding or natural stone replaced with facade finishing (plaster or tiles), load-bearing walls are made thinner and insulated, reinforced concrete floors exchanged for wooden ones. In terms of cost, such a brick house can be closer to a block building, while remaining more practical (more durable).

Layer facing bricks makes the block structure stronger and more beautiful

What determines the cost of stone projects?

Stone buildings have always been a popular type of housing. Despite the fact that building a house from stone means spending more money, many consider this option as a profitable investment. The price of the house is more than compensated for by its reliability and comfort; construction costs include several items:

    Project. The size and configuration of the project directly affects the final price. It matters whether the house is one- or two-story, whether it is designed for permanent or temporary residence, and what its area is.

    Specifications project (determined after consultation with the customer). This includes the thickness of the load-bearing walls, the presence of a basement and attic, the type of roof and other parameters.

    Materials(purchase and delivery).

    Construction works. They take up a significant part of the budget. For stone buildings, a fully buried foundation and reinforced concrete floors are required; As a rule, a basement is made, a garage and a veranda are added.

    Finishing work. Brick finishing or natural stone increases the durability of the block structure and the cost of construction (price facing material and work, increasing the width of the foundation).

The cost of a stone house is determined by several factors

Average prices for stone houses (Moscow region):

Houses with an area of ​​up to 100 m2.

Brick - 2.5-3.1 million rubles, foam concrete - 1.9-2.4 million rubles.

Houses with an area of ​​up to 150 m2.

Brick - 4.8-5.7 million rubles, foam concrete - 3.1-3.4 million rubles.

Houses with an area of ​​up to 200 m2.

Brick - 6.9-7.4 million rubles, foam concrete - 4.2-4.6 million rubles.

About low prices for houses made of stone

Some construction companies attract clients with a common marketing ploy - low prices for their services, explaining the low cost by the absence of intermediaries, own production and a car park. Upon closer inspection it turns out:

    Option 1. The cost of the work is indicated, the customer purchases the materials himself.

    Option 2. The cost of not all work is indicated (the cost of anything may be missing - foundation, insulation, interior partitions or waterproofing). Completion of missed work is offered for an additional fee.

    Option 3. The calculations use the most simplified design - a house rectangular shape without architectural frills, without a basement and with the cheapest finishing materials.

The low cost of a stone house is always a little suspicious

To avoid unplanned (and therefore doubly unpleasant) overpayments, it is necessary to carefully analyze the information coming from the company. Special attention pay attention to:

    list of works and materials;

    prices for material (can be compared with prices of trading companies);

    volumes of materials stated in the estimate.

Responsible construction organizations offer to build a stone house, providing detailed estimates and a step-by-step work schedule. Once the contract is signed, the cost of work and materials does not change.

About facing the facade with brick in the video:

Stages of construction of a turnkey stone house

The construction of a stone house goes through several stages:

    Development of project documentation.

    Excavation. The area is being prepared, the foundation is being laid, and drainage is being arranged.

    Construction of the supporting box. At the same time, walls, interfloor ceilings and roofing are being erected.

Stone cladding is suitable for both classic and modern architectural styles of houses made of natural stone

    The building is being insulated, rough finishing is carried out.

    Layout of engineering communications. When building a turnkey house, heating and sewerage are installed, water supply, gas and electricity are connected.

    Zconsummatorystage. Windows and doors are installed, exterior and interior finishing is performed.


There are many arguments in favor of building a stone private house, which has become a classic of country house construction. Future owners often choose a turnkey house made of stone, keeping in mind its strength and reliability. Having ordered a stone house from construction company With extensive experience, you can get a permanent structure designed for many years of year-round use.

We build beautiful, comfortable, warm and durable houses made of stone. We offer big choice projects in a wide price range. We help solve all related issues that arise in the process: we design the concept of your future home, develop and implement beautiful facades, lay communications, make interior decoration according to a competent design project, we create landscape design and we will implement it on your site. Choose a suitable project on the website with our convenient filters, and soon your new house he'll be ready.

How we build stone houses: from idea to implementation

We pay great attention to the uniqueness and practicality of façade solutions. Our stone houses demonstrate a variety of architectural styles. Innovative designer solutions will make your home stand out from others.

Engineers and architects of the Mera-Stroy company have deep knowledge, having worked in the construction field for more than 15 years.

When preparing a project:

  1. We carry out topographic survey and hydrogeological examination of soils to select and optimize the type of foundation and correct location houses on the site;
  2. we take into account the placement of the building relative to the cardinal directions, taking into account the calculation of insolation standards, based on aesthetically important factors, such as neighboring buildings, beautiful view to a forest or river, etc.;
  3. we have Technical buildings in accordance with gas services, fire and building codes;
  4. We think about the placement of external existing communications;
  5. we take into account the influence of all loads on the main structural elements and components of the building;
  6. selecting the main types wall material taking into account their carriers and thermal properties according to the standards and region of construction;
  7. we create a three-dimensional 3D model of the house according to the sketch chosen by the customer, in which you can first conduct an online tour;
  8. We prepare a detailed design of the building in accordance with current standards and construction regulations.

We meet deadlines and guarantee full compliance of the work results with the standards and the approved project. We will hand over the object without missing a single detail, we will do everything from start to finish without defects or hackwork!

The essence of a stone house

The common name "stone houses" does not imply that the buildings are made of cobblestones. There are many building materials and technologies that are combined into the general group “stone”. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, knowing which you can confidently choose the optimal material for building your own home.

Advantages of stone houses

  • Strength and durability. Houses made of stone are unrivaled in terms of durability compared to frame or wooden buildings.
  • The beauty and originality of the building. Stone can be used to lay out more complex and original structures and create interesting architectural solutions than designs for wooden or frame houses.
  • High protective properties.“Stone” building materials reliably protect the main structure from adverse weather influences, do not deform, and are fireproof.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The stone house maintains a comfortable temperature regime at any time of the year: in summer there is life-saving coolness, and in winter it is easy to maintain a comfortable temperature thanks to good insulation and the generally low thermal conductivity of the walls.
  • High sound insulation. Easily achieved through proper exterior and interior decoration.

We will build a new strong house

Call us, we are always in touch. A qualified architect or engineer will answer you and help you navigate among large quantity stone building materials and choose best option for your needs and conditions. You can consult about best project, get answers to any questions that concern you. It's completely free and doesn't obligate you to anything.