Make something beautiful for your home. Hang things on the walls. Creative homemade lampshades for lamps

Create a beautiful and cozy interior in your home you can use handmade crafts. Making such original things is not so difficult - you don’t need professional skills for this. The things we make with our own hands are unique, they give the interior of the home individuality and add variety to the environment.

From crafts self made the special warmth of the hearth emanates. Thanks to unusual creative gizmos, you will have the opportunity to change the interior at will or in accordance with the seasons (for example, create New Year's decor). DIY home decor is varied and purposeful. Homemade beautiful things and useful crafts for the home can be used as original furnishings, decorative elements, or as devices intended for storing various household items.

In order to make things with your own hands, you don’t have to buy expensive materials, you can also use improvised means.

Creating unusual decor is possible without large material costs. Most of you have various unnecessary little things in your house, for example, fabrics, colorful paper, buttons - all this can be used as material for crafts.

There is similar “junk” in almost every house, if you dismantle the pantry or rummage around in the attic, you will find something. They are also useful for making beautiful new items and homemade little things. natural materials, glue and threads. But handmade decor ideas at home are also needed - of course.

Many people believe that only people with experience can make crafts and create presentable interior items on their own - this is a misconception. Show your imagination, combine different textured materials, don’t be afraid to experiment, and you will create not only a beautiful, but also original decor for home.

Even if you have to tinker with the first thing, each subsequent decorative craft It will come out better and better, and you will spend less time.

DIY craft ideas for the home

So, what can you do yourself for your home? Let's look at a few ideas for inspiration. Among the proposed options, you will definitely find something interesting for yourself and try to make the thing you like with your own hands.


One of the useful things for the home that also serves a decorative function, which you can make with your own hands, is a key holder.

The peculiarity of this key holder is that its design imitates brickwork. The basis for the key holder is thick cardboard (you can use part of a box). You will also need a tight toilet paper or thick napkins. Dense material is needed so that it does not spread when lubricated with glue. Stock up acrylic paints, varnish and glue (ordinary PVA will do).

Make the back wall of the key holder from rectangular cardboard or a sheet of plywood. Hooks will be attached to the base. Cut out small bricks from cardboard rectangular shape, the size should be the same and glue them to the base, leaving a small distance between the parts. Not the entire surface of the cardboard is covered with bricks.

In the central part you need to stick a sign decorated with an inscription, and in the upper part you need to place a beautiful picture.

After this, coat the bricks well with glue, and put a napkin (previously crumpled) on top and a little more glue for impregnation. Using a stick, press tissue paper or paper into the gaps between the miniature bricks to create corners. Give the craft time to dry.

Paint the dry panel with paint (to imitate natural brick you need to choose a red-brown shade). Use bronze paint to paint the seams.

After the paint has dried, paint the bricks with the same tone using a dry brush (dip the brush into bronze-colored paint, then wipe it on paper until it is almost dry, and only then brush the brickwork).

On a note! When painting bricks, you need to move the brush without changing direction.

To give the key holder a smooth finish, coat it with a clear matte varnish.

The work is completed by attaching the loops, after which it can be hung on the wall or given as a gift to someone. The photo below shows the finished key holder:

Jewelry hanger

All representatives of the fair sex love jewelry; Almost every woman has jewelry that needs to be stored somewhere. An original storage for jewelry will be a hanger made like a painting.

In order to make a hanger for storing jewelry, you will need:

  • baguette frame;
  • plywood;
  • stain (paint can be used as a replacement);
  • hooks and drawer handles;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver and drills;
  • cutting tool.

Cut the plywood according to the dimensions of the frame and coat it with stain, then dry it and apply it to the frame. Mark the places where the hooks will be attached and screw them. All that remains is to hang the decorations on the hanger.

Now you have a place to store women's treasures - jewelry.

Plastic canvas box for storing small items

A simple but presentable box designed for storage various little things can be made from plastic canvas.

Canvas is a material for embroidery. You will need a canvas made of plastic; you can buy it in stores that sell everything for needlework.

On a note! Plastic canvas is usually made in the form of sheets, A4 size. The perforations in the plastic canvas differ in size. Canvases are produced with different numbers of perforations; the more there are, the smaller they are.

In addition to the canvas, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • dense threads;
  • large needle;
  • fabric or beads;
  • scissors.

Embroidery on plastic canvas is almost no different from regular embroidery. Embroidery techniques can be different, the most popular are cross stitch and satin stitch.

The plastic canvas is flexible, but at the same time it is very durable.

Decide what the dimensions of your box will be. Divide the material into parts intended for the sides and the bottom. There should be five parts in total. Make elements for the lid. Make a workpiece whose size is 0.5 cm larger in width and length from the bottom. The sides of the lid should be slightly narrower. You will need five more parts. Then sew the pieces dense threads(you can use braid and even ribbons).

You can embroider any pattern on the blanks. Drape the parts that are not embroidered with fabric or embroider with beads.

Having completed all 10 blanks, begin assembly. The first step is to sew the side parts to the bottom. Then sew all the side elements of the box from the outside and trim the top around the edges. The last step is to assemble the cover in the same way.

We assemble the lid of the box in the same way.

A beautiful box made of plastic canvas is ready.

Woven rugs using tapestry technique

One of the options to add coziness to the interior is tapestry rugs. To weave such things, you do not need special tools. A rug using the tapestry technique can be made from scrap materials: thick threads that are used for knitting (they can be replaced with ropes made from old clothes) and cords.

A tapestry is a lint-free carpet made manually. The base of tapestry rugs is decorated with ornaments created by interweaving threads. We will create a plot composition in the form of a circle with drawn lines; a thread will run along them, serving as the basis.

All work is done using weft threads. The complex name hides ordinary ropes and braid, from which weaving and decorative patterns are created.

  • choose a strong thread to create the base;
  • pulling the weft thread should be done by hand;
  • To make the tapestry more dense, you can press the threads to the center; for this, use a simple fork.

Stage one. We draw cardboard measuring 500 x 500 mm. We stitch the cardboard with the thread chosen for the base. To do this, cut the markings drawn on the cardboard and thread a rope through the lines so that it runs through the central part.

Stage two. Let's start weaving the tapestry. You need to carefully fix the starting thread. Weaving using the tapestry technique involves pulling the underlying cord by alternating one thread at the top and the second at the bottom.

Stage three. After weaving the last turn of the thread around the cardboard circle, you need to turn the resulting rug over to the reverse side and cut off the base cords. When pruning, leave about 5cm at the ends. Pull the ends of the laces out of the notches made on the cardboard (there is no need to remove the picture while pulling it out) and tie them into pairs. Attach pompoms to the resulting knots.

Complete the composition by sewing a thick rope from the wrong side in a circle - this will hide the knots and ends of the threads.

Advice. By using different textures and shades of threads, you can make different rugs and then combine them into one. You will get a large rug that can be hung on the wall or laid on the floor.

A tapestry rug placed on the floor will make it warmer and also looks beautiful. Weaving a tapestry rug with your own hands is not difficult: try it and see for yourself.

Ribbon curtain

You can make an unusual curtain from ribbons. Tape curtains are suitable for both windows and doors. Making curtains from ribbons will take a little time; you don’t even need a sewing machine. A fluttering ribbon curtain repels insects well; Previously, such curtains were made from newspapers cut into strips.

To make a curtain from ribbons, you need the following materials:

  • ribbons or fabric strips (with edges that do not fray);
  • cornice;
  • clips or buttons.

The ribbons need to be thrown over the cornice and secured with clamps. Large beads can be strung onto fabric strips for decoration.

The ribbon curtain performs not only a practical, but also a decorative function. The advantage of curtains made from ribbons is their lightness. This great option for a dacha, a ribbon curtain can be hung in an apartment.

Flower pots made from paper bags

Many people have paper bags at home, instead of throwing them away, make them flower pot.

Materials for making flower pots:

  • paper bags;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • glue;
  • plastic container.

Take paper bags and mark them: eight strips measuring 70x300 mm, then cut the paper along the dotted lines.

Place a wooden skewer in the corner of one of the strips and wrap it around it paper base diagonally. You must make a paper tube from each strip. Tape the corners of the paper tubes to prevent them from unraveling. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun.

Take a plastic container, apply glue to it and wrap it with paper (from the same bags) so that the plastic is not visible. Glue paper tubes to the bottom of the container. Cut paper strips measuring 70x450 mm (you will need large bags) and make tubes.

Wrap the tubes so that they are pressed tightly against the walls of the container. Attach a long tube of paper with glue to the bottom of the container and wrap it around it, you need to braid the main tubes. Wrap all the main tubes, and then change the direction of weaving to braid the missing tubes - this way you need to wrap the entire container.

Make two holes in the sides of the pot (top).

Stretch a string through the holes made; tie a knot at each end of the twine to secure it well. Another woven tube will help hide the ends of the twine. Wrap the tubes protruding above the pot inside the container and secure with glue.

The unusual flower pot is ready.

Do-it-yourself items for the home can be used as decorative elements in your home or given to friends.

Most things made by hand are not only beautiful and original, but also useful and necessary in the household. Feel free to start working on homemade things and decorate your home with them.

Video For five more ideas for handmade crafts with your own hands to decorate the interior of rooms, see the video below:

Today we will prove to you that making the most interesting handicrafts for the home with your own hands is much easier than it seems to inexperienced handmade lovers. To understand its basics, you will need a minimum of available tools, skills and time. At the same time, you will receive original products that you will not find anywhere else except in your own interior.

  • Fabric crafts for home

The best thing about doing home and garden crafts with your own hands is that everything necessary tools and materials can be found at hand. There is no need to spend money on ready-made expensive products to add a touch of flair to the interior home comfort, warmth and sincerity, if you can make them yourself!

How to learn to make rugs yourself

Floor rugs, which suffered undeserved oblivion several years ago, are once again coming to the forefront of interior design. They will find a place in children's rooms, hallways, bathrooms, near the bed in the bedroom or in front of the sofa in the living room. Especially popular are small round or rectangular rugs with an interesting texture (shaggy, fluffy, with long elongated loops, and so on). Let's look at two simple master class, having mastered which, you will be able to perform this beautiful handicraft for the home with your own hands.

How to make a crocheted floor mat: a master class for knitting lovers

You will need the following:

  • thick crochet hook (suitable #10);
  • thick yarn (you can use yarn different colors, then the finished product will turn out brighter and more original);
  • scissors.

Advice! Instead of yarn in its traditional sense, you can use old knitwear - T-shirts, long sleeves, T-shirts. You will not only find a use for old things, but also get soft and pleasant to the touch yarn, which is a real pleasure to work with.

There are also many interesting ideas rugs that can be woven, knitted or crocheted.

"Granny" rugs are very popular in modern homes

Fluffy grass mat using a hook

You will need:

Advice! Be careful when choosing threads. If you take acrylic or any other synthetic yarn, the finished product may turn out slippery and electrifying. If you use woolen threads, there is a high probability that the rug will “pinch” your bare feet. Perfect option- This is a half-wool yarn.

In this simple way you can create an original rug for your home. Take a closer look, maybe there are materials in your apartment that are suitable for creating a real masterpiece?

Fabric crafts for home

Fabric decor is deservedly popular. It helps to bring a touch of home comfort, warmth and sincerity to the interior. Fabric decor looks especially good in rooms decorated in almost all style directions. We invite you to get to know the very in simple ways production of original fabric paintings.

How to make eco-paintings from fabric and natural materials with your own hands?

Prepare the following:

  • burlap or other natural textiles with a bright, pronounced rough texture;
  • any natural materials (for example, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, star anise, dried flowers, natural moss, and so on);
  • decorative elements (ribbons, wooden or bone buttons, lace);
  • frame;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.

Idea! Such paintings fit perfectly into styles such as country, eco, bungalow. They look best in kitchen decoration.

You can also create a huge variety of interesting things from fabric.

Fabric painting for a children's room

We offer to decorate your baby’s room with a very interesting homemade craft - a picture made of fabric on a foam base.

What will you need for this?

  • colored shreds;
  • foam base;
  • picture to be transferred to the base;
  • pencil;
  • copy paper;
  • glue;
  • nail scissors;
  • any flat, sharp object for pressing the pattern (for example, a patchwork spatula is suitable for this purpose);
  • ripper

Advice! The steamer (as well as the spatula) can be replaced with other devices that are suitable in shape and thickness and are available at hand. For example, this could be a dull butter knife.

  1. On all sides of the foam blank, retreat 1.5-2.5 cm for the future frame. Press the resulting rectangle with a spatula.
  2. Transfer the selected image using carbon paper onto a foam base.

Manufacturing DIY things for the home– this is a great opportunity to combine an interesting, exciting creative process with the undoubted benefit of filling the interior with useful and beautiful objects. , which we will look at today, can be repeated very simply; in fact, it is the simplicity of their implementation, coupled with the effective appearance and undoubted usefulness and became the main reason for including them in this small selection.

DIY things for the home: photos

Elegant DIY things for the home, photo which you will see are made in various techniques and belong to different areas of home decor and content. Here is our first idea - a soft floor pouf, analogues of which are quite expensive in a home decor store. But, if you think about it, all you need for this is multi-colored scraps of fabric and filling, as well as a small piece of rope.

Preparation for work will consist of forming rectangles from various pieces of fabric, the larger side of which will be equal in length to the radius of the desired pouf. You yourself can vary exactly what size you want it to be. If it is important for you that the craft is more practical, it can be used not only in the apartment, but also in the country, in the open air, then select fabric with the appropriate qualities. Next, cut the rectangle diagonally into two triangular halves, sew the next rectangle into one, and then cut off half of it. You can initially sew ready-made triangles, but this will make it a little more difficult for you. The wider the rectangular blanks are, the fewer sectors the finished pouf will have. When the circle is closed, the first half of the pouf is ready, while the second, lower half does not have to be assembled from pieces, you can use a whole circle. The rope must be laid inside a rectangle, the length equal to our circumference, and together with it, both parts must be sewn to each other. Leave about 15 centimeters unsewn, through which you can turn the workpiece inside out and fill it with filler. When the desired volume is achieved, close this technical hole with a hidden seam.

Rope or twine will also be suitable for our next craft, because it turns out that in order to make DIY useful things for the home, we need the most simple materials. In this case, we need paste, cling film and a skein of twine or rope. The shape will be a bowl of the size we need, we wrap it tightly with film so that no glue gets under the film, but also so that later this protective layer can be easily removed from the surface of the bowl. Pour the paste into the container (dilute 100 grams of starch with a glass cold water, and then pour the mixture into 750 grams of boiling water, stirring until it thickens) and put the twine there so that it is thoroughly saturated with it. After this, we put the twine on a bowl covered with film, so that we get beautiful, openwork patterns, do not do it too tightly, otherwise all the charm of the craft will be lost. When the glue is completely dry, carefully remove the workpiece from the bowl and separate it from the film. You can put fruits, sweets, seasonal and so on in the finished vase.

Open shelves are becoming more and more fashionable, but you want not only fashionable things in the house, but also unusual ones. Invented just for such lovers creative DIY items for home, a striking example of which is the invisible shelf, which is made from a thick book. In this case, you will still have to visit a hardware store to purchase the missing parts - these are dowel screws and L-shaped fasteners. One end of this bracket is applied to the book and markings are made at the location of the future hole; you need to drill the cover and a dozen pages. After this, the bracket is placed inside and tightened through the cover with a bolt and washer with a plug for beauty, and the other end is hung on the wall. On top of the shelf you can put a few more books, put a lamp, put a phone, in general, use them as you please.

DIY from unnecessary things for the home

But the home craftsman gets the greatest satisfaction from the work done if he manages to do something do it yourself from unnecessary things for the home. This is at the same time also the process of recycling these most unnecessary things. If your house has recently undergone renovations and there are small pieces of expensive, high-quality wallpaper left, then you don’t dare throw them away. And rightly so, because you can use them in decorating furniture, creating interior details, and so on.

You can see examples of the use of wallpaper that was unsuitable for repair in our photos. You don’t even have to cover thick vinyl or non-woven wallpaper with any protective layers; they themselves are quite strong and will serve you for a long time.

You can even accumulate these unnecessary things on purpose in order to eventually get something useful for the household. For example, when we create a wonderful floor mat made from wine corks. The corks need to be carefully cut in half with a breadboard knife and glued onto a rubberized base. You can do this either in even rows or create different patterns by changing the location of the plugs.

We have collected a selection of interesting ideas that you can use at home. Very diverse, but quite applicable.

An ordinary egg tray can be used for every little thing. IN in this case- for sewing accessories. And if you also decoupage it, it will also be very beautiful.

How do you like these original candlesticks? I think it looks very vintage!

If you don’t have much space, but you really love flowers, then here’s an option vertical gardening- just for you!

This is how you can decorate a wall with flowers in an original way, and if the bottles are also of an original shape, then you will get double aesthetic pleasure.

And this option of planting moss in thimbles looks very interesting and vintage. It is quite possible to assemble a composition on a window or on a table by adding more miniature objects - a figurine or pebbles. Just a flight of fancy!

Wicker baskets in the form of a bedside or sofa table look very original. They are also a place to store something.

An interesting arrangement of shelves will enliven the interior and will not take up much space.

I really like this pillow design! Simple and tasteful. And the use of unnecessary buttons.

Here's how you can decorate your wall with photos! Without making extra holes in it and having the ability to constantly change the exposure.

Another option for placing photos seemed interesting - on the clock.

Original uses for drink bottles are pepper shakers and salt shakers. You can take it on a picnic.

A very convenient sponge holder - whether in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Also from plastic bottles you can make such a convenient holder for kitchen items on back side kitchen cabinet doors.

An original fruit bowl made of wire - both beautiful and convenient.

You can use a grater to store jewelry - very glamorous!

A regular clothes brush will allow you to keep your cosmetic brushes and tassels in order.

Here’s another option for storing brushes, and it’s also fragrant!

And now a little original jewelry walls

If you pick interesting wallpaper, then you can make the interior unique!

Several ideas with a convenient arrangement of shelves under the sink and using a table from sewing machine as a base for a sink.

IN small apartments the woman also wants to have dressing table. This folding option is just a godsend!

A couple more ideas for folding furniture - for the kitchen, for the hallway, for the balcony.

Also, for rational use of space, I liked the idea of ​​placing shelves behind the TV this way.

And also partitions in a combined toilet - inside the partition you can arrange a cabinet for medicines or cosmetics, and also arrange shelves for storing towels, bathrobes or linen. And another extra surface can be used as an additional shelf for accessories or decorations.

Curtains and drapes also love to show off accessories just as much as girls. Now about the hairpins that can be used to pin up curtains during the day.

Well, and finally - very relevant before Easter! You can sprout wheat or any green grass and place the colors on the holiday table in an original way.

Well, I’ve shared my favorite ideas with you with the hope that someone will find some of them useful! Happy holiday to you - Happy Palm Sunday!

When decorating your home, it can be difficult to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. No matter how much money we spend on decent furniture, the rooms are always missing something and end up looking nothing like ideal apartments that we see in magazines.

Sometimes the situation can be solved with the help of small tricks that take only a few minutes of your time and do not require any money. Read following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and cozy with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the front door

We should not forget about front door, even if you live in apartment building, since it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of her the same way you would interior doors. Add a few pots of flowers, hang a seasonal wreath or decorations, update your license plate, or paint your door a bright color.

2. Arrange objects according to the rule of threes

As in many fields and disciplines, the rule of three is actively used in decoration and styling. A trio of pieces looks more visually appealing and more balanced, especially when it comes to size, height and materials.

Start small and decorate a small corner in your living room or a table. For example, place a vase of flowers, a basket of books and a clock. You will see how cute and cozy this composition looks. But do not oversaturate the room with such decorative details, otherwise the effect will be read incorrectly.

3. Lay out carpets in several layers

Place a small, thick rug on top of a larger, more neutral rug. This is also a great way to test how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a design move will make the room more comfortable and stylish. Thanks to this tip, you can divide the space into zones or emphasize the necessary places.

4. Arrange books in alternative ways

A vertical or slightly tilted stack of books is the norm for classic interior. Alternative placement speaks of boldness and modern style. Try alternating shelves, arranging books either vertically or horizontally. Horizontal lines will break up the pattern of vertical lines and attract attention. You can place additional items on book shelves. Just make sure the order is random, as a rigid layout is very noticeable.

5. Display things that have a story to tell.

This advice is a little more complicated than it sounds, because not every person wants to show off objects dear to their hearts and realize that no one else is impressed with them except themselves.

To grab people's attention, your favorite items need to stand out. environment and immediately catch your eye. Don't forget that you don't have to cross an ocean to find something worth telling others about. As long as you have a cherished memory associated with the item, you can captivate your guest with this topic.

6. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

The next time you have a beautiful bottle of alcohol, milk or perfume, don’t hesitate to throw it away. Save it and use it as a container for liquid soap or a vase. Alternatively, fill it with beads and tie a bow with twine. But first, soak the bottle in warm, soapy water until all the labels come off easily. The transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Dust frequently

Nothing kills style like dust. You may have been cleaning just yesterday, but the dust will quickly find its way back. Take a closer look and find the surfaces where it is most noticeable in daylight, and be sure to wipe these areas between " general cleaning" This way, you can enjoy clean air and not worry when unexpected guests arrive.

8. Arrange flowers in random order

When you receive bouquets, place them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never in a central place. Bonus points if they are wildflowers or garden flowers. Random placement makes it feel like the flowers are an integral part of your home and you're not trying to show off or impress others.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are used to moving things around within one enclosed space, and it is not natural to move furniture from room to room. In fact, things may look much better in the new space, or serve more functionality. When you don't have the time or budget to buy new home decor, the most... quick way refreshing any room in your home means rearranging the furniture.

10. Keep white towels in the bathroom

It's a personal choice, but White color towels give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Plus, having more than one towel in your bathroom adds casual hospitality and attention to detail.

11. Always keep several books on the coffee table

Books instantly add style and provide entertainment for guests. Be sure to include your favorite book and several works of different genres. You can put just books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is the perfect place to apply the rule of threes and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a jug

Whether you drink tap or bottled water, store it in a jug. There's nothing cuter than putting it on the table during lunch with your family or dinner with guests. If it's a clear jug, you can add cucumber or lemon slices to the water.

Leave the pitcher on your bedside table to both humidify the air and add some style points.

13. Paint some items to match the walls or trim.

Most often, things in an apartment do not fit well with each other due to different styles, colors and finishes. Paint some furniture the same color as the walls, or choose curtains/rug/cushions to match exactly. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items should be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help create harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table even if you're not eating.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it actually creates the illusion of a clean home and order in the family (especially if you have children). Napkins are also a great way to add color and pattern to your kitchen interior. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make napkins with my own hands by cutting the fabric into small squares. The main thing is to take into account color scheme.

15. Decorate your home with variations of the same element

Choose one type of product that you have enough of. For example, fruits, and what brighter color, all the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple elements that are found in nature, such as stones or wood.

Place them in a vase or bowl and place them in a visible place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so the vase should be of simple shape and ordinary material.

16. Group candles

Gather all the candles you have and place them in small groups throughout your apartment. The living room is the first place. Lighting candles in groups is much more effective than lighting them individually as they provide more light, which is ideal for an evening with guests.

When purchasing candles, avoid fussy designs and scents. The best ones are classic white candles, which are ideal for grouping.

17. Add indoor plants

Plants not only bring freshness and color to a room, but are also an important decorative element. Place them near large pieces of furniture or use them to fill empty corners. Small plants can be mixed in a composition, following the rule of three.

18. Remove some accessories

If you're a fan of small knick-knacks, decorative items, artwork, rugs, and pillows, your home most likely resembles a folk art museum. Minimalism in a home interior looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try removing some accessories, replacing them, adding something else until you are happy with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one type of decorative items. It looks stylish and cozy.

19. Keep a small blanket on the couch

Not only does a lightweight blanket feel cozy, it can add texture and color to a fairly flat or neutral room. If you want to add just one colorful touch, make sure that the blanket is not neatly folded, but casually thrown over the back.

20. Place baskets around the house

A basket is a lifeline when you need to clear away clutter before guests arrive or move things from room to room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than they really are. Baskets can be different sizes and shapes, but they should be made of the same material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can be a completely unique and loud splash in a neutral space in your room. If the interior of your home is made in light colors, choose baskets of darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store food in containers

This The best way organize space in your kitchen and add a stylish touch to the interior. Store grains, spices, cookies and other foods in containers. Glass containers look beautiful, but they can be expensive. Use inexpensive options. The point is not to have the whole set. The key is to keep the containers the same material and color to create a clean, organized look in your kitchen or pantry.

22. Hang things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating their walls because they don't have enough money for expensive pieces of art. But you don't need fancy paintings because anything can be art as long as it evokes feelings in you. Hang magazine pages, photographs, or your own drawings in a chaotic manner to add dynamics to the wall. From time to time, change the images to update the interior a little.

23. Show off your hobby

Don't be shy about showing your hobby openly. Firstly, it will be a topic for interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your labor on the walls, or randomly place them on shelves or simply leave them on the floor. This is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unwanted items in unexpected ways

Be it a fireplace, an old piano, large furniture, appliances, empty corners... Place books, vases, plants there, and unnecessary objects will instantly turn into stylish elements interior

25. Let your home reflect your personality.

Majority stylish houses decorated with photographs of their residents. But real-life houses, where interesting personalities live, are filled with things that the owners like. Musical instruments, books, old cassette tapes... After all, the simplest and reliable way Making your home more stylish means adding more information about who you are and what you like.

Take the time and turn your home not only stylish, but also your favorite place on Earth!