How to easily clean the oven in a couple of minutes. How to quickly and effectively clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits

Almost every housewife often uses the oven to prepare her culinary masterpieces. But, unfortunately, even a new stove becomes covered with grease and soot after a certain time. In addition, after turning on the oven, the fat begins to burn and smoke, while emitting a not very pleasant smell.

The situation is aggravated by the special structure of the oven, which makes it difficult to clean.

How to clean the oven from burnt fat?

To clean electrical or gas stove from contamination, for starters, you can use household chemicals. But one should take into account the fact that chemicals have a detrimental effect on human health. This fact has been repeatedly proven by scientists from all over the world.

Cleaning the oven with chemicals

Before such cleaning, some housewives recommend preheating the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 500 degrees. If your oven is equipped with a fan, then it is better to cover it with something, as it may get inside. Chemical substance and upon further heating give a specific odor.

What products will work well with grease, soot and plaque?

Stores sell special quick-acting gels that will clean the stove from any type of dirt in a matter of minutes. The only thing is that some precautions need to be taken here, since a substance that gets on the skin can cause not only an acute allergic reaction, but also physical damage to areas of the skin. If product gets into your eyes, rinse them quickly cold water, otherwise you risk losing your vision.

When cleaning the oven with a chemical agent, open the windows and wear gloves. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the oven with a solution of soapy water so that food that will then be cooked in the oven does not have a chemical smell. You should not use products that contain different levels of acids, as they can damage the finish of your stove.

Cleaning an electric oven

How to clean the oven from burnt fat using folk remedies?

For those who do not accept the use chemicals, we can advise you to try your grandmother’s recipes, which are always relevant.

To help clean the oven:

  • baking soda;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • lemon and citric acid;
  • laundry soap 72%;
  • salt (it is better not to use sea salt);
  • baking powder for the dough.

If you decide to clean the oven with an abrasive brush, then be prepared for the fact that the brush, along with carbon deposits, will erase the glossy shine from the walls of the oven.

Cleaning the oven with baking soda

How to clean the oven from burnt fat with soda? This cleaning method is effective, but you will have to make a lot of effort to wash off the dirt. Very often fatty deposits spoil appearance oven glass, which sometimes makes it difficult to look inside. To remove soot, you will need to sprinkle baking soda around the entire perimeter of the glass, slightly moisten it with a spray bottle and leave for 30-40 minutes. After that, just wipe the glass with a damp cloth - it should be as good as new!

You can clean the oven which is formed when mixing soda and vinegar. Rub the surfaces with vinegar, then soda. This method will help remove fat.

They say that it helps in such a difficult matter lemon juice. How to clean burnt fat from the oven with lemon? The juice of one lemon is squeezed into water and the resulting solution is used to wash the walls of the oven. Or use a different recipe. We fill a fireproof container with water, put one lemon, cut into slices, add your favorite chemical and put it all in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. The container with the solution should remain there for about 30 minutes, after which you can easily remove dirt from the walls of the oven with a regular sponge.

Cleansing with Vinegar, Baking Soda and Soap

A mixture of vinegar (100 grams), soda (40 grams) and laundry soap, diluted in warm water (25 grams). Rub the walls and oven door with this solution and leave for 2 hours. After time, wash off the mixture with a wet sponge. The product will help clean not only the oven, but also the baking tray. It is also good that it does not damage enameled surfaces. After this procedure, the oven will be like new!

Cleansing with Soap

Dilute or detergent in a fireproof container. Then place it in the oven, preheated to 110 degrees, for 30 minutes. Housewives say that this procedure helps soften hardened fat, making it easy to remove with a damp sponge.

Steam cleansing

If you are still wondering how to clean the oven from burnt fat, then try this method. It is called the most effective of all. If you have an enamel oven, then it is very easy to clean it with steam. To do this, fill a container with water and add dishwashing liquid to it. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, put the prepared soap solution in it, wait 30 minutes, then take it out. After this, remove all dirt with a regular sponge.

Cleaning with medical ammonia

Do you still have a question about how to clean the oven from burnt fat? this will be the easiest thing to do! Heat the oven to a temperature of 70 degrees. Pour plain water into one container and ammonia into the other. Then turn off the oven, put ammonia on the upper tier, and boiling water on the lower tier. Close the oven tightly. In the morning, add detergent to the ammonia and wash the oven walls with this solution.

The easiest way to clean the oven is when it is not yet very dirty. To make it easier for you to carry out general cleaning of the kitchen, simply wipe the oven cabinet with a damp sponge from time to time. And then you will not be tormented by the question of how to clean the oven from burnt fat at home.

To make work easier, pre-clean the oven and work surface from light pollution. Before processing the frying cabinet or oven, all removable elements are removed from there and soaked separately in self-prepared solutions of soda, vinegar, soap or citric acid. The inner walls of the oven, the door and the glass in it are washed with the same folk remedies. If they are not able to cope with stubborn stains, household chemicals designed for washing stainless steel, glass and ceramics come to the rescue.

The oven is constantly contaminated by fumes, greasy splashes and remnants of heated food. It is possible to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using both folk remedies and household chemicals specially designed for this purpose.

Preliminary preparation

For execution spring cleaning oven, you need to perform a few simple preparatory steps that will greatly facilitate further cleaning.

  1. Before washing the stove, it must be disconnected from gas and electricity - basic safety rules.
  2. The visible surfaces of the stove and its top are cleaned as much as possible from light contamination in the form of dust and food debris (for example, fish). This will not remove dried and stuck dirt, but it will soften the grease, preparing it for further cleaning.
  3. The inner walls of the oven are treated with a thick soap solution, which is prepared on hot water. Laundry or toilet soap is selected as the active ingredient; dishwashing detergent and grease removing gels are also suitable. Active foam will remove light stains and prepare the surface for cleaning more durable stains.
  4. The oven is completely freed of all removable parts - baking sheets, racks and dishes stored there are set aside. If there is ventilation in the oven, the hole must be tightly plugged with a cloth.
  5. Many contaminants soften when exposed to high temperature. The electric oven is closed, turned on at 250 degrees and warmed up for 30 minutes.

Cleaning products

There are two main types of dirty oven cleaners used in the kitchen.

Advice ! After any cleaning of old and hardened burnt marks, it is advisable to rinse and ventilate the oven thoroughly so that no unpleasant odors remain.

Household chemicals

On the shelves of modern hardware stores there are a sufficient number of professional detergents designed to remove burnt-on fat and food products. Before cleaning the oven, you need to carefully study the range.

. One of the most common remedies against kitchen fat. It is produced in the form of thick gels and powders for treating surfaces at different angles. Deals with most common stains in the average kitchen.

Another good remedy for ordinary kitchens, removes both grease and burnt-on food residues and sugar. It is sprayed efficiently and thickly using a convenient trigger, which makes the product effective on large lateral surfaces.

Close to professional products, it remains in a low price category with a high ability to clean the oven from plaque.

. When applied to stains on the top of the stove, it immediately enters into a chemical reaction with them, penetrating into the structure of the dried fat and destroying it. After 20-30 minutes, the remaining fried fat can be wiped off with a regular rag.

. Professional concentrate for cleaning especially dirty ovens and grills, where fatty foods are often cooked. Capable of dissolving stains that ordinary household detergents are powerless to remove.

Cleaning the oven glass

The door opens completely so that the glass assumes a horizontal position.

Lightly moisten with water and sprinkle generously with soda. As an alternative, citric acid is used in dry and dissolved form. After half an hour or an hour, wash it with a cloth and clean water.

Note! If traditional methods cannot cope, the household chemicals described above are used.

The presented manufacturers have products that are designed specifically for both inside and outside.

How to wash other elements

In addition to the space of gas or electric oven, inside it is a large number of removable elements that also need to be washed.


The grill coil is usually made in a removable version for ease of maintenance.

In this case, it is soaked in a hot solution of citric acid. In this case, avoid getting liquid on electrical contacts, circuits, and wiring.

If the spiral is non-removable (some Samsung models), it must be wiped with a concentrated solution of citric acid using a sponge, then rinsed with plenty of water.

After such treatment, not a trace will remain of the old yellow burnt fat and scale.


The vast majority of grates are removable, so you can remove them and soak them in hot soapy water. Dishwashing detergent, laundry or toilet soap, and household detergent concentrates are used as the active component.

After treatment, the gratings are washed thoroughly under running water.


The tray can always be removed, after which it should be soaked in the above manner. It can also be processed hot water and add plenty of baking soda, citric acid or lemon juice. It is convenient to treat with trigger detergents. After cleaning, rinse well with warm running water.

Below is a video that shows how to step by step clean the oven at home from most contaminants.

Larisa, July 19, 2018.

The joy of preparing culinary masterpieces is overshadowed by the fact that after cooking, a layer of fat and soot remains on the walls and glass of the oven. Over time instead pleasant aroma Pies from the oven will have a burning smell if you do not regularly clean the surface of food debris.

To prevent this, wipe the inside of the oven after each baking to prevent the fat from turning into a thick sticky mass. Especially if you baked fatty poultry or meat from which juice splashes during frying. 1 - 2 times a month, use strong cleaning products specifically for the stove and carbon deposits, following the instructions.

In addition to specialized expensive means, there are effective folk remedies, with which you can wash the inside of the oven until it’s crystal clean in half an hour.

Advice. To avoid excessive contamination, bake chicken, duck or pork in foil, a roasting bag or covered.

9 ways to clean an oven in an electric stove

We offer several proven methods for cleaning the oven - by experimenting and varying them, you will choose the one you prefer most. The methods are suitable for Bosch, Electrolux and other well-known brands.

Useful advice to make your work easier. Before cleaning your oven at home, use steam power. To do this, pour water onto a baking sheet and add dishwashing detergent. Place in the oven, close the door and turn the temperature to 150°C for 30 minutes. After cooling, wipe with a damp cloth - the dirt will come off faster and easier.

Note. The listed mixtures can be used to clean the oven handle, temperature switches, top and lid of the stove, where grease and dirt also accumulate.

Paste for cleaning rust and old dirt

To remove burnt-on grease, rust stains and other stubborn dirt, prepare a paste.

Recipe. Mix 1 bag of dry citric acid, 1 table. l. dishwashing liquid and 1 tsp. Pemolux cleaning powder. Stir until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the paste to the dirty area and leave for a quarter of an hour. When the paste dries, wet it with water. Then clean off the dirt with a sponge and rinse.

The mixture releases bad smell, try not to inhale it. And use rubber gloves. This paste cleans the most difficult stains; it can also be used for plumbing fixtures and dishes. Use this method 1 - 2 times a year, this is enough to keep the equipment clean (not counting regular wiping with detergent).

How to clean oven glass

The inside of the door becomes covered with soot and a layer of fat, which forms a dense brown coating that is quite difficult to clean. However, there is an easy way to clean your oven using baking soda.

Open the door and moisten the glass with a wet sponge. Sprinkle baking soda liberally and sprinkle with water to allow the mixture to take effect. Rub vigorously with a sponge and leave for 1 - 2 hours. After this, wash off the soda and dirt. warm water.

Advice. If you are planning to buy a new stove, choose models with self-cleaning catalytic walls. This will save you from frequent and tedious cleaning of the oven.

If you do not have the time or desire to clean the stove from difficult stains, invite employees of a cleaning company. Experienced cleaners will wash equipment from all sides and in hard-to-reach places using professional products. The stove will sparkle clean like new, and you are insured against the risk of equipment damage.

The oven in the kitchen is an indispensable household appliance. It is here that various culinary masterpieces are baked, which the hostess joyfully treats to her family and friends.

Moreover, modern ovens have a lot of different functions that simplify work in the kitchen. You can defrost meat in it, sterilize jars when preserving food for the winter, cook delicious meat or chicken using the valve. How flavorful are lasagna and pizza? But all these are just pleasant moments when using the oven. Unfortunately, there is also a “other side of the coin”. And this is the question - how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits?

Clean oven

To ensure that the oven always pleases the eye with its cleanliness, there is one rule that everyone must adhere to - do not run the oven to a pitiful state.

It is important to know! The sooner you clean your oven, the less effort it will take. Each time after cooking, it is recommended to wipe the walls of the oven with a damp cloth, which will help remove any remaining grease.

Fresh grease is much easier to wash off the surface of the oven than grease that has completely dried out. Don't forget about baking sheets and glass on cabinet doors.

Residues of fat on the walls of the oven are not only aesthetically unsightly. You need to understand that uncleaned oven walls can add to your troubles - when it starts to burn and smoke, you will need to think about how to quickly get rid of the burning smell in the room. Therefore, periodic cleaning of the walls and baking trays is everyone’s responsibility.

Household chemicals in the fight against dried grease and smoke

Modern ovens have a beautiful and shiny finish that is easy to clean with a slightly damp cloth. But in any case, the cooking process does not go without a trace and the walls of the oven become covered with unsightly stains. Modern industry offers us a lot of household chemicals that cope quite well with the task assigned to them.

You can choose the most suitable one specifically for your type of oven coating. But in order not to damage the surface, be sure to study its composition before purchasing a detergent.

To begin the process of cleaning the oven using household chemicals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put rubber gloves on your hands,
  • heat the water and add detergent to it,
  • empty the oven of all shelves, racks and baking trays,
  • place them in a prepared container of water,
  • wet the sponge, apply the product and wipe the oven walls,
  • turn on the oven for 10 minutes,
  • turn it off and clean its entire internal surface,
  • wipe dry with a soft cloth.

It is important to know! Never wipe heating elements detergents!

The oven cleaning procedure does not end there. The use of aggressive detergents, as a rule, leaves behind an unpleasant odor, which must be removed. Therefore, after completing the procedure for cleaning the internal surface of the oven, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Leave the oven open overnight.
  2. Dissolve a few tablets in water activated carbon and pour it into a container.
  3. Place a container of water on the rack and turn on the oven. Set the temperature to +180 °C.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes.
  5. After the oven has cooled, wipe the walls with lemon juice.
  6. Rinse the entire surface thoroughly with clean water.

Using household chemicals to clean the oven is considered an effective method, and their effect on the body does not go unnoticed.

Interesting to know! To completely wash away chemical residues, the surface of the oven should be treated with clean water at least 70 times.

Traditional methods for cleaning the inner surface of the oven

To effectively clean your oven, there are alternative methods- these are folk methods that have been actively used for more than one decade.

It is important to know! It is impossible to completely clean the oven walls from aggressive detergent particles. Subsequently, along with evaporation, they enter the human body.

Few people realize that products that every housewife has in her kitchen help effectively remove dried-on fat from the walls of the oven. Moreover, they are completely safe for human health.

To simplify the cleaning process, you can use the old folk method– pour water into a deep pan and add a little dishwashing detergent. Turn on the oven and let the water solution warm up for 15 minutes. This helps soften dried-on fat and carbon deposits and make them easier to remove.

Let's look at available tools that can help you cope with the problem of cleaning the oven without harm to your health.

Baking soda

Baking soda not only perfectly removes residual grease from the oven surface, but also does an excellent job of removing the burning smell.

  • And more importantly, it is completely harmless to human health.
  • Wipe all contaminated areas with a damp cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the entire inside surface of the oven. Wipe reverse side
  • sponges for washing dishes and leave for 1 hour.

Rinse with warm water, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft cloth.


  • Table vinegar is perfect for cleaning the oven, even if its surface is covered with an enamel layer.
  • Thoroughly soak the sponge in vinegar.
  • Remove all grates and shelves from the oven.
  • Wipe the entire inner surface and leave for 2-3 hours.

Wash with a damp sponge and wipe dry.

It is important to know! After cleaning the oven with table vinegar, even the dirtiest surface will shine like new.

Lemon juice Not only lemon juice, but also acid, copes well with the problem of fat and burning. In the meantime, check out a few

effective methods

  1. , which will allow you to give your favorite oven a beautiful and clean look.
  2. Method 1.
  3. Mix lemon juice and water in an even amount.

Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the inside of the oven. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

  • Rinse with a cloth soaked in clean water and wipe dry.
  • Method 2.
  • Prepare the same solution as in the first case. Fill a spray bottle with it.

Treat the inner surface of the oven and leave for 30 minutes.

Important! When using the above method, you should avoid treating areas with heating elements.

How to clean oven door glass

And finally - the oven glass. It also requires regular cleaning, because no less grease gets on its surface than on the walls.

A good and long-proven method is baking soda.

  1. Wet the glass surface with a damp dishwashing sponge.
  2. To sprinkle baking soda.
  3. Wipe with a sponge.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Rinse with warm water and wipe dry.

Household chemicals

To make it easier for you to clean the oven, you need to first warm it up, setting the temperature to about 50 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove the shelves so that nothing gets in your way. When processing the oven chemicals

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves and open the window. Chemicals have a pungent smell.

Do not apply the product to the heating elements and fan, as this may damage the oven. Also try not to get on the rubber gaskets in the oven door.

How to clean an oven at home? Spray the contaminated areas and be sure to give the product a chance to work, do not rub ahead of time. Oven gels usually work within 30 minutes. So close it and forget about it for half an hour.

After using the product, you need to thoroughly clean the oven to remove the chemical smell. Do not use the stove for several hours after cleaning.

Vinegar and soda

How to clean the oven and stove using vinegar? First, remove crumbs and burnt food residues that easily come off the surface. This can be done using any old plastic card or regular spoon. Mix vinegar and baking soda in a 1:2 ratio, add a little dishwashing detergent and water. Wipe the oven walls with the resulting paste using a stiff brush or sponge.

Instead of dishwashing detergent, you can take a piece of laundry soap diluted in water (about 25 grams). Cover the oven walls with the resulting paste and leave for a couple of hours.

If you leave baking soda for 40 minutes, sprinkling it on the oven glass, it will help remove greasy deposits from

glass door


You can also wipe the oven walls with vinegar and sprinkle baking soda on top. The interaction produces hydrogen, which helps remove grease from surfaces.

How to clean the oven? Fill one bowl with boiling water and place it in the oven on the bottom shelf, and pour it into the other bowl. ammonia and place it on the top.

Leave both containers in the oven overnight. In the morning, take it out, remove the grates, add it to a bowl with ammonia warm water and dishwashing detergent and wipe the oven with this solution.

To make it easier next time: how to clean the oven from grease

Don't go to extremes and let the fat accumulate for months. For example, immediately after the holidays or the arrival of guests (when the oven is used especially often), place a container of water mixed with dishwashing detergent in the oven, heat it to 100 degrees to soften grease and burnt marks, and then wipe the walls with a sponge. washing dishes.

Try to protect the oven from greasy splashes by using foil or baking paper when preparing fatty foods.