How to write any dictation for 5. How to teach a first grader to write and read correctly. Methodological techniques for developing written and oral speech of first-graders. (To help speech therapists, teachers and parents). Reading is a way to learn literacy

How to prepare for a dictation.

Dictations are different. Most popular in primary school auditory dictation, when the teacher dictates and the children write.

You often hear indignant cries: “What are they being taught? I come home from work, sit him down to write a dictation, he doesn’t know anything! Error upon error! Why do they give him a “3” (“4”)?” Or: “We wrote this dictation ten times at home, there were no mistakes! And in class I wrote a “2” again!”

First of all, we must remember that in the evening the child gets tired; there is no point (in most cases) in the evenings writing dictations at home. And it’s also important to give the dictation correctly. There is a special technique. “Primary school teacher” is a profession that takes more than one year to obtain. Parents should not try to replace the teacher at home. Better to work together.

Well, when the text of the dictation is well known to the child, written several times at home, then the rare student does not lose self-control in the lesson, because he knows everything, everything worked out for him! In such cases, the child usually writes one thing, but reads exactly what he should have written and does not see his mistakes.

Moreover, an experiment was conducted several years ago when a teacher dictated an unfamiliar, rather simple text, pronouncing each word almost syllable by syllable. As a result, it turned out that the number of errors increased sharply even among well-performing students. And for those who have difficulties with the Russian language, to whom this method of writing a dictation was addressed, errors almost doubled.

In order to write an auditory dictation with a minimum number of errors, the child must master a rational way of writing a dictation.

Quite often in textbooks there is an assignment to prepare for a dictation on this material and the most various material:

    individual words, phrases, individual sentences, texts.

A child who has difficulty learning Russian needs parental help. Preparation for the dictation should be rational.

If a child knows that he often writes dictations unsatisfactorily and worries in advance, it is necessary to calm him down, convince him that he will succeed before preparing for the dictation: “He who does nothing makes no mistakes!” On the morning of the dictation day, be sure to encourage your child: “You will succeed!” Sometimes it is psychological condition, fear of this or that type of work does not allow the child to realize his full potential. It is important that the child goes to school calmly, not worried or afraid of the work ahead.

How to prepare for a dictation on this material without overloading your child.

It is important that preparation did no harm.

Methods of preparation depend on the material that is offered.

Individual words.

It can be:

    only vocabulary words, words based on learned rules, vocabulary words and words based on learned rules.

Only dictionary words.

Vocabulary words are studied in class, and the child gradually learns them at home. It happens that while a word occurs frequently, the child remembers how it is spelled. But when time passes, this vocabulary dictation comes up, everything is forgotten.

Preparation for a dictation using these vocabulary words is somewhat specific. Certainly suitable for every child different ways. Those offered helped in the most difficult cases.

Write down (for the child) all the vocabulary words in a column. Before writing a word, you need to read it syllable by syllable and repeat it syllable by syllable 2 - 3 times. Orally form a phrase with each word. Shade all vowels (letters should not show through). Above the shaded vowels, write the missing vowels in a different color (not red or black). If there is a mistake in a word, the child looks for it in the textbook and writes it down next to it.

* Children really like this type of work. On the one hand, such tasks allow you to retain the child’s interest and attention, on the other hand, they help to develop spelling vigilance, reading prognosis, and clarify and expand vocabulary. Shade the consonants. Restore consonants. Repeat everything again with the words in which mistakes were made.

It is advisable to start preparation 2-3 days in advance.

Words based on the learned rules.

First of all, we analyze what rules the words meet. If possible, we select test words and remember the rule diagrams. We group words according to the rules. We write down groups of words. In each group we exclude and then restore vowels, then consonants.

We work in the same way with material containing vocabulary words and words based on learned rules.. But in in this case it is necessary to divide the words into these two groups.


Make up a sentence with each phrase. Highlight the main word, pose a question to the dependent word, indicate the ending in the question and in each word of the phrase. Speak word combinations syllable by syllable. The adult reads it fluently, and the child slowly repeats the syllables 2 - 3 times. Write down words in which mistakes were made during pronunciation and analyze their spelling (why this is so and not otherwise). Speak only those words in which mistakes were made. Selectively write down under dictation phrases in which no mistakes were made, and those in which mistakes were made. It is better to take phrases not in the order in which they are located in the textbook. For this assignment, it is better to photocopy the textbook text. Eliminate and then restore vowels, then consonants.

It must be taken into account that preparation for the dictation is part homework and usually occurs in the afternoon. It is better to keep your child's writing to a minimum. You can’t write the same thing several times .

Those adults who believe that if a child makes a mistake in a word, he should write that word at least a few lines are deeply mistaken. The child writes the word correctly at first, and then makes a mistake again, writes incorrectly, but with each new spelling this error is reinforced.

If it is possible to prepare for a dictation on the weekend, then it is necessary to do this in the morning.

Sentences and text.

Read the entire sentence. Analyze punctuation marks. Create a sentence outline using punctuation marks.
For example: Yellow, red, brown leaves were flying from the trees.
__ ______ _____ ______, ______, _______ ______. Highlight those words that the child has no doubt about spelling. Separately write down those words whose spelling causes difficulties. Analyze difficult words. Eliminate and then restore vowels, then consonants. Write down in random order (not as in the textbook) those sentences in which difficult words are found.

To successfully write a dictation in class, it is advisable to:

    set the child up for success, reassure him, the child should not know the text of the dictation by heart, he should not write the entire text at home, preparation should take place in a calm, friendly environment.

It is very possible that success will not be achieved the first time. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the number of errors. There are usually a little less of them. For several days, repeat those words, phrases and sentences in which the child made mistakes.

Such work on preparing for the dictation should be carried out systematically. Gradually, the child will develop the necessary skills, he will more carefully analyze the spelling of certain words, the child’s spelling vigilance and his linguistic sense will develop.

The problem of writing quality faces all schoolchildren. The education system itself is now aimed not at understanding, but at memorizing rules and texts. Cramming in itself is useful, but not in all cases. Children who know the rules of the Russian language very well make mistakes in dictations and essays. Therefore, you should not rely on school as a stronghold of knowledge. Take your child's literacy into your own hands.


The first basic rule is do not point out to your child the wrong spelling. From a purely psychological point of view, your phrase “This is not a “b”, but a “p”” will be perceived as affirmative, that is, in the child’s subconscious it is deposited that it was “b” that should have been written.

Read it out loud for yourself. Teach him to identify sentences in a text by ear, then words, and only after that move on to studying syllables and sounds. For a long time, our education system operated in the opposite direction - from private to . Usually they begin learning to write by studying sounds, then syllables, and only after that study words and sentences. This is not entirely correct.

Do dictations. There are quite enough practical exercises in the school textbook. Read clearly. How younger child, the slower the dictation. Watch your child write. If you see that he draws the wrong one, note that the letter “a” or “o” is written here. Again, don't say the wrong thing. Let the child know only the correct spelling.

One famous methodologist Tikhomirov developed a very effective technique, which helps many teachers successfully combat illiteracy among schoolchildren. In purely practical terms, this theory is as follows: invite your child to read a random text not the way we usually speak, but literally, the way we write. This technique is called spelling reading. There is no need to be afraid that the child will always speak the way he reads. He is quite aware that the way we write is different from the way we speak. The child needs to break words into syllables and pronounce the words, highlighting their component parts, but this must be done quickly enough. When performing this exercise, the child uses three types of memory at once: motor, auditory and visual.

How to write a dictation without errors? How to learn to write without mistakes?

    The Russian language is very difficult. And no matter how much you study the rules, there are always exceptions. When writing a dictation, naturally, the text is selected in advance so that all sentences correspond to the topic of the material being studied. And here it is enough to learn the rules properly, but there is no guarantee that the dictation will not come across words that you do not know how to write correctly. What to do? My great experience says only one thing. Need to read more. I need to write more. When we do this we remember the words. When we use punctuation, we remember how to do it correctly. As a result, we become more literate, not always knowing exactly why a particular word is spelled that way. We just know how to do it right and that’s it. That is why competent teachers force schoolchildren to read and write more, focusing on essays, abstracts, and reports. And stupid children, not understanding this, copy everything from the Internet without delving into the meaning of the texts.

    I was born in Germany and learned Russian here, so it’s very difficult to write in Russian, but I still try. I installed an add-on in my browser so that the text I write is immediately checked for errors. It turns out well, in my opinion. To learn how to write dictations correctly, you just need to take dictation more often. I have audio recordings of Russian stories and fairy tales, I listen and write, and then my parents check whether it is correct or not.

    In order to learn how to write dictations correctly, you need to learn the rules of the Russian (or any other) language. And in addition to the rules, you also need to have practice writing dictations. My teacher called it check out. When I needed to correct a B (according to a 5-point system) in the Russian language, I spent several months rewriting texts from a collection of dictations. Every day.

    You also need to learn to carefully check what you write and notice your mistakes yourself.

    Write, write... and write again! I prepared this way myself: I sat my younger sister down, she dictated, and I wrote all the dictations in a row. Then he analyzed the errors and made conclusions.

    P.S. Dictations can be viewed here (

    Dictations were easy for me at school. I only had auditory errors (I can’t hear well, I wrote the wrong words). I just always, if I found it difficult how to write, I came up with a test word, and everything became clear. It is very important to read a lot, and while I didn’t have a computer until I was 14 years old, I read a lot. Many words were in memory.

    Try free computer program for learning to write dictations Linguistic Gym To complete the exercise, it is enough to have the text and the corresponding audio file. The program breaks the audio into phrases and stops after speaking each one, allowing the user to type what they heard into a text field. The program can be used not only for Russian, but also for any foreign language written from left to right.

    Personally, dictations have always been very easy for me. But it’s not so easy to explain, because I never learned the rules. The fact that I write practically without errors is most likely the result of the fact that I have always read a lot. I probably owe my literacy to constant reading, and not to studying the rules of the Russian language. By the way, with German language the same thing - at school he wrote more competently than all the other students, although they, as local Germans, in theory should have known their native language better.

    To write a dictation without errors, you first need concentrate on the fact that you are now writing a dictation, that is concentrate extremely, and have a positive attitude, some optimism, psychologists call it positive attitude. Having all this, then we can talk about knowing the rules of the Russian language, that you need to read a lot, that you need to test yourself after the dictation. Without all this, it makes no sense that a person knows the entire book of rules of the Russian language, reads a lot, etc., if his thoughts are not about writing a dictation perfectly or well, but about his desk neighbor Nastya, or about that now he will come home and play Stalker again.

    The first thing that helps is reading literature. For many people, visual memory is triggered. I had a classmate who was a mediocre student, didn’t know the rules, but almost always wrote dictations with a grade of 5. That’s it. Well, of course, you need to know the rules of the language, be able to hear the intonation of the dictator, and be attentive.

    I generally did well at school, but for some reason spelling was difficult for me. I remember that the teacher of Russian language and literature also advised me to read more. But I already read a lot, and it was still difficult. Perhaps some sort of dyslexia or something like that.

    To learn how to write a dictation without errors, you need to practice writing them 2 dictations per week, 10-120 words, depending on the complexity of the given one. For the second part of the question, you need to know the rules for placing punctuation marks, and try to feel them intonationally.

    You either have literacy or you don’t; of course, the main thing is to read and write constantly.

If you just want check your literacy or practice a little spelling and punctuation for yourself, pay attention to the collection of online dictations. The selection includes 10 dictations for older schoolchildren and adults. You might also be interested in taking a free spelling test.

You can write dictations and check them directly on the site. Our program is not the only one that checks dictations. But we tried to take into account the experience of our predecessors and improve the quality online dictation.

Our advantages:

  • Dictations are voiced by professional announcers. The lyrics are nice to listen to. You won't fall asleep listening to such dictations.
  • We tried to do everything so as not to degrade the quality of studio sound with sufficient high speed download file.
  • The dictation speed corresponds to the average typing speed. You don't have to constantly press pause in order to have time to type a dictation.
  • You can write a dictation in the same window in which the sound is played and the media player is located. So, if you do need to press pause or rewind the recording, you won’t have to switch between windows.
  • You can change the font size as you type.
  • The first expressive reading of the text and the dictation are in different slides. If you don't want to bother yourself by listening to the entire text, you can simply move on to the next task rather than rewinding a long audio file.
  • The program that checks the text identifies and indicates all possible types of errors. If you have not started typing a different text altogether, it will correctly reflect everything that does not coincide with the standard.
  • After checking, you will be able to compare your and the source texts in one window. In this case, the original characters will be highlighted that you typed incorrectly or missed.
  • You can write a dictation on paper and then check it against the key.

Tags: spelling according to the rules, dictations


Lecture on methods of teaching the Russian language.

N.M. Rotanova

In the Dictionary of the Russian Language, the meaning of the word “dictation” is defined as follows: dictation is a written work for spelling exercises, consisting of writing down the dictated text. Consequently, the main thing in dictation is recording a word from ear, a recording that is designed to develop the ability to find a spelling pattern (punctuation) and write it down correctly. The essence of such an exercise was very correctly defined by L.P. Fedorenko: “Dictation is an exercise that is based on comparing pronunciation with writing.”

Modern methods offer new types of dictations, and the definition of the concept itself has also changed somewhat (become more complicated):

dictation is a practical method of teaching, a method of developing educational, linguistic, spelling and speech skills; This is an exercise consisting of reproducing a text that is heard (in recording a dictated text) or its elements, as well as a text that is visually perceived and, in contrast to copying, recorded from memory (i.e., during recording, the graphic appearance of what is perceived is reproduced mentally).

All types of dictations can be divided into groups on certain grounds:

1. By text structure When used for dictation, dictations can be vocabulary, from individual sentences or phrases, or text (connected texts).

3. By main goal dictations can be control or educational: if before the recording, during the recording process or after recording the dictation, an analysis of the language material is carried out, then the dictation is educational, respectively: warning, commentary, explanatory. At independent work students, without the help of a teacher (any reference materials) dictation is a test.

4. By text perception dictation can be auditory, visual, visual-auditory, self-dictation (writing from memory).

5. By the nature of the student's activity- dictation without changing the text and dictation with changing the text (i.e., what is dictated does not coincide as a result of completing the task with the entry in the student’s notebook).

6. According to the methodology, all dictations used in Russian language lessons are different, although the named characteristics apply to each type. For example, a signal dictation is a vocabulary dictation, most often orthographic in content, educational (explanatory), visual, with changes in the text.

The terminology (names) of dictations, which differ in the methodology of conducting them, is not entirely correct, however, this is what they are called in school teaching practice, so we use the same names for different types dictations.

Methods of conducting dictations of different types

Control dictation. A control dictation is traditionally called an auditory punctuation and spelling dictation without changing the text, which takes up the entire lesson. Conducting such a dictation makes sense only if it was preceded by a whole series of training exercises using the same rules and if the students can be considered already sufficiently prepared. The control dictation is not intended to convict children of illiteracy; we check the assimilation of what was taught.

The text for the dictation is selected by the teacher himself. The content of the text should be understandable to children; in terms of spelling and punctuation patterns, the dictation should correspond to the program and sections completed at the time of its implementation. The text of the dictation should include not only spellings for the last rules learned, but also words that made it difficult for students in previous written works (i.e. words that children wrote incorrectly in previous dictations or written homework).

It has been noticed that by the end of the dictation, children make more mistakes, typos, and blots. This is explained by students' fatigue and weakening of attention towards the end of hard work. It has also been noted that at the beginning of a dictation, other things being equal, there may be slightly more errors than in the middle; this must be attributed to the fact that the students have not yet had time to concentrate and get involved in the work. That's why greatest number spellings (especially difficult ones) should be in the middle part of the text. Ready-made dictation texts (in special collections, teaching aids for teachers), as a rule, do not take this problem into account and, even more so, cannot take into account the preparation of a specific class. In such a situation, it is more expedient for the teacher to compose the text of the dictation himself, including in it the difficult words necessary for a particular class and distributing spellings and punctograms, taking into account the psychology of perception and reproduction of the text.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher slowly and expressively reads the entire text of the dictation. Students are required to listen carefully in order to understand the content (without this, correct punctuation of speech is impossible). Then the text of the dictation is read in separate sentences: the teacher reads the sentence - the children listen (do not write!), after which the teacher repeats the sentence in parts - the children write it down. You need to dictate a sentence not in individual words, but in phrases completed with semantic segments. Reading should be slow, but not so slow that the thought expressed by this sentence is lost or torn apart. It is also necessary to ensure that all students have time to take notes. It is unacceptable to suggest spelling in pronunciation; the teacher must be proficient in literary pronunciation. There is also no need to interrupt the dictation with reminder comments like: “We just talked about this yesterday” or “You had a similar sentence in your home exercise”... Do not distract students during independent work.

If in the text of the dictation you could not do without words that are still unknown to the children, you need to write them down on the board in advance, explain the lexical meaning before the dictation, and during the dictation draw the children’s attention to these words again.

After finishing the dictation, students should be given 5-7 minutes to correct mistakes on their own. The check can be carried out in two ways: immediately after finishing the dictation, the children begin an independent check, or the teacher reads the text in its entirety again, pausing for a long time on the points, giving the students the opportunity to check each sentence (as practice shows, a pause in duration can be equal to reading a sentence three times at a normal pace ).

Students should be warned about the dictation in advance; it is also useful to name the rules, the knowledge of which will mainly be tested.

Control dictations are not recommended to be carried out on Monday, Saturday, after a holiday, immediately after the holidays, in the first and last lessons, in an unusual environment, in addition, the student should not be moved to another place before writing a dictation (even to prevent cheating).

The control dictation may be complicated by an additional grammatical task (for example, language analysis - full or partial).

Dictation “Testing myself”. The advantage of this dictation over others is that it trains not only in the application of rules, but, most importantly, in the detection of spellings and punctograms, i.e. develops spelling and punctuation vigilance.

The peculiarity of this dictation is that after writing it, students have the right to ask the teacher any question regarding spelling, receive an answer, correct the mistake, and there will be no grade for this.

Students ask only those questions that interest them most, so the degree of student attentiveness is usually high, especially since errors not corrected by the student, but explained in class, are each counted as two.

The method of conducting the dictation “Testing Myself” is that the teacher dictates, and the students, in the process of writing down the text, highlight all the places that are questionable for them, in order to then ask whether they wrote correctly. Such underlinings are needed so as not to forget to ask after writing the entire dictation. The presence of corrections does not affect the score, but each missed error, as already mentioned, is counted as two.

Before using the “Testing Myself” dictation, it is necessary to explain to students the essence of the work and the procedure for carrying it out, to prepare them so that they do not hesitate to ask, but also do not try to ask about all absolutely doubtful cases. The teacher does not answer the same question twice, so students must be extremely careful when checking. The teacher does not comment on the complexity of the question; he answers any question asked briefly, clearly, in a serious and friendly manner. The check is organized for each sentence in order, starting with the first, so that children have the opportunity to quickly find in their notebook the spelling or punctogram that the teacher comments on.

Self-test dictation(dictation with self-test). This type of dictation is smaller in volume than a regular text dictation. Up to 20 minutes of the lesson are allocated for writing from dictation, the rest of the time is used for self-testing and language analysis.

To organize such work, the dictation text must be copied in advance; if it is not in the textbook, a copy of the text for self-test is given to each student after writing it under dictation. The guys check the text in the notebook with the control copy, make corrections, the mark is reduced only for missed errors, and each one is counted as two, as when writing the dictation “Testing myself.” To increase awareness of the work being performed, an additional task is given in the form of spelling and punctuation analysis of difficult writing cases.

This type Dictation is effective in learning so-called vocabulary words. Checking the vocabulary dictation on a control card must be accompanied by spelling reading: the student, checking the word, quietly pronounces it as it is written (i.e., pronouncing each letter).

Prepared dictation. The text from which the dictation will be carried out is indicated in advance. Within 2-3 days, the children must study it, find an explanation for all difficult cases of writing (they can turn to classmates, the teacher, textbooks for help). After writing from dictation, it is advisable for students to be given individual assignments for spelling and punctuation analysis, i.e. for a written explanation of some difficult writing cases. This type of dictation, like the previous two, gives schoolchildren the opportunity to “learn victoriously” (V.F. Shatalov), but is also assessed just as strictly.

Dictation with justification. Conducted as a spelling test. The essence of this type of dictation is as follows:

The student must justify in writing and extremely concisely the writing of the dictated word, which requires maximum attention and memory of the writer (if a text dictation is given, then before starting work the teacher names the spelling that requires explanation (for example, before dictation, the task is given in writing to justify the choice of an unstressed vowel in the endings of all parts of speech);

Justification should precede writing, which teaches children to think first and then write; however, as practice shows, it is easier for students to skip a letter when writing a word, give a written justification for choosing the letter, and then write it into the word. A humorous name for such a record is a letter “with holes”;

The justification may consist in writing a test word, in referring to case, conjugation, etc., graphic designation spellings. A written word with justification may look like this: We often (written at– 1 reference) write e m letters to friends. Winter (spread it– excl.) spread e there is a downy white blanket on the field;

or first they write down a word with a missing spelling, then provide a graphic explanation and only after that insert a letter.

Having explained to the children what the essence of the work is, the teacher slowly dictates the text, pausing where it is necessary to give an explanation when writing.

Self-dictation(writing from memory). To master a number of spelling patterns, the memorization of which is based primarily on visual perceptions, along with other types of work, writing from memory is also used. Self-dictation can be carried out with the aim of mastering and consolidating the skill of spelling words with unstressed vowels, continuous and separate writing adverbs, traditional spellings and spellings that are exceptions to the rule.

The text of the dictation is learned by heart after spelling and punctuation analysis in class; The text for this type of work can also be any text (suitable in terms of spelling) known to children, for example, a poem or a prose passage that students memorized for a literature lesson.

This dictation, like the prepared one, is assessed more strictly than others, since the children had the opportunity not only to memorize the graphic appearance of the text, but to consciously remember how to correctly place punctuation marks and write words.

After writing such a dictation, the teacher can give an additional (maybe individual) task, for example:

Write down words with an unstressed vowel at the root, first with a verifiable stress, then with an unverified vowel, then with alternating vowels at the root of the word;

Place stress in words and underline all unstressed vowels in the dictation text;

Graphically explain the separation of definitions;

Explain graphically in the margins the absence of a comma before the conjunction AND in a complex sentence, etc.

Silent dictation(“in silence”) This dictation is usually carried out in grades 5-6, in addition to teaching, it solves an educational problem - it disciplines a noisy class. During the work, everyone is silent: the teacher silently depicts something with gestures and other movements, the children silently record the “decoding” in their notebooks. Of course, before performing, the children are told the topic and formulated a task - spelling, grammar, etc. For example: “Observe my movements and write down in a notebook words with alternating vowels in the root, naming my actions” or “...write down the active participles, graphically explaining the unstressed vowels in the suffixes.”

Silent dictation can also be carried out with the display of spelling cards on which words are written with missing letters. The teacher silently shows the cards, the children write down the words, inserting the missing letters; then the teacher shows cards with these words in the same order, but without missing letters - the children check what is written in the notebook (as in a dictation with self-test). You can also use pictures for silent dictation that depict objects, actions, etc. You can even prepare a pantomime skit with several students on the eve of the lesson, which they will perform in front of the rest of the students as a dictation text. While observing the actions of the children, classmates, on the instructions of the teacher, will have to write down either sentences of a certain structure, or words of a given part of speech, or words with a given spelling, etc. One of the main tasks is complete silence in the classroom!

"Find the spelling". Dictation develops spelling vigilance. Under the dictation of the teacher, the children write down the text, omitting the given spelling, for example, vowels before suffixes in verbs and participles past time (i.e. we write “with holes”): glue pencil, mixed paints, depending on parents, offending a friend, sowing wheat, hating deception, depending on him, hating war, melting snow, melted snow, write a letter, absent-minded person, etc. Then we check, firstly, whether the students found the spelling correctly, i.e. did you make the omissions correctly? To do this, we open the entry “with holes” made in advance on a closed board; it must coincide with what is in the children’s notebook; in addition, children check the spelling of unstressed vowels in the suffixes of present participles and in the endings of verbs. After which the children exchange notebooks and write the necessary letters “in the holes” with a pencil, returning the notebook to their neighbor. The teacher writes and explains the required letters on the board - students have the opportunity to “evaluate their neighbor’s check” and carefully (by erasing the pencil) correct the mistakes made. You can, of course, finish the test differently: call the student left without a pair to the closed board (there is no one to exchange notebooks with), and ask him to insert the missing letters on the board, and then check the correctness of his work and explain the choice of the desired letter.

"Look to the root". As an analysis of the essays of school graduates shows, one of the most common is the error reflecting ignorance of spelling No. 1 - these are unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress. Errors made using this rule are not of the same type, since each time the student must demonstrate the ability to select a specific test word. And this skill is based on understanding the meaning of the word, on knowledge of the lexical meaning of the root, which the student must correlate with a certain graphic appearance (for example: creak - fasten, chewed - lived, old-timer - guarded, developed - fluttered, etc.).

Taking into account the knowledge of schoolchildren about the morphological principle of Russian orthography, which asserts the uniform spelling of morphemes, and about the alternation of sounds in the roots of words, the dictation “Look at the root” solves the problem of attracting children’s attention to the graphic appearance of the root and developing the ability to correlate the meaning of the root and its spelling.

The key skills in this case are the ability to put stress in a word and analyze the word according to its composition (in particular, to find the root).

Dictation technique:

The teacher dictates words with unstressed vowels at the root of the word, the students write down only the root of the word they hear;

We open the dictation text prepared in advance on a closed board, the roots in the words are highlighted, the students compare the roots of the words they heard recorded in the notebook and the highlighted roots;

Explaining errors, we reproduce the word in full.

As a preparatory exercise, we can suggest the following: we write down the roots of words on the board, we give students the task of writing down a word with each root in a notebook, but the root in the example should be unstressed. During the oral test, we select a test word.

"The Fourth Wheel". The content can be anything. Develops children's logical thinking: during the execution process, students actively compare language facts. Not only is the dictation difficult, but also its composition. Usually this is a thematic selection, 4-5 lines of four words, one of which should differ from all others in only one way (the compiler of the dictation needs to comprehensively analyze the words that he includes in the dictation). Children should be familiar with the topic of dictation. For example:

"Grammatical features of a verb"

  1. Score, cut down, drown, drink (view).
  2. Get well, turn purple, depend, hate(transitivity).
  3. Pass, knock down, write off, do (conjugation, hand over - heterogeneously conjugated).
  4. Stove, cry, cherish, flow (inclination).

"A culture of speech. Plural form of nouns"

  1. Oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, pasta(zero ending in R.p.).
  2. Mongols, Georgians, Ossetians, Bulgarians (ending -ov in R.p.).

3. Rake, t ufli, dirty, mumbled (zero ending in R.p.).

You can record the entire text of the dictation under dictation, then give the children time to think, and then ask them to name the extra word in each line, explaining the choice. Or you can do the same thing line by line.

"Give me a word". Spelling dictation with text changes. Includes an element of entertainment: children must choose a word that rhymes with what the teacher read, but with a given spelling. For example, the topic “Combined and separate writing of adverbs”:

Two flowers, two gladioli

Giant pine trees on a clear day

They twisted their hats... (on one side).

When a teacher offers fifth-graders such a dictation for the first time, he can preface the work with a rhyme from a children’s book:

Smoothly, smoothly the verse flowed,

Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent.

He waits and sighs:

Words are not enough!

To get back on track again

The verse flowed like a river,

Help him a little

Give me a word. (E. Serova)

Most often, this dictation is used to study words with unchecked spelling (dictionary words). The teacher himself can compose couplets or quatrains for the words he needs. For example:

Rush into the sky tirelessly

Multi-colored fountains,

Splashes of light are pouring everywhere!

This is a festive... (fireworks).

A log floats down the river -

Oh, and it’s furious!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off... (crocodile).

He lives calmly, is in no hurry,

Carry a shield just in case.

Under him, without knowing fear,

Walking... (turtle).

He walks with his head up,

Not because he’s an important count,

Not because of a proud disposition,

But because he... (giraffe).

Been chattering since the morning:

“Por-r-ra! Let's go!" Is it time?

She's such a hassle,

When ... (magpie) cracks.

Look at the fellows: Golden and young

Cheerful and lively, In a week he turned gray,

Dragging from all over And in two days

Material for construction. The head has gone bald.

Without work, for the life of me, I’ll hide it in my pocket

Can't live... (ant). Former... (dandelion).

Angry as a she-wolf, the Fly gasped at first: “Oh, what lace!”

It burns like mustard! And she got caught in the lace and her head disappeared!

What kind of miracle is this?! Poor thing, as if in mud,

This is... (nettle). Stuck in... (web).

"Understand me". Lexical dictation with text changes. The goal is to memorize (learn) the lexical meaning of words that the teacher uses to enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren. The text of the dictation is the lexical meanings of words, i.e. The teacher reads the definitions of concepts, and the students write down the word corresponding to this definition in their notebooks. During the test, spelling work can be carried out simultaneously: a student naming the words he has written down can simply read the word orthographically, i.e. pronouncing it the way it is written. (You can ask children to write down words and underline spellings). For example:

Teacher reads Students write down

1. Worldview imbued with life-optimism

trustworthiness, faith in the best.

2. Special rights, benefits given by law. privilege

3. An incident, an act that took place in the past,

and serving as an example or justification for precedent

subsequent cases of the same kind.

4. Time championship in opening,

inventing something; first priority

the right to something...

The “Understand Me” dictation can be done orally in the form of a competitive game. Teams are given cards with one word on each; We place the cards face down (the word is hidden). One by one, the teams join the game: the first player of the first team opens a card and, without naming the word, interprets its lexical meaning (as best he can, without naming cognates); the second player must guess the word; for an incorrect answer, the team receives penalty points. Then the first player of the second team... the first player of the third team... and the first team enters the game again, but its second player reveals a card with a word for interpretation...

“Following the traces of completed exercises”. The text of the dictation can be compiled by the students themselves: it includes words from previously completed written work; mistakes were made in these words. Perhaps work has already been done on them, but systematic exercises are necessary to develop spelling skills. One student can take dictation on a closed board, the rest in notebooks. One by one (in a chain), the guys name the words they once made a mistake and emphasize the spelling patterns. The test is carried out “with a board”: everyone checks the student’s work together on a closed board and explains the correct spelling of words.

If a teacher is interested in the success of his children, he keeps a record of each student’s mistakes, checking dictations, essays, presentations and written homework. This will be the material for this dictation.

Signal dictation. Conducted orally (without recording), it allows you to save lesson time and control the process of learning the material. Initially introduced as a dictionary spelling dictation with text changes, it is now used more widely. To answer, students use signal cards that show the letters I, E, A, O, i.e. “competing” when writing words with unstressed vowels.

All the children have cards of the same size (a quarter of a notebook sheet), the letters are drawn the same and are also the same size, in addition, the same color is used on all cards: the letters A, I, for example, of blue color, and the letters O, E are red (if signal dictation has been used in teaching for several years, then it is important not to change the color of the letters). For continuous/separate spellings, you can use a “traffic light”: a red card means continuous spelling, yellow – hyphenated (semi-continuous), green – separate.

A topic is announced, for example: “Unstressed vowels at the root of a word” or “Unstressed personal endings of a verb,” etc. The teacher dictates the word - the children raise the desired letter (card). The teacher immediately sees how well the children overall have learned the material (thanks to the color) and which of the children made a mistake. This student is asked to explain why he gave this answer.

Graphic dictation. This is a dictation with a change in the text, and the change in the text seems to reach the limit: students write down the text in the form of conventional signs (i.e., they don’t even write words). Initially, this dictation was used only for studying syntax and punctuation. Instead of sentences, students wrote down diagrams of these sentences (hence, the ability to draw up a diagram is essential in this case).

This work differs from the usual drawing up of diagrams in that the diagrams are drawn up not after writing down the sentence, but without visual perception of it at all. The proposal can only be written down (or presented in a finished recording) after drawing up an outline during the verification stage. The advantage of graphic dictation over the usual drawing up of diagrams is that it develops grammatical vigilance in schoolchildren, teaches them to perceive by ear not only the specific content of the text, but also its grammatical structure.

This dictation requires complex mental work and a certain level of assimilation of the material, so graphic dictation can be considered an exercise that summarizes work on the topic.

A variety of graphic dictation are alphabetic and digital dictation. For example, when studying parts of speech, the teacher dictates words or phrases, and children indicate the answer in writing with a letter (two letters): g - verb, s - noun, p - adjective, h - numeral, m - pronoun, n - adverb, pr - participle , d - gerund... Digital dictation is used where the answer is an indication of quantity. For example: we dictate words with one or two letters N, children without writing down the words, having mentally found the answer, indicate only the number in the notebook. Usually for such a dictation we take 10-14 words. Answers can be given in the form of a fraction, where the numerator is the number of the word in order, and the denominator is the number of N. The teacher writes the “cipher” of the answer in advance on a closed board. With the help of digital dictation, you can also test the ability to conduct “syntactic counting”: the teacher reads the sentence, the children determine the number by ear simple sentences as part of a complex and indicate this quantity under the number of the sentence itself, i.e. also in the form of a fraction.

Selective dictation. This type of dictation not only improves certain practical skills of the student in the field of the Russian language, but also actively influences the development of his cognitive abilities - attention, memory, thinking.

The difficulty of this type of dictation is that the text dictated by the teacher is perceived only by ear, while at the same time analytical and synthetic work is carried out on it according to choice required material in accordance with the task, and the results must be accurately recorded in the notebook. Therefore, before conducting this dictation, children need to be taught how to selectively copy. This exercise is easier because... the text is perceived visually, and the student can return to what he wrote as many times as he wants during analysis.

Selective distribution dictation. From the text perceived by ear, students must select 2 or 3 specified linguistic facts and, based on certain characteristics, distribute them into 2 or 3 columns. For example, the task is given to find words in the dictated text with unstressed vowels at the root of the word and write them down, distributing them into columns: 1) verified by stress, 2) unverified, 3) alternating.

This type of dictation is more difficult than selective dictation, because When working on a text that is perceived by ear, another mental operation is added. The student needs not only to identify (select) a linguistic phenomenon according to certain characteristics (i.e., compare it with other linguistic facts), but also, comparing what has already been selected, distribute it into groups in accordance with some characteristic.

Free dictation. One of the main goals of this dictation is to develop students' speech. Free dictation is a recording of a text perceived by ear, in which students are given the right to freely choose words and speech structures to present this content. But this is not a presentation, since the right to replace a word or sentence structure (without distorting the meaning of the dictated text) must be motivated by the student’s desire to avoid making a mistake. In addition, children do not retell the text, but write it down under the dictation of the teacher, but he dictates not in sentences (as, for example, when conducting a control dictation), but in phrases complete in meaning in several sentences - two or three. The students are given the task of presenting what is dictated as close to the text as possible, while it is possible to replace words whose spelling the student doubts with synonyms, and to choose syntactic constructions, the punctuation of which does not complicate the student.

The work begins with reading the text in its entirety, determining the theme and main idea of ​​the text; stylistic exercises can also be carried out on the text before recording it under dictation.

In life, there are quite often situations when it is necessary to briefly, but without distorting the content, record what was heard (for example, recording a protocol).

Dictation with continuation. One of the main goals of this dictation is to develop students' speech. Absorbed in the spelling and punctuation tasks that arise before them, students do not perceive (or almost do not perceive) the content of what is being dictated, however, this can be extremely important, not only for the punctuation of the text, but also for solving spelling problems (for example, combined and separate spelling NOT, choice NOT/NOR).

Dictation with continuation is one of the types of work that solves this problem. First, students write down a dictation text, then create their own, thematically related to the dictated text (the volume of the latter depends on the nature of the task and the time remaining for this work).

The text of the dictation, continued by the number of words, richness of spellings and punctuation, etc.) must meet the requirements for text dictation in general (see information about the control dictation). In addition, the text of this dictation should be such that it can be continued.

All texts for such dictations can be divided into two groups:

1. Texts that break off in such a way that it is clear in which direction they can be continued. Such texts are:

a) the beginning of the narrative, brought to a point that suggests in general terms the further development of the action; or it breaks off before the climax - the children come up with it and the denouement of the event;

b) the beginning of an argument in which only a thesis, or a thesis and one or two evidence, or a thesis plus evidence is formulated, and the student draws conclusions;

c) the beginning of the description, which contains his intention, conveys the general impression of the described object and reveals some of its features.

2. Texts that are complete or relatively complete passages in meaning, based on which it is possible to organize students’ independent statements. These texts either end with a question or allow questions to be raised that children have to answer. A question may require a narrative (a story about an event), a description of some objects, and, finally, more or less detailed reasoning to express one’s opinion.

A continued dictation can also be carried out using a painting (reproduction of a painting). The dictation text contains information about the artist, characterizes his work, and gives a key to the description of one of his paintings (a reproduction of which is hung in the classroom). In continuations of the dictation, students describe what is depicted in the picture and express their attitude towards it.

Before conducting this type of dictation, students are clearly explained the task of producing their own speech. After the dictation text has been read, the teacher asks the children questions about the content of the text and begins dictation, as is usually done. Students begin the second part of the work after checking the dictation. The task for a dictation essay can (preferably) be written on the board to minimize student questions about the work ahead. The most difficult thing in students’ independent work is to write in the author’s key, but such a need arises if the dictation text is a bright, original example of the author’s style.

Two marks are given for the work: one for the dictation (spelling and punctuation errors are taken into account), the other for the continuation, it is given in accordance with the standards for assessing essays and presentations, i.e. For the continuation, we also give two marks - for content and literacy.

Creative dictations. One of the main goals of such a dictation is to develop students’ speech. Creative dictations include exercises in which students insert given language means into the text dictated by the teacher or replace any language means (the task is specified in advance) synonyms, lexical, grammatical.

When using this type of dictation, two tasks are set:

1) teach schoolchildren to use certain linguistic means (for example, by inserting generalizing words that are suitable in meaning into the text, students remember them, the specifying meaning of homogeneous members used in generalizing words becomes clearer to the children; at the same time, children practice placing punctuation marks);

2) teach schoolchildren to accurately and more vividly describe reality, using figurative language if necessary; by choosing synonyms, children learn to avoid unnecessary repetitions, tautologies, and semantic redundancy; begin to better sense shades of meaning that are close in meaning linguistic means.

Dictation is slower than usual. Before introducing this type of dictation into teaching practice, it is advisable to carry out preliminary work with the visual perception of texts; it is especially important to draw students’ attention to grammatical synonyms (children, for example, should feel the difference in the shades of meaning conveyed by such constructions as a personal two-part sentence and a one-part impersonal one: How strawberries and mushrooms smell like! - What strawberries and mushrooms smell like! In the first case, a specific smell is called, and in the second, the saturation of the air with forest smells is characterized).

After completing the work, insertions and substitutions are discussed in the class: two to three students read out their work, explaining the choice of language means, other children offer their options for replacement or insertion.

Creative dictation can be carried out using a picture or artistic photography(reproductions are posted on the board in advance or a presentation for the exercise is created). For example: