How to calculate heating correctly. Let's do the calculation. Video. Settlement operations for a common house appliance

When payments for housing and communal services arrive, the question often arises as to why heat supply is so expensive. In reality, figuring out how to calculate heating in an apartment is quite difficult. To do this, you need to find out the tariffs from the management company, which different regions various. After this, it will become clear whether the accruals were made correctly or not.

Laws on payment for heat energy

First you need to figure out how to calculate the payment for heating according to the standard in accordance with current legislation. There is a legal act on heating in a later edit – No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. There, the calculations of heating fees in high-rise buildings are regulated in detail.

Unlike previous editions, the method of charging money for services received, the forms of agreements for contractual obligations and payment samples have changed. In order to calculate payment for heat, tenants need to contact the management company to find out the type of arrangement of the building in which they live:

  • the presence of a general building meter for the heat supply consumed; it happens that there is none in residential premises;
  • together with general building meters, there are meters in the apartments of the owners;
  • There are no heat meters in the residential building.

After finding out these details, you can move on to finding out how the payment for the heating received is calculated. In addition, in accordance with resolution 354 Heating payments are divided into two types:

  1. For a separate apartment.
  2. For general house needs.

The second type includes heat supply to entrances, attics, etc. In order to calculate the heating fee, you need to find out from the HOA the footage of these areas and the tariffs for maintaining the required degree of heat in them.

Similar information must be printed on those sent to management companies so that the consumer pays after the fact. They must contain two points reflecting the final amount of payment. In practice, the rate of contributions for heating services in common areas is higher than in apartments. But when the total amount is divided across the entire residential building, the payment amount is reduced.

Since heating receipts reflect both residential and uninhabited premises, it is necessary that information about them be included in the signed agreement, for which you need to contact the management organization.

Calculation of payment for central heating

Today there are no uniform standards according to which we pay for heating. Instead, there are only advisory price lists for heat supply for management companies that supply it to multi-storey residential buildings. Payment for heating is dependent on the heat meters installed in the apartments.

In addition, the final amount is influenced by the climate conditions in the area where the property owners live, as well as how worn out the utilities are and how the building is insulated to prevent heat loss.

At low efficiency rates heating system Fees for heating services will be higher year-round. In accordance with the current guidelines, heating bills in accordance with the law are calculated in the ways that are given below.

Sometimes it happens that in one residential building there can be several heating risers, so it will be very expensive to install metering devices on all of them. In such cases, it is necessary for heating to be calculated using a common house meter.

Household metering device

When a residential building has a common building meter for heat energy, the accounting department must calculate the heat supply using a special formula. Along with this, the payment procedure is carried out according to several points.

First you need to coordinate the heating of the main area and the specific living space for which the indicators are being calculated. Next you need to do the following:

  • check the indicators of the house meter at the beginning and end of the billing period. The resulting difference will show the heat consumption in a residential building. In this way, the amount for heat supply to residential or non-residential premises is correctly calculated;
  • calculate the ratio of the total footage of the apartment to the total footage of the building;
  • Find out what the management organization's tariff consists of.

The formula for calculating the heating fee is as follows:


Where R– amount of payment, V– meter readings, Tk And Td– footage of the residential premises and building where the owner of the property lives, TO- standard for room heating.

In order to show how to calculate charges for heat supply, let’s take a living space with a size of 33 square meters, which is located in a building of 6000 square meters. The reading on the individual meter was 80 Gcal. Let's say the heating tariff consists of 1000 rubles per Gcal. In this case, the final payment should be:

P=80x(33/6000)x1000=440 rubles

In addition, in the absence of energy consumption devices in specific apartments, we pay according to other standards for calculating heating in the apartment. The average standard (W) for apartments consists of indicators - 0.022-0.03 gigocalories per square meter per month. In this case, the charge for heat supply is calculated using the following formula:


Let's say the W indicator is 0.025, then the payment is:

Р=33х0.025х6000=4950 rubles

Managing organizations prefer to calculate, naturally, using their own form of calculation. Therefore, when drawing up contractual obligations, it is recommended to check in which cases the management company uses such methods, although this will be difficult to do, these organizations prefer to hide such data.

Charges for heat supply with communal and personal meters

If you have an individual meter, the task of calculating the amount of payment for heating is simplified. In such a situation, you only need to multiply the indicators of the individual meter by the consumption standard for the heating utility service of the management company.

If there are possible discrepancies in the legislative acts on payment for heat supply, you should concentrate on the tariffs. Differences in prices among different companies that provide heat can be as much as thirty percent. And when calculating using metering devices, high tariff figures for housing and communal services heating will not allow you to get any benefits from installing meters.

In reality, homeowners do not choose management organizations, especially in multi-storey buildings. In this regard, when checking charges for heating services, they use current prices from management companies that are available in.

But when recalculating for heat, it is necessary to take into account the supplied heat for the entire building. It is necessary to calculate the amount of heat energy provided by suppliers. To resolve the issue of how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated, use the following formula. It will allow you to count Gcal:


Where V– the share of the home owner to pay for home heating, N– consumption standards, S– the total footage that is included in this group, Tk And Td– footage of residential premises and buildings.

The N value is 0.016 gigocalories per square meter. For example, for a communal heating supply with non-residential premises measuring 600 square meters, the cost calculation will be as follows:

V=0.016x600(33/6000)=0.05 Gcal for heating

To reduce this calculated figure according to the current rules, you should set general device tariff heating accounting. With it heating costs are apartment building will be reduced by 15-30%.

How to reduce heating bills

Rent tariffs in public utilities are growing quarterly, so the problem is how to reduce expenses for thermal energy quite topical. This issue is complicated by the nuances of the operation of centralized communications in multi-story buildings.

It should be taken into account that with a centralized energy supply, it is not enough just to insulate the outer walls of the building, replace the windows with double-glazed windows - the total payment amount will be the same, recalculations will not be necessary. Installing individual energy metering devices will help reduce costs. But with such actions, it is possible to encounter other problematic situations:

  • many heating risers in one living space. Today, the price tag for installing metering devices varies from 18 to 25 thousand rubles, and they must be installed on each structure;
  • It is difficult to obtain consent for the installation of metering devices. To do this, the management company needs to issue technical specifications, and then, according to their indications, select a suitable device;
  • For regular payments for heating, you need to check the metering devices according to the established schedule, for which the device is dismantled, checked, and then put back in place. All this also costs money.

But even all these expenses will lead to a reduction in the cost of payments for energy consumption on the meter. If there are several risers in the apartment, you need to install a common house metering device, but with such an installation, the cost reduction will not be so significant.

When calculating payments for heat supply using a general metering device, it is not the indicators of energy receipt that are calculated, but the differences between it and in the return pipeline of the central supply. This is a more transparent way of calculating prices. In addition, when choosing this method, it is possible to improve the heating system according to the following indications:

  • you can regulate energy consumption in the house depending on weather conditions;
  • allows you to achieve the best way calculation of payments. In this case, the indicators are distributed among apartments depending on their square footage, and not the heat received.

In addition, only employees of the management organization can maintain and repair the metering device for the entire house. But residents legally sought the provision of all necessary reports for such a procedure as adjusting heating fees.

In addition to installing a common house meter, you need to install a new mixer, which will regulate the heating temperature of the coolant included in the centralized system.

Payments for the provision of thermal energy in different seasons

The ability to choose payment methods for heating in a certain season is excluded by management companies and heat suppliers. They decide this on their own, without the consent of property owners; a payment frequency coefficient has also been introduced, when they pay for heat supply evenly throughout the year. Sometimes there are exceptions; the payment schedule is agreed upon with the administration of the housing cooperative or HOA.

When choosing a heating fee in summer, there are the following features:

  • It is impossible to verify the correctness of charges for heat energy. When making calculations, the accounting department of the management company uses very complicated and cunning methods;
  • When paying for heating in the summer, owners are charged evenly. At the same time, the price for heating costs has the same indicators in summer and winter. This means that payments for the heating received will be equal in both January and July;
  • you can choose the method of seasonal payments for heat when metering devices are installed, which is why most residents apartment building prefer the installation of communal heat meters.

When comparing price tags for all year round or seasonally it is striking that the costs will be lower with the second method.

Gas and electric heating

At the first opportunity, most property owners want to switch out of the centralized heating system in order to avoid paying for heating in the summer. Alternative choice– autonomous connection of gas and electric boilers.

However, in reality, with such methods of obtaining thermal energy in apartments, many problematic situations arise. The main one is the consent of the management company to install such units in residential premises. In cases of legal installation, the following situations occur:

  • payments for gas consumption will be collected on general conditions. Before paying for the resources received, you need to install a gas consumption meter;
  • In addition to this, you will have to pay for heat supply common areas in a building, heating recalculation in such a case is described above;
  • it is forbidden to connect boiler equipment To centralized system heat supply, turning off the system in advance, as this will cause the house circuit to open.

Recalculation of heating fees in your favor is also possible when arranging an apartment electric heat supply. When installing it, preferential tariffs are obtained from companies that supply electricity. But this is only possible when there is no gas supply in the house. If it is present, then the price for electricity is charged on general terms.

It is also possible to achieve a recalculation for heating when applying for benefits and subsidies. But doing this is currently very difficult. Even if you provide the entire package of documentation, refusal is possible, and confirming requests to reduce payment amounts will require a lot of time. At the same time, the question of whether it is necessary to pay during the non-heating season is decided by management organizations only in their own favor.

Individual metering devices

Installing individual metering devices in an apartment does not mean that you have to pay only for the heat energy consumed. Some people install heated floors in their homes, which are mounted with common system heating, while others install multi-section batteries. At the same time, they pay the heating bill on a general basis. In such situations, it is beneficial to install an individual heat meter for energy consumption.

If there is a heat meter in the apartment, then the consumer pays only for the heat energy that entered this particular room. After all, the indicators are taken from the pipes that are installed at the inlet and outlet. The difference in the readings will be the amount of energy received that came to this particular room, for which you will have to pay a fee. There is also another advantageous nuance. When water supply is below standards, heating is not calculated at all.

Unauthorized installation of metering devices in residential premises is prohibited. Such work must be carried out by employees of authorized licensed organizations that are permitted to carry out such activities. For installation, it is necessary to draw up a project and approve it, which can cost much more than a meter.

In addition, there are technical problems. If there is horizontal wiring, questions usually do not arise. Meters are placed on the inlet and outlet pipes. But in reality in multi-storey buildings– vertical distribution, that is, risers are present in all rooms. In this case, installing a meter on each pipe is too expensive.

It is possible to install distributors on each battery to calculate energy at the installation site. Then by readings taken calculate the amount of energy for each unit of indicators. Then, multiplying this number with the readings of the distributor, the final result will be obtained, according to which payment for heat is made.


However, the presence of distributors will not give the only correct indicator for the heat consumed, because whether it is installed on a small battery, or on many sections, it will determine the same figures. In this case, several sections will provide more heat energy. In addition, to calculate heat supply in this way, it is necessary that the house have a common meter, that 75 percent of the owners have distributors, and that thermostats are installed on the radiators.

When paying for heating with distributors, the question arises - how to check the correctness of the accrual? In order not to calculate the monthly cost, the management company allows preliminary rates at which property owners make payments. The administration of the management company carries out calculations in accordance with meter readings. Heating recalculation and adjustments need to be made twice a year. At the same time, the difference between payments made and actual consumption is calculated, according to which tariffs are reduced or added.

This helps reduce costs for heating services, but only when the water supplied to the apartment is below normal. In other cases it is not profitable.

In the majority apartment buildings our country has a central gas heating, invoices for which each owner of square meters receives. Of course, you should trust the information on the receipt, but it is advisable to double-check the accuracy of the calculations in order to completely eliminate the possibility of error. The problem is that many apartment owners simply don’t know how to do this. Let's look into such an important issue!

How to calculate the cost of heating in an apartment?

The calculation algorithm is completely determined by the method of heating the house and the available heating devices. Options for equipping buildings with accounting devices can be completely different:

  1. Only one meter is installed for the entire house, and individual apartments and non-residential premises are not equipped with accounting devices.
  2. There is a common meter, but some apartments and premises are also equipped with individual devices.
  3. There is no meter in the house, but some apartments have metering devices.

Before you begin calculating heating, you need to find out which method of metering gas consumption is used in the house. Without this information, further actions are simply impossible.

How to calculate the heating fee in an apartment using a meter common to the entire house?

In order for our calculations to be clear, it is necessary to take some data as an example. Let's assume that meter in the house showed consumption of 300 Gcal. The area of ​​the multi-storey building itself is 8500 m². The apartment taken into account has an area of ​​80 m². Let’s take the tariff for consumed electricity to be 1,500 rubles/1 Gcal.

First, we’ll find out how to calculate heating based on the area of ​​an apartment; for this we’ll use the following diagram: (300*80/8500)*1500 =4235 RUR. This amount will appear first on the receipt, since it is the payment for heating in the apartment.

However, let’s not forget about non-residential premises, the heating costs of which are distributed among the residents. Let's assume that the living area is 7000 m². Then the calculations will be as follows: 300*(1-7000/8500)*80/7000=0.6051 Gcal. Convert into monetary equivalent: 0.6051*1500=908 rub.

The total amount of the receipt in this case will be: 4235+908=5143 rub.

How to calculate heating according to the meter in an apartment?

Let's imagine that some apartments, as well as non-residential premises, are equipped with meters. According to available metering devices, 15 Gcal were spent on heating non-residential areas, and 10 Gcal for other apartments. The needs of hot water supply accounted for 40 Gcal.

First, let's find out how much heat fell on our square meters:

  • If you have a meter, take readings and multiply by the current tariff: 2*1500=3000 rub.
  • in the absence of a meter, the rate of heat consumption per 1 m² is taken into account, which is 0.03 Gcal: 0.03*80*1500=3600 rub.

Now you need to find out what amount will be added. The following diagram will help us with this: ( 300-15-7000*0.03-10-40)*80/7000=0.2857 Gcal. Convert to rubles: 0.2857*1500=429 rub.

  • 3000+429=3429 rub.
  • 3600+429=4029 rub.

How to correctly calculate heating in an apartment without a common meter?

In this case, the presence of a metering device in the home is also of great importance. The first step is still to determine the cost of heating the apartment:

  • with counter: 2*1500=3000 rub.
  • without counter: 0.03*80*1500=3600 rub.

Now we need to know the amount for the needs of the house, and this requires information about the area of ​​​​the common property. Let's say it is 200 m², then the calculation will be as follows: 0.03*200*80/7000=0.0686 Gcal. In money: 0.0686*1500=103 rub.

The total amount of the receipt will be:

  • if you have an individual device: 3000+103=3103 rub.
  • in the absence of a meter in the apartment: 3600+103=3703 rub.

As you can see from the calculations, an apartment meter significantly reduces the payment for thermal energy, so it is worth thinking about installing an individual meter. This will not only save you money, but will also allow you to fully control the accrual process.

How to calculate heating batteries for an apartment?

When choosing radiators for your home, it is very important to make the correct calculation, otherwise the apartment will be constantly hot or cold. Only specialists can provide the most accurate data, but you can also calculate the required number of sections yourself. There is a simplified method that allows you to obtain data with minimal error.

First we need to find out how much thermal power is required to fully heat 1 m²:

  • with a standard room height, in which there is only one window opening and one outer wall 100 W will be enough;
  • if there are two external walls, one window opening and a standard ceiling height, it is worth taking 120 W into account;
  • at two window openings, the same number of external walls and standard ceilings we take 130 W.

If the room boasts a height of more than 3 meters or the presence large windows, then the value obtained in the calculations must be multiplied by a correction factor of 1.1.

How to calculate heating radiators for an apartment using an example?

Let's assume that we have a room of 30 m² with two external walls and one window opening. The ceiling height is 3.3 meters. The choice fell on heating batteries made of bimetal, the power of one section is 220 W (according to data from the model passport). We need to find out how many fins we need to heat the existing room.

  1. First we find out the general thermal power for an existing room: 30*120*1.1=3960 W.
  2. Now we divide the result by the power of one section heating device: 3960/220=18 sections.

If we have two windows, then under each of them it is necessary to place a heating radiator with 9 sections. This approach will help reduce heat losses and increase heating efficiency. We do the same calculation for each room in the apartment.

As you can see, the correct calculation of heating in an apartment is not so difficult task, which is quite possible to cope with on your own. The main thing is to approach the issue with maximum responsibility and seriousness!

Heat supply

Use of individual consumption meters utilities recognized by all honest payers as the most effective. This became especially clear after hot and cold water meters became widespread. What could be more reasonable than paying only for what you consume and nothing else? This is logical and convenient, but not always easy to apply. For example, when it comes to using individual heat meters, many problems arise. But if you set a goal, then you can solve these problems.

How does IPU work?

Thermal energy is taken into account in the form of measuring the temperature difference and coolant flow. When installing an individual meter in an apartment, you should first find out whether the heating system in your house is installed vertically or horizontally. This is important because purchasing and installing a heat meter is not a cheap pleasure.

The devices are usually mounted directly on the coolant supply pipe; therefore, if the heating system of the house is standing, then logically you will have to install a separate meter for each pipe, which is quite expensive. With a horizontal system, this problem does not exist; one counter is installed there. But if your home has vertical system heating, you can install distributors on batteries that measure coolant flow by the difference in air temperature in the room and the surface of the radiator.

In new buildings of the 2000s, as a rule, there is a horizontal system; older houses are equipped with a standing system. After the meter is installed by specialists, it is sealed. By the way, do not forget to ensure that heat does not escape from your apartment, otherwise there will be little sense in installing an individual meter.

Should I take it?

Before you buy such an expensive device and call installers, which in itself is not so difficult, you need to settle another, much more important detail, to obtain from the management company an unambiguous answer to the question: will it accept the readings of individual heat meters as data on which fees are calculated.

With a high degree of probability the answer will be negative. The fact is that in order to apply a special formula for calculating the amount of payment for a heating utility service, taking into account the indicators of an individual meter, it is necessary that all residential and non-residential premises of the apartment building be equipped with a heat control unit. This requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Otherwise, a calculation formula is applied, which is based on the readings of a common house meter.

Thus, in order to pay as much as you consume, you need to encourage all owners to voluntarily install individual heat meters. As already mentioned, the most acceptable from a technological point of view for houses with vertical distribution of heating systems is the installation of radiator distributors. These are compact devices that record the temperature difference between the surface of the battery and the air in the room.

The distributor integrates the measured temperature difference over time and calculates the heat transfer value of the heating device in proportional units. The conversion factor of distributor units to Gcal turns out to be different for different buildings and different measurement periods. This coefficient must be calculated for each accounting period by distributing among the apartments all the costs of the house, measured by a common building heat meter.

Calculations are made by a special software, which contains an algorithm for distributing consumed heat in accordance with the current regulatory framework. Moreover, the hotter the radiators in the premises, the higher the value shown by the radiator distributors, which means the higher the payment for the consumed thermal resources. However, the amount of payments for all apartments will always be equal to the payment for the entire house billed by the heat supplier.

It would seem that this is the solution

But there are two nuances. The first is the price. It’s not that scary for one apartment (even at 2015 prices you can spend 6,000-10,000 rubles). On the one side. But, on the other hand, try to convince all the residents. Especially pensioners.

However, it is not even the cost that can be a reason to abandon this idea. There is still no unity in the interpretation of the concept of “distributor”. Here is what is said about this in RF PP No. 354:

  • Distributor - a device used in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat metering device, and allowing to determine the share of the volume of utility heating service consumption per individual residential or non-residential premises in which such devices are installed, in the total volume of utility service consumption for heating in all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in which distributors are installed.

It would seem that everything is clear. But since the document does not contain the phrase “the distributor is an individual heat energy metering device,” this leaves the management company the opportunity to refuse the owners to apply the formula for calculating payment for heating services using a formula that takes into account the readings of the IPU. Here, the matter may have to be resolved in court. And there is a chance to win the case. At least there is a precedent. Back in 2013, the St. Petersburg City Court found no reason to believe that the distributors do not comply with the law Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements. But, nevertheless, it is worth recognizing that today in judicial practice there is no unity of opinion on this issue.

constitutional Court figured out how to pay for heating in apartments. Now residents of all houses built or overhauled since 2012 will pay according to their meters, and not according to standards. The norm, due to which everyone was forced to pay without taking into account meter readings in apartments, was declared unconstitutional. Although it was once approved by the government and included in the housing code.

All this time, the rule violated the rights of the owners, and they overpaid. But one owner did not put up with this, went through several instances, reached the Constitutional Court and achieved justice for everyone. Now the law will be changed, but you can save money now: in some regions you will pay for heating

Ekaterina Miroshkina


How do they generally pay for heating in an apartment?

If the house does not have heating meters, everyone pays according to the standards. Then they don’t even count how much energy was spent on concrete house and an apartment.

For houses with a common building meter, there are two options for calculating payments for heating in apartments.

If there are heating meters in every apartment. All residents pay according to their testimony. Norms will not be imposed on them and the total amount of resources will not be distributed in proportion to the area. How much thermal energy is spent, so much must be paid. Someone has left or likes it to be cool - then they will pay less. And some people have small children and a corner apartment, so the pipes need to be hot, which means they have to pay more.

If there are no meters in all apartments. For example, if they are not in at least two apartments, then they take general readings and divide them among all apartments. They don’t count who spent how much: with what bigger apartment, the more you need to pay. Even if no one lived in the apartment all winter, you still need to pay in full.

Fair enough. What is the problem?

The problem was with those residents who installed meters for themselves or immediately bought an apartment in a new building with heating meters. For example, according to the law, all houses built since 2012, or if they have been major renovation, must be equipped individual meters for heating - each apartment.

And so all the residents pay themselves according to their testimony. And then their cunning neighbors take and dismantle the meters. And they no longer have meters and readings.

For those residents who continued to conserve heat and save money, the payment formula immediately changed. They could no longer pay according to their readings, because now not all apartments in the building were equipped with meters. And the rules say so: you can pay according to your readings only if there are meters in all apartments.

Because of a few uneconomical neighbors, the rest began to overpay. Now the readings of the common building meter were divided proportionally among all apartments.

It was this rule that one of the residents of such a house decided to appeal. He didn’t want to overpay because of his neighbors and went through the authorities. He demanded that the management company recalculate his heating charges and take into account his meter readings. The man was rejected everywhere, even in the Supreme Court. Everyone said the same thing: there is a law, there are rules, they must be followed. Sorry, sorry, we can’t help, because of the neighbors you will pay not only for yourself, but also for that guy.

What did the Constitutional Court say?

It is not possible to appeal to the Constitutional Court with any complaint and not for any reason, but here grounds were found. This time the owner asked to recognize the formula for calculating heating as unconstitutional. It turns out that because of the cunning of some people, others - the thrifty and law-abiding - suffer. And the current legislation infringes on their interests.

Here are the conclusions made by the Constitutional Court:

  1. The state regulates the calculation of payments for housing and communal services, but must do this taking into account the interests of all owners.
  2. People need to be encouraged to install meters. This helps to save resources and calculate fees for them fairly.
  3. Those who do not install meters must pay more.
  4. Heating meters cannot be installed in all houses: it is technically difficult and expensive. Therefore, the requirement to install them mandatory applies only to houses that have been commissioned since 2012. Or after a major overhaul.
  5. If there is a meter, the owner expects that he will pay according to the readings. Then he will save heat, and in return will be able to pay only for the resources actually used. This way the state will achieve a careful attitude towards thermal energy.
  6. A formula that forces you to pay for an apartment with a meter not according to your own readings, but according to the general ones, violates the rights of tenants. Those who dismantled the meters actually transferred part of their payments to their neighbors.

Bottom line. The law and rules need to be changed. Those who have heating meters must pay according to their readings and not depend on cunning neighbors.

How should you pay for heating now?

The law has not yet been changed, but the conclusions of the Constitutional Court are already in effect, before the amendments.

If all the apartments in the building were initially equipped with heating meters, and then one of the residents dismantled it, then payments will be calculated as follows.

For apartments with meters- By individual indications. Now it doesn’t matter that the neighbors don’t have them, although they used to.

For apartments without meters- according to standards. That is, not even according to general indications, divided into all apartments, but as if there was no metering device in the entire house.

Does this apply to all houses? Can I install a meter and pay according to readings?

No, the decision of the Constitutional Court only applies to those houses that have been commissioned or renovated since 2012. They are required by law to have meters, and residents are required to keep them. Those who did not save will now pay.

If the house did not have heating meters and everyone paid in proportion to the area of ​​the apartment, it would not be possible to simply install a meter for yourself and pay according to your readings. For such cases, the formula from clause 42.1 of rules No. 354 will continue to apply. So far, it has been declared illegal only for specific cases with cunning neighbors.

And you don’t have to pay for heating the entrance if you’re leaving or just don’t want to. I don't need a warm entrance

No, everyone will have to pay for general household needs. The Constitutional Court also considered this issue.

He explained that heating the entrance and non-residential premises is important for everyone. This is done not only for heating, but also to maintain structures and communications in good condition. Even if residents are gone for the entire winter, they are still required to pay for the maintenance of common property. Due to this, the house will have serviceable pipes, dry walls and reliable ceilings.

An individual meter cannot show how much thermal energy is spent on general house needs per specific apartment. Therefore, they focus on common counters. You can’t refuse to pay for heating for common house needs, and you can’t recalculate it at the time of departure either. Everything is legal here.

How to install heating meters throughout the house to pay less?

The payment calculation formula will not change. It will simply be clarified or a new one will be added, especially for houses that should already have meters by law. If your house is not one of these, you cannot force all residents to install meters: you need to hold a meeting, and then pay for it all. Installation of meters in apartments is always at the expense of the owners. By law there is an installment plan, but it depends on the management company.

In order for everyone to pay their bills, the management company must carry out the work. This is her responsibility by law: to ensure that the house saves resources. Therefore, it is best to start by contacting management company. They will explain what to do to pay the bills even for heating. But meters themselves will not appear in apartments.

It always makes sense to sort out payments for housing and communal services. Even if it is not possible to install heat meters in apartments, it may turn out that you pay according to the standards for the entire house, although there is a common meter

Payment for services central heating has become a significant item in the budget expenditures of families living in apartment buildings. The question of how to calculate heating in an apartment remains open for most consumers, therefore, the number of subscribers seeking to understand the complex methodology by which charges for heat consumption are calculated has increased.

Payment without heat meters

The principle of the technique is quite simple: the volume of consumed thermal energy and the amount of payment are calculated based on the total square footage of the residential premises, and the cost of heating the apartment in this situation is determined by the formula P = S x N x T, where:

  • P - the amount of money that needs to be deposited;
  • S - total area (displayed in the technical documentation of the home, unit of measurement - m2);
  • N is the standard value of heat energy allocated for heating an area of ​​1 m2 for a full month, including holidays and weekends (unit of measurement - Gcal/m²);
  • T - energy tariff (cost of 1 Gcal of heat).

Heating tariffs have increased significantly

Tariffs for utility services for apartment owners are established by state executive bodies. When setting the price for a heat supply service, the cost of heat generation and Maintenance equipment for centralized heating systems. A special commission is establishing specific heat standards, the values ​​of which depend on climatic conditions and are set individually for each region.

In order to correctly calculate the cost of heating in an apartment building, you need to contact the office of the company providing heating services and find out the value of the approved tariff, as well as the standard value of heat energy. Using the formula, you can calculate how much it costs to supply heat to one square meter in an apartment or private house connected to centralized heating(for this, S is replaced by the number 1).

Calculation example: studio apartment with an area of ​​33 m², it is supplied with heat at a tariff rate of 1850 rubles per gigacalorie. The heat consumption rate is 0.024 Gcal/m². The cost of heating in an apartment is calculated as follows: P = 33 x 0.024 x 1850 = 1465.2 rubles.

This technique is used in buildings in which the installation of communal meters is impossible due to design features. If the installation of a metering device was carried out with the entry of the unit into the system registry after 2017, an increasing index of 1.5 is added to the formula: P = S x 1.5 N x T. This formula applies only when heating is paid for without the use of metering devices .

An increase in the cost of heat supply by one and a half times is provided for by Order No. 603. It can be applied in the following situations: theft or damage to the heat meter; long time there was no transfer of meter readings to the heat supply organization.

Year-round accruals

In a situation where residents need to pay for heating services constantly throughout the year, and the input of an apartment building is not equipped with a metering unit, the index K is included in the formula for calculating heat energy, which shows the frequency of payment for services for the entire calendar year: P = S x (N x K) x T.

The index value is determined by dividing the number of months heating season by the number of months in a year. As a sample, we will consider a two-room apartment with a total area of ​​56 m², which consumes 0.024 Gcal/m² of thermal energy. First, the periodicity index is determined for the duration heating season 7 months: K = 7 ÷ 12 = 0.583. The result obtained is substituted into the formula: P = 56 x (0.024 x 0.583) x 1850 = 1449.57 rubles. The calculations resulted in the amount that must be paid every month throughout the year.

If for some reason there is no heat meter in the house, then the formula is supplemented with an increasing factor of 1.5: P = S x 1.5 (N x K) x T. In this case, to calculate the heating tariff, the monthly payment is multiplied by the index 1.5. The result is 1449.57 x 1.5 = 2174.35 rubles.

Correct utility bills. Cold and hot water

Using a common house heat meter

This methodology is used in high-rise buildings when calculating payments for central heating services in an apartment. The cost of heat supply for the cold period can be calculated using the formula P = V x S / S total x T, where:

Determining the monthly fee amount using an example two-room apartment: total area of ​​the apartment - 56 m²; square footage of all rooms and apartments of the house - 7000 m²; monthly volume of consumed heat energy - 123 Gcal; price per unit of thermal energy is 1850 rubles. By substituting all the necessary values ​​into the formula, the amount of the monthly subscription fee is determined: P = 123 x 56 / 7000 x 1850 = 1820.4 rubles.

According to the new rules, it is necessary to pay for heating in premises equipped with personal heat meters, based on the data recorded by common house meters and the volumes of utility resources accrued according to standards. To calculate the consumption of thermal energy, you can use an online calculator.

Calculation of heating batteries. Rules and errors.

The main problem of this method is not the difficulty of calculations, but the extraction of primary information. Apartment owners who want to check the correctness of the amount that is being paid will need to find out last year’s information from the general building meter or write it down in advance. In addition, an annual adjustment is made in comparison with the new readings of the measuring device.

The reason for the different amounts

This issue arose simultaneously with the implementation different methods payment for thermal energy: by area (standard indicator), using general or personal heat meters. The difference in monthly payments is due to the presence or absence of heat meters. The presence of this measuring device can significantly reduce the payment for heat supply services, since the consumer pays for the energy resources actually used.

Sometimes situations arise in which residents of neighboring houses receive receipts to pay for heating in different amounts, regardless of those installed in the premises measuring instruments. There may be several reasons:

  1. 1. Heating of neighboring houses is provided by different heat supply organizations, the tariff plans of which may vary;
  2. 2. Increased level of heat loss;
  3. 3. Malfunction of heat meters due to the fault of manufacturers.

Large amounts of heating bills can arise due to the engineering features of buildings. Brick walls retain thermal energy much more efficiently than reinforced concrete ones, so houses made of panel blocks are inferior to brick buildings in terms of energy saving.