How to properly heat two wings. Two-pipe system of vertical and horizontal types. Associated heating system

Heating in a private house on two wings
A large area always pleases residents until they encounter heating problems. Noticing that there is not enough heating for two wings and it becomes cold, then it is necessary to look for a solution. The first way to create heating in a private house with two wings is a two-pipe heating system. Perhaps there is only one way to heat an apartment and a house on both sides.
When designing a house, it is possible to use an exclusive option - install a heating system yourself. Last time manual installation has become very relevant, so let’s consider the correct installation of heating.
Features of installation in a private house

An efficient heating method is achieved using a two-pipe heating system. The uniqueness lies in the regulation of heat pressure. The temperature change is controlled manually.
The forward and reverse circuit of the thermal mixer has a special feature in a two-pipe system. The supply pipe processes water from a common boiler. Radiators, coils, and underfloor heating systems receive the disassembled flow. Discharge occurs through pipes reverse side.

As with any heating system, there are positive principles of operation:
In a two-way heating system, the flow supply is easily regulated.
Can be used for installation on any floor.
The additional properties of the broach allow installation not only on two wings, but also on a large area.
The cost of installation work is estimated as a budget expense.
In order to install heating of a two-pipe system, no fuss with paperwork is required.

Heating in a private house on two wings is installed according to the rules. Natural and forced circulation is also performed in a single-pipe system. The same type of system is affected by the upper and lower current supplies.
If we compare from the point of view of aesthetics, then two-pipe heating takes first place. Since the wires do not stick out and installation is easy. It is worth understanding that the distribution of sections depends on the connection:

It is not so difficult to install heating on two wings. Electrically heated radiators can be used on the second and first floors. In addition, they apply modern technologies. Underfloor heating simplifies overall heating. Thus, heating in a private house on two wings is simple task for a welder or electrician. It is better to deal with heating issues with specialists of certain qualifications, as well as experienced workers. Return to list RANDOM INFORMATION:

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The water heating system can be single-pipe or double-pipe. Two-pipe is called so because two pipes are needed for operation - one at a time from the boiler hot coolant into the radiators, on the other hand, the cooled water is removed from the heating elements and fed back into the boiler. With such a system, boilers of any type can operate on any fuel. Both forced and natural circulation can be implemented. Two-pipe systems are installed in both one-story and two- or multi-story buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage of this method of organizing heating follows from the method of organizing the circulation of the coolant: double the number of pipes compared to the main competitor - a single-pipe system. Despite this situation, the costs of purchasing materials are slightly higher, and all due to the fact that with a 2-pipe system, smaller diameters of pipes and, accordingly, fittings are used, and they cost much less. So the resulting material costs are higher, but not significantly. What there really is is more work, and accordingly it takes twice as much time.

This disadvantage is compensated by the fact that a thermostatic head can be installed on each radiator, with the help of which the system is easily balanced in automatic mode, which cannot be done in a single-pipe system. On such a device you set desired temperature coolant and it is maintained constantly with a small error (the exact value of the error depends on the brand). In a single-pipe system, it is possible to regulate the temperature of each radiator individually, but this requires a bypass with a needle or three-way valve, which complicates and increases the cost of the system, negating the savings in money for the purchase of materials and time for installation.

Another disadvantage of the two-pipe system is the impossibility of repairing radiators without stopping the system. This is inconvenient and this property can be circumvented by placing ball valves near each heating device on the supply and return. By blocking them, you can remove and repair the radiator or heated towel rail. The system will function indefinitely.

But this organization has heating important advantage: unlike a single-pipe system, in a system with two lines, water of the same temperature is supplied to each heating element - directly from the boiler. Although it tends to follow the path of least resistance and will not extend beyond the first radiator, installation thermostatic heads or taps to regulate the flow intensity solves the problem.

There is another advantage - lower pressure losses and easier implementation of gravity heating or the use of lower power pumps for systems with forced circulation.

Classification of 2 pipe systems

Heating systems of any type are divided into open and closed. In closed ones, a membrane-type expansion tank is installed, which makes it possible for the system to operate at high blood pressure. This system makes it possible to use not only water as a coolant, but also compositions based on ethylene glycol, which have reduced temperature freezing (up to -40 o C) and are also called antifreeze. For normal operation of equipment in heating systems, special compounds developed for these purposes must be used, and not for general purpose, and especially not for automobiles. The same applies to the additives and additives used: only specialized ones. It is especially important to adhere to this rule when using expensive modern boilers with automatic control– repairs in case of malfunctions will not be covered by warranty, even if the breakdown is not directly related to the coolant.

In an open system, an open type expansion tank is built in at the top point. A pipe is usually connected to it to remove air from the system, and a pipeline is also installed to drain excess water in the system. Sometimes they can take from the expansion tank warm water for household needs, but in this case it is necessary to make the system recharge automatic, and also not to use additives.

Vertical and horizontal two-pipe system

There are two types of organization of a two-pipe system - vertical and horizontal. Vertical is used most often in multi-storey buildings. It requires more pipes, but the ability to connect radiators on each floor is easily realized. The main advantage of such a system is the automatic release of air (it tends upward and exits there either through the expansion tank or through the drain valve).

The horizontal two-pipe system is used more often in single-story or, at most, two-story houses. To bleed air from the system, Mayevsky valves are installed on the radiators.

Two-pipe horizontal heating scheme for a two-story private house (click on the picture to enlarge)

Upper and lower wiring

Based on the method of supply distribution, a system with top and bottom supply is distinguished. With top wiring, the pipe goes under the ceiling, and from there the supply pipes go down to the radiators. The return runs along the floor. This method is good because you can easily create a system with natural circulation– the difference in height creates a flow of sufficient force to ensure a good circulation speed; it is only necessary to maintain a slope with a sufficient angle. But such a system is becoming less and less popular due to aesthetic reasons. Although, if at the top under the hanging or suspended ceiling, then only the pipes to the devices will remain visible, and they, in fact, can be monolid into the wall. Upper and lower wiring are also used in vertical two-pipe systems. The difference is demonstrated in the figure.

With bottom wiring, the supply pipe goes lower, but higher than the return pipe. The supply tube can be located in a basement or semi-basement (the return is even lower), between the rough and finished floors, etc. You can supply/discharge coolant to radiators by passing pipes through holes in the floor. With this arrangement, the connection is the most hidden and aesthetically pleasing. But here you need to select the location of the boiler: its position relative to the radiators does not matter - the pump will “push through”, but in systems with natural circulation, the radiators must be located above the level of the boiler, for which the boiler is buried.

The two-pipe heating system of a two-story private house is illustrated in the video. It has two wings, the temperature in each of which is regulated by valves, the lower type of wiring. The system is forced circulation, so the boiler hangs on the wall.

Dead-end and associated two-pipe systems

A dead-end system is a system in which the coolant supply and return flows are multidirectional. There is a system with passing traffic. It is also called the Tichelman loop/scheme. The latter option is easier to balance and configure, especially with long networks. If in a system with a parallel movement of coolant, radiators with the same number of sections are installed, it is automatically balanced, while in a dead-end circuit, a thermostatic valve or needle valve will need to be installed on each radiator.

Even if radiators and valves/valves of different numbers of sections are installed with the Tichelman scheme, the chance of balancing such a scheme is much higher than a dead-end one, especially if it is quite extensive.

To balance a two-pipe system with multidirectional coolant movement, the valve on the first radiator must be screwed very tightly. And a situation may arise in which it will need to be closed so much that the coolant will not flow there. It turns out then you need to choose: the first battery in the network will not heat, or the last one, because in this case it will not be possible to equalize the heat transfer.

Heating systems on two wings

And yet, more often they use a system with a dead-end circuit. And all because the return line is longer and it is more difficult to assemble. If your heating circuit is not very large, it is quite possible to adjust the heat transfer on each radiator and with a dead-end connection. If the circuit turns out to be large, and you don’t want to make a Tichelman loop, you can divide one large heating circuit into two smaller wings. There is a condition - for this there must be technical feasibility such network construction. In this case, in each circuit after separation it is necessary to install valves that will regulate the intensity of the coolant flow in each of the circuits. Without such valves, balancing the system is either very difficult or impossible.

Different types of coolant circulation are demonstrated in the video, and it also gives useful tips on installation and selection of equipment for heating systems.

Connecting heating radiators with a two-pipe system

In a two-pipe system, any of the methods of connecting radiators is implemented: diagonal (cross), one-sided and bottom. Most the best option- diagonal connection. In this case, the heat transfer from the heating device can be in the region of 95-98% of the rated thermal power of the device.

Despite the different values ​​of heat loss for each type of connection, they are all used, just in different situations. The bottom connection, although the most unproductive, is more common if the pipes are laid under the floor. In this case it is easiest to implement. If the installation is hidden, you can connect radiators using other schemes, but then either they remain visible large plots pipes, or they will need to be hidden in the wall.

Lateral connection is practiced if necessary when the number of sections is no more than 15. In this case, there is almost no heat loss, but when the number of radiator sections is more than 15, a diagonal connection is required, otherwise circulation and heat transfer will be insufficient.


Despite the fact that the organization of two-pipe circuits is used more materials, they are becoming more popular due to their more reliable design. In addition, such a system is easier to compensate.

Two-pipe heating system – proven and effective method for heating a private house. This system allows you to regulate the heating of any room without changing the temperature in the rest of the house. A two-pipe heating system can be used in houses of any number of floors. The main feature of a two-pipe system is the separation of the forward and return coolant circuits. Heated water from the boiler enters the system through the so-called supply pipe, from which the coolant is disassembled into radiators, coils, and a heated floor system. After passing through them, the cooled liquid is discharged using another pipe - the return pipe.

The two-pipe system has a number of advantages:

  • Ease of regulating the flow of coolant into any of the radiators;
  • Possibility of use in a house of any number of floors;
  • Possibility of installation of systems of considerable length.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the number of pipes has doubled compared to that, which increases the cost of installing the system and reduces its aesthetics - pipes for direct water flow should be located above the level of radiators; they are usually laid under the ceiling or at the level of the window sill.

Design and elements of a two-pipe heating system

A two-pipe system, like a one-pipe system, can be made with natural and forced circulation of coolant. The choice of circulation type, as a rule, is influenced by the selected type of direct flow pipe layout: upper or lower.

Top routing involves laying a straight pipe at a considerable height, which ensures good pressure when coolant passes through radiators without installing a pump. A two-pipe system with top distribution looks more aesthetically pleasing and allows the direct current main pipe to be installed through the entire building above doorways, in addition, it can be closed decorative elements. The disadvantage of such a system is the need to install a membrane expansion tank, which requires additional costs. It is also possible to install an open type tank, but with one condition - it must be installed at the highest point of the system, that is, in the attic. This, in turn, leads to additional costs for insulating the tank.

With bottom wiring, the supply pipe is located just below the window sill. In this case, there is no problem with installing an open-type expansion tank in a warm room - it can be installed anywhere above the level of a straight pipe. However, it becomes necessary to install a circulation pump, and it is also impossible for pipes to pass through the opening front door. If the boiler is installed in close proximity to the entrance to the house, the heating circuit is laid around the perimeter to the door. Otherwise, you can divide the circuit into two independent wings, each with its own forward and return pipes.

The circulation pump is installed in the return pipe, since the maximum liquid temperature of the unit usually does not exceed 60 degrees, and the coolant at the outlet of the boiler can damage it.

The installation location of the expansion tank depends on its type: membrane type tank with closed camera can be installed in any convenient place, usually it is placed next to the boiler. An open expansion tank must be installed above the level of a straight pipe, this will help avoid the formation air jams in system.

The diameter of the main pipes in a two-pipe heating system is usually 25-32 mm, but for an extended system it can be more than 50 mm. At the same time, the pipe has significant heat transfer, which must be taken into account when.

Radiators are connected according to one of the selected connection diagrams. The most effective are the lateral and diagonal connection schemes; the bottom connection is used in rare cases for radiators of small height, while the main straight pipe should be located above the radiator.

There are also some requirements for installing the boiler: for good circulation, it is necessary that the coolant inlet from the return pipe is below its level. Therefore, a floor-standing boiler is usually chosen.

Features of a two-pipe heating system in a two-story house

If the heated rooms of the first and second floors of the house are not constantly separated from each other closed doors, then the heated air from the first floor will rise up to the second floor. As a result, the microclimate of the house will be uneven: it will be cool below, and stuffy and hot above. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. The second floor is heated using heated floors rather than radiators.
  2. Distribute the radiators so that 2/3 of the total number of sections of all heating devices is on the ground floor.

In addition, when planning a house, it is more rational to place rooms below that require less heating: the kitchen, living room, library, and arrange bedrooms and children's rooms on the second, warmer floor.

Technology of two-pipe heating system

Before installing any heating system, it is necessary to decide on the method of piping. There are both widely known and frequently used one-pipe and two-pipe methods for arranging a climate network, as well as more exotic ones. These include a heating scheme for two wings, radiant, multi-circuit, and so on.

Read more about the most popular of them in the material below.

Types of heating systems

Before developing certain schemes - do-it-yourself heating, hot water supply and the like - you need to decide on the type climate system according to the method of organizing the coolant current. This directly determines which pipe laying method is suitable in your particular case.

The simplest type is a gravity heating system, in which the coolant current occurs due to the difference in temperature and density of water flowing through the pipes. City residents living in a Khrushchev or other apartment building with a centralized coolant supply are familiar with such schemes firsthand.

The operating principle of a natural circulation heating system is as follows:

  1. The water heated in the boiler becomes less dense and, accordingly, lighter, as a result of which it is displaced by heavy water masses to the upper point of the system.
  2. From there, the liquid flows through the installed pipes through the heating radiators installed in all rooms, giving thermal energy air in the rooms.
  3. The cycle ends with the cooled water entering the boiler, where a new revolution begins.

Note! To ensure normal flow rate and remove air from their system, heating pipes should be placed at a slope of 3-5 degrees towards the boiler. This is a mandatory requirement established by SNiP.

The gravity heating system has many advantages, however, its use is also associated with some difficulties. All the pros and cons of operating a utility network with natural coolant flow are reflected in the table.

Advantages Flaws
Full autonomy. Heating systems operating on the gravitational principle continue to function even during a power outage. The main thing is that the heating unit continues to properly heat the water in the pipes. Difficult to install. During installation, the slope of the pipes must be strictly observed, otherwise the cooled water will not reach the boiler, and the released air will form a plug, which will stop the operation of the entire system.
Reliability. When installing a heating network, complex electrical equipment is not used, which can break or require fine tuning. Everything is based on the laws of nature, which work independently of those created by people utility networks and units. Using a gravity heating system, you can heat a house with an area of ​​no more than 200 square meters. meters. In addition, the installation of a circulation pump is also necessary if the total length exceeds 30 meters.
Easy to use. You just need to start the boiler and set the operating modes you need. After this, no intervention in the functioning of the heating will be required. The difference between the temperature of the water leaving the boiler and the return water is quite large. This has a bad effect on the operation of the heater and increases the consumption of fuel required for heating.
Silence. Considering that the heating does not require pumps to operate, it operates completely silently. Gravity heating systems often use an open expansion tank from which the coolant evaporates. It is necessary to constantly monitor the water level and add it if necessary.

Gravity heating schemes for buildings can also be used in individual construction. The only difference is that you can install the expansion tank and make the wiring from the vertical risers not in the attic, but under the ceiling of the upper floor (naturally, at the highest point of the climate system).

Therefore, you can safely take those available in construction reference books or those described below standard schemes heating systems, modernize them for own needs and bring it to life.

Advice! To understand the sketches and projects prepared by engineers, you need to know the symbols in heating diagrams. There are few signs and they are intuitive, so memorizing them will not take you much time, but will make it possible to easily navigate the construction documentation.

If you are not ready to put up with the disadvantages of a gravity system, you can use heating installation schemes with forced liquid flow. In this case mandatory element is circulation pump, installed on the return line.

Only after deciding on the issue discussed above can you choose.

There are several of them:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • radial

Let's look at this in more detail.

Laying methods

Single-pipe heating network diagram

Let's begin by analyzing the heating circuit with one pipe, which serves both to supply water to the batteries and to transport cooled liquid to the heating boiler.

If it is necessary to heat two wings or several floors of the house, it is necessary to use a tee to divide the water flow into two or more parts. It is advisable to equip each circuit with shut-off valves, allowing, if necessary, to cut it off without stopping the operation of the entire system.

After passing through all the radiators, the flows must be combined again into one pipe, which is connected to the inlet pipe of the heating boiler.

Radiators in a one-pipe heating system can be connected in two ways:

  1. Consistent. In this case, the pipe supplying the coolant is connected to the inlet pipe of the battery and to the outlet pipe. None additional elements not mounted. The coolant cannot flow past the heating radiator.
  2. Parallel. Here, the water main is simply laid around the perimeter of the entire house, and the radiators are connected using tees and outlet sections. The advantage is that if one battery fails, the operation of the rest of the heating system is not disrupted.

When installing a single-pipe heating system, it is advisable to provide for the following elements:

  1. Shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet of the battery. With its help, you will not only be able to regulate the volume of water entering the radiator and, accordingly, the temperature in the room, but also repair or replace the heating element without draining the coolant.
  2. When connecting the battery inlet and outlet pipes in series in front of the shut-off valves, it is advisable to connect them with bypasses - sections of pipes of smaller diameter that will ensure the flow of water in the event of a radiator cutoff.

Two-pipe heating network diagram

A heating system with two pipes (supply and exhaust) is more efficient, but it also requires more materials, which makes the installation price slightly higher. But the advantages are also obvious. Its use, especially in conjunction with a circulation pump, allows you to more efficiently and evenly distribute thermal energy throughout the rooms of the house.

The instructions for constructing such a system will not cause difficulties for understanding even for a novice master:

  1. Two pipes are laid from the boiler, one of which is connected to the outlet pipe, the other to the inlet pipe of the boiler. The first is supplied to the radiators hot water, according to the second, the already cooled coolant is delivered to the boiler.
  2. Radiators are inserted using outlet pipes. The inlet pipe is connected to the supply line, the outlet pipe is connected to the return line.
  3. To avoid destruction of heating devices from excess pressure, it is recommended not to install shut-off valves on the radiator outlet channel.
  4. Each battery must be equipped with an air valve - a Mayevsky valve, which is necessary to remove air pockets that form after pouring liquid into the system.

The advantages of the system are obvious, but the only disadvantage that can be noted is the high material consumption - a two-pipe system requires twice as much materials as a single-pipe system.

Collector diagram of the heating network

This is the most flexible and easily customizable heating system. Here you can precisely regulate the supply of coolant to each battery in the house from one place - the manifold cabinet. In case of an accident, use shut-off valves any battery is cut off, making repairs easy and quick.

The operating diagram of the collector (beam) system is as follows:

  1. The main elements are two collectors: for supplying and discharging coolant.
  2. Each battery in the house is connected by a pair of pipes to the collectors mentioned above. Thus, a separate circuit is organized for each radiator.

A radiant heating circuit can be safely recommended for installation if the following nuances do not bother you:

  • installation requires a huge number of pipes that need to be laid under the floor screed;
  • the system must necessarily have a circulation pump, since it will not be possible to maintain the slope of the pipelines;
  • During installation, it is necessary to ensure that no fitting is installed under the screed, which could leak during operation.


In addition to the methods discussed above for routing the main pipes supplying coolant to the batteries and delivering cooled water back to the boiler, the connection diagram of the heating radiators itself (bottom, side, diagonal) is no less important. Correct connection not only increases the coolant circulation rate and increases the efficiency of the batteries, but also prevents the occurrence of air locks.

For more information about this, see the video in this material.

Today there are the most different ways organization of systems, among which heating on two wings with a pump has gained great popularity. Its design is based on the principle of effective maintenance with minimal heat loss. The two-pipe heating system has become especially popular in single-story, multi-story and private houses, the connection of which allows you to achieve all necessary conditions for a comfortable stay.

What is a two-pipe heating system

Two-pipe heating has been used more and more in recent years, and this despite the fact that installation of a single-pipe version is usually much cheaper. This model makes it possible to adjust the temperature in each room of a residential building at your own request, because A special control valve is provided for this purpose. As for the single-pipe circuit, unlike the two-pipe circuit, its coolant, during circulation, sequentially passes through absolutely all radiators.

As for the two-pipe model, here a pipe intended for pumping coolant is separately supplied to each radiator. And the return pipeline is collected from each battery into a separate circuit, the function of which is to deliver the cooled medium back to the flow-through or wall-mounted boiler. This circuit (natural/forced circulation) is called return and it has gained especially great popularity in apartment buildings when there is a need to heat all floors using one boiler.


Double-circuit heating, despite the higher installation cost compared to some other analogues, is suitable for buildings of any configuration and number of floors - this is a very important advantage. In addition, the coolant that enters all heating devices has an identical temperature, which makes it possible to uniformly warm up all rooms.

The remaining advantages of a two-pipe heating system are the possibility of installing special thermostats on radiators and the fact that the breakdown of one of the devices will in no way affect the operation of others. In addition, by installing valves on each battery, you can reduce water consumption, which is a big plus for family budget.


The above system has one significant drawback, which is that all its components and their installation are much more expensive than organizing a single-pipe model. It turns out that not all residents can afford it. Other disadvantages of a two-pipe heating system are the complexity of installation and the large number of pipes and special connecting elements.

Scheme of a two-pipe heating system

As mentioned above, this type of organization heating system differs from other options in its more complex architecture. Scheme double-circuit heating is a pair of closed circuits. One of them is used to supply heated coolant to the batteries, the other is to send waste, i.e., cooled liquid back for heating. The use of this method at a particular facility largely depends on the power of the boiler.

Dead end heating system

In this embodiment, the direction of supply of heated water and return is multidirectional. A two-pipe dead-end heating system involves the installation of batteries, each of which has an identical number of sections. To balance the system with such a movement of heated water, the valve installed on the first radiator must be screwed on with great force in order to shut off.

Associated heating system

This scheme is also called the Tichelman loop. A passing two-pipe heating system or just a passing one is easier to balance and configure, especially if the pipeline is very long. With this method of organizing a heating system, each battery requires the installation of a needle valve or a device such as thermostatic valve.

Horizontal heating system

There is also such a type of scheme as a two-pipe horizontal heating system, which is widely used in one- and two-story houses. It is also used in houses with a basement, where the necessary communication networks and devices can be easily placed. When using such wiring, the supply pipeline can be installed under the radiators or at the same level with them. But this scheme has a drawback, which is the frequent formation of air jams. In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to install Mayevsky taps on each device.

Vertical heating system

This type of scheme is more often used in houses with 2-3 or more floors. But its organization requires the presence large quantity pipes It is necessary to take into account that a vertical two-pipe heating system has such a significant advantage as the ability to automatically discharge air that exits through a drain valve or expansion tank. If the latter is installed in the attic, then this room must be insulated. In general, with this scheme the temperature distribution over heating devices performed evenly.

Two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring

If you decide to choose this scheme, keep in mind that it can be a collector type or with radiators mounted in parallel. Scheme of a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring of the first type: two pipelines go from the collector to each battery, which are supply and discharge. This model with lower wiring has the following advantages:

  • installation of shut-off valves is carried out in one room;
  • high level efficiency;
  • possibility of installation in an unfinished building;
  • overlap and adjustment are easy and simple;
  • the ability to turn off the top floor if no one lives there.

Two-pipe heating system with overhead wiring

A closed two-pipe heating system with overhead wiring is used to a greater extent due to the fact that it is free of air pockets and has a high water circulation rate. Before making the calculation, install a filter, find a photo with detailed description scheme, it is necessary to compare the costs of this option with the benefits and take into account the following disadvantages:

  • unaesthetic appearance of the premises due to open communications;
  • high pipe consumption and necessary materials;
  • the emergence of problems associated with the placement of the tank;
  • rooms located on the second floor warm up somewhat better;
  • impossibility of location in rooms with large footage;
  • additional costs associated with decorative finishing, which should hide the pipes.

Connecting heating radiators with a two-pipe system

Installation work associated with the installation of double-circuit heating includes several stages. So, the radiator connection diagram for a two-pipe system looks like this:

  1. At the first stage, the boiler is installed, for which a specially designated place is prepared, for example, basement.
  2. Further installed equipment connects to an expansion tank mounted in the attic.
  3. Then a pipe is connected to each radiator battery from the collector to move the coolant.
  4. At the next stage, pipes for heated water are again drawn from each radiator, which will give off its heat to them.
  5. All return pipes form a single circuit, which is subsequently connected to the boiler.

If a circulation pump is used in such a loop system, then it is installed directly into the return loop. The fact is that the design of the pumps consists of various cuffs and gaskets, which are made of rubber, which cannot withstand high temperatures. That's all installation work are completed.
