How does the process of drilling a water well take place? Exploration drilling and water analysis. Auger drilling technology

Let's look at the technology of drilling water wells, how such work is carried out today, and how this knowledge can help a non-professional.

What you need to know about wells

Of course, it would be unreasonable to study for a long time, learning all the intricacies of creating wells, in order for someone else to do this work, and even if you personally participate in the work, such a volume of knowledge is not needed. Nevertheless, you need to know the drilling technology, at least in a simplified form, because this will protect against mistakes, and even against deception by unscrupulous performers.

Let's consider three main drilling methods:

  1. Auger.
  2. Rotary.
  3. Shock-rope.

They differ in the methods of destroying the soil in the well, as well as in the methods of extracting rock. This, of course, affects the cost of the work and how the site will look after each type of equipment. Let's look at the technology in more detail.

This method is rightfully considered the cheapest and simplest. Therefore, the demand for it is higher, which affected the formation of teams, whose representatives will insist on such drilling, because in case of failure they will be left without work, since other equipment is often not available.

This technology is only suitable for soft soil.

A small-sized drilling rig is used for the work, which can be delivered by a small truck. Having assembled the equipment in a quarter of an hour, the team immediately gets to work. The auger enters the ground, and due to the fact that it is a kind of screw, the earth is easily lifted to the surface by its blades. The landscape remains practically untouched, and it will not be difficult to restore order after the crew leaves, especially when the well is less than 10 m and the work was carried out without drilling mud.

Rotary drilling

Now this technology is the most common method of installing water wells. What is she? A special drill pipe is used, inside of which there is a rotating shaft with a tip - a bit. It is this tip that plunges deeper. The system operates using a hydraulic installation. This method allows you to drill almost any rock, even at great depths.

The operating principle of such a drilling rig is based on the destruction of the soil layer inside the casing pipes by the drill and its washing out of the well with drilling fluid. Using this technology, even fragments of underground rocks are destroyed.

To better open the aquifer and obtain greater returns, backwashing will be required.

Already 2-3 weeks after the start of work, you can analyze artesian water, which should be abundantly enough for one household.

However, this method is the most labor-intensive and is performed on more complex equipment. For this reason, drilling wells using reverse circulation is usually expensive. This installation has large mass, therefore it is placed on the platform of powerful trucks MAZ, ZIL and the like. Moving heavy equipment around personal plot will change its appearance greatly.

This technology allows you to break through to the aquifer with great effort. Although this method is very old and slow, it nevertheless remains the highest quality method of constructing a well.

The essence of this method is that the soil is destroyed by a heavy projectile that falls from a certain height and crashes into the ground. When the projectile is pulled out, its internal cavity is cleaned and the process is repeated. If the soil remains in the well, then a bailer is used, but most often they are combined in one projectile.

Work is carried out until the water layer is sufficiently opened.

The advantage of such drilling is that it is a “dry” operation, since no solution is used. This contributes to more accurate penetration of the aquifer and ensures the maximum possible effective service life of the well of more than 50 years.

Security country house water is a top priority. Without water it is even impossible to carry out construction, not to mention a normal stay at the dacha all year round or seasonally. There are several options: connect to centralized system, dig a well or drill a well for water. The simplest option is the first one, but if it is not available, it is easier to dig a shallow well. But the quality of the water will be low, so many people prefer to make their own water well with their own hands. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the drilling technologies that are available for home use.

Drilling methods

Water wells are drilled different ways. In particular, there are such technologies:

  1. Percussion-rope drilling.
  2. Rotary drilling.
  3. Auger drilling.
  4. Hydro drilling.

Let's consider all the features of do-it-yourself well drilling technologies.

Percussion cable drilling

The rope technique involves the use of a special mechanism. The process of drilling water wells using this method is considered the most accessible for home use. At the same time, the process is quite lengthy. If there is no mechanism, then the process of raising the impact element will also require serious labor.

Drilling a water well with your own hands using the shock-rope method can be done in different types soil. It is important to select the appropriate shells. Below we describe some of the devices that summer residents use to drill a well on their own site:

  • Thick-walled metal pipe. In its lower part there is a cut and a cutting edge. Such a structure is also known as a drill-glass. Many craftsmen make a similar drill for drilling a well by hand on their own. The best option for a non-flowing layer of clay soil.
  • If the soil is predominantly hard rock, such as crushed stone or sand, then a bailer is used. A valve is welded at the bottom of the drill. When the drill hits the ground, the valve opens and the soil falls inside the glass. At the moment of lifting, the valve closes. Thanks to this, the rock does not spill out, but is taken out.
  • In such soil, when manually drilling a water well, you can use a spoon drill. It received this name due to its specific shape.
  • If you encounter rock while manually drilling a well, a drill bit is used. First, the rock must be crushed and then removed from the source.

All these drills are based on a rope and a special installation - a tripod. To automate the process of removing the drill, a motor can be installed on the tripod. In this case, shock The rotational method will significantly speed up the entire drilling process.

Important! The heavier the projectile you have, the faster the well will be ready for water. Therefore, it is recommended to put effort into making it.

Rotary drilling

In this case, special mobile MGBU equipment with a small-sized installation is used. Drilling a water well will happen much faster. Important condition– provide free access for equipment access. The rotary method is effective in cases where a well in a country house is needed in a short time.

Rotary drilling scheme

Auger drilling

In this situation, drilling a water well is carried out using an auger drill. By this we mean steel pipe, having welded blades in a spiral direction. As the auger rotates, the projectile gradually goes deeper into the ground. During its immersion, it should be regularly lifted outwards, the blades cleaned and the pipe extended for greater immersion. It is important that the bottom of the pipe has a thread and a retaining ring. In this case, it will be possible to carry out manual drilling of a water well with high quality.

But this method of drilling water wells is effective only if the soil is soft. With loose soil, the wellbore will constantly crumble. And with rocky rock, the method is generally ineffective.

Hydro drilling

Water wells are also drilled using hydrodrilling technology. Based on the name, it becomes clear that water is used in the work process. Its exit by gravity occurs directly through the drill, where there is a special hole. Additionally, a pump is used. The technology of drilling wells using hydrodrilling does not require a large volume of water, since its circulation is observed.

Choosing a place to drill a well

Before drilling a well, it is necessary to determine the location for the work. Most The best way use all kinds of diagrams and maps of the area in your region. From them you can more likely find out whether a water well will have a good aquifer supply or not. For example, in some regions of the country only perennial water is available. It lies at a depth of up to 10 meters. This water can be eaten only if it is regularly submitted for analysis to the relevant authorities. In all other cases, it is necessary to install a deep cleaning system. But as a rule, it is not cost-effective to drill a water well to such a depth; it is enough to make a small well.

A water well is preferably made in a place where artesian water is available. This source will provide water of excellent quality. This aquifer is located at a depth of 55 m or more. However, it is prohibited to raise this water without the appropriate permits. For domestic needs and without any permits, you can drill a hole in a free-flow well. As a rule, such sources are called needle on sand. Drilling wells into sand is very often done independently without involving special equipment. This aquifer is located at a depth of 5 to 20 meters. But before drinking it, you should thoroughly pump the well on the site.

As for a specific location, there are many ways to determine water on a site. For example, when planning to drill sand wells, a exploration well. There is also traditional methods. But the best thing is to find maps and diagrams of the occurrence of the aquifer in your region.

Types of wells and their features

The type or type of well on a site determines the geology of the site at a specific drilling point. So, this is influenced by several factors:

  • Depth.
  • Rock hardness.
  • Features of the geological section.

Well drilling technology also influences the specific type. Now we propose to compare 4 types of sources with each other:

  1. Industrial.
  2. Exploration.
  3. On the sand.
  4. Abyssinian well.


This is a limestone water intake well with a diameter of 600 mm. As a rule, the depth is more than 500 m and has a high flow rate of up to 100 cubic meters per hour. Drilling a water well of this type is effective for large agricultural and technological buildings and industries. It is used for cottage villages and so on. The well drilling method used is rotary.


If hydrological or geological exploration work is carried out, an exploration hole is drilled. In most cases, rotational technology is used. As a rule, the diameter is very small, and the well design is very simple. Plus, it is the cheapest investment. Thanks to this, there is a real opportunity to find out exactly where large-scale work can begin.

Well on sand

This water well is made manually using rotary technology. A screw is used for this. You can complete all the work in just two days. It is classified as low-income up to 1 cubic meter at one o'clock. Vibrating pumps are used for pumping. If you follow the technology for drilling a water well, it will last up to 10 years. In order for everything to work properly, it is recommended to use it constantly.

Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian type structure is a source that is easy to make with your own hands. It cannot even be fully called for drilling, because it is based on a special rod that is driven into the soil. A special filter mesh is attached to its lower part, allowing good quality water to rise to the top. The process uses extension rods. The connection is made via thread. Unlike other technologies for drilling wells under water, the pipe itself remains in the ground, since water will flow through it. The pipe diameter can reach up to 32 mm. It is extremely important that all connections are as tight as possible, since the needle is driven into the soil for a long time.

Water well drilling tools

If you plan to manually drill wells, then the optimal technology is shock-rope, it is the most common and affordable. To do this you will need the following tools and material:

  • Shovel.
  • A drill having a cutting part. To increase the weight of the drill, you can weld steel screws or other metal objects onto it.
  • Wheelbarrow for transporting soil.
  • Pump.
  • Container with water.

You will also need the following material:

  • Wire.
  • Pipe.
  • Steel wire for filter.
  • Gravel or crushed stone.

Do-it-yourself water well drilling

The well at the dacha is made by hand using shock-rope technology. The essence of the technology is to drill holes in the soil using a driving glass. A tool falls from a height and breaks the rock. Afterwards, it is lifted and the soil is removed from the glass. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. Now we propose to consider in detail how to make a well with your own hands.

Before you drill a well in your dacha, you need to make a pit. This means digging a shallow hole to make it easier to drill a well on the site. First of all, due to this, the drilling depth is reduced and the possibility of collapse of the top layer of soil is eliminated. Its size can have the following dimensions: 1.5 by 2.5 meters. Along the edges of the pit walls are reinforced with plywood. Thanks to this, the soil will definitely not crumble.

Next, the water well drilling technology includes installing a tripod. This is a special shock-rope mechanism that allows you to drill a well for water. The tripod serves as a support for holding the drill pipe. It is made from wood or metal profile. The length of the beam/pipe should reach up to 5 meters. Be sure to attach the winch with a cable. The drill bit is attached to the cable.

Drilling on summer cottage

The resulting installation is compact in size, does not require the use of a small-sized drilling rig for drilling wells, and is made by hand. You can drill a well in this way in different time. Speed ​​determines the nature of the soil. In one blow, the drill can travel up to one meter. If the soil is rocky, then up to 200 mm.

Advice! To speed up the process of making a well on the site, you can pour water into the hole. It will soften the rock. Moreover, the glass must be constantly cleaned.

As for the cable, it must have sufficient reserve so that the drill does not come off and remain at the very bottom of the hole. As you progress, you can immediately install the casing pipe or after drilling the water well manually.

If the first method is chosen, then drilling wells for water, the process technology will include a casing pipe having a larger diameter than the drill itself. With this method, it is important to control the depth of the drinking water well. Otherwise, you can skip the aquifer and cover it with a pipe. Therefore, the moisture level of the soil raised outside should be strictly controlled.

This point can be determined when making a water well at a dacha using the following criteria:

  • The knot began to shrink very quickly.
  • You have discovered water-bearing rock in the wash.
  • In the storm after the clay, you discovered sand.
  • A static pressure is formed.
  • Water began to drain from the pit.
  • The drill begins to vibrate.

Therefore, when drilling a well in this way, it is important to be extremely careful.

As soon as you have reached the aquifer, the well in your dacha with your own hands requires pumping and cleaning dirty water. Thanks to this, you will be able to find out whether this well at your summer cottage will meet all the needs of your family in terms of its debit.

If during the pumping process the water is cloudy for a long time, then you should deepen the well at the dacha with your own hands.


The design of a water intake well necessarily includes casing. For this you can use plastic or metal pipes. It is not recommended to use galvanized pipes, as they may adversely affect chemical composition water.

So, by installing a casing pipe, the following goals are achieved:

  1. The walls of the source do not crumble.
  2. The water intake does not silt.
  3. The possibility of ingress of perched water, which is not the best in the category of wells, is eliminated.
  4. The source will remain pure.

As already mentioned, a water intake well can be equipped with a casing pipe during the drilling process or after. If the pipe goes into the ground with difficulty, then it is necessary to make physical efforts and work with a sledgehammer.

Flushing a well for water after drilling

After drilling a well with your own hands and installing casing pipe washing is carried out - mandatory stage. The essence of this process comes down to the fact that a pipe is lowered into the source, through which water is pumped under pressure. Due to the pressure, sand and clay will be completely removed from the hole. All this will be pumped out. As soon as clean water flows, be sure to submit it for analysis at the appropriate organization.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of drilling a water well has its pros and cons.


  • The design of the water well allows you to create a source with a high flow rate and a long service life.
  • Equipment for drilling wells can be made with your own hands, which is a saving, as if you had to rent a small-sized installation for drilling a well.
  • The ability to control the water level and see the aquifer.
  • Designing water intake wells allows you to create an inlet with a large diameter.
  • These drilling methods allow work to be carried out even in winter time of the year.


  • There are other types of well drilling that allow work to be carried out much faster.
  • A large amount of equipment will be required to drill water wells, especially with regard to casing.
  • These types of water wells require serious physical and labor resources.
  • Before drilling a well for water, it is necessary to determine the nature of the soil; shock-rope technology is not always relevant.
  • Causing harm landscape design local area. For this reason, before drilling a well with your own hands, you should not carry out landscaping work.


So, here we have looked at all the features of how to make a water well with your own hands. Among other things, we learned about the varieties of this source, which under different circumstances receives different names, for example, absorption wells, thermometric wells, sand well and others. To consolidate the whole theory and know how to cope with the work yourself, we suggest watching the prepared video material at the end of the article.

The human need for drinking water exists only as long as civilization itself exists. We have not yet learned any other way to extract water except from the ground, and even then the technologies for extracting drinking water are far from perfect. However, there is no other option if you need to ensure uninterrupted water supply at home. Not everywhere there is a possibility of connecting to a centralized water supply, so you have to drill wells.

What types of water wells are there?

The geological conditions of each site dictate certain conditions in accordance with which the type of well is selected. The choice of well type is influenced by:

  • resource and depth of the source;
  • cost of source development;
  • water quality.

Modern technologies for drilling water wells can give excellent results, showing good quality water and high productivity of the field. Let's look at the main basic principles well development and its types.

Essentially, these are two ways that allow you to get water with little money. Now we will look at the third type of drilling methods, artesian. However, any of the methods described below may be suitable for constructing a well of shallower depth.

Based on the name, a well is drilled with a special tool called an auger. The tool destroys the soil with rotational movements, and the crushed rock is fed upward by an auger, at the end of which there is a drill. In pliable soil, drilling using this method is done quite quickly. The drilling speed is approximately 40-45 meters per work shift. Auger drilling is the most economical look drilling wells for water, but this technology also has its drawbacks.

Firstly, drilling is only possible on soft or medium soils due to the fact that the drill cannot cope with hard and rocky soil. Secondly, drilling on sandy soils using the auger method does not make sense, since the soil has time to crumble before the pipe is installed. Therefore, in such cases, other drilling methods are used.

The essence of the method is to use a hollow rod, at the end of which a tap is attached. Destroyed soil does not rise mechanical method, but by washing, and a special solution is used for this. The solution is a mixture of clay and water, and after use the entire mass is sent to a sludge settling tank.

The clay in the solution is needed to strengthen the walls of the well, so the use of this method is quite possible on sandy soils. The mechanism itself is quite compact in size. This can be used if it is necessary to drill a well directly in the basement of a residential building. The depth of excavation using this method can reach 300 meters, which is quite suitable for drilling artesian wells.

Impact-rope method of drilling water wells

For viscous soils, the shock-rope drilling method is most applicable. Despite the tricky name, it involves sharply lowering a metal glass into a shaft, which is filled with soil as it goes deeper, after which the glass is raised to the surface using a system of ropes, cleaned, and then thrown again. The drilling process in this way does not require any equipment at all, but is physically exhausting and takes quite a long time.

Manual well drilling

This is what distinguishes professional drillers from ordinary developers. There is also a technique for manual drilling shock-rope or auger method, which can be rented. But when independent development The well developer is not always aware of the volume of work and its complexity, so he still has to pay a certain amount to the drillers.

Drilling water wells price

Prices for drilling a well, naturally, depend on many factors, the main one of which is the composition of the soil. So, on limestone soils, drilling can cost from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles per meter of penetration, and on sandy soils it will cost from 2.5 thousand per meter. Artesian wells always cost a little more, and the cost of drilling will be about 2.8 thousand rubles per meter.

You can save money on drilling; there are several ways to do this. As a rule, all drilling work is carried out in the warm season, when the drilling crews are scheduled every day. If you plan drilling in winter, you can save up to 20% of money. It is also necessary to proceed from the principle of reasonable sufficiency - if there is no need for a highly productive well, then the technology of drilling water wells of smaller diameter or depth can be much cheaper.

Still, if you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better to entrust drilling to professionals. This will guarantee the opportunity to use clean water all year round without any restrictions.

Drilling artesian wells for water, as a rule, is produced by a rotary method, when the rock cutting tool (cone bit) rotates due to the torque transmitted by the drill rods from the rotator, which in turn is driven by the drilling rig engine. Recently, URB 2A-2 drilling rigs based on ZIL 131 and URAL have become most widespread for these purposes. Both a main engine and a separate deck engine can be used as a drilling rig engine.

Drilling with flushing

At with flushing The rock being destroyed is washed to the surface with the help of liquid. The liquid is pumped through the drill pipes directly to the bottom hole. Having passed through the pipes down to the bit, this liquid washes out the destroyed rock and lifts it along the well to the surface, where this liquid flows by gravity into the settling tank. From the sump through a hose, this liquid is again pumped into the pipes and through the pipes to the bottom, thereby circulating this liquid.

When drilling into unstable rocks, a clay solution is used as a flushing fluid. If the well section begins with clay layers, the clay solution is obtained naturally. If it is impossible to form a clay solution naturally, the clay solution is mixed from special clay (bentonite), and a small amount of cement may be added. The clay solution also performs another important function - due to hydrostatic pressure keeps the well walls from collapsing. The clay solution holds the well walls well when passing through clay and sand layers. When passing through hard rocks such as limestone, water is used as the washing solution.

By the type of washed-out clay solution, the drilling master sees which rocks are currently destroying the bit and records this in the drill log.

When the tool reaches the limestone, the well is lined with pipes and flushed. Limestone is a natural reservoir of water, which fills pores, caverns and cracks, thus forming a huge system of cracks. Next, the limestone is drilled with a bit of a smaller diameter using clean water as a flushing fluid. If layers of clay or sand lenses are encountered, the drilling master decides to cover these sections of the wellbore with a casing pipe of a smaller diameter.

There are also solid limestones, sometimes silicified, in which, for obvious reasons, there are no cracks and, as a result, water. But sooner or later the tool reaches the desired limestone layers.

When the absorption of the flushing liquid begins, its quantity is replenished with the help of imported water, which is brought by water trucks. Based on the degree of absorption of the drilling fluid, the drilling master determines the expected flow rate of the well, that is, its productivity. When this absorption reaches the required values, the driller beats the water level in the well and, if necessary, lines the limestone shaft with a casing pipe of a smaller diameter.

When pumping a well, the dynamic water level in the well is determined and the flow rate of the well is calculated.

After all this, you have a hydraulic structure ready for operation on your site.

Now all that remains is to equip the well with a caisson, install water supply equipment and enjoy your own water intake unit to the fullest.

Do-it-yourself water well is a real way provide water plot within a private house, thereby building a reliable water supply for the future suburban area where there is no centralized water supply.

Arrangement of such a water source requires significant financial and labor costs. Drilling will require special tools and equipment, but proper organization Everything can be done independently and reliably.

In order to equip your own water well, you need find the desired water layer, determine the depth of its occurrence and drill a channel (wellbore) in the ground that enters this productive layer. The main drilling methods are discussed below.

Screw method

For such drilling it is used drill (auger) in the form of a rod with a cutter at the end and blades, located along a helical line. Garden or fishing augers can be considered elementary augers.

The essence of the technology is in screwing the tool into the ground by rotating it and removing the earth as it is lifted. The process can be carried out manually or mechanically way. You can drill a well manually using an auger to a depth of 8-10 m.

This technique is considered the simplest and most accessible, but it can only be used if there is sufficiently soft or loose soil. It cannot be used in the presence of quicksand and rocky outcrops. For harder soil or deeper drilling, it is necessary to mechanization of tool rotation. As the bore deepens, the auger is screwed to a section of drill pipe (string).

Hydrodrilling (hydrodynamic drilling)

Technology based on the combination of traditional drill and hydraulic action.

In this case, drilling fluid is constantly supplied under pressure to the drilling zone, which:

  • helps destroy the earth;
  • washes away drilled soil, bringing it to the surface;
  • cools the drilling tool;
  • aligns the walls of the entire trunk as it moves.

It consists of water, weighted with clay, and is fed into the well using a pump. Wells are usually made using hydraulic drilling depth 30-50 m, but in principle, it is possible to drill a shaft deeper than 200 m. To increase the drilling depth, a drill string is assembled from rods - pipes 1.3-2 m long, with a diameter of 45-75 mm.

Pneumatic drilling (pneumatic percussion drilling)

Refers to shock-rotational technologies. With this technique, rock destruction occurs by impact with a pneumatic tool (pneumatic hammer), while the entire drill string is given a rotational movement.

For air drilling hard rocks are not scary, and problems arise in clayey, viscous soils that quickly clog the tool. The depth of the wells being drilled is small - up to 50 m (usually 15-25 m). Important advantage– high penetration rate.

Diamond tool

The most effective, but very expensive method of drilling wells is considered core drilling using diamond bits. Such drilling rigs are capable of drilling at very high speeds in soil of any hardness. The main disadvantages are the small diameter of the trunk (up to 15-17 cm) and the cost of penetration up to 500-700 rubles per 1 m.

Turbine technology

The method is based on the longitudinal advance of the drill bit, the rotational movement of which is provided by a turbodrill. All this is located on a submersible column, which is expanded with rods as the shaft deepens.

The main element - a turbodrill - is an engine that plunges into the bottomhole zone, i.e. does not rotate the entire drill string. Drilling can be provided by low-speed (120-300 rpm) and high-speed (450-600 rpm) engines, and they are driven by hydrodynamic force created by the fluid flow acting on the engine blades.

Electric drill

This technology is not fundamentally different from turbine drilling. IN in this case instead of a turbodrill with blades into the face area electric motor submerses asynchronous type . The use of an electric drive allows you to abandon the drill string in the form of pipes and lower the electric drill on a cable rope.

The main disadvantage is decreased performance cable in downhole conditions with frequent tripping operations.

Screw engines

These are modern, improved drives that are lowered into the bottomhole zone. They are voluminous rotary hydraulic installations. Their rotation is ensured by drilling fluid, and their efficiency is increased by the use of low and high pressure chambers.

Important. The choice of drilling method depends on the depth of the productive water formation, the characteristics of the soil and the presence of difficult areas in the drilling area, as well as the planned flow rate of the well and the availability of equipment and financial capabilities.

How are wells drilled for water supply?

Any well designed to lift water from a deep water layer to the surface. Its principle of operation is based on arranging a trunk in the form of a pipeline by installing a casing (pipe) so that the downhole part with a filter rough cleaning found itself inside a water source, while the lift of the liquid is ensured by a submersible or surface type pump.

Thus, water penetrates through the holes in the bottom of the column and is forced up the wellbore to the surface.


Taking into account design features and depth, the following types of water wells are distinguished:

  1. Abyssinian well (tube well). It is constructed by driving a pipe into the ground, and therefore the depth is no more than 6-10 m. The water rises from the uppermost layer (groundwater) and is significantly polluted. It can be used for technical purposes or for drinking, but only after boiling.
  2. Well on sand. She's drilling deep 14-25 m, which allows you to use any drilling method. Usually it is lined with a pipe with a diameter of 12-20 cm. The flow rate of such a well is small and it is intended for small farms. Used in work centrifugal pump, mounted on the surface.
  3. Artesian well drills to the lower, productive water layer at depth more than 50 m. The water in it is absolutely clean and is used for drinking. Lifting from it can only be done using a submersible pump.

Functional units

Any well, regardless of depth and type, has the following functional areas and nodes:

  1. Bottomhole area or water intake. This is the lower part of the well, which is located in the water layer. Here, through the perforation, water enters the casing. Required elementfilter.
  2. Casing (pipe) or suction line. Its task is to provide a sealed channel for water from the bottomhole zone to the entrance to the pump (pump water intake), which must supplied check valve to prevent backflow of water.
  3. Pump. It ensures the rise of water, for which it creates a certain pressure.
  4. Hydraulic accumulator or storage tank . This node is responsible for protecting equipment from water hammer, ensuring water reserves and creating required pressure in the water pipeline.
  5. Pressure switch and control equipment.
  6. Well head. This is the upper, above-ground part of the well, protecting it from contamination from above, freezing and distribution of raised water.


To install a water well, you need the following supplies and equipment:

  1. Pump. It is selected taking into account the depth and productivity of the well, the size of the casing, and the length of the water main. When the shaft depth is up to 10-12 m, a surface, centrifugal pump of the required power is most often used. For deep wells, a submersible pump is used. It requires a support cable, a safety cable and a submersible electrical cable.
  2. Pumping station with the system automatic control process. It must have monitoring devices and overload protection devices.
  3. Hydropneumotank. It is designed to maintain stable pressure in the system and optimize pump operation. A constant water level in it is maintained using a level switch. The dimensions of the tank depend on the power of the equipment and the flow rate of the well. The volume can vary widely from 20-30 to 1000 liters. Containers with a volume of about 100-150 liters are considered optimal.
  4. Caisson. The well head can be equipped different ways, but the most popular is the caisson, which is a metal box (tank) that seals the wellhead. It is mounted with a small depth (up to 1-1.2 m) and has dimensions sufficient to accommodate connecting equipment and an operating person.
  5. Communications. Cable, wire to ensure reliable power supply and water pipes from the caisson to the points of water consumption.


The upper part of the well and the water supply system are located in the zone of soil freezing, and therefore they must be reliably insulated.

Installation sequence

The submersible pump is mounted in the following sequence:

  • installation of a check valve (if it is not included in the pump kit);
  • fastening on a cable and connecting the cable;
  • immersing the pump to the required depth;
  • installation and connection of a hydraulic accumulator (hydropneumatic tank);
  • connection and adjustment of the control and monitoring system;
  • installation and connection of fine filters;
  • connection to points of consumption (heating equipment, mixers, etc.).

Downhole device diagram

A standard deep well device with a submersible pump has the following basic design:

  • perforated casing water intake with settling tank;
  • coarse water filter;
  • submersible pump with check valve and water intake;
  • a conduit or pipe (hose) for raising water connected to a pump;
  • waterproof cable for power supply to the pump;
  • borehole or extended top of wellbore;
  • head, caisson;
  • shut-off equipment (ball valve);
  • control devices, pressure gauge (up to 8-10 bar);
  • pumping mechanism with ball valve.

The well operation scheme is quite standard:

  1. Water under the pressure of the formation seeps into the settling tank and accumulates in it.
  2. When the pump is turned on, water rises along the casing, enters the pump water intake and is directed up the water pipeline.
  3. In the caisson, water is directed to a hydraulic accumulator, where a certain supply is created, after which it enters the water supply system.

How is a well constructed?

When a productive formation, a water-bearing reservoir, is reached during the drilling process, the stage of constructing a water well begins. First, the lower filter column is lowered into the shaft, which is a pipe with a perforated tip, a settling chamber and a filter made of several meshes that prevent the penetration of large fractions of impurities.

Next, the entire casing is installed, and the gap between it and the ground is filled with sand and fine crushed stone. Simultaneously with filling the mixture, the well is pumped by supplying water and sealing the mouth.

After cleaning the bottom, a submersible pump with a connected water pipeline with a diameter of 25-50 mm is lowered on a cable, depending on the flow rate of the well. The casing and wellhead protection are secured to the head. A shut-off valve is installed in the outlet system. The connection between the water conduit and the water pipeline is made in the caisson.

Well is enough complex hydraulic structure, but with its proper arrangement, a reliable private water supply appears. All operations, starting with drilling a shaft, can be carried out with your own hands, but for this you must follow all the recommendations of specialists and use standard equipment.

Useful videos

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Before drilling, it is important to make sure that the water reservoir is sufficiently productive, for which professional geological research is required.