How to carry out drip irrigation at the dacha. What materials can be used to make droppers? How to choose drip irrigation for a greenhouse

The summer heat becomes a test for both summer residents and open ground plants and greenhouses. You have to run around with a watering can or hose every evening and water the plants, but not all gardeners have this opportunity. You can find a way out of this situation by setting up an irrigation system from various available materials, because a factory design costs a lot. Drip irrigation will not only save time and health, but will also save the amount of water consumed; each plant will receive as much moisture as it needs for full life. You can even assemble a drip structure with your own hands from medical IVs, using the barrel as a reservoir for heating and storing water. The video will demonstrate the drip system in action.

Advantages of drip irrigation

First drip irrigation used by the Israelis. How effective the idea turned out to be can be judged by the fact that today Israel is a leading exporter of agricultural products. Let's look at the main advantages of drip irrigation.

Advice. In a barrel made of translucent plastic, algae can multiply, which severely clogs the irrigation system. The same applies to a transparent water hose. Choose opaque products.

Where is drip irrigation used?

Drip system designed for watering plants planted in rows. These are not only agricultural crops, but also flowers, trees and grapes. It is very convenient to irrigate greenhouses and greenhouses in this way. Drip irrigation is not at all suitable for moistening lawns. It is impossible to water a large area with pipes. In this case, sprinklers are used.

Efficiency and ease of use allows you to care for even big garden or a berry grower, without spending huge amounts of money on watering and effort on its implementation. Correct Application allows you to achieve impressive results, which is very difficult to achieve with conventional spraying.

Advice. The effectiveness of drip irrigation increases if you mulch the root circle with straw or other organic matter.

Design of a system of medical droppers

To collect the simplest irrigation system You will need the following materials: a barrel, a drip irrigation hose, tees, connections and plugs for it, droppers. The hose can be a plastic water pipe or any rubber one. The system installation stages are as follows:

  • First, lay out the water supply pipes along the beds. If you need to irrigate several beds, then make wiring and use tees to connect the hoses into a single system.

Medical dripper can be used for drip watering of plants

  • They make plugs at the ends of the water pipe.
  • Opposite each plant, holes are made in the supply pipe. An awl or self-tapping screw is suitable for this.
  • A dropper tube is inserted into the holes made. The amount of water supplied is adjusted with a wheel. Each crop requires a different amount of water supplied and frequency of watering.
  • Connect the water supply to the barrel through a filter rough cleaning water - it will protect the system from clogging.
  • If you notice that the amount of incoming water has decreased, you need to disassemble all components and rinse.

Advice. For the system to work correctly, it is necessary to ensure proper internal water pressure. This can be achieved by raising the barrel two meters above ground level.

Underground drip irrigation

Underground irrigation differs from drip irrigation in the way it supplies water to the roots of plants. Moisture enters through holes in pipes that are laid underground. Typically, polyethylene pipes with a diameter of two to four centimeters are used. The holes are made round or slot-like every 30 cm.

The depth and pitch of the pipes depends on the composition of the soil and the crop being grown. Let's consider a similar device using the example of a greenhouse bed:

  • dig a trench to a depth of half a shovel (to the depth of the roots, but not higher);
  • a strip of film is placed on the bottom, which will serve as a waterproof barrier so that water does not immediately go deeper;
  • cut branches or pebbles are placed on polyethylene, and a polyethylene pipe is placed on top low pressure, it will not burst in winter at low temperatures if water remains inside. Very important point: the water supply is arranged in the middle of the pipe through a tee so that the water is distributed evenly;
  • plugs are made at the ends of the water supply;

Organization of underground drip irrigation system

  • Now they start drilling holes every 15 cm of the pipe on both sides. A metal drill with a diameter of 2 mm is suitable;
  • the end of the pipe is brought out and connected to the water intake;
  • testing the system;
  • To prevent the holes from being filled with earth, the pipe is wrapped in non-woven material, ideally geotextile, but old nylon tights or agrofibre will do. Do not grab tightly with electrical tape or ties;
  • another layer of branches is laid on top of the structure and soil is sprinkled;
  • control point. Turn on the water supply for a couple of minutes, dig up the soil in several places and check the degree of wetting. If watering is uniform, you can begin planting seedlings.

Advice. Apply fertilizers in chelated form with watering. They dissolve well in water, leaving no particles that can clog the drip system.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can build a simple drip irrigation, which will not require any financial investments at all. Of course, this design will not replace a full-fledged drip irrigation system, but it is quite suitable for moisture-demanding crops such as peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants or tomatoes. There are several types of such devices.

Watering trees and berry gardens

Here are a couple more ways simple watering rows of raspberries and fruit trees.

All types of drip irrigation can be combined with each other. Their autonomy will allow them to achieve best results when growing plants. Assembly will not take much time and effort. In any case, the effectiveness of a homemade irrigation system is undeniable and high; you can verify this by starting with the simplest device as an experiment.

DIY drip irrigation system: video

Drip irrigation: photo

Drip irrigation is considered one of the most modern methods moistening beds in greenhouses and open ground. How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands is of interest to many greenhouse owners, because this method of watering plants is cost-effective and convenient. This is explained by the fact that plants receive the necessary moisture with virtually no human intervention.

Methods for installing a drip irrigation system and DIY options are described in this article.

How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands

You can do such irrigation yourself, but it is much faster and more convenient to buy a ready-made structure and assemble it on site.

How to assemble the structure with your own hands will be described below, but first we will try to figure out what preparatory work needs to be done in order for it to function without failures.

Preparing the area

Before you do such irrigation, you need to prepare the site. In our case, we are considering the installation of irrigation in a greenhouse, so we will take the structure of closed ground as an example (Figure 1).

Automatic irrigation involves installing a reservoir to store water and distribute tapes across the beds. It is important that the structure must be installed immediately on the finished beds, and it is not recommended to change their location in the future. Of course, you can increase or decrease the number and size of the beds, but in this case you will need to reassemble.

Figure 1. Preparing the room for installation of an irrigation system

The tapes are laid out in the beds so that the droppers are located near the main plants. Plugs are installed at the ends of the pipes to prevent water loss. They must be removable so that water can be quickly drained when cleaning the system.

Installing the container

The water storage tank should be located at the beginning of the building. It must be placed at a height (about 2 meters above the ground surface) so that water flows into the pipes under the influence of gravity (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Installing a water storage tank

If there is not enough space for a tank in the room itself, it can also be installed outside the structure by laying pipes on the ground. But in in this case In winter, the water must be drained so that it does not damage the tank when it freezes.

Starter installation

In ready-made kits, all necessary elements (except for the tank) are provided as a set. On site, you only need to connect the hose to the tank, install the starter on the tank and program it to automatic switching on and switching off using a sensor.

The starter is connected to the tank by drilling a hole with a diameter of approximately 14 mm in the main pipe. It is this device that starts the water and stops it if necessary. If you are not buying a finished product, but only parts of it, choose your starter carefully. It must be powerful enough to provide water to all the plants, so when purchasing, be sure to take into account the number of beds and the area of ​​the room itself.

How to calculate drip irrigation for your plot

To ensure that the soil moistening structure exactly matches the size of your greenhouse, you need to accurately calculate the length of the tapes and their number.

To do this, you need to measure the length of the beds. For example, if you have 10 beds 15 meters long, you need to buy a little more than 150 meters of tape. The reserve is necessary in order to eliminate possible losses during installation. Plugs must be installed at the end of each tape, and filters must be installed near the water tank. fine cleaning so that the hoses do not become clogged with debris, sand or plant debris.

How to make your own drip irrigation

The tips below will tell you how to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse yourself without large financial costs.

From bottles

For small buildings, homemade structures made from plastic bottles are perfect.

To water your dacha or greenhouse yourself using this method, you need to use this step by step instructions(Figure 3):

  1. A hose is laid out along the beds and holes are drilled in it. The hose can be laid out both on the surface of the earth and underground. The latter method is more acceptable for closed ground structures.
  2. A plastic bottle with holes in the bottom is placed near each plant.
  3. A medical dropper is inserted into the neck of each bottle and connected to a hose.

Figure 3. Installation of bottle irrigation

This design will ensure a constant supply of moisture directly to the roots of the plant. But for this it is necessary that there is stable water pressure in it, the container is installed on an elevation, and the main pipe is equipped with a starter.

The video shows how to make a similar design from plastic bottles.

From medical droppers

You can do this kind of watering in a greenhouse yourself using medical droppers. The principle remains the same as when installing a structure made of bottles (Figure 4).

A flexible hose is laid out along the entire length of the beds, which is connected to the main pipe and a water storage tank. Holes are drilled in the hose into which droppers with special valves are inserted, through which water will flow to the plants.

Figure 4. Installation diagram of irrigation from medical droppers

The main difference of such a system is that water does not flow to the roots, but to the surface of the soil, and the number of droppers can be any.

Automatic drip irrigation

Automation of moisture application greatly facilitates plant care, since the soil is saturated with moisture practically without human intervention.

To install such a structure, a controller running on an autonomous battery is installed on the water tank. The tank, in turn, is connected to the water supply, and when it is empty, it is automatically refilled. Automation also involves installing sensors that will start and stop soil moisture based on time.

How to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse yourself

Assembling a point irrigation system yourself is a completely feasible task. To do this you need to buy ready set and simply install it on site.

Note: At the moment, the most popular products are Dusya and AquaDusya. The latter is fully automated, while the former is considered simple and suitable even for small greenhouses.

To carry out installation correctly, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Make an installation plan and schematically draw the location of hoses and droppers;
  • Install a water container above the ground surface to maintain stable pressure in the pipes;
  • Place pipes or flexible hoses to supply water over the beds;
  • Install a starter and electronic sensors on the main pipe and water tank to automate watering.

At the final stage, the finished structure is necessarily tested to check whether water flows normally and whether the hoses are leaking.

From the central water supply system

If your site has running water, do automatic watering in a greenhouse will not be difficult. To do this, just connect the water storage tank to the central water supply and install a special sensor that will fill the tank.

This design makes it possible to almost completely automate watering, but it should be remembered that in the winter all its elements are dried and removed.

How does a drip irrigation system work for a greenhouse?

The operating principle of such structures in a greenhouse is quite simple. Water is constantly stored in a special tank and enters pipes or hoses under pressure.

Holes are made in all hoses into which droppers are inserted. Through them, water seeps in small drops and enters the soil. This method of providing moisture is considered the most convenient, since all plants, without exception, receive the right amount of water. However, it is also impossible to leave the irrigation structure without attention: valves, hoses and droppers must be checked periodically in order to eliminate the blockage or malfunction in time.

In greenhouses, not only vegetables, fruits and herbs are often grown, but also houseplants in pots that also require high-quality watering (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Diagram and example of installation of an irrigation structure for closed beds and indoor plants

In this case, the system will be beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it can be installed not only on the ground, but also on vertical racks. Secondly, the design allows you to connect tubes to each pot and plant.

How to choose drip irrigation for a greenhouse

The success of soil moistening largely depends on the quality of the chosen system. To buy a truly good product, pay attention to several important parameters (Figure 6):

  • Pump power and its functions: in high-quality products, it not only starts the system itself, but also creates the required level of pressure.
  • The walls of the hoses must be strong so that water does not break through them during operation.
  • Sensors must be easy to operate: ease of use will depend on this.

Figure 6. Tools for assembling the system yourself

As a rule, high-quality products are more expensive, but since their operation lasts for years, it is not worth saving on such a purchase.

How to choose drip tape for irrigation

A key role in the use of such irrigation is played by the tape - a flexible hose that is laid out over the beds and brought to the plants.

When purchasing, carefully inspect the tape. It must be strong enough, but at the same time flexible, so that creases form on it, which could cause the entire system to fail in the future.

The technology for assembling such irrigation structures is shown in the video.

By installing drip irrigation with your own hands, you can significantly speed up ripening and get a wonderful harvest of vegetables, berries, fruits, and significantly save money. Every gardener knows the benefits of moisturizing the roots of a plant. A self-created drip irrigation system will ensure uniform distribution of water and fertilizer to all plantings on the site.

Several species are known self-installation this kind of construction. It is enough to familiarize yourself with them and make a choice of the appropriate option for a particular area.

For those who want to install drip irrigation on their own and want to save money, it will be enough to purchase only the necessary components or select analogues from improvised means, without spending a penny on parts, depending on the structure being installed, since there are several types of irrigation systems.

How to install an irrigation system in the form of drip irrigation in a summer cottage?

Before you begin to independently install a structure for drip humidification of something, you need to take into account the volume of water reserves in the bucket; it should be enough to fully charge the siphon.

The siphon is a vertical arc-shaped pipe installed in such a way that one end is open to transmit water and is immersed in a tank of water, and the other end is connected to the pipeline of this irrigation system. The height of the siphon depends on the volume of the tank and the water intended for watering the plants.

Through the siphon, water is driven by the last portion of liquid raised from the bucket to the upper level of the siphon.

The photo shows how the liquid from the tank flows through the irrigation water supply until the levels in the tank and at the end of the siphon are equal. You can regulate the speed of water supply to the tank using a tap.

From the tank, the liquid enters the distribution system, which consists of hoses, a watering pipeline with a certain size of holes for spraying water.

During the installation of drip irrigation, you can form different shapes, for example, ring ones for irrigating shrubs or trees. Simple rectangular systems for watering beds are made from ordinary pipes.

To regulate watering, a special subsystem design is used, which consists of a rain valve, a lever, a pusher, a tank cover and a spring.

In order for the valve to work, it is necessary to prudently make a special recess on the tank lid where it will collect rainwater, which will play the role of cargo at a certain moment.

To fit onto the pins of the tank cover, holes are drilled along its edges.

The recess on the lid should be of such a size that, on the one hand, the weight of the collected rainwater is sufficient to close the valve, and on the other hand, so that after the rain, when the water evaporates, and this is about a day later, a spring can lift the lid, and the valve was able to reopen.

In the process of installing a drip irrigation system, it is necessary to correctly attach the pusher, the upper end of which should be attached to the tank lid, and the lower end to the lever.

An emergency subsystem cup is installed on the pusher. The principle of creation and operation of a rain valve is similar to the function of a float valve in a sanitary cistern.

It is known that the rate of moisture extraction from the soil depends on the depth of the root system relative to the ground surface.

The deeper the roots are, the lower the rate of water being extracted. Experience shows that roots extract at least 40% of precious moisture from the upper layers of the soil.

Plants with the most developed surface roots may die during drought. The main number of roots are located in the soil layers at a depth of 20-25 cm.

When installing your own drip irrigation system design, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of planting and growth of the root systems of grown plants.

The emergency subsystem mechanism includes a cup and an emergency drain valve. After filling the tank with water, the glass is filled, which should close the valve, which in turn will block the flow of water into the tank.

The valve should open from water pressure after its level rises above the top edge of the glass.

When calculating and installing a drip irrigation system with your own hands, you must take into account the value set pressure, and with the help of a spring and a fitting, a certain force is created in the rod. If the set pressure limit is exceeded, the rod moves to the right.

The operating principle is as follows:

At the moment when the ball retainer moves to the side up to the annular groove, the balls fall into this groove under the influence of the spring, thereby fixing the rod and opening the way for fluid to enter the distribution network through the valve.

In the video you can see the stages of installing drip irrigation for your dacha with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself automated irrigation system

Create automated system Drip irrigation is possible thanks to a simple scheme, with the help of which at a given time every day, without human intervention, the irrigation system will start and turn off.

In this drip irrigation design, a hose with through holes is connected to the pump. These holes in the hose can be made with a hot awl. Through such holes, water will be distributed freely and it will not be afraid of congestion. The distance between the holes should be within 30-35 cm of each other. A hose with holes made according to the design is laid across the area. To avoid clogging, it is necessary to place pieces of boards in several places.

To set the system startup time, the pump power must be taken into account. The data is recorded using a circuit to automatically start the pump. This type of drip irrigation system will allow the owner to visit the dacha only once a week, since the irrigation of the beds will be carried out independently by this design.

This drip irrigation option is beneficial for lawn grass. After all, her root system is located at a depth of about 15 cm and in the heat, constant watering of lawns is necessary, otherwise there is a possibility of rapid drying of the top layer of soil, which leads to the death of plants. And the costs of a new lawn are quite high. Using the example of lawn grass, which is most susceptible to the harmful effects of wind and sun, it is clear where the soil dries out most quickly, and the benefits of regular and systematic watering are visible.

What problems can arise in the operation of drip irrigation systems?

It is known from practice that with an economical supply, it may happen that all the water flows out in the first sections of the system, but may not reach the outer sections.

And in the case of strong pressure of water pumped from a well, there may be an overconsumption of it, and as a result, waterlogging of the soil. This problem You can solve this by buying a special dispenser in the store or making a similar dispenser with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle, using the principle of the toilet flush system and connecting it at the junction of the distribution pipes with the liquid supply point. Using this device, you can regulate the rate of water supply both to the beds and to individual plants.

What materials can be used to make droppers?

An important role in the irrigation system is played by drippers that are installed on water supply pipes, since through them water is supplied to the root system of plants.

To save money when creating a drip irrigation system with your own hands, you can use plastic elements from medical systems for blood transfusion.

There are various types of drippers on sale, in which mechanisms are installed to regulate the water pressure in the system.

In today's episode, we will look at the drip irrigation system. All gardeners know that plants need moisture for normal growth. Yes, of course... you can run a hose into the greenhouse or garden beds, but such a procedure requires additional time and money.

By the way. About greenhouses and the variety of greenhouses

Now, during a period of unstable economic situation in the country, people are trying to maintain family budget and reduce all kinds of expenses. Saving not only in order to make a watering system from scrap materials, but also, above all, in order to save on water and as a result get a rich harvest.

That is why you can take care of the crop using drip irrigation. And to be honest, this is a new trend!

The system can be made independently, and it will not require large financial expenses. In addition, installation is quite simple, so any summer resident can easily cope with this task.

If you do not properly supply water to a plot of land, you may encounter uneven distribution of moisture. Water will be absorbed, mainly only by the first plants due to the pressure in the hose.

A significant advantage of this system is that only the roots of the plant are moistened, while the soil and leaves remain dry, which helps avoid sunburn. In addition, such watering prevents the rapid growth of weeds.

Experts note that gardeners can save up to 80% on water consumption. At the same time, all plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture necessary for normal growth.

To make such a system on your site, you need to place a container with clean water on a flat surface at a height of 1 m. After this, install the necessary elements and begin irrigation.

Irrigation system maintenance:

  • If possible, the container should be filled only with clean water.
  • Clean filters regularly.
  • Before surveying work, flush the pipes.
  • To avoid clogging the system, it is recommended to use only liquid fertilizers.
  • With the onset of autumn, dismantle all drip irrigation parts.

Subject to these simple rules, the system can be used for several seasons.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands without high costs?

The system of such plant watering was developed in arid regions in the last century. Today, manufacturers offer expensive and complex irrigation systems. Therefore, not every gardener can afford to buy it. But you can do it yourself. In this case, the system will perform fewer functions compared to industrial analogues, however, correct use will effectively water the plants.

The easiest option is to use a flexible hose for each plant. First of all, you need to install a barrel or canister with a volume of more than 100 liters. The container must be installed at a height of at least 1 m. If you install drainpipes, the container will always be filled when it rains.

To avoid dirt getting into the hoses, they are installed at a height of at least 5 cm from the bottom of the container. Before this, you need to do the wiring and decide on the locations of the droppers.

It is impossible to make accurate calculations, so it is recommended to make the number of holes in the hose and the length with a small margin. If they are unnecessary, they can be easily disabled.

At the next stage, you need to make the wiring and install the taps, the number of which depends on the characteristics of the system. It is enough to purchase the most simple options, they will be sufficient to perform basic functions.

How to perform IVs?

To do this, you can use one of the methods:

  • Buy a special sleeve from a farm store with holes.
  • Heat the nail and make the required number of holes.
  • Insert small bends, up to 30 cm long, into the main hose. A rubber or plastic hose is suitable for this.

Make holes using a drill to avoid ragged edges. And preheat the main hose in hot water.

After this, you need to connect all the elements into a complete system, then make the first launch and check its operation.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles?

Using ordinary plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, you can make a simple watering system. Several holes must be made in the lid of each vessel, the diameter of which should not exceed 2 mm.

Small holes can be made using a heated nail. You can also purchase special pegs that fit onto the neck of a plastic bottle.

Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle to prevent moisture evaporation. Then dig a hole to a depth of approximately 15 cm and insert the bottle there at an angle of 45 degrees. At this stage you need to be careful not to damage the roots of the plants.

Fill the container with water, which will flow to the root system through the holes made. In addition, using drip irrigation plastic bottles, you can fertilize plants with liquid solutions.

This simple system will feed the sprouts for several days. This method is suitable for summer residents who do not have the opportunity to water their garden daily.

Drip irrigation from polypropylene pipes

Unlike metal pipes, polypropylene analogues have great advantages. In addition, the material is quite cheap and suitable for assembling a drip irrigation system.

Before assembly, you need to prepare the following:

  • Container with a volume of 100 l. The water will heat up under the influence of sunlight, which has a beneficial effect on the plants.
  • Ball valve.
  • Filter for water purification. Otherwise, the system will quickly fail.
  • Container for nutritious fertilizers.
  • Pipeline
  • Bends made of polypropylene pipes or special tapes, which are connected using special tees.

To determine the size of the materials, you need to mark land plot. To water 1 m2 you will need about 30 liters of liquid per day, depending on the type of planting. You also need to calculate the number of taps and the distance between the installed droppers.

To ensure the required pressure, it is recommended to install the container at a height of 1-2 m. This will be enough to provide irrigation of 50 m2. The container is installed on a strong and level support.

The tap is installed in a hole made in a container of water, at a height of 10 cm from the bottom. On the other hand, make a connection with country water supply. To ensure that the container is filled to a certain level, it is recommended to use a valve with a float.

Special scissors are used to cut polypropylene pipes for bends. You can also use a construction knife or a hacksaw.

You can attach pipes to fittings cold welding, soldering or crimping. The most reliable option is soldering; for this you will need a special tool with attachments.

Polypropylene material is connected to the main line on the surface or at a depth of 75 cm. The filter is installed directly to the tank. Make a plug at the end of the main pipe.

The next step is to make IVs. To do this, make the required number of holes in the outlet. It is also necessary to install a plug at the end of the outlet pipe.

At the last stage of assembling the system, you need to connect the water supply to a container with water, fill it, and start drip irrigation.

Or is it better to buy a drip irrigation system in an online store?

As you can see from the examples above, making your own watering system is not at all difficult. But if your financial condition allows, you can order it in the online store. Today there are many companies that sell components via the Internet.

In this case, you can purchase a ready-made kit at a price of 1,000 – 4,000. The cost depends on the functionality. If the system operates in automatic mode, then the summer resident can practically not participate in the watering process.

Therefore, each person chooses for himself to make the equipment with his own hands, and he will need to buy the necessary components or take advantage of the offers of online stores.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

The fact that plants and various types of crops grown in summer cottages need regular watering is beyond doubt. Another thing is how to make sure that watering does not turn into a grueling dragging of buckets of water from barrel to garden bed? Here, as they say, you need to approach the problem wisely. Most likely, the ideal solution would be to create a DIY irrigation system for the site.

What are the possible ways to water a site?

No matter what you imagine or plan, you are unlikely to be able to create a bicycle again, since there are only three main types of watering the site:

  • sprinkling;
  • drip irrigation;
  • subsoil irrigation.

Sprinkling is important when you are caring for a flower bed or lawn. It is on this method that self-built automatic watering systems are based, because sprinklers are considered the simplest types of lawn watering systems that can be made with your own hands, because their designs consist of pumps, hoses and sprinklers.

If you need to take care of garden trees, and vegetable gardens, then drip irrigation or a micro-irrigation system will be effective. In general, a homemade drip irrigation system can provide you with great savings. Just to create it, it is advisable to do preparatory work even before the time for spring field work comes, that is, at the very end of winter. Although this is not so important.

Well, if we are talking about perennial hedges, then the method of subsoil irrigation, through pipes or porous hoses, will be exactly what you need.

Taking into account the demand and relevance of the use of drip irrigation systems, we advise you to familiarize yourself in more detail with photo and video lessons on how to create an irrigation system with your own hands on our website.

How to make a drip irrigation system yourself?

Like any construction, the process of creating an irrigation system must begin with well-thought-out planning.

1. So make a plan summer cottage plot and designate areas (beds or plants) that need watering.

2. Next, consider a layout plan for the main pipelines, shut-off valves, hoses and individual droppers, taking into account the terrain in which your site is located. For example, if there is a clearly expressed slope, then the pipes should be placed horizontally, and the hoses should be placed on a slope.

3. Do not forget that a garden watering system created on your own may include multiple connections and branches. Therefore, it is necessary to mark all possible locations, and also count the number of corresponding elements (connectors, splitters), including plugs and taps.

4. Then, it doesn't hurt to think about the type of equipment you use and the brand you would like to choose. Of course, the final cost of your irrigation system may depend on this.

5. To simplify the laying of pipelines, it is best to use plastic products. Firstly, they are much cheaper, and secondly, they are lighter than their metal counterparts. In addition, such pipes will not come into contact with any aggressive elements of fertilizers and will not succumb to rust, which will significantly increase their service life.