Saving water and protecting plants: all this is a do-it-yourself drip irrigation system for greenhouses (how to make and organize automatic irrigation, diagram). Drip irrigation in a greenhouse: systems and reviews

Every gardener and gardener should know how to water plants correctly. Because this issue is directly related to obtaining a decent harvest. One of the methods for improving productivity is watering in small doses, that is, by drip. This professional approach to watering solves many problems of garden beds and seedlings in pots. Properly organized, it makes it possible to grow a rich collection of fruits from the following crops:

  • grapes
  • strawberries,
  • potatoes,
  • Luke,
  • raspberries,
  • vegetables, vegetables
  • pumpkins,
  • other cultures.

Automatic drip irrigation is very successful among summer residents when irrigating:

Why this type supplying water to plants is so popular? The answer is simple, it is:

  • comfortable,
  • profitable.

This popularity is growing every year. The big advantage of the system is that you can organize it yourself. And at the same time, buying automatic drip irrigation in an online store is not difficult. Components and prices for drip irrigation (price per meter) can be found on our website page, from our specialists by phone or through an online consultant.

In this article we will pay attention to how to properly organize the collection and installation of drip irrigation in a greenhouse, drip irrigation in a greenhouse, and watering a garden in a private house. We will also find out the pros and cons of this type of irrigation throughout the summer season.

Drip irrigation as a progressive type of irrigation and its varieties

Progressive because its advantages have been proven not in theory, but in practice. Even homemade, it works clearly. Of course, there are some details that require clarification in order to water the garden with your own hands. And what's most important

automatic drip irrigation for the garden can also be properly installed and connected without the help of professionals. Install correctly knowing only a few generally accepted rules. And smart watering can be simply controlled, rather than taking part in it.

According to the method of organization it happens:

  • laid above the soil surface,

  • placed underground at a depth of 15 - 20 cm.

Installation and operation of irrigation drip method can be organized from several types of water sources. Namely:

  • watering from a barrel by gravity or any other container adapted for storing water;
  • directly from the water tap.

Water can be supplied to the container:

  • during rainfall;
  • using a pump from any natural source (well, pond, well, etc.);
  • from the water tap.

From point of view water source drip irrigation for a greenhouse from a barrel is an economical option if the water in the container comes from rainfall.

In terms of supplying water to plants, it can be supplied by:

  • drip tapes,
  • IVs

Which are designed in a special way and can release liquid drop by drop.

There are both droppers and drip tapes different types. Each of them performs its own special function. Oh more detailed information You can learn about droppers and drip tapes on the pages of our website in the section of these categories.

Advantages and disadvantages of supplying water to plants in drip doses

Why is this type of irrigation so necessary for plants in a personal plot? There are two main reasons. And they are vital for:

  • tomatoes in the greenhouse,
  • vineyard,
  • cucumbers in open ground,
  • fruit trees and shrubs in the garden,
  • other plants.

The special requirement of agricultural crops for sufficient water supply is caused by the following two reasons:

1. Multicellular tissue structure, which requires a certain amount of water for cell division;

2. The structure of the root system, which is capable of providing the entire plant with moisture only if it is in sufficient quantity.

Therefore, drip irrigation in a greenhouse and in a summer cottage in general is a profitable invention. Its use allows:

  • grown collection of vegetables and fruits berry crops increase to 50% (it is different for different crops);
  • improve the quality of grown products due to fewer plant diseases;
  • shorten the ripening time, the development of vegetables in the greenhouse, flowers in the rose garden and on the balcony with sufficient water consumption will occur much faster;
  • save and purposefully use water resources;
  • free up enough free time for other, also quite important, things.

No one will claim that there are things without shortcomings. And the disadvantages are the following:

  • installation (mandatory procedure),
  • dismantling (as necessary),
  • clogging (can be reduced to a minimum with proper operation).

These are the pros and cons, and it’s hard to disagree with them.

How drip irrigation works and where it is used

The principle of operation of drip irrigation is irrigation:

  • correct (watering frequency),
  • dosed,
  • timely,
  • useful.

No matter which way you approach it, it’s life summer cottage plot largely depends on the moisture content of its soil. And the principle of slow but correct irrigation is aimed at collecting a decent harvest.

According to the placement method:

  • on open land plots (drip irrigation for gardens (fruit trees and shrubs) and herbaceous plant species);
  • in areas with closed ground (drip irrigation in a greenhouse, drip irrigation in a greenhouse).

Open ground

This type of soil is very exposed to scorching rays and dry winds all summer.

Therefore, watering the garden is a very important point, namely:

  • pepper,
  • cabbage,
  • carrots,
  • strawberries,
  • greenery

After receiving a portion of moisture, the beds will bloom profusely and produce a healthy ovary, and the fruits will develop quickly and correctly.

Watered by drip method and garden trees and bushes. Especially young seedlings need good watering. For this reason, gardeners always try to pay young garden maximum attention.

Garden trees and bushes growing at great distances are watered using drippers. Automatic drip irrigation from a barrel by gravity at the dacha will prevent the soil around apple trees and bushes from drying out. This means that in the fall there will be a good harvest of berries and fruits. Drippers are used for vertical cultivation of strawberries.

Closed ground

It has always been of special importance to gardeners, so automatic drip irrigation in a greenhouse plays a big role in the cycle from planting plants in greenhouses to harvesting. There is always the opportunity to properly do drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands. After all, all the components for this can be conveniently purchased in an online store.

In addition to greenhouses, greenhouses also include greenhouses. Watering in a greenhouse is no different from greenhouse watering. Maybe it’s just that the greenhouse is not much smaller in scale.

Drip irrigation in a greenhouse can be organized using drip tape or droppers.

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse is usually done strictly in a row. And in such cases, capillary irrigation in the greenhouse is done using drip tapes. The distance between seedlings is adjusted to the distance between the holes in the tape. Watering arranged in this way in a polycarbonate greenhouse will help to properly care for the plants.

And as a result, the harvest of cucumbers in a greenhouse or any other vegetables always pleases those who prefer to supply water to the plants in small doses. Microdrip irrigation of a greenhouse always produces strong and healthy seedlings.

House plants

They need droplets of water no less. After all, standing on a windowsill or in a winter garden they will not see rain. Particular attention is paid to the issue of watering when the owners are not at home. This is where drippers come to the rescue, which are very easy to connect from a container or water supply to each pot. For a balcony, providing flowers with water in the same way will be correct.

How to make drip irrigation at your dacha with your own hands (installation and components)

Drip irrigation Of course, you can organize it yourself if you have the skills for this. But it's never too late to learn. Beginning summer residents can easily assemble the components correctly. After all, effective and high-quality irrigation of agricultural and ornamental crops It is more profitable to use from the first steps of development of your vegetable garden, greenhouse or gardening enterprise.

How to make drip irrigation from a barrel or other type of water source

In any case, the drip irrigation device on the plot will be adjusted to the already planted plants. Or seedlings will be planted under the paved highway. That is, these two indicators are always interconnected when drip irrigation equipment is installed permanently. If this question is clarified then:

  • In order for spot irrigation to be inexpensive, you need to decide on the number of areas to be watered;
  • components for drip irrigation are calculated according to a pre-drawn diagram.

The number of components for 15 acres, 50 meters, 10 acres or 100 meters will depend on:

  • length of lines planting crops,
  • number of required connecting and transition fittings,
  • distance to water source,
  • auxiliary parts for automation.

Details not taken into account can always be corrected, since the irrigation device allows you to insert an additional branch to supply water. Or turn off the watering of the garden using a tap, and the garden will receive water at this time.

If the water supply will be carried out without a running water supply, then you will definitely need a reservoir to store water.

How to install a barrel for irrigation in a greenhouse or open ground

You can ensure the minimum pressure for gravity flow by raising the container. A height of 1 meter will be sufficient for this. As the tank rises, the pressure will increase.

Do-it-yourself watering from the water supply

If watering in a greenhouse with your own hands is planned from a water tap, this does not mean that water will immediately flow to the plants. Alternatively, you can collect it in the same container, and after heating, put it into the PVC pipe system with your own hands. Many gardeners believe that the best drip irrigation is using warm water. It should be noted that water from a tap or from a well has time to warm up while moving through pipes and drip tapes. Since the summer temperature is quite enough for this.

Drip irrigation equipment

The main components or what drip irrigation consists of:

  • main hoses,
  • connecting tubes,
  • different types of drip tapes,
  • droppers with different purposes,
  • connecting fittings from China or from another manufacturer,
  • water shut-off taps.

The number of components even for the best irrigation will depend on the area, its configuration and the location of the areas intended for do-it-yourself drip irrigation from HDPE pipes.

Additional (auxiliary) equipment for drip irrigation

How does it work and what is included in light drip irrigation with additional components and what are they for?

Parts may be included made in China or made in Israel:

  • a pump designed to pump water into a barrel. This is the only part that cannot do without electricity;
  • timer or programmer (available on finger batteries and on solar powered) will be responsible for automated watering. It is better and more reliable to entrust the entire process to automation;
  • Rain sensor. How to use such a device? It connects to the system and can adjust the need for a given watering from plastic pipes;
  • It is preferable to organize filters, drip irrigation in a greenhouse and watering a garden with a cleaning filter. It will reduce the possibility of clogging of irrigation from PVC pipes, tapes and other equipment, so they will last longer;
  • equipment for drip irrigation includes Venturi injectors. They are designed for applying fertilizers. When it is said that drip irrigation in a greenhouse is correct, it means not only the timely supply of water in the right quantity. Microdrip irrigation is correct only when the water for irrigation contains enough nutrients necessary for the development of plants. That is, fertilizers. So this is what Venturi injectors are designed for.

All components can be ordered online. You can see how much each of them costs on the website representing this product. Our online store sells high-quality fittings and is not expensive. A consultant from our online store can advise you which one to choose from those presented in a particular case. It should be taken into account that the cost of higher quality drip irrigation components is higher.

How to correctly calculate drip irrigation for a summer cottage

All calculations are made according to the drawn up diagram. The whole do-it-yourself process will depend on how correctly what is intended is depicted in the drawing. The assembly diagram will help you calculate and tell you what is included in drip irrigation.

It is not difficult to put all the details together if you familiarize yourself in detail with what fittings are needed for this and how they are connected.

Watering greenhouses without your participation is already a system that includes auxiliary and additional devices responsible for automation. Watering the garden will be carried out according to a given program. Such an automatic highway from polypropylene pipes You can water flower beds, as well as tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Norms for watering vegetables and other crops with drip irrigation in a summer cottage

Calculation of water consumption is carried out with the obligatory consideration of the following data:

  • soil type,
  • type of plant.

Because water consumption during drip irrigation largely depends on these indicators.

When watering vegetables, you must adhere to the following water supply standards, taking into account:

  • air temperature,
  • amount of precipitation.

On average, watering plants should be done at the following frequency:

  • onions - 1 time every 3 days (the upper location of the root system requires frequent watering),
  • salad - depending on the soil, several times a day or once every 2 days,
  • carrots - often in small doses (to avoid cracking of root vegetables),
  • pepper - 1 time every 2-3 days (loves moisture, but can get sick from waterlogging),
  • tomatoes - from 2 times a day to 2 times a week (depending on the soil, variety and branching),
  • cucumbers - depending on the development phase, from 1 time every 2-3 days to daily watering.

How to choose components? If you want drip irrigation in a greenhouse to work for more than one season, buy high-quality components.

To buy everything for drip irrigation in an online store, you need to place an order and receive it by mail or in another way no less convenient for you.

A harvest worthy of everyone!

Allows for timely ripening of agricultural crops. This is possible thanks to optimal temperature conditions, normal lighting and proper watering. In this case, it makes sense to build drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands. This device saves time and labor resources. Full watering is essential when growing plants in greenhouses. After all, evaporation in such a space occurs much more intensely than in natural conditions. Let's find out what the benefits are drip irrigation, as well as how to organize it at home.

Drip irrigation inside the greenhouse allows you to provide each plant with an optimal level of humidity

Let's figure out how to make drip irrigation. In this case, it is advisable to perform automated irrigation. When deciding how to properly water, you need to take into account that different crops require different amounts of water.

The photo shows spot irrigation, including drip lines that extend along all lines of the beds. Similar lines are made using a plastic pipe or drip tape with holes. At the end of such lines, plugs or flush valves are attached.

You also need to decide whether a special filter is needed. The water supply is regulated using a reducer and a valve.

How to assemble irrigation structures also depends on the required volume of the irrigation tank. To correctly calculate the capacity, you need to multiply the area of ​​the site by 20 liters. This is the amount needed to moisten one square meter.

How much to water depends on what crops are being irrigated. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes require completely different conditions. High air humidity is harmful for tomatoes, since such vegetables become infected with fungal and bacterial diseases. Therefore, dry air is maintained in greenhouses, to ensure which ventilation is often arranged. But for cucumbers you need to create high level soil and air humidity. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves can quickly begin to wither.

Here's how the drip irrigation design works:

  • the water passes through the filter. At the same time, it is cleaned of debris, large debris inclusions and dust;
  • since the container is located on a hill, the water flows by gravity into the main pipe and then through the hoses;
  • A valve is placed near each plant through which water penetrates into the soil.

For your information! To ensure better watering, you need to place the plants at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Related article:

Types of irrigation: different systems

Now let’s figure out what the main types of drip irrigation are. Each system has certain disadvantages and advantages. Here are the main options:

  • For automatic watering with separate drippers, branches are supplied to each plant. In this case, the radius of irrigation should be small, since such unfolding takes a lot of time. The main elements of such systems are microtubes through which liquid passes to the root system. For installation in a greenhouse, splitters, special valves and racks for fastening microtubes are used;

  • drip tapes They are used not only for plants, vegetable gardens, but also for trees. In this case, the sprinkler pipes are placed in parallel. Similar watering methods do not have the same long term operation as separate dropper atomizers. For automatic watering of fields, each tape has holes through which water flows. One edge is placed at the tank, and plugs are mounted on the second. This ensures that the liquid flows out against the desired roots.

Also, when choosing an irrigation system, you need to consider different types of hoses, types of sprinklers and sprinklers.

Drip irrigation: pros and cons of designs

There are different options for watering plants in open ground, but they are not always suitable for greenhouses.

The drip system has the following advantages:

  • increase in yield different cultures;
  • water is distributed in certain dosages, which ensures the efficiency of this design;
  • you can create a fully automated process;
  • the threat of erosion of the soil layer is reduced;
  • resistance to different climatic conditions appears;
  • the possibility of uniform distribution of fertilizers is provided;
  • the quality of grown crops improves;
  • it becomes possible to water large areas at low pressure;
  • Ease of Management.

There are other important advantages. For example, saving water allows you to ultimately reduce the cost of the final product.A drip design set installed in reduces the consumption of water and fertilizers significantly. The optimal amount of moisture must be observed for some crops, especially tomatoes. You can buy different devices for dosing watering.

All the advantages and disadvantages different options irrigation are presented in the table.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of different irrigation options

Type of irrigationprosMinuses
RootThis is done using a simple watering can. At the same time, you can apply fertilizers.The procedure is complicated because it requires a lot of time
Watering the bedsWatering is easy, since you just need to lay the hose, and the liquid will spread on its own.Inconvenient when moving between trenches with plants.
SprinklingUniform water supply process, as well as the ability to adjust the pressure.Installation is too complicated. The formation of high humidity in the greenhouse, which can provoke the appearance of various diseases.
Drip methodYou can regulate the water supply. Ease of use and water saving. The process distributes fertilizer evenly.Complexity of installation and high cost of individual elements.

What does drip irrigation consist of: the main elements of the device

To build a drip structure yourself, you need to buy separate elements.

All parts are connected in series to each other:

  • disk filter;
  • main pipe;
  • a mechanism for enriching water with nutritional components;
  • drip tapes;
  • start connectors for connecting drip tapes;
  • splitters for drip tapes;
  • plugs for tapes.

Tape for drip irrigation: application features

A drip tape is a hose through which water moves. In this case, the liquid is purified using different filters. When determining which tape is better, you need to take into account certain characteristics. It is important to calculate the length of the drip tape, as well as the thickness of its walls. Operating conditions depend on these parameters. The distance between the tapes also matters. In this case, the best tape depends on the timing of plant ripening.

You need to know how to mount the tape yourself. A drip tape is installed on the pipe, which is tightened with a special nut. To install such a structure, fittings are used. It is with their help that branching is carried out.To perform strip irrigation, such a structure must be mounted so that the holes in it are placed at the top.

Watering tape can be different. Here are the main types of drip tapes:

  • refers to outdated technologies labyrinth tape. A continuous labyrinth is formed along its entire length, through which water moves. This option can be purchased inexpensively;

You can watch a video about this technology:

  • slot tape more reliable than labyrinthine. There is also a labyrinthine channel inside it. In this case, it is necessary not only to decide how to lay this element, but also to apply a special filtration system;

  • according to reviews, emitter-type production refers to modern solutions. Irrigation is carried out using flat droppers. Emitter strip creates streams that move water.

To purchase such an element, you need to know how to lay it correctly and how much such tape costs. The drip system completely depends on the quality of this element. An important indicator is the price. The Tuboflex system deserves special attention; its cost varies between 2500-3000 rubles.

Start connectors for drip irrigation: how to use

To make functional drip irrigation you need to buy a starting connector. Installation for the tuboflex system is performed as follows. Using a marker, the surface of the main pipeline is marked for holes. At the same time, connectors and a starting valve are mounted to them. First, seals are placed in the holes, and then start connectors.

It is worth considering the principle of operation of the device with a tap. This connection diagram allows for manual adjustment. This is important if your greenhouse contains different crops with their own watering needs.

Irrigation drippers: manufacturing technology

For drip irrigation, you can build a structure with your own hands. You can see how to do this in the video below:

This can be a collapsible and compensated model, as well as an adjustable design with water supply control. The dripper irrigation system ensures uniform pressure on different parts of the hose. This ensures uniform watering of the plants.

You can use medical IVs. Watering indoor plants can be done from a plastic bottle.To make drippers in greenhouses, you first need to install a container and fill it with water.It is also necessary to install a hose and. It is important to calculate how much water you will need. For a tomato bush, 1.5 liters per day is enough, and for cucumbers – 2 liters.The dropper can be made in the form of a tape. This option is suitable if watering is designed for different crops. For example, for flowers and vegetables.

Before installing droppers, it is necessary to make some calculations. If external compensated drippers are installed, then to determine the water flow, the soil is checked for depth after an hour. The price of the structure also depends on this indicator.

Types of drip irrigation: prices and purchase features

A drip irrigation system is a durable and reliable option. Operational periods can exceed 10 years. To equip a strip structure for greenhouses, a watering strip is used, which has many holes, as well as a wall thickness of up to 200 microns. Such a hose is attached at one end to the water supply, and a plug is placed at the other end. When water penetrates, liquid comes out of the holes.

When deciding which system to choose, you need to take into account that the irrigation supply cannot be regulated. This option differs from spot irrigation, since it will not be possible to provide irrigation to individual points.

The automatic mechanism is most often combined with a hydraulic valve. In this case, a controller with a timer is used, with which you can even set the exact watering time.Knowing how such a system works, you can use the same principle to install self-watering systems with your own hands.

let's consider best systems irrigation systems that have an automatic machine. To determine which better option, you need to consider them all:

  • watering with sprinklers. This kit allows you to provide an irrigation radius of up to 20 meters. In this case, polypropylene pipes are used. Sometimes polycarbonate structures are used. This irrigation design increases soil and air moisture;

  • used for sprinkling special drum devices. They are mobile devices. Watering of plants is carried out over an area of ​​20 square meters;

  • used for large areas wide grip systems;

  • Suitable for several greenhouses micro-sprinkling. Watering can be done from a barrel. In this case, a special flexible hose is used.

Homemade watering device for correct calculations will provide high-quality spot watering. In this case, water consumption can be minimal.Where you can purchase such structures depends on the characteristics of irrigation. Choose best option Our review of individual models will help.

Table 2. average cost drip irrigation

Drip irrigation for the Zhuk greenhouse: characteristics

This system is known for its functionality and efficiency. You can use a greenhouse or greenhouse kit. A similar watering kit can be used for a greenhouse or an open area.You can buy a similar design from the company LLC "Cycla" , which produces it.

Installation of the greenhouse option involves processing 60 plants. With its help you can process a room with an area of ​​about 18 sq.m.The barrel model will cost about 1.8 thousand rubles, and the version for water supply will cost 2.5.The greenhouse structure can be installed different ways. You can use the automatic option with a timer.

Drip irrigation AquaDusya: device parameters

The AquaDusya system is designed for 50-60 plants. You can purchase an automatic start option or a model without automation. There is also a semi-automatic mechanism. The advantages of such equipment include the ability to operate on batteries and small design dimensions. You can install the machine and other variations yourself. At the same time, the Start design can provide high-quality watering without the presence of people. There is an option for connecting not only to the water supply, but also from a barrel. The price will depend on this.

Drip irrigation in greenhouses: user reviews

When choosing which watering is best for a greenhouse, it is worth studying all the options and reviews. Manufacturer ratings will help you choose the best option.

Review, Zhuk system

Vladimir, Ryazan:“The advantages of the equipment include quality materials and assembly. The kit includes a water strider, filter and timer. You can water from a barrel. One of the minuses I would like to note is that the water meter tube in the package is so bent that it never straightens completely. But overall, the design is wonderful. It works like clockwork.”

Review by Gardena

Alexander, Penza:“I have been using the gardena drip irrigation model for several years. The design is made with high quality. Nice area watering at normal pressure. Don't forget to clean the injectors regularly. You also need to insert a mechanical filter and drain the water in a timely manner.”

Review by AquaDusya

Alina, Krasnodar:“Last year, my husband bought an automatic Aquadusia system. We purchased a kit for greenhouses. At first we wanted to choose a German watering design, but the domestic version also does the job well and at the same time has a lower cost. Installation of the structure was not difficult. The area of ​​our greenhouse is 40 square meters, and next to it there is a tank of 50 liters. The droppers are evenly distributed over the greenhouse area. My husband and I were pleased with this system. As a result, we received a rich harvest.”

DIY drip irrigation system for a greenhouse

Drip irrigation allows for good treatment root system. Such a device for a greenhouse allows you to save as much as possible. useful qualities soil layer.

Since automatic equipment is quite expensive, it is better to figure out how to make homemade watering.The organization of such a structure is not so difficult. Water passes through the capillary path and enters each plant root system.

Installation is carried out using staples, self-tapping screws, plugs, adjustable wrenches, and pipe cutting scissors.To create high-quality self-watering you need to find medical droppers, connector, nozzles, drip tapes, pipes and switch taps.

A modern watering system involves the use of a timer. It is better to choose elements made of plastic, which, unlike metal, do not rust or clog.

If you don’t know how to install the structure yourself, then start with a plan in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Variants of such layouts can be seen in the photo. The diagram must contain all important parameters. The source of water must be identified. When organizing drip irrigation, you need to mark the container to which the pipeline will be connected. In this case, spot watering can be performed without your participation.

If micro-irrigation is installed, a filter system will be required. Such a device may be located between the water source and the desired main line. The point version is used for tomato seedlings. Since in this case, excessive hydration is very harmful. For tomatoes, subsoil irrigation is also used.

The hose can be connected to the main pipeline using special fittings. The filter is most often mounted in the supply pipe.

Installation of drip irrigation

How to properly build a drip irrigation system depends on the calculations made. Here's what you need to calculate:

  • total length of drip tape;
  • number of start connectors;
  • number of T- and L-shaped splitters;
  • number of fittings and plugs.

The organization of the structure after calculations involves an increase in the number of consumables and drip tape by approximately 15%.

Also, after calculations, a barrel for irrigation is selected.

To determine how to install irrigation elements, you need to note where crops with different water needs will be placed. In this case, the installation must be carried out in separate zones. Now let's consider step by step installation

irrigation structure. For manufacturing you will need a liquid reservoir, a main pipe, medical droppers, filters, fittings, plugs and a ball valve. It is better if the water container is at a certain height, for example 2-2.5 meters. In this case, you need to take care of the stand.

Table 3. Installation of drip irrigationImage
Installation stages
It is necessary to make holes for water outlet in the container. First, a hole is made to install the ball valve. This element is mounted using a coupling and seal.
Holes should be made in the hoses where droppers can be placed.
A hose is connected to the tap. This can be done using branch fittings.
Branches from hoses are laid between the rows.
It is necessary to install plugs at the end of the main pipes to prevent water from spreading.
Remove the needles from the droppers and leave the rubber tips.
The tips are inserted into the holes made in the hoses.
The tips of the drip parts are stuck into the soil next to the plants.

Then you need to open the tap and check how the structure works. Using the control wheel, you can control the flow of liquid into the soil.

Main pipe for drip irrigation

A main pipeline is made in the greenhouse, which supplies water from the source to the start connectors. Before choosing which pipe is better, you need to calculate the length of all pipes. It is better to use polyethylene pipes as the main pipe.

You can also use structures made of PVC pipes, polypropylene pipes or metal-plastic pipes. All such options have good contact with water and do not interact with the chemical components of fertilizers.

When choosing a dacha option, an important parameter is the price.Tees are installed in the outlet areas of the lines, and a drip hose or tape is connected to their lateral flow. Sometimes a leaking hose is selected.

These elements are attached to pipe fittings using metal clamps. A tap is installed on each distribution line, with which you can turn off the lines.If you don’t want to choose individual elements from plastic pipes, then you can purchase ready-made kits that can be used for summer watering.

Venturi injector

To apply fertilizers, a special fertigation unit is used, also called a Venturi injector. You can buy a similar fertilizer device or make it yourself. The operating principle of this mechanism is to mix water with fertilizers. Installation of such a design is necessary for the gradual supply of fertilizers into the main pipe. This feeding unit consists of a hose, filter and injector.

To decide how to choose such a device, you need to know its characteristics. To install a drip irrigation structure, preliminary calculations are required. In this case, the device diagram is taken into account.

Features of the installation of such a design can be seen in the video below:

To make a homemade mechanism, you must meet the following conditions:

  • direction of fluid movement. The purchased version of the injector has an arrow indicating the correct direction;
  • moved flow through the injector;
  • inlet pressure indicator, as well as the difference between outlet and inlet.

Most often, such injectors are made with. They are made from plastic that is resistant to various chemical fertilizers. Special adjustment allows you to reduce water consumption at the inlet, as well as turn off part of the irrigation system. There are different options for such designs, for example, 1 inch or 2 inches.

Filter for drip irrigation

Different types of filters are mounted on the pipe after the feeding unit and before the start connectors. You can see how to install and connect such a structure with your own hands in the video:

Installation is carried out taking into account the direction of water flow. It is important for the system how the filter element will be installed.To install filters in the main pipe, special couplings with adapters are used.

When deciding which filter to choose, you need to understand their purpose. They are designed to protect against damage and blockages of certain elements. If there is no filtration system, the garden hose, dispenser or pump will clog faster. In order not to waste time thinking about how to clean such parts, it is better to take care of the filters.

The cartridge depends on the filtration option. It is the main filter element. It is he who determines the design option: sand, gravel or cyclone.There are stations that combine deep and coarse cleaning. You can make a homemade version.

Automatic watering in a greenhouse

You can install an autonomous drip option for watering the beds with your own hands. An automated system can function without your participation. To create auto irrigation, you need to purchase a water container, for example, for watering from a barrel, a timer, a controller, a hose and a pressure regulator. Automation can be purchased.

Full automation implies uninterrupted water supply. The water reservoir is located at a distance of 0.5 m from ground level. A pipeline is connected to it, which goes to the fertigation unit. An important component of automatic watering is a special controller.

Drip irrigation materials

To decide how to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands, you need to select suitable materials. To organize watering in a greenhouse, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • HDPE pipes with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • pipe plugs and valve for the greenhouse;
  • filtration equipment;
  • container, water tank;
  • nozzles and other control fittings;
  • shut-off valve kits;
  • watering tapes;
  • Here's what you need from tools - drills, drill, rubber seals, awl, silicone sealant.

The design of drip irrigation can not only be purchased, but also constructed from scrap materials. Here are some design options:

  • drip irrigation with medical droppers. You will also need hoses and adapters with connections. How to equip such structures depends on water consumption. If there is a water supply system on the territory, then the channels are connected to it, and if it is net, then the water is supplied from a barrel by gravity;

  • you can make a high-quality irrigation system from plastic bottles . Holes are made in the walls of the container. Water passes to the root system through bottles;
  • Spot watering of plants is often used. This option may contain an injector.

It is better to place such structures under covering material. Drip irrigation may or may not have a pump.


At proper organization work, you can reduce the labor intensity of the plant care process, increase productivity, optimize the consumption of water and other consumable resources. The listed and other advantages are not difficult to obtain. To do this, just study drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands. The practical application of this technology is described in detail in this article.

Read in the article

Basic definitions - what functions does drip irrigation perform for a greenhouse?

Take note:

This article will discuss the method of growing cucumbers, tomatoes, other vegetables and herbs in a greenhouse. It corresponds better to domestic climatic conditions than the example in the photo. It is not difficult to build such a specialized structure on the site with your own hands. With its help, the following tasks are solved:

  1. Provide protection for plants from excessively low temperatures and wind loads. It is worth noting the extreme changes in weather conditions in recent decades. IN middle lane In Russia, frosts cannot be ruled out in May and September.
  2. The greenhouse will provide the creation of comfortable conditions for the rapid ripening of fruits.
  3. It will prevent pathogens of infectious diseases from entering inside. This will have an additional positive impact on the quality of the crop.
  4. If the produce is grown for commercial purposes, early ripening will allow for high prices and greater profits.

It is beneficial to use a greenhouse in conjunction with a point irrigation system. With its help, they provide a dosed supply of moisture, nutrients and protective substances. Protection from rain implies the need to use an artificial irrigation system.

  1. What crops is this solution suitable for?
  2. How much water is needed compared to “traditional” methods?
  3. Is a barrel enough, or is it necessary to connect to centralized system water supply? How to make connections correctly to ensure good tightness?
  4. Do you need an additional hose, or is it enough to install a single one? local system watering for different rows of plants in a greenhouse?
  5. If a container is installed, what pressure must be created in the line? Which pump is needed to solve the corresponding problem? How to make a watering device for tomatoes so that the liquid moves by gravity?
  6. Do you need a filter to purify water?
  7. Which plants need fertilizer and when?
  8. How much should you water them during the day?
  9. How to use the system? How to assemble it? How to choose the right setting?

The features of ready-made equipment sets from the manufacturer are considered separately. The possibilities of creating effective system irrigation with your own hands using improvised means and standard components.

Different types of irrigation, advantages and disadvantages

You should carefully study what the main types of garden watering are. This will really help you choose the best option taking into account physical, time and other costs.

This type of irrigation allows you to accurately dose the liquid and use it together with fertilizers. To reproduce the technology, inexpensive equipment is required. The main disadvantage is the complexity of the procedures. They can be used for growing relatively large quantity seedlings. They are suitable for watering trees and shrubs on the site. Labor costs when caring for plants in a greenhouse will be excessive.

When working in a greenhouse, this technique creates additional inconvenience. You have to move between individual furrows that fill with dirt. In an enclosed space, the temperature is higher than outside, so evaporation occurs too quickly. Humidity increases excessively, and the consumption of water, nutrients and protective substances increases. However, it should be noted that this technique is characterized by simplicity and quick execution of work operations.

This equipment is well suited for creating automatic systems with a large watering radius. They perform their functions using special sprinklers. They create in the pipeline high pressure what to consider when choosing suitable type hoses, pumping equipment.

Different types of sprinklers can be used in conjunction with 220 V or 24 V solenoid valves. The reduced voltage increases the level of safety in a humid environment. For sprayers connected to a water tank to operate effectively, gravity flow is not enough. Pumps are installed to provide the required pressure.

Such systems perform their main functions efficiently. But they consist of a large number of complex electrical and mechanical components. This increases cost, reduces reliability, and increases the risk of breakdowns. Excessive humidity provokes corrosive processes that destroy metals. Together with heat, it creates favorable conditions for the development of infections.

It is more complicated than using a regular watering can, but cheaper than sprinkling. It is used for automatic irrigation and fertilization in private greenhouses and similar commercial facilities.

Pros and cons of drip irrigation: correct determination with system parameters

After spending ten minutes on the Internet, you can find and buy a set of components for installing the corresponding system in a greenhouse. Before moving on to a detailed study of the individual components, the main advantages and disadvantages should be noted:

  • The liquid is supplied to the root zone in small doses. It does not displace air or wash away beneficial substances, as with intensive watering.
  • The use of this technology is useful for tomatoes and other plants, because each row can be adjusted optimal mode irrigation. Moisture is delivered in sufficient quantities, regardless of the distance to the tank.
  • This design does not require excessive pressure. The absence of electromechanical blowers and other complex components makes it possible to equip a large greenhouse without extra costs.
  • Drip irrigation is not difficult to automate. Electronic dispensers consume little energy. To power these devices, the capacity of standard rechargeable batteries (batteries) is sufficient. There is no need to connect to a 220 V network.

The advantages of such a solution include relative simplicity and reasonable cost. After studying the instructions, any user will perform the installation correctly without the help of electricians, plumbers, or other specialized specialists. At correct use With the use of automation tools, labor costs for caring for plants will be significantly reduced.

What does drip irrigation consist of: selection of components and parts

In this option, the tank is connected to a centralized water supply system. The system has a disc cartridge filter that works effectively at a certain pressure. To create the necessary pressure, it is enough to use a low-power submersible pump. The main line is made of polyethylene pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. Drip tapes with holes are connected to it through “G” and “T”-shaped fittings.

Drip irrigation tapes

These products are designed to transport the right amount of water to the plants. Below are the features of different types of drip tapes:

  • Zigzag shaped inner channel not used often. This modification can be purchased inexpensively. But it is considered outdated, as it is not capable of ensuring uniform distribution of watering on different sections of the route. In addition to the low price, the advantage is the low speed of movement of the liquid, which provides good heating before entering the root zone.
  • Slot design performs its functions efficiently and is inexpensive. The complex configuration of the holes prevents roots, soil particles and other foreign objects from penetrating inside. The outlet part of the dropper is designed in such a way that no jet is created. This design solution prevents soil erosion and damage to delicate leaves.
  • Emitter type ribbons more expensive than the options above. But they have better consumer characteristics. The special shape of the channels prevents the accumulation of mechanical contaminants even during use low pressure. Compensated type models provide a uniform supply of water at short and large distances from the tank at a system pressure of 0.2 atm. and higher.

For your information! The price of domestically produced Tuboflex tape is about 6 rubles. for m running. This investment will pay off in practice. This product is ideal for creating automated system glaze. Ordinary users and professionals publish positive reviews about it. A specialized tape costs only a little more than a high-quality watering hose.

To find out which drip tape is best, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Manufacturers offer models with a pitch between graduation groups of 10-120 cm. It is necessary to choose an option that corresponds to a certain seating order.
  • Similarly, you can select products with a flow rate of 1 to 2.5 liters per hour.
  • The thickness of some tapes can reach 20 mm. The larger this parameter, the higher the strength and resistance to mechanical stress.

To calculate the length of the drip tape, you can use the following table:

Options Values
Emitter spacing in cm10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 120
Tape laying length with water consumption 1.5 liters per hour52 75 100 125 140 158 174 220 243
Laying length at a consumption of 2.3 liters per hour42 63 90 110 120 140 155 185 196

The distance between the tapes is determined taking into account the characteristics of the soil. For sandy soils, it is recommended to install drip lines at least 30-31 cm apart. When installing the system on loam, the distance is increased by 40-50%.

You can learn how to properly lay the tape with your own hands using the video:

A detailed description of how to install strip irrigation is given below. This section provides only the basic rules and some useful tips:

  • To create branches from the central water main, special fittings are used.
  • During transport, the slots are covered with film. It is removed immediately before laying the system.
  • The outlets are installed upwards. This prevents contamination and allows air to escape freely when water is supplied.

To find out how much it costs to implement the entire project, you need to check the prices for all its components.

Start connectors for drip irrigation

A simple starting connector is designed to connect the tape to the main pipeline. Its use speeds up installation and allows you to create a reliable, durable connection in just a few minutes. But it is better to buy an adapter device with a tap. Using it, you can regulate the pressure in each individual line, which more accurately corresponds to the operating principles drip system irrigation.

Homemade drippers for irrigation

Using this video you can learn how to make an irrigation system from drippers for growing cucumbers:

Such solutions are suitable for creating irrigation in greenhouses and open ground. Attractive is low price auxiliary components. It is convenient to precisely regulate the speed of water supply to individual areas. But for exact comparative analysis It is necessary to list some disadvantages compared to factory specialized products:

  • If the tubes are used for linear drip irrigation, you will have to drill many holes.
  • In this application, it will not be possible to create a compensated pressure in all areas, as in emitter strips.
  • Medical products are not designed to withstand strong mechanical loads or external natural influences. They are damaged by insects and the holes quickly become clogged.
  • To connect parts of the water supply system, plugs on the end parts, you will have to purchase fittings and other special products.

Types of drip irrigation systems: overview of prices and offers on the modern market

It is difficult to create a functional irrigation system for greenhouses with your own hands. A conclusion about the need for appropriate work can be made after studying ready-made solutions from specialized manufacturers.​

Table 3. Installation of drip irrigation Name Main characteristics Features of the package

Set "Water strider"Set for two, 4 m long each.Hoses, adapters, pegs, mechanical valve, controller.
Table 3. Installation of drip irrigation Name Main characteristics Features of the package

Gardena spot irrigation systemIrrigation area – up to 24 sq. m.Main and supply hoses, plugs, adapters, pegs, master block.

To decide which set is best to purchase, you need to study the consumer characteristics in detail. The following reviews will help you figure out how these sprinkler systems work.

Assembling the kit is not difficult to do with your own hands using this drawing.

There are two rotary switches attached to the body of this device. One sets the opening time of the solenoid valve in the range from 2 to 120 minutes. The second is the intervals between individual self-watering operating cycles from 6 hours to 7 days. Next, click the “Start” button. After this action, the machine performs its functions without intervention or control from the user. The manufacturer recommends protecting this equipment from moisture and using it only at positive temperatures.

To ensure an uninterrupted supply of water to the tank, a simple float valve is installed. It opens when the liquid drops below a certain level. If the container is connected to an artesian well, well, or other autonomous source, a moisture sensor is installed in it. Signals from it control the work submersible pump.

This device is inserted into the pipeline gap, taking into account the working direction of fluid movement. To avoid errors, there is an arrow on the body. The master unit reduces the pressure of the main water supply to the normal level of irrigation systems of this category (no more than 1.4-1.5 atm). Built-in filter rough cleaning traps mechanical impurities that can clog the exhaust jets.

It should be emphasized that this set does not have a timer. It must be purchased separately. The manufacturer offers different models in the price range from 3,500 to 12,800 rubles.

This equipment can be connected to the main water supply with a pressure of up to 12 atm. The large display clearly represents the set time intervals, so control is intuitive. The liquid crystal screen, drive mechanisms and electronics perform their functions with little power consumption. The capacity of a standard alkaline battery is enough for a year of continuous operation. A special alarm will indicate the need for replacement.

This modification has expanded functionality. As standard, it is capable of independent control of four channels.

The operating algorithm of each of the connected spot irrigation lines can be configured individually. This allows you to establish the optimal care regime for different groups of plants. One such regulator is suitable for several greenhouses made of polycarbonate or other materials. It is suitable for creating automatic drip irrigation, sprinkling, and the combined use of several technologies. It can be connected to a humidity sensor to minimize water consumption and ensure good conditions for the growth of vegetables and herbs. The 4040 modular series equipment is reliably protected from external influences. It can be installed in heated rooms and outdoors.

Based on the data presented, intermediate conclusions should be drawn:

  • It is necessary to clarify where the components of the equipment set can be mounted. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the choice of installation locations for electronic units.
  • To find out which configuration to choose, you need to clarify your real needs. Using the Gardena regulator as an example, it is clear that the basic functions of modern technology can be expanded as the area of ​​greenhouses increases.
  • Even the best systems have limitations. It is necessary to know exactly whether they are enough to solve a certain problem. Some manufacturers offer a wide range of additional accessories.

Drip irrigation for greenhouse Zhuk

Description of the watering kit and installation features:

  • Water enters the system from a barrel (1), which does not go into the standard set.
  • To control the liquid level, use a special hose (3) made of transparent material. It is fixed in the desired position using a universal suspension (3). Through a tee (8) it is connected to the main pipeline (9).
  • The fitting (10) with a sealing element is suitable for plastic and metal containers. It is necessary to install it in an area with a slight curvature, removing burrs and dirt around the hole.
  • The 1/2 inch fitting (4) matches the fitting dimensions of the adjacent elements.
  • The taps (12) regulate the fluid supply speed in the main line and individual lines.
  • The fine filter (11) retains mechanical impurities. To disassemble and clean this unit, ½“ fittings (4) are installed.
  • To connect the branches of the main line, L-shaped transition elements (13) are used. These routes are fixed on the ground with special clamps (15). Plugs (7) are installed at the ends.
  • The awl (16) is used to create high-quality holes in the line.
  • Supply hoses (5) and droppers (6) are connected to them through small tees.

A standard “Beetle” kit costs from 1,400 to 1,700 rubles.

For your information! To take advantage of automatic irrigation, you need to buy a kit with a timer, sensors, and other special add-ons.

Drip irrigation Aquadusia

This automatic system is designed for watering 50-60 plants. With good basic equipment, it has an affordable price (4800-5200 rubles). The kit contains the following components:

  • Pump operating in direct and reverse mode. In the first part of the operating cycle, it creates primary pressure, after which the power is turned off, and the water flows out of the barrel by gravity. After a certain time has passed, the liquid is supplied into the irrigation system stops.
  • An automatic electronic starter controls the operation of the pump.
  • Via float valve storage capacity connected to the central water supply main.

Below are the features of the modification, which has been produced since 2014:

  • In fact, it is a semi-automatic machine. In the previous set, a signal from a photocell was used for control. It was used to determine the time of sunrise and sunset. The new block uses a standard solution, a timer. Use it to set the frequency of watering (every 1, 2, 3, 6 days, respectively).
  • The user can set the irrigation duration discretely (60, 80, 120 min).
  • A special button turns on the immediate supply of water. Shutdown occurs automatically depending on the standard cycle time settings.
  • There is a self-diagnosis mode that allows you to check the functionality of the automation at any time.
  • The changes made reduced energy consumption. With continuous operation, the capacity of one set of batteries will be enough for the entire season (7-8 months). The charge level is determined by the light indication.

For your information! Kits without automation are cheaper. They have fewer mechanical and electronic components, therefore higher reliability.

Drip irrigation in a greenhouse: consumer reviews and useful recommendations

To clarify which set is best for a greenhouse, in addition to ratings, you need to study user opinions.

System Reviews and comparative conclusions
Positive Negative
BugLow cost, easy installation. For full operation, no power sources are needed. If necessary, repairs and upgrades can be done quickly and inexpensively.Lack of pressure can create difficulties when watering large area. There is no possibility of optimizing water consumption, precise distribution of irrigation among different groups of plants with the choice of exact time intervals.
GardenaHigh quality components, quick installation, long service life. A wide selection of additional components simplifies the creation of irrigation systems of various sizes and levels of complexity. This manufacturer offers a diverse range of automation and control equipment.Highest cost compared to other equipment sets. The simplest sets are no better in functionality than the sets of the “Beetle” series, but are offered in the retail chain at higher prices.
Water striderFavorable ratio of price and technical characteristics. Simple installation, clear controls. Economical consumption of electricity and water.Limited possibilities for system expansion.
AkvadusyaGood basic package. Possibility of connecting to a central water supply without purchasing additional units.To supply water from the barrel, a complex pump activation algorithm is used. This increases the load on the equipment and accelerates its wear.

All of the above systems are adapted to perform their functions. They are created using reliable modern materials, well protected from moisture and other external influences. Their technical characteristics have been tested by many years of practice. When choosing, you should pay more attention to potential opportunities. The parameters of some kits can be improved and changed if appropriate needs arise. Other sets are presented in a standard design, or with a limited number of “branded” additional components and parts.

How to create a drip irrigation system with your own hands

The following table shows the standard algorithm of actions. Using this description, you can learn how to make homemade subsurface irrigation in a greenhouse using factory-made components. There are no references to specific brands here, as many common parts are produced by different manufacturers. This technology, with the necessary adjustments, can be used for micro-irrigation of tomato seedlings, growing tomatoes and other vegetables.

Photo Working steps and recommendations

In order for the container to supply water to the system without your participation and pumping equipment, it is raised to a height of at least 0.9-1.2 meters. Plastic barrels are well suited for their intended purpose. They are lighter compared to metal analogues, are not subject to destructive corrosion, long time maintain integrity and appearance. To pump liquid, a connection to the main water supply, specialized pumps and pumping stations will be used.

A tap and filter are installed in series behind the barrel.

To connect point self-watering tapes, polymer adapters are used.

Care must be taken to select components suitable for irrigation systems. Metal-plastic pipes may be damaged in severe frosts if water remains in them.

The free end of the tape is wrapped and secured with a rubber band and a plastic clamp. After applying pressure, check the tightness of these parts and all connections.

Instead of a single product, you can install two coarse and fine filters in series. This will prevent small contaminants from entering narrow technological passages.
To connect them to the pipes, you will need plastic adapters of appropriate sizes. Some manufacturers offer such products in one set.

The filters are connected using a coupling.

Next, they are mounted in the main pipeline insert.

In order for each capillary channel to work autonomously, start connectors with taps are used.

To do this, holes with a diameter 1 mm smaller than the connecting pipe of the connector are drilled in the polymer pipe according to pre-markings.

Rubber seals are installed in them.

The connector is inserted into the created node with force.

For secure fixation, tighten the nut. This operation is performed manually so as not to accidentally damage the plastic parts.

When turning, a bent belt can create an obstacle to the free passage of fluid.

To eliminate such situations, L-shaped transition elements are installed in these places.

Straight fittings without taps are used to extend capillary routes and repair tapes.

Careful organization of work will help prevent annoying mistakes and unnecessary costs:

  • It will be useful to preliminary prepare a diagram of the irrigation system and the composition of the equipment.
  • Nozzles, fittings and other plastic parts are inexpensive. It is better to purchase them with a small reserve so as not to waste time during installation and during repair operations.
  • The supply of liquid and fertilizers is ensured by drip, so it is necessary to explore additional devices to solve the corresponding problems.
  • With the help of photos it is not difficult to understand how to create an irrigation system yourself. But only through practical actions will the project be implemented. For appropriate experiments, it is also necessary to provide a supply of components.

Correct installation of drip irrigation

The following diagrams will help you understand how to organize the installation of the system in a greenhouse.

Using this figure you can learn how to correctly calculate the configuration. You will need the following products (in pieces) to organize a smooth workflow:

  • tap with fitting for inserting into a metal barrel for irrigation – 1;
  • connector – 1;
  • knee – 1;
  • tee – 1;
  • plastic pipe for creating a main line 25 m long, diameter 32 mm;
  • end caps – 2;
  • rolls of drip tape 250 m each – 2;
  • starting fittings – 30;
  • taps for fittings – 10;
  • sealing rubber bands – 40.

To insert the start connectors into the main pipeline, you will need a drill of the appropriate diameter or an electric drill.

Then you need to open the tap and check how the structure works. Using the control wheel, you can control the flow of liquid into the soil.

To find out what diameter of the main pipeline should be chosen for irrigating a summer cottage (in a greenhouse), use the formula D = 0.13, where:

  • Рп – calculated fluid flow per cubic meter. m per hour, which moves along the corresponding section of the main pipeline.
  • SD is the speed of fluid movement (in the systems under consideration it ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 m per second).

Let's assume that the result is 16 mm, rounded up. Now we need to figure out how to choose a product suitable for summer watering. Even when using an autonomous water supply system, the costs of its creation and operation should be taken into account. Centralized services utility networks They become more expensive every year. When exploring different options, you should consider the significant monetary loss that a leaking hose creates.

Without giving exact prices, you need to pay attention to the following facts:

A comprehensive analysis of the data listed above will help you find out exactly which pipe is better. You will also have to clarify how to make a specific irrigation system from the selected components.

Venturi injector

The narrowing made in the central part forms an area of ​​negative pressure. If you connect a container for fertilizers to the lower fitting, useful substances will penetrate into the general flow of water without special dispensers.

This video clearly explains how a unit equipped with a Venturi injector functions:

If more precise adjustment is required for drip irrigation, use option c. How to choose the right product will help you find out the correct calculation. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the throughput and injection level. All necessary characteristics are given in the technical data sheet for the product.

It is clear that a 1-inch unit can provide less productivity than a 2-inch product. But we must understand that the desired result can be obtained by increasing/decreasing the pressure. Operational pressure corrections can be performed using a pump or main valves. Built-in pressure gauges make monitoring easier. In some models, they are installed to prevent water from penetrating into the container with chemicals.

For your information! Due to the low cost, making such a device with your own hands does not make sense. A homemade injector can quickly fail or become a source of contamination in the system. It’s easier to buy a finished product created by a responsible manufacturer.

Filter for drip irrigation

These devices are used in garden installations irrigation for coarse and fine cleaning from mechanical and other harmful impurities. In any case, the initial parameters of the liquid, the degree of its contamination and the composition of impurities are important. Taking into account prices, reviews and consumer characteristics, the following recommendations can be noted. They will help you find out what type of filters to choose to equip a particular system:

  • A mesh filter is used to retain large mechanical particles. Efficiency depends on cell size.
  • A set of disk elements performs similar functions. In this case, the liquid flow moves along a more complex trajectory, which improves cleaning.
  • You can make a gravel or sand filter yourself. Purified raw materials are poured into a container the right size. With accurate calculations, a homemade device will have no worse characteristics than a product from a well-known brand.
  • Replaceable cartridges are user-friendly. Some models with carbon and other additives are capable of retaining microorganisms, salts, and other chemical compounds.
  • Cyclone modifications are not suitable for drip systems. They are used to clean the air from dust.

How to connect the filter is written in the accompanying documentation. As a rule, an arrow on the body indicates the correct direction of fluid movement. There you can also find information on how to clean a contaminated element with your own hands.

How to install the filter is described in this video:

Automatic watering in a greenhouse

Without your participation, auto irrigation is carried out from a barrel raised above the ground by 1 meter or more. Such an autonomous drip irrigation system is not difficult to make with your own hands. This solution ensures a constant supply of fluid. More accurate moisture dosing can be obtained using automation tools. It’s worth checking the relevant market segment to make sure the affordable cost of high-quality modern components

How to choose materials for drip irrigation

This part of the article contains recommendations for those who prefer not ready-made kits, but making structures in a greenhouse with their own hands from improvised means and materials. The following information will help you choose everything you need for the project and buy components without errors.

Under the covering material, the plants are well protected from adverse external influences. Polyethylene is inexpensive, but it has low strength. You can use it to make a quickly functional valve for a greenhouse. Glass retains its beneficial qualities for many years. But this is a fragile material with significant weight. The excellent consumer characteristics of polycarbonate will come in handy in practice. It retains heat perfectly, provides rigidity and stability of structures.

Plastic containers are lighter than metal products. Such tanks do not rust and retain their good appearance. The liquid is supplied from the water barrel by gravity. Autonomous watering of individual plants can be made from plastic bottles. How to make the appropriate device is described above. Water can be passed through bottles filled with sand for cleaning.

Without a pump, you have to install the container on high altitude, or connect to a centralized highway. But in some cases this is not necessary, since a small pressure is enough for nutrition. The pump is used to quickly replenish fluid reserves. Select a model designed for the appropriate operating conditions. To find out how to reliably equip a greenhouse, they find out the features of protecting electrical equipment from overheating, humidity, and voltage surges in the network.

Their self-production inappropriate. For a general economic assessment, the cost of equipment, materials, and tools is summed up.

Setting up and operating drip irrigation

Automation provides the greatest opportunities for optimizing plant care processes in a greenhouse. The design and principles of operation can be clarified by studying certain sets. Below are the features of modern technical means:

  • Launching such systems does not cause difficulties for ordinary users. To avoid incorrect actions, the power and sensor cables are equipped with different connectors.
  • When starting up, the controller performs independent diagnostics. Detected errors are displayed using indication tools.
  • After switching on, the operating mode is set. The intervals between waterings can be adjusted within a range of up to several days. The operating time is set taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the needs of the plants.

During operation, the automation reports the need to replace batteries and emergency situations.

Effective drip irrigation in a greenhouse: video and additional tips

How does an automatic irrigation system for tomatoes work? What should I do with the timer to set working time intervals? How to create an effective drip irrigation device with your own hands from a barrel and scrap materials? The answers to these questions are given in this article. When studying materials, it is recommended to take into account the characteristics of the soil, plants, greenhouse design, and climate in a particular region. You should study new kits and individual components that are presented by manufacturers. It will be useful to correctly assess your own capabilities to implement the project without outside help.

Video tutorial on installing tape for a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse:

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Maintaining the required level of liquid in the greenhouse soil is a primary task for the gardener. Not only the harvest, but also the health of the plants, the complexity of the watering process and much more depend on how exactly it is solved.

This article will give short review automatic watering systems for greenhouses, advantages and disadvantages of each type. Recommendations are provided for setting up a drip irrigation system for greenhouses with your own hands: a set of materials, placement features, recommendations for use.

Types of automatic watering systems

At the moment, three types of automatic watering are most widely practiced in private and commercial greenhouses:

  1. Rainy;
  2. Subsoil;
  3. Drip.

Each of these types has its own technical and operational features. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems need to be considered in more detail.

Automatic watering in a greenhouse using a moving irrigation ramp


Irrigation by sprinkling can occur both from above and from below. However, for greenhouses, the most optimal positioning of the piping system is the top. This type of irrigation is characterized by a small number of pipes that require fairly strong pressure. The sprayers themselves can be permanently fixed or rotating, which, despite the complexity of the device, provide a more uniform distribution of moisture over the area of ​​the greenhouse. In the latter case, fewer watering points are needed, but this method can damage young shoots of plants.

Do-it-yourself automatic sprinkler irrigation device in a greenhouse, in the photo there is a system with rotary rotating nozzles

  • The sprinkler irrigation method has certain disadvantages:
  • Moisture that gets on the leaves can cause burns on a clear sunny day;
  • The labor intensity of the process increases significantly; after watering, it is necessary to shake off the moisture from each plant;
  • Branched systems require very high water pressure, which leads to the need to purchase expensive high-quality pipes and carry out careful installation;
  • Inefficient use of water, some of which evaporates and does not reach the root system of plants;
  • It becomes impossible to use the irrigation system to add fertilizer to the soil.

Stationary sprinkler system for automatic watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Aerosol irrigation system in a greenhouse (deluge)

This type of irrigation system is a type of sprinkler system. It requires an even more powerful engine, since the water delivered through the pipes is pushed through small-diameter nozzles equipped with sprayers. The pressure in the pipeline can range from 30 to 50 bar.

Aerosol (fog) irrigation of a greenhouse

To install aerosol self-watering in a greenhouse with your own hands, deluge sprayers are often used, which are used in automatic fire extinguishing systems.

Deluge nozzle and the result of its operation

An aerosol irrigation system for a greenhouse is quite specialized. It is used primarily in the cultivation of orchids and other tropical plants that grow in moist rain forests. Can be used when growing seedlings in the ground. Its main advantages are:

  • Cooling the greenhouse – reducing the heat load on the seedlings;
  • Significant water savings;
  • Preventing the formation of a hard “crust” on the soil surface, preventing soil aeration;
  • More uniform distribution of moisture throughout the greenhouse;
  • Possibility of quick and complete disinfection of the greenhouse and plants.

Subsoil irrigation system

Such an irrigation system is the most labor-intensive to set up; in addition, it requires constant monitoring and significant knowledge in land reclamation.

Do-it-yourself subsurface watering device in a greenhouse, photo of placement of a perforated pipe on a geotextile lining

However, this method has a lot of advantages:

  • Low water consumption;
  • The soil is aerated - it is saturated with air microbubbles;
  • The atmospheric humidity in the greenhouse remains stable and at a fairly low level. This has a positive effect on the prevention of diseases associated with rot.

There are less labor-intensive hybrid methods for subsurface irrigation using plastic bottles.

Simple schemes for underground irrigation

Drip irrigation system

At the moment it is considered the most progressive. The main advantages are:

  • There is no need for strong water pressure;
  • Ease of fertilizing;
  • Water is delivered “targeted” to the root system of cultivated plants, which reduces the number of weeds on the site;
  • A crust does not form on the soil, and there is no need for frequent loosening.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse; video shows the installation process using improvised means:

Installation of a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse with your own hands, in the photo the use of corrugated pipes

Installation of a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse

Parts for creating a micro-drip irrigation system

Installing drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands does not require any special skills. For installation you will need the following materials:

  • Hoses – a polymer product with a thickness of 8 mm is quite sufficient. This length is enough to organize irrigation at a distance of 25 m from the connection point;
  • Various fittings - angles, tees, crosses, plugs. All these parts have cones at the connections and are easily connected to the hoses without the use of special tools. At the same time, they can withstand pressure up to 3 atm;
  • Devices that reduce pressure: anti-drainage valves, reducers, mini taps. Relieve the pressure in the pipes to 2 m 1.4 atm. Used to equalize pressure and more evenly distribute water in the system.
  • Tips for delivering water from the main hose directly to the roots of the plant. There are simple ones, for watering one point, and labyrinthine ones, capable of evenly distributing water in 3-5 directions.

Installation features

Location of parts and ready-made assembly for drip irrigation in a greenhouse

  1. Directly in the greenhouse, a diagram of the location of droppers and tubes is marked;
  2. We mark the place of connection to the water source - where the container for drip irrigation will be located in the greenhouse;
  3. We determine how much free space is needed to install the remaining equipment:
  4. Controller with timer;
  5. Filter.
Attention! The presence of a filter at the entrance to the system is mandatory. Without it, the pipeline and droppers will become clogged very quickly. And all parts will have to be thoroughly cleaned.
  1. It is necessary to calculate the number of rows of tubes and droppers;
  2. We redraw the diagram onto a sheet of paper with the obligatory indication of dimensions;
  3. In convenient workshop conditions, cutting to size and assembly of the main structural elements are carried out;
  4. Installation and connection are carried out directly on site, in the greenhouse.

Video tutorial on assembling the finished kit:

In conclusion, a few ready-made solutions

As you can see from the diagrams and photographs, the drip irrigation system has quite a lot of specific parts; in addition, it is quite difficult to make a controller for automatic watering yourself. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made kit and assemble it yourself.

Complete set for drip irrigation

Some of the most popular sets of drip irrigation systems for greenhouses are:

AQUADUSYA - produced in Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine. BUG - Russian manufacturer Cycle company Gardena is a German company producing garden tools and equipment.