Water distribution at the dacha with polyethylene pipes. Construction of a country water supply system with a submersible pump: diagram and equipment

Country water supply made from plastic pipes is not much different from its analogue in ordinary apartments. The thing is that here it is necessary not only to supply water to the valves and household appliances, but also provide an irrigation system.

The last reason places high demands on pump performance and reserve in the well.

The reality is that in dacha areas the power supply is often cut off. For this reason, it is necessary to consider a reserve water supply.

Some nuances of laying a water supply system in a country house

The construction of a country water supply system made of plastic is carried out as follows. Water supply to in this case carried out through pump, which supplies liquid from a storage tank or accumulator.

When installing a storage tank, the liquid supply will be equal to the volume of the reservoir tank. But its bottom should not be located below the water intake points. Then there will always be water in the taps.

Using a hydraulic accumulator is more convenient because there will always be constant pressure in such a system. If we add a pump and an automatic pressure switch to this device, then the entire structure will be called a pumping station.

This system is implemented in summer and winter versions. The difference between the systems will be in the location of the equipment installation.

Which pipes are best to choose?

Quite recently this question did not arise. Water pipes for the dacha were only made of steel.

At the moment, metal options are practically not taken, because an excellent alternative has appeared - plastic analogues.

For suburban area better option can not found. Such pipes do not rust and do not deteriorate from low temperatures.

Only when purchasing you need to take into account the fact that plastic water pipes are different:

  • HDPE. Polyethylene low pressure. Such products are attractive because they are designed without auxiliary elements. Fittings for working with such materials are equipped with threads and are easily tightened by hand.
  • PVC. These pipes are for country house used very often. They cost less than the previous version and are held together by cold soldering (with glue). The seam on such workpieces is strong and reliable.
  • PPR. This type of plastic pipe can be used for cold and hot water and for the heating system. These materials are connected by soldering and couplings.

When installing a water supply system from plastic pipes, you need to know that its price compares favorably with a pipeline made from metal materials.

The price for blanks for PP pipe mains is as follows. This is from 1 to 7 dollars per linear meter. The price of fittings is approximately within these limits.

Most expensive materials This type is supplied by German and Italian companies. Products from Turkish and domestic manufacturers cost an order of magnitude lower.

In order for the pipe line to serve uninterruptedly, it is advised to purchase only high-quality products from trusted manufacturers.

Such a product costs a little more, but this is fully justified by the long-term and reliable operation of the constructed system.

DIY water supply system construction

See at the end of the article detailed video instructions on how to install water supply to a private house

It is not difficult to construct a country water supply system with your own hands from plastic if you carefully study all the intricacies of this matter.

  • First you need to select a water source. The cheapest way is to build a well. A sand well may also be suitable for such purposes. Although the most the best method is an artesian well. Its service life is almost 50 years.
  • Summer version of plumbing. Already from the name it is clear that this structure is used only in summer time. This network can be collapsible or permanent. Most often, in this case, the hoses are simply pulled along the ground. And for permanent summer version the workpieces are hidden in the ground so that they do not interfere with the surface. One drawback of such a structure is the inclination to the main network connection point. A drain valve is installed at the lowest point of the water supply system to drain the liquid during the winter.
  • Winter view of the pipeline. This design applies to capital system, which can be used at any time of the year. Submersible pumps are installed to supply liquid. The power of such a mechanism is selected in accordance with the depth of water supply. Also, for such equipment you will have to connect a power source. The cable and water supply can be placed in one casing made of plastic blanks for the drain pipe network. It will provide excellent protection against freezing and mechanical influence.

Organization of watering

A water supply for irrigation in a dacha is a construction of prime necessity. The “dacha” stage of life begins with the arrangement of a water supply.

As already mentioned, there are temporary and permanent systems. But the construction of any of them begins in the same way - this is the development of the project.

When designing, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Plastic pipe-rolling materials are carried out at a slope relative to the water intake point.
  • They are brought to the surface only in consumption areas.
  • The use of polypropylene materials will make it easy to install and remodel the structure.
  • The depth of the trench for summer water supply should be forty centimeters. It is recommended to increase this distance under passing beds, otherwise the pipe network can be damaged during planting work.
  • For a collapsible type, rubber hoses are often used, which are connected with jumpers or special clips. This fastening makes it possible to separate or fasten two pieces of water supply with one movement.
  • The location of the beds determines the number of consumption points. To facilitate the watering process, it is recommended to install the pipe in at least five places.

Designing a water pipeline for irrigation with your own hands

It is not difficult to create a water supply for irrigation with your own hands. After the project has been developed, earthworks begin.

The submersible pump is lowered into the well or placed in a nearby recess, which is insulated. It can be placed directly in the house itself.

If necessary, a pressure checking device and a pump are installed. After this, the pipe line is pulled along the trench to other water collection points.

It is recommended to carry the battery for powering the pumping mechanism in a protected cable. Electrical safety needs to be taken care of in any case.

In this case, it is impossible to do without installing sealed connectors and grounded, moisture-protected sockets.

An emergency shut-off device is installed to allow the pipe to enter the room. After checking the operation of the country pipe line, the depressions can be filled with earth. Now you can proceed to installation inside the home.

Device inside

To make the use of the pipe line comfortable, you need to worry about hot water supply.

This is achieved by installing electric or gas heating units of a storage or flow type. At the dacha it is more profitable to install a storage water heater.

We invite you to learn more about their pros and cons.

The polypropylene pipe network will not “announce” repairs soon. This is facilitated by wonderful specifications of these goods.

Such workpieces are easy to install, they are not afraid of temperature changes, and the joints do not reduce the tightness at low temperatures.

IMPORTANT! When constructing a water pipeline in country house It is imperative to check a sample from the water source for purity. Based on the results of laboratory research, a multi-level filtration network is installed.

Country plastic water supply will bring convenience and comfort to the standard of living outside the city.

Modern materials make it possible to build a system that will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of modern civilization with your own hands in a short time.

And the cost of polypropylene materials will not create large financial costs.


Water supply from a well is sometimes simply necessary. But first you need to determine whether a well or a water supply is better. After all, the price of the structure will depend on this.

In this article we decided to analyze this issue. You will learn the difference between these two types of water supply. Learn how to install a water supply system at your dacha from a well. Find out what is needed for this and how it is done.

A diagram of connecting the water supply from the well will be given. Before starting work, it is worth watching videos and photos on this topic and correctly imagining what will be required of us during the work process.

Water supply

Water supply to a dacha from a well is done according to certain rules and technology. However, supplying water from a well is not fundamentally different.

Let's see how this is done and works:

  • Do-it-yourself water supply from a well begins with determining the place from which the water supply will be made;
  • After this, a diagram of the installation of the water supply from the well is made and the pipeline is laid;
  • Now you need a pumping station or just a pump. Everything will depend on the type of structure. The video in this article will help you understand this issue;
  • It is also necessary to install a coarse filter, and one should not forget about the check valve, which must be installed before the pumping station;
  • You will need a pressure gauge and ball valve, this is necessary to determine the pressure and regulate it;
  • It is necessary to prepare a container for water; it is selected depending on the required volume;
  • To get hot water, you should immediately decide whether you will need a water heater or a boiler;

SES requirements for water

In order for no one to pick on us, we need to know the water requirements.

After manufacturing and supplying water to the room, it is necessary to take samples and take them for testing:

  • According to the platinum-cable scale, we should not have colorlessness of more than 30 percent;
  • There should be no foreign odors or other colors;
  • The percentage of nitrates should be no more than ten;
  • There should not be more than 10 bacterial bacillus per liter of liquid.

Selecting a source

A well or a central water supply can be chosen as a source, but a supply from a well can also be made and it will not cost much. This must be considered on a case by case basis.

It’s good if there is a high-quality well or well on the territory of the summer cottage that you purchased. But if it is missing, it must be created.

Attention: When choosing the type of source and its depth, consult with your neighbors. Find out what they use: a well or a well.
Inquire about water quality. Sometimes it is better to do without amateur activities and listen to the advice of more experienced people. In addition, you can do an analysis to finally make sure that it is really good.


A well is the most ancient artificial source that provides people with water.

Attention: It is constructed when the aquifer is located at a depth of 4-15 m. Moreover, the water must be of high quality so that it can be consumed for food.

What's good and what's bad

Before installing a well, make sure that the volume of water is sufficient for your family:

  • This option is cheaper than creating a well.
  • It is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists; you can purchase necessary materials and do all the work yourself. This will save you a lot of money. The price of the entire structure will be significantly lower;
  • A well lasts longer than a borehole. Its maximum service life is 50 years. In addition, the well is independent of electricity, unlike a well.
  • But there is one drawback: it may contain perched water, which significantly reduces the quality of the water. But this only happens when waterproofing is performed incorrectly (see).

In some regions, drilling of wells is preferred. The reasons can be very different.
Perhaps there is a spring or underground river with high-quality water nearby, or perhaps the groundwater is at a depth of more than 15 m.

Well "on sand"

When creating it, water is taken from the upper layers of the soil. the first one is achieved. In this option, you only need to reach the first layer of water, which is suitable for consumption. Above it there is dense loam, which filters rain, melt and groundwater.


  • In each region, the aquifer lies at different depths, so the depth of a well “for sand” can be 10 - 50 meters.
  • This type of well contains 500 liters of water. Since they become clogged with silt and sand over time, this source can be used for about 5 years.
  • The terrain on which the well is located is of great importance. The source may turn out to be inexhaustible, because even with low groundwater (deeper than 15 m) you can stumble upon an underground river. In this situation, the filters will not become clogged, and the well will last for more than 20 years.

Attention: It is advisable to search appropriate place using old-fashioned methods, and drilling the well manually. As a result of using such methods, there is a greater chance of finding an aquifer with water good quality. During machine drilling, it can be “slipped through”.

Artesian well

In this case, it is necessary to drill to the limestone rock, which lies at a depth of 35-1000 meters or more. An artesian well is a reliable and durable source with a minimum volume of 1500 liters.


  • Water located in the limestone layer of soil has high quality. Typically, wells “for limestone” are not created for personal needs, and if they are created, then they are no more than 135 m deep.

Attention: The process of drilling an artesian well is complicated by the fact that the aquifer of limestone rock is a state property. Before carrying out work, you must obtain the appropriate permit. In addition, the well must be registered.

  • Its arrangement takes from several days to a month. In this case, much more money is spent than when creating a well “for sand”.
  • Groundwater and perched water cannot enter an artesian-type well. Its service life is approximately the same as that of a well.

Attention: To make drilling an artesian well the most profitable, do it together with other neighbors. After all, everyone needs quality water. And the price will then be significantly lower.

If you want to equip a water source such as a well, ask for a debit calculation. This way you can choose the right the right pump. And if you do it together, then a pumping station. And these are costs that can be avoided.

Find out the productivity of the well

In order to find out the performance of a water source, you need to:

  • Pump out the water using a surface pump or motor pump;
  • Then you need to measure its quantity. Tie a string to the nut and lower it into a source of water, then measure the length.

In this way you will recognize the mirror of water. Having received the necessary data, you can proceed to purchasing the pumping station itself.

To familiarize yourself with the parameters, use the system passport. Please pay Special attention for the presence of an inlet filter and check valve.

Selection of pumping station

It is important to choose the right pump for your country water supply. Pumps are available in surface and submersible types.


  • Surface devices are suitable for installation in a home or utility room; they are capable of pumping water that is located at a depth of no more than 9 meters.
  • Installation is carried out in deep wells and wells; they can be used to pump water at a depth of 10-150 m.

Attention: Do not forget that in the upper layers there is not such quality water. Therefore, to use it in food, it is better to use a submersible design.

Pumping station – more convenient option, it consists of such elements as a hydraulic accumulator, a pump, a supply hose and a pressure switch. Such stations are very common and are sold everywhere.

The most famous are those pumping stations that have a centrifugal self-priming pump and a built-in ejector:

  • They are designed for sources no deeper than 9 m and supplying water to a height of up to 40 m.
  • In order for the station to work, the filler hole must be filled with water so that it flows over the edge, then the lid must be closed and the pump turned on. First, air will be pumped, and eventually water will flow.
  • The sensitivity of this type of pumping station to air in the system is insignificant. To release it, simply open the valve (tap). This unit is suitable for collecting water located at shallow depths.
  • Pumping station installed in a caisson or pit. Its installation can be done in the house itself, but only if there is a small distance between it and the well or well.

If you need a system that will purify water where the depth is up to 45 m, then it will be the best option buy a pumping station with a centrifugal self-priming pump, it has an external ejector installed. It is also used in cases where the water is far from the house and the distance is 20-40 meters.

It is possible to install systems in utility rooms and residential buildings:

  • Two pipes are laid from the pumping station, they have an ejector at their end, and they are immersed in the water source.
  • One pipe supplies water to the ejector, and the second pipe supplies it to the house.
  • A station with an external ejector is sensitive to the presence of air inside the system, but it can be installed in the interior of the building. In this case, the ejector is at the source of water intake.

Attention: When choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the suction height. Some devices have a suction height of 8 m, others - 20-45 m.
If this figure is 8 m, then this does not mean that the pump cannot be used in wells that are 15 m deep. Our groundwater depth is significantly higher than the depth of the well itself.

Before arranging a water supply and purchasing a pumping station, check the performance of the source, the volume of water consumption, the pressure in the system, and the level of the mirror. In order for water to flow into the house uninterruptedly, then the pumping station should be selected so that it is not higher than the source of water supply, but must be higher than the level of possible water consumption.

Selecting pipes

Having correctly identified them, you can take them in the required manufacture; they differ in the angle of rotation and this will greatly facilitate the work:

  • Diameter of any pipes from different materials(steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic) should be from 32 mm.

Attention: All connecting seams must be reliable and sealed, otherwise there will be a risk of pipe failure when the water pressure increases when using the water supply. Pay special attention to this.

  • When choosing pipes, you should pay attention that the material they are made of is food grade and not technical. Be sure to check this out;
  • We need to supply pipes to the premises; the trenches from the well to the foundation of the building must be at least a meter deep. It is important that the level of laying pipes in the trench is below the freezing point of the soil in your area. It is necessary to provide reliable protection, covering the pipeline with insulation (see). For this, mineral wool is used.
    It’s even better if you also lay a special electric cable for heating, which will provide heating and prevent the pipe from freezing;
  • An above-ground option for laying pipes is also available. In this case, measures to insulate the external water supply must be carried out. The pipes are laid directly on the ground, or in a preliminary recess. At the same time, a heating electric cable is laid, but in this version it must already be present.

We do our own water supply

Some people think that this is a rather difficult question. In fact, she is not.

If the water supply source has already been created by you or the former owners, all that remains is to install the pipeline, pump and other equipment. You can do all this completely with your own hands and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Water supply pipe layout diagrams

After a water well has been constructed, a diagram of the water supply elements is developed in one of two options:

  • Serial connection of pipes.
  • Collector distribution of water supply elements.

The first option is suitable for a small house.

The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Water flows sequentially into the house through the main pipeline.
  • A tee with an outlet is installed in the desired direction at the points of water consumption.

The disadvantage of this option is that when several water consumers use water, the pressure drops sharply at the most distant point. Therefore, such a scheme for supplying water from a well to a house is not acceptable for residential country house and a cottage, but is well suited for country housing.

Collective pipe distribution is suitable for a country house where people permanently live. With this connection, separate pipes are diverted individually from the main collector to any water intake point in the house.

Possible pressure losses are negligible. Although the cost of a manifold connection is higher, it is compensated by the quality, convenience and reliability of the plumbing system.

Well water supply system

The work of laying pipes and digging trenches is no different. If you plan to install a pump and pipes directly above the well, install a caisson or pit above it. This way you will provide protection against freezing.

Installation of caisson

This work is carried out in compliance with certain rules and technology:

  • Dig the well pipe to a height of 2.5 m. The width should be twice the diameter of the caisson;
  • After this, compact the bottom of the hole and fill it with a 20 cm thick layer of concrete.
  • Then install the caisson.
  • Cut the pipe, leaving 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson.
  • At this level, create a hole in the caisson through which pipes will be laid in the future.
  • Connect the pumping station, concrete the outside of the caisson (layer thickness - 30-40 cm), fill it with cement-sand mixture, and fill the remaining 50 cm with soil.

We connect the pumping station to the well

The remote pump can be installed directly in the caisson. If the well is located nearby, the pumping station can be installed in the house.


  • The supply pipe should be placed in a caisson or pit and installed in the well pipe.

Attention: There must also be a faucet designed to drain the system down.

  • Install a pump in the caisson, connect it to the well pipe, then connect the pipe that is connected to the house to the pump.

Install the remaining equipment, such as filters, control relays and a hydraulic accumulator, in an outbuilding or home.

We connect the well pumping station

If your well is located near your home and there is observed high level water, use a pumping station with a suction height of no more than 9 m.

An outbuilding, a house and the well itself are suitable for installation:

  • If the well is deep and remote from the house, use a remote ejector. Install the pumping station in the house, place the ejector in the well.

Attention: The room allocated for installation of the system must be heated. The temperature must be at least +2 °C.

  • In front of the pump, install a valve designed to drain liquid;
  • We are installing a filter that will provide rough cleaning, and a check valve.
  • After this, install the pump and filter, which will be intended for fine cleaning.
  • As a result, if necessary, you can change the cartridge in the filter. Next, install the accumulator.
  • After this, the entire water purification and water treatment system is installed.

We make internal plumbing at the dacha


  • Run a 32 mm pipe to the cold water supply manifold.
  • Install ball valves in it, then connect 25 mm pipes. They will ensure the supply of water to consumers or their groups.
  • Corrugated cables are suitable for internal wiring stainless steel pipes, metal-plastic, as well as pipes made of polypropylene and steel. Corrugated products are the most expensive, but they are easy to install. Considering quality and price, the most best option– polypropylene pipes. They can be connected with an electric soldering iron and fittings. To work with an electric soldering iron, you do not need any specific skills. In addition, this tool can be rented.

Attention: Before purchasing, carefully consider what you need. After all, during work there will be waste. Write down how many elbows and angles you need to join the pipes.

Lead the pipe to the water heater, then connect, this should be done from the collector side, only from its reverse side. A pipe comes out of the water heater with hot water, we make its connection to the manifold, after that we make a tap for water drainage and ball valves.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to decide correctly on the source and then choose the right equipment and you can definitely handle it.

Seasonal options for plumbing systems

For arranging local ones they can be used various options. Taking into account their needs and living options, owners of suburban plots in the absence of centralized communications can independently equip their plots.

Summer design

Summer water supply schemes are represented by the following systems:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

The collapsible design is extremely easy to install and operate. With coming warm season you can safely install necessary set elements on the site.

A configuration of plastic pipes and a hose are laid on top of the ground in the required directions. The design will be distinguished by high reliability when using high-quality connecting adapters and valves.

The stationary structure is a conventional water supply system laid in the ground. The depth of the bookmark may not be significant. Water taps are installed in the required places. The shallow depth will always allow such a system to be reoriented in the summer season.

However, it should be taken into account that the system may be damaged during frost. Therefore, there must be some slope of the highway to be able to release the system.

Winter design

For efficient and reliable operation winter version The water supply will require careful insulation. This guarantees its safety and functioning.

Work begins on the spot. Many owners combine the water supply with the power cable in a common casing.


Let us dwell in detail on a country water supply system made by ourselves, which can operate uninterruptedly both in winter and in summer. Before installing a water supply system, you need to select a source of drinking water. The simplest and cheap way fresh water supply - construction of a conventional well.

The depth of the well depends on how deep the groundwater is in the area.

But the well mainly supplies water in small volumes - 100-200 liters per hour, and well water can have various impurities: heavy metals, nitrates, bacteria.

It is best suited, or with the help of specialists, to a depth of up to 30-40 meters. From such a well you can pump out about 1.5 m 3 of water per hour, which for a small country house and the area is quite enough.

A sand well is drilled using an auger method, that is, the rock is brought to the surface. Drilling a well can take 3-7 days and will require the installation of special filtration equipment to filter the water. The life of a well can be fifty years or more.

The term winter plumbing does not mean that its use is limited only to winter. This means that the water supply is intended for constant off-season operation, and its operation is permitted in both winter and summer.

To get water from a well, . Do-it-yourself installation of a winter water supply system in a dacha involves connecting the pump to a constant power source, so it is possible to combine the laying of cables and water pipes in one casing. Typically, plastic sewer pipes are used for this.

Pipes protect communications from mechanical damage and from freezing.

Can be connected for installation plastic pipes using soldering or plastic fittings. For soldering pipes, a special electric soldering iron. You don’t have to buy such a soldering iron, but rent it.

Connections on fittings do not require any special tools other than wrenches. For winter water supply, you can use plastic pipes Ø20 mm or Ø25 mm.

Pipe fittings

To install a water supply system with your own hands, you can use or. Installation of the water supply system should be carried out at a depth below the freezing depth of the soil in the area. The simplest solution to avoid determining the freezing depth:

  1. A plastic pipe, which is laid to a depth of 60 centimeters, is covered with a layer of insulation made from foam chips, coal slag or expanded clay 20-30 cm thick. The main condition for backfilling is that the insulation must absorb moisture poorly and be strong enough not to compact under soil pressure.
  2. The water supply system is insulated with special thermal insulation and a corrugated polyethylene casing. Using such an insulation system, the trench can be made no more than 30 cm deep.
  3. , which will allow pipes to be laid directly on the ground. But this method is too financially expensive.

The trench for the water supply should approach the house at an angle of 90°, since digging up the foundation should not cause it to shrink.

To connect the pump, a pit at least a meter deep is made near the well. The dimensions of the pit are 70x70 cm. The walls need to be strengthened - lined with bricks or boards soaked in antiseptic. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete or covered with crushed stone.

Out into the pit water pipe with a latch for fastening the hose and electrical cable. The pit is needed in order to quickly and conveniently disconnect the pump in case of repair. The pit needs to be insulated so that the water in the hose does not freeze in winter.

The pump is connected via a waterproof socket. You can also use a sealed contact connector.

Water taps

If you plan to use the water supply in a greenhouse, then you can install cast iron or bronze valves and taps with axle boxes. It is not recommended to use ball valves, as they quickly fail under conditions of prolonged non-use.

The water distribution unit is the most complex device in the water supply system. It is placed in an unheated room or even outside. They are presented to him increased requirements due to harsh operating conditions in winter.

You can also use a standpipe, but it has two significant shortcomings- complex installation and high cost of the device.

Simple scheme

The lower part of the water supply is equipped with a drain hole of small diameter - about 1 mm. If the tap is closed, the water slowly flows through this small hole into the pit, so it does not freeze in winter.

If the tap is open, then a small portion of water also flows into the pit and is absorbed into the ground, but due to the small diameter of the hole, the entire flow of water enters the water supply and passes to the tap.

Such a simplified do-it-yourself water supply scheme for a dacha is not without several drawbacks. The main ones are:

  • constant humidity in the pit
  • slight loss of water.

But its simplicity and reliability made this design very popular in summer cottages and vegetable gardens.

Installation tools

To install a winter or summer water supply, you will need the following tools:

  1. Pipe cutter.
  2. Adjustable wrench, gas wrench and spanners Nos. 17,19,22 and 24.
  3. Sanding paper.
  4. Knife, pencil, tape measure.

You can use either a suitable wrench or a #2 gas wrench to tighten the fittings.

To dig a shallow trench, a shovel and a crowbar are enough. But first of all, it is necessary to mark the water supply route on the site, take all measurements and calculate the number of taps, valves and fittings.

DIY summer water supply

The summer water supply at the dacha is used for watering plants, organizing a summer shower, and other household needs. In winter, such a water supply system cannot be used.

It can be made permanent or removable.

How is a summer water supply system designed that will only be used in the summer?

The most common design is pipes or hoses that are laid directly on the ground. You can create such a simple water supply using silicone or rubber hoses, which are connected by adapters.

Adapters can be bought, or they can be made from plastic or metal pipes. In summer water supply, you can also use latches that have “ruffs” for putting on the hose on one side and a connector on the other. The latches connect in one motion and provide a secure connection.

It is better to buy a rubber hose with thick walls reinforced with nylon threads. Plastic water supply in the country is very cheap, but rubber hoses will last longer.

To lay a permanent summer water supply in a dacha with your own hands, pipes are laid in the ground, and only water points with taps are brought to the surface. This is done for ease of movement around the site.

The main disadvantage is that you need to maintain a slope to the connection point. A drain valve is installed at the lowest point of the water supply system so that the water can be drained in the fall, otherwise frozen water will simply burst the pipes.

Watch two videos about laying pipes and connecting a pumping station.

For many, a dacha is not just a place where they can grow some vegetables and fruits, but also a place of relaxation. In both cases, water supply at the dacha is simply necessary. It often happens that there is no central water supply, so it is necessary to install wells.

Purposes of water supply

This is a rather important question, since depending on the purpose, the water supply scheme for the dacha can be chosen.

Country water supply can be:

  • Seasonal;
  • Permanent.

In addition, you need to decide on the amount of water consumed. You also need to take into account the number of dismountable points, that is, washbasins, sanitary facilities, as well as watering the area.
Often, a country water supply system is built solely for the purpose of watering the area.

One way or another, when calculating for normal water consumption, including all consumers, it is generally accepted that a family of 4 people can consume no more than 3 cubic meters liquids.

Installation of permanent water supply

Before making water supply in your dacha, you should choose a source of water supply:

  • Central water supply;
  • Well;
  • Well.

Each of these sources of water supply in the country has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, having made the water supply to the dacha from central system water supply, you make her dependent on it. But the big advantage is that there is no need to develop the source yourself. All that remains is to simply dig a trench, lay a pipeline and connect it.

If we talk about wells, they are often not able to provide a family with the necessary amount of water. In addition, surface water is quite polluted.

As for the well, it’s a completely different matter. There is always the right amount of water, it is clean, and there is no need to take care of the well itself, provided that it was initially designed and equipped correctly.

Perhaps one of the disadvantages of a well is its equipment.

What types of wells are there and how are they equipped?

All wells are usually divided into three main types, depending on the material that is at their bottom:

  • Sandy;
  • Clayey;
  • Limestone.

Water supply to the dacha can be carried out from any of them. However, there is one nuance that is worth understanding. Drilling is carried out to a certain depth, and each of the three materials has its own approximate depth. For example, sands lie at a depth of 1 meter, clay is a little deeper.

For this reason, limestone developments are considered the best and cleanest, since their depth starts from 50 meters and can reach 150 m in the country, or even more if we are talking about industrial wells.

Such deep developments can be done only once and forgotten about them for the rest of your life. The main thing in this matter is the correct equipment.

A pipe called casing is lowered into the drilled hole. It will prevent soil shedding, as well as the penetration of water that lies on higher layers of soil.

This issue also has its own nuances. We are talking about the pipe itself. For small diameters, the pipes are suitable in size, that is, their diameters coincide with the diameter of the development, but in the case of large diameters this is not the case. Pipes, as a rule, are slightly smaller, which leads to the need to make additional reinforcement by filling the cavity between the pipe and the walls of the well with crushed stone or cement.

The most simple circuit country water supply may contain the following elements:

  • Source;
  • Water supply to the dacha;
  • Shut-off valves that can be used to shut off the water supply to the entire dacha;
  • Tee;
  • Filter device;
  • Block automatic control with adapter;
  • Hydraulic accumulator.

It should immediately be noted that some elements private scheme may not contain, for example, a hydraulic accumulator. It can be done if there is such a need, for example, the pressure in the system is low or there are power outages.

It should also be noted that the diagram may contain additional elements, for example, another filter. Often the water supply system in a dacha has not only a circuit with cold water, but also with hot.

In this case, the circuit will contain a heating element to which the water supply is laid.

So, the only thing that remains unchanged is the source equipment:

  • Well equipment, that is casing and tip;
  • Submersible pump;
  • The pump is equipped with a nipple with check valve. This valve prevents water from flowing back into the pump;
  • Water adapter - it is used to lay the water supply to the dacha;
  • Among other things, the pump is equipped with a steel cable, with the help of which the pump is lowered into and out of the drilled hole;
  • The pump power cord is also brought out and connected to the power source.

Installation of equipment

So, as has already become clear, the water supply system for a dacha begins with the source, or rather with its equipment. The pump is lowered into the equipped source already completely ready, that is, with part of the pipeline, with a fixed check valve and nipple, and so on.

So, from the pump the water supply is laid to the dacha itself. In this case, the water supply must be in the ground. In addition, it should be insulated.

Advice! The depth to which the water supply is laid depends on the maximum freezing depth of the soil. For this reason, it is better to find out this figure for each individual area in advance.

Laying in the ground is carried out right up to the dacha. Already inside the premises, the water supply is connected to the shut-off valves. It is recommended to use the simplest and most reliable ball valve. It is needed to be able to completely shut off the water, if necessary.

From shut-off valves The water supply is supplied to the filter device.

Often, water supply to a dacha is done with two filters - coarse and fine. But if the water is supplied from a well, the depth of which is quite large, then you can get by with just one filter.

From this five-point, the water supply moves directly to consumers and to the hydraulic accumulator, if there is one.

In the case when a hot water supply system is being installed, then from the five-piece, that part of the water supply that goes to consumers is divided into two branches using a tee.

One branch is used for feeding cold water, the other branch is connected to heating element, for example, a boiler.

It turns out that both cold and hot water are supplied directly, and water is supplied from the reserve, that is, from the hydraulic accumulator. Since the boiler itself also has a certain volume, we can say that this system water supply forms a certain supply of both hot and cold water.

If the volume of the boiler is small, then you can do this: from the hydraulic accumulator, the volume of which is usually quite large, the water supply is again divided into two branches using a tee. One of these branches is supplied to the cold water supply system, the other to the boiler.

Connection and selection of pipes

Before making plumbing in your dacha, you need to decide on the materials. For example, if we are talking about a pump, then for a well it is best to use a submersible one. A regular one is also suitable for a well.

As for pipes, there should be no problems when choosing. Of course, today copper, iron, plastic, and many others are produced.

To make your own plumbing, it is best to use plastic pipes, polypropylene.

In the case when the total length of the water supply system at the dacha does not exceed 30 meters, pipes with diameters from 10 to 20 mm are used.

The connection methods for different pipes are different:

  • Copper and metal parts of the water supply system are connected using threads and special fittings. In this case, FUM tape is glued to the thread, or flax is wound, which is coated with sealant;
  • Metal-plastic pipes can be connected in the same way;
  • Polypropylene pipes are connected by soldering. To do this, use a special tool called an iron or soldering iron.

It must be said that the use polypropylene pipes will allow you to quickly and easily supply water to your dacha. Because the soldering process itself is very short and simple, not requiring any special skills or knowledge from the person performing it.

The soldering process is as follows:

  • The material is cut into pieces the right size what special scissors are used for;
  • Then all soldering points are degreased - this is approximately 16-20 mm away from the end;
  • After this, the fat-free ends of the segments are placed in a soldering iron and heated;
  • After 5-7 seconds, both parts are removed and joined together. Hold this position for about 10 seconds.

Advice! In order not to damage the material, when placing it on the soldering iron nozzle, it is not recommended to make any rotational movements.

In addition, immediately before use, the soldering iron is turned on and heated to the required temperature, that is, about 260 degrees.

Advice! For hot water supply, it is necessary to choose polypropylene materials reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum. However, the welding process is similar.

It’s not as difficult as it seems at first glance - making water at your dacha with your own hands. Below we will give you a series practical advice. They will help set up a country water supply system that will function both in summer and, if necessary, in winter.

The water supply system can be routed from a central water supply system or from an artesian well.

The main thing is calculation!

It’s good when the cottage is located on the banks of a river or lake. But even in this case, the water supply is summer cottage turns out to be a troublesome and difficult task. But what about those who have a river and a dacha - incompatible things? Hard to tell. Therefore, most summer residents begin arranging their site by providing it with water.

  • watering;
  • nutrition;
  • bathing;
  • economic needs.

Please note that for watering orchard you need one volume of water, but for beds with greens - a completely different one. The same is true with nutrition - in summer, water consumption is greater, in spring and autumn - less. With bathing, you also need to take into account such nuances as a bathhouse and a shower. And household needs include not only washing dishes, but also washing the car and watering the paths.

To make the calculations easier, let’s assume that on average, the following amount of water is consumed per person per day:

  1. Bathing in the bath - 180 l.
  2. Bathing in the shower - 50 l.
  3. Hand washing - 5 l.
  4. Toilet use - 15 liters.
  5. Washing dishes (4 people) - 25 l.

By the way, at dawn country house construction It was calculated that on average a family of 4 people in a standard dacha (6 acres) spends at least 200 liters of water per day. This figure can be taken as a starting point in the calculations.

You increase the result obtained by 20% and get the amount of water that you will need to extract from a well or well. Based on this, you can already figure out which method of extracting water from your summer cottage will be more effective.

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Dig or drill?

When choosing a water source, you need to take into account the characteristics of the landscape and soil. If your cottage is located in a low area, the aquifer may be close to the surface, so you can dig a shallow well. And if your site is on a hill, you will have to drill a well.

By the way, about wells. It is important to understand the difference between a regular sand well and an artesian one. The first has a depth of up to 50 meters, the second - from 50 meters or more. Accordingly, the water itself differs - in composition, taste and other criteria. To drill an artesian well, you will have to hire special equipment and obtain official permission from the authorities.

So, the decision about whether to install a well or a borehole for water supply depends on the depth of the aquifer. If it is located at a depth of up to 10 meters, it will be easier and cheaper to dig a well. If the water depth is more than 15 meters, it is advisable to drill a well.

The so-called shaft well is constructed simply - the wall is reinforced with concrete rings or a wooden frame. The bottom point of the well should be at least 3-4 meters below the level of the aquifer. This will create a constant supply of water that you can draw from as needed. A layer of sand, a layer of gravel and a layer of crushed stone are alternately poured onto the bottom, each up to 20 cm thick. These are three natural filters. If you make holes in the walls of the well, then water will also flow from there. This will increase the speed of its inflow and reduce the time it takes to fill the well.

Select water from the well using a submersible pump. The advantage of the well is that it is easy to clean. The downside is that it doesn't provide much water.

A well will require more cost and effort. You will need pipes, a filter for water purification, and a pump. Well pipes are used as follows:

  1. Steel.
  2. Stainless.
  3. Asbestos-cement.
  4. Plastic.

Steel pipes are cheaper, but less durable, plastic is more expensive, but it has a longer life. Everyone who buys pipes for a well decides this issue based on their budget.

The advantage of a well is that it can provide a cubic meter of water per hour. The downside of the well is that over time it can become silted - you will have to dismantle it and clean it.

But building a well or digging a well is only half the battle. The most important thing for normal water supply in a summer cottage is a pump.

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Choosing a pump for water supply

To construct a well, you will need a submersible pump. It is easy to maintain and does not require installation equipment. Take the cable, tie it to the pump and lower it into the well so that there is a gap of about a meter between it and the bottom of the well.

There are special models of submersible pumps that are installed at the bottom of the well. All such pumps have built-in filters, they are cooled by pumped water, and they do not make noise. Such pumps are controlled manually and are powered from a household electrical outlet.

A submersible pump will ideally cope with the water supply of a small summer cottage (without a swimming pool and a large garden).

A borehole pump is installed above the well and pumps water, sucking it out. Therefore, experts do not recommend buying pumps for wells “with a reserve”. If such a pump selects water, it will run idle, which will lead to breakdown.

The pump power is selected based on their bandwidth wells. It is known either from the well’s passport, which is compiled by those who drilled it, or is calculated independently, based on the depth and diameter of the pipes.

The advantage of such a pump is that it will provide good constant pressure, which is enough for both irrigation and dacha farming. The price range for such pumps is the widest; it depends on the power and warranty period.

The ideal solution for a summer residence would be to equip a home station. We will tell you what this is below.

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Your own water supply

Scheme 1. Diagram of the water supply system at the dacha.

A pumping station that operates autonomously and constantly supplies the house and plot with water is the dream of everyone who wants to have water in their summer cottage (Diagram 1). This is a complex that includes a pump, a pipe system, storage tank, as well as pressure control valves and sensors. This is a miniature water supply system in a summer cottage.

Its main advantage is that you don't have to run around turning the pump on and off all the time. The pump pumps water into the reservoir (most often it is placed in the attic). From it, it flows under natural pressure into the system as needed, when you wash your hands, bathe or fill the kettle. The pump pumps water to a predetermined level, so you always have a supply of water. It is limited, but replenishable.

However, when going to buy such a station, remember that most sellers understand by it only the pump itself, which pumps water, a hydraulic accumulator that maintains pressure in the system, a pressure gauge and automation for turning the system on and off and monitoring its operation. In fact, the concept includes many more objects, which includes pipe distribution throughout the house and area, and much more.

Of course, the cost of such a system will be more expensive than the usual dacha “well-pipes-pump” option, but it will make your stay at the dacha comfortable.