Watering potatoes - selection of irrigation system and seasonal characteristics. How and when to water potatoes: ways to organize watering

In Russia, potatoes are called “second bread” and this is no coincidence, because they practically do not become boring and are used in many dishes. Its tubers contain carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber; in addition, they are rich in various minerals and vitamins. At first glance, it seems that this is an unpretentious culture. However, in reality this is not the case. Potatoes need proper care.

How to grow potatoes

Potatoes need to be planted in an open and sunny area because they are a light-loving plant. If there is a lack of sunlight, the potato leaves will begin to turn yellow, the tops will stretch, the plant will not be able to produce full flowering, and as a result there will be a poor harvest. It is advisable to dig up the planting area in the fall, and then again in the spring. It is not recommended to grow potatoes in the same place for several years in a row; it is necessary to periodically carry out the so-called fruit rotation on the site, that is, alternation.

At the beginning of May, potato tubers need to be laid out to warm up in the sun so that they sprout. The area for planting them must be thoroughly cleaned of tops and cut tubers left over from last year, since they are the cause of many plant diseases and a breeding ground for aphids and other pests. You can plant tubers with sprouts in the ground when it warms up to 10-12˚C.

Rules for watering potatoes

For getting bountiful harvest needs to be addressed Special attention for watering potatoes, because they are very sensitive to both lack and excess of moisture.

After planting, potatoes are not watered until the shoots emerge, since during this period the roots form. If the soil is filled with water at this time, the root system will be superficial and subsequently the plant will not be able to provide itself with moisture.

After the bushes have formed, the potatoes can be watered sparingly. The main signal for the need for irrigation is a dried top cover of soil up to 6 cm deep. It is best to water potatoes early in the morning or in the evening, but not cold water, but warmed up to the so-called summer temperature. Water the potatoes at the rate of 2-3 liters of water per bush.

A greater need for moisture occurs during the period of budding and flowering of the crop. If at this time the plant receives little moisture, then in the end you can harvest the crop in the form of very small potato tubers. At the end active growth When the tops begin to wilt, the crop needs much less watering.

Potatoes are a fairly moisture-loving plant. In a very short time it can grow not only large green stems, but also a couple of kilograms of tubers. Therefore he needs a large number of nutrients that potatoes take from the top layer of the soil. Timely proper watering, as well as compliance with the rules of cultivation, are crucial in the ripening of a bountiful harvest of this root crop.

Does the crop need to be watered?

Often garden bed owners wonder whether they need to water their potatoes. open ground, or enough rain to ensure a good harvest. Experienced gardeners Those who spend a lot of time on their beds believe that they need to be watered. This is especially true during periods when there is no rain for a long time. Some regions suffer from strong winds that deprive the soil of moisture. In this situation, potatoes need to be watered every 5 days.

If the plant does not receive proper moisture at the initial stage of growth, this will affect the number of tubers under the bush. Therefore, watering is very important for potatoes, especially in spring. But there are also gardeners who assure that it is not worth watering potatoes - it is simply a waste of time. They claim that their harvest is no worse than that of those who regularly spend time watering their vegetables.

Differences in irrigation regimes often depend on the quality of the land allocated for potatoes. If the soil is quite dense and heavy, then the humidity in it will already be increased, especially during rainy periods. Such an area should not be watered; in this case, the harvest will be saved by frequent weeding, which will loosen the soil and give the plant more oxygen.

In cases where the soil is sandy and there has been very little rainfall, watering must be done throughout the entire period of potato growth. After all, sand dries out very quickly, and without irrigation, potatoes will not produce the proper harvest.

It’s worth taking a closer look at what watering potatoes will do at a certain time:

  • when the potatoes are just starting to grow, watering ensures good growth stems;
  • watering potatoes during their flowering period will make it possible to obtain a larger number of high-quality tubers;
  • the rest of the time, the hours devoted to watering will ensure a rich harvest, and the potatoes will turn out large.

When and how often should you moisturize?

Tubers with seedlings in most regions are planted in May, when the soil warms up to 10 C and contains enough moisture. Until small leaves appear above the ground, the vegetable does not particularly need artificial moisture. Especially if the potatoes were planted in moist soil. However, when the plant begins to develop, the need for water will increase greatly. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail when and how often during the season it is necessary to water potatoes.

The owners water the potatoes for the first time when the stems have risen about 10 cm above the soil. Water the plant directly in the middle of the bush. This process must be divided into several stages. First, you need to pour a small amount of water under the bush and wait a little for it to be absorbed. Then you need to add the rest of the liquid. This is done so that the soil is moistened evenly and the potatoes are not flooded. If you water earlier, this will provoke the development of the root system above the surface.

Such plants subsequently not only experience a constant lack of moisture, but also develop poorly.

If we compare the early and late varieties potatoes, then the first of them require much less water, but they use it more intensively. Therefore, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. To determine when you need to moisten the soil, you can simply lower your hand into the soil to the depth of your fingers. If the soil is dry, it requires watering. As the plant develops, it will begin to consume more water. The amount of liquid needed to water one seedling can reach up to 6 liters. Since some of it evaporates into the air, in hot weather each bush should receive up to 12 liters of water.

It is very important to water the soil when tubers form. This occurs during potato flowering. However, you should not wait for the mass appearance of flowers; it is better to water them when the first buds appear. This will increase the yield by about 30%. The timing of the next watering is related to the growth of young tubers. This process begins after the flowering itself ends, and ends when the tops wither. Each bush should receive at least 20 liters of water - this is the amount of moisture that can wet the layer of soil.

Early potato varieties grow quite quickly, so spring watering is better for them. After all, a lack of water during this period can lead to a decrease in the abundance of the harvest. If there is not enough time for watering, then you can do mulching, which will prevent moisture from evaporating from the ground too quickly.


There are two types of watering: mechanical and manual watering. But some gardeners also call “dry” watering the work of loosening and hilling a given crop. After all, this process helps moisture stay in the ground much longer. In addition, these works saturate the plant itself with oxygen. “Dry” watering or regular weeding begins almost after the first shoots appear.

The soil between the rows is loosened after each irrigation of the land. When the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, each individual potato bush is hilled up. To ensure a rich harvest, these processes must be repeated three times. This must be done before the first flowers appear. Hilling must be done carefully so as not to injure the tubers that have already appeared. It is recommended to water potatoes early in the morning or late in the evening. The liquid is released along the furrows, using a hose or using drip irrigation.


This type of watering includes: drip irrigation, and sprinkler. The first delivers water directly to the root system of the vegetable. There is a special installation for irrigating the roots. This method is necessary for those gardeners who grow large volumes of potatoes, as well as for people who cannot lift heavy objects or carry water.

Sprinkler irrigation systems are placed directly above the ground or made in the form of networks that can be installed both above and below the ground. The first of them are perfect for irrigating potatoes before and after flowering. But during flowering itself, you should under no circumstances water the potatoes like this. This causes pollen to be washed away and crop yields can plummet.

You also need to decide how large the water drops will be. If they are too large, the soil under the bush will become dense, and this is bad for potatoes. When using small drops, the soil may not receive any water at all, since the liquid will remain on the leaves and stems and simply evaporate. In these cases, you need to loosen the ground as often as possible.

It is very convenient to use the grid. Thanks to this, water gets directly into the root system of the plant. In addition, this option is good because water does not compact the soil and does not form a crust on the surface. The only disadvantage of mechanical irrigation is the high cost of the installations themselves, as well as some additional equipment. Both water dispensers and timers are expensive.


This method is quite simple and familiar to almost every person. Watering potatoes occurs using watering cans or simple hoses, which are brought to each bush separately. The advantage of manual watering is the targeted effect on plants. In this case, you can water only those bushes that require it most. But this option is suitable only for very small areas, because watering a large area will take too much time if you do everything manually.

You need to water gradually. First, a liter of water is poured directly under the root, and then, when the moisture is completely absorbed, you can water again. One bush will be saturated with moisture with 4 liters of water. In general, this process is not particularly difficult, but using a hose will make it much easier. In order not to wash away the ground around the bush, you need to put a small sprayer on the end of the hose.

First, a certain row or square of land is watered, and then the next sector. Then you need to return to the first row and repeat the procedure. This is necessary so that the soil is well moistened.

Basic Rules

It is important to know the following.

  • Having decided to grow potatoes on your own plot, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of watering them.
  • It is better to irrigate the plant with water heated in the sun. After all, potatoes are a plant of the nightshade family, which means they have rather delicate roots. When ice water hits them, the rhizome gradually rots.
  • It is correct to start watering when sprouts up to 10 cm in size appear above the ground surface.
  • When planting, potatoes must be protected from excess moisture, as some of them may simply rot. Therefore, at first this plant It's better not to water.
  • Don’t forget about the most important periods when you need to irrigate the land. First of all, this is the budding of the plant. At this stage, each bush needs approximately 5 liters of water. It is recommended to water twice a week. After the flowers have completely fallen, you can water the plants less often - once a week will be enough. Gradually it is worth reducing the amount of liquid used to 4 liters. And the last stage is watering the formed tubers. At this time, potatoes require a lot of water to grow and fully develop, and up to 6 liters can be poured under one bush.
  • It is worth considering the climate and weather. In hot weather, irrigation is done up to 6 times a month. When it rains, the number of waterings is reduced to three, or even less, once a month.
Watering potatoes in open ground

Root system The potato plant is poorly developed, but the load on it is significant - to provide nutrition for the tops and tubers. This feature of the plant requires strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology when growing, in particular, high-quality and timely watering.

Watering potatoes after planting

Potato tubers with seedlings are planted in May. During this period, the soil warms up to plus 10-12 degrees Celsius and contains enough moisture. Immediately after planting, the tubers form roots, after which the first shoots appear.

Caring for potatoes after planting does not imply watering until stem shoots 5-10 cm long appear on the surface. Earlier watering will lead to the formation of a shallow root system. In the future, such bushes will always lack moisture.

Watering is carried out fractionally. First, part of the required volume is poured under the bush, wait until it is completely absorbed, then pour in the next portion. This ensures uniform soil moisture.

Before the buds appear, potatoes are watered once every 7-10 days. In hot weather, the interval between waterings can be shortened. The need for additional moisture is checked by lowering your palm into the soil. If the soil is dry below finger level, the potatoes need to be watered. It must be remembered that light soils dry out faster than heavy clay soils and black soil.

How to water during and after flowering

The appearance of buds on potatoes signals the beginning of tuber formation. During this period, the plant's need for moisture increases sharply. Insufficient watering of potatoes during flowering will reduce the yield by up to 30%.

Increase watering with the appearance of the first flower stalks, without waiting for mass flowering. Each plant uses 12-15 liters of heated water twice a week. For better absorption, water is poured in portions.

Watering should be done before sunrise or in the evening. Water can be run along the furrows from a hose or sprinkled with sprinkling. The drip irrigation system has proven itself well when growing potatoes.

After flowering, the formed tubers begin to grow. At this stage, the water rate per watering is increased to 20 liters per bush. Untimely and insufficient watering leads to the growth of ugly tubers. This is explained by the fact that without moisture, the tubers stop their growth, and after watering they resume development unevenly.

Reduce watering of potatoes in open ground with the appearance of the first signs of wilting of the tops. Each bush consumes about three liters of water, watering the bed once every 10 days. Complete drying of the stems indicates the maturity of the crop and the need to stop watering.

Watering potatoes - video

Loosening and hilling potatoes

Work on loosening and hilling potatoes is often called “dry watering”. They help retain moisture in the soil longer and promote the penetration of oxygen into it.

Caring for potatoes begins immediately after emergence. The soil between the rows is harrowed after each watering. When the stems grow to 10 cm, carry out the first hilling, completely covering the seedlings with soil.

For a good harvest, potatoes need to be earthed three times before the first flowers appear. During flowering, you need to loosen the soil between the rows very carefully and superficially so as not to damage the formed tubers.

A layer of mulch on the potato bed will help increase the efficiency of irrigation. For it, they use mown grass and green manure, aged sawdust, and straw. This technique will help protect the roots from the heat, retain moisture, and improve air exchange in the soil. Over time, the mulch rots and serves excellent fertilizer potatoes.

Features of watering early ripening varieties

Early ripening varieties Potatoes develop rapidly, so spring watering is important for them. Lack of moisture will provoke the formation of a small number of stolons, and, as a result, a decrease in yield.

Early potatoes, grown and cared for correctly, consume less moisture than late-ripening varieties, but makes it more intense. Water it at the rate of three liters of water for each root every 3-5 days. During flowering, watering rates are increased to 6-10 liters per bush.

Signs of improper watering of potatoes

Not only a lack of moisture is dangerous for potatoes, but also its excess. Watering potatoes should be carried out based on weather conditions and the condition of the bushes. Thus, the plant reacts to drought with drooping, lightened leaves, unopened buds, and stems that dry out prematurely.

Excessive moisture content in the soil is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Watery drooping leaves;
  • Weeping spots at the bottom of the stems and the development of fungus;
  • Rotting tubers.

It is especially important to monitor the appearance of these symptoms and properly care for the potatoes during flowering, otherwise the tubers will be small.

Bottom line

The most important periods for watering potatoes are the periods of sprouting, budding, flowering and tuber growth. A sufficient amount of moisture is one of the main conditions for obtaining good harvests. It must be remembered that an excess of moisture has no less detrimental effect on potatoes than its lack.

Taking into account the fact that potatoes have variable drought resistance, watering is most important for them in the 2nd half of the growing season, especially with the onset of the flowering phase. In Russia, this period is accompanied by heavy rainfall. Therefore, there is no need to water potatoes in July-August.

However, in some years soil drought may occur, which quite often occurs in the first half of August. It is complemented by an increase in air temperature, which results in the withering of the tops. When watering, one bush should receive 3-4 liters of water. It is usually carried out in several stages. This is necessary for better absorption of moisture; it should reach a depth of up to 20 cm.

Follow the watering norm. If the potatoes are not watered enough, this can lead to the death of the stolons. The result of this may be a minimum number of tubers on the bush.

Is it necessary to water potatoes at the beginning of the growing season, when this crop is highly drought-resistant? If this is possible, then it is necessary to water. With a lack of moisture, the plant is in an extreme state. This is manifested in his poor development. A plant that has been weakened by drought, of course, cannot show good productivity in the future, even with heavy rainfall in July-August.

There is no point in watering potatoes before emergence. If large tubers were used for planting and there was no gap between plowing or planting, then the plant will sprout due to the moisture contained in the tuber itself and the soil. The need for watering arises a few days after the first shoots appear. 2-3 liters per bush is the norm for one bush. To minimize moisture loss, it is advisable to water in two steps. For watering, use ordinary buckets and watering cans. You can also water using a water system with hoses.

If there is no precipitation in the second half of June, which happens quite often in most regions of our country, then it is necessary to carry out another watering in the third ten days of the month with the same rate.

Thus, in June two waterings of potatoes should be carried out - in the middle and end of June. In August, the number of waterings should range from one to two. It all depends on the precipitation during this period. On average, the total watering rate per plant should be 10-15 liters of water.

There is no point in watering potato plantings after September 1st. Watering potatoes stops a couple of weeks before harvesting potato plantations.

If potatoes are grown on arable land, then difficulties arise with irrigation. It is carried out only in some cases. If areas with potato plantings are located on an irrigated field, then they can be irrigated using a sprinkler system. Another option for organizing irrigation is to use a water truck. When choosing this option for organizing irrigation, it is necessary to take into account the economic component. After spending one good watering Around June 20-25, when the plants usually reach a height of 15-20 cm, an increase in yield of 25-30% can be achieved. A big increase can be achieved if this event is held on dry August days. If your costs are higher than the increase in yield, then it is unprofitable from an economic point of view. To verify this, you can conduct an experiment on your site.

Those potato growers who do not have the opportunity to irrigate their plots potato plantings, can follow the rule: moisture in the soil must be preserved using moisture-saving agricultural practices. It is necessary to fight for moisture and its preservation on the site in the literal sense of the word.


Drip irrigation of potatoes is a convenient irrigation system that saves you time and effort in carrying out this routine procedure. It’s quite easy to organize a convenient and durable irrigation system on your site with your own hands. We will share with you the answers to the main questions - how often, when and with what water to water potatoes in order to get a high-quality harvest.

Potatoes require balanced watering, which directly depends on the stage of its development. Experts say that after planting and until the first shoots of tops appear, there is no need to water the crop. During this period, the potato's root system is actively developing. Excessive moisture will cause superficial root germination, which may further affect the supply of nutrition. Overmoistening always leads to the formation of mold and rot.

Manual watering of potatoes

But with the appearance of the first shoots and bushes, the need for moisture increases sharply. However, there is no need to be zealous either. Water moderately, and as soon as you notice that lower leaves bushes have leaned towards the ground and have begun to wither, feel free to water the potato bed. Potatoes need intensive watering in the summer from the beginning of June to the end of July. It is then that the culture begins a period of budding and abundant growth. If you water the potatoes poorly during this period, the tubers will shrink due to lack of moisture and nutrients. As a result, you will get a small harvest the size of a pea and with other reduced consumer qualities.

August is a changeable month. It can be both dry and very rainy. The amount of moisture should be adjusted independently, focusing on the condition of the tops. If it starts to dry out and wilt too much, water more often. As for the minimum watering rate per potato bush, it should be at least 3 liters. The final consumption will depend on the type of soil in which your crop grows and its variety. Remember, sandy loam and light soils absorb moisture much faster than heavy loamy and peaty soils. Remember to irrigate heavily during dry growing weeks. This rule especially applies to early varieties potatoes.

The most important rule of watering is complete exclusion. cold water. Use only “summer” water for irrigation, preheated in the sun during the day in barrels or buckets. Unfavorable hours for saturating potatoes with moisture are from noon to six o’clock in the evening. At this moment, the active flow of ultraviolet radiation will contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the heated surface of the earth; it does not have time to penetrate deep into the root system. Early morning is also not the best best time for watering. There may be moisture remaining on the leaves. When moisture and ultraviolet radiation interact sheet plates Sunburn will appear soon.

Watering potatoes by sprinkling

Therefore, the most the best option There will be watering after seven in the evening. At this moment, the sun has almost disappeared behind the horizon, and the soil is gradually cooling. This way you will ensure deep penetration of moisture to the root system, promoting saturation nutrients. Two weeks before harvest, we stop watering completely. Light sandy soil needs to be irrigated more often than heavy clay substrates. After watering and intense rains, do not allow moisture to form a dense crust on the surface of the soil, blocking the flow of air to the roots. Carry out loosening, which many call “dry watering”.

June or July are the hottest and most important months for potato production. Humidification is carried out twice during this period - at the beginning and middle of the month.

But in August it is enough to water once in the middle of the month. The recommended number of waterings for the entire season should be at least 5 or a total of 10-16 liters of water per bush. We add about 4 liters of water per planting. Moreover, during drought, hydration differs from usual. Water is added to the soil in several passes of one liter each. At each stage, you need to wait until the moisture is slightly absorbed into the soil, and then pour the next batch. For convenience and equal distribution of liquid, use measuring scoops or a glass jar.

Watering of varietal potatoes can be carried out from different irrigation systems. When watering with a hose, avoid getting large streams of water onto the potato bushes. This can lead to the formation of late blight and the development of fungal infections. Drip irrigation is also suitable for potatoes. Thanks to local water supply, you will significantly reduce costs, and using inexpensive and reliable materials, you can build the system yourself.

There are several types of drip irrigation systems for potatoes, which differ in row spacing (0.7, 0.9 and 1.4 m). Tape unwinders are installed on the bed formers, which are laid to a depth of up to 3 cm. Every 20-30 cm of such an installation, water circles are created under pressure of 0.5-0.7 atmospheres, which are pushed out of the holes under pressure. Thus, the bed is slowly and gradually moistened along its entire length. After harvesting, the drip irrigation system is disposed of. According to gardeners, thanks to this moistening, the potato yield increases by approximately 60-80 tons per hectare of garden.

Watering potatoes with drip irrigation

To construct a drip irrigation system with a row spacing of 1.4 m, we connect two rows of 0.7 m each with a single tape. To obtain early varieties, in parallel with the use of drip irrigation, we use agrofibre or lay a mulch layer. First of all, we make 140 cm beds, cover them with dark film and lay drip tape under it. We plant potatoes in separate holes manually or using a special planting machine. This system has several main advantages: it provides good soil heating, prevents the formation of weeds, and also provides high-quality watering to each bush.

It has many advantages over other systems, which makes it the most popular among gardeners. First of all, such irrigation provides uniform moisture, gradually saturating the crop with moisture. The plant's root system develops much better. Drip irrigation also involves the introduction liquid fertilizers, which go directly to the roots with moisture, so they are absorbed quickly and intensively. Such irrigation has nothing to do with sprinkling; the water flows directly under the bush, which means the likelihood of fungal diseases forming is reduced. In addition, when processing tops chemicals they do not wash off for a long time and have a longer lasting effect.

Local humidification system

The system does not leave behind wet row spacing, which is very convenient for weeding and loosening. A dense crust does not form on the soil surface. The drip irrigation system also has no restrictions on its use in the area. It can be installed both on steep slopes and on flat surfaces. Evaporation of moisture from the surface is minimal. For comparison, when drip irrigation it is no more than 5%, while with sprinkling this figure sometimes exceeds 50% of the initial volume of water. Compared to sprinkling, this irrigation system provides better soil heating, which means it produces a high-quality harvest much faster. The amount and frequency of water application are also reduced, which indicates the cost-effectiveness of the method.

We build a reliable drip system from PVC pipes

A drip irrigation system made of PVC pipes will last for many years. It can be installed both in a small garden and in large areas. Plus, it's easy enough to assemble that you can make it yourself. First of all, we carry out measuring work, measuring the length and width of the area under. This will help you quickly decide on the number of PVC pipes to install. For the main line, it is recommended to select tubes with a diameter of 19-20 mm, and for a branched system - 12.5-13 mm. As auxiliary materials for the second system, you also need to purchase plugs and non-threaded tees.

The length of the main tubes will correspond to the width of the garden, and the branched ones will correspond to the length of the garden, multiplied by the number of beds. For ease of installation, the second type of tube can be cut into an equal number of pieces corresponding to the number of beds and equal to their length. The second step is to make holes for irrigation. Lay the pipes for the branched system on a hard surface and use a drill to make a blind hole every 50 cm. Next, we install the drip network. We lay the main tubes across the beds, and in the aisles we lay drip tubes at right angles. At the intersection of the main pipe with the auxiliary pipes, we cut it. We insert a tee into both ends of the sawn tube and connect to it an auxiliary tube located along each potato bed.

We make the fastening tight and airtight, preventing water leakage, using mastic for this. The opposite end of each tube with a diameter of 12.5-13 mm is closed with plugs. We do this with all the other tubes in the garden bed. We place a plug at one end of the main line, and connect the second to the water supply. When the mastic in the joints hardens well, turn on the water and check the system in action. This drip irrigation is very convenient to use, it will serve you for many years, because PVC pipes do not rot or rust, unlike their metal counterparts, and also do not form kinks or crack under the aggressive influence of sunlight, like rubber. The system can be dismantled quite simply, and if desired, it can be stored in a barn and used as needed.