How to make natural home fragrance. How to make a sachet with your own hands for a car. Benefits of Natural Air Fresheners

Electronic cigarettes are less harmful to human body, but require cash costs for vaping liquids. To save money and at the same time get a satisfactory result, vapers are interested in how to make flavor for electronic cigarettes on one's own.

Types of flavors for electronic cigarettes

There are two types of flavors:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

The first type is created on the basis of natural ingredients with minimal addition of chemicals. They are high cost and narrow choice tastes. Artificial flavors are made from food additives, therefore they have a wide range and affordable prices. Because of this, many vapers use mainly the second group for mixing refills for electronic cigarettes.

What flavors are there? more? In this area, it is customary to conditionally divide additives not only according to the naturalness of the ingredients, but also according to taste. Thus, the following groups exist:

  • tobacco;
  • fruit and berry;
  • oriental aromas, spices;
  • tastes of sweets and drinks.

Natural ingredients are more often used for mixing the first and third categories. Tobacco e-liquids imitate the tastes of popular brands of cigarettes, so smokers can switch to less harmful vaping without loss.

Self-mixing for the first time

To those who want prepare e-liquid cigarettes at home, it is recommended to follow the standard (or prescribed in the recipe) proportions or use a special online calculator. This program allows you to calculate the required dosage of ingredients in milliliters based on the required volume of liquid and the desired nicotine concentration.

When preparing liquid For electronic cigarette You should add a minimal amount of flavoring, otherwise the dressing will be too acrid. This ingredient is added last to the settled base. To better develop the flavor, leave the liquid in a warm place and shake it periodically. Over time, the vape owner will learn to independently determine the optimal recipe for mixing.

Homemade flavor additives

Create DIY flavors for electronic cigarettes difficult, but worth a try as an experiment. To do this, some use extracts from raw materials of their choice: herbs, fruits and vegetables. However, these substances have a less pronounced taste and smell, as a result of which the resources spent on synthesis do not pay off.

It is best to use essential concentrates and oils when mixing the base. for electronic cigarette. When choosing a component, you should give preference to low-fat additives with a lightweight texture, so as not to thicken the dressing too much. To increase the concentration, you can mix ethereal and vegetable oils. In this case, the aromas are unobtrusive, and the liquid itself has a fairly mild taste.

There is a separate option for extreme sports enthusiasts. They can add spices and seasonings to the base, including natural coffe(ground). This will diversify the taste of the additive and add spice to it.

Basic ingredients for cooking

Ingredients for making self-mix the following:

  • propylene glycol (PG);
  • glycerin (VG);
  • distilled water (AD);
  • nicotine optional.

Flavorings are added to the main components. Artificial supplements are in greatest demand among advanced vapers. The properties of the listed components are as follows:

  1. Propylene glycol is a clear liquid with a slight sweetish aftertaste and a viscous consistency. Supplement needed to enhance taste qualities flavoring Pure propylene glycol liquid is hard and can cause throat discomfort.
  2. Glycerin has neither color nor odor. When in contact with water, it decreases in volume and releases heat, so it helps produce thicker and more saturated steam.
  3. Distilled water serves as a solvent and mitigates the effects of PG and VG.
  4. Nicotine comes in the form of an oily liquid of natural or chemical origin. Main role The degree of purification plays a role in the choice, as it affects the taste and ability to mix with other ingredients.

For cooking liquid slurry the flavoring agent is selected according to three criteria: taste, concentration and opening time in the batch.

Proportions and recipe

Since vapers prefer artificial flavors, recipes only with them will be given here. All proportions are indicated per 10 ml of liquid.

Cooking method berry dressing without nicotine:

  • propylene glycol - 4 ml;
  • glycerin - 4 ml;
  • vanilla flavoring - 0.2 ml;
  • blueberry flavoring - 0.7 ml;
  • strawberry flavoring - 0.9 ml.

Pomegranate flavor liquid:

  • PG and VG - 8 ml (any proportions);
  • “Pomegranate” - 2 ml;
  • no nicotine.

Spicy mixture:

  • PG and VG - 7-9 ml;
  • Jamaican rum and whiskey flavoring - 0.6 ml;
  • “Hot red cinnamon” - 0 75 ml.

Presented here best recipes. E-liquids should be diluted with purified water and nicotine to suit your taste. Alcohol-containing components are not required, so it is best to save cans of alcohol for cleaning equipment.

Precautions for self-mixing liquid

To prepare the refill, you need gloves and measuring tools, since you need to accurately measure the amount of nicotine.

This substance is extremely toxic in its pure form and can cause severe allergies if it comes into contact with the skin, so contact with it should be avoided.

The perception of a particular living space primarily depends on the smell. To ensure that your home always smells pleasant and tasty, there is no need to use whole line deodorizing preparations. You can create comfort using natural flavor air for home. You can do it yourself. This will take you relatively little time, but the benefits of such a tool will be invaluable. It will not only fill your home or car interior with fragrance, but will also help neutralize for a long time unpleasant aromas. The main thing is that such a remedy will not harm your health.

What are home fragrances

Fragrances mean products designed to combat unpleasant odors in the room and saturate the air with aromas that will help create the necessary coziness in the house. A high-quality home perfume of this type is made from hypoallergenic and natural ingredients. It will help cope with the smells of tobacco, cooking and pets. Some neutralizers are placed in the linen closet and even in the refrigerator. When choosing a scent for your home, you need to take into account the tastes of each household member, since some smells can cause headaches or allergies.


Essential oils, such as orange, lavender, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang, are widely used to aromatize indoor air. This category includes the following tools:

  • Soda flavoring. The simplest and most affordable option, for the preparation of which a few drops of aroma oil are added to the soda. After this, the entire composition is mixed, and the container is covered with a lid with small holes.
  • Diffusers with sticks. A diffuser is a beautiful glass container that is filled with a liquid with a pleasant smell. Tall incense sticks for the home, made of porous bamboo, are placed in it. Gradually they will become saturated with essential oil and spread the aroma throughout the room.
  • Aroma lamps. The classic version is made of glass, ceramics, metal or stone and is a hybrid of a candlestick and a vase. A small bowl is filled with water or essential oil, and a candle should be placed at the bottom. When heated, the liquid spreads fragrances throughout the room.
  • Gel option. It looks like jelly, which consists of gelatin, juice, glycerin and essential oil. After hardening, the mixture is applied in small pieces, which are placed in a jar, bowl or other convenient container.
  • Aroma stones. Consists of flour, salt, essential oils and some other components that are mixed into one mass. After drying, they are laid out throughout the house in random order.


Dry room scents have also become widespread. For their production, collections of fragrant herbs and plants are used. Popular options include lavender, jasmine, mint, oregano, rosemary, etc. Alternative spices include cinnamon, star anise, dried citrus zest, and star anise. Some options:

  • Coffee. With the help of this fragrance, your home will become more comfortable, because the atmosphere in it will be filled with a delicious coffee aroma that many people like.
  • A potpourri of dried herbs and flowers soaked in incense or essential oils. Such sets can be purchased ready-made and placed in a decorative bowl or vase on dining table.
  • You can make a sachet and fill such a bag with any dried fragrant herbs and flowers, or other dry filler, onto which you should apply a few drops of aromatic oil.


They are less widespread due to the fact that they are inconvenient to use. To get the desired effect, the flavored solution must be heated each time. To obtain the product, add water to one of the following components and then bring to a boil:

  • ginger;
  • needles;
  • carnation;
  • orange;
  • rosemary;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon.

How to make home fragrance with your own hands

To make dry or liquid home fragrances yourself, the main thing is to decide on the appropriate option. Some of them will become an interior component of a particular room, for example, aroma stones or diffusers. Even if you are not an ardent fan of aromatherapy, then linen bags and sachets with odorous contents will not be superfluous in your closet with clothes - they will not only give your wardrobe a fresh smell, but will also ward off moths and other insects. For self-made The following options are great:

  • diffuser;
  • sachet;
  • aroma stones;
  • humidifier;
  • coffee flavoring.

This version of the aroma accessory is one of the most fashionable, because... with its help you can not only freshen the air, but also decorate the interior. It is ideal for aromatizing residential premises, especially small ones. In most cases, the diffuser container is made of glass, which is then filled with aromatic liquid. Special sticks are placed in the latter. To make your own diffuser with sticks you will need:

  • a beautiful and heavy earthenware or glass bottle with a narrow neck;
  • aromatic and essential oils;
  • a light base oil (jojoba, fractionated coconut, almond or safflower) or dipropylene glycol (DPG).
  • sticks made of wood, rattan, or bamboo skewers/skewers, or dry plant stems.

Finding the described components is not so problematic. The process of preparing a diffuser with sticks is even simpler:

  1. Create a mixture using DPG/base oil (choose one) - the base should be 70%, and the essential oil or mixture of several oils should be 30%. If the smell is not as strong as you would like, then increase the proportion of esters. Sometimes a few teaspoons of alcohol are simply added to the essential oil mixture.
  2. Try the resulting mixture in a small amount in an aroma lamp. If necessary, adjust the recipe, then repeat it in an aroma diffuser in accordance with the proportion.
  3. Then insert the previously prepared sticks into the neck of the bottle. After a few hours, turn them over to the other side. It is recommended to turn the sticks over on different sides every few days.
  4. Over time, the mixture in the diffuser will run out, and the wooden sticks will stop absorbing and transmitting the aroma oil. In this case, you will need to make a new diffuser.


When you decide to make natural flavors for your home, pay attention to the sachets, which have not lost their relevance to this day. You can fill such a bag with dry citrus peels (tangerine, lemon, grapefruit), dried fragrant herbs and flowers (wormwood, mint, lemon balm). Even cotton wool is suitable as a filler - you just need to drip a little pink or rosemary aroma oil onto it.

Various spices will be added to the sachet: anise, cloves, vanilla pods, star anise, etc. Please note that the share of their weight in the total weight of the homemade flavoring in the bag should be relatively small. The fact is that they have an intense and sometimes pungent odor. Manufacturing stages:

  1. First you need to prepare the bag. You can sew a sachet from any material, but choose natural fabrics, such as linen, burlap, etc. The dimensions should be relatively small - often 10x8 or 12x13 cm.
  2. The cut bag needs to be sewn on three sides. Once it is filled with aromatic contents, tie it or sew it up completely.
  3. If you plan to hang such a fragrance, be sure to sew a small loop to it. It would be nice to decorate the bag with lace, ribbons, embroidery or beads.
  4. The sachet can be used as an air flavoring for a relatively short time - about 3 months, depending on the contents. After this period, the old filler should be replaced with a new one.

Aroma stones

In an original way decorate a house or apartment and at the same time neutralize unpleasant odors, is the production of “stone” flavoring – aroma stones. They are not difficult to make, and the ingredients required to create them can be found in any housewife’s kitchen. The aroma stone itself is a small figurine that can have any shape. For production, porous materials are often used, for example, dough, clay, gypsum. It is very important that the material is environmentally friendly and absorbs aromatic oils well. To make stones, prepare:

  • any flour – 600 g;
  • salt – 1 kg;
  • hot water– 200 ml;
  • corn or potato starch - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • various essential oils - a few drops;
  • creative paints (you can use gouache) or food coloring.

In most cases, aroma stones are made small, because they are often used to aromatize small rooms. For this reason, you can carry such a pebble with you in your bag or pocket. Manufacturing technology:

  1. Pour salt, starch and flour into a deep bowl. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve the dye in water, then mix with the rest of the ingredients and knead into a stiff dough.
  3. Divide the resulting dough into several small portions, from which the semblance of pebbles will be formed. Or roll out the entire mass into a flat cake 1 cm thick and use molds or a sharp knife to cut out various figures from the dough.
  4. Apply 2-3 drops of any essential oil to each resulting pebble, then leave until completely dry.
  5. Once the incense stones are dry, place them around the house in random order. Arrange them one by one or in groups of several pieces, forming interesting compositions.
  6. Over time, the aroma stones will no longer produce pleasant odors, but do not throw them away. To make them smell fragrant again, drop a little essential oil on them again.


An interesting option An air humidifier will become a home air freshener. To make it, prepare a container of approximately 200 ml, water (150 ml), 1-3 drops of vanilla extract and essential oils. You will need lemon and rosemary in a ratio of 15:5. Cooking process:

  1. Add vanilla extract and aromatic oils to the water. Mix the entire composition thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a suitable container (bowl or jar), which should be placed on the radiator.

Coffee flavor

An alternative to aromatic perfumes, chalky fragrances or special fresheners can be coffee. This natural perfume is suitable for any apartment or house. There are two ways to create a coffee freshener:

  • Fill beautiful boxes, dishes or small vases with fried grains and place them throughout your living space.
  • Sew a bag or buy a ready-made one, then pour freshly ground natural coffee into it and tie it with a string. Then hang or place the finished fragrance in a suitable place.


How to make food flavoring at home

Simple ways to prepare flavors for baked goods, salads, and various dishes.

At home, the possibilities for obtaining an aromatic substance are somewhat limited. However there are several simple ways obtain flavors without leaving home and without purchasing additional utensils and ingredients.

Natural coffee flavor

To make natural coffee bean flavoring, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Ground coffee (real) 0.5 kg.
  • 2 l Water.

The water should be boiled and then cooled. After chilled boiled water you need to add ground coffee. Stir and pour the solution into a glass jar with a lid. After sealing the bottle tightly, you need to put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After proper settling, the food flavoring is ready.

Lemon flavoring for baking, salads, electronic cigarettes

You will need:

  • 12 medium sized lemons.
  • 2 liters of water.

Wash the lemons, remove any remaining water with a towel and cut into small pieces. Place the sliced ​​lemons in a container and pour warm water and leave to infuse (preferably in a warm place).

Then strain the resulting liquid through a strainer and pour into a glass bottle with a lid.

Orange and Lemon Flavor


  • 1 piece orange.
  • 1 piece lemon.
  • 200 grams of vodka.

First, peel the orange and lemon. The resulting zest should be poured with vodka and left to infuse. glass bottle for 24 hours.

How is natural flavoring produced on an industrial scale?

To obtain food flavoring from natural raw materials, the following methods are used:

  • infusion;
  • percolation;
  • repercolation;
  • circulation extraction and other methods.

There are several types of extracts:

  • Liquid.
  • Thick (they contain up to 25% moisture).
  • Dry.

To extract the aroma component from raw materials plant origin water and ethyl alcohol are used (the use of acids, alkalis, glycerin, etc. in the technology is also allowed). Having received the extract, it is left to stand for at least 48 hours at a temperature of up to 10 ° C to obtain a clear liquid. After this, the liquid is passed through a filter. Thick extracts require additional steps: precipitation with alcohol, use of absorbents, boiling with filtration. After which the purified extracts are brought to a thick state by evaporation under vacuum.

Today in stores household chemicals Air fresheners come in a wide variety. But as research in recent years shows, 90% of them are completely artificial in origin and, among other things, they contain substances harmful to the human body. But everything is not so gloomy, because there are also natural air fresheners for the home that you can easily make yourself. We offer you some tips on how to make your own home fragrance from coffee, gelatin, perfume and essential oils, as well as a special video on creating natural fragrances.

Benefits of Natural Air Fresheners

Any of us would like to wake up in the morning and smell lavender or delicate vanilla instead of musty and unpleasant air. In this case, manufacturers of household chemicals offer a variety of air fresheners, but everyone knows that none of them contain natural ingredients, no matter what the advertising slogans say.

Moreover, air fresheners often contain components harmful to the human body, such as acetone. But how then can you freshen the air in your home and at the same time enjoy absolutely harmless luxurious aromas? Natural flavors made with your own hands will come to the rescue.

Natural flavoring is an ideal solution for families with allergies or small children. You can not only choose the best scent for yourself, but also benefit your body if you use aromatic oils or coffee as the basis for the freshener. But first things first. We bring to your attention some of the most effective and simple natural home fragrances.

Making natural coffee flavoring for home

Coffee air flavoring - the best option to freshen the air in the kitchen. It will not only create a “delicious” aroma, but also “wake up” the appetite, which is important for comfortable absorption of food.

To create this flavor, you only need a baggy cloth and a couple of spoons of freshly ground natural coffee. You either need to sew a small bag, or buy a ready-made one, pour coffee into it and tie it with a string. The flavor is ready!

Making natural flavor from gelatin

A homemade gelatin scent freshens a room for about two weeks. It not only fills your home with wonderful aromas, but is also an excellent decorative element for any room: be it a living room or a bedroom.

Advice. A crust may appear on the surface of the flavor, preventing the release of the flavor. To avoid this, just lubricate the surface of the air freshener with glycerin or any aromatic oil.

To prepare it we will need:

  • small size shape;
  • water;
  • essential oil of one or more types;
  • gelatin;
  • glycerol.

Making gelatin flavoring couldn't be easier. Let's take a few steps to do this:

  1. Place a small saucepan on low heat with hot water(you need as much of it as the mold holds - it’s better to aim for about 200-250 ml) and pour 2 tablespoons of gelatin into it. Stir the mixture until the gelatin dissolves.
  2. After the gelatin has dissolved, add a teaspoon of glycerin to the resulting mixture (this will prevent rapid evaporation of water) and a couple of drops of the selected essential oil. If you don't like the color of the resulting mixture, then you can easily solve this problem - just add a little food coloring and bright color ready.
  3. To end up with an unusual and aesthetically attractive air freshener, place various decorative elements: citrus slices, flower petals, pine needles, etc. Now you can fill the mold with the prepared gelatin composition. The mass will harden for several hours and the flavor is ready.

Preparation of fragrances from perfumes and essential oils

Fragrances made from essential oils have a distinct smell, so you not only need to carefully choose a specific composition, but also carefully consider where you would like to place it. We offer you a couple of ways to make fresheners from natural ingredients with the addition of essential oils.

Method No. 1. We will need any essential oil, a container for fragrance, hydrogel and water. Use as a container beautiful shape cup. Either convex or tall will look original. Fill it with water up to half, add essential oil to the container (4-7 drops, do not overdo it). Mix thoroughly.

Then fill the rest of the container with hydrogel. Next, wait a little until it swells. This is a sign that the flavor is ready. This will make a wonderful and creative air freshener for your home.

Method number 2. Quite simple to implement and quite long in operation. To create this freshener, we use a beautifully shaped vessel (or a transparent flower vase) with a not very narrow neck, wooden sticks, baby oil (100-140 ml), alcohol (a couple of tablespoons) and essential oil (8-13 drops).

So, first pour oil into the vessel, then alcohol and essential essence. Mix the mixture thoroughly and place the sticks in the container. It will take about 3-4 hours for them to be thoroughly soaked in the flavored mixture. Then turn them over and enjoy the aroma. This flavor will work effectively for several weeks.

Advice. You can make the fragrance container more impressive by adding various decorative elements, for example, a beautiful ribbon or wire decorated with beads/flowers, etc.

You can also use a bottle of leftover perfume as a flavoring agent. We add ingredients there according to the same principle as in the previous version, with the exception of alcohol and essential oils. Mix thoroughly and insert the sticks into the bottle. And your favorite scent will delight you for a long time.

Natural home fragrances, as you can see, are pleasant, beautiful and healthy. Create, fantasize! We wish you creative inspiration!

Do-it-yourself flavoring: video

Home fragrance: photo

Hello, dear readers of the blog “Not a Woman’s Business”! How do you choose a scent for your home? Limit yourself ready-made solutions with a chemical “filling” or do you use sachets with fragrant herbs? Maybe your imagination is only enough to use essential oils?

I don’t like “store-bought” aerosols, and besides, my husband has allergies, so today I’ll tell you how to assemble a natural flavor with your own hands from scrap materials. In the end it will work out safe product, moreover, its cost is several times lower than the prices of similar products from well-known manufacturers.

To make your home smell delicious, I advise you to prepare a fragrant composition from natural products. Don't be scared, the process will take very little time. But the end result is a luxurious source of aroma + decoration for the room.

Necessary materials

We will need a container of transparent material- an ordinary glass jar, a crystal flower vase, a glass or a decanter with a wide neck. You can use a small aquarium/terrarium, interesting shape container or find another type of container with transparent walls. And as a filler we use citrus fruits, aromatic herbs, pine needles, spices and herbal extracts.

How it works?

Everything is simple and without unnecessary hassles. To make a natural flavoring with your own hands, take a container and fill it with those components whose smells suit our taste. Then we’ll fill it all with water and put it in a warm place, maybe on a heating radiator. When heated, the product will intensely release incense, and this smell will circulate in the room with currents of warm air.

Aroma No. 1. Spiced oranges

Refreshing citrus notes combined with cinnamon, anise and cloves will fill the air. pleasant aroma. A “delicious” composition in a glass container will become an interesting accessory in the interior.

Cooking method: put oranges into a jar in circles or halves of plates, add cinnamon sticks, cloves and anise stars. The proportions of the ingredients are easy to vary, if you like the smell of cinnamon - put not 2 sticks, but a few more, also with the rest of the spices.

Fragrance No. 2. Lemon Rhapsody

The scent of lemon sets the main tone, and rosemary and vanilla “sound” gently as an accompaniment.

Cooking method: place citrus slices in a glass container, use rosemary sprigs and a few drops of vanilla extract as an arrangement.

Flavor No. 3. Lime and his team

This composition is dominated by the scent of lime, generously surrounded by mint, vanilla and thyme.

Cooking method: cut citrus fruits into thin slices and fill a transparent container with them. Add a couple of fresh sprigs of thyme, a couple of drops of vanilla extract and mint essence. You can experiment and use additional components in dried form - replace the essence with mint tea leaves, and instead of fresh thyme, add seasoning from a bag. Anyone can make such a natural flavoring with their own hands - even our brutal, strong halves.

Fragrance No. 4. Orange luxury

To make your home smell delicious, adopt a fragrant composition that includes orange citrus, lemon and ginger; the depth of aroma will be emphasized by the rich smell of almonds.

Cooking method: Place orange slices in a jar, after mixing them with ginger slices. Add a few drops of almond essence. Instead of fresh root, you can use powdered ginger, but fresh almonds, unfortunately, will not replace the richness of the essence.

Fragrance No. 5. Coniferous splendor

The intense freshness of spruce branches combined with the scent of laurel leaves and nutmeg will provide not only a pleasant olfactory atmosphere. By making such natural home fragrances with your own hands, you will successfully cope with the destruction of harmful microorganisms and purify the air in the room.

Cooking method: place pine needles (spruce, pine, fir branches) in a glass container and send them there Bay leaf And nutmeg. Instead of twigs, you can only take pine needles. And nutmeg as a whole smells stronger than in the grated version, and will give off its aroma much longer, so we use it in its original form, and not in the form of crumbs. As for the bay leaf, it is worth breaking each leaf slightly to enhance the incense.

We prepare natural flavoring with our own hands for future use

To ensure that fragrant compositions are always at hand and in a rich variety, prepare several containers at a time with various ingredients, but without water, and place them in the freezer. At the right time, choose any container to suit your mood, fill it with liquid, put it on heat and enjoy your own creation. And they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

How to make a gel flavor with your own hands?

No less relevant are gel fresheners with essential oils. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of water and add a spoonful of glycerin to prevent the composition from turning into a dry lump in just a day or two. Drop a little ether with your favorite scent and mix. Gel freshener ready, but if you wish, you can also add dye and pour the mixture into a transparent container/bottle - it will emit a pleasant smell and decorate the interior. It is also easy to use in a car, since the substance holds its shape and will not spill when the car is moving.

Essential oils in various uses

If you want to make your own car fragrance, take an empty can, fill ¾ full with water and add 3-4 drops of essential oil. The result is a very economical air freshener with your favorite scent.

Drop an essential substance onto a cotton pad, place it on a saucer and place it on the radiator. Under the influence of heat, the ethers evaporate, and the room will be filled with incense.

To make your own natural fragrance in the form of a freshener pendant, take a bottle and put flower petals, a handful of sand or pieces of natural fabric in it. Add some scented oil and screw on the lid. When necessary, open the bottle and enjoy the fragrance, then close it again.

Orange hedgehog freshener

Perhaps this is the simplest and effective method aromatization of the room. Take an orange and stick dried cloves into it on all sides. “Hedgehog” will smell nice for at least two weeks.

Fresheners for the kitchen and more

For the kitchen, of course, it is also worth making a natural flavoring with your own hands; for this you can use coffee beans and cinnamon sticks, lemon and soda:

  • Place coffee beans on a hot frying pan, and in a moment the kitchen will smell of an invigorating aroma. The same can be done with cinnamon;
  • pour 2-3 tbsp into a small bag. spoons of freshly ground coffee and hang over the work surface;
  • Pour water with the juice of half a lemon into a spray bottle and spray the air or surfaces of the room from time to time;
  • Place lemon slices sprinkled with baking soda on the refrigerator shelves. This way you can easily and very quickly eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • Make a paste of baking soda and water on a plate and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours. This is the most easy way, which helps get rid of the unsightly “spirit” inside the camera.

Ways to eliminate odors in the bathroom and toilet

Prepare water with a spoonful of vinegar and soda and fill a spray bottle. The composition has an antibacterial effect and effectively eliminates unwanted odors. The mixture can be sprayed into the air or splashed on surfaces and even on the toilet.