How to sew simple curtains. How to sew curtains with your own hands correctly: video and photos

Hand-made things will never go out of fashion, and today, when you can buy everything, handmade is appreciated even more. Sewing, knitting, decorating are absolutely useful skills for any housewife. And if you still have little experience, then you can start with not very complex, but functional things. An example of this is curtains, and making them with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Especially if these curtains are for the kitchen.

There are classic options, there are also modern ones, of varying degrees of complexity, the models are quite simple and, on the contrary, sophisticated. Here are the most popular types of curtains:

  • Curtains with hinges. A classic, the technique is quite simple, even a beginner can do it.
  • Austrian curtains. Light, elegant, with frills and ruffles. Raised by mounting tape.
  • Roman curtains. Their design is simple, it would seem, but manufacturing requires certain skills. Flat, strict, elegant.
  • French curtains. They make the kitchen airy, cozy, tender. Their patterns may not be immediately clear to a beginner; you’ll have to figure it out. The master knows how to make darts to form folds. Mounting tape is also used.
  • Curtains with ties. Sewing them is simple, the design is relevant, the patterns are clear. A beginner can master them with his own hands.

You need to start with the simplest option, and after mastering it, come up with new ideas.

Transparent curtains for the kitchen (video)

Curtains with hinges for the kitchen

Sewing them involves using natural fabrics. The technique is simple, patterns and cutting will be understandable for beginners. The algorithm is as follows:

  • You need to cut out two panels from the main fabric.
  • The remaining decorative details should be cut out from additional fabric. Lining may not be required.
  • It is imperative to process the side seams of the panels so that the seams do not unravel during use of the product.
  • The elements of the lower trim need to be sewn according to the pocket principle, and then sewn to the main fabric.
  • The loops are folded in half, you need to sew them from the inside out, then turn them out. Smooth out so that the seam is in the middle of the part. There should be no visible threads, irregularities, etc. on the loops.
  • The loops on the wrong side are basted to the main panels.
  • After this, you should sew the tiebacks. The fabric is folded in half, stitched, turned inside out, and smoothed out. Don't forget that the seam should again be in the middle of the part.

The design of such kitchen curtains involves ruffles, frills, and bows. The result will be something from the “economy class” category, but very cozy and cute.

How to make good patterns

The tailoring of each kitchen curtain model is individual. Particularly if you want to do it yourself.

As for the pattern, the simplest option is a template. It usually consists of one or two rectangles (this depends on the size of the window). The template is created based on the measurements. The length of curtains for the kitchen is up to the window sill or slightly lower. Models that are too long are inconvenient in the kitchen.

The maximum that is permissible is 15 cm below the window sill.

When drawing up a pattern, do not forget that you need to leave about 2 cm for hemming the fabric at the top and bottom.

In essence, curtain patterns are rectangles that are processed along the edges. There is no need for a master class here; sewing is simple if the design of the item is standard.

DIY Roman blinds (video)

We sew a lambrequin curtain for the kitchen

Making a lambrequin curtain with your own hands is very simple. Meanwhile, today it is fashionable decorative element, capable of furnishing any window. This option is often chosen by young married couples who want to add comfort to their rented accommodation. It’s cheap and fast, and the curtains are beautiful, short, and the design is the most modern.

And here is the master class:

  • The width of the fabric will be equal to the width of the window opening, and the height will be 60 cm.
  • You will need a narrow satin ribbon and threads to match the color of the fabric. Fabrics can be cotton, blended or synthetic.
  • The fabric is ironed and cutting is done on a flat surface. The bottom edge and sides need to be basted and then stitched.
  • Next, fold the top edge to the thickness of the cornice, first sweep it, then stitch it. This curtain does not need a lining.
  • The side seams at the bottom need to be slightly gathered with thread, literally 5-6 stitches.
  • The curtain can be hung on a curtain rod. The satin ribbon is divided into two strips, each one meter long. The ribbons are thrown over the cornice and pulled together, forming folds.
  • All that remains is to tie the ends of the ribbon into a bow.

The short lambrequin curtains are ready, sewing them is so simple, and the design is so elegant that they do not require a pattern, and after one completed model you yourself will be able to give a master class on sewing such beauty with your own hands.

Curtains with eyelets - an alternative to curtains with hinges

Thinking through ideas and looking at options on the Internet, you may come across more than one master class on sewing curtains with eyelets. Eyelets are edgings made of plastic or metal that form a hole in the fabric. Most often, the curtain is strung onto the cornice itself through eyelets.

And if the design of such a curtain as a whole does not differ from the standard model, the patterns are also quite typical, then a significant difference - making holes for the eyelets and installing the eyelets themselves with your own hands may seem difficult, and even make you abandon the idea.

But you can sew anything, and you just need to practice installing eyelets. And apply important tips:

  • The distance between the eyelets is determined in advance; it depends on the desired depth of the folds. If you want to make the folds embossed, the distance will be 20-22 cm, if soft - no more than 15. Beautiful folds are obtained with a distance of 18 cm.
  • An important point is the indentation from the top edge of the curtain. It depends on the density of the material. For soft fabric, the edge bend is 6 cm, if the rings are no more than 4 cm in diameter.

And here is a small master class on how to install the eyelets themselves.

The main stage is marking the fabric. Marks are made on the top of the curtain to install the rings, and holes are very carefully cut out. Then the eyelets are installed on both sides and snapped (or pressed through with a press).

Making curtains without sewing (video)

Sewing curtains requires basic cutting and sewing skills. If you don’t yet know what cutting, patterning, and lining are, you’ll have to learn everything. In the meantime, you need to use the ideas you have developed, review more than one master class, choose the design of the curtains, choose the material for the curtains in the kitchen.

And to sew something interesting for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to know little tricks:

  • You need to start with a sketch, or an idea from a magazine, the Internet; it’s difficult to make a curtain without a visual example;
  • If you decide to make patchwork curtains, they need a lining;
  • Patchwork curtains are especially good for country kitchens;
  • The design of curtains in the ethnic style involves the use of only natural fabrics in natural colors; you can do embroidery on them with your own hands;
  • You will also need a lining at the top of the curtain if the fabric is very thin;
  • Any master will advise you to start sewing curtains with classic models in the Art Nouveau style; their design is simple and laconic.

To create a beautiful, neat curtain for a window with your own hands for the first time, you need to practice the evenness of the stitching, and carefully check the rest with the instructions, or carefully watch the master class.

How to sew curtains with your own hands (video)


Curtains and curtains for the kitchen are an element of the home, without which it is impossible to achieve that very desired coziness. They need to be created taking into account color range premises, general style, own idea of ​​beauty. If the kitchen is small, dark curtains will make it even smaller. If the kitchen is elegant, country curtains will not harmonize with the overall picture.

Follow a proven master class and recommendations from experienced seamstresses, and everything will definitely work out.

Design of curtains for the kitchen (photo)

If you want to darken the room as much as possible, ordinary curtains or curtains made of lightweight materials will not suit you. For these purposes, they resort to sewing curtains from thick fabrics. Check out step by step instructions how to sew curtains with your own hands in different styles: urban, country and “cafe”. Also, many will be interested in learning how to sew curtains with hinges and drawstrings yourself.

The difference between drapes and curtains

Curtains, unlike curtains and curtains, which are often used to decorate windows, are sewn from thick fabrics and perform another function - they prevent direct sunlight from entering the room. Not only windows, but also doorways can be decorated with curtains. Even the word “curtain” itself (from the French portiere) means “door”. The curtain consists of 1-2 vertical panels, and sometimes also a lambrequin.

Curtains can be single-layer or multi-layer (consisting of one, two, three or several layers), as well as fixed, serving only a decorative role, and functional, when they can be moved and, if necessary, completely cover the window.

Special curtain fabrics are designed for sewing curtains - dense and quite heavy. The decoration is fringe, braid, glass beads and beads.

During the daytime, curtains are most often drawn apart, so they are rarely used without other types of curtains. This means that when choosing a curtain model to sew with your own hands, you need to take care of making curtains from light tulle, thanks to which the room will be filled with diffused light, and the interior will be warm and cozy.

How to design and sew urban-style curtains with your own hands

There is perhaps no other type of curtain as popular as urban-style curtains.

The principle of how to sew such curtains with your own hands is quite simple - these are two panels that are moved apart during the daytime and moved at night. When extended, the curtains are secured with tiebacks or swung open completely. Tiebacks can be simple, figured, quilted, lined, in the form of braids, tassels, straight or arched, decorated with artificial flowers.

Urban-style curtains differ depending on the method of attachment to the cornice (using curtain braid, eyelets or drawstrings), length (to the floor, with an overlap or drapery) and the volume of folds. In addition, you can use various finishing elements - cords, tiebacks, ruffles, etc.

Urban-style curtains can be sewn with or without lining. The lining protects the curtains from fading in the sun, has the ability to absorb sounds and contain drafts. It makes it easier to drape curtains as desired.

Before making curtains in an urban style, prepare:

  • curtain fabric;
  • curtain tape;
  • non-woven tape (if necessary).

Measurements. There are several options for calculating the size of curtains.

  1. The curtain is the length of the window sill - the bottom edge is 1-2 cm higher than the window sill.
  2. The curtain is below the window sill - its lower one hangs 10-15 cm below the window sill.
  3. Curtain to the floor - edge 1-2 cm above floor level.
  4. The curtain is long, draped along the floor - 15-60 cm is added to the length for drapery.

When calculating the length of the curtains, one should not forget about allowances. For the bottom cut, they are 10-20 cm, depending on the width of the double hem - 5, 7 or 10 cm. The allowance for the top cut depends on the width of the curtain braid and the gathering factor, but most often its width corresponds to the width of the braid - 4, 6, 7, 8 or 10 cm.

Thus, the length of the curtain should correspond to the calculations made plus the allowance for the upper and lower edges. However, if we are talking about fabric with a pattern, it is necessary to buy it with a reserve and take into account rapport - a sequentially repeating pattern.

Let's give an example of calculating fabric consumption with a repeat of 0.63 m and a finished curtain length of 2.5 m. The height of the curtain with allowances is calculated: 2.5 + 0.2 = 2.7 m.

Based on the rapport, we carry out approximate calculations: 0.63 x 5 = 3.15 m.

Thus, we get the amount of fabric that needs to be purchased - 3.15 m. The remainder, equal to 0.45 m, will be used for sewing tiebacks, finishing pillows, etc.

To calculate the width of the curtains, you need to measure the length of the cornice and divide the resulting number in half. The width is multiplied by a volume factor from 1.5 to 2.

Let's give an example. With a cornice length of 2.4 m, the assembled width of one curtain will be 2.4: 2 = 1.2 m. With a volume factor of 1.8, the following calculations are performed: 1.2 x 1.8 = 2.16 m Thus, the width of one curtain when unassembled is 2.16 m.

With a fabric width of 1.4 m, two curtains are made, sewn from one and a half fabrics: 1.4 + 0.7 = 2.1 m.

We must not forget about allowances for side cuts - usually a double hem with a width of 1.5 to 4 cm is used.

Open it up. Before sewing the curtains, the fabric must be cut correctly.

To do this, the material is laid out on a flat surface and checked for thread distortion. If no distortions are found, you can cut the fabric along the thread. The presence of skew complicates the task, and in this case the fabric is cut in a straight line perpendicular to the edges, which must be drawn with chalk along a ruler. If the sections turn out to be beveled, they are glued with non-woven tape.

Sewing. Begin sewing curtains by hemming the sides and bottom, and then proceed to sewing on the curtain tape. The sides and bottom are finished with a double hem. If it is expected that the fabric may shrink, the widest possible hem is placed on the bottom cut.

If elastic fabric is used or the ceilings in the house are uneven, you should start by sewing on the braid, and then work on the sides. After this, you need to hang the curtain on the curtain rod and mark the bottom line while hanging.

The fabric with processed sides and bottom edge is ironed and straightened. On the front side, a line is drawn with chalk along the upper edge - thus, the required length of the curtain is marked.

Then the seam allowance is folded onto the wrong side along the drawn line and ironed. The curtain braid is applied so that its allowance is 2 cm on each edge, and pinned. The braid allowance is folded so that it is not visible from the front side. A seam is laid along the upper edge of the curtain, capturing the fabric and braid. The hem of the braid and its lower edge are sewn. If there is a fabric allowance left below the braid on the wrong side, it is carefully cut off.

The curtain tape is tightened to the desired width of the curtain.

Installation. The curtains are hung on the cornice, and the width of each of them is checked again. The curtains should be moved so that there is no gap between them.

We sew curtains with our own hands in the “cafe” style

Cafe-style curtains are a shortened version of urban-style curtains. They cover only the lower part of the window, while the upper part remains open or is partially closed with a lambrequin. Sewing is not difficult at all, and ready-made curtains can easily decorate a kitchen window or country house. They will not interfere with the penetration of sunlight, but at the same time provide privacy.

Cafe style curtains can be either with or without lining. The lining is necessary if you plan to decorate a window facing the sunny side and will avoid premature fading of the fabric. Single-layer curtains look light and do not block the penetration of natural light. Drapes are placed on a rod or rod, either outside or inside the window ledge.

The model offered for tailoring is decorated with scallops and a wide frill made of contrasting fabric along the lower edge. The curtain is attached to a rod or cornice using loops formed by scallops. If you plan to sew curtains with folds, the width of the panels should be increased.

Before sewing curtains in the “cafe” style, prepare:

  • dense main fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • paper for patterns and templates;
  • copying pencil;
  • compass.

Measurements. The length of the cornice is measured. The width of the curtain corresponds to it. The length is measured from the eaves to the window sill.

Calculation of festoons. The width of the scallops is 7-10 cm. The width of the loops is 5 cm. It is necessary to subtract the width of one loop from the width of the finished curtain. The resulting figure is divided by the sum of the width of one tooth and one loop. The loop width can be changed if necessary. The teeth on the curtain should be level, and each end should end in a loop.

Preparing the template. A circle is drawn on paper, the diameter of which is equal to the width of the tooth. A circle is cut out, folded in half and cut along the marked line. The resulting semicircle will be used as a template in the future.

Making a pattern. A sheet of paper 20 cm wide is cut along the width of the curtain and folded in half. The width of one loop is laid on the upper edge.

The tooth template should be placed next to this mark, align the edges and trace the outline. Next, the loops and teeth are marked in the same way to the folded edge of the paper. In this case, the middle of the loop or tooth should fall on the fold. The template is cut out.

Open it up. The main fabric is cut according to the width of the curtain, while 3 cm is immediately added to the hem. The length of the panel corresponds to the length of the curtain minus 17 cm (the height of the border). The length of the loops, equal to 6.5-9 cm, is laid on the wrong side of the fabric, and the resulting points are connected by a horizontal line. The template is pinned to the fabric using pins 1.5 cm from the side edge. The top edge is aligned with the intended line.

The outline of the teeth is outlined and continued to the upper edge of the fabric. After this, the pattern can be removed and the scallops can be cut along the marked lines.

A lining is cut out the same size as the main curtain fabric and a border 43 cm long and a width equal to the width of the curtain plus 3 cm.

To cut out loops, you need to measure the circumference of the cornice rod or rod, divide the resulting number by 2 and put the result along the wrong side of the main fabric down from the top edge of each loop, making a small allowance for a loose fit. In addition, a seam allowance of 1.5 cm is added.

Sewing. The main fabric and lining are folded right sides together, the edges are aligned, and the sides of the pieces are sewn together. The upper bases of the loops and scallops are sewn together using the dotted markings. When sewing drapery curtains with your own hands, the rounded edges of the loops are cut, the ends are aligned, but not sewn. The curtain is turned right side out and smoothed out. The ends of the loops are ironed and hemmed with hidden stitches. The bottom edge of the curtain is overcast so that both layers of fabric are fastened together. The border strip is folded in half with the front side facing inward. The short ends are sewn together. The seam allowance is trimmed and the border is turned inside out. One edge of the border is pinned to the front side of the curtain and sewn, and the second is sewn with a hidden seam to the lining.

Installation. The cornice rod or rod is threaded through the loops. The folds on the curtain are straightened out.

How to sew curtains in country style yourself

Country style cannot be imagined without curtains made from natural fabric.

Textiles are the main element of this style, and if you take up sewing curtains, be sure to sew a tablecloth and chair covers from the same fabric.

Below we will consider sewing curtains with your own hands for a window measuring 1 X 1.5 m. Even a novice seamstress can sew such curtains.

The model consists of lower curtains in the “cafe” style and a lambrequin in the form of an arch.

Country style is characterized by simplicity, which is reflected in the choice of textiles for sewing curtains. You should opt for natural fabrics, such as chintz or linen.

Now check out the master class on sewing curtains in country style.

Cafe style curtains. The fabric is cut to the width of the curtain, 2 cm is added for finishing the edges.

The length of the panel corresponds to the length of the curtain. From the same fabric, 2 drawstring pieces are cut out with an allowance of 1 cm on all sides.

The edges of the curtains are finished with a double hem.

The drawstring allowances are folded and steamed with an iron. The side allowances are stitched.

The drawstring is pinned to the upper edge of the curtain and sewn.

Lambrequin arch. The lambrequin is cut out according to a pattern, where A is the length of the lambrequin to the middle of the window, B is the length of its middle part, C is the length of the cornice, increased by the pomp factor. To process the edge, add 2 cm on all sides.

The drawstring allowances are folded and steamed. The side allowances are stitched.

The drawstring is pinned to the top of the lambrequin and sewn.

Installation. The pelmet is placed on the top cornice, and the cafe-style curtains are placed on a rod located in the middle of the window opening.

How to make Italian curtains with your own hands

Italian curtains look elegant and stylish. At night, they completely cover the window, and during the day they can be pulled apart using cords passed through rings located on the reverse side.

Italian curtains are a cross between curtains with scallops and curtains with ties. In the upper part, two curtains are sewn to one another, and rings are sewn on the underside of the panels, through which cords are threaded, allowing them to be opened and closed.

The upper edge of the curtains is decorated with French, radial or cylindrical folds.

It is better not to use braid with byte folds, since such drapery does not fit well with the shape of the curtains. Fabrics for sewing should be chosen heavy and dense. To make the drapery even more elegant, you can use a lining when sewing.

The design of the upper edge of Italian curtains is their main advantage and invariably attracts attention, so they are not combined with a lambrequin.

So, we sew curtains with our own hands - for this you will need:

  • textile;
  • lining;
  • curtain tape;
  • Velcro tape;
  • nylon cord;
  • plastic rings with a diameter of 1.5 cm (6 pcs.);
  • tape measure.

Open it up. Before sewing curtains, the pattern is thought out in such a way that the finished lower part of the product overlaps the window by no more than 7.5 cm. The hem allowance is 60 cm.

The lining is cut 60 cm shorter than the main panel. The double fold of the lining should overlap the curtain hem by 2 cm.

Sewing. Sewing curtains begins with making ordinary lined curtains, the sewing of which was discussed in detail in the sections above. Moreover, Italian curtains can be made from ready-made curtains.

The fabric and lining are connected in several places by a connecting jumper. The braid is sewn on, but not pulled together. The curtains are connected in the center to the depth of the braid.

One end of the measuring tape is attached to the center of the cornice, and its other end is moved back so that a bend is formed, which, after sewing, is formed on the curtain. The lower edge of the bend is marked on the measuring tape with a piece of Velcro tape.

The curtains are laid out on a flat surface face down. The end of the measuring tape is aligned with the top of each panel. The tape is placed along the edge and the bottom point of the bend is marked on the fabric using pins.

Rings are sewn to the fabric, with the first one 5 cm from the edge at the level of the pin. In this case, the thread should capture not only the lining fabric, but also several threads of the main fabric.

The remaining rings are sewn onto the curtains from the first ring up and sideways towards the outer corner of the curtain in increments of 25 cm.

Make sure correct location You can make rings by pinning them to the fabric with pins and then threading a cord through them.

The distance between the first ring and the upper corner of the curtains is measured. 2 cords are cut to a length equal to the resulting value.

The cord is tied to the first ring and threaded through the rest. The second cord is also attached in the same way. The curtain tape is pulled to the desired length.

Installation. The curtains are hung on the cornice. The cords are stretched in such a way as to create a drapery. The free ends of the cords are tied to the cornice with reverse side. The junction of the curtains can be decorated with a bow made of fabric that matches the color of the main fabric or interior details.

How to sew curtains with hinges with your own hands: master class

Although there is no shortage of fabrics in modern stores, sometimes housewives end up with a piece of fabric that is not suitable for window decoration in size. If the material is of high quality, but its length is not enough to sew full-fledged curtains, you can extend and decorate the fabric with a border, and use loops as fastening.

Before sewing curtains with hinges, prepare:

  • main fabric;
  • fabric for border;
  • paper strip with adhesive mesh;
  • buttons to match the border;
  • doublerin;
  • hooks for grabs.

Open it up. Before sewing curtains with your own hands, the canvases are cut out from the main fabric. If the fabric has a pattern, they are aligned according to the pattern.

Stripes are cut out of the finishing fabric to decorate the border. For each curtain, 4 short and 4 long strips of the required width are prepared, taking into account seam allowances of 1 cm.

Loops are cut out. Their finished width should be 5 cm.

Stripes to decorate the border must be cut only along the grain thread. Otherwise, if the border is sewn from a shiny fabric (taffeta, satin, velvet) and then sewn at a different angle in relation to the main fabric, it will appear to be a different color.

Sewing. The stripes are applied to two opposite sides of the main fabric and sewn with an allowance of 1 cm.

The seam allowance is ironed towards the hem.

The stripes are pinned to the other two sides and sewn to the previous line. The seam allowance is also ironed towards the hem.

The corners of the curtains are processed. To do this, the canvas is folded diagonally, the edge stitching lines are aligned, and a line is drawn to extend the diagonal.

A line is laid along the intended line exactly from the corner. Excess fabric is cut to a width of 1 cm. The seam is ironed. The remaining corners are processed in the same way.

The wrong side of the border is created. An allowance of 1 cm is ironed on the stripes on one side. The fabric is laid out on a flat surface, strips are applied to it so that the ironed edge is aligned with the front side with the stitching line of the outer border.

At the corners, the stripes are placed crosswise and secured with pins. The upper part of the border is marked with colored thread.

The corner processing line is marked. The stripes are raised, and the beginning of the stitch line is marked, and it is combined with the previous one. A stitch line is drawn on the top strip. The bottom stripe is marked in the same way. The strips are folded right sides together and stitched along these lines. The allowances are cut off and ironed. This creates the bottom frame.

Using an iron, a paper strip with an adhesive mesh is glued to the ironed seam allowance of the bottom border.

The loop blanks are sewn along the long side. The allowances are ironed on the edge of the ironing board. The seam should run through the middle of the loop.

One short edge is stitched. The loops are turned out and ironed. Then buttonholes are punched into the loop strips and they are all trimmed to size.

The loops are pinned to the top of the curtain at a distance of about 10 cm from one another. The frame for the underside of the border is pinned to the canvas with loops. The inner edges and corners fit neatly together. The width of the finished border is marked on a ruler with chalk.

The curtain is sewn according to the markings. The corners are cut out. The seams are ironed. The curtain is turned inside out and the edges are ironed.

The paper is removed from the seam allowances on the wrong side of the frame, and both parts of the border are glued together with a hot iron. Buttons are sewn to the border in the places corresponding to the loops.

The tiebacks are sewn from the same fabric as the border. All parts are pre-strengthened with dublerin. On one side, loops are sewn to the grab, the finished width of which is 7 mm. On the other side, a loop is sewn, and a button is attached to it.

Installation. The curtains are hung from the cornice using hinges. The hooks are attached to hooks built into the wall.

Sewing curtains with a drawstring: a sewing master class

Essentially, drawstring drapes are simple, straight curtains that can be draped as you wish.

The length of such curtains can be either up to the window sill or to the floor.

They fit directly onto the curtain rod.

Before making curtains with your own hands on a drawstring, prepare:

  • textile;
  • decorative cords for tiebacks.

Before you sew beautiful curtains, you need to take the necessary measurements.

Measurements. When calculating the length of the curtains, an allowance for processing the lower edge of 10-20 cm and a double allowance for the diameter of the cornice are taken into account, then another 0.5-1 cm is added for the free movement of the curtains along the cornice.

To make the top of the curtain look elegant, a small scallop is created above the drawstring.

An allowance of double size is also laid on it - from 1.5 to 7 cm.

To determine the width of the curtains, the length of the cornice is multiplied by the assembly factor from 1.5 to 2.5. The hem allowance is also taken into account.

Sewing. The sides and bottom edge are finished with a double hem.

The upper edge of the fabric is folded twice so that a drawstring and folds are formed.

The seam lines for the drawstring are outlined, the width of which should allow the curtain to be easily placed on the rod.

A mark is laid along the line.

The bottom edge of the hem is basted to form a drawstring for the barbell.

Before sewing a seam on a sewing machine, you need to check whether the rod fits into the drawstring.

A seam is laid along the basting using a machine.

The basting is removed and the fabric is ironed.

Installation. The curtain is placed on the rod, the folds are evenly straightened, and the rod is inserted into the brackets.

Decorative cords are tied on curtains as tiebacks.

Now you know how to properly sew curtains with your own hands in various styles.

  • Date: 04-05-2015
  • Views: 484
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  • Rating: 27

The decision to make will allow you to significantly save money and create curtains that are ideal in your opinion. Before you start making curtains, think about what model they should be, what design will best fit into the interior of the room and, of course, what fabric you will use for sewing. All this directly depends on appearance premises.

Classic curtains go well with many styles, and almost any fabric is suitable for sewing them.

And the first task that you have to solve before making curtains is the choice of fabric. The material should be beautiful, high quality and, if possible, inexpensive. On modern market There is a huge selection of materials available, so you can easily choose the most suitable option and make the most beautiful curtains.

Select the color of fabric for sewing curtains taking into account the color scheme of the room. You need to approach this moment as carefully and responsibly as possible. Although you will spend your time on this, in the future you will be able to sew such beautiful curtains that you cannot buy in any store. If the design of the room contains bright colors and some ornaments and designs; it is recommended to choose a discreet and plain fabric. If the design of the room is calm and subdued, and the only decor is discreet patterns on the walls, take a closer look at bright and eye-catching materials. from such fabric, you will breathe into the room new life. Thus, curtains should stand out favorably in the interior, and not merge with the surrounding environment.

If you have never sewn curtains with your own hands before, if possible, avoid buying silk and satin fabric. Such fabrics are extremely difficult to process. The most best options- this is linen, organza, velvet, cotton, jacquard, brocade. At the same time as choosing the fabric for your curtains, select the material for the curtains with your own hands.

Quite often, people mistakenly believe that straight, classic curtains look boring and unoriginal. In reality, the situation is completely different. If desired, you can easily modify straight curtains, for example, by sewing decorative braid to them. Even the braid can be sewn in different ways and form different folds. When you come to the store, study all the available options, trying to imagine how your own curtains will look in combination with each braid.

Before choosing different additional elements decor, think carefully about the finishing. The choice is huge and gorgeous: all kinds of tassels, ruffles and many other elements. To sew simple straight curtains, you don’t have to make patterns and waste time on a number of other preparatory stages. It is enough to measure the window opening and calculate the required footage.

If you are going with patterned fabric, purchase some more material so that the pattern is symmetrical. If you encounter any difficulties, you can consult with the seller in the store. When calculating the required amount of fabric for curtains, do not forget about the allowances at the bottom and top.

Sewing curtains yourself requires the following tools and equipment:

  1. Directly fabrics for sewing.
  2. Curtain clips.
  3. Cornice and other related accessories.
  4. Sewing machine, pins, thread.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Centimeter tape.
  7. The bar is about 1 m long.
  8. Iron.

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Step-by-step instructions for sewing curtains for the living room

At first it may seem to you that it is very easy and simple. In reality, there is nothing particularly complicated about this. You just need to remember the technology and stick to it established sequence. In living rooms, curtains with braid are most often hung, so the procedure for sewing just such curtains will be discussed below. Still, there are no significant differences in the sequence of sewing curtains of other types.

First, calculate the required amount of material. To do this, measure the distance between the cornice and the floor, as well as the length of the cornice. If you want to sew long curtains, additionally add about 10 cm of hem allowance to the length. Select the width according to personal preferences. If you want to get a draped curtain, multiply the length of the curtain rod by 3. For example, if you have a curtain rod that is 2.5 m long, you will need to purchase 7.5 m of material. If you don’t need a lot of folds, multiply by 2-2.5. Add 6 cm to the width for the side hems. If you are sewing a curtain from two fabrics, add another 2 cm seaming allowance.

Pattern for hemming the bottom of the curtains: 1,2 – sequence of folding the fabric.

Fold the edges over the sides twice. First you need to bend it by 1 cm, then by 2 cm, and after that, stitch it on a sewing machine. Hem the bottom edge of the curtain, bending it first 3 cm and then 5 cm inward. The top edge needs to be folded inward by about 3 cm, then ironed. On the wrong side, a decorative braid is pinned to this edge. Use pins for fastening. You need to retreat approximately 1 cm from the top fold. It is important to choose the correct length of the braid. Usually the product is taken 5-6 cm longer than the canvas itself. Pull the ends of the laces from the wrong side of the braid and tie, then turn the seam allowance inside.

The same operations are performed with the second edge of the braid. Only laces in in this case no need to link. This edge will be the outer edge. The braid is attached along its lower and upper edges to the canvas. Sew the folded edges of the product. There is no need to sew the ends of the laces on the outer edge.

Finally, all you have to do is form the folds of the curtain. To do this, they need to be pulled together with laces and tied. There are loops right next to the braid. Hooks are inserted into them at equal distances from each other. The more folds you want, the more of these hooks you will need. This completes the beautiful curtains for the living room.

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A guide to sewing curtains for the bedroom

Pattern of curtains “with scallop”.

For the bedroom, curtains made of thick material that retains the color of the sun are best suited. Select the material you want in color and decor and begin the sewing process.

First you need to take measurements and cut a piece of material of suitable length. Measure the distance between the cornice and the floor; if you want long curtains, add 10-15 cm on each side in width and 25-30 cm in length. Before cutting the fabric, double-check everything carefully to avoid future complications and mistakes.

In professional workshops, the material is marked out on tables specially designed for this purpose. At home, as a rule, you have to be content with the floor. The marking is done using a special centimeter. The lines are drawn using a long ruler or bar and a bar of soap or tailor's chalk.

Before starting to sew seams, iron the material using an iron. This will make further work more convenient. Always keep the edges of the fabric in sight. Sew the necessary seams.

Take another piece of material and cut 2 strips of 15 cm long and 15 cm wide from it. To be more sure, make a margin of 2.5 cm. Fold the cut pieces in half lengthwise and sew. These will be grips and decorative tape. After this, cut another strip, but this time 21 cm long. It also needs to be folded twice in length, stitched and turned out, and then cut into 3 identical parts 7 cm long.

Fold in the raw edges of each of these strips and sew them to your curtain as decorative loops. Place one in the center, and the remaining 2 on the sides, at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edges.

Pass decorative ribbon through the loops. Its ends must be sewn to the side parts of the curtain. Pull the curtains back and secure the drapery with a hook, then use a hook or velcro to secure it to the wall.

The most common problem is the lack of a sewing machine. Although the unit is useful, no one usually wants to buy it just for sewing curtains.

Eat great alternative, namely, gluing. A special adhesive tape is used. It is sold in sewing stores.

Measure the duct tape and cut it into pieces that fit the width and length of the curtain edges. Tuck the tape into the seam and iron according to the instructions. Very fast, convenient and simple. Using such tapes eliminates the need to work with a sewing machine.

The question of how to sew curtains with your own hands arises among many housewives who want to make the product themselves. Processing an organza product for sewing a regular model of window curtains for the kitchen can be accessible to many of those who have little experience and own a sewing machine. Sewing luxurious curtains with a lambrequin for the living room is the job of experts who have not only knowledge, but also professional experience.

Scheme of the side lambrequin.

The main advice for beginners to sew curtains with their own hands, which must be followed: do not overestimate your strengths and capabilities, start by making curtains of the simplest models. So, let's learn how to sew curtains.

First, you need to understand how to make high-quality cutting, be able to sew curtain tapes correctly, and accurately calculate the material consumption.

As a rule, curtain fabrics, organza or tulle are used for curtains. Curtain manufacturing technology includes ordinary methods, which will not require the creation of special templates or highly complex fabric processing.

We calculate the amount of material

The process of making a curtain.

Since the task associated with making a single or double curtain with your own hands, including two halves, involves the use of different amounts of material, it should be pre-calculated, that is, determine how much fabric needs to be purchased to make the curtain. Along with the fabric, curtain tape is also prepared, which will allow you to hold the curtains on the cornice.

For this purpose, it is naturally necessary to measure the size of the window width and curtain height, which at first glance is not associated with difficulties. But these specific characteristics are often a prerequisite for a damaged product.

First, they decide what distance should be from the bottom of the curtain to the floor surface. The product may touch the floor, but may be slightly higher. If the length is provided when one of the edges of the curtain lies on the floor, then garters or tiebacks will be needed. It is necessary to take into account that the curtain in this case will be longer.

It is necessary to make a choice of cornice in advance in order to imagine the placement of the curtains on it. If it is necessary to attach to special hooks of the curtain rod, loops of curtain tape in the top row will be used. The height is calculated starting from the hooks, that is, their lower part, to the floor itself, taking into account an increase of 1.5 - 2 cm. When attaching curtains from the lower edge of the loops of curtain tape, you should add not 1.5 cm, but slightly more. The size of the increase is determined by the width of the tape with loops for curtains, which ranges from 2.5 to 10 cm.

Then you need to select the required width of the product, calculating all the material costs. The size of the height of the curtains will not affect the material consumption, since the width usually has a width size of 2.8 - 3 m. The amount of material consumed depends only on the type of braid with loops for curtains, as well as the size of the width of the curtain rod or the required number of folds of fabric.

Roman blind pattern.

For all types of curtains, folds are made manually. You can do this by tightening the cords of the curtain tape with loops. If folding is done manually, then the curtain braid is sewn on top of the folds made. For the correct formation of all folds of the fabric, an appropriate curtain braid ratio is provided (1/1.5; 1/2: 1/3).

When choosing a ratio of 1/2 with a ratio of 2, you need to purchase fabrics 2 times larger than the width of the cornice. Should be paid Special attention first of all, not on the windows, but on the cornice, since the curtain should be placed on the cornice from one edge to the other. It is necessary to make an increase to align the edge of the curtain and bend both sides at the side by at least 10. Curtain braid should be taken with a reserve.

Thus, to sew curtains or curtains made of organza for one window measuring 130 cm, it is necessary to double the length of the cornice, equal to 150 cm, by adding 10 cm. If the assembly factor of the curtain tape is 1/2, then with an organza consumption of 310 cm you will need 350 cm of curtain tape. A similar calculation is used when making curtains from curtain fabrics, adding 15 to 20 cm just in case.

Aligning the side edges of the curtains

Processing side cuts.

When a material has been selected and purchased that has a pattern according to which it is easiest to cut the fabric, adjusting the sides when sewing curtains will not be particularly difficult. The situation is more complicated if the curtain fabric does not have a pattern. Before sewing, you need to check for distortion along the side seams.

If organza is used, then this is the easiest way to do it. Usually organza is easy to tear along the thread; you can only cut one edge with scissors and then tear off the fabric. However, you should not perform such manipulations with the fabric if you have no experience in trimming the side edges. It is best to lay the fabric on the floor, carefully trimming it using scissors. After that, it is suspended from the ceiling in an unfolded form.

The main thing is to make sure that there is no distortion. If the fabric you bought is cheap, the weave of the threads in it is not tight. More High Quality fabrics are always cut more evenly. Before sewing curtains, you need to check that the side edges of the material are placed at right angles to the ceiling or floor.

How to set up a sewing machine

Lambrequin pattern option.

When sewing curtains, you will need both knowledge in the technology of their creation and the ability to configure sewing machines accordingly. The settings will depend not only on the type of fabric, but also on the quality of the threads. The tension of the threads should correspond to the type of fabric.

The quality of the stitch is determined by the choice of needle and thread. If you need to make the seams invisible, set the stitch length to the average value. In this case, the line should not pull the curtain together; for example, organza will not have any puffs. You will need to adjust the height of the rack teeth, which should not collect the tulle as it moves. If one of the nuances is not fulfilled, all seams will be pulled together, and they cannot then be ironed with any iron.

When, during the sewing process, inexperienced seamstresses begin to forcefully pull on the edge of the curtain material, this leads not only to broken needles, but also to stretching of the curtain sections and the appearance of “waves” along their edges. With many fabrics, there may be uneven marks near the stitching from needle punctures. Therefore, you should definitely use a piece of material to check the quality of the machine stitching. After this, all settings should be rechecked and changed again.

How to learn to sew curtains correctly

Pattern of curtains.

Before you start processing all the sections of the curtains, in order to then cover them with curtain braid, you need to make a sketch, taking into account all the dimensions. Then you should cut the fabric from the top or bottom and align all sides. Next, you need to add 10 cm to make the bottom (double) hem, leaving 2 cm to fold the top, taking into account the presence of the curtain tape.

Process the side sections with an extra amount of 1-1.5 cm. When using organza, 1 cm will be enough; for curtain fabrics, 1.5 cm is enough.

First, you need to process all the sides using a hem seam or bias tape. But in order to properly sew curtains with your own hands without the help of others with beautiful and high-quality processed cuts and edges, you will need not only excellent sewing machine, as well as a skill that allows you to perform all operations well.

Finishing edges with seams using an overlocker is not difficult, but finishing the edges “in the hem” or using bias tape is more difficult. difficult task. You will have to iron the edge of the hem twice, and later sweep all the seams with thread.

To prevent the string from creating a fit, you need to pull the edges of the curtain with your hands, but do not stretch it so that the needle does not accidentally break, then it should be ironed thoroughly with a hot iron.

Hemming the bottom in two layers, the width of which is 5 cm (10 cm in total), is done to make the curtains look much more solid. A double hem will help create additional weight at the bottom of the curtain. It is best to make a hem of at least 5 cm. If you have no experience, you should baste the hem, which is ironed, twice in order to stitch it in one line, laid from the inside of the curtain. The top hem, which is 2 cm, must be ironed. Then you should sew on the curtain tape.

A skillful housewife has everything in her hands. If she wants to learn how to sew curtains with her own hands using patterns, then she will definitely succeed. With a little patience and diligence, she can even make a lambrequin on her own. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, then there is a 100% guarantee that you will not spoil the material.

Where to start?

First, determine the model of curtains that you like. It is important to decide what the purpose of the future product is. Functionality or aesthetics may come first.

Start by looking at sketches of curtains; you need to find out how closed the window opening will be, how to make patterns, what additional elements will be needed to sew the design. Read the original instructions for beginners, it will help you understand every step.

Now you can start taking measurements. You will also need to find out which curtain dimensions will suit you best. Do not ignore certain nuances:

  • The length of the cornice coincides with minimum size. Protect yourself from intense natural light by adding approximately 20 cm.
  • For fans of styles with folds, an additional 1/3 of the length is added to the length of the cornice.
  • Curtain length is affected by many factors. The product must match the style of the interior. Your fantasies and preferences play not the least role. The canvas can completely cover the window, reach the floor, or cover only 1/3 of the window. For a short model to look beautiful, the curtain must completely hide the upper wall.

What cutting features should a beginner know about?

Sewing curtains using ready-made patterns is a doable task. Most simple option design is considered to be a pattern of curtains at an angle of 90 degrees. This design is made on the material. You just need a ruler with chalk.

When the housewife already has experience and she wants to sew a more complex model, it is better for her to first make a sketch on paper. It is not difficult to transfer the designed variation of the pattern to the material.

Leave a seam allowance of 2 cm for the edges, but for the bottom edge this increases to 10 cm.

If you decide to make a lambrequin, cut out the part at an angle of 45 degrees. In the future, this will simplify not only sewing, but also draping.

How much material is needed to sew a lambrequin?

The amount of material is determined by the number of swags, ties and the presence of other decor. When elements overlap each other, the length of the overlap is at least a third of the width.

Making a swag pattern

For work, prepare a vertical surface and a multiplier cord. You will:

  • On the top of the pattern, mark the estimated width of the swag; to do this, mark 3 points – 1,2,3.
  • Then divide the distance 1 and 2 into 3 equal parts and mark 2 more points here - 5.6.
  • Determine the height h and mark it with point 4.
  • Connect 1, 2 and 4 together. Use a special rope for this. Tie a simple pencil to one end and a needle to the other.
  • You can start shaping the circle from below. The height, designated 4-4a, is a percentage of the curtain width of 50-80%.
  • Connect 5 with 6 to get a straight line 1a-2a, marking the place of the folds.
  • Don't forget to allow 2cm of seam allowance.

Cutting out the scarf model

The result is a one-piece fabric, which is secured by hand to the cornice. Take a look at the photos of curtain patterns offered design solutions comparable to classic models. The height of the swag should not exceed 1/6 of the window.

The scarf model is considered one of the lightest, so it can be cut on fabric. It is important to follow certain rules:

  • Determine the length of the curtain rod and the height of sag you need. Imagine what a lambrequin decorated with embroidery will look like. For this purpose, hang a cord on the cornice, mark the value for the height and the length of the sag.
  • At the top, mark the middle to set aside the tails.
  • Below from the center, mark the sag arc. Connect the marks with the marks along the width of the cornice. Sew the braid along the marked line
  • Pull the material together and decorate the tie with bows or other decor.

Decorating the kitchen with your own hands

If you buy ready-made textiles, you have to limit yourself only to those options that are available in the store. Curtain patterns for the kitchen are offered more possibilities For decorative design window opening. The most suitable types of models for this room:

Classic. Curtains are attached to both sides of the window and can be moved and pulled apart. Can be combined with other models and lambrequins.

Roman. A worthy alternative classics that look laconic and beautiful. The Roman blind pattern is easy to make. The products themselves are a canvas in which there are sewn slats. Lifting them, the panel is collected into neat folds. Fix the curtain at the desired level to adjust the intensity natural light in the room.

French. The fabric is divided into scallops; on each such section, bends with folds are formed from the fabric.

Austrian. The model combines the characteristics of French and Roman. This type of curtain is often used for non-standard window openings.

Country. These light curtains consist of a lambrequin on top and two curtains with tiebacks on the sides. Such an element can be lateral, incomplete or central. Curtain tiebacks are attached using hooks and loops, Velcro, buttons, and special pins. The main thing is that the color scheme is chosen correctly. Textiles can be complemented with bows or appliqués.

Japanese. A universal model with long narrow panels attached to an aluminum profile. A bar for weighting is sewn into the bottom.

Fabric for sewing kitchen curtains must be UV resistant. It is important that light care is required. Choose the most practical option. Fabric with protective coating It won't get dirty soon, and you won't have to wash it often. On the market you can find finished products, the surface of which is treated with dust-repellent compounds.

Photos of curtain patterns