Examples of living room design 18 sq. m. Living room in modern minimalism. The role of lighting and decor

Living room 18 sq.m. - a common option in Soviet-built houses. This is not the most spacious area, but it is quite enough to accommodate all the necessary pieces of furniture, and there will still be room for free movement. Today we will talk about how you can decorate a room of this type and show with real examples the variety of style and color options.

Choosing an interior style

Choosing a style is a key step in living room design. Firstly, to create a cohesive image if other rooms are decorated in a certain style. Secondly, a correctly chosen style can perform not only a decorative function, but also advantageously emphasize the advantages or smooth out the shortcomings of the room. Below are options that are suitable for the design of a living room with an area of ​​18 sq.m.

Living room 18 sq.m. in modern style

A modern style will fit perfectly into a living room with such an area. Although it is free from rules and regulations, such a style implies the creation of a laconic, functional interior, in which decor does not play a “decorative” role, but follows quite practical goals: it creates a feeling of spaciousness, cleanliness and comfort.

The emphasis is on lines, shapes and planes, clean, unobtrusive colors and comfortable furniture. Instead of decorative variety - order and attention to detail. Modern style continues to prove that even a small space can accommodate everything necessary for life, if you carefully consider each element.

Living room 18 sq.m. in classic style

You should not assume that 18 “squares” is a small area, and you should try in every way to visually expand the space, avoiding any decor. A classic style is also suitable for such a living room, it all depends on your preferences or requirements. If you want to create a cozy, luxurious interior with richly decorated wooden furniture and textile wallpaper with floral patterns is a completely feasible goal.

Pay attention to the more modern interpretation classic style and try to maintain a balance in the interior composition so that items do not overload the room, and also leave free space. Traditionally, in the center of this type of living room there is a table, around which there is a sofa and armchairs, and on the sides - bookshelf, fireplace or plants.

Focus on the details by adding paintings or mirrors in elegant frames, tables with carved legs and a sofa with satin upholstery into the interior. Massive curtains will add a feeling of coziness, and a luxurious chandelier will be the perfect finishing touch to the design.

Living room 18 sq.m. loft style

Of course, the loft style loves large open spaces. But if your living room has high ceilings and you can get rid of unnecessary partitions, a small area will not be a hindrance. In addition, this is a fairly budget-friendly solution, due to the absence of the need to decorate the walls and purchase expensive furniture.

For walls it is recommended to leave it bare brickwork or concrete pavement with an interesting texture. A white ceiling with exposed wires and beams will fill the room with light and freedom, and a wooden floor with a minimalist carpet will fill the room with coziness.

It is important that the room has high windows, otherwise the lack of natural light will visually reduce the living room and make it gloomy. A large leather sofa with a glass coffee table, opposite a plasma screen, will look great in the center.

Traditionally, “rough” furniture with a metal frame and modern art objects are used in the arrangement of a loft. At the same time, you can purchase the necessary items at flea markets or auctions to create an authentic look.

Living room 18 sq.m. in minimalist style

Minimalism is not boring and empty spaces without decoration. This is harmony, functionality, and space that is not so easy to achieve with other styles. Laconic aesthetics are perhaps the most best option for an 18-meter living room and those people who love freedom, cleanliness and a peaceful atmosphere.

Minimalism involves smooth, “down-to-earth” lines, high ceilings and matte surfaces. When choosing color palette Preference should be given to white and beige shades, while dark ones are aimed at highlighting accents.

Minimalist design uses predominantly natural materials: wood, smooth cement, glass, metal and mirrors. Despite the minimum design solutions, the emphasis here is not on quantity, but on quality. Therefore this is not the most a budget option repair, but very effective.

Living room 18 sq.m. in Provence style

Although Provence is considered “ French country“, but it definitely cannot be called rustic. Rather, it is luxury imitating simplicity. And also, this is a very cozy and sunny style, which is just right would be better suited for the design of a small living room of 18 sq.m.

There is no place in Provence dark colors. Preference is given to light shades and natural materials. Great option- white plastered walls with small, “careless” irregularities, wooden furniture, patterned textiles and many plants.

Vintage “antique” furniture, natural fabrics and ceramic products would look appropriate here. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance between such authentic details and modern technology.

Color palette for a living room 18 sq.m.

The next step when decorating a living room is to decide on a color scheme. It is better to start from the style if it has already been chosen. But even in this case, there are universal palettes of shades that will look good in small spaces.

Secondly, try to create accents with furniture and decor. If the room is designed in light colors, then dark objects will “revive” the interior without reducing its area.

Thirdly, pay attention to the location of the apartment. If the windows face south and the sun often “peeks” into your living room, it is better to choose a cold one color scheme. And vice versa - to compensate for the lack of sun, decorate the living room in warm colors.

Finishing an 18-meter living room

Now let's look at the design of a living room of 18 sq.m. in detail: what are the best colors and materials to use for finishing the floor, walls and ceiling? This is the basis of the interior, a kind of “frame” that is filled with characteristic elements.


Perhaps the best option that is suitable for a living room interior in any style is laminate or linoleum that imitates natural wood. Light colors are a priority, but if you choose a dark floor, make sure the walls are a few shades lighter.


There are a lot of options when choosing wall decoration. Of course, if this is a loft style, then masonry or concrete will look more than appropriate. To raise low ceilings, opt for light, plain walls or wallpaper with vertical stripes. Combining monochrome walls with photo wallpaper will look quite bright and modern.


The ceiling in the living room is 18 sq.m. it should be lighter than the walls, otherwise it will “put pressure” on the inhabitants of the apartment and narrow the space. A white smooth ceiling will look best in any interior. But tension, cassette, rack and pinion and other options will attract unnecessary attention.

Decor and textiles

We've sorted out the finishing, now let's look at the options for “filling” the 18-meter living room. If your goal is to maximize the area, avoid unnecessary decor. Although classic and Provence suggest a variety of details in the interior, such as vases, paintings or sculptures, if possible, try to limit their number and leave only bright objects. Conversely, if the living room is decorated in subdued colors, unobtrusive elements such as patterned pillows, chandeliers of unusual shapes or art objects can diversify the look of the room.

Choose curtains responsibly, because they not only protect you from prying eyes, but can also become a transformative element. For a room with low ceilings you can install ceiling cornice, and extend the fabric itself to the floor - this will visually enlarge the walls.

Holders high windows can afford French or Italian curtains, especially in a classic interior. And for the loft style, curtains may not be needed at all, or they may have a light monochromatic texture without unnecessary decor.

How to arrange furniture correctly?

The arrangement of furniture depends on the shape of the room. Any designer will say that a square living room is the best option in terms of geometry. The center is occupied by the main furniture composition, and other items are located along the walls. But in typical Russian apartments they are more common rectangular interiors. This type requires special attention and thoughtful planning.

Firstly, it is not recommended to arrange furniture along long wall. Many Soviet apartments are decorated according to this principle: a sofa and armchairs on one side, and a TV and cabinets on the other. This will further emphasize the disproportion of the room and create a disharmonious image.

It is better to divide the space into visible zones: on one side workplace, and in the center is the main composition. You can zone along, across or locally - the area is quite enough for this.

Secondly, in the narrow living room of 18 sq.m. It is better to avoid direct symmetry - it will only emphasize the rectangular geometry. For example, arrange the chairs diagonally or fit an L-shaped sofa into the interior.

Thirdly, do not create “corridors” in the room. This effect occurs when large furniture is located far from each other, and too much free space is formed between it. Try not to let objects overwhelm the space.

Lighting in the living room 18 sq.m.

Many people do not pay enough attention to lighting and settle on the most typical option - a chandelier in the center and, perhaps, a lamp in the corner of the room. But the correct and complex arrangement of light sources can transform and visually diversify the space.

For example, living rooms have 18 sq.m. With low ceiling It is better to abandon massive chandeliers and give preference to several common light sources located around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Recommended to use different types backlight. For example, floor lamps or wall lamps are suitable for a recreation area. But keep in mind that placing sconces in front of the TV is not recommended, as glare will be reflected on its screen.

IN modern design interiors often use decorative lighting, which does not play a practical role, but helps to diversify general form rooms. This solution can be used for paintings or shelves built into the wall.

Living room design 18 sq.m. - photo

We hope our tips will be useful to you. And to inspire you to do even more interesting solutions, we made a selection of photographs of living room interiors with an area of ​​18 sq.m. Enjoy watching!

The design of the living room in the apartment reflects the family’s life position. Have you noticed? Travelers have many different souvenirs or collections, self-sufficient people most often have minimalism, and large friendly families have Provence style. Of course, this is all very subjective, but it is true. Most often, a hall is a room that is multifunctional: a dining room, a living room, a work area, and a place for relaxation and communication with the family.

Each design project is drawn based on a certain style. Therefore, you need to roughly adjust your desires to some direction in order to eliminate variations in bad taste and incompatibility of decorative elements with each other.

The main styles used in modern apartments:

  • Provence,
  • modern,
  • Art Deco,
  • Scandinavian,
  • classical,
  • empire style,
  • minimalism.

Often in Khrushchev we can see the hall rectangular shape with access to the balcony, which creates an obstacle to light. Therefore, such a room should be decorated in light colors, creating a highlight in the interior.

This could be unusual curtains, a figurine, a chandelier or unusual ceiling, a coffee table, a play of lighting or an entire wall.

The arrangement of furniture can also be non-standard, as in the photo.

The lower photo shows the design of the hall in ethnic style. The presence of natural materials, natural prints and patterns give the room a certain flavor.

Design of a small hall of 18 and 20 sq m in a panel house

Standard premises in panel house The areas allocated for the living room in the apartment are 18 and 20 square meters. In this space, you need to create both storage areas and a resting place. Therefore, first we decide on its shape.

The placement of furniture around the perimeter of the walls is no longer considered modern. Designers are looking for interesting ideas in the form of two zones: rest and work. In order not to overload the room, use transparent or translucent partitions made of glass or through ones that transmit light.

They build up niches where they hide cabinets, chests of drawers or a work desk.

In such small rooms, a beautiful ceiling with a non-standard lighting solution can give a highlight: for example, the main light in the form of a chandelier is not used, but several lighting sources are made: spotlights on the ceiling, interesting sconces on the wall and elements with mirrors that reflect light.

Or maybe just with a built-in LED strip.

If the budget is small, then it is better to focus on the wall in the format of photo wallpaper or textiles by choosing unusual option curtains

And even for such small spaces it is excellent to use. It gives comfort, security and an atmosphere of tranquility. And not every apartment can find it, so it can become an excellent accent in the interior.

Design of a non-standard hall layout

And there are rooms that are distinguished by their individuality already at the construction stage: the presence of bay windows, a trapezoidal shape or the presence of niches.

This will allow you to get away from the standard and implement many interesting solutions. For example, hang shelves for books or flowers in niches, place flowerpots with flowers there, or organize work area.

The presence of a bay window invites you to create an area for meeting guests in it: by installing there dinner table or benches under the windowsill.

The trapezoidal shape can be visually corrected with the help of an unusual built-in wardrobe. There are also many options.

Living room design in an apartment: modern wallpaper ideas

From 2016 to the present day, 3D wallpaper has been actively used in decoration. They can create a spatial illusion and balance out design accents.

Often they choose wallpapers depicting flowers, landscapes, and city panoramas.

But, if you move away from such large compositions, they often choose wallpaper as companions; now they are rarely interested in options with an abundance of geometric and color patterns.

Interesting options for painting or imitating natural elements: bamboo, wood, floral patterns.

The interesting ceiling in the photo is continued by a wall with photo wallpaper that adds depth to the interior.

Features of a cozy room

There are several additional features that will give the room a cozy feel.

For example, if there are children in the family, you can set a minimum carpets, which will allow you to frequently do wet cleaning after your fidget and not accumulate allergens.

Choice flooring neither is it done at random. For example, more dark colors create an atmosphere of warmth, while whitewashed ones let air in and expand the space. On dark laminate Dust becomes visible faster than in light.

The color of the floor, baseboard, door and trim should be the same tone. This allows for a smooth transition and creates style.

The presence of wall decor catches the eye and allows you to emphasize the color scheme of the interior.

Textiles made from flowing and natural fabrics (linen, cotton) are now very popular. It is better to use solid shades without impurities in the form of lurex, which reduces the cost of the interior.

Designers have introduced a new trend in the use and arrangement of upholstered furniture. Nowadays, armchairs are used less and less, and people prefer two small sofas, thus increasing the number of seats and creating style.

Light pastel basic colors in the interior are conducive to relaxation and pleasant communication. But the dark ones are depressing.

I think that with some serious thought, you can create a very nice solution for the hall. How did you make the accent in the interior?

In this article I want to consider the interior design of a hall of 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for a living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Let's consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romanyuk.The design is suitable for both Khrushchev and panel or brick houses.

All 4 hall designs have 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is expected.

The first version of the hall design

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony, made in light colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance; it visually expands the space and makes the room larger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small work area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This design of the hall is 18 sq. m. assumed placement decorative fireplace. The perfect place for this is between interior doors. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, a comfortable sand-colored corner sofa was placed along the opposite wall in the 18 sq. m room.

Chocolate interior design of a hall 16-18 sq. m

The next design features bright chocolate-colored inserts. The main rule in the design of a hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Don’t forget about having a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of a 16-18 sq.m. room. m. They make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. The designers used beautiful photo wallpapers to decorate the walls.

A light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the room larger. And additionally, spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of a room with a niche for a TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche made of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a plasterboard niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the living room. Photo 11 White pillows on a brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is a combination of three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an irreplaceable thing in our case.

So we looked at four hall designs of 16-18 square meters. m. Use our ideas to decorate your home or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale

The seventh version of the hall from Alexey Sukhov

The living room, even if it is small in size, always remains the central room in the house. This is where guests are received, and where the whole family relaxes every evening. However, the room of 18 square meters is too small. meters, but it’s also too spacious, and therefore when decorating it is necessary to use certain tricks.

Decoration Materials

When creating a design concept for an 18-meter living room, first choose the flooring. It is better if the material is monochrome, without too bright inclusions - for example, laminate or linoleum, imitating natural shades wood

Dark uniform tones are used if the room needs to provide depth, but keep in mind that such a floor is diluted with light ones.

You can make a room larger by visually raising the ceiling. To achieve this effect, the ceiling decoration should be at least a tone lighter than the wall decoration.

It is also possible with pronounced vertical stripes or floral patterns that flow upward.

Advice. It is better to combine wall coverings - for example, decorate one free wall and make the rest a light background for display fine jewelry and furniture.

Color spectrum

Optimal colors for the living room interior:

If you plan to zone a room, you can combine the tones of the cold and warm spectrum in it. So, in the dining area, gold, orange, red and yellow are appropriate, but the soft corner for relaxation is emphasized with blue and green shades.

Rules for choosing lighting and curtains

The most important thing in planning the interior of a living room of 18 square meters. meters is . It is better to abandon the massive one, replacing it with spotlights around the perimeter of the room.

These lamps can be placed not symmetrically, but grouped in a certain sequence, dividing the room into zones - an office, a guest room, for relaxation or children's games.

But the abundance of lamps should not at all mean closedness from the sun’s rays - there should also be a lot of natural light, which means that dense and heavy structures on the windows are inappropriate.

At the same time, the windows cannot be completely left without textiles - this will attract unnecessary attention from the outside, and it will be unpleasant for you yourself to constantly study the gray house opposite.

What is the way out? Use thin fabrics - organza, veil, tulle, matching the color of the walls, practical blinds or Roman blinds, laconic, but capable of becoming a catchy spot in the design of the window opening. Read more in a separate review.

Furniture - proportional, harmonious, functional

You can visually expand the room with the help of correctly selected colors and finishing patterns, and then ruin all your efforts by choosing the wrong furniture. It is important to provide a living room of 18 square meters. meters with a functional environment, but there should be no clutter.

Good, modern furniture perfectly combines design refinements and compactness. What furnishings are required in the living room? First of all, this:

  • a soft comfortable sofa for a relaxation area, best of all -;
  • a small coffee table that can be used during family tea parties;
  • lightweight shelving structures instead of massive “walls” and heavy cabinet sections - they are spacious and quite practical, they allow you to arrange everything you need and do not clutter up the space at all.

You can’t give general ones - after all, everyone has their own tastes, which means the filling of the room will be different. However, in any case, the central part of the room should remain free, and in order to achieve rational placement of all necessary items, you need to include additional levels in the layout, use the space horizontally and vertically.

Any niche should be used as a storage space, but the racks are made as light as possible. This way you can design a door or window opening, depending on how they are oriented in space.

The standard footage no longer seems attractive when there is only one living room or it is necessary to accommodate several in the existing one. functional zones. Therefore, the competent design of a room of 18 sq. m takes into account different occasions, be it a family vacation, receiving guests, or the possibilities of a bedroom. They will help with this modern solutions that allow you to successfully combine beauty and comfort. Current photos will guide you with color and style direction. Fashion trends and interesting ideas used in decoration will distract from the multitasking placed on the room, making its interior original and stylish, and for this you can get by on a modest budget.


Correctly set goals will help create a room that is primarily comfortable. Limitations, for example, inconveniently located Entrance door, can be compensated by others. The key to a successful interior is proper layout and the absence of unnecessary details that negatively affect the free space.

Be sure to use hidden reserves if there is a shortage of space:

  • window sill - desk or dining table;
  • bed - podium with storage systems;
  • the space around the door is built-in modules;
  • baskets, beautiful boxes - for small things, toys.

The arrangement of furniture is thought out before choosing decorative elements– lighting, sockets and other technical issues depend on this. If it is possible to use the area of ​​a balcony or loggia, then this, in principle, expensive method, can transform the interior into better side, giving a full-fledged zone. Often the task of an 18 m2 room is to combine several functions, and which division is suitable depends on individual needs.

Zoning the living room-bedroom

Finding a compromise in furniture arrangement is a more pressing task than choosing a style. The absence of partitions is not always the best option, although in this case the visual volume will be fully preserved. A laconic bed model with textiles matching the color of the walls will not stand out.

What alternative techniques, with their pros and cons, exist to hide a rather private sleeping area as aesthetically as possible:

  • an opaque partition will significantly reduce the level of illumination in another area;
  • glass partition, tinted - stylish;
  • low partition (1 m in height) – space and light are preserved;
  • sliding doors - aluminum profiles they will add verticals and visually raise the ceiling;
  • curtains and curtains - easy, free and simple;
  • shelving design – additional storage space.

Suitable style

It will be difficult to implement, except modern ones, any style that contains non-functional decor, excessive decorations, when the room involves family stay and active use, and not just receiving guests.

Designers offer attractive lifestyle-adapted versions:

  • Eco style. Particularly relevant lately as a way to escape from concrete landscapes. Suitable when you need a permanent bedroom in the room. Natural materials, and especially wood, textiles, and wicker items will emphasize the idea of ​​environmental friendliness.
  • Industrial design with a bit of brutality is something of an opposite. It is in demand for its practicality, furniture minimalism and high technology, which easily moves to central positions in the interior.
  • Vintage and retro style. Suitable for lovers of expressive antique objects or for those who are ready to get creative with their design.
  • Scandinavian is a leader among solutions for small spaces, especially if several functional segments are planned. Naturalness, closeness to nature, simplicity do not deprive the design of noticeable interesting details.

Variety of colors

For quite small room(about 18 squares) by the standards of spacious interiors, the color scheme has the following characteristics in frequently proposed solutions:

  • balanced, harmonious;
  • neutral, calm;
  • light.

Achromatic tones derived from gray and white are taken as the basis. With such a simple background of basic surfaces, it is easy and error-free to enter bright accents, from brick wall to designer, noticeable items like a carpet or chair; any works of art.

The most current palettes color design living rooms for the 2017/2018 season remain:

  • Adding coffee, green, and other natural colors to neutral beige.
  • Blue-green variety presented fashionable turquoise, mint, fresh herbs.
  • Pair lime green with pearl gray for a peaceful, warm atmosphere.
  • Lemon with dosed lilac – contrasting, expressive design.

Don’t ignore black or dark brown – they do the job perfectly:

  • give contrast;
  • demarcate;
  • influence width, height;
  • provide style.

The latter is easy to achieve in combination with glass elements. For an effective design, not only color plays a great role, but also materials, or rather their combination.

Materials: fashion and practice

In the design of a room of 18 square meters, no less attention is paid to texture, which can transform the room:

  • the same color manifests itself differently on different surfaces;
  • rough plaster, textured wallpaper, with a 3-D effect - will bring the plane closer visually;
  • metal, gloss – distance;
  • fashionable combination: velvet, leather, fur;
  • adding silver copper elements or fine pattern;
  • stone, natural or imitation - malachite, marble, agate.

Regardless of the chosen style, the use of a warm wood texture will add comfort, relieve monotony, and the bonus is a pleasant tactile sensation.

Relevant. The mirror canvas will refresh the interior, and framed in a beautiful frame it will make a statement. stylish decor living room.

High-quality repairs and materials will help the design look neat and maintain its visual appeal for as long as possible.

Subtleties of finishing

Wallpaper for walls is still a leading material that allows saving and zoning. Combination recommendations:

  • Wallpaper from different series may differ in thickness - it is worth considering the joint;
  • The latest collections are presented in a variety of directions, and prints, geometry, and abstraction for the accent area will help to reflect the idea.
  • The combination of plain side surfaces and stripes will affect the configuration of the room.
  • Companion wallpapers are perfectly diluted with areas with plaster, paint, and other original materials;
  • Linkrusta - even a small area, as a noticeable accent, will transform the room.

Wooden panels can cope with conditional zoning, and in some design projects it is common to use flooring for the wall, for example, laminate or parquet board. Undoubtedly, you can choose more for the floor budget material, for example, linoleum with a beautiful, distracting carpet in the center. This method, as practice shows, in the presence of small children and pets, is optimal from the point of view of cleaning and wear resistance (susceptibility to scratches).

Ceiling and lighting

In the realities of a shortage of meters, when the room needs not only a soft group for relaxation, but also an office, dining or sleeping area, lighting is carefully thought out. Various scenarios will be useful during operation and for delimiting a small area. The type of ceiling depends on this, although designers recommend making it white and simple, but it can be done in different ways.

Hanging structures with a ceiling of 2.5 m with built-in point equipment are a standard solution, but they take up approximately 10 cm from the volume. You can embed it a little differently:

  • only in false beams to match the color of the ceiling;
  • several protruding architectural structures, such as squares;
  • cornice lighting as an alternative.

The image will not be complete without fashionable lamps, sometimes quite unusual designs. The favorites of the year can be considered floor lamps with high, arched legs like a fishing rod: they will make a soft area in the living room or a reading corner conducive to relaxation. Chandeliers, in particular for rectangular room, is not always a justified decision, unless transparent models with glass or a subtle metal sheen are chosen. For square room ideal option the chandelier will be placed in the center.

Relevant. LED lights with variable adjustment of intensity and shades - will give the room an unusual look.

The overall appearance of the room depends on the level of illumination, especially in the evening, but daylight should not be neglected, especially when there is only one window. Lush, voluminous curtains with impressive lambrequins will reduce the space, and multi-layered tulle will significantly darken the room.

In Western interiors, the window is never left without attention, and the approach to its design is often non-standard - a short wall with a window can act as an accent wall. Blinds, roller blinds will help free up space around the opening and give it more interesting view than a curtained wall.

Furniture: current challenges

The main principle of furnishing a room, especially if it is not the most successful configuration, is reasonable minimalism. What to consider when choosing and arranging:

  • a custom-made sofa will be the same ideal size;
  • advanced option: mobile soft blocks;
  • transformable furniture: a large pouf in the form of a set of three items instead of one;
  • bed – soft fabric panels on the sides will create comfort;
  • the table can be converted from a coffee table to a dining table.

Advice. If the sofa is supposed to be laid out every day, then it is better to choose a model of a coffee table in front of it with wheels.

Built-in, like floating cabinets - elongated and not bulky. For each style their facades are different. For modern ones, with a bias towards minimalism, they have glossy facades, often made of MDF, without visible handles. Such items create a feeling of integrity, support overall laconicism, and allow the TV to be in its place.

An alternative way to play up his presence on the wall:

  • background - veneer panels;
  • hide behind screens, shutters;
  • surround with smaller paintings;
  • arrange in a beautiful baguette.

Decor: show and surprise

The most successful interior decoration is original and memorable. Personal collections, memorable souvenirs, and designer ceramics will perfectly cope with this task. Only, they must be presented in the best light and form.

Multifunctional solutions that can be found in the photos of some room design projects:

  • Open shelves are common, convenient option, saving budget and space compared to conventional cabinets.
  • An all-glass display cabinet will present ceremonial dishes and collectible glass in an advantageous light.
  • Additional lighting creates a unique evening atmosphere.
  • Shallow honeycomb shelves for small decorative items and souvenirs allow you to see them better.
  • Mirror inserts covering some cells are an additional effect of increasing volume.

Improve the interior: universal ways

Making a room you want to be in, adding coziness and a homely atmosphere is easy with the help of a fireplace. Its adapted versions for small apartment sizes:

  • desktop integrated models (steel rectangle);
  • electric fireplace on wheels - mobile;
  • miniature stove-stove - a retro option;
  • stylized - imitation fireplace portal with decorative candles.

Greenery is the latest microtrend that is present in many, not only with an eco-inclination, design projects. Should also be fashionable:

  • small identical plants in minimalistic, plain pots;
  • varieties of large ficus;
  • tropical exotics - mini-bamboo, palm trees.

Book lovers sometimes find it difficult to allocate space for them: they use built-in shelves near the door, window opening, corner high shelves. A home library can be the pride of the living room, but achieving visual beauty and orderliness is easy with the help of identical covers.