How to remove bedbugs: all known methods

Few people know how to kill bedbugs in an apartment will be effective and safe, because bed bugs are tenacious and resistant to stressful situations. Usually, having searched the Internet for advice on how to kill bedbugs at home, the apartment owner is determined to do away with them forever in one evening, but more often than not, such a struggle drags on for many months.

We have prepared especially for you detailed instructions How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment yourself. Multiply your zeal with our professional experience, and may the force be with you!

Destruction of bedbugs: barrier protection or collective treatment

Many who already have experience fighting bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment they often appear again. There are several reasons for this.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that neighboring apartments are not infested with bedbugs. These insects are without special labor travel from neighbor to neighbor without being noticed.

In one recent study, which was conducted in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bedbugs were found, only in half of them the owners knew about the infestation.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites, which is why the bugs manage to multiply and spread to their neighbors. Therefore, the following rule applies here: if one apartment is contaminated, then all adjacent sections (left, right, top and bottom) are considered contaminated until a thorough inspection is carried out in them.

Just asking your neighbors if anyone has bitten them is not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, bedbugs in the entrance are like chickenpox in kindergarten- if they are not present in one apartment now, then after your treatment they can easily appear - kindly explain this to those who do not understand. By carrying out pest control together (even for preventive purposes), you will not leave the bloodsuckers any escape route.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an agreement with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay Special attention those areas through which bedbugs can get to you from other apartments (read more about this below). Check that the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling where communications pass are sealed, and seal the ventilation holes with fine mesh.

What means to kill bedbugs

If you don’t want to waste time, nerves and a lot of money, you have to look at things realistically - don’t look for a miraculous remedy that will easily and without hassle get rid of bedbugs, there is no such remedy.

I’ll briefly tell you what and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. Firstly, you should not try to do this using folk remedies - at best, you will cause them slight confusion with pungent odors, nothing more.

Secondly, do not give preference to aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective against bedbugs. These pests are real guerrillas, they can hide in inaccessible places and sit out for several days, and short-term chemical exposure only makes them more resistant. In addition, more and more new larvae will hatch from the eggs, and treatments will have to be repeated again and again, this is costly and impractical.

It is best to use contact-type insecticides that remain effective for 5-6 weeks after application. Professional means, which are used by bedbug extermination services, are not commercially available, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs from the following groups:

  1. FOS: Averfos, Agran, Dobrokhim FOS, Dobrokhim Micro, Force-Site
  2. Pyrethroids: Biorin, Favorit
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confidant

(The above products are registered in Russia and approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor)

Besides the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. The living room with soft sofas and armchairs is the next most popular room among bloodsuckers. A typical infestation begins in one room and then gradually spreads to wherever there are sleeping areas. The sooner you find them and take action, the easier it will be to get rid of them. If you wait too long, bedbugs will infest the entire house.

  • Don't rush to throw away furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw away beds, sofas and bedding. It’s too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. Rather than incur such expenses, it is cheaper to order professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping area. It is fundamentally important not to change your place of rest at night to reduce the risk of bedbugs spreading throughout the house. After all, if you move to sleep in another room, the bedbugs will follow you, and as a result, the fight will become much more difficult. To make your bed a safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Treat the rest of the house. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. If you managed to find bedbugs in the first week of their appearance, then disinsection of the bed may be enough, but most likely they have already spread throughout the room. So don’t rely on luck and proceed further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

    Newly emerged larvae are also very small (1-1.5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and become increasingly darker in color.

    Bedbugs are prone to migration and settlement already in the adult stage, therefore, to destroy eggs and larvae, it is enough. Although it's quite difficult task, but following these instructions, you will be able to find all the nests with a 95% probability.

    How to monitor the situation after treatment

    Pay attention to whether new bites appear on your body (if, of course, they appear on you). Every 3-4 days, conduct a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Observe whether new insects appear in the traps (which are under the legs of the bed), and periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring for 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not find any signs of the presence of bedbugs, then your diligent efforts will be generously rewarded. You can celebrate your victory!

    But if after 3 weeks after treatment the bedbugs have not disappeared, do not despair - this happens not only to you. Gather your strength and carry out the entire procedure again, you may need to do this a third time. Be persistent and remember to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    As soon as bed bugs appear in an apartment or house, household members immediately call a pest control service to clean them up. This solution is certainly effective, but also expensive. It is not uncommon for bedbugs to disappear for a while after cleaning an apartment, but after a few weeks or months the problem returns. Bedbugs are once again beginning to drink blood from household members, causing them a lot of trouble and health problems.

    How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment

    In addition to calling special teams, you can fight bedbugs using more adequate methods. In addition, such methods are tens of times cheaper, and their effectiveness depends rather on the correctness of the disinfestation work. Each person, thanks to the variety of methods and options for fighting bedbugs, can choose the most optimal one for himself. Now the question of how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment is much easier to solve, and also cheaper.

    Having visited a specialized store, you can simply get confused by the variety of species and methods of combating these nocturnal bloodsuckers. Naturally, to find out which insecticide is the most effective, you can ask the seller. But sometimes sellers do not always know about the effectiveness of a particular product, since they themselves have not encountered the above-mentioned problem. Therefore, the most reliable option is to familiarize yourself with all possible ways products and insecticides that allow you to overcome night bloodsuckers in the form of bed bugs.

    How to make sure there are insects in your apartment

    Household members may not even suspect the presence of bedbugs in the apartment, and for a long time. In order to make sure that nocturnal bloodsuckers are present in the apartment, there are certain recommendations. The main habitats of house bugs are:

    • bed;
    • armchairs and sofas;
    • bed linen and towels.

    The main place of localization of colonies of quiet insects are baseboards, heating systems and other hard-to-reach places where the air temperature does not drop to +15 degrees. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the bugs leave such a room or die out.

    Bedbugs go out hunting at night, so humans do not react to insect attacks. In addition, bedbug saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

    Most of the bites are caused by females, and males are less active in this regard, but cause no less harm than females.

    Known methods of fighting bedbugs

    The disadvantage of all types of aerosols is the possibility of human poisoning with these insecticides. The poison is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. In order to properly exterminate bedbugs using an aerosol at home, you must follow these recommendations:

    • Remove all food products from the kitchen, as the poison may settle on them during spraying. You should also hide utensils and personal supplies, which will increase safety.
    • All family members and animals should be removed from the premises where disinfection will be carried out. It is necessary to close all doors and windows, as well as ventilation ducts.
    • The person who will perform the aerosol spraying procedure must wear goggles, a respirator, gloves and a gown. Clothes must be washed after disinfection is completed.

    To completely destroy bedbugs, it is necessary to thoroughly treat with insecticides all places where bedbugs can make their nests

    Now let’s find out what aerosols exist to control insects at home.

    • Raid. This aerosol is intended for the treatment upholstered furniture, for example, if you need to destroy bedbugs in a sofa or bed. The raid is due not only to the effectiveness of the impact, but also to the lack of unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears. The cost of such a product does not exceed 200 rubles.

    • Mikrofos +. If the first two preparations have practically no odor, then Mikrofos + has a powerful aroma. This aroma gives high performance indicators, but finding Mikrofos Plus is quite difficult. The cost of a Mikrofos canister will cost 1,500 rubles.

    Bedbugs live in cracks in walls, in parquet floors, and near heating systems, so when using an aerosol, be sure to spray poison in these places.

    Using aerosols, you can also destroy bedbug eggs by spraying any of the above drugs on them. In addition to aerosol preparations for killing bedbugs, there are also powder types.

    A selection of the best 5 means to combat bedbugs (video):

    Powder insecticides

    This applies only to powders that are based on intestinal poison. Such powders are cheap and practically ineffective. But another thing is powder, in which the main destructive substance is a contact poison. The use of such means increases the likelihood of killing bedbugs, but this process is extended over time.

    In the store you can find the following types of effective insecticidal powders:

    • Chlorophos. Presented as an organophosphate insecticide that must be prepared before use. To prepare, you need to dilute 15 grams of powder in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic and dangerous to humans, so follow all safety rules when using it. The result when using Chlorophos is almost 100%.

    You can also find liquid means for killing bedbugs on the market, but there are very few of them. To use liquid insecticides, you will need to acquire special equipment, which is quite expensive. Moreover, liquid products are almost similar in effectiveness to aerosols and powder preparations.

    Temperature treatment

    Using this method, do not forget about the heating system, which can freeze, and this threatens the development of big troubles with the housing office and neighbors.

    If you need to remove bedbugs from a sofa or chair, then in winter it is recommended to take this piece of furniture outside, leaving it for several hours.

    Traditional methods

    Effective folk remedies against bedbugs include:

    • vinegar;
    • sagebrush;
    • tansy;
    • ammonia.

    Wormwood and tansy can cause the development of allergies if one of the family members has an individual intolerance to one of these herbs. Before using this method, you should make sure that other family members are not allergic.

    • Cleaning carpeting using a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you need to set the vacuum cleaner to full power and carefully walk it over the entire surface of the coating.

    • White vinegar. Use a brush to rub white vinegar into the carpet. It is recommended to repeat the procedure over time, which will increase the effectiveness of this method.


    Knowing the basic measures for exterminating bedbugs in an apartment, you can draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of each of them. You will be able to answer the question of how to destroy house bugs yourself after you have completed the task.

    To choose the right effective remedy, first explain the complexity of the problem. Do you need to destroy individual individuals or an entire colony? In any case, you should start with aerosols or powder products, which are caused by a complex effect. If the methods and methods you have tried do not bring the desired result, then there is only one way out - contact a pest control service.

    But first you need to determine exactly what these inhabitants are in your home. To determine this, you can use the following tips:

    So, when bedbugs are discovered, it is necessary to immediately take measures to remove them. They can be removed at home in various ways.

    Folk remedies

    Elimination by temperature method

    Types of bedbug repellents

    Sometimes folk remedies and temperature methods do not help to completely get rid of bedbugs, then it is best to use other chemicals.

    Many stores offer a huge number of drugs that help effectively eliminate this pest from a living space.

    The following varieties are distinguished chemicals against bedbugs:

    Rules for personal protection when removing bedbugs

    Regardless of which drug will be used against insects, it is imperative to follow certain rules for personal protection:

    In addition, it is important to purchase the following protective equipment:

    1. Latex gloves;
    2. Protective mask;
    3. Protective disposable uniform - gowns, shoe covers, etc.;
    4. If powder mixtures will be used, then special containers should be purchased for them;
    5. It is advisable to buy detergents, which can eliminate all odors after treatment and wash away insecticidal mixtures.

    Instructions for removing bedbugs at home

    Places where bedbugs accumulate and features of their breeding:

    Getting off the couch

    Sofas are favorite habitats for bedbugs. This is due to its proximity to the main source of human nutrition, namely his blood.

    Methods of disposal:

    1. Mechanical method. This method involves collecting insects by hand. Ineffective and very long;
    2. High temperatures. This treatment can be done with heat guns or steam generators. You can also pour hot water over the sofa;
    3. Low temperatures. Furniture can be taken out into severe frost. It helps especially well if the frost outside is -25 degrees;
    4. Aerosol preparations. It is necessary to find the main accumulation and spray an aerosol on it;
    5. Powders and crayons. These products are applied to the joints and connecting parts of the sofa.

    Getting out of bed

    The bed is as much a favorite habitat for bedbugs as the sofa. They live throughout the structure, at the joints, joints, and in the mattress.

    Ways to fight:

    1. Chemicals. Aerosols or powders can be used. Before use, you need to remove all bedding, bedspreads, mattress covers and wash them in hot water. And the bed should be thoroughly treated with chemicals;
    2. Freezing. As soon as frost sets in, the mattress or frame can be taken out into severe frost. But it is desirable that the temperature level be below 20 degrees;
    3. Burning out. You can use a heat generator or a gun to treat the entire surface of the bed. Exposure to a heat wave of +50 degrees will be sufficient;
    4. Picking up by hand or vacuum cleaner. A fairly ineffective method.

    Removing from the carpet

    Due to the fact that the carpet has small sizes, removing bedbugs from it is not so difficult. For withdrawal you can use the following methods:

    Methods for removing bedbugs from clothes:

    1. Machine wash at high temperature;
    2. scalding with hot water;
    3. Boiling;
    4. Ironing;
    5. Procedures for steaming clothes using evaporators or household steam generators;
    6. Professional dry cleaning services;
    7. Treatment with chemical insecticides.

    Calling professionals

    However, this method has a drawback; the room must be completely isolated during disinfection. You need to remove all cutlery, dishes, personal hygiene items, and clothing from it.


    To prevent bedbugs from appearing in a living space, the following preventive measures must be taken:

    • You need to clean the apartment at least 2 times every 7 days. It is necessary to clean the floor surface, furniture, baseboards and other places where insects may be present;
    • Check the entire room for any holes or cracks. If they are present, they should be sealed with sealant;
    • Check furniture regularly;
    • When moving to a new place of residence, the room must be immediately treated with special insecticides;
    • When cleaning, be sure to use a vacuum cleaner;
    • Preferably flooring replace with a new one. If bedbugs suddenly appear under the parquet, it will be very difficult to get them out.

    Domestic (bed, linen) bugs are ectoparasites of humans and warm-blooded animals. They feed on blood and live in human dwellings. Insects settle not only in places where hygiene standards are not observed. Several individuals can get into even the cleanest and cozy apartment, and then fill the entire space, because one female lays about 5 eggs per day. Let's look at how to remove bedbugs from an apartment yourself using industrial and folk remedies.

    Before we figure out what to do if bed bugs appear and how to get rid of them at home, let’s find out how they can get into your home. The source of infection in a room can be adults, larvae and eggs.

    Specialists will carry out a complete disinfestation in less than an hour with a 1-year guarantee. The company is a member of the NP “NOD” (National Organization of Disinfectionists), which guarantees a high-quality and quick effect of exterminating insects and other pests.

    Routes of penetration:

    Quite often, the question of where bedbugs come from and how to get rid of them is asked by people who have recently moved into an apartment purchased on the secondary market, which initially seemed clean. In the absence of food, these insects are capable of hibernating (anabiosis) for 6-12 months. When new residents move into the house, bedbugs become more active.

    Habitats and signs of presence

    Domestic bugs are active at night - from 3 to 5 o'clock. They are attracted to the smell and warmth of a person. Having reached the “victim”, the insect pierces the skin and sucks blood, while injecting an anesthetic substance.

    How can you tell if your home is infested with bedbugs? Main features:

    • chains of 4-5 red itchy bites on the body;
    • smell reminiscent of almonds, cognac or sour berries (felt when large quantities insects);
    • traces of vital activity - eggs, particles of chitinous cover, excrement, traces of blood on the sheets.

    If you suspect the presence of bedbugs in a room, you need to check all possible habitats. Having discovered a bedbug nest, which usually contains larvae, eggs, adults and waste, you should urgently begin cleaning the premises. Let's figure out how to get rid of bedbugs at home, the main directions of the fight:

    • insecticides;
    • folk recipes;
    • heat treatment.


    When solving the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment yourself and quickly, you can resort to the help of insecticides. They are available in the form of aerosols, powders, and solutions. They effectively destroy insects at different stages of development, affecting their nervous system. The most popular means:

    Other popular products that will help you cope with the problem of how to get bed bugs out of your apartment yourself are “Delta Zone”, “Karbofos”, “Tetrix”, “Xulat micro”, “Mikrofos”, “Raptor”, “Kombat” and so on Further.

    Important: Almost all modern insecticides are highly effective in controlling bedbugs. But each of them has a negative effect on the human body to one degree or another.

    Folk remedies

    Let's find out how to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies. It is advisable to use them in cases where there are very few or no insects, but there is a risk of them entering from a neighboring apartment.


    1. Apply vinegar essence to baseboards, corners, vents, cracks near doors and windows, as well as places where insects were found.
    2. Wipe furniture, window sills, doors, frames with a solution of vinegar and water (50/50).

    Turpentine and other means

    Turpentine is a liquid obtained from coniferous trees, which has a pungent odor. Due to its toxicity, it successfully fights bedbugs. To clean surfaces you can use:

    • concentrated solution;
    • boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), shavings laundry soap(50 g);
    • turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
    • carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid(5 ml);
    • ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
    • kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
    • turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

    Processing stages:

    Note: Folk recipes using turpentine and other aggressive substances pose no less a threat to the human body and home environment than insecticides.


    Plants with a pronounced aroma are the safest folk remedy in the fight against bedbugs. But they do not have a pronounced effect. The only action is to repel insects. In addition, you should not exclude the risk of developing allergies in your household.

    How to use:

    1. Place twigs around the house.
    2. Turn dry raw materials into powder and pour into crevices.
    3. Make an infusion and treat the surfaces with a damp cloth.
    4. Pour some tea tree or valerian oil into water and spray.

    Safety rules and processing steps

    Safety precautions must be strictly observed when using insecticides and folk recipes with aggressive substances. Basic Rules:

    1. Even if it is indicated that the drug is safe for people and pets, remove them from the premises for several days.
    2. Read the instructions carefully. Pay attention to the method of diluting the product and the list of surfaces that can be treated.
    3. Open windows or vents.
    4. Wear individual clothing - a respirator, rubber gloves, goggles, and overalls.
    5. After disinsection, wash or throw away clothes, take a shower, rinse your nose and mouth.

    Algorithm for cleaning rooms from bedbugs:

    Cleaning the bed and sofa

    If you have a problem, how to get rid of bedbugs in the sofa, you should prepare for painstaking work. Stages:

    1. Disassemble the piece of furniture as much as possible.
    2. Place all parts vertically. Inspect them.
    3. Remove the patch from back surface backrests
    4. If there are covers, unfasten and remove them. Wash.
    5. Spray the product intensively on all parts, especially on the tray, ends and back.
    6. If the product allows, treat soft seats, paying attention to folds.

    Algorithm for cleaning the bed:

    1. Remove bedding and wash at the highest possible temperature.
    2. Shake out and clean pillows and blankets.
    3. Place the mattress vertically. Inspect. Unfasten or prop up the trim to gain access to the interior.
    4. Inspect carefully wooden frame, especially the joints.
    5. Vacuum the mattress and frame.
    6. Treat folds, crevices and seams with insecticide.

    Tip: A safe and environmentally friendly method of fighting bedbugs is to use hot steam produced by a steam generator. It is enough to treat all surfaces with this unit, and the insects will be destroyed.


    To avoid getting rid of bedbugs, it is worth taking measures to prevent their appearance:

    1. A thorough inspection of all things entering the apartment - furniture, household appliances, books, luggage after spending the night in hotels.
    2. Regular cleaning, including hard-to-reach corners.
    3. Periodic inspection of possible insect habitats.
    4. Covering ventilation holes with fine mesh.
    5. Routine repairs of the apartment as necessary - sealing holes and cracks.
    6. Using repellents (plants, vinegar, special pencils) if bedbugs are found among neighbors.



    1. Executioner. An effective remedy with an unpleasant persistent odor. Bed bugs leave their shelter, run away, but, struck by the insecticide fenthion, quickly die. To finally get rid of pests, you need to thoroughly treat all the premises and leave the apartment for 2-3 days.
    2. Delta Zone. This is another proven product, which, unlike its competitor described above, does not have a persistent odor and is compatible with indoor living. The drug is available in bottles for spraying throughout the apartment, and is used additionally for the purpose of prevention. One container is enough to process 25 square meters of living space.
    3. Get. Special liquid white Helps get rid of bed bugs forever. The active component chlorpyrifos disrupts the integrity of the membranes of pests, prevents their reproduction, and ensures rapid death. The substance is not toxic to humans; the drug is allowed to be used even in preschool and school institutions without harm to the health of others.
    4. Forsyth. This is another one effective method how to get rid of bed bugs. The product is effective only against adults; the death of larvae does not occur. It is possible that after the first one there will be another treatment of the premises, and more than one.
    5. Tetrix. This analogue of Forsyth is no less effective, but is capable of destroying the pathogenic flora of the apartment in full, including harmful larvae. Use to kill pests only according to instructions, avoid contact of the product with animals and small children.

    Folk remedies for bed bugs

    How to kill bed bugs physically

    Pests are afraid of sudden changes in temperature, so for complete extermination, the room can be frozen or treated with steam. Furniture set you have to take it out into the cold, and in the summer it is better to clean it with a special vacuum cleaner with a steam treatment function. The methods are effective because they allow you to get rid of “adult” bed bugs and larvae.

    Fighting bed bugs at home

    How to get rid of bedbugs in a sofa

    There are many options for processing upholstered furniture and bedding:

    How to get rid of bedbugs

    The processing rules are simple:

    1. If pests are infested in bed linen, not only the contaminated material must be treated, but also pillows, blankets, upholstery fabric sleeping place. Otherwise, the “invasion” will happen again.
    2. Bed linen must be washed thoroughly using household chemicals, and then iron it thoroughly using the steam function. Insects are afraid elevated temperatures, since such conditions environment lead to their mass death.
    3. Separately, it is necessary to treat the sofa and other sleeping place, but especially for these purposes it is best to use products without a specific odor that are effective for a specific task.

    Video: how to kill bed bugs